To be seeing the cloud begin to thicken up and then well see some rather heavy rain rumble its way across us so that will bring some wet weather to perth but the temperatures will be rising for friday but get up to around 20 degrees for the east and across new zealand weve had an area of High Pressure in charge over the past couple of days so its been fine and settled but that area of High Pressure is being nibbled away by this area of west and windy weather thats working its way across us so it does look very different as we head through thursday and friday many of us seeing that unsettled weather a bit further towards the north and for most of us here theres a good deal of dry weather the main loop of cloud and rain is staying away to the south of us that means that tokyo we should get to around 26. 00 degrees but there will be a fair amount of cloud around at times but its also the west end is generally find so many of us here but its also pretty hot at the moment too early on but im getting up to around 30 degrees and for same beijing all the way up at 64. 00 so expected to be hot over the next few days. Voters between im polling stations still 12 european politicians on trial for their role in a referendum on Catalan Independence their political opponents in the prosecutors seat for a case that traces crucial questions about democracy and selfdetermination. But is the outcome already decided by a hostile spanish state. To catalonia trials justice or vengeance on a. Well again id remind of the top stories on aljazeera a u. N. Investigator says saudi arabia is responsible for the murder of the journalist jamal has shot and has called for an interNational Investigation. Was killed in the saudi consulate in istanbul in october 28th team. Investigators report says there is credible evidence Saudi Crown Prince mohammed bin solomon was involved in the murder it calls for the prince to be investigated and his personal assets sanctioned. Takes a look at the key events leading up to the journalists death 8 months after Jamal Khashoggi entered the saudi consulate in istanbul never to be seen again more chilling details of whats happened to the journalists have been revealed on wednesday the United Nations special reparatory tossed with investigating casualties murder released her reports in its quotes from recordings she heard firsthand provided by turkish intelligence extracts that are truly gruesome according to the reports on september 28th 4 days before she was murdered a security stationed at the consulate telephoned my home a trip and adviser at the royal courts of crown Prince Mohammed bin saddam on the trip the security official who visited the consulate earlier that day will indeed return on october 2nd yes we are all shocked we just spoke i said how are you there isnt anything official but its known that he is one of the people salt later that same day the saudi consul general himself some of them spoke to another individual known only as a head of state security called me and they have an assignment they need a person from your protocol for a special and a top secret mission. The assignment is security related over the next 3 days at least to consider stauffer travel to riyadh to be briefed on the mission before returning back to resemble they were joined separately by the rest of the hit squad headed by my head in the trip. According to the recordings and as reported by the un official on tuesday october 2nd 2018 at one or 2 pm local time just minutes before she entered the consulate mr motorboats heard speaking to chief forensic dr. Will it be possible to put the trunk in a bag no 2 having to basically adds he hopes it will be an easy job joints will be separated it is not a problem the body is heavy 1st i cut on the ground if we take plastic bags and cut it into pieces it will be finished we wrapped each of them leather bags according to the reports there is a reference made to cutting skin but no detail is given a few minutes pass and the trip is hard asking has the sacrificial animal arrived a voice replies hes arrived at 1 15 pm as seen in c. C. T. V. Footage she enters the consulates by himself after leaving his phones with his fiance who waits for him outside once inside he appears to have been met by someone he knows who he also about the whereabouts of the consul general whose office hes then taken to according to the recordings the conversation with jamal official she 1st focuses on his return to saudi arabia we will have to take you back there is an order from interpol interpol requested you be sent back we are coming to get you. There is no case against me ive notified some people outside and theyre waiting for me the driver is waiting for me send a message to your son which son what should i say to my son you will type a message lets rehearse show us what should i say see you soon i cant say kidnapping cut it short take off your jacket how could this happen in an embassy i will not write anything cut it short i will not write anything type it mr jamal hurry up help us so that we can help you because at the end we will take you back to saudi arabia and if you dont help us you know what will happen at the end let this issue find a good end after this has shocked you notices a towel he asks are you going to give me drugs to which he is told he will be anesthetized what happens next are believed to be the last moments of jamal official she is life or at least his consciousness before his body is ultimately dismembered did he sleep someone is heard asking he raises his head says another voice keep pushing push here dont remove your hand push it is the order thats given the u. N. Reports or seize fish or she could have been injected with a sedative and then suffocated using a plastic bag there was mention of a rope by the 15 man hit squad but it couldnt be established if one was used sounds of movement and heavy panting could be heard in the remainder of the recordings as well as the sound of past exceeds being used to rap turkish intelligence is that its recordings show thats a soul was used just minutes after at 1 39 pm but the u. N. Special up or toronto delegation could not make out the sources of the sounds that they heard according to the reports only 45 minutes of order recordings were made available to the uns investigator its believed turkish intelligence has another 6 hours and 15 minutes of all your evidence that spans several days. Last week crown Prince Mohammed bin some man who is widely believed to have given the order to kill Jamal Khashoggi stated that the case of the murdered journalist was now closed but 8 months on the world is still demanding on servers and seeking accountability with each new revelation about the bloody nature of how hershel she was murdered is a reminder that the Saudi Crown Prince cannot simply wish away the story. Of Jazeera International arrest warrants have been issued for the 4 suspects charged with the murders of 298. 00 Malaysia Airlines passengers and crew a trial will be held in the netherlands next year but several suspects have already said they wont attend a step for us and reports. Nearly 5 years after flight m h 17 was brought down there are suspects arrest warrants and a trial date much to the relief of the relatives of those who died it was fear that was going to be impossible to bring anyone to justice as the plane came down in a war zone in Eastern Ukraine where investigators couldnt access the crash site the 3 russian suspects sergey dubin ski ego get in and pull out of all retired Russian Military and Intelligence Officers who investigators say had high ranking positions in the separatist army in Eastern Ukraine can create one of the production for votes for the following suspects are prosecuted for causing the crash of a march 17th leading to the death of all people on board punishable under section 168 of the dutch criminal code and 2nd murdering 298 passengers of flight m h 70. Investigators say they wont ask for extradition because the constitution in russia and ukraine doesnt allow that but it will request both governments to hand over the summons to the suspects to go get in one of the suspects denies any involvement and says he wont testify in court immediately after his name and the names of 3 artists were released in the netherlands state media here in russia called the findings nonsense russia has always been night i mean fulfillment in downing the plane despite investigative findings that the book anti aircraft missiles came from the 53rd and get much missile brigade based in force in the west of russia. The downing of age 17 was the most deadly single incident in the war between Ukrainian Government forces and russian backed separatists which still continues to this day up to 298 people on board 196 came from the netherlands many of them going on a holiday. In Southeast Asia as the ceiling for 8 weeks hawks and who sold bruce and his girlfriend daisy were on board says she is relieved that someone is being held accountable its a start i am satisfied with today there was to blame someone personally so they are misapplied to. The natl and has taken diplomatic measures against russia for not helping with the investigation i think its disgusting they deny everything they dont cooperate nothing investigators say their next step is to find a chain of command of those who ordered the book mistrial to be moved into Eastern Ukraine from russia they are not optimistic any of the suspects will it turn to trial in march next year step fasten al jazeera moscow yemens heathy rebels say theyve struck a power station in saudi arabia with a Cruise Missile the groups t. V. Station says they struck a power station in the city it is on province theres been no immediate confirmation from saudi authorities who the attack is another in a series of missile and drone attacks on saudi cities in the past 2 weeks 17 people have been killed in an attack in soon province in northern kenya the defense minister sheriff saw i says an armed Group Carried out an attack on the village about to head late on tuesday targeting civilians he says a military operation is underway to secure the area 3 men have been found guilty of an armed siege on kenyas Garrison University in 2040 the men were convicted of conspiracy to commit the attack belonging to the somali based on Group Alshabaab catherine soy has more. This is a case that many kenyans have been closely watching for several years the attack on a university in greece and northeastern kenya in 215 shots mainly 149 people mostly students were killed when 4 gunmen stormed in at dawn indiscriminately shooting in and attack the 2 hours to contain officials have called it one of the countrys terrorist acts that deccan started shooting from outside then stormed into the room and short of them for 2 hours chief magistrate francis and i recounted the evidence that was presented to him by the prosecution the students were known praying with some screaming and hollering testimonies from those who survived 3 of the defendants chose to take a plea of silence and im satisfied and to find the 1st 2nd and 5th accused persons who are members of the group whose members carried out of the attack up one of the reason was to call in sick and to recruit 2015. Sahal did he hussein was high of acquitted with a magistrate finding no clear connection between him the 3 quark used and the 4 gunmen who were killed at the university in carissa. Its been a lengthy trial and in the judgement that lasted 2 hours the chief magistrate concluded that the prosecution has proved beyond reasonable doubt a 3 of the accused are guilty sentencing date has been set for next month and the prosecutors are saying theyre going to seek for the maximum penalty which is life imprisonment but some of the survivors we spoke to say that all this still doesnt give them much peace i had 2 children in virtually both of them a son an adult but the son iraqi justice i. Was by the grace of god i didnt use the 2 of them. And what happened the son called the very area at 5 30 in the morning and he told me mom people ask. You started putting although the software you couldnt count on because i started screaming some kenyans have accused the government of failing to protect the students even after receiving intelligence reports ahead of the incident and taking too long to bring in an elite squads to contain the situation for good we had our entire military machine or. Communism or punks and Everything Else around the place and we had the corner for saying give us the girls with. This ruling is significant its a fast involving a major instead of this type in the country and set a precedence to other such cases including one where gunmen attacked a Hotel Complex in the robie in january killing 21 people catherine saw aljazeera nairobi. Sedans Ruling Military Council has called for unconditional talks with protests latest negotiations have collapsed after a Power Military group of on a crackdown on protesters and earlier this month killing at least 128. 00 people protest organizers have continued night time demonstrations since then demanding civilian rule they also want an inside National Investigation into the violence the resumption. Of Internet Services and troops to be removed from says hes the food talks resume. South korea says it will send 50000 tons of rice aides to help north korea cope with a severe food shortage it is the largest food a donation to u. N. Aid programs in north korea since 2008 but experts have warned millions of dollars a still needed to prevent malnutrition Food Production dropped significantly in north korea last year due to droughts leaving 10000000. 00 people at risk of starvation opposition politicians in hong kong are pushing for a vote of no confidence against the citys leader kerry lam the day after she apologized for trying to rush through changes to the extradition law members of the Legislative Council a bet for the 1st time since huge protests forced the government to suspend the bill demonstrators say theyll keep flooding the streets until the extradition charges are changes are scrapped altogether and lamb resigns sarah clarke has more from her call. This is the 1st time the legend of council has resumed meetings since d the protests weve seen over the last couple of weekends the 2 mass rallies weve had which saw 2000000 people much in the streets on sunday at the pan democrats made a rowdy entrance they were wearing black they were Holding White flowers wholesale holding banners now they made this mornings debate all about the handling of the protesters by police theyve called on kerry lamb to resign over this is also a call for the security secretary to resign over the handling of the Excessive Force that they accuse the police of using on those protesters the soft and also those pan democrats the protestant groups they will raise in the Council Meetings a no confidence motion in carry lamb now this will be the 2nd no confidence motion inquiry lamp there was one last month but she survived that motion simply because the government has the numbers that is expected by the stuff to noon now as for the protests and the next plans that the student groups have held a press Conference Today on wednesday theyve announced that the deadline for tomorrow night at 5 pm thursday 5 pm for the government to meet those demands which is number one for kerry lamb to resign and number 2 for this extradition treaty to be withdrawn if that deadline is that has not been met their call for action is for students and other prodemocracy groups to rally around the lips of the county building the government headquarters which is where we are now and that is for friday. And a quick reminder you can find out much more about many of the stories were covering by going to our website try sound is there a dot com well just have to. Thank you. Under my roof top stories on al jazeera un investigator agnes kalam also saudi arabia is responsible for the murder of the journalist. I was called for an interNational Investigation ashaji was killed and dismembered in the saudi consulate in istanbul in october 28th seen his remains were never found. Or calibers report says there is credible evidence Saudi Crown Prince mohammed bin sound man was involved in the murder it calls for the prince to be investigated and his personal assets sanctioned saudi arabia has dismissed the findings as baseless but the special investigator says the killing is an International Crime with universal jurisdiction. When mr cashel loses consciousness there is no evidence of the people the power there in the room attempting to take care of him the tenting to refuse to take aim attempting to do something that to me points to the fact that the notion that there is an accident that the next event happened that isnt quite to match what i have heard there is nor tempt to to do something and there is no scream so or. Any expression of of over whats happening 3 russians are ukrainian or face murder charges over the deaths of 298. 00 people who were aboard Malaysia Airlines flight m. H. 17 the plane was shot down in Eastern Ukraine in 2014 of a territory held by pro russian separatists a dutch Led International team says the plane was hit by a Russian Missile the kremlin insists its not to blame the trial will start in the netherlands next march where russia is not expected to hand the suspects over. 3 men have been found guilty of the armed siege on Grayson University in kenya the men were convicted of conspiracy to commit the attack on the least the somali based on Group Alshabaab 2 other accused were acquitted 148 people mostly students were killed in the attack 4 years ago. A most of the latest headlines coming up we will take you behind the scenes as castillo news Pro Independence lead us a post on trial people in power is coming next theres more news in 25 minutes. Swank as Easter Sunday bombings reverberated around the world with religious and ethnic tension rising one a one east investigates it is the new front line in sri lanka on aljazeera. In 2070 a referendum cuts and they need independence spot to respond to state i mean accusations politicians behind the polls were committing the president over the past 4 months those charges leveled again at a controversial criminal trial raising serious questions about the independence this countrys 2 different weve got to find out why. Its been called spains trial of the century. And its divided the nation 12 cattle and leaders accused of sedition and rebellion after calling a referendum on independence from spain. The whole independence bubble is just going down normality is coming little by little to get a loan what we have seen is for to cover oppression and violation of fundamental rights so now we have even more reasons to want independence. On the 6th of september 27th teen the cattlemen Regional Parliament took a vote which was to precipitate the biggest crisis in the history of spains relatively young democracy. Oh well that is the deal a lot of proceeding. About all the great. Dont often doing that unless you are all doing julia for the better than going in the spanish capital of madrid the decision to hold the referendum was met with outrage that the government backed by the countrys Constitutional Court made clear the spanish nation was in divisible cool through its break up unconstitutional the referendum would be on your full and it would be stopped. In barcelonas extensive talks to when congress lee decorated cruise ships arrived commendation for thousands of state police drafted into catalonia by the Spanish Government. The scene was set for a major confrontation. On the 1st of october 2017 the morning of the referendum more than 2000000. In defiance of a huge police presence. Concealed in benign as to puting stations. With the spanish seville out in force. They smashed their way into putting stations in such a ballot boxes. Police personnel wearing balaclavas confiscated books isnt papers. Others physically sculpt people. Enjoy rayna with a cotton president was due to vote and in towns across cotton india the Police Operation was on. With remarkable disregard for the chief ecommerce and to mobile phones recording everything they did the police force for the trad finches from hiding stations seemingly recall edges of their age old fun or ability. To many villages raise their hands in peaceful protest. Last august who sat on the ground and if they had to defend polling stations. Were dragged off by the police. Still mall offered flounced a symbols of peace. Outside one polling station ramon u. E. Primary school in barcelona the Police Operation was particularly heavy handed. One of the men caught up in it was a musician who. Knew it was one of the. Last. Us. For the thing was i went beyond the laws and then. When i went up thinking analysis of the war when the police tried to leave with confiscated boxes and others attempted to block their way. Says telling of the last. Study and other men with a lot of what i think along with. The head the police began firing plastic bullets at the. Machine was struck down directly on his right eye paramedics rushed him to hospital for emergency surgery but you dont time only look for a little blood but an obvious you see the 1000000000 letters in the local. Hundreds more injured that referendum day. Something seriously. Despite the police attends to stalk him nearly half of the population of catalunya even tried to. But the result of the referendum was controversial. People opposed to cut out independents like the demonstrators had mostly boycotted the vote although of the 43 percent of the electorate did manage to cost of 892 percent voted for independence. In truth as far as can be told catalonia actually remains pretty evenly divided on the dont despair. In the tense days that followed the Spanish Government declared its intention to suspend the catalan parliament. Catalans responded by signing a declaration of independence. 3 days later spains attorney general made an announcement. Coffeecup going to list the list when they can let my unit india the only one minister fish golf by that of course doesnt the order that he throws that i believe on said if you on my list. For it shows. Politicos that i get it i believe that they got that linea. Of these charges perhaps the most serious is that of rebellion suggesting the accused instigated a violent insurrection against the state. Saturday he is minister for Foreign Relations postschool not allegation. All the violence that was on the day was perpetrated by the Spanish Police troops which were sent in 60000 to. Brutalize the people who are voting but if found guilty of rebellion the accused face sentences of up to 25 years in jail. Some including the president. Conus puja hmong escaped into exile hes now in belgium from where he continues to campaign. But others politicians and Civic Leaders attended court as instructed. When they were refused bail. In total 9 which taken into custody some spending 17 months in jail before the trial even began. Their lawyers contended the refusal of bail as a clue to attempts to silence them. Migraines are in pretrial detention got it george said that he didnt like start their political careers so we have some citizens former legal representatives that are in jail because they are all editions. But spains center right party popularly are in government when the charges when a comprehensive plea reject scattered on planes this is a political trial and a denial of free speech. By noise part of the narrative is part or the stress that the defense of the independent does others on the time but i cannot accept that this program and i will never share any any doubt about it in the been done so that you can show it on a full democracy there is no risk of freedom of speech i think there is too much freedom of speech in both parties say yes because everyone can say whatever and with no consequences and that is ok but thats the thing thats freedom of speech i hear there is such a freedom of speech here in spain that youve heard everything on the contrary at the same time so freedom of the speech is not a priest now responsible because. Then in june 28th seen the party. Government of mariano to avoid was forced out of office leaving space center Left Socialist Party government to defend the trial. But a propaganda video produced by the new government in a bid to redeem spains reputation with cruelty and featuring the town which again this is the real spain was quickly mox by pretty dependent supporters. This is the response this time last month but. This is. The new Spanish Governments representative in catalonia acknowledges that there was a problem. With that killing though the law not done like that youll get it as you will be saying you know they say so the law is pushed for. But she defends the trial itself they committed by she was buying a new celebrity motherly the who to go there said leave it but up a little harder but at the last of this issue and. Form a Supreme Court judge martine piolin has a very different view they were. Really about is so. Very. Real given every 5 most 3 men look at possible relations here pedro or whether you. Want to see that i welcome or not of the sort of the next holy cause. At the rally you were there or move on very thought that i would be on own the

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