And surely a follow up investigation into the the Security Services and the how such an executive could have been carried out by members of the Security Services so to me is the the obligation of nona a picture of what i am placing a lot of emphasis on and im calling on the authorities of saudi arabia to take the necessary steps to demonstrate to the International Community that they are indeed committed to 20 sure that these crimes hes never repeated do you think they are committed how have the saudis been forthcoming with information about this trial that is that is ongoing in saudi arabia as you say of suspects involved in the murder of jamal hash object look im not going to make it a personal issue the fact that the Saudi Arabian government does not want to choose to work with me does not necessarily mean that they are not committed i think however that there is. From them and to a problem with the way the government of saudi arabia is approaching the issue they are insisting to treat it. Only as a domestic questions and they are loosing our sight of their International Obligations under International Human rights law 1st their executive of the stock casualty is an International Crime the violation some are to support the violation of the right to life the arbitrary private life the ohio is shows of the point be shown against enforced disappearance the possible violation of the convention against torture the violations of the Vienna Convention on consular relations the violation sound of point be shown against extraterritorial use of force just to name a few that makes a crime of mr cashel get an International Issue that requires them to treat it at the moment the steps they have taken are failing to take stock of the real nature of the crime and of their obligation what about the United Nations role in this i mean i dont think we can the United Nations has somewhat been dragging its feet on whether to launch an investigation into the murder of jamal has georgy theyve said that there hasnt been a you know as an official request from either turkey or another countries what would you like the secretary general of the United Nations to do now that youve released this report. So 1st day i should i like that i am an independent expert that has been mandated by the United Nations to work on the situation of extrajudicial executions so why in my inquiry is not a human rights inquiry it is based on a mandate that was given to me by the Member States of the United Nation 2nd i am calling on the secretary general to to establish to our point a panel of experts who could look into criminal responsibilities i have done the human rights investigation the next step i cannot do is an actual criminal investigation sen i hope that the secretary general we we will do just that i do not believe that he needs the turkey in particular to call on such an investigation formally more generally i think the United Nations as a measure of order to play to ensure that he has the effective instruments and tools to prevent and respond to targeted killings and targeted disappearance or than in my report i make around jobbery commendations including the establishment of a standing instrument for the investigation of targeted killings so that in the future of this kind of problem that we have confronted over war as the order to do what are we not be happening you said in the report that this is an International Crime with the universe saw jurisdiction if not turkey what other country do you think could take on this this initiative this push for an international inquiry. Sure so 1st i should i like that in my opinion the sick consensus of the killing of mr cashel are so grave in terms of the violations of International Law that in my opinion meet the fresh order of seriousness required for universal jurisdiction so thats the 1st point i am making with regard to the responsibilities of states besides turkey i am suggesting that the United States has a stake in india killing nice target and in solving the killing mr cashel he was a resident of the United States his words a norn and really not one member of the press corps in the United States and in many ways in my opinion the embodiment of for them and toward freedom and principle within the american constitution which is a 1st amendment for those reasons i believe the United States as a stick in person when all means the spores or to ensure that accountability is delivered including a trial but the United States says you know or end perhaps i should differentiate here between the u. S. Congress and the Trump Administration the administration of the u. S. President has somewhat been reluctant to point the finger of blame at the saudi leadership over the murder of jamal has shown they have wanted to sweep this under the rug how how hopeful are you that what you have said today in this report will lead to more action from the United States and in particular from the trumpet ministration look at i think the United States is a country where the judicial system and the judges shoreline institutions remain independent and partial if there are poor seedings initiated. By individual spy plenty if there i see no or no systemic reasons that would prevent those complaints to pour seed as. The american system saw mr the president and others for me out there or misgivings regarding a trial and regarding criminal or civil investigation but i do not think that this will impact on american institutions including the Justice System or indeed on the American Congress or senate to proceed with what they see to be their their key function just coming back to the child that is ongoing in saudi arabia do you think that those on trial right now and of course we have very Little Information information about whats unfolding inside saudi arabia do you think that the people responsible indeed for the murder of Jamal Khashoggi are the ones on trial right now. Look based on what i have been able to gather. The 11 individuals that are currently on trial. Include those that where in the room during the killing of mr cash shogi and in the vicinity of the room. So they were involved in the commission of the crime the question i am of course is about other individuals the crude someone that has been often mentioned as having incited and altered the crime. 10 years that has been identified by the saudi prosecutor and was indeed the object of administrative measures since it was supposedly a fired from his position but he has not been indicted there are number of other individuals that have not been indicted thus far so this hour raises a ranch of a red flag but importantly as a posse things are not transparent though the trial is being at held behind closed doors it is their identities it is not the identities of those on trial has not been made public by the authorities even though all it me and sister again even though the executor of mr casualty is an International Crime and it is a crime for which the International Community as as much interest and as a role to play misc alomar one last question before we let you go and we do appreciate your time thank you so much youve done this investigation now youve made recommendations to the International Community but are you hold for are you optimistic that there will ever be accountability in the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. I am hopeful because otherwise i will not be working in your own rights but i am also realistic and pragmatic. I believe that that culpability for mr cashel he can take many forms judicial accountability is of course the highest objective and something that i am hoping we if we lap and but beside judicial accountability we also need to look for other forms of accountability they can be diplomatic they can be political they can be symbolic in my report i make a ranch of recommendations such as the establishments of special performance to support press freedom in the new dont least the the the creation of the establishment of different symbolic. Evidence conferences anything that could be based on what mr cashel you stood for at the end of these life so that we ensure that his commitment to democracy could meet meant to human rights commitment to press freedom to find a realisation through the actions of individuals states and Civil Society and the media and that was agnes kalama speaking to fully party but a little earlier well the turkish president says those responsible for the murder will pay the price and be held accountable has been following the story from istanbul. Saudi reaction to the final report issued by the United Nations special rapporteur. Was expected the government does not seem to be pleased with the chilling details that were presented in a report and also about the fact very implicates saudi officials of the highest level in the murder of. Of the other hand the turkish government seems to be pleased turkeys foreign minister. Has fully endorse the content of the report and the need for the perpetrators to be prosecuted as soon as possible turkey seems to be now waiting to see what kind of next step the saudi government will take if the saudis are willing to for further cooperation with the turkish government there could be a new chapter but if assad is decide not to cooperate i think the turkish government is going to press ahead for the need for an International Criminal investigation to start as soon as possible and tomorrow her show g. s fiance had teach a change spoke to al jazeera and said for the last 8 months the world has been left in the dark about the saudi investigation. When it comes to the comments from should be and other saudi officials that the un report did not come with anything new i would like to ask them why they didnt put the perpetrators on public trial and why you didnt hold them accountable why cant the saudis be more open and provide us with details of the investigation and the socalled trial that is happening behind closed doors the un secretary general agrees there needs to be a full transparent investigation into his show g. s killing but a Spokesman Says antonio terrace doesnt have the authority to launch it himself james space has moved from the u. N. Headquarters in new york. Well Agnes Kalamata special ruppert appointed by the Un Human Rights Council is an independent expert of the United Nations she doesnt though represent the body that is the secretary general she makes a recommendation to him that because this is getting nowhere with the saudi investigation with saudi justice that he should set up his own criminal investigation and he says he has the power to do this he has said no i dont need a referral from one of the bodies of the United Nations one of the key assemblies the General Assembly the Security Council Human Rights Council and a referral from a member state she says thats not the case whos right i pressed the official spokesperson of the secretary general. The special rapporteur is an eminent legal expert the secretary general is not a lawyer there are other lawyers who agree with her he has the power to do this what is i sing this is his no one doubts. Credentials this is from our. This is the secretary its position this is the secretary generals basis based on what a legal advice can they see the legal advice if there is legal and. As you know whether in any institution advice between a secretary persons lawyer. And that person is not going to be shared this is. Our position based on the charter so based on the un charter which is the uns governing document i have to say it doesnt specifically mention this at any point in that un charter and many experts believe the secretary general does have the power to set up this investigation and his critics say perhaps hes saying he doesnt so they can avoid a political hot potato. And well have more on that here and report right here on aljazeera a little later in the news hour but also still ahead so opposition politicians in hong kong ramp up their pressure calling for a no confidence vote against the citys leader. Sleek stylish and environmentally friendly well tell you about the race to make our skies green. And is mehndi the man to fix madrid the big spending spanish giants rebuild after a disappointing season will have the scores. Now 3 russians and the ukrainian will face murder charges over the 2014 downing of Malaysia Airlines flight m. H. 172014 the trial will begin in the netherlands next march flight m. H. 17 took off from amsterdam at 1031 g. M. T. On july the 17th bound the kuala lumpur it disappeared from radar and conflict hit ukraine losing contact with a Traffic Control at 1320 g. M. T. About 30 miles from the Russia Ukraine border where it is believed to have been shot down 298 passengers and crew were killed stephan reports from moscow. For nearly 5 years after flight m h 70 was brought down there are suspects arrest warrants and a trial date much to the relief of the relatives of those who died it was fear that was going to be impossible to bring anyone to justice as the plane came down in the war zone in Eastern Ukraine where investigators couldnt access the crash site. The 3 russian suspects sergey dubin ski eagle get in and pull out of all retired Russian Military and Intelligence Officers who investigators say had high ranking positions in the separatist army in Eastern Ukraine grades one of the forgotten for votes for the following suspects are prosecuted for causing the crash of a match 17 leading to the death of all people on board punishable under section 168 of the dutch criminal code and 2nd murdering 298 passengers of flight m. H. 70. Investigators say they wont ask for extradition because the constitution in russia and ukraine doesnt allow that but it will request both governments to hand over the summons to the suspects to go get in one of the suspects denies any involvement and says he wont testify in court immediately after his name and the names of 3 artists were released in the netherlands state media here in russia called the findings nonsense russia has always denied i mean fulfillment in downing the plane despite investigators finding that the folks anti aircraft missiles came from the 53rd and get much missile brigades based in force in the west of russia. The downing of age 17 was the most deadly single incident in the war between Ukrainian Government forces and russian backed separatists which still continues to this day up to 298 people on board 196 came from the netherlands many of them going on a holiday in Southeast Asia at least sealing frederic hawks on through seoul and greece and his girlfriend daisy were on board says she is relieved that someone is being held accountable its a start here i am and im im im satisfied just today youre listening to blame someone personally so you missed the boat on the natl and has taken diplomatic measures again. Its russia for not helping with the investigation i think its disgusting they deny everything they dont cooperate nothing investigators say the next step is to find a chain of command of those who ordered the book mistrial to be moved into Eastern Ukraine from russia they are not optimistic any of the suspects will it turn to trial in march next year step fasten aljazeera moscow and its much more coming up on this aljazeera news hour including the un says the number of people forced to flee board persecution worldwide is at a record high. And in sport the tennis twins clash for the 1st time peter will tell you who came out on top was. Hello there were seeing some cooler weather push its way across europe now its starting in the northwest and the leading edge of that is giving us some or all the violent thunderstorms as it makes its way through parts of france and through the British Isles thats also making its way up through sweden at the moment but its gradually edging its way eastwards so behind it then thats where the cooler air is force on thursday the fresh i already having reached just in 08 and then it pushes across belen as well as of the temperatures here will tumble as we head into friday it is still going to be warm for now in war seoul but the thunderstorms are making their way across us on friday so then well see the weather begin to change and that line of thunderstorms still stretching down across the alps in the east is still hot and humid the still a lot of thunderstorms here for the west there eightys a lot cooler i mean further towards the south and some of us here were seeing a fair amount of cloud in that cloud could also be picking up a fair amount of dust as well so fairly murky at times force in parts about geria and she knew that area of cloud is melting away those so by the time we get to friday theres less and left to it the central belt of africa is where the majority of the showers are at the moment were seeing some parts of ethiopia also south sudan through uganda and stretching its way towards the west theres some around the bone i cameroon to. Bottles in cameroons rivers. Plastic is everywhere. But if bottles can be fishing boats. Bubble gum wellington boots what more can be done with this plague of palomas. Earthrise reimagining plastic. On aljazeera. Again undermined at the main story here on aljazeera a un investigator says saudi arabia is responsible for the murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi and has called for the International Investigation was killed in the saudi consulate in istanbul in october 28th. Or the investigators report says there is credible evidence the Saudi Crown Prince mohammed bin sound man was involved in the murder it calls for the prince to be investigated and his personal assets. But i un report is likely to intensify the division between the u. S. Congress and the trumpet ministration for almost we can go live to our desires hadija castro she joins us from washington and heidi just explain why there is this division disagreement over the issue of saudi arabia. Well felicity the trump ministration has been mamas so far over this report at least from trump himself however the state Department Just released a statement saying that officials have met with the un special rapporteur accord to discuss Jamal Khashoggi killing and that the state department is now looking at this report closely the statement is a tacit endorsement at best saying that they support her Global Mission to investigate extrajudicial executions so very cautious response so far to this un report however if you turn to congress senator Lindsey Graham who is a republican and among president trumps strongest supporters has notably broken with the administration on trying to hold saudi arabia accountable for his show shes killing this is the these are the forceful words that he said well heres where im at lot of this is classified ive been briefed by the agencies involved theres 0 doubt moment and this was orchestrated by the m. B. s inner circle approved by him done with his knowledge and its part of the way he does business. And the cia has concluded that m. P. s was the one who had ordered the killing of Jamal Khashoggi and in december Lindsey Graham we just heard was one of the leaders in the senate that helped to pass a resolution holding m. P. s responsible for the killing other than that though there has been no tangible consequences as saudi arabia has paid at least coming from the u. S. For this journalist killing with the Trump Administration supported by his secretary of state making it clear that the u. S. Relationship with saudi arabia at the economic and military ties between the 2 countries to them are 2 are too strong to risk breaking over the death of a journalist already in washington thank you well professor daniel so a directs the conflict Management Program at the John Hopkins School of advanced International Studies and is a scholar with the middle east institute as you can see he joins us live via skype from washington d. C. Great to have you with us on the program we just heard there from scientists in this sea graham saying that mohammed in samarra wont get a free policy with this but in reality what actions if any can we expect from the trumpet ministration in response to this report. You can expect anything substantial from the trumpet ministration which is banking on mom have been some on and on the saudis has shown no indication that they would be willing in any way to do anything more with the. Protests and even. Sure. Does it make u. S. Relations with saudi arabia more difficult this report. It does but what the administration has done is try to insulate those relations firm the criticism including in the congress so the time groups can say what it wants it can even try to restrain weapons sales to saudi arabia but the president will generally have 30 to override such constraints so i dont expect anything substantial to happen here without a reaction from turkey and that seems to be about it the International Reaction at the moment when any of the other kids a National Players review their relationships with riyadhs on the back of this report or thought unlikely for the same reasons that the Trump Administration doesnt want to upset saudi arabia. I think its unlikely for the same reasons the saudis. Are a key oil supplier to the world and both in europe in the United States. There are people who treasure their weapons sales particular and thats certainly true in the u. K. For example its interesting also that the special rapporteur when he was speaking to aljazeera a little area was calling on the u. N. Secretary general to take more action he seems to sort of say well i cant actually fishley launch a criminal investigation the some disagreement that even the u. N. Isnt united on its approach thats correct she seems to be calling for a judicial in this situation. Even separate and purged from the International Criminal tribunal where is he appears to be referring specifically to requirements for referral to the International Criminal tribunal so i think that difference between them is not only over procedure but its over whether he can initiate a judicial investigation even if its not clear before what court the case would be heard great to have you with us that discussing this issue of professor daniel so what joining us there from washington d. C. Thank you yemens who the rebels say they have struck a power station in saudi arabia with a Cruise Missile according to the groups al misawa t. V. They tackle the facility and cake city in design province is the latest in a series of missile and drone attacks on saudi cities in the past 2 weeks theres been no immediate confirmation from the saudi authorities sudans Ruling Military Council has called for uncle vishal talks with protest leaders negotiations collapsed after a paramilitary calls to deadly crackdown on protesters earlier this month but as organizers have continued night time demonstrations since then demanding civilian rule. 3 men have been found guilty of the. In kenya the men were convicted of conspiracy to commit the attack and belonging to the somali based on group. Catherine soy reports. This is a significant ruling in a case that many kenyans have been following closely for a couple of years the judgement itself has been postponed thrice the chief magistrate was supposed to give his verdict finally at 7 g. M. T. But he did not show up in court. And when he did he said that well this is a very sensitive matter and it is because its the conclusion of the fast major case involving a terrorism incident and its going to set a precedent to other such related cases that are still in court so the ruling itself took about 2 hours with chief magistrate recounting the evidence that was presented before him and also hiring testimonies from witnesses who talked about what exactly happened on that day in february 25th deen and in conclusion he says that the prosecution has proved beyond reasonable doubt that 3 of their cues are guilty of committing a terrorist act and being members of a terrorist organization that is all Shabaab Group in somalia which has also carried out many attacks here in kenya and he has sent a set as a sentencing date. Of july and the prosecutors have said theyre going to be seeking the maximum penalty which is life imprisonment there was some relatives of victims of that university attack in garrison of eastern kenya and we spoke to one mother in particular who was very distraught and who said that well this is good its all well and good but then it still doesnt give me the peace and the solace that i thought id get. Opposition politicians in hong kong are pushing for a vote of no confidence against the citys leader carried a day after she apologized for trying to rush through changes to the extradition all members of the Legislative Council have met for the 1st time since huge protests forced the government to suspend the bill with a vote of no confidence against saddam is bound to fail if the opposition doesnt have majority in the legislature demonstrators say theyll keep flooding the streets until the extradition changes are scrapped together and lam resigned sarah clarke has more from hong kong. This is the 1st time the legend of council has resumes meetings since the protests weve seen over the last couple of weekends the 2 mass rallies weve had which saw 2000000 people much in the streets on sunday at the pan democrats made a rowdy entrance they were wearing black they were Holding White flowers wholesale holding banners now they made this mornings debate all about the handling of the protesters by police theyve called on kerry lamb to resign over this it also called for the security secretary to resign over the handling of the Excessive Force that they accuse the police of using on those protesters the softer new also those pan democrats the protestant groups they will raise in the Council Meetings a no confidence motion in kerry lamb now this will be the 2nd no confidence motion in kerry land that was won last month but she survived that motion simply because the government has the numbers that is expected to afford to buy the stuff to know now as for the protests and the next plans that the student groups have held a press Conference Today on wednesday theyve announced that the deadline for tomorrow night at 5 pm thursday 5 pm for the government to meet those demands which is number one for kerry lamb to resign and number 2 for this extradition treaty to be withdrawn if that deadline is that has not been met their call for action is for students and other prodemocracy groups to rally around the lips of the county building the government headquarters which is where we are now and that is for friday

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