Forces have the inherent right to selfdefense washington denies accusations of war crimes in syria after a u. S. Air strikes killed almost one hundred pro fights is. What the media mob government didnt want the world to see evidence of a massacre and the journalists who revealed it have been jailed. Protests in bangladesh after the former Prime Minister leaders here is sentenced to five years in jail for him. Now as the clock ticks closer to midnight on the east coast of the u. S. Its looking increasingly likely that congress will miss its deadline to approve a budget and avoid yet another Government Shutdown it will be the site. And in three weeks the agreement that was struck by republican and Democratic Leaders in the senate is facing stiff resistance from both camps one republican senator rand paul is so very mentally opposed to the proposed budget that he has taken to the floor talking for so long that the deadline will pass now whats being proposed is a two year deal which would increase spending on both defense and domestic programs to the tune of three hundred billion dollars more than half of that would be for the military alone on the domestic front health care and education would receive more cash which satisfies Many Democrats but not all of them are happy the democrats leader in the Lower Chamber the house of representatives nancy pelosi refuses to vote yes because there is no provision for young immigrants who entered the u. S. Illegally as children socalled dreamers is also opposition from some republicans budget hawks like senator paul from kentucky who are simply against increased Government Spending lets go live to our correspondent christian salumi whos watching all of this for us. As weve already said getting closer and closer to the deadline what is the ses of play at the moment. Well essentially you have senators sitting around waiting for midnight to come at this stage. The vote looks like its not going to happen before midnight the issue is procedural really it takes all one hundred senators to agree to take this to a vote and one rand paul is refusing to let that happen his issue is the cost of this plan three hundred billion dollars in spending increases over the next ten two years when you combine that with the tax cut that was passed in the last month thats going to push the National Deficit over a trillion dollars and for fiscal conservatives thats a no go thats a big problem for him and he says its worth fighting for he wants an amendment passed to put spending caps back in place but the leadership of the senate says if we let you vote on your amendment then other senators are going to want to have their amendments for votes and we need to vote now we need to move this forward this is the deal vote yes or no but theyre powerless until after midnight now of course democrats have their issues with this bill as well immigration is a big problem for a lot of democrats they wanted something in this spending package that would answer the problem immigrants who were brought to the United States as children they wanted some pathway to citizenship for the socalled dreamers and thats not on this bill so a lot of democrats have problems with this too but the Senate Leadership believes they have enough votes to pass this bill should they get it to the floor but again it just looks like thats not going to happen before midnight ok and then what what would have been unthinkable will happen and that is the government close down of coal something that weve seen within the past month already tell us exactly what happens when the Government Shutdown is declared i mean do they turn off the lights and everybody leave federal buildings. Its more gradual than that essential staff can stay in place but the white house is telling agencies to prepare for of funding labs what we know will happen overnight is that once one oclock one am about three hours from now strikes then the senate is able to basically take it to the next step they can push for a vote and then it will only take sixty senators to bring the vote to the floor so the senate can vote overnight and then once they vote if it passes then it goes to the house the house has to have its vote that will take several hours more and because of these issues that i spoke about you know passage in the house is anything but certain Speaker Paul Ryan did say earlier in the day that he did believe they had enough votes but theres a lot of pressure on lawmakers there but they are hoping that they will move forward with this on friday and the next day not soon enough to avert a shutdown but hopefully a short lived shutdown is what lawmakers who support this bill are hoping for all right for now christine thank you very much indeed chris and of course will keep us right across developments in congress so stay with us here at aljazeera but meanwhile stocks of fuel and on wall street for a fifth time in six days and now trading ten percent below all time highs of the set you may remember on january the twenty sixth the dial fell by more than a thousand points off the large gains in the first weeks of twenty eighteen they started to drop a week ago after the u. S. Labor Department Said workers salaries rose at a foster rate in january while thats good news for the economy economy generally invest as a worrying that higher wages will eat away at corporate profits and prompt the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates. And so markets in asia that being plunging is negative besss react to that movement on wall street hong kongs hang seng loss three percent a day from england japans nikkei tumbled three percent putting the index on track for a week a loss of more than eight percent Gabriel Elizondo has more make no mistake about it this was a huge stocks plunge the big question is whats causing it now there are a whole host of reasons but most economists and traders are pointing to three key things number one concerns over rising deficit spending the federal budget thats being negotiated right now in washington is expected to add at least three hundred billion dollars in deficit spending over the next two years add that with one point five trillion in deficit spending for the new taxed overhaul plan that trump and the republicans pushed through late last year and youre seeing these huge amounts of money that is added to the deficit and that is really concerning wall street the second reason is inflationary concern and Rising Interest Rates and the third being Political Uncertainty in washington with the trumpet ministrations continued fights public battles with the f. B. I. And the continuing russia investigation leaving the markets uncertain about the political future of the administration and how theyre going to navigate all of this markets dont like any uncertainty and they dont like Political Uncertainty either. Right lets go to syria now where there is increasing tension between the foreign powers that are involved in the war there with the asset government accusing the United States of committing a war crime now this is in relation to u. S. Airstrikes india a province which the coalition the u. S. Led Coalition Says killed almost one hundred fighters who are loyal to Bashar Al Assads government in damascus now there is a de confliction line in the area and that is supposed to prevent any direct contact between u. S. And Russian Troops the u. S. Said the strikes were in response to what it called an unprovoked attack on the headquarters of an ally thats the s. D. F. And thats a force of course that is against the Assad Government but russia which backs president assad says the strikes are part of an effort by washington to control key economic assets in the region to stop them fall into the hands of the Syrian Government i hope youre following me with this now the u. S. Back to c. F. Now they took a hold of strategically Important Oil fields fields north of the Euphrates River that was in september they had previously been under eisel control and forces loyal to the Syrian Government control the land to the south more now from our pentagon correspondent patty culhane. I said at a briefing with secretary of defense jim met a c. Was off camera but on the record and he called what happened in syria a quote for plex in situation and he said because for years the Euphrates River has been a kind of do not cross line that if the u. S. Or u. S. Backed forces or russian or russian backed forces were going to cross it they talk about it before and he said that didnt happen this time he said u. S. Forces were embedded along with the s. D. F. And they saw tanks and artillery start rolling in and say that one shell got within five hundred meters of the s. D. F. Headquarters says that is when they picked up the phone they called their russian counterparts and he says he doesnt think that the group that moved in is actually controlled by russia he called this a Great Success story because in his words two great powers did not fight each other still the Russian Ambassador to the United Nations was less than pleased i asked him to remember that the. Syria illegally in fact. They would look like the. They claim with. The fight International Terrorism but we see that it goes beyond that. To confront. The traditional terrorist with the grab with the syrians say is is giving secretary mabus didnt speculate on how many casualties were caused by the firing from u. S. Jets and heavy artillery positions but he did say that they took out two of the incoming tanks and the heavy artillery positions the u. S. Is calling this selfdefense and warning that that happens again the elect again well elsewhere in syria for a full of consecutive day bums have been raining down on rebel held areas that are normally cold deescalation zones local media say government and russianness strikes have killed at least fifty seven people in the city thats very close to the capital damascus and those killed included children as well as a medic. Theyve escalated their attacks there and in the province since a russian jet was shot down on saturday more than two hundred people have been killed in just four days last june ripples out on the latest violence. By thursday the bombing raids in eastern had only intensified at least two dozen were carried out and activists say they see no end in sight to this horror from the sky. Thanks i was injured because of a plane. The night before fires in the town of modest in the month the target of dozens of air strikes. Thats despite it being in the Northeastern Province of idlib a rebel held area and one of syrias socalled deescalation zones whose borders were agreed to by russia turkey and the on bombing raids carried out by russian and Syrian Forces have only intensified since a russian warplane was shot down by rebels on saturday when another blazes put out rescue efforts begin anew what were seeing is an escalation because isis has largely been defeated the. Zones were marked out around syria escalation while the United States and russia were interested in destroying isis now that isis has largely been destroyed these deescalation the souls have become up for grabs we see turkey rushing in to wrap up rain in the north United States say its going to stay for the long haul in syria it owns twenty eight percent of syrian territory and the Syrian Regime is trying to grab the remaining rebel parts of syria including. Which has been surrounded and bombarded last. Easter huta near syrias capital damascus is also still in the hands of rebels and like it is also under intense bombardment dozens of men women and children have been killed in the last four days. Many residents believe proGovernment Forces are pushing for a decisive outcome to the war in syria while the United Nations has called for a month long truce to evacuate the wounded that appeal hasnt made a difference even for those accustomed to the carnage of the seemingly endless conflict this most recent bombardment has been terrifying. Still to come here and there an israeli lawsuit reopens wounds for the family of a palestinian killed in clashes three years ago. And a show of force peddling by usual standards north korea holds a military parade on the eve of south korea. How low we have got more wintry weather coming into northeastern parts of the u. S. This latest band of cloud now in the process of clearing away slightly khwaja weather coming in behind to just see this area cloud here which will bring some when she weather that just around the midwest seeing some snow pushing across pennsylvania upstate new york to new york struggling to get to two degrees celsius that will continue to make its way east was it links back into the rockies server to the west coast is five ads right celsius in seattle not see bad here l. A. Gets up to around twenty five degrees far to try but it will cool off as we go on into sas day no warmer than about nineteen celsius in l. A. At this stage not much warmer than the sort of weather will say in atlanta or actually with a cloud of dry coming into that southeastern corner just around the middle and six days of heavy rain just around the carolinas further north we have got a significant snow thats the in place for new england pushing up into that east the side of canada but really is going to be the very heavy rain that we have across eastern texas too easy on the mississippi that will be the problem as we go on through the next few days and that links back to some rather wet weather that were saying just around the mexico not quite as wet as we go on through the next few days will be a few showers around the western caribbean elsewhere a slightly fine and sunny. Its like the wild west they can do anything and the really hard for them to get the all powerful internet is both a tool for democracy and a threat. In the echo Chamber World of fake news in cyberspace the rules of the game have changed there are no precedents people out investigate disinclination and Democracy Party at this time on aljazeera. Deal with these are our top stories the white house is preparing for a Government Shutdown as Congress Struggles to approve a budget deal before a midnight deadline the agreement which was struck by republican and Democratic Leaders in the senate is facing stiff resistance from both camps. Stocks have plunged on wall street for a fifth time in six days of trading ten percent below all time highs which was set on january the twenty six on thursday the dow jones fell by more than a thousand points only the second time thats ever happened. Russia has rejected u. N. Calls for a month long ceasefire in syria it was proposed in order to allow in humanitarian aid for civilians Government Forces backed by russian air support have ramped up in italy province and in recent days in both areas as opposed to be socalled deescalation. Now the roses use agency says it has evidence of a massacre of men in me and last september carried out by the Security Forces with the help of buddhist villages now this is the first time such an account as being backed up by witness statements from buddhist villages as well as Security Forces themselves the two journalists behind the investigation have been detained in meum are denied bail and a warning to silvas report contains images that some viewers may find disturbing. Its a chilling and detailed account of what can only be described as a premeditated massacre the photographs provided to reuters by a buddhist village elder dont lie the first the News Agency Says was taken on september first and shows the ten ruhi captives lined up in a row the second taken the day after shows their slain bodies in a mass grave their ages range from seventeen to forty five among them were students fishermen farmers shop owners fathers they were all part of the same community from the village of indian in myanmars northern Rakhine State but a little bit about the building when they were taken them away they said they do not worry we will send your sons back soon taken them for me till i die hard on all that you know of indian six thousand rocking chair remained in the village as of october and surprisingly their relatives are reluctant to move back that. I would not go back there how can i go they killed our husbands we have all listened babies how will they survive myanmars military says the ten men belong to a group of two hundred terrorists that had attacked them earlier but accounts given to the news agency by both ranger and buddhist witnesses deny such large scale attack ever happens in the village the writer story draws for the first time on interviews with buddhist villagers who confessed to torching rohingya homes bury bodies and killing muslims it also marks the first time soldiers and Paramilitary Police have been implicated by testimony from security personnel themselves the two reporters behind the story wallow in your story who are both myanmar nationals and were detained on december twelfth for allegedly obtaining confidential documents the Statement Released by the military on january tenth confirms what they were preparing to report ten write in demand had been massacred in that village at least coincided with a judicial request by prosecutors to charge the two journalists under the official secrets act they have been denied bail and if convicted could face up to forty years in prison on the silver aljazeera. Bangladeshs former Prime Minister has been jailed for five years for embezzling around two hundred fifty thousand dollars in donations that were meant for an orphanage trust her eldest son and four aides were given ten years sentences the seventy two year old has served as Prime Minister three times but the sentence could not bar her from running in decembers National Elections she also faces some thirty other charges including allegations of orchestrating Political Violence she and the current Prime Ministers shake ciena have ruled the country alternatively since nine hundred ninety one she says the allegations are part of a plot to keep her and her family out of politics theyre off is that zias jail sentence could trigger political instability. Protests have broken out in the capital dhaka with Police Firing tear gas at zia supposes policy has called for nationwide demonstrations on friday to protest against the verdict time the child tree has been monitoring events in dhaka. Former Prime Minister and Bangladesh Nationalist Party chairman khaled that the i was brought to this old central jail in a makeshift accommodation basically a Daycare Center this central jail no longer exist here the central jail or been moved to arsk out of the city she was brought to bear on a white s. U. V. Accompanied by her domestic child jill be kept there until father art or not the defense counsel told me they will file for it and build with the high court that depends on how soon they get the certified verdict in their hand that could take weeks or when few days the court dont open till sunday a lot of onlookers here and curious people heavily cordoned off area now we tried to talk to a lot of people didnt want to go on the camera because of heavy security presence and now we know a lot of people of that court told us the country faces a serious Political Uncertainty in the year of the election if the ruling party with a Smaller Party goes into election without the Main Opposition Party critics an expert told us that probably wont be accepted by majority of the population and the country will go into a terminal and uncertainty without an inclusive election down the road. Three years ago Palestinian Abdullah guinea man was crushed to death by an Israeli Military vehicle during violent clashes in the occupied west bank now the israeli army is attempting to see the twenty one year old family and his entire village the damage cools to the military jeep they accuse me matt of stirring a father at the vehicle him uncomfortable. The israeli army killed a name up in june two thousand and fifteen and now it wants twenty eight thousand dollars for damages to this jeep to crush the twenty one year old after his death ability family filed a lawsuit against the israeli state the case continues then in january this year the army build the family. This is a copy of the lawsuit given to us by the family lawyer. They reopened their so shameless that they are demanding compensation not because they want the money because they want to make it impossible for us palestinians its not about the money they want us to give in but we say we have the right you wont break because. In june two thousand and fifteen there was a raid by the army and they had a mullah that turned violent the israelis say a below three of five all of the jeep which then swerved into him for over three hours the family says the army wouldnt allow medics to treat of dilla as he lay beneath the jeep he eventually played to death the entire village turned out funeral. Lawyers say asking for compensation is part of a new israeli strategy to penalize palestinians for any kind of resistance or in slow motion. Messing up their. Story honestly were not used to seeing this sort of claim but if you take it in context where israel is going when it comes to killings fines and bills of votes in the knesset i think theyre heading to a level where anyone who utters the word occupation can be harassed arrested and possibly find that he might be considered to insult the state and its inhabitants aljazeera reached out to the Israeli Ministry of defense for comment it says it has submitted a statement of defense to the court stating that the event in which the plaintiffs was killed constitutes wartime activity as defined by the law and therefore the state is immune from. In this event in the light of the damage that was caused to the i. D. F. Jeep as a result of the molotov cocktail trained by the plaintiffs the ministry has filed a counter suit adel is remembered very fondly here and hes seen as a martyr for the palestinian cause graffiti of his face adorns the walls of the village and people here say theyll never forget about him. The family say they will continue to fight for justice for the law and theyve named the new poem some after him they say they would rather face whatever consequences there may be than pay the israeli army any money imraan khan out is their call for malik occupied west bank the ukrainian president has dismissed his chief Economic Advisor after an aljazeera investigation showed he received millions of dollars that were raised fraudulent plea barras laws can only g. Cranes largest media group u m h before selling it in twenty thirteen aljazeera as Investigative Unit uncovered documents that show over one hundred Million Dollars in payments for the group was raised as a loan on a company linked to president petro poroshenko. I. Think the link. Up now the an appeal by forty seven russian athletes and coaches to take part in the chang Winter Olympics has been rejected the court of arbitration for sport dismissed their case just hours before the games are due to ice and the russians have appealed against their exclusion by the International Olympic committee because of the twenty fourteen day ping scandal at the saucy gains almost one hundred seventy russian athletes have been cleared to compete. A military parade has been held in north korea just a day before the Winter Olympics actually open in the south leader kim jong un told him pyongyang is a nation is ready to defend itself but with North Koreans about to compete in the games the show of military strength was smaller than usual natascha game reports from the city of dan young. This was a patriotic celebration at home and a display of north koreas military might for those. Who didnt know our army defends us and keeps us happy its our peoples army just like its name so this Army Founding day is a great day for all of us thursday was the seventieth anniversary of the founding of the north korean army the military parade in pyongyang comes after the world witnessed advances in the isolated countries Weapons Program last year leader kim jong un praised what he called quote a world class military with the most powerful force despite punishing saying sions i would say that its a show of defiance but its a soul. To fines. And government wants to emphasize that the and you. Need to remain side in the future no matter what the fears army parade wasnt broadcast live on state t. V. And no new high profile weapons were displayed the toned down approach was likely orthe wants to a criticism of the show of military force on the eve of the Opening Ceremony of the young tang olympics. North koreans participating in an unprecedented way at these games South Koreans are hoping the only suspense and drama will be during competition. I feel very proud that a global event like the olympics is taking place in south korea kim jong un sr is expected to attend the Opening Ceremony in which north and south korean athletes plan to march under a unified flag shell be the first member of the ruling kim family to step foot on south korean soil since the korean war in the one nine hundred fifty s. From government leaders to people on the street there is optimism that the young chang games will help rebuild the ties between the two koreas its already being called the peace olympics natasha going to aim aljazeera coming on south korea. Now people in the south korean capital seoul have been doing quite literally a double take after seeing donald trump yes and kim jong un taking what appears to be a friendly stroll down the street just before the lympics opens of course is not a dramatic storing of tensions between washington and piano killing young i should say but a pair of professional lookalikes a trip president s have actually never met in real life. Here without his ear and these are the main stories the white house says is preparing for a Government Shutdown ng as Congress Struggles to approve a budget deal before the midnight deadline the agreement that was struck by republican and Democratic Leaders in the senate is facing stiff resistance in both camps christen salumi has the latest from washington the vote looks like its not going to happen before midnight the issue is procedural really it takes all one hundred senators to agree to take this to a vote and one rand paul is refusing to let that happen his issue is the cost of this plan three hundred billion dollars in spending increases over the next ten two years when you combine that with the tax cut that was passed in the last month thats going to push the National Deficit over a trillion dollars and for fiscal conservatives thats a no go so. A fifth time in six days and are now trading ten percent below the all times how high is it was set on january the twenty sixth on thursday the dow fell by more than a thousand points and thats only the second time its ever happened. Russia has rejected u. N. Calls for a month long cease fire in syria it was proposed in order to allow in humanitarian aid for civilians Government Forces backed by Russian Support have ramped up strikes in italy and in recent days in both of these areas are supposed to be deescalation. Russias News Agency Says it has evidence of a massacre of ten briton jim men in me amman last september carried out by Security Forces with the help of buddhist villages the two journalists behind the investigation have been detained in mia ma and denied bail valid protests have broken out on the streets of the bangladeshi capital after former Prime Minister. Was jailed for corruption right up to date people and is next as the worlds best athletes prepare for the Winter Olympics the north and South Koreans will march under unified flag and compete on a joint womens hockey team will bring you the results against the excitement of the seventeen day game of young chang twenty eighteen which are olympics on l. G. Zero. U. S. President. In spreading malicious propaganda and fake news and. Fiction becomes fact. Truth and political consensus. In this

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