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When i was in bangladesh recently they went to the police and they were not they were not just told not to give a report the police refused to take every part when he went back and he kept assisting they were not just told chased away by then later on track then and with being disappeared themselves because they were also your family also if i can add it is not only the families that are realizing it and it is not only you know like journalists like me or human rights activists like d. T. I mean there are the former chief justice of bangladesh as who under commerce in high has written a book in his memoir he specifically mentioned how the d. G. s fi actually a ducks people and keeps them in a secret prison equal to cut. Another instance where a Senior Police officer has actually had me to during a seminar he was. Ranking. Do you remember we actually abducted that doctor and no one actually whod you know lead do anything to us so he was practically bragging about. Wrong that this government has whenever we bring these pieces to go im going to try to deflect and come up with this going to be funny all the germans. You know investigate them then never do this to you. But i think it is yeah and this is why the examples that you just listed there that is why were seeing comments like this on you tube this person mentions an acronym that you just mentioned thats a directorate general of forces intelligence. On youtube says every Single Person in bangladesh knows all of these disappearances are done by the ira b d g f i and police its an absolute and known fact hes not the only one someone else says actually this disappearance this is actually a everyone knows the Government Agencies are involved but one other person on youtube writes actually these disappearances are a drama of the be in the b. N. P. Of course being the opposition to Bangladesh Nationalist Party so that seems to be the push back people have what do you make of that back and forth there. The people who disappeared are not just members of the b. N. P. Are supporters of the b. N. P. They are ordinary people who may have spoken up on something some of them a labor activist some of them a student some of them people simply of express their opinion on facebook theyre not aligned to a Political Party so i dont think we can see oh this is a man effect that situation the reality is that there are hundreds of families out there in bangladesh still grieving and wondering whats happened to their loved ones and all the government can do is simply deny obvious and blame the victims and even threaten their families with and that enforced disappearance the reality is that enforced disappearance is a crime against humanity and its time says the government above where they actually did something and in a very transparent systematic mean sort of obs of skating i think at this point in that conversation its you want to hear from the government of bangladesh because there are so many accusations and theyre reluctant to talk about apart from earlier on this year when gallerys hes a Senior Adviser to the Prime Minister shekhar cinna was on head to head with mehdi has sent from aljazeera now before i play that clip i want to show you something this is a free arm on campaign and you can see the number of days since he was abducted is a barrister bangladeshi barrister had been sent but hes known to his friends as ahmad so his lawyer during head to head aust well this question lets roll the tape were moving this government still pushing the ridiculous line the disappearances are not happening and will these men be released so they can return to the family. Room disappearances happen it is deplorable. And but i have also stated that this is not a government policy of moving people so where is his client i wouldnt know since you are the lawyer you tell us where is your plan you just go and do want to respond when and with with proof there is credible evidence he was being held in dhaka can torment a military base in the middle of dhaka and thats credible evidence from foreign embassies and your government knows where he is no one believes that you dont know. Has been you were in the audience lets talk about waiving disappear people are going. Well we know about at least 3 secret prisons in in tarka city there are 2 in inside the dark a containment in military b. Is the headquarters of Bangladesh Military they are the headquarters of the d. G. A far away there are several holding. Units inside the headquarters compound and their ease in the Holding Facility a secret prison in another part of the cantonment its called the e. T. T. Headquarter and there is rather one quarter in tora. Near the airport to know about these 3 secret detention facilities which are absolutely illegal not only under International Law but also and of bangladeshi law and. We have now i smell a very naive question but what happens that what you know is happening to people that. Well at least in case of there are rabid want water in tura i actually used to live right behind it many years back it is a it is a touch a chamber and the Guardian Newspaper actually ran a investigative report about that you know peoples fingernails being plucked out i have documented cases where people were tortured with dream machines but you know are in a very cynically there was a time when these to torture people kill them and return those bodies to the to the families but now this simply you know dispose of the bodies and they dont even let the families know what happened to do to their loved ones so in in in in a very cynical in a very. Sad really. No dead bodies are actually. Worse than having done bodies or torture marks and this is what is exactly happening in bangladesh today and people who i think mr go horace be are coming coming International Channels like i was a 0 and being you know theyre trying to adjust for this missile reason actually promised during the trial i was in the audience that there will be investigations and i knew that there will be no investigations he is simply you know promising something that he cannot deliver we have not because this is a policy you know sort of we have this or we have not seen any investigation the 6 years and there are plenty of examples of people who wear a back and came back after 2 years up to 3 years after 15 months and they hear the sick that the dench and sales what is happening over there and. How the. Binded binding their eyes and how they are doing the torture inside the cell and they will the people who are under the top in on those sales actually they did even dont know where they are all the are moving from 11 place to other places so i can say like we have seen some loud dean who was found. Other side of the border so how come one person abducted by the Law Enforcement is involved in taka and then he is found later on in other countries. He said the border that there are plenty of examples what happened and the government should reply on the actually government the way its average where they are replying that people are hiding themselves. And you got that story that you just told us and the excerpts we just heard from to steam as horrific as they are explain these 2 tweets that i want to share with you from the hunt for those who says authoritarian regimes use lots of tools to suppress opposition voices and people the reason behind using these tools is to create a reign of terror among people so that people will think twice before raising their voices or taking part in any protest against the regime we are always scared to speak out against the regime because of this widespread use of disappearances because family members of victims are put in an adverse situation they dont know whether their relative is alive or dead and its very painful to think about. It is not difficult we know for you to be able to be part of an organization that so public speaking about Something Like this do you face threats you and your mother. We are facing that the last 6 years and when you started standing for the human genome started campaigning for my brothers as. Filing the idea to get in your case so we have started doing the human chain in press conferences so that that comes to the. Front of them so that they can do anything and so the big and actually can you inform the public by dancing their elected selected goldman sunday to more i ask it im going to show everybody a little bit of the report that we did have a few things share and theres a picture of you your brother is always close to literally very you have a look here on my desktop everybody so you can see what i say on my laptop take a great raise always close and theres a picture of your prophet do you know where he is right now i still billing. The they have locked it up. And be off the shields have shared with you was taken from rab one to their headquarters to be on 2013. The us given they were keeping the secret since actually so i still believe i still believe as you so they little you feel they his ally he is alive and i want my brother back i want my brother back because. Only supporting the Opposition Party being activists for the opposition but it cannot be a reason to. Debbie let me share this with you again were going back to the statement that the government of bangladesh sent to us and they put this whole issue in context from their perspective since the 26000 terror attack on the costs wholly artists and bakery individual seeking to join banned extremist organizations or who left bangladesh to join jihadist groups have been using the term in force disappearances to conceal their actions that last sentence really leapt out at me your response to that is what its a very cynical use of the fear of terrorism. To do once again deny that theres such a thing as enforcers appearances these enforced disappearances were happening before 2016 and theyre happening right now and what they have done to sun judah and all these families is not only threatening them denying them on marginalizing them theyve also been torturing them i said by implying that if families kept quiet then media loved ones will be returned and so when women when the women of my going out there and standing out and calling for the return of their loved ones theyre doing theyre under the threat that somehow speaking out will actually prevent the family members from being. And that is about torture thats what were going to leave it to has named as thank you very much for telling us what is happening from your perspective to the inforce disappears in bangladesh thank you so much for joining us and you can i will join you again the stream but in the meantime you can always see us at a. J. Stream on twitter. In a war torn city in iraq a medic documents the stories of the survivors recording their hopes and dreams for a peaceful future after american troops withdrawal. But the conflict is far from over. He turns the camera on himself when i so take control and his family are forced to flee no where to hide a witness documentary on aljazeera. The latest news as it breaks local communities here in 40 are very frustrated because the lack of post Storm Services with detailed coverage of this part of the flag though people often see this struggling to make ransom notes and just want a better life from around the world as obviously has been offered to those who rebel against the government of except those involved in human rights abuses a war crimes. Monitored truck quantify im value list is beta being the new car for weapon your data your identity is a commodity and we have to understand where im from or come from awfully moving its time to reclaim our cyber so should i have to put in them with something that can all be sold we are creators we are archivists we are rebel geeks give us back our data and i just say you know. Aljazeera. Where ever you are. Donald trump reportedly ordered strikes on a rainy and military targets then changed his mind in a sponsor the shooting down of the u. S. Surveillance from. Iran asked the United Nations to demand a stop to what it calls washingtons destabilizing measures in the gulf region. Daryn jordan this is our jazeera live from also coming up more protests in hong kong as the deadline passes for the government to cancel an extradition bill completely. To gas is fart of protesters as they try to storm georgias parliament of the visit of a russian politician plus. Syrias president is accused of waging a siege and starved campaign on internally displaced refugees. Heres me the report say President Donald Trump all that s trikes against military targets in iraq in response to the downing of an american surveillance drone but he later changed his mind the reports say planes were in the air and ships deployed until the order was given for them to stand down the intended targets of the morning raid were radar missile batteries its not clear if the planned attacks may still happen well separately the u. S. Federal Aviation Administration has banned american aircraft from flying into parts of a rainy and controlled airspace and at least 2 commercial airlines quantas and k l m rerouting flights away from the strait. In the media reports come as Senate Leaders urged President Trump to act with caution Democratic Leaders are insisting on congressional approval before the launch of any military operation michaela has more now from washington d. C. Grainy footage released by the u. S. Department of defense shows the moment when the drone was shot down. Earlier to release these pictures of a similar class drone argue for global hawk which costs over 100000000000. 00. Rainy and chris t. V. Released the sportage of the attack saying it had been obtained from the Iran Revolutionary guard corps tehran contended the drone penetrated the range in a space not so u. S. Military iranian reports that this aircraft was shot down over iran are categorically false the aircraft was over the strait of hormuz and fell into International Waters senior members of the u. S. Congress have been briefed on the situation the high kanchan wires are up in the region for a lot of Different Reasons some by lateral region some multilateral some of. The high tension ones. And 3rd we must act in a way that does not that does deescalate and does not escalate the tensions and the situation here the president may not intend to go to war here but were worried that he and the Administration May bumbled into a war were told the iranians. Before they shot the drone down that if you engage against american personnel or assets you do search your own peril the president does not want a war with iran or anybody else and but he is the commander in chief National Security figures gathered at the white house and the president sent out what appeared to be an ominous tweet iran made a very big mistake he said. But then during a meeting with the canadian Prime Minister the president indicated that the tweet was not a warning but a literal observation i think probably iran made a mistake i would imagine it was a general or somebody that made a mistake in shooting that drone down i find it hard to believe it was intentional if you want to know the truth i think that it could have been somebody who was loose and stupid at the same time the president did not rule out a u. S. Response because i think youll find out and. Youll find out youll find me i mean obviously obviously you know were not going to be talking too much about it President Trump has made clear in the past he favors some form of negotiation to resolve the crisis rather than armed action this despite the urging to forceful action from some in cabinet in particular the National Security adviser john bolton the question is whether this latest incident will tip the balance in the favor of the administrations hawks at the expense of those who advocate for dialogue mike hanna aljazeera washington. Mineral irans ambassador to the u. N. Has called for the International Community to demand a stop to what he calls unlawful and destabilizing measures by the u. S. In the gulf our diplomatic editor james bays has more now from the United Nations ok if either finding it on the iranians are determined to persuade the International Community that theyre the ones telling the truth in addition to the broadcast of this video which the Iranian Press t. V. Says was filmed by the Islamic Republics revolutionary guards the foreign minister mohammed job and zarif has been busy on twitter he said we retrieve sections of the u. S. Military drone in our territorial waters where it was shot down he posted this hand drawn map which he says shows the exact flight path as well as marking iranian territorial waters he says it proves iran acted in selfdefense its a point that irans ambassador to the u. N. Magid tucker of and she makes in a letter to secretary general antonio good terrorists and to the current president of the Un Security Council in the letter he says the drone was in full stealth mode as it turned off its identification equipment and engaged in a clear spying operation despite repeated radio warnings it entered into the iranian airspace where the air Defense System of the Islamic Republic of iran acting under article 51 of the United Nations charter targeted the intruding aircraft at 4 o 5 hours in the letter iran says the drone was in the air for almost 4 hours it says it doesnt want a war but it reserves the right take any necessary measures against hostile acts it wants the International Community to respond so far though no meeting of the u. N. Security council has been scheduled jamesburg out jazeera at the United Nations. Well this comes as the Turkish Foreign minister and his iranian counterpart manager that zarif met in iran in the past few hours or so to bari joins us live now from tehran dosser so how is iran likely to respond to these reports that u. S. Warplanes were actually on the way to carry out air strikes on iran but donald trump and canceled the mission. Well there in there is a lot of caution been exercised in iran today we have had an event as you mentioned with the foreign minister in as fon and they the foreign minister did not mention any of this with his meeting during his meeting with his turkish counterpart but we have heard from his deputy the. His assistant rather in the Foreign Ministry in the capital he has summoned the swiss ambassador to the Foreign Ministry this is standard procedure when the iranians have a complaint against the United States or theres an issue the Swiss Embassy deals with that the swiss ambassador has just finished that meeting at the Foreign Ministry and he was told by officials there that the events that took place he was given the details they were giving gave him the formation about when the incident happened and where exactly it happened and that also he was told that the iranians are using self restraint the armed forces in the country are using self restraint they do not want a war but should they be provoked they will react accordingly thats what the swiss ambassador will now have to take back to washington that is the message that will be conveyed from here to the United States government also weve been hearing from the defense minister hes been speaking to local media earlier this morning where he said that all this is very strange whats been happening it seems as if there is a phobia that is in the bill in the making there is a lot of issues coming up in there blaming iran for and there is seems to be a consensus thats building against iran so all this is happening but in terms of specific response to President Trumps decision there has not been any official reaction or to do so tomorrow or the inter thank you well lets bring in mushrooms where hes director of the gold studies Center Council University Joins me live on set now so lets start if we can with this update on the story because the reality is News Agencies now reporting that donald trump apparently contempt to the iranians through. Army officials last night to say an attack was imminent and he wanted to talk a lot more youve been hearing about this i think you know that explains why help us to explain why it actually stopped the operation we have the part of the story coming out of washington that he cancer the operation now the study says that he contacted the iranian side through their own monies the message was i dont i dont want war however i need negotiation and the explanation about what happened yesterday yesterday which is. So basically there was very clear i assume the iranian told that they are not interested in water as what however they are also the answer was they also negotiation and that such a pressure from the decision is not helping as well i think that may give the president a different view of what he was actually listening to in washington maybe they iranians told maybe this event happened and you know it was you know there was a mistake there was something wrong was going on i think he was he received something help him as you mentioned in previous interviews that way to step back and say actually you know theres a way to change my mind i say theres no need for the operation this thing you know theres been no response from the white house yet about this New York Times story but is this President Trump operating a dangerous game of brinkmanship with iran showing that the military option remains firmly on the table. Some from day one the military action was not in the tables. Iran was one of his items on the election lest he post put the maximum of pressure on iran he actually sanction impose iran is absolutely tough this will weaken in iranian politics and the economy now everything happening after that it wasnt in his a plan any military action he needs the establishment and institution he has the problem of the trust with those with those the stablish and because he believe the abolition is not actually on the same page with them so lets just tie in this this this remark made yesterday when he was meeting the canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the white house he said he believed that look the u. S. Drone was shot down by mistake that perhaps it was some lower ranking general who took the decision to do it it was just a wrinkle in the carpet as trump said are the americans then do you think perhaps leaving the door ever since slightly ajar to just open the possibility of dialogue and that could that then tie in with the reuters story that trump could have used the armani is as interlocutors to speak to i would not make as i would say President Trump he wants to keep the door open because he has interest to have so to negotiation with iran this is the man who want to achieve something for the sake of achievement i mean lets not forget what happened with north korea and iran he want to say to say i have started negotiation with iran and thats to him is important he want to say that i forced iran to negotiate with me or to start negotiating with. Look its difficult to get a handle on Donald Trumps Foreign Policy on iran if we can call it that but but but whats it rams

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