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Via panama and the bahamas members of the crew were arrested and face federal charges. A canada has approved a plan to expand a Controversial Oil pipeline and 7000000000. 00 project will link canadas landlocked oil fields to a major port indigenous communities environmentalists have opposed the plan and it is expected to be hit in several legal challenges construction is due to start next year the transmission pipeline has been in operation for more than 65 years we approved the twinning of that pipeline so running a single additional pipe alongside the one thats already there this project has the potential to create thousands of solid middle class jobs for canadians people in b. C. Alberta and right across the country would have more opportunities to earn a good living. On kong politicians are meeting for the 1st time since mass protests that led to the suspension of the extradition bill members of the opposition prodemocracy camp are playing to file a motion of no confidence over the Police Response to the demonstrations rob mcbride reports from hong kong with anger still festering in spite of a statement apologizing for handling of this controversy hong kongs leader kerry lam tried saying sorry in person i personally have to shoulder much of the responsibility this has led to controversies this pillows and societies in society. For this i offer my most sincere apology so all people of hong kong the controversial extradition bill has provoked some of the worst scenes of violence involving police and demonstrators in decades and some of the biggest protest marches ever critics say would allow china to extradite political opponents to face summary trial in mainland courts protesters have been demanding the bill be withdrawn and for lamb to quit she did neither but said that suspending work on the bill would effectively kill it at least for now i have announced that we will suck spend the legislative exercise and immediately that afternoon we put a stop to the legislative exercise by informing the Legislative Council that the bill will no longer proceed to a 2nd reading debate but what caroline is offering still falls short of a complete withdrawal of this bill that it seems could be too much of a loss of face for her by association for beijing but thats exactly what her opponents are still demanding an alliance of prodemocracy and student groups are promising to continue their campaign of opposition carry a lamb is actually presenting to the rest of the word that administration its going to be a lame duck and ministration because she would have a very hot line in governing of hong kong from now on after last sundays unprecedented march by an estimated 2000000 people opposition groups do not want to lose the momentum but possibly using the expanded ranks of activists in more targeted acts of civil disobedience where more people show that determination i believe this kind of massive mobilization will just force. Government realized that its time for them to respond on topic there was. What seems certain hong kong is set for more political turmoil as the government and its opponents continue that battle of wills robin wright aljazeera hong kong. The pro brags that m. P. Boris johnson has surged ahead in his bid to become the next british Prime Minister hes 81 to clear of his nearest rival barca reports raise your hands how good the rising arent you really was that it was a time to kick off any of voices an opinion but all of these contenders say theyll do all the outgoing Prime Minister fails to do deliver breaks it we got here we cant believe this is the 2nd t. V. Debate between leadership hopefuls in 3 days 5 m. P. s made the latest cut to become britains next Prime Minister after a 2nd vote by conservative m. P. s on tuesday Boris Johnson 126 leading the pack by a large margin is arch bragg city airports johnson really out of the limelight he was absent from the 1st t. V. Debate on sunday preparing to make his debate debut against this pair down group of rivals we must come out on the 31st of october because otherwise im afraid we face a catastrophic loss of confidence in politics weve already kicked the can down the road twice and i think the british people are getting fairly fed up with johnsons promise to negotiate a new brics a deal with the e. U. But insists the u. K. Will leave the bloc come what may on october 31st this uncompromising stances made him popular with those who want a clean break from brussels. 80 votes behind johnson is the foreign secretary jeremy hunt described as a continuity 2 reason may not leaving the e. U. He said could be the end of the conservative party but he advocates working with the e. U. To negotiate a good departure deal. Environment secretary michael gove from aims in 3rd place and in 4th International Development secretary rory stewart has made a surprising gains hes the only candidate rejecting a new deal breaks it. Youre leaving by the 31st felt over if youre leaving no deal on the table please will someone tell me how you were going to do it against the consent of parliament there was a secret knock out ballot every day this week until thursday by then the hope is will know who the final contenders are its then down to members of the conservative party to make better choices. Only 4 weeks after that we have an idea if you can next Prime Minister will be whoever that is will not only have a massive impact on bracks it but on british politics going ahead for many months if not years to come. A successor to to resume a hasnt even been chosen but theres already talk about whether an early general election is likely boys johnsons promise to take the country out of the e. U. Without a deal has led to predictions of a snap election soon after the new Prime Minister takes office if it comes down to a crunch a vote many conservatives believe johnsons the only candidate that can avoid a crushing defeat in the polls back out 0 westminster. Other former head of european football has been questioned by french Anti Corruption investigators its part of the ongoing inquiry into the awarding of the 2022 world cup Michel Platini was ahead of you a 1st for 8 years and voted for qatar to host the tournament is legal team say hes done nothing wrong 63 year old was banned from football following the 2015 fee for corruption scandal. That of it is beyond my comment was it a listen it was long but given the number of questions it could only be long they ask me questions on euro 2016 that the russians will count is the count of world cup paris st germain the for so lots and lots and lots of things so i replied to all of that as my lawyer said that i dont know why im here but here i replied to all the questions and that was it. This is added to lets get a round up now other top story some breaking news just coming into us now as News Agency Says at least 2 people have been injured after a rocket struck the headquarters of several Foreign Oil Companies based in southern Iraq Companies that operate at the site of the rocket attack west of buster include exxon mobil shell and any exxon says they are planning on evacuating 20 of their staff from the site Officials Say all operations have not been affected by the rocket. Donald trump has officially launched his campaign to be reelected president of the United States a rally in the key state of florida trump attacked his political opponents and doubled down on his Campaign Promises from 2016. Were going to keep it better than ever before. And that is why tonight go so i stand before you to officially launch my campaign for a 2nd term was the u. N. Has demanded a thorough independent investigation into the death of egypts only democratically elected president Mohamed Morsi security was high as he was buried at a cemetery in cairo rather than his hometown as his family had requested journalists were kept away from the Burial Service they are there he collapsed and died in court age 67 the u. S. Secretary of state might pompei or has stopped saudi arabia from being added to a list of countries that recruit child soldiers it goes against the state Department Recommendation based on news reports and Rights Groups assessments they say the kingdom hired sudanese children to fight for the u. S. Backed coalition in yemen are you an investigator were released how long awaited report into the murder of saudi journalists from our fresh algae later on wednesday in early findings agnus color marks says the killing at the saudi consulate in istanbul last october was premeditated gunmen have killed at least 41 people in separate attacks in central mali the attacks took place in 2 different villages Ethnic Violence has surged in the area in recent months the victims were mostly ethnic dog wants but those are the headlines the stream is next on aljazeera. Aljazeera. Problems besides the instability is corruption we listen bizarre hadnt been. Pushing the United States and President Trump into conflict we meet with global newsmakers and talk about the stories that matter just 0. Imo they could be that and youre in the stream and im in i spat between 2 popular you tube or is raising questions about the platforms harassment policy today we ask our panel does youtube enable hate speech join the conversation tweet us or leave your comments online and you can be in the stream. June is pride month which means there is a good chance you notice rainbow flags and pride related hashtags popping up on your this year world pride is taking place in new york city where the streets are literally being transformed to celebrate the event but the city hasnt always been a safe place for all g b t q communities in fact 50 Years Ago Police raided the Stonewall Inn a local gay bar sparking both violent riots and the global Gay Rights Movement at same time just this month the citys Police Commissioner offered an apology i will listen to what he said i do know what happened should not have happened yeah actions taken by the n. Y. P. D. Were wrong plain and simple yeah actions in the laws were discriminatory and oppressive and for that i apologize. Weve been following Gay Rights Movements across the globe and so far 2900. 00 has proven to be a big year in response to an International Public backlash brunei announced it will no longer enact a Death Penalty against the countrys Gay Community not long after taiwans parliament legalize same sex marriage making it the 1st country in the region to do so meanwhile as l. G. B. T. Q. Communities fear the possibility of rollbacks from the countrys far right president Brazils Supreme Court voted to make homophobia a crime and in response to the recent news that botswana will decriminalize homosexuality we heard from michael hugo daro an l g b t q activist on the board of directors for outright international heres what he had to say a lot of it in those countries in the especially in books when the fighting so hard for those victory and not just them but across the continent of africa this means a lot to us this is a victory and this shows that we have been a separate people you know for years and years and years and years and years of generations of generations we need to get similar symptoms from our people and this is an africa and this is victory so while activists are seeing victories in courts and countries around the world today we take a look at how you communities continue the fight for safety online recently google employees have taken to using the hash tag no pride in why to criticize a company for failing to curb harassment on the platform. Carlos maza host of the vox series strikethrough is routinely the object of the right wing blogger stephen crowders anger toward the liberal media last month maza tweeted a video compilation of all the bullying he says hes been subjected to by crowder you tube looked into the matter but ultimately decided to allow crowders content to remain on the platform and now the decision is sparking a discussion about online hate speech and where platforms should draw the line so joining us to discuss this in new york city carlos maza hes a you tuber and host of vox medias strikethrough in syracuse new york carolyn hedges shes a professor at the new house school of Public Communications at Syracuse University and in Santa Clara California vincent hes the director of journalism and media ethics at the mark hula center at Santa Clara University welcome everyone to the stream of course carlos i want to start on my laptop on twitter with that compilation you made but 1st it started with this tweet sent last month i have pretty thick skin when it comes to Online Harassment but something has really been bothering me. To say since i started working at vox Steven Crowder has been making video after video debunking strikethrough your show every single video has included repeated over attacks on my Sexual Orientation and ethnicity ive been called. A list the queer a mexican in these videos get millions of views on you tube every time one gets posted i wake up to a wall of homophobic racist abuse on instagram and twitter. Just reading it out loud you know i get chills im sorry that that had to happen to you and that has been happening to you talk to us about how this even got started. Yeah i started working at box making the series ready in january of 2017 and i think i made my 3rd video i just noticed one day that the comments of the video were just full of really unusual homophobic and resist harassment and quickly found out that it was because this guy had made one of his response videos ready and i didnt do anything about it because being the target of slurs like that is really embarrassing and humiliating so i just thought i dont want to freak out my employer and i want to draw attention to it so i just kept quiet and then he made 6 more over the course of 2 years last fall i got docs by one of his supporters which means one of the supporters found my personal phone number and then started spammy with Text Messages sort of know how they got it or who has it now but after that happened i reported to my employer and said it is a security concern and when that happens i look into whether or not you had any policies that might protect me from this kind of thing and much to my surprise you tube has made the harassment and the hate speech policy on the books pretty clear language that it just doesnt enforce so i started independently reporting the video see to nothing happen for months it may be more of these videos i keep waking up to more harassment and abuse on every social media profile and then a couple weeks ago it was like on my couch behind me eating halo top feeling very frustrated and decided im going to edit this stuff together and tweet about you 2 its not an oarsman not because i mean youre with this guy but im angry with the company they clares they claims to care at all about group people and doesnt force the basic policies there were graders need to operate safely on the block when the coliseum into the dock thing and the. Attempts behind that from people who follow crowd are weve made several attempts to reach Steven Crowder on various platforms but we never got more than an automated response but he did post a response on his heating paint late last month so have a listen to this. Ive been accused of playing a part or this person carlos maza having been docs i have always condemned and continue to condemn discourage any and all forms of doc singer target harassment of anyone online ok ive been consistent so please dont do that here i know some of you will get obviously mad maybe a little enraged some of the information about here but please dont do that would be above that if theres any proof that ive actively encouraged people to docs this person or anyone i will profusely apologized any proof heres the thing of the 10s of millions of cumulative plays on our rebuttals to vox on this channel every single one of them is about criticizing their ideas or incorrect assumptions every instance has been about fighting Bad Information with better information now carlos maza. Is upset ok listen have i ever called you carlos the gala tina host at fox yes of course but thats from the real thing i thought he was that friendly ribbing and yeah i think you know and carlos i can see your face as you know we were kind of listening to some of that and i dont want to draw too much attention or interpretation from it

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