Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240714

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Drug companies for the deaths of thousands of landmark cold case could make them responsible for the u. S. Opioid crisis and sport several footballers have been arrested in spains top teams leads over suspected match fixing in the n. H. L. The Boston Bruins taking one of the stanley cup finals fighting back to beat the St Louis Police border to see you in boston. Hello in sudan protest leaders are upping the pressure on the Transitional Military Council to hand over power to a civilian administration a 2 day nationwide strike is underway so far we know many shops and banks are closed as walk workers walk off the job to join the protests in the streets some flights were canceled in and out of the capital hard to leaving many travelers stranded several airlines including some of. Dance carry is suspended flights are talks between protest groups and the military council have been deadlocked so far dennis traitors are hoping the strike will force military leaders into a new round of talks lets get the latest now from him but morgan who is in khartoum for so here what sort of effects is this strike likely to have on the military council what sort of pressure is going to put on them. What the opposition is hoping has them is that the military council wont come out and say that theyre willing to negotiate once again after more than a week of suspension of talks between the 2 sides now the military council and the Opposition Coalition are to a yet to agree on how the Sovereign Council should be composed and who is going to chair it theyve stopped talking for almost 8 days now and the Opposition Coalition is saying that this protest this strike that is nationwide is the only way to put pressure on the military council to understand the value of civilians and to hand over power to 3000000000 rule now the Opposition Coalition is saying that it is very late if the military council does not come to the negotiating table but that it is also open to talks to reach an agreement. With the know if we reach an agreement then all we want is the agreement and for us to work as partners in order to guarantee a smooth and peaceful transition to a civilian government if we do not agree as we said we will escalate things using our peaceful civilian methods which is strikes protests and civil disobedience we can use civil disobedience if we do not reach an agreement but we hope that we do not have to resort to open strikes and complete civil disobedience because for us that means many steps and it would only be in return for all our demands not being met not when our demands are partially meds now that the opposition and the military council are mulling early elections the military council is saying that if the stalemate continue between the 2 sides and if the other other parties that are not part of the Opposition Coalition do not join talks then they will call for early elections but the Opposition Coalition is saying that the country is now. Not ready for a nationwide elections partly because parts of the country like the Western Region and the Southern Region have been facing war and there have been displacement so people will not be able to vote so theyre saying that if the military council insist on having early elections they will escalate their protests they will be civil disobedience and more strikes and of course the sit in in front of the Army Headquarters that is in its 7th week people continue to protest think that they want a civilian government and they do not want the military council to rule them has them. Right here morgan live there in khartoum thanks about. Or Douglas Johnson is the author of the root causes of sudans civil wars and he joins us now from oxford in the u. K. Thanks very much for being with us. Youre welcome so i want to ask you 1st of all what do you make of this latest move by the opposition to kind of up the ante as it were. With this nationwide strike will that have any effect on the on the military leaders. Well right now the Transitional Military Council is sitting in power that has its hands on the levers of power and the only real pressure that the opposition can put on them is to mobilize and demonstrate civilian opposition throughout the country not just in khartoum but in other parts of the country now this is what they have done with the demonstrations the National Strike the general strike is another way in which they can put pressure on the military council and possibly begin to. Get some sort of response from other levels of the military and the police where you might begin to see cracks in the facade of the military as a lower level officers or the police an army to get out of this particular dilemma and meet some of the protesters demands what are the chances of that happening at this point i mean is that do you think is that what the opposition is banking on that there will be these possible divisions within the military leadership and that will perhaps force their hand. Well its hard to say at a distance but you have very high or various hardliners at the top level of the military for instance the deputy lieutenant general. Who was been involved in. Human rights abuses and war crimes in darfur hes mentioned in speeches to the police that tends to divide the military and draw. Between the military in the police so there obviously is some discontent in the army and in the Security Forces. But also as long as these demonstrations go as long as there are busy possibility of escalated National Strikes the military council is not going to be able to deal with the issues that confront them. The various issues that led to the demonstrations and strikes so theyre going to have to come to some accommodation with the demonstrators and with the opposition at some point if the country is to get out of its economic decline and the different simmering wars or the wars in the marginal regions are to be brought to a peaceful close lets talk a little bit more about some those issues that led to the demonstrations its worth reminding our viewers about this because these these protests have been going on for months now and i even this book the root causes of sudans civil wars what do you think are the root causes of these protests because it all started wasnt it with the price hikes. On basic goods and it just sort of grew from there didnt it. Yes i mean what you have to remember is that the indias regime of the National Congress party and well bashir has mismanaged the economy for 30 years and the price hikes of bread and of petrol are just the latest one elements of that mismanagement which put more pressure on ordinary people and which led to these demonstrations and strikes its been a very repressive regime. Who have outlawed or have put restrictions on unions which are now being lifted. So. They continue to have. They continue to have different civil wars i mean you have the war in darfur has not ended the war in Southern Kordofan has not ended the war in blue nile has not ended there are a number of people whove been displaced either into internal camps in the sudan or as refugees in ethiopia in south sudan and chad so it is. A complete mess in many ways. And also following what had been an islamic islamised gender as only added to the repression of ordinary people so these are all of the things that have come together its not just bread and petrol its or the combination of 30 years of misrule good to talk to Douglas Johnson thanks very much youre welcome. Has been more fighting around the libyan capital as those loyal to the u. N. Recognized government their battle with forces led by warlords despite the u. N. Arms in bargo and aljazeera investigation has revealed military planes in libyan air space supporting huffed are solid bellus reports. Libya divided. The hostages forces and the only 2 months into a push to take the capital tripoli from the u. N. Recognized government after his men have now reached the airport road just south of tripoli prices will see the government are trying to push them back my government articles no we have overpowered the enemy and we are now on the airport road we have overpowered them and they will return to where they came from. The Prime Minister 5 years alsa russias troops are not just bestselling haftar and his self described Libyan National army and aljazeera investigation has revealed several foreign owned military planes based outside the country have been supporting her the aircraft flown regularly between egypt israel jordan and libya the tracking devices were frequently switched off concealing their movements to and from Eastern Libya have to space private jets have also been used one carrying military equipment was seen in 3 libyan cities and a pro then tracked flying from egypt meringue huffed as advance towards tripoli on the 10th of may. And an Egyptian Military cargo plane flew west out of egypt on the 15th of april before we talk to right just off the libyan fronts over the last few years a lot of countries have been supplying have done it without which he would not never have been able to dominate the eastern part of libya primarily it is the u. S. That has been pointed out throughout the last 3 years or 40 years by the United Nation and multiple reports that it is the primary its a supplier of weapons and munitions and so on to the hopped up side. Last week the u. N. Special representative for libya haas and salami called for immediate action to cut off the flow of arms saying many countries were sending weapons to libyas warring parties the country is under a u. N. Imposed. Both sides are violating their weapons and bargo and there are many countries supplying weapons to both sides but the primary. Country for furnishing arms to have to are in the east is and the primary country supporting the defense of tripoli in the west is turkey. This recent escalation in libyas 5 year civil war has killed more than 500. People and forced more than 60000 from the us Prime Minister. After have agreed National Elections are needed but critics say with 3rd party supporting the conflict theyre not the only ones at the table. 0. Schoolgirls have been killed and injured in a stabbing attack at a bus stop in japan bystander was also killed before the attacker committed suicide when hey reports from the scene. The attack happened just before 8 in the morning in this usually quiet suburb of kawasaki city as children were waiting to board a bus to go to a nearby private Catholic Elementary School a man attacked a group of girls with knives it appears he deliberately targeted the students but some adults were also caught in the violence eyewitnesses say the attacker was carrying 2 knives the latest stabbed himself and died in hospital not the 1st. I saw kids screaming and crying other kids in people at the scene looked too shocked to do anything i didnt know what i could do for them. Medical staff say most of the wounded being treated at several hospitals are children among those killed an 11 Year Old Girl an attack like this mainly against children is particularly shocking in japan which is regarded as one of the safest countries in the world with one of the lowest murder rates in july 2016 there was another mass stabbing in the same prefecture on that occasion 19 people were killed in a home for people with disabilities by a former employee as the scene of this attack was cleaned investigators were trying to find out why children may have been the targets of such violence wayne hay al jazeera kawasaki japan we got plenty more ahead on this news hour more violence in brazils prisons just 24 hours after 15 inmates were killed in a riot in the north. Will tell you how the violence in yemen is keeping a generation of children away from school. Later as for more bad news for neymar on whats not been the best year for the brazilian. Have a 1st mass arrests in forced disappearances an extra good. Killings just some of the allegations being leveled against the Egyptian Security forces in the sinai in a new Human Rights Watch report thousands of soldiers have been waging a military campaign against isolette groups in the region since 2013 there are now at least 40000 soldiers operating in sinai and the report says the military and police have made more than 12000 arrests Human Rights Watch says detainees often face abuse and as many as a 1000 being held without trial at one of 3 secret sites the report adds the violence in the Sinai Peninsula has forced tens of thousands of people to leave it blames both sides for rights abuses against civilians amounting to war crimes or since the fighting egypts arms imports have grown by 215 percent making it one of the biggest arms importers in the world on to maggie is a middle east and north Africa Research and Human Rights Watch he says abuses highlight highlighted in the report are widespread. We believe that many of these abuses are systematic and widespread. Which means that it cannot really be. Just. In the basket or some bad officers acting on their own to have. And we also say. There could be a response but if the for commander of the senior commanders and also civilian officials in the Egyptian Government who knew or should have knew about should have known about these abuses and should have stopped it and we called for accountability for all of these officials because of the failure of. Government to really be in the loop in the abuses or even just like nodded in your own doing in the Sinai Peninsula we actually call on the United Nations Human Rights Council to stop this independent inquiry of. Independent commission of inquiry and also similarly the African Commission to do the same and we call on countries to use. Domestic loads of universal jurisdiction to actually pursue any officials involved in war crimes in the sinai region israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says hes doing everything he can to build a coalition and avoid another election thats off the parliament passed a motion to dissolve itself less than 2 months after elections seem to offer netanyahu a new mandate he has just 48 hours now to form a government potential ally Avigdor Lieberman says a new law extending mandatory military service to also also also docks main should be part of the government but netanyahu is ultraorthodox want the draft exemptions to state. The flow of this is a lot can be done in 48 hours the voters which is can be respected a strong right wing government can be established we can bring stability and a Good Government to israel i hope people come to their senses and do the right thing or china and russia will not attend the u. S. Sponsored summit on palestine in behind the next month the Palestine Liberation Organization has also said it wont be going to the United States government is expected to unveil its interpretation of the economic benefits of ending the Israeli Palestinian conflict and try to attract investment. The Chinese Ambassador to venezuela says foreign sanctions are partly to blame for the current humanitarian crisis that came as china is delivering its latest shipment of medical supplies as part of an aid agreement and its way in Health Minister says u. S. Sanctions have created a criminal blockade essential medical supplies are at a critical level in most of the countries hospitals in colombia and peru have called on the International Community to commit more aid to help with the flood of migrants fleeing venezuela colombian president even do k n his and peruvian president martin this car say their countries are facing the worst migrant crisis in latin americas recent history duquesne warned that it will continue if the venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro remains in power. A serbia has put its troops on high alert in the semi autonomous kosovo region on the border reports a heavily Armed Kosovo Police made several arrests in the north of the territory which is dominated by serbs kosovo says its police were targeting organized crime but belgrade it says they were trying to intimidate the serbs serbia does not recognize kosovo as declaration of independence as more on this now from mark who joins us from belgrade so mark help us make sense of this whats happening there. Doesnt the high tensions that recur in last year over the dispute of course of war between dispute between serbs and albanians now called many people with the Police Intervention the northern part of course after the war and or the by the court in pristina with. 23 people were arrested mostly the serbs and mostly the Police Officers in northern part of course of all in pristina capital of course all of this said this is the fight against the corruption busy but in belgrade capital of serbia they dont see it like that this is. Intervention of course of our. Intervention to bring. Him to frighten the serbs who are living in northern parts of course away and i must explain this according to the agreement that was reached between serbs and albanians in northern part of course which is mostly populated by the serbs the police and the port and the prosecutors are 90 percent members of serb National Minority in the southern part of course some of the members of police that was engaged this morning in northern part of course so what are obedience and thats why belgrade and thats why serbia thieves their. Frightening goal serves as a violation of. Agreements thats why its still being president oleksandr. To organize the security not National Security conference here in belgrade or the who called but a lot of military and also the police swat units and here National Media is are seeing. Some of those. Military and police units are getting closer to the border with gaza and. 20 years ago under the agreement of who won over after the war in 1909 and police and military units to pull out of the north the war cant get into the core thought which is also under the u. N. Resolution be the protection of nato forces for forces are there they are saying that they are. Watching this situation that not interacting but this time with their actions specially in the last. Marcos about each ally 1st there in belgrade thanks. Now a new report by at war it was child u. K. Says the conflict in yemen has had a catastrophic effect on children their charity says 2000000 children are out of school the instance of Child Marriage is on the rise increasing 3 to by 3 times between 20172018 airstrikes have damaged many of yemen schools some are being used as military bases. Has more from santa. In shock after she lost her sister in a bombardment near call her fathers a can burn to go back to school have proved successful. Back when she attacked happened i fled the school from horror and later on its covered the death of my sister now im afraid if i go back i could face the same fate. As the marsh has left students scared. The death of 18 children. After the saudi u. S. Strike we found out about the death of my daughter along with other students we wondered why they targeted schools in civilian areas as brutal war should stop a mama shrug and some of her classmates were killed in a saudi heiress while they were on their way to. Become a sample of the facts of the war on children. Scalds inside north of the capital sanaa are the worst hat there are that most of the infrastructure is being destroyed every 300. 00 schools have been totally and completely destroyed 2 thirds of them have been targeted but such action has not prevented students from continuing their education. Those students and the after region and the middle highlands of yemen have been forced to study under the shadow of attacks after a beer score was destroyed many calls have been turned into barracks and certain rules for internally displaced people that creates another child learns for the countrys current generation to have the right to education. Old jersey or sun are. A Power Outages across southwestern parts of the u. S. State of ohio are affecting at least 5000000 people after a tornado tore into the region reports of injuries as well but the tornado brought down trees and power lines and caused damage to homes and businesses a massive cleanup is now underway dozens of tornadoes have been reported across the central u. S. In recent days and people there are being warned of more Severe Weather to come all right in a few minutes were out of the weather with everton fox but still ahead on aljazeera. Fears in iraq eyes soul is trying to exploit instability from tensions between the u. S. And iran. And later a school will tell you about the small team from burley in mixing it up with the big boys german football next season. The weather sponsored by cateye always. Well weve had some rather lively weather across the other side of europe as well it doesnt compare with the sort of stuff you see in the u. S. But some big thundery downpours through those central areas just around italy pushing up into the balkans into austria up into poland 2 areas of low pressure spinning away jason Copious Amounts of rainfall ahead of that would pick up a less southerly wind say 27. 00 celsius in kiev or 26 for moscow so were running around 7 or 8 degrees above the seasonal average live in central parts warsaw 23. 00 degrees somewhat over towards the west but about 17 celsius for london and paris just a tad below watership again improves here will see clearer skies coming in brighter skies woman weather as we go on through this week so were looking good by that stage for the west or whether that will make its way across into eastern parts this shop a line of rain coming into poland and notice warsaw drops around 9 or 10 degrees by wednesday afternoon so looking a little more spring light shall we say the war is over towards the ace to the warm picks up nicely over towards the west the cloud in the rain that will make us well little further east which is we go on to was the latter part of the waking state well see temperatures in london in paris getting up into the twentys. The weather. Crickets biggest total it has come to the miles 6 way 1011. 00 venue. Cannot defend the dr will finally win a world cup tie with al jazeera the latest from the 29th cricket world cup. In 2012 aljazeera traveled to iraq people here are definitely scared to speak on camera theyre saying that if they talk to us they think theyll be arrested down the line to take the pulse of a country ravaged under Us Occupation some of these graves are completely destroyed its one of the most holy and sacred sites in all of iraq turned into a battleground between the mighty army and the americans rewind returns to iraq after the americans on aljazeera. Al jazeera. Where ever you. But again youre watching i do see a reminder of our top stories this hour today a nationwide strike is under way in sudan protest leaders are trying to pressure the military to start a new round of talks for a civilian government. In libya forces loyal to the un recognized government of trying to push back those led by award after and i do see the investigation has revealed covert flights into bases controlled by how fast fighters thats despite a u. N. Arms embargo at least 2 people have been killed in a stabbing attack in japan a group of schoolchildren targeted in color saki the attacker stabbed himself and died in hospital. The european leaders are nominating their choices for the unions top jobs backroom negotiations have already begun to appoint the commissions president and the other heads of the e. U. Institutions 1st nominations will be made at a leaders dinner in brussels on choose day a leader of italys legal party says the European Election results represent a call to reverse spending cuts and a tail salvini who is also italys deputy Prime Minister repeated his intention to cut taxes in defiance of europes policy of austerity he said it was time to change the outdated rules that hurt european countries. The europe of cuts and unemployment has failed pursing greece merkel mccrone and may well rejected everywhere the europe of insecurity and unemployment has been rejected even the advance of the greens in some countries such as germany calls for the overcoming of economic constraints however it goes it will be a success and we are counting on being part of that success. Is a professor of European Studies at Stanford University and the linen joins us now from london thanks very much for being with us so as we look ahead to the possible makeup of the next. Government in its and its institutions what should we be looking for here as all of the various horse trading goes on behind the scenes. Well we have an interesting situation that the European Parliament established in 2014 the socalled some kind of rally to nominate the top faces of the leading parties the conservative camp and the social Democrat Camp to make it more like a personalized form of election to nominate the future head of the administration of the European Commission this was something the more intergovernmental forces and right now president markoff francis the most prominent supporter of this didnt really like they wanted to stay the mostest of the process and nominate the Commission President by themselves but as it stands it is a fight between the European Parliament that wants to have this procedure and the column so that tries to have as much room for maneuver as possible and what role the greens going to play in all of this and the reason i ask about them is although they didnt they werent they certainly werent. The biggest winners in these elections they are seen as kind of king makers in all of this in that they have theyve got enough numbers to to be able to form a government form some sort of a governing coalition here what will they be asking for what role will they be expected to play in all of this. This story before the elections was will the pro european or Pro European Union forces win or will it be taken over by popular its now it seems as if this was sure its a heating debate in the end the pro European Forces won with a vast majority the main difference is that we do not have now 2 leading party groups the conservatives and the social democrats but we see substantial win in the liberal camp and in the green cam the greens didnt nominate a candidate for Commission President the liberals did spot. More behind the scenes and the conservative and the social democrats had some kind of dodd was traveling all over europe and now it seems as if the conservative candidate could only win if you give substantial support to what the green party is asking for and they won the elections in cities like where i come from berlin because Climate Change was the number one subject they dont care about person now they call up for Climate Policy that deserves the name good to speak with you olrik joining us from london thanks for being with us. Now britains Prime Minister has been holding her weekly Cabinet Meeting with several ministers who want her job to rescind may announced her plans to resign before the conservative partys humiliating defeat in the European Parliamentary election so far more than a dozen m. P. s have now put their names forward to replace may who fail to get an agreement for her breaks it deals through parliament lets get more now from jonah hall in london so jonah anticipated high stakes competition in the u. K. For the next conservative leader what will it mean for brags that there. Well its fate shaping up to be the fiercest of fights within the conservative party to succeed to reason may officially the fight gets underway in the 10th of june when she formally resigns as leader of the conservative party but unofficial of course its well underway already both parties the leading parties here the conservatives and labor grappling with appalling results in the European Parliamentary elections fuelling what looked to be big moves within their 2 parties against a backdrop of failing policies by both parties towards braggs it on the conservative side as you say 10 senior employees of officially said that they will run for to resume a job many of them senior cabinet ministers much of that opinion coalescing around people like Boris Johnson the former foreign secretary and his view that britain must leave the e. U. On october the 31st come what may deal or no deal in fact preferably no deal and on the labor side also under pressure to respond to those results also under the under pressure to deal with these Shifting Sands they are Jeremy Corbyn and his fellow leadership under pressure to come up with a definitive view on brets it to get off the fence that theyve been on consistently up to now and they seem to be moving as of this week towards an ambiguous backing for a 2nd referent of sofa breaks it you get 2 polar opposites emerging here less and less talk of a good deal or a soft break that its all about a hard deal the hardest of all hard brigs its no deal exit from the European Union and the possibility of a 2nd referendum to try and thwart that that if it were to happen now looks possible if not likely to be won by the remains and weve got the current Prime Minister to resign may make another trip to brussels in will be her last meeting with the leader before she leaves office can we expect anything out of that. Yep shell be there on tuesday night in brussels shell be taking part in those talks about the future top jobs in the e. U. Should probably be keeping a pretty low profile one imagines as for whether its her sort of swansong visit to brussels as british Prime Minister quite possibly not as another summit planned for the end of june she probably will be Prime Minister at that point unless the conservative party elect a new leader in record time spare a thought for her really in that room of her fellow e. U. Leaders shes been successively belittled and humiliated there and here in london in westminster over her failed brigs it deal one imagines she will probably want to do all to be over as quickly as possible turn our life for us there in london. The current war of words between the u. S. And iran could affect iraqs stability some iraqis fear i saw fighters there may exploit the situation chance strathearn explains from baghdad. Iraqi Security Forces and armed groups backed by iran known as the Popular Mobilization forces or p. M. S. Hunt eisel sleeper cells in northern iraq. The u. S. Calls the p. M. S. Irans proxy militia they were set up after a decree by iraqs top shia cleric calling on iraqis to fight i saw when the Iraqi Military plays and i salute sensitive on the city of mosul in 2014 tens of thousands of p. M. S. Fighters were formally integrated into iraq Security Forces 2 years later. Military analysts say they were vital in the battle against eisel a fight the iraqi Prime Minister said was one in 2017. But some p. M. I. Factions have warned they would support iran if there was a military escalation between the us and iran potentially jeopardizing the fight against eisel. Any conflict would weaken iraqs security and defense establishment including the p. M. S. Because some of these armed groups would divert their focus from fighting i sell to siding with iran i still would be given a huge opportunity to penetrate the areas they want occupied as we have seen sleeper cells trying to do in recent days this video shows Iraqi Military and strikes on eisel targets in the hungry mountains in ceylon who didnt Province Army commanders say sleeper cells of eisel fighters have been trying to recruit in the area and lists a eisel would exploited any deterioration in iraqs stability especially if there was a military escalation between the us and iran they have been increasing attacks by eisel in the west in the north of the country in recent months car bombs killed 5 civilians and 3 members of the iraqi Security Forces in 2 separate attacks in recent days the hunt for eisel sleeper cells goes on across remote areas of iraq the. Security forces continue their military operations across the vast desert. This includes search and destroy missions of any ice in the remenant and sleeper cells that have recently attacked remote villages and towns. As u. S. Pressure on iran increased earlier this month u. S. Secretary of state mike pompei of the Iraqi Government about what he said was intelligence showing increased specific threats against u. S. Interests in iraq. The Iraqi Government denied there were any threats from the p. M. S. Days later a rocket was fired into the green zone in baghdad which is home to the u. S. And other embassies no one claimed responsibility a sign that increased tension between the u. S. And iran has dangerous implications for the stability of iraq and could ultimately weaken International Coalition efforts to fight i saw which is killed thousands of people have attacks in this region and beyond John Strafford al jazeera fact that. Our politicians in iraq semi autonomous kurdish region have elected former Prime Minister. Zani as their new president his uncle Masoud Barzani last held the presidency but it was frozen after a failed the independence referendum in 2017 lets get more now from rob matheson who is live for us in baghdad so rob what does this mean. Well basically what this does is closer gap at the top of the regions politics and in particular the regions government and as you were saying this is gap has existed since 2017 when they had that referendum for secession from iraq you know the referendum as you probably remember got about over 90 percent in votes in support but it infuriated by that also infuriated other countries including turkey to the north now that tension has way but what it also left was a legacy of tension between the 2 main Political Parties thats present is own Kurdistan Democratic Party of the k d p than the Patriotic Union of kurdistan the p u k one of the reasons why this post hasnt been filled is because of that tension theres been a lot of negotiation going backwards and forwards over the last couple of years about who should be filling the top jobs in the government and this in a sense is the last piece of the puzzle interesting to note that out of the 111 seats in the parliament 81 politicians turned up to vote was on himself got 68 of the votes its opponents got none what does this mean for the region itself what it means Foreign Investment it means stability is sending a sign that finally that the Regional Government of kurdistan is actually complete and its stable and therefore it is a good place for Foreign Investment to be and what do we know then. Barzani other than the fact that hes a former Prime Minister. Well hes as you were mentioning before hes also the grandson of the founder of the k d p. Hes also a nephew of the former president and in fact the only man to have held the presidency Massud Barzani but. He is no stranger to politics he was brought into the Central Committee of the k d p back in 1809 and as you mentioned of course he served as Prime Minister not once but twice is said to originally from 2006 to 2009 and then stepped in those 2 as Prime Minister. 2012 and its held that post ever since it perhaps comes as no surprise that he has been chosen for this particular job because he is credited. At least by his backers as being responsible in part for a lot of the development thats gone on in kurdistan over the years in fact his supporters during the 1st term of his 1st Prime Ministership were calling his cabinet the Development Cabinet so in many ways it seems no surprise that another one by sonny would be put into this post rob thanks for that rob math and in fact that. In brazil dozens of prisoners have been killed fighting among themselves in 4 different jails the rise follow years of overcrowding jail break attempts and rival gangs battling for control or you know mohammed has a story. As a deadly fights broke out between inmates inside this prison in mn else on sunday anxious family members protested outside demanding answers blocking roads and clashing with police look at the watch i got them what am i going to tell my mother in law and my kids when i arrive at home that my husband did prison guard say the attack happened during visiting hours. Around 11 am an internal fight broke out billions 5 in 3 leading the warden to immediately activate the prison Intervention Group on the right calls the deaths of 15 inmates the prison Intervention Groups action was fundamental so we could maintain control of the incident started around 11 am 1140 it had been contained within. This prison is one of 4 in amazon a state where riots have started over the past 48 hours Officials Say 42 inmates were found dead others stabbed with toothbrushes which have been crudely shop and. Gang violence overcrowding and break out attempts are common in brazils jails. Result prisons pretty much governed by Drug Trafficking and when people. Arrives in prison they have to basically choose decide between these factions for protection of the guards or not them all in and out that. Area and when these fights break out theres an officials that are on the ground all control what is going on. Brazil has the Worlds Largest prison population close to 3 quarters of a 1000000 inmates is twice the capacity of what the jails were designed to hold was 3 weeks of riots and prison 2 years ago and it was nearly 150 inmates dead. The same year hundreds of inmates escaped in sao paolo after setting fire to their jail. Government attempts implementor reforms were resistant by powerful criminal gangs with connections behind bars and outside to public buildings banks and petrol stations were targets in a series of attacks in january. President dyer bill scenario has promised to build a new prisons address underfunding to control the overcrowding and boost security reinforcements. As angry family members await for news of the recent deaths Prison Guards are on alert for further retribution attacks. Al Jazeera Facebook and microsoft are joining forces to prevent foreign meddling in canadas elections the 2 tech giants have agreed to boost efforts on Cyber Security before voting in october theyre aiming to remove fake accounts and accounts of the spread of disinflation the canadian government complained last month or social Media Companies were not doing enough to combat interference now a test case is beginning in the u. S. On whether individual states can hold pharmaceutical companies responsible for the widespread addiction to prescription drugs millions of americans are hooked on painkillers which resemble other opiates including morphine and heroin as any gallacher reports now lawyers in oklahoma are arguing that a drug manufacturer is to blame for the socalled Opioid Crisis after 2 others settled out of court. Its a drug crisis of Epic Proportions thats what i wouldnt die for it according to the center for Disease Control in 2017 close 250000 people died from overdosing on drugs more than a 3rd of those deaths were caused by prescription opioids given to patients for pain faced with a growing crisis oklahomas attorney general decided to take action to Big Drug Companies Purdue Pharma and tiva pharmaceuticals have already settled before being taken to court that leaves johnson and johnson who lawyers say are an opioid kingpin these companies we believe. Made no effort. When this process began 20 years ago to ensure that they were providing in a clear and informed way what the downside was oklahomas case is just the 1st of almost 2000 lawsuits brought by states local municipalities and native american tribes this then is an important test case for the entire nation if lawyers here can prove a multibillion Dollar Company like johnson and johnson played a role in the Opioid Crisis the ramifications could be huge ultimately campaigners say it will save lives and could be the beginning of tackling a crisis has claimed so many legal experts say whatever happens drug manufacturer is watching closely i think its going to have a really good benefit for the public as a whole in terms of the safety and the marketing of drops in april President Trump valid to tackle the Opioid Crisis by providing more treatment and oversight of Big Pharmaceutical Companies we will end this terrible menace we will smash the grip of addiction we will make our cities safe our communities strong and our future brighter than ever before as one United Nations we will work we will pray and we will fight. For the day when every family across our land can live in a drug free america. The Opioid Crisis has already claimed countless victims over the last 2 decades and continues to blight the lives of millions pharmaceutical companies claim theyre not responsible but courts across the u. S. And now primed to hold them to account. Oklahoma city still ahead on. The king. From running in paris has reaction from the french open. You know again the schools for me as far as im thank you so much several players in spains top 2 football leagues have been arrested over a suspected match fixing it alleges players and officials from some clubs formed a criminal organization to profit from 6 games Spanish Police made the arrests after a league filed complaints about matches and lower nonprofessional divisions and International Friendlies league insists none of their complaints relate to games in spains top leak all neymar has been stripped of the brazil captaincy ahead of the copa america next month hes been replaced by parasang chemin teammate danny elves for the upcoming friendlies against cap tar and peru resilin are hosting the copa and their coach was under pressure to demote neymar because of disciplinary issues including hitting a fan after p. S. G. Last french cup final. In Germany Union berlin have made history by being promoted to the top division for the 1st time a goalless draw at home to stuttgart saw them win the been displayed a playoff tie on the away goals rule it sparked great scenes in the state and the players and Coaching Staff celebrated the achievement along with thousands of fans who invaded the pitch the space union the 1st side from the old east germany to reach the top flight in a decade. Tottenham manager see a positive change says his side are rested and ready for the Champions League final they take on liverpool in madrid on saturday for the top prize in European Club football. Future at spurs remains unclear and hes doing his best not to lose focus ahead of such a huge match. We can make the story we can write the story we. Provide our fans and our people i thin and i were family of course. The best scrappiness in food that you can provide. And i thin today to talk about individual things is its a little be embarrassing or a shame because you know i thin i am not important. The Boston Bruins have won the opening game of the stanley cup finals it wasnt easy though the had to rally from 2 goals down to beat st louis its so home and malik has the action. But still. The Boston Bruins have come into the stanley cup finals thanks some of the best hockey of the season based what the Eastern Conference Finals for nothing against carolina but playing on home ice and best stanley cup open i guess they knew if things didnt start well i could tell but i think they went one down in the 1st period with great intensity going for the blues. It was things got worse for boston as a lot of natascha and could doublethink lose the advantage was. Often know a thing or 2 about dealing with pressure having gone to a game 7 defied in the opening round was on a kicked and got the fight back doc it was and then Charlie Mcavoy scored on of how play to go into the final period to all. Was from that often dominate for shaun curry put them ahead if and brad muschamp through the comeback win with an empty net if i was final score 4 to boston our team has been resilient all your if you watch our group and not necessarily from come by. Just you know different guys in the lineup different guys producing were generally going to you know up and down why dont you guys that are going to play in this stand the bruins are looking for a 7th stanley cup title theyll have the chance to take a step closer to that when they host game 2 on wednesday. The top seed nearly all soccer plays her 1st match at the french open later aiming for her 3rd straight grand slam title was a scare for the 3 time champion Serena Williams on monday she dropped the 1st set against italia de chang co but fought back to win dropping just one game in the rest of the match williams said she was inspired by her eye catching quote. We have. Said it has words that has its in french and says queen it says champion and it says mom those are things that are a lot mean a lot to me and reminders for me and for everyone that you know that wants to wear just remind everyone that. You know can be champions and cleaned up on the mens side rafa nadal made a commanding start as he chases a record 12 french open title the defending champion make short work of ghana right 180 years in the world is the 2nd seed for this tournament to drop just 6 games on a specific target. It really. Is a new challenge. To today i was able to the win the 1st challenge and after the more i want to have the 2nd talent and thats the only way no problems either for another former champion Novak Djokovic the world number one beat poland hubert her ash in st john were just looking for the 2nd title in paris at these championships. Now finished with some incredible reactions in Major League Baseball take a look at this. Should i cut him loose next step. To the. Gym and narrow escape for the Milwaukee Brewers pictured Jeremy Jeffress up against the Minnesota Twins then twist his knee but it could have been so much worse the brewers went on to win the game 5 to 4 and thats all yours for now more later back to you has them well amazing reflexes from that pitcher all that it does it for lets say news hour but thats lost more on our website edges in a dot com has always said we shall carry is up next with more of the days news stay with us for that. Aljazeera was goes on a roller coaster journey here on and discover how folks can empower the g. G. Community itself believe and identity. Id like to prove to the world. I would be able to prove myself to my homes my friends and myself. Its like chalk afghan units on aljazeera. Its a daunting climb to one of the holiest sites in bhutan. Seems to defy gravity every few cities is expected to complete the pilgrimage to ensure peace and happiness when it became a democracy in 2008 the time put happiness at the center of all political policy inspiring the un to pass a resolution urging other nations to follow the times example but how do you measure it many brits unease happiness as well when sure its if it is quantifiable but by simply turning its pursuit into policy time has done what no other country has. The pollution is palpable. Delis shares the symptoms of many modern metropolis but its unique features have been gotten a crisis. People in power investigates the toxic mix feeding the citys invisible killer and asks why more is not being done to relieve its citizens the least deadly aired on aljazeera. Weve got them that we will escalate things using up peaceful civilian methods which just strikes protests and civil disobedience. A nationwide general strike in sudan is underway as talks to form a civilian government hit the deadlock. Or shall carry this out as their life until hamas are coming up. Syrian troops put on alert after cross of on least launch an operation and a search dominated northern region. 2 people including a school

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