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Who were stationed there now apart from these 2 raids there was a call from the Home Affairs Ministry to the radio reporter ben forde him he was asked where he got the information or how he got the information about the turning away of 6 boatloads of Asylum Seekers by a stray and authorities at sea so in all 3 of these cases you have reporting based on classified government documents and this appears to be the government trying to flush out the source does it not exactly and if you think about why all of this is happening now for example that a. B. C. Report went out 2 years ago it goes back to politics and last months elections now theres a new majority conservative government in power and they have Extensive National security laws at their disposal to clamp down on these troublesome leaks of classified information now across australia media houses unions watchdogs theyve all sounded the alarm and they are pressing the government for answers but make no mistake what happen. Last week has put them on notice ok turning to pakistan where the army has described a recent report by the b. B. C. As a pack of lies what did that story focus on this report by the b. B. C. Was about the Pakistani Army is activities in one of the most sensitive regions of pakistan its the mountainous. In the northwest now this area has been under the Pakistani Army is controlled since 2002 when pakistan joined the american led war on terror now according to the b. B. C. s investigations tens of thousands of people mostly civilians have been tortured and killed by the army soon after the report was published the Pakistani Army spokesperson posted this pack of lies tweet but it was followed up by a statement from the army in which it said the b. B. C. Sent a judgment to a questionnaire via email to get their comments and then ignored the armys offer to get a full rundown of their side of the story now the b. B. C. Has said that it is confident about its reporting and that it would like to interview the Pakistani Army on the range of subjects ok thanks mia. On to a story about a unique vision of media now born and produced in the u. K. Take what the british call a benefit scroungers someone who is allegedly milking the states welfare system for all its worth throw in a dash of social stereotyping a little demonize ation add an element of reality t. V. Celebrity culture and presto you have a Television Show some might find that to be an odd formula but british newspapers tabloids for the most part have long been hooked on stories about people claiming money from the state among the problems associated with poverty porn it might entertain viewers and readers but it does not inform them and caricaturing welfare recipients for the benefit of mass audiences has potential implications for the welfare system and the people who actually depend on it the listening post flow phillips now on the british medias obsession with benefits the myths and the money making industry it has created. The single mom with lots of kids for better house for children for foreigners. The alcoholic drinking away his dome on. The immigrant sponging off the state. To cheat to swindle. For the channel for his benefits to channel 5 benefits britain headlines in the sun on the daily express when it comes to stories about welfare recipients the british media rely on a cast of cliche characters they recycled over and over those narratives and those kind of images to create and sustain divisions between society and undeserving populations between kind of work. Between welfare dependents and hard working families the whole setup of these programs is around that being lack of them and also your telling everybody in this studio and youre telling everybody whos watching right now that were mugs that were idiots and were fools for going out to work because why dont we all just give up work in the benefits may present the idea of a benefits culture and a benefits lifestyle as if people on benefits are choosing to be there and that language that they rocketry langridge feeds into casual content for the poor of course kellys going to be comfortable in the benefits system call this money coming and what were seeing is programs like mc m r groups we all pay your benefits which creates intentionally and very clearly a division between the idea of tax payers and benefit recipients as enemies. Britons have been fed stories about the flaws in their social benefits system for years the tabloids were the 1st to discover the audiences for such stories. And by 2013 t. V. Producers were tapping into that same market. The b. B. C. s we all pay your benefits came 1st similar offerings followed on other channels along with millions of viewers the programmes attracted plenty of criticism for the exploitation of peoples hardship what has come to be known as poverty pool the term poverty is a pretty accurate reflection on this idea of. Whats important for entertainment and reading about poor people in newspapers when its for entertainment as opposed to an actual insight into these peoples lives ill be quite offended if people thought that benefits britain was policy toward because benefits britain told the stories of people who live their lives with limited resources. Theres no reason why you shouldnt tell that story to putting programs about people whose lives on benefits who live in poverty and those programs write well the Programme Makers just continue to make this. And thats exactly it these programs rate well but do they actually protrade reality take the benefits cheat trade in the 201516 tax year fraudulent benefits claims cost the British State 1900000000. 00 pounds the cost of tax evasion that year 5200000000 pounds add into the mix tax avoidance of 1700000000. 00 and your 2 almost 4 times the cost to benefit from and that doesnt begin to include wealthy britons hiding their assets off shore or tax loss to the shadow economy but the media especially the tabloid press disproportionately choose to direct our attention and outrage to the form leaving high income fraudsters who are less telegenic and harder to find in the shadow i would love to see you know the flip side. The Television Show about. Tax avoiders that people are over this in the 1st dog tax and so forth the hypocrisy surrounded what they choose to put on t. V. Screens it will always target the most vulnerable as a program make to you we choose the best stories the characters who will make the best television in one case we filmed with some remaining in rome is going to come to the u. K. To claim benefits of the unfortunately then took british benefits back to mumbai india and built themselves a home im going to take benefit for being. You know like this wrong. With much money we shouldnt shy away from stories that are true stories just because they are sensational or the contributor is outrageous in some way thank you so much so long as the context is there should be fine and really key areas of misrepresentation are around the day to day life of people in the city about what benefits and how far thats kind of car tries by maybe i dont listen in october take a kind of active choosing to be on benefits the poor getting me are trying very hard to get into paid work when and where thats like a realistic option. The British Welfare state the provision of education Childcare Health and homes came about after the 2nd world war designed to ensure a good standard of living from the cradle to the grave while popular at the outset by the late 1970 s. Much of the rhetoric from politicians and the press was anti well Social Security was depicted as a burden on the state not us citizens right the explosion of reality t. V. Programmes about benefits has only made this image worse. Some benefits claimants have been transformed by these programs into celebrities media stars and the many industry has since grown around them take baritones a p. R. Agent who saw an opportunity in the new genre and took it. He has a book of clients who are on benefits and he says when journalists and t. V. Producers need help with some kind of benefit story they call him his clients can be offered anywhere between 150 pounds 225000 pounds for a story and barry takes a cut he also told us that misrepresentation is a big part of the game any story that looks like a benefit recipient is spending big money thats the key so just one of our clients marie who can see a good example marie broken and being in the press for a war she wanted a horse or some people are going to go nuclear about you having a horse of a lot of heat for watching marie i know and i will be saying youve got 8 children why on earth would you want to have a horse thats going to cost you so much money while everybody comes down to lose the horse must cost thousands of homes so actually the facts that were printed were nothing like the truth but i was happy to run with that because thats what we do i dont decide if its fact or fiction thats for the publisher does and theres an exclusive some might call it fate mary and this media myth making has a potentially more detrimental impact on politics. Since the financial crisis more than a decade ago cuts to welfare have been a constant feature of government policy to sell those policies politicians often rely on the same kind of stereotypes that t. V. Producers and Newspaper Publishers do what weve got is these programs that are setting themselves up as journalism giving tory politicians more ammunition in order to support through brutal legislation if you dont have sanctions essentially you dont have water and you dont change behavior tabloid headlines have led to a debate in the house of commons with for example George Osborne talking about how taxpayers a subsidizing these lifestyles and this was after the daily mail headlined by a product of welfare u. K. Its setting an agenda that the problem is people who exist in poverty not that there are not an economic crisis or not austerity but because of people out rate that we have to bring the benefits. In a country where Social Security cards are having a real impact on people in need a Media Industry has grown creating its own set of beneficiaries it is the publishers produces p. R. Agent some politicians to reap the benefits and you could call it irresponsible. To use a term the media usually reserved for those on benefits seamus. And finally president trumps state visit to the u. K. Was all over the news this past week mean makers balloon designers and protesters all had a field day but its not like trump doesnt have fans overseas take israel and this next video which was posted on you tube recently the songs title is supertramp it lauds jerusalems prince who fights like a lion for israel recognizing jerusalem as israels capital as well as Prime Minister netanyahu his claim to the Golan Heights has one trump plenty of friends on the far right but there was some confusion over this video the comments section indicates that a lot of people thought it was a parody and thats the problem with trump related material in the news or online you never really know well see you next time youre at the listening. Thank. You. A journey of discovery by the great grandfather he was a slave of the property aljazeera is james exposes his familys legacy of slavery like my familys status and wealth has benefited from their choice to slave people and americas debt to the black people today some of us will stall we even speak out because its a problem. Aljazeera correspondent a moral debt. The mother was. Lucky. Lucky lucky. Lucky. Its the luck. Opposition accuses the military of rejecting ethiopias mediation efforts after some of its members are arrested. Time Michelle Kerry this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up the threat of terrorists is put on hold the u. S. And mexico reach a last minute deal to curb the flow of migrants. U. S. Plans new sanctions to pressure irans elite military force which it has branded a terrorist group. And from monarchs to commoners how astrologers play a big role in everyday life in thailand. A protest leader has been arrested in sudan just hours after taking part in efforts to solve the political crisis the talks are being brokered by ethiopian Prime Minister. Ahmed seen here shaking hands with that he was detained by Security Forces shortly after the oppositions now accusing the military average acting out his mediation efforts there are also reports on opposition headquarters being raided with several members or to taint now earlier ethiopias Prime Minister a call for a speedy transition to democracy and sudan. Held a separate meetings with the military giunta an opposition days after Security Forces stormed a protest camp killing more than 100. 00 people has left a delegation in khartoum to continue those mediation efforts the opposition says it is open to talks but only if certain conditions are met oh well the 1st the military council needs to recognize that the crime was committed secondly there needs to be an International Investigation into that east. To sit in fairly all political detainees and all Political Prisoners held by the previous regime need to be released there needs to be freedom of speech and the media the military needs to be pulled from the streets and the internet ban needs to be lifted until all the demands are met we will not hold talks on a future political process. Ethiopian leader rather was greeted by members of the military council upon his arrival in khartoum but general mohamed on the galo who leads the Rapid Support force as was absent Paramilitary Group has been accused of some of the worst violence against protesters so dance Foreign Ministry says the council is open to dialogue with the president of the Transitional Military Council. Confirmed that the council is open for negotiations and reaching a solution at any time and god willing this mediation will have a good result lets by the talks protests continue in khartoum mr reports that was the case that. The us knowing even the small act of defiance could be just a small group of people gathered in khartoum on friday after prayers they continued their call for the Transitional Military Council to transfer power to the people. I was in the city of. There was shouting into instead of prayer and reflection at this mosque worshippers thought the a man was a mouthpiece for the military on top and kicked him out. And more than 100 people have been killed since june 3rd when the military began cracking down on protests i can pick up on this right now and someone can be sitting right next to the brother so if i will be united even more and we are determined now why than ever more than before to end it and to start. And we were. A Paramilitary Group called the Rapid Support forces is accused of murder and rape to silence protesters want accountability. And also. We want annual military. Mission to hand over the civil suit state. Forces. Now the Transitional Military Council is choking off access to the internet to hide these crimes in the street or free about must see you know sadness and i think this is not the way to govern any country. Ethiopian Prime Minister ahmet arrived in the capital and brought the Group Representing protesters the alliance for freedom and change back to negotiations with the Transitional Military Council the Prime Minister has endorsed saddam hama dear on behalf of ethiopia to represent him as a special envoy as well as a special envoy from the African Union as well and they will be staying within the course of the next 2 days to further have indepth discussions with both parties and ensure that whatever has been started today and most of the decisions that have been confirmed today will find for wish and over the next few days. A general strike is planned for sunday the streets of khartoum once filled with hopeful chanting are now eerily quiet. However slowly the videos documenting the attacks are spreading well beyond sudan natasha going to does iraq. Said he is the founder and president at the sit and policy forum so it seems that the military council is still using some real strong arm tactics are still arresting people. Do you think that that type of intimidation well will work i mean often thats why people do it because it works or do you think that it might make the protesters even more determined it will make the protesters even more determined to see this this city g. M. Is doing whatever its doing and its not doing it and its not moving under any ideological or political cover and is just using you know sheer force as. A prominent canadian theorist is i mean using if you use force without any idea if force becomes just blatant it loses its effect so youre saying that theyre using you think force for the sake of force. And i would go and ruling a country like sudan with. Ideology believe your methodology wont wait at all it wont work in any place in the world in the 21st millenium and the fear is the action of the sudanese people. See all political activists will in one place know the whole there is spread all over the nation and that will only help increase the moral consciousness of the people about that evolution its not its not a threat of between freedom its a trade off now between freedom and death if the sudanese be. Should decide to quit at this moment it means that they have just buried themselves a life they have to continue this fight they have to overcome. This head of the otherwise the they wont be able to reach for any polydor just sitting here saying youre saying that literally its do or die now that a moment like this is literally. A do or die so do you think that this. Might spiral even more out of control do you think it will get worse before it could potentially get better at some moment its not just going to be a confrontation between the sudanese people and me its just going to be a confrontation with being. Factions itself is saying the 3 countries that have been supporting the t. M. C. Mainly saudi arabia egypt and in britts they have already by giving him a tea and behind the video wrong advice they have already said the state for them to hang themselves but the islamists are not far away from this goes the extra Security Officer he is remote controlling the whole situation and that any moment should have made feel that they are being targeted they are just going its just going to backfire on the whole process because this is just the security that was interested was you know protected in ensuring the safety of a motive but she had the expresident you know it has hijacked the platform and its speaking on behalf of the whole National Army and so its just going to its a very intriguing situation in which the army would have to fight back and to protect its integrity a lot to keep an eye on david thank you very much appreciated. And the u. S. Is suspending plans to impose tariffs on all mexican jets which for a 2 to come into effect on monday the 2 countries have reached a deal on migration after days of negotiations migrants from Central America who are in the u. S. Awaiting asylum will now be sent back to mexico until their cases are resolved ronnell supports in washington d. C. The u. S. Threat to impose punitive tariffs on mexico led to a week of intense negotiations ending in a last minute accord President Donald Trump announced in a tweet the United States of america has reached its signed agreement with mexico the tariffs scheduled to be implemented by the u. S. On monday against mexico are hereby indefinitely suspended mexico in turn has agreed to take strong measures to stem the tide of migration through mexico and to our southern border this is being done to greatly reduce or eliminate illegal immigration coming from mexico and into the United States Mexican Foreign minister marcello ever ards said the 2 sides reached a compromise but he said it can also i think its a fair balance because the u. S. Had more drastic proposals at the start and they have reached a middle point that they agreed to support mexicos proposal to support the Central American countries. Mexico had already agreed to send troops to its border with water mala to control the flow of migrants seeking asylum in the u. S. Its now also agreed the u. S. Could send Asylum Seekers who entered the United States back to mexico to await legal rulings on their status. But the u. S. Had to give up on its earlier demand that all guatemalan Asylum Seekers be deported to mexico and the honduran and salvadoran Asylum Seekers sent to guatemala the agreement also calls for the u. S. And mexico to Work Together to improve Economic Conditions and security in impoverished crime ridden Central American countries the root causes of migration the deal is a political victory for trump who has made stopping migration the central pillar of his political brand and who had faced opposition from within his party to the proposed tariffs rob reynolds washing. Around says new sanctions on its petrochemical industry show the u. S. Isnt serious about its calls for a negotiating the nuclear deal the sanctions target terrazas largest petro Chemical Group which provides billions of dollars to the as revolutionary guard or washingtons brand of the elite military unit a terrorist organization that comes a week after my com pale announced the u. S. Was ready to sit down with tehran for such a parliament joins us live now from there from tehran source of these these sanctions and what are they actually mean. Well or shall they mean that this company known as the persian gulf Petro Chemical Industries company and 39. 00 of his subsidiaries are now under heavy u. S. Sanctions anybody dealing with them will be fined by the u. S. Government and also any money that they had in the United States is being frozen all their assets are being frozen they u. S. Government is accusing this company of provider

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