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Plugs a whole romany watching out as i live my headquarters here in doha coming up in the next thirty minutes i dont think we can let scenes go on. Indias horrendous way as the outrage grows over the bloodbath in syrias eastern guta russia calls for an Emergency Un Security Council meeting. Also dozens of nigerian girls are fair to have been abducted after the attack on their school by bach. From refugee to v. I. P. Well tell you the story of one very special korean man. Welcome to the program theres been an outpouring of anger and frustration as a meeting between the u. S. President and students and families affected by last weeks Deadly School shooting in florida donald trump heard their pleas for reform and has responded with ideas of his own including Arming Teachers i did hear castro reports now from washington d. C. A meeting with the president dominated by emotions and raw pain im very angry that this happened because it keeps happening nine eleven happened once and they fix everything how many schools how many children have to get shot. It stops here with the cid ministration and me this mans daughter was shot nine times at Stillman Douglas high school in florida last week this student lost his friend i turned eighteen the day after i woke up to the news that my best friend was gone. And i dont understand why i could still go in a store and buy a weapon of war described as a listening session by the White House Trump joined by his Vice President and secretary of education said all ideas to prevent future School Shootings are on the table that includes Arming Teachers an attack has lasted on average about three minutes it takes five to eight minutes for responders for the police to come in so the tack is of if you had a teacher with who was adept at firearms they could very well in the attack very quickly anybody like the students and parents invited to meet the president were handpicked by the administration some said security and Better Mental Health should be main priority was but outside the white house students who continued their protest wednesday were united in their opposition to guns we will continue to try to get Gun Legislation until Congress Listens to the white house was. Trump said during his meeting with shooting survivors that this was no longer the time for just talk as in the past but elected by a progun base and backed by the powerful gun lobby it remains to be seen just health far trouble go to bring meaningful reform heidi joe castro aljazeera washington. Oh florida where last weeks shooting took place deputy sheriffs who Patrol School grounds have now been told to carry rifles the state is out of central the big student mobilization against gun violence as you saw on on tuesday thousands of them gathered outside the Republican Controlled Legislature in the state capital tallahassee to demand change and galahad was there. The survivors of last weeks School Shooting in parkland would not alone when they came to Florida State capitol chants of no more guns and never again rang out as crowd swells. Many of these students have spent the past few days attending funerals of form and classmates their determination to change u. S. Gun laws is a rallying call for activists across the nation you sent thoughts and prayers as your remedy but refused to take action. Well members of the legislature i am proud to announce i took your advice i have been praying ive been praying for you. Was. I to bring you that you look in the mirror and figure out your priorities. I presume that you signed the no n. R. A. Money pledge and so many of them out there. Now. Unless some gun owners and now destroying their assault rifles in videos that have gone viral others a turning them into authorities but on wednesday floridas politicians rejected a bill that would have banned assault rifles an indication of just how challenging any change will be that person who died because of an iowa fifteen. Was. You because you sat yesterday you had a chance to stop them and you took that chance the way i was there i dont like bush dont mind our heart you might but it. Was hard to background checks and Better Mental Health screening a widely supported by the Us Public Service the voices of children may make a difference they have to understand that this is really affected everyone not just us the kids in the school its affected the whole community and they need to listen to us and were were smart we can we can talk ourselves were not just children we can you know we can make a difference what you have here is a new generation of voices determined to make themselves heard and right now the world is listening but any change lays firmly at the doorsteps of politicians the next move is theirs and the expectations are perhaps higher than theyve ever been and gallacher aljazeera tallahassee florida home dexter is a board member to win against gun violence he strongly disagrees with trumps idea to on teaches. Its a terrible and dangerous idea on our board of directors we also have Los Angeles Police department and sheriffs detectives we get to go back to the l. A. Crime lab which is the largest crime lab in the nation and work with forensic scientists who are experts in ballistics and firearms and i specifically asked them could a civilian stop a mass shooter they told me that police only have an eighteen percent accuracy rate for hitting a live target during a live shooting the reason for that is that when youre in a life shooting situation you go into fight or flight mode you have tunnel vision your hearing is impaired time slows down your fine motor coordination is impaired so where expecting americas teachers who are by the way underpaid and under appreciated to now become the nations swat team its a really unfair ask and its a dangerous ask. Lets head to the middle east now where despite growing condemnation Syrian Government bombing continues on the rebel held district of eastern guta near damascus more than three hundred people have been killed since sunday that of the United Nations as call the situation in eastern go to hell on earth our diplomatic editor james bays will have more in a moment but first an a harder look at whats happening on the ground. There is no front line in eastern. Residential neighborhoods have become battlegrounds the Syrian Government and its allies are bombing the besieged rebel enclave into submission i look at the suburb of damascus is under attack well look i. Mean what we heard a plane overhead is the messiah landed people were torn into pieces i was with my nephew and we were both injured or i heard was the sound of an ambulance and i found myself here hundreds killed hundreds more injured the United Nations says makeshift hospitals are being hit some are now out of service there is a humanitarian crisis and there is nowhere to hide. There is no safe place i tried to convince my parents to say in the first floor of our building thinking it would be safer but they told me theres no difference because buildings are being flattened in the strikes. The government said military reinforcement to the frontlines around the besieged enclave the progovernment newspaper says the Bombing Campaign comes ahead of what it said will be a vast operation which may start on the ground at any time. The thousands of rebels there are promising to repel any advance a ground offensive will not be easy the government and its allies have repeatedly tried to storm eastern huta in the past the rebels have strong defenses and an underground Tunnel Network that they use to their advantage. For the Syrian Government and its allies a victory in history that would remove a threat to the capital the rebels are able to fire mortars into damascus at times causing casualties russia is now justifying the Bombing Campaign even though eastern should be a deescalation zone it is pointing to the presence of the fighters belonging to a Group Previously known as el nostra accusing them of using civilians as human shields and of what it calls armed provocations. Many including the un are warning the battle for eastern huta could turn into a repeat of the battle for aleppo. The battle for aleppo lasted for months there was so much suffering among the civilian population before a ceasefire deal was reached that involved a Mass Evacuation the people of eastern fear they could face the same fate. Beirut the Security Council met to discuss the uns charter the governing document of the World Organization the charter drawn up over seventy years ago gives the council the key role of maintaining peace and security a job its miserably failed to do over the last seven years in syria as it met once again divided and impotent some of the worst violence of the war as Eastern Ghouta was once again bombarded four hundred thousand people that believe. In hell on earth and so my appeal to all those involved. It is for any immediate suspension of all war activities in eastern guta there were in fact for one day two secretaries general in new york mr good terraces preterist says a bang kimoon had also been invited to speak he also expressed concern at the continued bloodshed in the syrian situation youd really have must come to an end its going to be a seventh in for a come march tenth it will be a seventy year appearing daughter seven years a sore many civilian population have been killed there is now a new peace effort the ambassador of sweden hopes to bring a new draft resolution to a vote in the council in the coming days were asking for a cessation of hostilities for thirty days throughout syria throughout syria forty or forty eight hours after that access for weekly u. N. Humanitarian and convoys aid aid convoys to. Areas in need particularly urgent busy areas russia had blocked previous efforts to get a resolution on a cease fire in eastern guta facing mounting criticism and bassett or vaseline the benzine has now himself called for a Security Council meeting on the situation on thursday the charter which the un has actually been discussing is in effect the constitution of the world body it begins we the peoples of the United Nations determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war now compare those words to the pictures from eastern guta history is bound to judge that in recent days and over the past seven years the u. N. Has failed the people of syria james pays out his era at the United Nations well to africa now a nigerian please. Dozens of school girls are feared missing following a time by fighters on a village in the obey state there are conflicting reports that some girls have been found after fleeing the attack and that some may have been rescued by the military in twenty fourteen the armed group abducted more than two hundred seventy girls from the town of chip bock was yesterday around six thirty we were at the school eating some of us were going to prayers between the christie ends and the muslims then heard the shooting of the guards and we dont know where we are going we just moved far away but today they released us and we are going back home. Evident to us has more from my degree in northeastern nigeria. Well there are differing accounts as to exactly what happened at the Government Girls School in new york state initial reports say the fight is went into town started fighting sporadically in there and then went to the school raided the school food store but nobody was taken then and even later after the attack at least one student told local media that you saw some of our colleagues being taken away so when the fighters moved into the Institution Members of staff of the school and the girl scaled the fence and run into the bushes then reports emerged that more than ninety have been unaccounted for from then there were reports that some of the girls who have found their way back into town and back into the school but to the school now some parents also approached the School Authorities telling them that in fact some of their daughters have made. Found their way home so the obvious to government issued a statement saying that at least fifty students have been unaccounted for as of the time of least that statement but said the military and other Security Services are calming the bushes trying to rescue those who fled and found their way why they actually couldnt get in now this is coming at a time when there are still up to one hundred schoolgirls kidnapped in two thousand and fourteen in chibok and now a lot of people are oppressive are strict zakk to what happened and many people are complaining as to why there was no clear statement more than twenty four hours after the attack. Well still ahead here on aljazeera the vaticans investigation into sex abuse by paedophile priest in chile faces a sent back. Also alters their joins greenpeace as it launches an expedition to protect the antarctic to stay with us here alone. From a fresh breeze. To watching the sunset on the australian outback. How their weather does remain a little disturbed across parts of the middle east in a fair amount of cloud just sliding across iraq and on into iran i would be the case as we go on through the next couple of days and the possible this isnt that weather to say a few spots of rain there perhaps some longer spells of right some heavy downpours coming into parts of iraq into iran the clouds gathering over kuwait as well the high that looks fine and dry nineteen celsius amesbury. Touch warmest ago wanted to friday should be largely dry but still its also want to see showers maybe the odd shot creeping into syria easing over towards northern parts of iraq Northern Areas of iran the cloud then pushing over towards afghanistan that cloud still there across northern parts of the Arabian Peninsula body to see a little bit of right developing here and cause hours to go on into the weekend first by ship dry friday again largely dry think its in the sack then sunday we may see a few spots of rain developing here presented to the north of that anyway where you see this you could see a little bit damp weather south of that it stays dry warm and sunny so dry woman sunny into the western side of south africa eastern areas still seeing more shop showers with the tempest picking up to thirty three celsius in been and more heavy downpours to zimbabwe and zambia. The weather sponsored by qatar airways. The scene for us where on line what is american sign in yemen that peace is always possible but it never happens not because the situation is complicated but because no one cares or if you join us on sat there people that there are choosing between buying medication and eating this is a dialogue i want to get in one more comment because this is someone whos an activist and shes posted a story join the global conversation at this time on aljazeera. Welcome back youre watching girl just around the whole robin to remind of our top stories people affected by gun violence in the United States of urge President Donald Trump to improve gun laws during a meeting at the white house told them he supports the idea of Arming Teachers if they receive special training also the head of the un has called for an immediate halt to a time solves serious eastern cooter saying civilians the a living in hell on earth cereal and russian air raids have killed more than three hundred people since sunday. And dozens of schoolgirls offered missing following a baka rom attack on the school in northeastern nigeria now there are conflicting reports of some girls have been found and rescued after escaping the assault in hugo bay state. More on the relentless bombing over Eastern Ghouta in syria stories of individual tragedies or merging with the full. Length of his dead son who was killed in an airstrike in the village of beit sahour hes saying his final goodbyes. The moral of the news that activists living in eastern guti told us that the world has turned its back on syria for the vast seventy two hours the shelling and bombing air raids are not stopping. This moment. Theres a lot of dead people here theres a lot of injuries medical wants out of service we feel like it betrayed really from the international community. That was there was bart of the escalation zones and southern clear theres being a Brutal Campaign on on there the area its really we we feel like it betrayed. To the americas now a special envoy sent a chilean by profound says to investigate cover ups in a sex abuse scandal has been hospitalized theres putting more pressure on the vatican its already under fire for seeming to take little or no action when dealing with abuse by a Catholic Priest in the country you see in human reports from the capital something. Hours before he was taken to hospital for emergency gall bladder operation the vaticans most experienced sex crimes investigator explained the high profile mission that brought him to chile even. Pope francis sent me to collect useful information concerning monsignor one barrel of. He was referring to this bishop accused of covering up sex abuses committed by chiles most notorious pedophile priest the well documented abuses took place in the seminary of the church that you see behind me and it was the popes stubborn defense of Bishop Butler us during his recent trip here to chile that unleashed widespread criticism that his promise of zero tolerance of abuses in the church was a mere Public Relations exercise under pressure to address the worst crisis of his papacy the pope dispatched his team of investigators to hear testimonies from those whom just weeks earlier he had accused of slander among them sex abuse survivor one hamilton. Its hard time that the dirt hidden under the rug comes out by meeting with the archbishop was respectful whatever happens the vatican will know the truth of what goes on in chile over the outcome ultimately depends on the pope a spanish priest to accompany the vaticans chief investigator has taken over the interviews while the archbishop recovers wednesday afternoon he heard testimonies from three parishioners a priest and a deacon from asada know the city where the pope appointed bishop biros despite widespread protests. Given a. We want to tell others who also want to testify that we are confident that despite the archbishops illness the investigation will continue with full guarantees of independence from chile as complicit church hierarchy. In chile some eighty priests have been accused of sexual abuse of minors according to the american n. G. O. Bishop accountability the question many are asking now is whether this weeks Ongoing Investigation is simply papal damage control or does it signal a new more convincing chapter in the Catholic Churchs purported fight against ongoing clerical sex abuse you see in yemen al just sent out. Now pakistans highest court has banned the forward Prime Minister nawaz sharif from serving as head of his Political Party and sharif was ousted last year over corruption allegations the decision could spell the end of his political career as kemal hider opposed the company. For the second time debuggers county court has you ruled that mr nigh wife sherry who was the countrys Prime Minister and earlier disqualified by the Supreme Court after corruption allegations against him in the Panama Papers scandal however. The ruling party was then able to board old legislation through Parliament Making amendments through d. N. A. Action act of parliament whereby you know why sheriff would be illegible to go ahead days party despite an earlier ruling by the Supreme Court that gordon are doing so a major setback for the ruling party the spokesman for the government saying that they were expecting this war date but it appears that the ruling party has stated on a collision course read bugger started your dishy and know why sheriff who is also facing here is charges of corruption is also facing trial and the National Accountability caught indeed a landmark war date for the Prime Minister which god spared trouble for Pakistan Muslim League now watch led by the cherie will of the Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony if you study volunteers handpicked by the south korean government sites in the vi p. Section alongside the president to the north Korean Refugees in the natasha spoke to one of the song yang young occupies a special place in korean history you might say its his birthright but he wasnt even aware of the unique circumstances regarding his start in life until his late fortys they were kind of peers and i only knew before then was that i was born on the ship i almost died but it was same. It was december one thousand nine hundred fifty six months into the korean war there was a refugee catastrophe in the making in hundred north korea. After being surrounded american and south korean troops were forced to retreat by sea an estimated one hundred thousand North Koreans followed desperate to escape the violence over the next two weeks about ninety ships would transport the refugees on board one of those ships five babies were born in a dark airless standing room only cargo hold so was the first babies would become known as the kimchi five it is the largest amphibious evacuation of civilians under combat conditions in American History and its unheard of even a war people can and do listen to their better angels during the chaos of the escapes ones parents left his brother and sister behind to stay with an uncle they never realized the separation would become permanent son says his parents cried every day until their deaths cooper masonic and them watching down my heart was torn apart and i wanted to meet my siblings i used to wonder why this happened to my family when other families could live in. When the south Korean Olympic Committee selected song to become a special volunteer during the olympics this time he would witness history at an arms length he was in the v. I. P. Area during the Opening Ceremony just a few metres away was kim jong un sister kim jong the first member of the north korean ruling family to step foot on south korean soil since the war. I was home and when i saw the north korean delegation i felt histology about my home and wonder what it would be like to visit north korea. Her son has no idea if his siblings are alive but he hopes he can fulfil his fathers dying wish scrawled on his baby photo to travel to the north find his brother and sister and finally unite the family separated so painfully almost sixty eight years ago natasha going to aim. The campaign is underway to turn a vast area of toxic waters into the largest protected area on earth its rich in biodiversity and discover only untouched by human activity the clock reports from the greenpeace ship sailing into the well see them talked about. So were on board the arctic sunrise heading further and further south we come through the antarctic sound which by sexy and talk to put into the were now on the web will see but not yet at the border which they want to protect it best out of the sixty fourth parallel but to get there we got to get through all these ice theres a lot of it around there were finding these clear passages trying to weave all way through the ice and the way that its happening is through the scope and the captain whos right up there in the courage that you can to see him so i think hes looking for these leads these passages through the ice which will guide us on hopefully down to the sixty four are about as you can see its just incredibly spectacular weve seen plenty of water life to the penguins all three around with the method seals and even the old tail of the whale disappearing into the water to go through reason were on board is to follow that effort to turn a large part of the way will see into the ocean so i treat a little bit earlier i spoke to will we call him here on board hes the oceans team leader for greenies its just incredible ecosystem so you have this unbelievable wildlife down there twelve species of whale some scientists have done some modeling to suggest theres more than fourteen thousand species living on the sea that is absolutely unique even when i talk to chris you know the coldest seen on the planet and so far its pretty much im touched by human activity so where we think that it should stay that way we dont want the krill fishing industry to expand into it we dont want any industry to expand into it and whats more this year we have the opportunity to protect it so that scientists in germany have all together a proposal which is now being backed by the e. U. And the decision. And since october first whether it will be put off limits to human activity will mccallum so well keep pushing through this ice as best we can trying to reach the sixty fourth parallel and if this is remain clear like this we can take this helicopter up and get a great overview of this magnificent i stay here and i talk a bit in three or four days talk i will head back up the east coast of the un talk to pins which are these talks and islands which is an area where a lot of cruel fishing is taking place and then will take hold me in for three rough Drake Passage back to south america. To watch aljazeera arms a whole drama these are all top stories people affected by gun violence in the u. S. Have expressed their anger and i mean saying with president trying for the White House Trump has been told to take the time to change gun ownership laws im very angry that this happened because it keeps happening nine eleven happened once and they fixed everything how many schools how many children have to get shot it stops here with the said ministration and me its im not going to im not going to sleep until its fixed well tom says he supports the idea of Arming Teachers and school staff this would only be obviously for people that are very adept at handling a gun and it would be its called concealed carry where a teacher would have a concealed gun on them theyd go for special training and they would. Be there and you would no longer have a gun free zone gun free zone to a maniac because theyre all cowards a gun free zone is lets go in and lets attack because bullets arent coming back at us. Now the head of the un has called for an immediate halt to attacks on syrias Eastern Ghouta saying civilians there are living in hell on earth syrian and russian air raids have killed more than three hundred people since sunday also dozens of schoolgirls are missing following a box around the time called the school in northeastern nigeria there are conflicting reports of some girls have been found and rescued after escaping the assault in the state in twenty fourteen boko haram abducted more than two hundred seventy girls in the town of chibok israeli media say a former confidant of the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may testify against him in a Corruption Case Shlomo Filbert is a former director of the Communications Ministry and he was arrested on sunday by Police Looking into government benefits that were offered to a telecoms giant the stream is next on aljazeera back in thirty minutes. Facing the realities of growing up when did you realize that you were living in a special place a socalled secret city getting to the heart of the matter why is activists to live in jail just because she expressed herself hear their story on and talk to aljazeera at this time. And here in the stream now live on you tube today living with dementia discuss it impacts the efforts to tackle it and the pining developments helping those affected. Dementia can be devastating for their

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