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Low i Maryam Namazie this is al jazeera live from london also coming up a man convicted of the rape and murder of six year old zainab im sorry whos killing triggered nationwide protests is sentenced to death. Defense minister defends the implementation of a state of emergency which bans protests for six months. And calls grow for the head of the f. B. I. To resign over its failure to follow up on a tip off about a Florida School shooter. So we begin with the war of words thats erupted between the u. S. And russia over the indictments of thirteen russian nationals for election meddling russias foreign minister Sergey Lavrov has dismissed the indictments as just blabber saying that were no facts to back them up but u. S. President Trumps National security adviser said the evidence of espionage and subversion was undeniable on friday special council charged thirteen russians with running a huge social media trolling campaign against Democrat Hillary Clinton. Its a lets see i have no response you can publish anything and we have seen those indictments and ive also read the statements from the Homeland Security adviser in the u. S. Who denied the reports that any country to influence the Election Results the same was said by mike pence either here or maybe in another European Capital so until we hear the facts Everything Else is just blather so lets take a closer look at whats being alleged in this indictment this in pieces but based Internet Research agency is listed as a major target of the investigation it said to have undertaken operations to interfere with elections and political processes also known as the troll factory its accused of manipulating social media in the us and staging political rallies in support of donald Trump Indictment says russian imposters on social media use tash tags including trump train twenty sixteen and hillary for prison named in the indictment is yevgeny progression a close associate of the russian president but in a putin one of rotch brushes richest men hes listed as financing the troll factories operations challenge has more from moscow. Russian response so far has essentially amplified a sense of incredulity incredulity that thirteen people could of influence the voting of more than three hundred million americans incredulity that these thirteen people could have acted against a billion dollar budget serve u. S. Intelligence services and counterintelligence against all the latest innovations and technologies. Guinea prigogine who is right at the heart of this indictment is what is widely believed the financial muscle behind this troll farm in St Petersburg is also known by the way as putin the chef a billionaire businessman and now he says well the americans are very impressionable people and they see what they want to see he doesnt mind being on this list years already on a u. S. Sanctions list and says that if the americans want to see the devil will let them the russians are also going to be drilling down into the fact that this indictment doesnt explicitly say that the russian government sponsored this election meddling efforts and also that the indictment doesnt say the russia actually changed the outcome of the elections russians also be very aware that the United States doesnt have an entirely clean record was when we got when it comes to in meddling in other peoples elections theyve done it numerous times in numerous countries over the years and they in fact have done it in russia too in one hundred ninety six when part of the elson looked like he was going to be losing an election to the communists well it was the us political advisors that what it for him. A course in pakistan has handed four death sentences to a man convicted of raping and murdering a six year old go they now banned sorrys body was found in a rubbish dump after shed been sexually assaulted her death sparked protests across pakistan with claims of government inaction and Police Incompetence and reports. Captured on security cameras walking hand in hand with the man who would kill her these are the last known moments of little zaineb and saris life her body would later be found on a rubbish dump in cars sure the town where she lived with her family near the eastern city of lahore investigators say she was raped and strangled twenty four year old iran was convicted of her kidnap rape and murder and Antiterrorism Court handed him four separate death sentences under pakistani law crimes that are considered to have spread terror in society can be charged as acts of terrorism the opportunity that this case is that or better Child Protection or a more honest and a sort of. Active debate and reflection within society about how its natural and easy it is or like. It to prey on a young child all of those opportunities. If you want to and its been well essentially close the chapter on this instance but not close the chapter on. An abuse of children and i think thats a missed opportunity and one yeah there in january thousands of people across pakistan protested to demand justice for zaineb her family said police took no action during the five days from when she was reported missing and her body was found there were demonstrations at police stations and politicians homes were set on fire the authorities were accused of being different and incompetent zaineb are also brought to light eleven other similar cases in the consumer area in two years prosecutors say ali has confessed to eight of the killings including saying the fact that this it happened levon times if you sleep and. It was eleven bodies of Young Children did not stir the american agent of already. Once and only only because your reaction upon us was russia said. Ali has fifteen days to appeal the verdict is in its parents are demanding his execution be carried out in public at the same rubbish dump their daughters body was found in p. S. Diab aljazeera the u. S. Is calling only to National Community to take action only use of chemical weapons by the Syrian Government u. S. National security adviser at last and made the comments during a speech at the Munich Security Conference he says its clear the syrian president bashar assad is using chemical weapons and that he should be held to account public accounts and photos clearly show that assads chemical weapons use is continuing it is time for all nations to hold the Syrian Regime and its sponsors that countable for their actions and support the efforts of the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons. Is a new note for us so bold words there from National Security adviser. The u. S. Is concerned about the use of chemical weapons in syria but any indication as to what they willing to do about it. Or exactly of us and i mean general my pastor has been basically saying that the Syrian Government not only used chemical weapons last april but continues to use them against civilians in different parts of the country asking the interNational Community to hold the government accountable but the. The question is how to move forward i mean you talk to different parties and they would tell you that the United States of america has lost leverage in syria because it has not been a real leader over the last few years paving the way for other key players to step in like russia which in two thousand and fifteen intervened militarily in the ground in favor of providence president bashar assad the other was now who have the ultimate say over developments in syria it remains to be seen whether the americans are going to launch attacks against the Syrian Government in the near future to replicate what they did last april when the last attack against a Syrian Military base the saying that that was the base which was used by the syrian army to launch. Chemical attacks against civilians in. To do that you need to have also the interNational Community on board to try to. Pursue an aggressive. Policy against the government of syrian president bashar assad. And hashim the other big story right now despite the overtures we have seen between north and south korea there are fears about potential confrontation or sense of confrontation mounting that tween washington and pyongyang didnt last to say much about that. What is basically has been using very strong words. Yes the syrian against the north korean government saying that we should not allow the. Cruel. Government of kim this is. To pursue its policy of acquiring. Weapons asking the interNational Community to downgrade relations with pyongyang and also impose more sanctions and stop trading with the north korean government to put more pressure on the government to to stop pursuing its military agenda but you know at the same time what weve been hearing over the last two days from different security official is that what you need to do at this particular moment is to a dialogue not only between the United States of america and north korea but also to include the interNational Community and multilateral institutions like the United Nations to try to diffuse tension because many believe that if you cant bring all the key players on board you wont be able to diffuse that this could further degenerate into what the most serious geopolitical concerns this explains one of the most headlines of this particular. Munich security conference is the world is the on the brink of a significant crisis there were alluding to the north korean crisis the the title sounds ominous but thank you so much for breaking it all down for us hashem in. Ethiopias defense minister says the state of emergency will last for six months during which there will be a ban on protests and publications that incite violence the ruling party hopes the move will call the west antigovernment demonstrations in a quarter of a century which prompted the Prime Minister to resign on thursday mohammed reports. Its calm on the streets of ethiopias capital of the suburb but the country slipping into a deeper political crisis on friday the government imposed a state of emergency to stay more we will invest the defense minister confirmed on saturday it will last for six months and includes a ban on protests governing style and publications that incite violence and he says the announcement follows the sudden resignation of Prime Minister high limit embezzling who had been in office since two thousand and twelve the high limit him said his departure as Prime Minister and chairman of the ruling if you have peers peoples revolution of Democratic Front coalition was to enable necessary reforms in government the. The been lost the most russians in ethiopias largest regions were only on them high and recent months with protesters calling for political and Economic Reforms and an end to state corruption all of a ten month state of emergency and of last year but failed to stop the protests particularly by ethiopias youth who have increasingly come to view the most surgeons as the only way to bring about meaningful change dozens of protests of being killed and many more injured since two thousand and fifteen as condemned nega is one of six thousand Political Prisoners released by the government this year in an effort to ease growing tensions to be and could look at it with ethiopia as one large prison i say this because there is no democracy in the country this is a dictatorship we have to change as big prison into a Democratic State opposition leaders say here prison Ruling Coalition has lost its all forty that demanding all parties be involved in deciding the countrys future renegotiation you know this country is a country are funded media. It is too big for one Political Group for long it. Is a feature of hundred Million People the years of unaccountability on earth in the size of the countrys politics its your bid to Tipping Point some say injustice repression on the block of mimic full democracy have instilled a sense of despondency if your peers a Winning Coalition the e. P. A. R. B. F. Is expected to meet within days to choose a successor to highly. But the stakes are high and sling for the premiership in tons what about the coalition decides will have a huge impact on how ethiopia is governed mohammed i dont ill just. Sell ad for you on the program cost of a set of rights ten years of independence as late as call for all countries to recognise its status. And were in mexico where the government is facing mounting pressure to raise the minimum wage which is less than five dollars a day. Welcome back the weather across much of central and Southern China is looking draw and final moment hong kong twenty two fuzhou twenty four taipei is also fairing quite well today is a mix from further towards the north over that developing frontal system thats bringing isnt quite heavy rains are young along the Yangtze River valley on our Northern Edge of that the cold be some snow developing during the course of monday fair bit of cloud towards the southwest but dry and with a southerly flow its looking pretty warm there for noise twenty seven fine conditions across los and through into miramar yang on there hot and humid thirty five degrees for south asia it looks mostly findings in the satellite imagery weve got very little way of significant cloud here so plenty of sunshine temperatures for the most part we do expect into the low thirtys delhi at about twenty six degrees and then for crouch in pakistan twenty nine or so moving on then to the Arabian Peninsula we have got a frontal system just affecting Northern Areas so were going to see a bit of a change in wind direction and temperatures over the course of sunday monday said thirty degrees are way above what it should be for this time the already has been a strange winter a very warm winter as we head on into monday well see the wind picking up from the northwest so temperatures undergo a significant drop high seer expected to reach twenty six. While the rich take. The worlds poor must to survive. On the streets and roads of my own people and investigates the injustice is globalized. And how Different Countries responds to those at the very bottom of society. At this time on aljazeera. Quick look at the days top stories now russias foreign minister has dismissed the indictment of thirteen russian citizens for interfering in the u. S. Election speaking at a security conference in munich Sergey Lavrov said there are no facts to back up the claims. The man convicted of the rape and murder of six year old zainab and sari whose killing triggered protests across pakistan has been given for death sentences. Ethiopias defense minister says theres been no military takeover and that the state of emergency declared on friday following the resignation of Prime Minister haile mariam desolate and will last for six months. Now in all the stories were following its exactly ten years since cost of a officially declared independence from serbia after years of conflict and a civil war that claimed fountains of lives kosovo is recognized as an independent nation by more than one hundred ten other countries among them the us and most of the e. U. But its still not recognized by others including serbia russia and china all those in Russian Military political financial or loosing gazer and. It is very rational to keep it still Unfinished Business so we have lost a lot of farm soul but. Today its the dawn tomorrow is a dawn but we dont know any more years for this because your last two decades on this topic. Andrew symonds joins us live now from pristina and so a significant anniversary milestone that for the people of kosovo but any fresh emissions have in terms of recognizing the country. Will not really maryam you heard our interview with the Prime Minister in which he was pressing home the point that there had to be more immediacy to the issue of recognition by serbia or weve heard from alex on the church the serbian president on the eve of this as you describe a landmark event is reference to a frozen conflicts of the dangers of that perhaps this was posturing but he was certainly a wanting more compromise from kosovo in order to get any progress in serbia she recognizing the possibility of recognizing kosovo and that would be a prerequisite to membership is easy you view is that broad which is a may rule the day eventually but no ones putting any timeframe on it aside from the politics that also liberations but thats been tempered by the recollection looking back on the history here the poles of the losses of the losses on both sides but particularly want event in particular in re check back in eighty twenty years ago when forty five people died. Its a war hes grown used to over the years. Still cant comprehend why he lived and his brother died no other men had been fighters they were kosovar albanian and that was a death sentence for those buried here young and old. This happened within the reach of unarmed european observers but the serbs blocked their access rama shabani and others had been rounded up in this yard. Pretty hard to stop or to talk to in the hall as you can see first of all they threw grenades and opened fire on the house people were screaming especially the kids who i was laid out and beaten just here then we were ordered to leave in that direction with our hands behind our heads. Like the others rama followed directions coming up here stopping to light a cigarette and then haring shooting he ran in that direction and the rest had come along here and theyd fallen into a trap they call this the red trail paint marks the spots where blood stains belongings and foreign bodies had been found and it was all exposed by this figure from what i personally saw i do not hesitate to describe the event as a massacre obviously a crime very much against humanity. William walkers words started a diplomatic trail leading to natos intervention the bombing of serbian military targets and there were civilian casualties back at rates check this young man believes the conflict was worth it but byron hire a z who was six when his eighteen year old brother was shot dead says many of kosovos leaders a noun neglecting his village and others like it. If we compare rhetorics contribution to the cost of postage i think the authorities have not paid off our sacrifice so many young people attend University Degrees only to be unemployed Economic Development to stifle every heist in our village has a person whos migrated to support their family its the view of many kosovar albanians ten years of independence hasnt carried with it good fortune for all. So as you mentioned that unemployment painful well very problematic for people how severe is it. Well you heard from a young man he has a masters degree and cant find a job he is among sixty percent of the unemployed thats a remarkably high figure young people unemployment thirty percent is the general figure and this is a situation where by more than half of the population in a Younger Age Group highest in the whole of europe so this is a real handicap to the progress of his country that all of us unemployment there are a host of other issues some of them positive it has to be said this country has recognition from one hundred sixteen Countries Worldwide but the issues to hand corruption the issues of law and order and the economy are certainly hindering the prospects of this very Young Country thank you so much for putting it all into perspective for us anderson is in pristina. President trump has been in florida meeting victims of Wednesdays School shooting that left seventeen people dead and many more injured the governor of florida has called has called on the f. B. I. Director to resign after the agency admitted that it didnt act on a warning about Nicholas Cruz is now been charged with them and is from florida and he got a call reports. President trumps first stop in florida was to the hospital where some of the victims of wednesdays shooting still recovering his visit wasnt publicly announced but he told reporters he had spoken with victims and their families just think it is incredible that i want to do it. He then went on to visit with Law Enforcement officials but news that the f. B. I. Mishandled Vital Information about Nicholas Cruz have dominated headlines its now known that someone close to cruz called authorities with specific information about the nineteen year olds intentions the information was not passed to the proper authorities a startling failure by the f. B. I. Earlier today the f. B. I. Released a statement regarding information provided to our Public Access line on january fifth of this year. The paula provided information about Nicholas Cruz and the potential of him becoming a school shooter. Under normal protocol this information should have been provided to the Miami Field Office there appropriate best to give steps would have been taken. The f. B. I. Has a term in the protocol was not followed floridas governor was called on the agencys director to step down adding yet more pressure to an organization already under scrutiny by the Republican Party and a makeshift memorial to those that died people continue to pay their respects but theres also anger that more isnt being done about gun control one mothers message to the president is typical of the reaction here i would tell trump that youve got to get it together this is not about politics this is not about money. This is about childrens lives this is about protecting our children as a mother with children that have grown up in the city and gone to school i cannot as a mother tell my child that you are safe when i drop you off in caroline because i dont know that every day ill tell trump you know you have children. You need to protect the Children First and foremost before money before politics before your ego you need to do something to get these guns out of these peoples hands its not known if the president will spend more time in parkland but most here are focused on remembering and grieving there are seventeen crosses here to honor those that died in wednesdays my shooting but according to the journal pediatrics between two thousand and twelve and two thousand and fourteen an average of Thirteen Hundred children died of gun violence each year in this community theres an overwhelming desire for change but changing this countrys gun laws will be a long and hard fought battle to go across zero parkland florida at least twenty people have been killed by three suicide bombers a market in Northern Nigeria the suicide bombers blew themselves up at a fish market in conduit just outside my degree on friday night no one has claimed responsibility for the attack that the Group Boko Haram is active in on a state. At least thirteen people including three children have died after a military helicopter crashed in southern mexico. The helicopter was surveying the damage is of an earthquake in the state of one haka a fifty homes were destroyed a seven point two magnitude quake also left nearly a million homes and businesses without power in mexico city. Well nearly seventy organizations according on the interim merican commission of human rights to force mexico to raise its minimum wage they say the current rate of less than five dollars a day condemns millions to a life of poverty but even those not living on the low salaries a struggling to afford basic products as John Heilemann reports. Lilian has always tried to work with a smile on her face but like many mexicans she lives almost on the breadline the job buying and selling clothes in the local market often doesnt pay enough to feed her family for good luck on me that it was dissing point that i mean here costs just under three dollars and i just ate half of it and save the other part for the next day to save on costs. New official start show that four out of ten minutes can see dont earn enough even to buy basic food stuffs last years record inflation combined with the countrys long stagnant salaries have left many families unable to cope with the unexpected learned in a burrito my goodness for a bed in from getting sick because it costs money i have to have a special diet for my diabetes which costs even more. Mexicans buying power began to nosedive more than a decade ago and has never recovered the Mexican Government posted this month that the economys enjoyed five years of constant growth but that doesnt seem to have filtered down independent statistics show that the ten richest mexicans have the same amount of money as the sixty million poorest. The countrys on course to have the Second Lowest minimum wage in latin america and york says that less than five dollars a day its so low its unconstitutional its urging the intermarriage can court of human rights to rule in favor of an increase but oxfams head of Research Says that the roots of the problem also have to be addressed why wait is so low the strategy of the government. Has been to maintain low wages in order to continue to attract Foreign Investment we need to stop competing with order markets by offering low wages we need to change that mindset in order to. Cascade. The fruits of globalization. Thats a steep challenge for a country which has struggled to balance creating jobs with ensuring they pay enough for people to enjoy a decent life for. John holden how does it or mitt screw city. Now a quick look at the days top stories russias foreign minister Sergey Lavrov has dismissed the indictment of thirteen russians for meddling in the u. S. Election saying there were no facts to back up the charges by the u. S. National security advisor him at last to set the evidence of espionage and subversion was undeniable on friday special counsel Robert Muller charged the thirteen russians with running a huge social media trolling campaign against Democrat Hillary Clinton its a good you have seen it i have no response you can publish anything and we have seen those indictments and ive also read the statements from the Homeland Security adviser in the u. S. Who denied the report that any country had influence the Election Results the same was said by mike pence either here or maybe in another European Capital so until we hear the facts Everything Else is just blather. Ethiopias defense minister has ruled out a military takeover a day after the east african nation declared a new state of emergency now this comes after the worst antigovernment protests in a quarter of a century the state of emergency will last for six months with a possible four month extension and effectively bans demonstrations on thursday the Prime Minister haile mariam does elaine said he was resigning to help bring about peace and allow planned political reforms to succeed. The governor of the u. S. State of florida has called on the director of the f. B. I. To resign not the agency admitted it didnt act on warnings about a man charged with shooting dead seventeen people at a school on wednesday President Donald Trump has been in florida meeting survivors of the attack as well as police who responded to the shooting the f. B. I. Has admitted it received multiple warnings about the suspects a course in pakistan has sentenced a man to death for the mud and rape of a six Year Old Girl zainab and sorry a body was found in a rubbish dump after she had been sexually assaulted the case triggered protests across the country with claims of government inaction and Police Incompetence and at least twenty people have been killed by three suicide bombers is a market in Northern Nigeria the suicide bombers blew themselves up at a fish market in conduit just outside my degree on friday night no one has claimed responsibility for the attack as the headlines people in power is next but after that about twenty five minutes time with a full bulletin of news join me. Found on city streets around the world. Sometimes how frequently moved on but always hoping for the charity of others so how did different cultures respond to the police out

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