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Includes i think sections of the sudanese military would be happy to see a sudan become a democracy and be able to rejoin the International Community and there are sections of that Transitional Military Council made up of season war criminals who clearly want to try to shoot their way to power if they cons coopt or coerce the protest movement into doing their bidding and a key figure who is now emerging he seems to have the full backing of the powerful paramedic sure that the Rapid Support forces here we were just discussing there is general ham mattie. To what extent could possibly complicate this already this very delicate stage that saddam is at the moment trying to move from. You know what has effectively been dictatorship to democracy how could he complicate that transition. Yeah i mean this is a man with an incredibly complicated past to use that word as well i mean hes heavily implicated with the gender weight in darfur and the atrocities that have happened in darfur of an extended period of time and the impression that one gets at the moment is that he is certainly one of those inside the Transitional Military Council who would like to see that thinks that power is there for the military to grab and would like to try and grab it and to try and turn back the clock on everything thats happened over the last couple of months and i think we see that manifesting itself in a in a bunch of different ways one of which is that you do see of course the Senior Leaders of the sudanese military going to egypt going around the region trying to get support for what now appears to be some kind of military solution to the crisis i think what needs to happen now is obviously very strong messages to the Sudanese Government from those who have been supporting them because theyre not only morally bankrupt theyre also politically bankrupt and financially bankrupt that they will not be allowed to shoot their way to power and that they must respect peoples universal human rights its a interesting though because the protests that that we were just speaking to was saying that actually that the views on this 4th divide if there are some that think that its important to be pragmatic and to try to work with him and those backing him and then of course there are those that believe that that there is no way that they will hand over power to civilians particularly because many of these figures including m. S. E. Himself could be vulnerable to prosecution full human rights abuses and war crimes. Yeah absolutely and i think thats you know something that that the Sudanese Protest Movement it doesnt surprise me when a Mass Movement made up of millions of people there is obviously a huge divergence of views about the extent to which they should be sitting in government with the military not in government at all with the military continuing to demand you know an unconditional transferred to civilian rule or some kind of transitional rule but in some ways that sort of becomes immaterial because regardless of what that the composition of that Ruling Council is how many civilians by says how many military or whether its outright civilian rule or outright military rule this government is still bound by International Law and by the universal declaration of human rights and it must respect them otherwise they will find themselves indicted like bashir did and i think maybe one thing that could happen if the military really wanted to send a signal to the protest movement that they are committed to democracy that they are committed to upholding peoples a civil rights and human rights would be to hand over the Sharon Haroun and other indicted war criminals and perpetrators of atrocities to the International Criminal court well thank you very much for sharing your thoughts on the story with us we do appreciate it joining us there from new york simon adams thank you. Well out of our other stories this hour forces loyal to libyas u. N. Recognize governments that have pushed more out highly pfaff this fight is south of the capital naveh disused International Airport they also say they bombed some of half those positions in the south have to launch the military offensive to capture tripoli in april the u. N. Says hundreds of people have been killed in the fighting and more than 90000 residents forced to leave and Mohamad Abdalla why has more fun trip any. Clashes started on saturday between forces loyal to the the government of National Accord and others led by the warlord Khalifa Haftar in the vicinity of the Old International active airport on the southern western the part of the libyan capital the Government Forces say that they are determined to be captured at the airport because it has been this supporting hub for have stood as forces in for the main axes north of the airport in its windy and. And east of the airport in a little for the journey and sat up and axes that the Government Forces say that the recapture of at the airport they can then cut the supporting line going for have those forces from the airport to those 4 main axes the also say that they can easily take control of the airport and look at they have to his forces locations in the vicinity of the airport they can also open the way towards area would have to his forces are located there the situation remains very tense on the southern outskirts of the libyan capital specially for civilians many people have been killed since the fighting started on april 4th including civilians and also including women and children. The Syrian Government and its rationalize a bond several rebel controlled areas in the countrys northwest as strikes have hit the city of utter and western aleppo and towns in Hama Province several people have been injured activists say there have also been bombing south of. An increase in attacks by Israeli Settlers is impacting the education of palestinian schoolchildren more than 45 palestinian students were killed by israeli fire last year in the occupied west bank now teachers and parents are finding new ways to protect children in some cases cutting short their schooling abraham reports from nablus. Students. When Israeli Settlers attacked their school in a village out of the occupied west bank classes to find safety but its not always going to. People here say this happens regularly Israeli Settlers told stones at the school they shot this video and. Some students threw rocks back but witnesses say settlers are often armed and have the israeli arms protection this includes life and munitions. He tells us an israeli settler shot him from a short distance a few months ago the damage to his arm could be permanent. We were in class when the settlers started throwing rocks and fire bombs the students started defending themselves as we were leaving the school some of the settlers were armed with weapons and sharp tools i was walking when to settle a shot at me with a life bullet that went into my arm such attacks have forced some students to study in other villages or drop out of school. Miss with the. I was shocked by the declining number of students attending the school some parents say instead of losing their children to these attacks they protect them from harm and send them to labor market and 3rd to make money. Students would have acted at least 14 times since the beginning of the school year their legal settlements are so close to me is that this school is exposed to regular attacks yet this is not the only risk palestinian students have to face. Childrens rights organizations say students are being traumatized by school demolitions checkpoints and harassment this video shows 9 year old isnt it is being detained during a lesson this really army told the children threw stones at israeli vehicles and hebron south of the west bank and it says it has no choice but to interrogate an address children believes may be involved in violence but you are not going to see attacks on schools both of those are increasing sometimes backed by Israeli Forces the military law as a whole is a system of control rather than a system of justice and this is what they want they want to control in the daily life all activities of palestinian children and adults and education is a main tool to control them hidden or if School Attacks could happen and what students and teachers try to keep their school life as normal as they can get over. The occupied west bank. And with the news hour live from london still ahead the search 440000 people missing in mexico we speak to grieving families and the drug cartels behind the violence. Tens of thousands of people paid tribute to an opposition icon in the democratic republic of congo. And getting slapped around one crime got the worst of a cyclist after causing him to crash well have that story and much more with here in sports. Police in the u. S. State of virginia say this is back to the gunman in fridays mass shooting appear to have bought his weapons illegally Duane Craddock was an engineer whod worked for the city of Virginia Beach for 15 years police say he shot and killed 12 of his coworkers craddock was killed after a long gun battle with police. Its the worst incident of mass shooting in the u. S. This year i do joe castro has more now from Virginia Beach. Police say craddick the shooter had no previous criminal history and theyre still not saying what they may have been his motive to enter his place of work on friday evening and opened fire on his coworkers killing 12 People Police say he was armed with a 45 caliber handgun that had a silencer and a magazine extender it is notable that this type of extender was illegal until 2004 in the United States now the president has weighed in on twitter sending his condolences to Virginia Beach saying the federal government is here to support the community and democratic president ial candidates have weighed in on twitter as well calling this outrageous and the latest sign that gun control reform is desperately needed in the United States but if you ask the average american how they may react to the shooting its in lightning to think a year back when a very similar shooting happened on the other side of the country and 1000 oaks california also 12 people dead from the mass shooting there at a restaurant most americans today will not recall that incident happening such is the repetition of these images of chaos and mass shooting tragedies and the grief that is poured out across American Television screens now with increased frequency it is undeniable that the frequency of these Mass Shootings has gone up exceptionally in the last few years however in washington the political will to do anything about it to to have more gun control has simply not responded in kind that Influential National Rifle Association gun lobby continues to be powerful force in washington and even after the thoughts and prayers that continue to pour in after this latest shooting in virginia Virginia Beach the likelihood of any reform coming of it is still very unlikely. Irans president has suggested talks with the United States might be possible as tensions continue to rise between the 2 nations but has done wrong he says washington must 1st follow International Rules he says to her and will not be pressured into negotiations over its Nuclear Program and respect must be shown. To her has repeatedly denounced washingtons withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear deal mexicos president has suggested his country could tighten migration controls following the us president s threat to impose tariffs on mexican goods under his money Lopez Obrador says he expects good results from talks planned in washington next week trump says he will apply tariffs to all mexican products on june the 10th if it cant stop the flow of migrants across the Us Mexico Border meanwhile chinas retaliatory taxes on 60000000000. 00 worth of u. S. Products have now also come into effect. Well its been 6 months since the mexican president came to power one of his main challenges tackling the violence thats plagued his country for more than a decade hes also made the issue of missing people a priority 40000 people have disappeared in mexico since 2006 that means each year more than 3000 people are reported missing 26000 bodies remain identified in wars and other places between december and may of this year 337. 00 bodies were found in 222. 00 mass graves across the country well as part of our special series marking 6 months of government aljazeera as John Heilemann travel to sin aloa to talk to the victims and the perpetrators of mexicos violence. Loose movie is sifting through mud from the bottom of a canal trying to find the remains of her son hes been missing since armed men burst into his house and took him away that was 5 years ago finding pieces of his body is probably the closest to closure. And i wouldnt want my life gone through a 360 degree spin i dont have peace i cant sleep here waiting for someone to come and tell you hes there or he was dumped here but 1000 questions were no answers. Those questions are being asked by groups of relatives who are scouring the country looking for the 40000 missing the 1st time we had the chance to put those questions to a man who admits disappearing people he works for the similar lower cartel i asked him why they hide their victims the answer he says is simple were more than without a body because no crime births were nobody no grown. Its a common belief in the criminal world its not completely accurate but the lack of a body does make any Murder Investigation much harder but thats not the only reason gangsters disappear people its also meant as a warning to kruger we have a saying its a dodgy business but we play straight so when someones given a chance to work on his own to sell the product they dont pay their dues we make an example of him and say the others work rate well the same is going to happen to you oh no but of course many of those who disappear in mexico as simply innocent bystanders that hasnt stopped the gangs from inflicting on thousands of families and then ending punishment. Afterwards when you when youve seen the results for the family how was that made you feel when theyre still looking for their lost their lost relative and you know where they are when you know that at least theyre dead but you dont tell them i mean how does that feel remorse. Its something that we know was painful for the families sometimes become an ask us and i know where their relative is but i cant tell them because ill probably end up just like the victim. Maybe you feel better because they could be your friends or people you know but theres nothing you can do. Now the government has a new plan to find the disappeared it said of limited funds will be made available to searching the forensic cilla teams to identify bodies. But that wont take away the motivation for criminal groups and so the thirtys to hide their victims well that remains so too will these desperate searches who lost loved ones john hope would i would visit a similar. Victims of a canadian genocide this is the conclusion of a landmark government inquiry into canadas missing all murdered Indigenous Women the report leaked to the media looked into the deaths and disappearances of 1200. 00 Indigenous Women since 1980 but the exact number is thought to be much higher it found a disproportionate level of violence faced by Indigenous Women due to deep rooted colonialism and state inaction Indigenous Women make up 4 percent of canadas population but account for 16 to 24 percent of homicide victims more than 2000 witnesses participated in the inquiry including survivors and relatives of missing women or for more on this we can speak to colleen heal cardinal she is the executive director of the National Indigenous survivors of Child Welfare network she joins us over skype from. And colleen you are not just an activist that provide support to others you and those closest to you have experienced violence as a result of certain policies tell me your reaction to the conclusion of this government inquiry i suppose it confirms what you and many others already knew. Yes i wasnt surprised at all by the findings and i dont think ill need to read the report because it i think weve known for for decades that you know the dehumanizing of indigenous bodies is the problem in canada and there is a deep seated systemic races racism against Indigenous Women. Thats contributing to the deaths and missing people can you tell me more about your family i know that you have lost those closest to you a sister and a sister in law to violence you also grew up and had an experience as an adoptee tell us more about your experience and that the sixtys for people that are not familiar to it that that policy that that resulted in indigenous children being in taken from their homes and their families. Sure so my sisters and i were a part of the 60s scoop which is a term thats used to describe an era in canada where thousands and thousands of indigenous children were removed from their homes and communities and adopted into nonindigenous homes across canada overseas and into United States it was a mass trafficking of us and a lot of us ended up in really awful households not everybody but a lot of us did some of those homes are they violent and wind up fleeing those homes to escape and ended up in you know really precarious vulnerable states as young adults which is what happened to my sisters and i we fled our adoptive home and ended up back in amman 10 trying to find im biological family. A year after we found a biological family my older sister was murdered in a park downtown. And you know i was 16 at the time so i didnt realize how insidious the media wise and there were all of they play and you know how they talk about us and you know how they they almost make it seem that you know its our fault that weve been murdered for the places that we you know we gravitate towards so. You know that was a really painful time for me. And then my sister in law she was also hound in a park im not a park im sorry a field just outside of a task and in 2004 her case is unsolved but at that time there was over i dont know up to 20 Indigenous Women found in trials in ditches in and around and then 10 and then many of those are still unsolved. And i know that youve spoken about the humanize ation off and Business People that i am even mentioning that just the the harmful effects of the stereotyping and the racism in them such me that we have seen in the media this government inquiry doesnt go far enough for you what more would do you like to say. Well well you know i do a lot of lecturing in universities and colleges and you know the very basic understanding of you know how canada was made. And the lack of understanding of Indigenous People in canada is is just appalling you know youre having you know young people going into fields of where theyre influencing policy or theyre in the helping field and there they are the next wave of systemic racism that our people are experiencing and that needs to stop there is a level of mechanism that needs to take place where the government needs to really. Take responsibility for its rule and how its contributed to that to that level of violence that we experience every day through media and policy but also make changes where you know its integrated into the curriculum and that the narrative in the dialogue of how canada was built and where you know how the treaties are played into that how that is part of the narrative of canada which is largely left out. You know the average canadian doesnt even know what the treaties in canada is so theres a huge narrative mysie that contributes to why canadians hate Indigenous People why its a very important story and thank you for helping us understand it just really appreciate your time colleen hill we wish of course best of luck with all your efforts and all of your lack. Thank you very much. You at the news hour life from london much more still to bring you standing room only and a u. S. Government watchdog wants a dangerous overcrowding at a texas migrant facility. A battle for bandwidth how 5 g. Technology could affect our ability to predict extreme weather events. And writing the waves out dolphins became involved in a sucking competition that will be in for the day. That other shows that have been around the southeast of europe its slowed down in their intensity some degree you see the cloud is still apparently rotating figures coming out of the sky and reports on the ground 40 to 50 minute set of these thunderstorms lasting an hour or so movies 3 and thats the position we have on sunday the spread of the way from almost west in turkey right up to slovakia and all straight answer to sudden its leaders stretching line to western russia these hasnt changed much the last 2 days now western europe things are warming up must be in fact getting hotter just overlay the temperature colors you see oranges and reds thats well above the average 31 in paris 24 in london city 4 rather more normal a bit of thats not going to last im afraid the day after the atlantic as weve said were down to 22 in paris with cloud and probably want to thunderstorms that goes through this has not changed very much now lots over land but there is an influence on the breeze direction through north africa so also is warm ne hot in egypt 46 in aswan on the coast 23 in benghazi and robot the temp is actually coming down little bit has been above 30 we get to about 27 come monday but its bright sunshine all the way from morocco to east in libya. Risk in utah. Coming soon. I dont want to live in the world where everything is designed in california or maybe china. Is in the hands of the corporation the only way to be subversive is to be able to control all the technology bonzi has built a chip that anyone can use to build. Cost like a pizza spearheading a Global Movement to democratize technology. Part of the rebel series. Welcome back a look at the top stories this hour a sudanese Doctors Group says one person has been killed and 10 others injured after Security Forces fired on protesters in the capital hard to. Has been an outbreak of fighting near libyas disused International Airport in tripoli forces loyal to the u. N. Recognize government say theyve pushed warlord really fast as fighters south of the capital and syrian Government Forces of bond rebel held areas in the countrys northwest several civilians were injured after as strikes hit parts of aleppo hama and. Now people in the democratic republic of congo of pay tribute to the opposition icon. Tens of thousands of supporters attended his funeral in the capital kinshasa to remember the leader they say 40 against corruption are metasearch reports from. Supporters of the security say bearing day here on home soil is a victory against the former government the veteran Opposition Leader died in belgium 2 years ago but the political turmoil at the time and disagreements with Joseph Kabila the former president delayed his homecoming could be there is no longer leader of the democratic republic of congo shes a katie son felixs his father was given a state funeral it would we are very proud because. From now all till to morrow and to morrow every young man will be able to fight to liberate the country its been decades in politics fighting against corruption and challenging leaders such as this is a seiko Laurent Kabila and his son joseph just played for a long time about things 30 years ago just fighting for democrats in this country and now his son he the father is heard and his son is now the 1st in this country he said there is still 12 of the of the one. What his father did last time. But felix is a katies election win was controversial some here believe Opposition Leader martin for you look 1 december the vote for you to challenge the result in court but lost felix as a kid he was sworn in soon after the ruling on the scene where they say felix the good easy lets say it is part of the deal with the real or with the former president with the balance of the man such as parliament alison its both men deny the claim political analysts say feeling is that he has to prove he is his own man prison who fly and will try to survive any person who would do the same especially because theres a quite a huge Political Party on the field and they warn these parliamentary elections but we have the one head of state with these are. The power and responsibilities and these do that on being. The funeral reportedly cost millions of Dollars Money some his they could have spent elsewhere it is high unemployment and poverty officials are also battling to contain any bone outbreak in the east of the country it inches a kitty supporters say for now its time to celebrate the bichon Opposition Leader and give him a proper sendoff afterwards they say they will be watching the same felix to see what kind of leader hes going to be how to aljazeera kinshasa the u. K. Government says it intercepted 9 boats carrying 74 migrants trying to cross the English Channel a local m. P. Says its a Record Number of vessels attempting the crossing in a single day out the migrants are undergoing medical examinations and authorities are working to establish that nationalities. Meanwhile in the us a government watchdog has found what it described as Dangerous Levels of overcrowding at a migrant detention facility in texas it says migrants are regularly being held in rooms with standing room only for days or weeks rob reynolds has more. The report called a management alert describes dangerous standing room only conditions at a Detention Center for adults in El Paso Texas in one cell 76 women are seen jammed into a space designed to hold 12 people some people stood on toilets to gain breathing room the detainees faces were blanked out in photos made public by the u. S. Department of homeland securitys Inspector General inspectors say at 190 people were crammed into the facility which was built to house just 125 this image shows 155 people in a cell meant for 35 in another photo an armed Border Patrol agent is seen in a room crowded with women d h s inspector said the Detention Center staff routinely confiscates migrants belongings and dumps them in garbage piles the report says some single adults had been held in standing room only conditions for days or weeks agents told the inspectors of their concern that rising tensions among detainees could turn violent the alert describes the overcrowding ready as dangerous and said it requires immediate attention and action tens of thousands of migrants many from crime ravaged and impoverished Central American countries have made their way to the Us Mexico Border in hopes of getting asylum in the u. S. At the White House Spokesperson Sarah Sanders admitted u. S. Officials are unable to cope with the influx we cant process them and were being totally overrun as were seeing the numbers get worse and worse President Donald Trump is threatening to levy tariffs on mexican products if the Mexican Government doesnt somehow stop Central Americans from passing through its territory just this week we had over a 1000 people that moved is a Massive Group through mexico and came to our border. Untouched they could have easily broken up this Group Arrested them or sent them back home more than 98000 people were apprehended by u. S. Border patrol agents in the el paso sector alone between october 28th teen and this april an increase of 619 percent over the same period in the year before rob reynolds 0. U. S. President donald trump is weighed into britains leadership contest by saying the former foreign secretary pars johnson would be an excellent choice for Prime Minister johnson who campaigned for the u. K. To leave the e. U. Is car in a favorite for the top job reports from london. President trump has a keen interest in power who has it who hasnt he also has his own ideas on the expertise

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