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Top it off they have the gall to blame the media. The United Nations steps up the pressure on me and maurice government to deal with their hands or crisis. Israels Prime Minister faces corruption charges and what could be the biggest challenge to his leadership. And other political figures but arrested for corruption adding to the deepening oxfam scandal. And now the case of an indigenous man killed by a white farmer could change canadas criminal Justice System. As government has been accused to handing henge of muslims a death sentence damning or its come from the u. S. Ambassador to the United Nations nikki haley a group of u. S. Senators is intent on introducing sanctions against me and maurice military leaders and that those employees hated and abuses against her head and Rakhine State. Mike hanna reports from washington d. C. The plight of the writing is highlighted in this exhibition on capitol hill around the table discussion on the crisis is joined by some of the senators who are adamant that the time has come for military leaders to be held accountable for the well documented abuse suffered in iraq kind state and i hope this exhibit right here on capitol hill well help bring to the American People the need the urgency for us to help the Rohingya Muslims and to prevent it in the future atrocities in our community we should speak out against the world the civilized world against the million more policies that have led to this persecution discrimination in this expulsion of these people from me and more and the demand that the white house take a public position on what is happening in myanmar i want to see the president the United States cape fear stand about this ethnic cleansing about this genocide we have not had one word not one word from the oval office not one word of leadership against this horrific horrific crime against humanity on tuesday Donald Trumps ambassador to the u. N. Did speak on the issue but pointed the finger of blame at others for not Holding Myanmar to account unfortunately the Security Council has so far failed in its responsibility to act in response to the clear threat to International Peace and security that has resulted from recent events and more than Rakhine State we cannot look the other way in the situation while there may be little action at the u. N. The u. S. Senate is likely to lead the way with a food vote in coming days and targeted sanctions appear certain against those military leaders responsible for these crimes. Mike hanna aljazeera washington a defiant israeli Prime Minister says he will conflating the country despite the leaks recommending he be charged for corruption and bribery mentioning that now hes accused of accepting nearly three hundred thousand dollars in gifts from billionaire benefactors and hes also suspected backroom deals with the perp publisher of an israeli newspaper for favorable College Coverage harry foster reports on the Corruption Scandal has swirled around him for months but never at this intensity addressing the nation Benjamin Netanyahu was determined to project resilience and confidence im sure will be with you not too slow i will continue to lead israel responsibly and faithfully as long as you the citizens of israel choose me to lead you i am certain i am certain that the truth will be revealed and i am certain that at the next elections which will be held on schedule i will earn your trust again Israeli Police are recommending that he be charged in two cases the first case one thousand involves gifts of cigars and champagne made to the Prime Minister and his wife sarra the gift givers israeli born hollywood mogul. And a strain billionaire james packer the Police Reportedly recommending milchan also be charged with bribery they say in total the netanyahu is received a quarter of a Million Dollars the accusation that netanyahu back to bill that would have saved his friend much more money if he wanted to repatriate to Israel Netanyahu rejected any such suggestion in his late night rebuttal saying only that he helped him with the visa application not in return for cigars but because it was a friend of israel and it will come to the lawsuit review im not here for personal gain but more so if that was what was driving me i would have been somewhere else long ago what drives me is one thing to assure the future of our state. In the second case israels Prime Minister is accused of trying to get favorable coverage in the countrys second biggest newspaper by offering to hamper the activities of its main competitor the police are also reportedly recommending the proprietor of the yeti off her own off newspaper be charged with bribery the question now is how much the Prime Ministers carefully cultivated image of a wise economic steward and Strong Security pragmatist will be undermined by the tawdry details in the Police Document it was distasteful is there is the pettiness of it he is personally a millionaire. He doesnt need. A billionaire to buy him cigars more important in the voters reactions may well be those of netanyahu his political allies will his Coalition Partners continue to back him and perhaps the most consequential decision will fall to the attorney general whether or not to follow the police recommendation and indict the sitting Prime Minister of israel ari force at aljazeera west jerusalem a kid elder is the chief Political Columnist at our monitor dot com says that despite the allegations that likely the majority of israelis will continue to support Benjamin Netanyahu. This is something where you weird about about a country that is considered to be leading in height and in culture in everything when it comes to politics it seems that people are very stupid and the threshold is not even you know bribery and clear accommodation of the police to indict him in other words. You would get if you go to the street and ask people what do you think they will tell you well there is nobody else is the best that we can come up was so he will play the his his popularity he will use his. Communication abilities and he will go to the end of the will take us resume the scandal surrounding the British Charity oxfam is widening with new allegations of abuse by staff in south sudan so maybe workers are cases of Sexual Assault and rape and some cases exchanging sex for aid if follows allegations that staff is prostitutes in its operation in haiti following the two thousand and ten earthquake and also in chad on top of all of that oxfam Center National chairman wattles art of when to night has been arrested in his native guatemala or corruption charges from his time as a government minister there brian can can and is the executive director of the institute for justice and democracy in haiti he says oxfam scandal and the case systemic problems in the humanitarian community. The oxfam scandal is really just the tip of the iceberg and the iceberg is a long history of unaccountable interventions by the humanitarian community in countries like haiti but also many other countries that are poor and this is an oxfam Sexual Abuse Scandal is a problem but theres also been an aljazeera has reported on this extensively sexual abuse by un troops theres been sexual abuse by missionaries and it goes beyond that to get in the case of haiti a new one introduced color to haiti killing ten thousand people and has refused to accept responsibility you have unaccountable policies by International Financial institutions that force the haitian government and other governments like you to to him to accept economic policies that their citizens dont want and so you have a whole history of of humanitarian interventions they do many good things but but they also do much harm because theyre not accountable to the people of haiti as you mentioned Oxfam International chairman has been arrested for corruption has just won a ten prominent political figure some guatemala facing charges david marsar has before. Guatemalas fight against corruption intensified on tuesday with the arrest of a former president and nine of his ex ministers out of little cologne and members of his cabinet are suspected of having embezzled funds and committed fraud while helping set up a public bus system in Guatemala City in two thousand and ten to see then to that of the politico article as president of the republic in accordance with the constitution is the government or of managing public finances intervened personally and institutionally to facilitate a fraudulent procedure of creating that agreement. Prosecutors said there are questions around how the government auctioned off concessions and granted subsidies for the buses the current chairman of Oxfam International and former quarter mile and finance minister one of better when it is was among those arrested when tis the tension comes as oxfam is already reeling from a Sexual Abuse Scandal in haiti and elsewhere what a mall is no stranger to Corruption Scandals over the past Decade International investigators have been working with local prosecutors to peel back the layers of corruption that plagued this small Central American country. In two thousand and fifteen mass Anti Corruption protest helped oust former president as molina hes now on trial accused of stealing millions of dollars from the countrys customs offices. Current president Jimmy Morales tried to kick out the head of the International Commission against impunity in guatemala after he pushed to remove morales immunity to face prosecution in another graft investigation analysts say these political arrests are far from over your good. I think the commission against impunity in guatemala and the Attorney Generals Office are just scratching the surface without a doubt there are many more investigations under way which will take years to uncover. The upcoming selection of a new attorney general will be pivotal if these investigations are to continue experts say guatemalans need to be vigilant to ensure the countrys next top prosecutor has their interests at heart and not those of the political elite. David mercer al jazeera what a mile a city canadas government says its looking at changing the way juries are chosen for criminal trials this comes after an all white jury of twelve people acquitted a wife farmer of murdering a twenty year old indigenous man. Has more colton bushy was in a vehicle with several others when he was shot in the head by Gerald Stanley stanley said his family and property were under attack and the gun had misfired when he tried to frighten those in the car for his trial defense lawyers rejected all potential jurors with indigenous backgrounds it took just fifteen hours for an all white jury to acquit stanley of Second Degree murder. Protests erupted across the country last saturday against a verdict many saw as racially motivated indigenous activists say the criminal courts routinely deny them justice both as victims of violence and as defendants. Their son all over again to say that his life has no meaning that this is allowed and then what does it mean for the rest of us like do we need to keep worrying that our lives are in danger by people who have racist ideas about members of bushies family headed to auto to press for change to the Justice System after two days of meetings the family says the government is listening to them and theyre keeping up pressure for action not just words of comfort as a family we want to be a part of that process so that these injustices are addressed and that we feel justice for our brother for our son the Prime Minister what concrete steps will he take since he was elected just over two years ago Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been promising Indigenous People redress and reconciliation so far hes talked of change but no specifics yet we have come to this point as a country far too many times. Indigenous people across this country are. Angry theyre heartbroken and i know indigenous and nonindigenous canadians alike know that we have to do the federal Justice Minister says shes looking at changes to the jury system as protesters in the bush family have been demanding still indigenous canadians have heard promises of reform before promises that havent been capped this time they say the outcome must be different daniel lack aljazeera toronto putting more head on the news hour including one hundred billion dollars for what we write down the cost of rebuilding parts of iraq devastated by conflict with plus i dont know what it would have been but lets leave it theres a very very. Big and so yes taken summit to step down as south africas president but he is refusing to go. And then sport the teenage snowboarder taking over the slopes at the Winter Olympics. Running for a top story now mean mars government accused of handing ahead to muslims a death sentence lets remind you of how we got to this point in the right hands a crisis at a record almost six months ago when morris military launched a crackdown in the north of Rakhine State and response to attacks on security posts close to seven hundred thousand men women and children have fled since then many crossing into neighboring bangladesh where theyve been living in squalor camps for months now the u. N. Says one hundred thousand are hendra refugees are in areas prone to fall flooding and mudslides warning that another emergency is looming with monsoon season due to start next month. Tom kenniff president of the burmese are ahead organization in the u. K. They met u. S. Senators earlier on this crisis and joins us now from washington d. C. Thank you very much for your time so what response did you getting from the senators what did you ask of them. We have seen the world a stronger commitment to do to stop these genocide against rohingya and want to. Be one of the new deal was made in about cvs who needs need and protected and wants and it was calling for. The four senators they all been quite you know trying to offend they are quite interested to push more cause i have a strong commitment from them bad ones and it also criticize that administration and is failing to do anything so far has been going on six months so i believe that it is important we need to look to you know. Its been going on six months now is. The hardest to fully even to do we received the information more than eight hundred during a flight from burma to bangladesh so a situation have not anything we need time in a setting up time then and it is important you know to send the message to bomb its military and the government so i ask for about you know referring to i. C. C. Those must atrocities committed by by military and also gas are fully every day the militarys trying to get wipe out the whole population from our kind of state another five hundred to six hundred thousand on the left flow this is important that you will a question its needed Human Element and let me let me let me get a fair justice that let me ask you about that in particular so the senator saying that they would like to see more from the Administration One senator in particular specifically said he would like to hear something from donald trump now the haley has been talking about this at the u. N. But you want something more forceful than that do you think that if President Trump himself or to speak on this it could make a difference. I believe it is it will make a big difference and you know. We have not seen we have seen from certain age and calls that were strong our reason lucians these one reason is in a still pending i hoped it would be possible and but administration have not done a stronger voice you know what dont know trauma should talk about aid and you know Rex Tillerson most anything at the nickel is in and they call four times a day folks in all youve won one military so i know i think we are running out of time the military is continuously going on to wipe out the whole population so you do seem porton dont know try and i mean other. Ministers you know more stronger we need to speak from. Oval office this is very important you know Bill Richardson former cabinet cabinet member bill clintons cabinet had been talking to us on sochi about what is going on at the ranch and he left the dialogue he left the group that was working on this because he said that he didnt feel like she was really dealing with this properly and he actually considered her a friend they called her out publicly on this what of that what about putting more pressure on her or is that is that going all compas anything. I think what he has seen its quite is quite the the thing what is going on with dogs as with the many like Us Government and other western governments have a strong support to her so i think she she she is shes covering must atrocities against rohingya that is what you know western governments they should understand about she she can give her leadership shes failing on anything everything you know like recently did Boris Johnson u. K. Foreign secretary already mentioned you know it is important she need to assure the leadership but she is defending must atrocities there is no plan of coffee and a recombination Implementation Committee you know there is no plan of citizens sheave and Safety Security so it is just too is International Pressure so we must know who is right now these days where we have been facing already six months is a complete general side according to the big school told me the bomb is military and a secretive force says the contouring us how does the bonding you know and there are not allowed to get access for food access to markets to get medical treatment these are serious condition they are facing it is high time we have to speak up more strongly to pressure to sujit and military i think what the. It is it is important that to set up timeline and benchmarks otherwise it wont faraway long and the military will get out of whole population aramark understate that is what we need to take a note on that can thank you very much for joining us we appreciate it. Yes secular state rights tell us and has warned that the end of combat operations against doesnt mean the fight against the armed group is over he made the comments during a conference i think lobel coalition to defeat eisel and kuwait same as it on reports from their. Displacement is a cold world a life where the only warmth is the smile of your last surviving child and that this miles wife and two other children were killed in a u. S. Led Coalition Air strike in two thousand and four his house in ramadi turned to rubble now camp is the inhospitable host of these unwilling guests these are the people the u. S. Secretary of state told a conference of the n. T. Eisel coalition not to forget. Countries managed to Work Together to achieve a military goal defeating i saw on the battlefield but now that that phase is over comes perhaps an even more challenging one how do you keep an International Coalition together in achieving the next three key objectives reconstruction on land recaptured from i saw political inclusiveness and security but who will stop isis return and provide security americas top diplomat says Ground Forces a crucial but his own troops have already started to draw from and in syria washington is mainly relied on Kurdish Forces to fight i saw forces turkey is fighting and previews the missing plane another terrorist group that cant be allowed to fill the vacuum. On the ship must we have seen some very serious mistakes and wrongdoing from our ally the United States relations are in a very critical juncture we will either mend our relations or they will break apart completely. Assignment wasteland of destruction is nonetheless the subject of a noisy argument over who protects it both to listen and iraqs Prime Minister urging attendees at a reconstruction conference to help iraq rebuild what. The war is over the battle for reconstruction has just begun and our invitation to invest in iraq is a real invitation but who will come up with the one hundred billion dollars about he says is needed to listen maybe urging the private sector to commit its cash but his president was busy describing money spent in the middle east as a waste as of a couple of months ago we have spent seven trillion dollars in the middle east seven trillion dollars was a mistake the children of have been in a camp no want far worse looks like all they want is to go home and a real shot at a peaceful future samis a down aljazeera kuwait. Iraqs Prime Minister has asked for tens of billions of dollars for reconstruction after the end of the conflict with i saw how to delaminate has more on that for fifteen years conflict has laid waste to iraq roads schools hospitals industry even entire cities are now in ruin millions of people live in poverty the government of iraq worked with the world bank to assess all this damage and count the cost of rebuilding the country they concentrated on the areas that were most affected in recent years of conflict they came up with a staggering figure one hundred and four billion dollars in total losses since the us led invasion in two thousand and three. Damage from the war against isis alone is estimated at forty five billion now the breakdown seventeen point four billion is needed to rebuild homes this is a priority as about three million iraqis are living in tents about ten billion dollars are required to repair schools and Health Care Facilities at least half of iraqs hospitals and Health Clinics are gone. And then theres the water and sanitation system about ninety percent of it is that mage beyond use thats another two point four billion dollars repairing the damage i still calls to the countrys cultural and religious sites will cost one point seven billion another nine billion is needed to restore power for all iraqis at the moment there are entire cities which dont have electricity at all and in others just a few hours a day the basic sectors of the countrys economy need more than twenty billion dollars just to function properly nearly half of that is earmarked for the oil and gas industry thats a priority for iraq to be able to pump more Barrels Per Day and kick start the economy but before reconstruction can begin the government of iraq needs to provide security and stability as well as an all inclusive government for all iraqis regardless of sect or its necessity for iraq that is priceless and workers from the Uns World Food Program are in the city of hers or in syria for the First Time Since it was taken by i saw in two thousand and fourteen last year was taken back by Syrian Government forces with support from russia and iran now while it was under ice will control it was besieged by progovernment troops and aid supplies to the city were cut off south africas president is expected to make his first Public Comments on wednesday after his party the African National Congress Formally asked him to step down its uncertain of seventy five year old jacob zuma will resign but if he doesnt quit he could face a vote of no confidence in parliament mina miller has more from johannesburg. After days of confusion and uncertainty this press briefing was expected to introduce some clarity into the future of president jacob zuma but while the a. N. C. Confirmed it had asked the president to resign the party did little to assure south africans that will happen any time soon as we have this this is just the time and space. To respond. We have in. Truth. I dont know what. Lets leave residual. This was an opportunity for the a. N. C. To be decisive regain the Publics Trust and by taking the lead in removing a president accused of being corrupt but the a. N. C. Is message was mixed saying it had asked zuma to step down not because he had done anything wrong but for the sake of stability mr zuma is a very shrewd intelligence operator and has knowledge of many of the covered or covered up actions of the members during their time in exile so here is a lot of intelligence on people who are either in positions of power now or likely to be in positions of power in the near future while the a. N. C. Appears to have taken a negotiated approach the opposition wants next weeks vote of no confidence against zuma to be brought forward with an agency majority in Parliament Zuma has survived eight other motions of no confidence the a. N. C. Says it has no plans yet to bring its own motion against the president this is a party thats either confident that zuma will step down or is prepared to wait out the a. N. C. Says it expects zuma to respond to his decision to recall him by wednesday for me to milan aljazeera johannesburg. The minister has resigned after he admitted lying about meeting the russian president more than a decade ago. Had previously claimed he was with lattimer putin in two thousand and six and heard him speak about expansionist plans to create a greater russia on monday admitted he was an athame ting but said he was in order to protect its source. Still ahead on aljazeera as clean a continuous after sundays plane crash in russia the investigation takes. One of pakistans support of human rights as the country wants her to look at her legacy. Im having a cap and in. There on caroline with me at the theatre she can build on her strength and think that. From long flowing on in winds to an enchanting desert breeze. Hallowed still relatively warm in hong kong three days ago twenty two degrees is still forecast be around the twenty bar is quite high for february and the want to spread up to shanghai eighteen degrees here with much cloud in the sky the humidity is high along the south coast and inland a little bit and it will stay that way i suspect maybe with another rise in temperature in hong kong come thursday but shanghai is cooled down the winter is trying to get back in here but its not much of a winter really is not that cold even by night south of this where they go all the action is a Tropical Storm running through the central philippines thats mostly a story of rain not strong winds but the rains are falling over areas that have recently been denuded of trees we had a problem last time a storm went through here mindanao and some are where we had flooding and therefore landslides the risk is still there and for the next two days the storm runs west was through palawan out into the open waters on its way of partly towards the. Beyond that its dry picture to get down to indonesia particularly java and sulawesi where showers seem quite heavy or at least raise seem quite persistent theres been a welcome return to precipitation of both sorts of rain and snow in the northwest of india and up in the hindu kush is being enjoyed by all. The with it sponsored by cats on race. The scene for us where online once is american sign in yemen that peace is possible but it never happens not because the situation is complicated but because no one cares or if you join us on sat there people the little choosing between buying medication and eating this is a dialogue i want to get in one more comment because this is someone whos an activist and shes close to the story join the global conversation at this time on aljazeera one of the really special things about working for aljazeera is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much and put in contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else would be what it is you know its very challenging even in the book to give because you have a lot of people that are deployed on political issues. The people who believe that tell the real story ill just mended is to do the work indepth journalism we dont feel included work. Across the globe. Watching aljazeera lets take a look at the top stories right now yes ambassador to the u. N. As accused me of mars government of making the lies of our henschel muslims a death sentence hundreds of thousands of them have flooded sense of violent military crackdown began almost six months ago Israeli Police have recommended Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu be indicted on corruption charges they turn in general now has to decide whether to pursue formal charges and who has vowed to stay on as israels leader the scandal surrounding the British Charity oxfam is widening with new allegations of abuse by staff at south sudan and its International Chairman has also been arrested in guatemala on corruption charges relating to his time as finance minister. And estimate or say sundays plane crash and russia may have been caused by frozen speed gauges minutes after taking off the passenger jet crashed in a field near moscow on sunday killing all seventy one people on board and best skater say the crew may have failed to follow correct the icing procedures the russian built plane belonging to Saratov Airlines was on its way to the city of or ski in the Ural Mountains keith mackey is an aviation consultant joins us now via skype from a calla and florida we appreciate your time very much so we did talk to you a few days ago when this first happened and one of the things you said was de icing was definitely a possibility and now that seems to be you know the top of the list in this investigation so lets talk about this in a few levels first of all that theyre saying the speed gauges may be refrozen what do the speed gauges do well speed gauges of course tell us how fast the aircraft was going with the gators and what i think the investigators are telling us is these the speed of the cagers if you will are operated by little to stick out into the air and sense the ram air pressure and also the static your pressure. Is there small to their sensitive to freezing and clouds of the moisture to prevent those heated electrically and if the heat finals were supposed to get a warning light. So either no one term them on or they failed but somehow it appears that they the heating was not working the pilots had false airspeed indications and they reacted according to what they saw on the airspeed indicator rather than controlling the airplane by its attitude we have procedures that were to use if the airspeed indications appear to be on for a while in the looks like these were not followed so this day i saying that we hear about anybody who has been in a stack at the airport because their plane can take off we know in general the term the icing that what does that really mean explain that to a lay person ok i think were comparing apples and oranges when the aircraft is sitting on the ground overnight its no more ice accumulates on the way things we have to remove that before the airplane can safely fly and im stunned by spring chemicals on the way it was them when she do this is good for a specific period of time and if you dont take off in that time limit you have to do it yeah apparently the aircraft was not the case because the temperatures too warm and the decision was made that it didnt need grounding icing know the speedo to meissen is a different thing this happens in the air as we fly through clouds close to the Freezing Point with the ice forms on it and thats separate from the airframe de icing that we would do on the ground. Ok so ok so you could d. I. s on the ground properly and then there could still be a separate icing or de icing issue what you get in the air correct is that youre saying it directly affected the instruments depending on what do the tubes were heated properly or not and we have another example of this a few years ago with air france the last study a three thirty in the south atlantic in a similar situation where the peto tube was defective. And iced over and they lost the air while they failed to follow the correct procedures ok well this is very early in the in the investigation but as it progresses im sure well call on you again keith mackey thank you very much youre very welcome richelle its former anticorruption chief has been detained that comes after hes spoken out over the air the arrest of sami and not a former military chief of staff who had been planning to run a march as president ial election strafford reports. This is egypts former Anti Corruption chief. Speaking hours before he was arrested. I had hoped at a party to be given to the chief of staff sami and then to give a testimony freely and without intimidation for the record so that all things come clear before the public can have been increasingly critical of the c. C. Government since Egyptian Police arrested the former military chief of staff sami and last month and then was arrested after announcing he would run against president up to fattal sisi in the upcoming president ial election could mean a war and that top secret files would be released if a man was harmed in any way is his testimony or her say or supported with evidence hes in possession of documents and evidence which is not kept here in egypt you mean out of egypt yes could these pieces of evidence change the course of trials of course no doubt could they incriminate many yes given his daughter says hours later thirty Police Officers stormed his home in cairo before leading him away. Analysts say the egyptian president is targeting anyone who could risk his chances of a second term in the march plus that he they say with a secret documents exist or not president sisi isnt taking any chances i dont know what it is that would be so scandalous that it would be threatening to them but it could also be that hes trying to disrupt regime from other perspectives of making other people or trying to. Pressure on the government and if you know if it its hard to rebut it now rested and. So yeah i mean theres no its formality international and regional Rights Groups say there is no chance the march election will be free and fair Human Rights Watch and the International Commission of jurists see ccs government to suppressed freedoms arrested potential candidates and their supporters several other president ial hopefuls have either dropped out or being pushed out of the race in recent weeks these include Muhammad Anwar sadat the nephew of former leader anwar sadat he withdrew in january saying it was to protect his Campaign Workers from intimidation or arrest and the former Prime Minister ahmed shafik tweeted his withdrawal from the race earlier last month that was after he was deported from the United Arab Emirates where he had been living in exile should fix lawyers say he was arrested as soon as he landed in cairo egypts military said in a statement beginning his comments raised suspicion about the state and its institutions and that the matter would be referred to the relevant authorities to start legal proceedings. Guinean a had been among a mans top Election Campaign aides now they are both in jail just weeks before an election which president sisi says he will win. But. All the trial of a palestinian teenager charged with assaulting an israeli soldier has been adjourned until next month after a judge ordered the case to be heard behind closed doors mamie ahead to many that is was arrested in december after a video of her slapping and hitting Israeli Soldiers went viral the seventeen year old faces twelve charges including assault and incitement and she could spend up to ten years in prison if found guilty a funeral has been held in lahore for one of pakistans leading human rights activists. Died on sunday at the age of sixty six her life she spoke out for women and minority rights and openly criticized pakistans military intelligence and right wing Political Parties m. P. s tired of reports. Thousands follow the van carrying the body of a smudge on here if you know possession made its way through the streets of the eastern city of lahore where the beating human rights campaigner an activist was born here was often described as pakistans greatest champion of democracy and equality she leaves behind a legacy of struggle. And patience and tolerance and i hope. Just to the best of us just one year came from an affluent family and was just six years old when pakistan faced its First Military coup her father a Civil Servant would eventually be arrested for his opposition to the military leadership and by early teens she was demonstrating against the same leaders after losing a series of legal battles she appealed to the Supreme Court and the martial law that led to her fathers arrest was declared illegal it was a moment john deere said led her on a path to study law and become a human rights activists by nine hundred eighty she opened pakistans first Legal Aid Center and hired only female lawyers over the next decade she was sent to prison for protesting against a new military government that had passed a series of laws she described as massage mystic her legal efforts eventually led to a Landmark Court ruling which gave women the legal right to marry without permission from a guardian during her career challenge military and government leaders supported minorities and was repeatedly threatened by the religious right and she criticized loudly and often and in two thousand and seven she was placed under house arrest for her role in the socalled Lawyers Movement which helped end president bashar of his military rule still she said one of her greatest achievements was to help found and lead the Human Rights Commission of pakistan but it was the previous regime even today. She would had a very very strong strong voice against. Different factors were trying to. Dislodge the harmony of the system jonkheer served as a United Nations report tour on human rights was named one of the worlds most influential women by a leading magazine but she said she was never tempted to leave pakistan despite the threats she faced the hunger survived by her husband three children and the country that many of her supporters say became more equal because of her work in aljazeera. The founder of wiki leaks Julian Assange has lost another court battle to have issued pay arrest warrant dropped Ecuadors Embassy in london six years ago to avoid being extradited to sweden where he faced rape and Sexual Assault charges those charges have been dropped and his defense team says there was rest for first getting bail should be dropped too but in court the judge insisted assan should have the courage to face the consequences of breaking the law. So it is in the us have developed a robot dog which can open and hold doors without using legs to look at this boston dynamics the Company Behind the creation posted a video online showing off its new kind of creepy invention the footage has reignited the debate over how advanced Robotic Technology has become very advanced. Still ahead on aljazeera. Falling out of fashion why some big name designers are snubbing new yorks latest season on the catwalk plus. In the region of south korea a limp equation ill be all skiing whether the young girl rians all embracing these gardens. Fashion week is in full swing but there is less glitz on the runways this year because several top assigner such as an escape it the reason i want to focus on shows in europe reports. Everybodys running a frantic buzz of activity bowmans before the big show oh my god its crowded in there to create this collection is all about ultra chic and comfortable travel garments from the colombian born designer edwina dangelo new York Fashion Week its a very important platform for myself and for emerging designers like myself because he offers an opportunity of excitement where everybody wants to come to a show of that he wants to be part of of this week well emerging designers like dangelo still flock to be yorks fashion week some of the biggest design houses like a school or two sata and tom brown are skipping it this year the fashion industry is in turmoil the way people buy their clothes is changing fast and fashion week in new york has become less important to the high end brands as a focus on european buyers and big shows in europe beyond london and primarily paris paris is the crime till a crime of fashion week thats where chanel and Christian Dior and these brands that leave utah that we know is the real Luxury Brands show its incredibly competitive and its also a matter of money runway shows can cost anywhere from one hundred thousand dollars in upwards to a Million Dollars and even some of the biggest names in fashion dont want to spend that much money. Brands are starting to look for different ways that they can introduce their apparel their products to consumers without the costly and sometimes really ineffective ways it used to be. A fashion label rag and bone gave up on a new York Fashion Week runway show and instead got creative they introduced their new collection in this video to reach more customers and drum up excitement it certainly doesnt fashion week is dead far from it there wasnt an empty seat at dangelo show just needs with some of the biggest names not here. Some of the little guys get more the spotlight gabriels and go how do you see it in your. The two cutting the in. Time for sport with aura thanks very much six gold medals will be up for grabs on day five of the Winter Olympics while another teenager has been taking over the slopes and young chang seventeen year old american chloe cam one gold in the womens halfpipe on choose day her success follows the slope style win on sunday for teammate and fellow teen red Gerard Kim Indira herself to fans by tweeting about wanting an ice cream during the event shed already been a big hit and killing chang your parents coming from south korea i think you know having my family. To be there through the whole process was so helpful and ive surrounded myself with such amazing people that definitely made it much easier for me but yeah i mean i feel like i got to represent both the u. S. And korea today and im very honored to have been able to do that. As a success is the kind of story organizers had been hoping for while the Winter Olympics are a huge global event there have been concerns about how many young people are watching a survey in south korea before the games showed people under twenty were largely indifferent about them only wellings has more. If summer olympics are the biggest the cool olympics coming winter there is a vibe amongst competitors and spectators that can give the games a youth appeal so why did Market Research in korea before the games thanks such a worrying picture for really big bosses the survey said under thirtys particularly the twentys were more excited about such a four years ago than their own guy but the International Olympic Committee Says its evolving to appeal to the younger market weve developed the program specifically in certain ways to reach out to young people through youth focused events its a big part of a limp agenda twenty twenty its a big part of what were doing with the Olympic Program generally you see that coming to life here in pyongyang you see the results with you gauge mint of young people in the way that the Young Athletes themselves are responding to that energy there is plenty to attract young people its not just the sports but the sound a look particularly fresh events like slopestyle despite the bitter cold and wind it was ninety percent skill and ten percent fashion parade with plenty of teenagers competing. But sport is now consumed in a different why the i. O. C. Feel that connected with new generations by the events by include buying gaging with them on social media platforms is it working well this is known as coffee straight in the gangnam coastal area many of the events take place in the cost of close to here and theres plenty of visitors so that you dont like it when i talk to my friends stay dont seem to have such a great interest in the olympics because young people dont have the spare time to be interested from the yemen my older friends seem to know about the event because when i talk to them younger friends dont seem to have to be interested and become more indifferent and then theres the sports a huge deal in korea first its spread so fast globally that tens of millions prefer it to traditional sports it cant be ignored but its not part of the olympics yet does that mean well see sport on the program of the next Olympic Games remember going to games probably a step too soon right now its about engagement through the olympic channel through our partners out of that Community Find ways that we can engage with them and see where that takes us beyond. The young koreans weve spoken to these olympics are excited and proud but of course the emotion some of these the about the guns being used as a Political Tool why barely does on those of north korea the International Olympic committee knows it needs to reach out to the young koreans on the younger generations every way to keep these five Olympic Rings special lee wellings aljazeera. Theres finally been a gold medal for austrias marcel her sure hes won the mens combined skiing on choose stay when youre of six consecutive overall world cup titles hirschs previous best start an olympics with silver in the slow in sochi this combined Event Features downhill and slalom races her she has three more medal chances at these games. Meanwhile koreas combined womens hockey team suffered a second Straight Defeat of the games going down eight nothing to sweden they also lost to switzerland in their opening game the sign is made up of players from the north and south. Canada won the first curling medal of the games in the mixed doubles of that earlier heres peter summit to tell you about the sports roots and its modern day. Curling is one of those sports that best falls a lot of people its the one on ice with the rocks the brooms and the sheltering and if you think it looks like something from the middle ages well then yes you can think of medieval scotland forward this competitive stone that is made of granite and weighs almost twenty kilograms its going to have to glide about forty five metres to reach a target that looks much like a bullseye from above what you have is two teams of four and they will take tunes throwing the stones that are rotated so they cool as they travel down the ice hence the name cooling to help it along the way the schiphol captain yells out directions to two other players who sweep the ice ahead of the stone with the brooms the friction melts the ice and allows the stone to glide faster to its target and from here its all about points to a stone closer than your opponent and you get a point at the olympics this process is repeated fourteen rounds or ins it actually is incredibly tactical perhaps what cooling is known as chase on ice germany are still top of the medal table after a day four of action that league eisenberger won their fifth gold in the womens lucia on choose day just behind our the netherlands they won another speedskating gold earlier norway in third have the most total medals with eleven in football the way the Champions League is back in to results to bring you from the first legs of the round of sixteen ties and Manchester City one for now at bars a while tottenham came back from two goals down to draw eventis a reverse length of both ties will take place next month. World number one caroline vie snacky is the Star Attraction at this weeks catarrh open shes entering a new phase of her career after winning her first grand slam title Helen Gleason reports. Caroline wozniacki is no stranger to life at the top of womens tennis but the feeling of being a grand slam champion is still brand new. Its just a couple of weeks since the twenty seven year old beat simona halep to win the Australian Open in what was her third slam final returning to the top of the rankings in the process in recent seasons the likes of. The have struggled for consistency after the highs of their first major triumphs but after waiting so long for this moment that isnt something that is worrying was an iraqi. Loss of i think pressure and just enjoying myself enjoying the ride and theres been a lot going on the last couple of weeks and im just here trying to do my best to try. To fight my hardest and then we see what happened was the accu career has been in the spotlight since she first became number one in the world back in twenty time she dealt with constant questioning over whether she would ever win a grand slam title and many had written her off as recently as eighteen months ago when her ranking had fallen to just seventy four in the world but now expectations are high again and she has the new pressure of trying to back up her first major breakthrough. Player prakash im a charge police was the experience will help her cope with this new challenge i think its a little bit different than some of the younger players who all of a sudden thrust into the spotlight carolyns been there for a while shes lost a couple of very tough ovals notably one to the u. S. Open so i think she has a little bit better perspective shes a slightly older player so i think with a quite well. Trying to hold on to number one spot is the immediate challenge was the akki. Just three hundred and forty nine points ahead of her im with many to defend having reached last years final. You know ive achieved my first time this year and i think all of that is. For me and whatever happens that there are so you know its still going to be a successful susan it seems was the akhi is taking this new chapter of her korea right Helen Grayson aljazeera doha and thats all you support for now war later. Revelers have mocked two controversial leaders that portugals annual carnival when you see the floats youll see what im talking about yes that is u. S. President donald trump sitting on a toilet shaped like a planet earth while north Koreas Kim Jong un holes are rocket you know they call the rocket man this is their lisbon and its famous for its political satire keep it here. On the other side of the break. News has never been more available its a constant barrage of it with every day but the message is a simplistic you have the brain the good logical rational person the crazy monster and misinformation is rife dismissal and does not hold well documented accusations and evidence is part of genocide the listening post provides a critical counterpoint to challenging Mainstream Media narratives at this time on aljazeera. Discover a willful would winning programming from around the world. Certainly should challenge your perception if you were to design a propaganda system that you could not build a better plan then first. Documentary debate and discussion this country that was once the the wealthiest in the region what went wrong how did we get to this point algers you. Are closer. Well i think one of our biggest strengths is that we talk to normal everyday people we get them to tell their stories and doing that really reveals the truth people are still gathered outside these gates waiting for any information most of them dont know whether their loved ones are alive or dead or miami really is a place were two worlds meet we can get to washington d. C. In two hours we can get to on jurists in the rest of Central America at about the same time but more importantly is where those two cultures north and south america meet so as to teach it like its a very important place for aljazeera to be. What we have seen so far is cruel and barbaric to top it off they have the gall to blame the media the United Nations that saps the pressure on myanmars government over the price

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