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Of course this is the latest in a series of incidents that have seen an escalation between iran and the United States in this which. Found now in a nationwide interview on u. S. Television President Donald Trump has likened his National Security adviser john bolton as a whole new aggressive tone comes as bolton warned iran on sunday not to take washingtons prudence for weakness. Do you feel like you were being pushed into military action against iran by any of your advise i have 2 groups of people i have dubs and i have hawks you have some i have. John bolton is absolutely a hawk is up to him hed take on the whole world at one time ok but that doesnt matter because i want both sides you know some people said why did you put your i was against going into iraq for years and years and before it ever happened i was against going into iraq and some people said oh i dont know i was totally against it was a private citizen never made sense to me i was against going into the middle east to wish friend 7 trillion dollars in the middle east right now. In washington to talk more about this 1st interview donald trump given to n. B. C. In a couple of years i think certainly since the infamous list to hold what else was said. Well cmon this wide ranging interview trump again took credit for having not given the green light to the planned u. S. Military retaliation on iran for the downed drone earlier in the week but again he sent to make signals he said that he was not looking for war with iran but he also said quote that if there were a war obliteration like youve never seen is what iran would experience now when asked what exactly he wanted iran to do to avoid further escalation the president s answer was simple he said no Nuclear Weapons the point he did acknowledge is that in fact the nuclear deal to go she did with iran by the Obama Administration was to that very purpose which iran was following up until recently and then last year of course pulled the u. S. Out of that agreement now in this interview. Was also asked to respond to a u. N. Report out earlier this week that found credible evidence in the words of the investigator that saudi arabias crown Prince Mohammed bin some on was to blame for the murder of u. S. Based journalist Jamal Khashoggi and the u. N. Say that the u. S. Should have done more to hold saudi arabia accountable. I think its been heavily investigate i hope by everybody i mean i have to have seen so many different report about the f. B. I. Heres where i am ready. Irans killed many many people a day other countries in the middle east this is a hostile place is a vicious hostile place if you want to look at saudi arabia look at a red and look at other countries i wont mention names and take a look at whats happening and then you outside of the middle east and you take a look at whats happening with countries ok and i only say they spend 402450 1000000000 over a period of time. All money all jobs but in the right long as they keep lying all over long some of this behavior but im not like a fool that says we dont want to do business with them and by the way if they dont do business with us you know what they do theyll do business with the russians or with the chinese they will buy we make the best equipment in the world but they will buy great equipment from russia and from china chuck take the money take their money. So that was trump saying that he does not think the u. S. F. B. I. Should further investigate saudi arabias role in the killing of Jamal Khashoggi towards the end of those statements he was saying that are implicating really that saudi arabia these arms sales from the u. S. To saudi arabia totaling more than 400000000000. 00 was an exchange or rather was payment for American Protection now thats been a long criticism from democrats in congress who deplore the idea of the u. S. Gaining economically with the lives of civilians in yemen paying the price however last Month Administration officials bypassed congress to go ahead with 7000000000. 00 more worth of bombs and aircraft support sold to saudi arabia the u. A. E. And jordan citing a National Security concern because of irans growing aggression in the area that is what is your castro in washington thank you for that lets go back to u. S. National security adviser john bolton as we said he is in israel he was saying that iran shouldnt mistake u. S. Prudence for weakness making those comments alongside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in jerusalem the 2 have been discussing Regional Security as tensions increase we heard between washington and tehran more iran can never have Nuclear Weapons not against the usa and not against the world and as he made clear yesterday referring to his earlier remarks the president said i just strike stop the strike from Going Forward at this time rob matheson a westerner islam with more on this one what was actually expected to come out of this meeting is the sort of regional trip for john bolton. Well its pretty thin on the ground as far as the detail is concerned because as you can imagine all the parties that taking part in these meetings are playing things pretty close to their chest but what you did here was john bolton taking the opportunity of that press conference to state quite clearly what the u. S. Position was with regards to iran and the Prime Minister of israel did exactly the same thing ahead of these meetings which are going to be taking place here in jerusalem over the next few days and which are also going to include russia the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is very clear on 1. 00 thing he wants to have fixed and fixed quickly is irans military presence in neighboring syria as far as israel is concerned that is essentially a red line and that is something that it will not tolerate and Benjamin Netanyahu has been making making it very clear that there is every intention to try to push iran out of syria and away and decrease the threat that israel sees from those military installations but also an interesting they the Prime Minister also wants to use these meetings to show that israel is center to Global Politics its center to the negotiations and diplomacy that can go on in the middle east and around the rest of the world which is why hes brought both the United States and russia and his own country together to try to find some way forward some discussion point on the perceived threat from iran but of course also this is an important timing for him in his political life because the Prime Minister since the late may has been struggling to put together some sort of government in 5 months didnt manage to do that is now facing elections back in september so the timing is the of this meeting is key for him the role of the russians in all of this is very important and its expected that the u. S. And israel are going to try to put pressure on the russia. Ins who would then put pressure on their key middle eastern ally iran both countries are in the process of supporting the regime of syrian president Bashar Al Assad and to try to get iran to try to decrease the amount of what they regard as provocative actions and low and strong rhetoric that its producing and ideally get it to war heads towards some sort of negotiations whether or not russia will be either able or willing to do that is an entirely different thing just quickly because weve got a guest in studio were going to be talking about the issue of middle east peace in a moment but maybe you can set us up with what Jared Kirshner president ial advisor Donald Trumps president ial advisor has been saying about his plans for a peace plan. Well hes been talking about the more than the details that were unveiled about this economically driven peace plan that hes proved forward the details initially came out late on saturday night they overall picture is that he hopes to pull together investment worth about 50000000000. 00 which would go not just to areas within palestine like gaza or the gaza strip or the west bank but also to some of the neighboring countries around israel and palestine to help bring up the economy the idea being that by alleviating some of the high level of unemployment in palestine and also reach rebuilding some of the infrastructure then it would create a more level Playing Field if you like which would then lead to a better chance of a political solution being found unfortunately the palestinians who have chosen to respond to this rejected out of hand the p. L. O. Has issued a statement saying the plan is abstract promises only the palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas said on saturday that without any sort of political solution there was no point in talking about an economic solution hamas which is gain control of the gaza strip something said palestine is not for sale those opposed say the economic problems of palestine are created by the blockades by the restrictions that israel is placing on palestine israel says those are in place for security reasons but the palestinians say if you remove those security restrictions then it will be a chance for the economy to grow but only at that point ok rob matheson in west jerusalem thank you as promised abraham fried out with and syrian studio associate professor of conflict resolution at the Doha Institute there is a lot of conflict to resolve yet i dont know that you and i are going to do it in 2 or 3 minutes but lets talk about 1st what what rob was discussing there the fact that and im loath to say deal of the century because i think that is a thats a branding exercise from the trumpet ministration but this deal this cushion a plan its an economic plan as rob was pointing out it doesnt actually look at the issues which have given rise to the economic problems just as well its 3rd the money at the problem. Why yes you are absolutely right kiran and thats actually the very image of reason for this plan that it will not work and its absolutely baseless of dealing with this. Most complicated conflict in the world that the syrian conflict and this is by the way the economic approach is not the new to the proceedings and these are promises of making policy in an economy of vibrant economy and prosperous and it was said many times on 993. 00 with the oslo agreement that is find was there was a bank and gaza where promised to be a single poor hong kong but was on the outcome was a disaster a disaster for everyone except for israel and then kryten from rome wasnt that the focus of the quartet as well and when tony blair was the middle east liaison for their kids so thank you very much carol because thats actually the 2nd promise and actually in 2000 there was a global or an international approach supported by the court by the International Community that with salam fayyad was Prime Minister is the build institutions we are supporting you and building these institutions and once you build them youll prove yourself youre able to mint then or to control security and there was a bank and all of that then the state will come as a result but here we go the Palestinian Security in the west bank was trained the way to the pacific at their protests was were all trained by the americans and build these Security Units in the west bank proved to be the most efficient actually more efficient than what the israelis use the good sort of security in the west bank but what was that is of the result jerusalem is gone in american terms. Approving jerusalem as the capital of israel and moving them at embassy. There is no and theres nothing so the policy has got nothing again so it would be nonsense for the policy. It has to be for the for the 3rd time because this is not the know everyone just looks at it and thats why they have not go into the. Thats why this lets just ask you about us iran as well is there any point even trying to predict what happens next i just i feel we getting this contradictory line again donald trump talking about his his whole security advisor john bolton we know hes been looking for conflict with iran but then by the same token trump was praising iran and saying we want to make iran crazy again and praising them for not shooting down a. Plane with with people on it its its this contradictions from within the administration again while hes using this system rather gee he the problem with that hes still thinking that the entire International Conflicts can be managed the way of that he used to manage his real estate that doesnt work because thats what hes trying to do is that on one hand try to offer some promises false promises on the other hand make it make iran get again all of these things and this latest statement that were hearing from john bolton we should not be surprised this is coming from john bolton the most hawkish person in the u. S. Administration and israel while he is while he has friendly he didnt exactly and then you know on his right hand also there were the freedmen the American Embassy there was more hawkish than even netanyahu and the ball themselves you know is not ended so we should not be a surprise of this theres a but what were going to see is to respond to a question were just going to see a modest collation and but i dont think were going to see a full scale war or an open confrontation between iran and the United States for many reasons i will. Thank you for it i will talk to you again later on thank you thank you. Want to look at turkey as well now vote count vote counting is beginning in the largest city there istanbul in a controversial rerun of the Mayoral Election now back in march the opposition candidate was declared the winner of the 1st vote that result though no after the Ruling Ak Party filed a legal challenge over alleged irregularities heres the team in stand bull weve got hashing the whole bara in a moment with reaction from that Party Headquarters but 1st cynical c. R. U. An update from you at the opposition republican peoples Party Headquarters. Go ahead sinan bring us up to date. While the us says you said we are in front of the Election Coordination Center of the Republican Party c h which actually had the lead on march 31st what 14000 votes and istanbul at almost one and a how about recall the polling stations were closed and. The ballots are being counted counted currently around 10 percent of the ballots have been counted and according to what we learned from the information provided rage and says that the c. H. P. Candidates occam him of all those who won on march 31st lease right now but of course it will take some time to count all the votes to do you know the who you know the real winner of the election i can tell that here at c. H. B. Coordination center there is a huge interest for the Election International media and turkish people have shown interest to this place because they believe that they have already voted for a criminal law on march 31st then they believe that their votes are counted as invalid by the supreme alexion board thats why they are trying to reclaim their mayor and reclaim their votes and since there is the story International Media is also hugely interested in the topic people are very curious about the results there is patience and everybody is waiting for the last minutes to ration who is going to be the winner and well get that information with you later on also with a whole bara he is outside our. Headquarters in istanbul hashim. The candidate for the ark party. Has just arrived to be a stumble headquarters of the party and i have to say theres a sense of anxiety and expectation about what could come out of the Election Results in the coming hours now the other party has learned to lessons from the march it action 1st about 400000 disgruntled Party Supporters in istanbul decided not to cast their vote and the other Party Managed to go knock on doors of most of these people and convince them to take to the ballot face time to make a difference the 2nd lesson was that the kurds may mate Something Like 20 percent of the electorate during the 30. The march election and they were the ones who took the ground in favor of the c. S. P. Of the. Opposition party. By the media in the last few days suggesting that. The kurds in istanbul just say neutral in this election is widely seen by. The other party as good news if the decide not to take to the ballot so eventually the boys down to whether the disgruntled party voters are going to go to the ballots and cast their votes in favor of an island and whether the wind not show up if that happens then he believes he can secure a Comfortable Lead but i have to say we have to wait and see what happens in the coming hours of course there in istanbul thank you. Its a busy news day here on aljazeera but still to come. As Brazilian Police get tough on crime the poor and the innocent get caught in the crossfire. Really makes me sick because we are in a position to know. Dozens of Police Officers in the u. S. City of philadelphia have been pulled off the streets. A 5 star performance and the host nation lights up the corporate america. Hello again welcome back across we are talking about dry conditions for many areas now we do have a few thunderstorms up here towards turkey but those have actually been decreasing as we have gone through the weekend though we are looking at very warm temperatures across much of iraq baghdad at 46. 00 degrees here on monday as we go towards tuesday it could even go up to about 47. 00 degrees there kuwait city 47. 00 degrees but we are talking drier now we had been seems to me minute the across the gulf those values are now going down here in doha as well humanity is going down and by monday we do expect to see attempt or even though it comes up its going to be feeling drier at 45. 00 degrees and abu dhabi is going to be reaching about 39. 00 to greece theyre down across the south those santa is going to be picking up some clouds possibly a shower too where the temperature of 28. 00 and messy conditions along the cape down here across much of Southern Africa the winds are also going to be picking up anywhere from cape down poor little of us as well as over here towards durban temperatures into the mid teens across much of the area up towards durban though it is going to be a windy day here on monday maybe getting a little bit cooler and rainier as we go towards tuesday but johannesburg is going to be seeing a clear day at 16 and into the river oh it is going to be rainy the temperature of 22. 00 degrees there. Let me take. Like no please some. Wild west rain. Until the strongest of all stay strong most skilled. Nations will come to traffic in stadiums that are in class. Discover a news destination defeat the womens world cup from 29 t. To years of overgrazing the damage caused to the precious grasslands of chair legs is being reversed with one of the worlds biggest have a conservation projects. Theyre pretty emblematic of the patagonians out if their plan to fall and theyre like this one is then you know that the system is coming back and that they feel no threats and thats why youre on our rewilding patagonia on aljazeera. On the news on here at aljazeera these are all top stories ethiopias military chief and the regional president of the old state of empower have been killed in 2 related attacks the Prime Ministers office says the killings were part of an attempt by a high ranking military official to overthrow the Regional Government of a power. Things begun in turkeys largest city a stone poll in a controversial 2nd Mayoral Election in march the opposition candidate was declared the winner but that result was an old off the ruling out the legal challenge over alleged irregularities irans foreign minister says hes negotiating monetary trees. Allow the country to bypass u. S. Sanctions. Reportedly in talks with china india and russia and dozens of other nations to ditch the dollar in trade transactions such an agreement could weaken the u. S. Dollar in the global market. Now hundreds of thousands of protesters are out in prague calling for the czech Prime Minister to step down over fraud allegations incredible pictures coming in actually from the czech capital the sheer number of people who have come out this sunday these protests against have been actually going on since april with nearly half a 1000000 people signing a petition demanding he resign has been accused of misusing European Union funds with millions of euros and paying subsidies to his former company the businessmen turned populist politician has denied any of these charges talked to who is a senior lecturer in czech studies at the university of glasgow hes on skype for us today nice to have you with us its just really quite fast when you think about all the protests going on around the world we havent really heard that much about the Czech Republic but as we see from these live pictures there is an extraordinary level of public feeling on this. Well it is true as some commentators are saying that this is the new the neos for this thing you know it is complicated in the Czech Republic it could be said this after the fall of communism in 89 the socalled mainstream democratic parties have kind of federally discredited themselves with corruption and so a few years ago you had and the populist president salmaan kind of gaining a lot of Popular Support saying we are now going to take over the new deal and prove it through everything but unfortunately they proved themselves to be caught up as well and what small they are basically pushing the country towards the east who wants all 3030 and regimes to want to cope with countries like china and russia and of course quite a lot of people dont like it and that is this problem. Of corruption a legit corruption of this Prime Minister who basically people are criticizing him that he doesnt really have any policies at bought from pushing. These sort of milking the state for the profit of his private companies yes that is a good house with revolt but the problem its that impala meant. They had really isnt any majority for deposing but they so its really a kind of moot point whether these demonstration can be can be successful some comment it does not even saying that actually the demonstration coup to increase the support for because the spotty has about 30 percent of Popular Support at the moment so it is really very interesting whats going to happen yeah but again as i as i look at these pictures just as were talking to you of this you number of people and i cant help but think about what we saw in hong kong recently as well the sheer number of people who came out there and pressure worked then surely this is not something which the government can ignore plates. Well this is a pretty interesting opposition the problem in the Czech Republic is that there isnt really any proper opposition the only opposition those already corrupted form of mainstream right of center thought is that is one you polity the pietist ponty which is mostly supported by the young people and that has the support of about 14 percent allegedly the opposition is trying to disrupt of organize a vote of no confidence for the government but then i fear is that they dont have enough. Enough votes and this will not be successful having said that. The organizers of these demonstrations a student. Is saying that they do want to cut debate democracy and what is very important is that they actually have created bost network of people not only in prague which is basically pro democratic and but also in the outside country regions which are normal which have been neglected by by the prague politicians this is what they pride themselves on but to kill or the that they have own lot of support from the countryside when normally people love but which so it is very interesting whats going to happen having said that it is no the Summer Holidays with people going something over the summer doing something over the summer it remains to be seen young to me im glad we could talk to you about this its a really interesting story thank you for your time thank you. I mentioned last week in seoul some of the biggest demonstrations anywhere in the world in modern times when 2000000 people hit the streets of hong kong opposed to plans which have been suspended to allow the extradition of people to china demonstrators and opposition politicians have now been discussing ways to keep their protest movement going while keeping Public Opinion on this side more of this one from andrew thomas. This event is now open discussion about how best to fight back legally already and what people here consider to have been a heavy handed policing of the protests over the last couple of weeks until a great 1000 people have turned up to take part but more broadly the discussion among protesters like these days about tactics how to keep the momentum going while keeping Public Opinion on side but huge success couple of 1000000 people last weekend marching and the indefinite suspension of those controversial extradition laws but people here want more the cancellation of any Proposal Library provision of the resignation of the chief executive harry had a full investigation into place conflicts how to achieve that while keeping the support of ordinary people in the city forming their side many feel that the events of friday just gone by protesters in the place headquarters the hong kong stopping even routine responses to emergencies in this city well that went too far and risk alienating the broader population so many here particularly online are talking about so this want to scale disruption to non essential Government Services a little on going peaceful marches has one jew this coming wednesday and now on the 1st of july they think those 2 tactics being random to achieve their goal ambitious aims. To india where large parts of the country are suffering their worst drought in decades and that is forcing many farmers to abandon their land as their crops fail many moving to the cities only to find life there actually isnt much better because of the parana reports now from one of indias hardest hit regions the Western State of maharashtra. You are. A pundit on mordor left his 40000 square metre cotton farm in his village 6 months ago he now lives in this cramped rented room with his family. 2 years of drought have forced him to find work as a laborer in one of the many factories in the city of about. It is very difficult to live in the city i feel very safe but then again i do i have to live. Nearly 3 quarters of the state of maharastra is suffering drought and crop failure. Farmers often take out loans to buy seeds and if they crops fail they cant pay back the money. There have been heavy loans because for the last couple of years there have been no rings there have been 4 or 5 suicides in our village the plight of farmers has been a major problem in india in recent years more than 300000 farmers have killed themselves in the past 25 years a study found a 5th of those deaths were due to Climate Change or even a marginal increase in rainfall let a few a suicide that year. The government has encouraged farmers to insure their crops against failure through a nationwide scheme they say they have distributed more than 60000000. 00 to farmers in this district this year. On the condition of crop failure there is a Prime Ministers scheme and i will get the insured amount. But many of those who are supposed to gain protection say it doesnt work. Says insurers wont cover his silk farm and morris says he also cant get support it hasnt reached poor people the middlemen big door so it doesnt benefit the poor farmers. And bar mentalists say whats really needed is for farmers to stop relying on crops like cotton and sugar cane which takes lots of water to grow. If you look at b. Its continuously in drought because of Sugar Factories i think if this problem needs to be solved we should work on cropping patterns. But changing types of crops and where and when they are grown will take time so back in the city funded on more day weights and hopes the rains will come and he can go back to work in his fields elizabeth aljazeera. Brazils president jaya both sonora swept to power on a promise that he would be tough on crime and hes been trying to demonstrate that in his home state of rio de janeiros releasing there has a checkered reputation in the battle against drugs gangs with innocent people sometimes caught up in the crossfire and has more from rio. And the power has been fighting for justice for more than 5 years since 1000 year old son jonathan was killed in a police raid. We often hear that was the worst day of my life i would never imagine even in my worst nightmares losing a son i didnt believe it was happening i thought i was dying with him. The martyr was just one of the thousands of mostly poor young black men killed by rio police in recent years more than 1500 in 2018. The number of killings has increased since president bush took office this year. The reason given is always that the victims fired 1st jonathan was not armed this is what i demand it doesnt matter if i am black poor or if i live in a poor neighborhood i am a citizen i pay my taxes like anyone else so i demand the state gives me an answer for this murder and the answer is justice i will accept nothing else and paolo knows the name of her sons killer he was found to have killed 3 times previously hes been assigned administrative duty is still in possession of his peace gun and badge although the statistics are shocking they only hint at the full scale of the suffering the daily violence that engender grief and fear hidden away out of sight infidel as well shantytowns such as this one. Campaign. Sending the police into the furbelows with guns blazing has been proven to only increase crime shows of force by the president an exmilitary man or part of the ideology that got him elected and that a few poor neighborhoods register around 80 homicides per 100000 residents rates from work countries it seems like in the same city we have 2 Different Countries one rich developed and cause the other one in constant war she also has an ally in the rio state governor wilson with so who has suggested using missiles to blow up criminals. A task force set up to investigate questionable Police Killings is underfunded and understaffed and no rio Police Officer has yet been convicted and jailed and the power has been awarded for her work with the mothers of other victims of Police Operation in this. Sukkot on this group i have spent the last 5 years fighting for my sons memory. Who ought. To still qualify the years asking god for health so i can stay strong and keep going to school because so much hoping that justice for jonathan is death will bring some relief for her and thousands of other bereaved brazilian mothers. And their aljazeera rio de janeiro. When 70 Police Officers have been taken off the streets of philadelphia for putting violent all racist posts on social media they were revealed in a study that looked at offices in 8 u. S. Cities and found similar behavior kristen salumi has that story Philadelphia Residents are demanding accountability from their police force. 72 officers out of 6300 have been put on administrative leave pending an investigation for posts on facebook deemed racist or advocating violence posts which according to the Police Commissioner could undermine Police Community relations makes me sick to be honest with you it really makes me sick because we are in a position to know whether posts like nice day for a chokehold equating black people with savages and denigrating muslims were found by the plain view project when they looked at social media activity of a sampling of officers in 8 cities big and small when we looked at a post we asked is it possible that this post this statement this name could affect civilian trust in civilian understanding of the police force lawyer Emily Baker White said the post berry and severity but show Disturbing Trends i think it speaks to to coulter and if we have a Police Department where folks are being encouraged for whatever reason to be divisive to engage in prejudiced or violent commentary and where they feel like they do that in order to be a part of a community that gets in the way of Police Forces being able to do their job as the Union Representing Philadelphia Police called the social media investigation overly broad accusing it of overlooking all of the good work done regularly by our officers the fallout from the study is ongoing not just here in philadelphia but nationwide the Police Departments in all 8 cities looked at by the plainview project have launched investigations. Reverend mark tyler says the findings contribute to an us versus them mentality in minority communities all we want is the same thing that everyone else wants to feel that if you need a Police Officer in a time of trouble that youre going to get help its going to get support and that youre going to get the benefit of the doubt that you will be judged by your behavior not by what you look like on the outside. And others are holding his revelation and better training for officers kristen salumi al jazeera philadelphia. Ok im going to take a rest and here with these for now i thank you so much come on the citys druther Lewis Hamilton has just won the french girl in prayers hamiltons 4th straight win and he extends his advantage at the top of the formula one championship to 36. 00 points now the brits and began the race in pole position and led from start to finish ended up 18 seconds ahead of. Ferraris charlotte came in 3rd. Australias ashley bazzi has moved to the top of tennis is World Rankings the french open champion claiming the number one spot with a win here over germanys junior get us in the final of the birmingham classic your place is not your sack is the games leading player. Roger federer has hit yet another career landmark and a repeating doesnt go far in the how open final becoming just the 2nd man after rafa nadal so when the same top level tournament 10 times its his warm 100 and 2nd career title as the world number 3 closes in on Jimmy Connors all time record 109 hes now targeting a 9th wimbledon championship. Every time i won and went on to play really well at wimbledon so i think i mean theres never a guarantee of course been on the door for long enough to know what it means and also most important that i know im injured free im going to have a couple of days off i guess and then get ready pakistan and south africa are playing right now at the cricket world cup both sides trying to keep the hopes of making the semifinals alive pakistans gold 300 and a terrace a hail storm with about scoring 89 a short time ago south africa 133 thats 3. Host brazil is through to the quarter finals of the cop for america the champions beating peru 5 nil to finish top of their group this effort by liverpool striker roberto for me and i one of the highlights of back during. May qualify as one of the best 3rd place teams venezuela also 3 from group after a 31 victory over but. I keep going to all of the users to the team were very persistent and they learned from their previous mistakes and they corrected them i think the team today created a lot of chances and they were also clinical in the end we had efficiency and they also played with consistency cuts as head coach Felix Sanchez says his side are in a copper america to compete not to take selfies with rain or messi cats are playing argentina in a Decisive Group big game later on both seems on point going into this want to draw would give qatar a chance of reaching the last 8 the asian cup champions or guest entrance in thats what. Theyre going to so this will give us the opportunity to grow and acquire more experience of playing matches at factual level matches we lack because the nature we have a good level and football is growing but lets be realistic the level that teams like argentina colombia can demonstrate are very high as we have to adapt ourselves to face these great teams with such great players one game under way in the africa cup of nations morocco taking on this game into the 2nd half that is still nil nil algeria kick off their campaign against kenya a little later on someone caught up with the north african scene of their pretournament Training Camp in. The desert foxes as they are known are putting the finishing touches to their cup preparations 2 years ago algeria were eliminated in the 1st round in egypt a coach will be relying on the skills of key players riyad for goalie but he mean. For the 1st time the africa cup of nations is being held in june and july its convenient. The play is based in european leagues but it means matches will be played in the searing north african summer is challenging but i really think is a good idea i think its been done before to be honest because fall for example for me play in england with. No breaks during the. Winter wintertime and we always have our fitness and some top gear during this time soloing and its a bit tongue with the club and we missed a lot of games fresh from winning the English Premier League title for the 2nd time matches the city star riyad maharis is now targeting africas Top International prize for believe about an amazing i think. I dont want to say it would be better than the the premier league or not they will be Something Different and they will be like i think the emotion will be more despite qualifying for the world cup 4 times algeria missed out on the finals in russia last year and they have won africas biggest title once and that was back in 1900 when they hosted it. This is competition has been expanded to include 24 teams with all judea drawn against sinegal kenya and tanzania of course its not easy will not say when the favorite there is a big teams though did the team who played in the previous woke up for example in tunisia. And i got a gypsy there with all souls so strong we tried to analyze what is our mistakes just mistakes why we didnt win any a africa couple with a home run we know is that we know that we know the reason now its all about changing the situation and trying to improve algeria hoping this will be the year the 3 decade wait to lift the biggest hoddle in african football comes to an end fan hamlisch aljazeera doha. Tonnes in air back in the cup of nations for the 1st time since 1980 the east africans all are about to kick off their campaign against senegal some good news for some girls star forward saturday morning of liverpool is suspended for this case but theres no doubt one of the best team in the continent where you look at the players the calibers of. What they want to new football if you want to be great you have to prepare yourself to compete with among the best steph curry says the Golden State Warriors era of excellence is a long way from being over kerry has been talking in japan and a coaching clinic there in the aftermath of the war is lost to be trying to wrap says in the n. B. A. Finals key players Kevin Durants and Clay Thompson could also miss much of next season due to injury the warriors have won 3 of the last 5 n. B. A. Championships. Very proud of the way that we we played all year we go with some injuries we deal with some ups and downs but. You know the stories still go and so a lot of people said this is going to be the and. The mogul that it happened so its going to be for the to come back in. More championships next year beyond i want year ago a team of june yet so i footballers enter the cave on a day trip a little did they know that cindy traps and i rescue would have come a story captivating the world. While some of the Young Players and their coach decided to commemorate the anniversary by running a marathon around 4000. 00 people joined them including some of their rescuers and all to raise funds to improve conditions at the cave where they were trapped in for more than 2 weeks. Ok that is how your sport is looking for now complete is and a we will see and the again in the news hour 1800 hours g. M. T. But we are back in just a couple of minutes the latest from ethiopia and the vote counting in its temples merril action is coming up. Sri lankas Easter Sunday bombings reverberated around the world with religious and ethnic tension rising 101 east investigates it is the new front line in sri lanka on aljazeera. The countdown to the 2020 Us Democratic primaries has begun. First televised debate sees candidates go head to head to define themselves on the issues from Climate Change to Foreign Policy john is in miami on june the 26th and 27th for the 1st u. S. Democratic debate on aljazeera. On counting the cost 2018 was the deadliest year for the Aviation Industry in years well find out just what went wrong also its only considers a new domestic current so you could lead to its exit from the euro but should you be worried about a kids having too much screen time counting the cost on aljazeera. Cultura downs thrives here every day generations of tibetans continue to brace and maintain their Cultural Heritage its a reminder of who they are or whether. This is a suburb of the idiot capital new delhi so be refugees here since 964 buttons here have been defined as migrants are not. Refugees because india hasnt signed up to the 1951 Un Convention on refugees so tibetans here have been able to access the Indian Welfare system so they become selfsufficient setting up a business says and looking for work independently but for some its not enough. Turmoil in ethiopia has. Been killed the head of the military and the regional leader. Summary of this is the world news from aljazeera counting is underway and it samples a merrill Election Rerun after matches paul won by the opposition was scrapped because of irregularities also iran reveals plans to bypass the delta and american sanctions while the u. S. Keeps up the rhetoric against iran and an offensive begins in democratic republic of congo to battle militias that are forced hundreds of thousands of people from their homes. So you hear these militaries trying to reassure the country after its chief of staff was shot dead in the capital and an attempt was made to seize power in a Northern State Prime Minister says the move to take over was led by a high ranking military official there the countrys military chief conan was killed at his home in addis ababa shot along with another general by his bodyguard elsewhere the leader of the imho region was also killed in a gun attack on his office along with an aide and attorney general was also reported to have been wounded. In light of these attacks ethiopian people should remain calm and i want to take this opportunity to assure people there is nothing within the military to worry about and lastly this attack was against the people and the government and all of its armed forces this was also an attack against an entire country everyone in the military and the public should strongly oppose this attack and those who are behind this will be brought to justice and i call on everyone including those in the military to cooperate with the investigation. Heres a state on the map one of 9 autonomous regions in ethiopia people reported hearing gunfire in the state capital. Around 500 kilometers north of on saturday evening the u. S. Embassy also issued warnings are out about after reports of 5 so there are some challenges that would seem facing Prime Minister made ethiopia home to around 100000000 people but crucially more than 80 ethnic groups in various communities are demanding their own states under the federal system tensions between some of ethiopias ethnic groups of fuel violence for decades but its increased this year hundreds of people have been killed in various attacks and last year nearly 3000000 people were displaced internally by the highest number in the world in fact more than syria yemen somalia and afghanistan combined they are hiding as a reporter in the sent us this update. 4 government officials have been shot and killed in ethiopia and attempted to 2 of them. And 2 of them were here and. Mackinnon was one of them he was the chief of staff and most notably the head of the military here in ethiopia we have information that he was actually shot by his bodyguard inside his home another general was also killed and mckinnon was trying to stop the crew. And charge of the military there so he had been told by the Prime Minister to facilitate troops to try to stabilize the situation and it was then that he was killed the Prime Minister says those who are responsible are mercenaries now 500 kilometers away from here and added to regional leaders were killed including the regional president his name mccann and some of those responsible were arrested but some of them are also still at large we believe that. Is the one who is behind this attempted to intercede in lee he was arrested 10 years ago for another attempted to and spent the last 10 years in prison and was only just pardoned when president. Prime minister rather. Office and was pardoned by. Now in a televised speech the military intelligence chief said that the purpose of the coup was try to create a division in the military along ethnic lines. Moving to other news and vote counting. Just poll in a controversial rerun of the Mayoral Election. The opposition candidate was declared the winner of the 1st result was a no after the ruling party filed a legal challenge over alleged irregularities. Now for us outside that Party Headquarters in istanbul counting going on right now any indications of maybe even the turnout today or anything. No no indications so far are we expecting some of the premiers to be announced in about 25 minutes from now and they have to say that im standing outside the headquarters of their party which is here in istanbul and theres a great deal of anxiety about what those minutes would be bringing to the Party Leaders theyre really concerned about the outcome of these elections and that the candidate of the opposition might be repeating the gains he made in march and this is quite a crucial moment for a lot of quality its not only about one local election its water a test of the popularity of the party and its leader. When they lost. Somebody in marshall they was in now in margin but to them it was a wake up call that having their own problems with their own supporters and the same time with the other constituencies particularly the Kurdish Community here in istanbul which voted for him a lot of so theyre expecting to see whether they were able to reach out to those people and convince them to vote this time for a party because if a party loses. It would be a massive setback for the party it could be also an indication that the public sentiment in turkey is starting to shift slowly towards an alternative to a party and. We get some of those early results. The army in democratic republic of congo says its killed 16 militia members in its offensive against armed groups in the eastern territory of jew group the military said it kept 7 more in the former army man who has now become a militia commander fighting in the regions killed at least 300. 00 people and forced hundreds of thousands to leave their homes just this month catherine soy reporting now from could in neighboring uganda where people are seeking refuge from the violence. Were at a Refugee Reception Center here in uganda these are just some of the hundreds of thousands of companies whove been displaced by fighting any to a province in eastern congo and eventually theyre going to be moved to another area where they can. Settle for the meantime right now theyre being provided with food by u. N. Agency for refugees and other agencies they can cook for themselves as well what were being told is happening across the border in this offensive is that the military has captured one days of the militias it was a bank they recovered firearms there as well as we also spoke to the military spokesperson who told us though that the movement has been quite slow because its been raining heavily you also say theyre not just fighting individuals who weapons but very well organized and equipped groups he says that what theyre trying to do is a clear roads that have been blocked creates a humanitarian corridor where that food can get to those who need it most and also try and rescue 80002 or so of people who are still trapped in areas where fighting is going on. Irans foreign minister mohammad. Raman is in talks with a number of countries on using currencies other than the u. S. Dollar for trade the move is being seen as a way for iran to bypass u. S. Sanctions and to lessen washingtons grip on Global Energy and commercial market stalls jabar is following this one from term. According to the arabian foreign minister they are in discussion with a number of countries including china russia turkey and india to try and bypass the u. S. Sanctions by setting up a Monetary System where they can trade without having the u. S. Sanctions factum this is something that the iranians have been talking about and we know that the russians are behind this idea they said that the Russian Foreign minister has said that the u. S. Sanctions against iran is unfair and the russian government will do everything it can to try and help the iranians bypass them the foreign minister has said that theyve already reached some agreements with certain countries and they are still in discussion with others so its still in the process but in the foreseeable future this could be something that could help iran bypass those crippling u. S. Sanctions now in a nationwide interview on u. S. Television president dont trump has likened his National Security adviser john bolton to a hawk an aggressive turn comes as bolton warned iran on sunday not to take washingtons prudence for weakness do you feel like you were being pushed into military action against iran by any of your advise i have 2 groups of people i have dubs and i have hawks you have some i have some hawks john bolton is absolutely a hawk is up to him hed take on the whole world at one time ok but that doesnt matter because i want both sides you know some people said why did you put your i was against going into iraq for years and years and before it ever happened i was against going into iraq and some people said oh i dont know i was totally against i was a private citizen never made sense to me i was against going into the middle east to wish for and 7 trillion dollars in the middle east right now. More on that interview now with an easier account stroh in washington d. C. In his extended interview given friday to n. B. C. News President Trump said that he was not looking for war with iran however he said if there was one iran would see in his words obliteration like youve never seen before so again this mixed messaging thats both escola turi and seeking to emphasize the fact that he cancelled the planned u. S. Military strike on iran at the last minute now he was also asked what the u. S. Wants in return from iran to deescalate the situation the president gave a very simple answer he said no Nuclear Weapons however he does acknowledge that the u. S. Iran nuclear deal which the United States pulled out from last year had that very intended purpose the interview he had also asked the president for a response to the u. N. Investigation that found a saudi arabias crown Prince Mohammed bin so mine was likely implicated in the killing of journalist. He was asked whether the president would authorize the u. S. F. B. I. To investigate saudi arabia further i think its been heavily investigator who by everybody i mean i have to have seen so many different report about the f. B. I. Heres where i am really. Irans killed many many people a day other countries in the middle east this is a hostile place is a very hostile place if you want to look at saudi arabia look at a rare look at other countries i wont mention names and take a look at whats happening and then you outside of the middle east and you take a look at whats happening with countries ok and i only say they spend 402450 1000000000 over a period of time. Money all jobs but in the right long as they keep the overlook some of the spirit but im not like a fool that says we dont want to do business with the democrats and congress along criticize the Trump Administration for selling munitions

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