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Sixty minutes north korea is accused of earning two hundred Million Dollars from banned exports including selling weapons to syria and me and. I think i think its terrible if you want to know the truth i think its a disgrace a controversial republican member of the f. B. I. Abusing its powers raising questions about the russia investigation well have reaction from the bureau. Jetstar get opposition controlled areas of syrias province government a government offensive intensifies and. Minding their language how corsicans are finding their voice in another nationalist battle. A confidential United Nations report says north korea earned almost two hundred Million Dollars last year by violating u. N. Sanctions yang is accused of supplying weapons to syria and me and its also. Alleged to have exported coal to a number of asian nations and received help to set up front businesses and Bank Accounts around the world the sanctions prohibit exports of coal and lead textiles and seafood the designed to limit funding for north Koreas Nuclear program lets pick now to talk to robert kelly whos a professor of Political Science and diplomacy at the pew Center National university in south korea he joins us live from up to sandra but to what extent is this report really telling us what we already knew about north korea yeah i think it is i dont think a lot of people are surprised i think the numbers are a little bit greater than people thought you know theres been a lot of discussion about the tightening of sanctions in the last couple years every time we have a round of sanctions the u. N. We hear about how these are the tightest sanctions ever north korea is on the ropes. So but its not actually surprising the north korean gauges and sanctions busting china has allowed poor sanctions to sort of go on they tolerated poured sanctions now for several decades. The North Koreans have also engaged in gangsterism and stuff like that since the one nine hundred seventy s. We know theyve sort of smuggled gold and people engaged in sex trafficking and things like that so all that is kind of a piece of the larger story of north korean gangsterism and Everything Else is just only kind of surprising there still that successful at this late so how are weapons getting through north korean ports to other places in asia without detection what does this say about the sanctions regime. Yeah thats the big question. What most people sort of assume is that theyre sort of like the sort of low level Third Party Operators have to take stuff from the North Koreans give them like a bag of cash and then they relabel it and stick it on the train or stick it on a ship or Something Like that right we know that North Koreans have connections with organized crime like the accuser for example in japan throughout asia and possibly the middle east or the North Koreans again have been grooming these connections since at least the one nine hundred seventy s. North koreans are sort of old hands at gangster stuff and so we assume thats what theyre doing right and there are lots of sort of freelancing officials running around a genie you know youve got china its a dictatorship youve got a lot of sort of low level corruption where officers consider make money by looking the other way and something coming through airports and stuff like that thats almost certainly what it is i mean we dont know obviously its black market stuff but thats my guess is that theres a fair amount of corruption spread around so they can move things here and there with fake paperwork all right so if sanctions on working robot punitive measures can be be taken and you know are they going to work if sanctions are not yeah i feel like you and i have had this conversation probably you know for ten years now im going to work i mean they dont work terribly well i think the proper counterfactual on sanctions is to think were going to be if we didnt say ok so yes theyre porous and they dont work terribly well in the North Koreans go to cheating right but if they didnt if we didnt have them at the North Koreans sort of running around doing all of this above board then you know instead of having maybe fifty Nuclear Weapons that have two hundred or Something Like that right so i dont think that we should look at sanctions as some kind of cure all or silverball its not going to be that whale never be that way there to me incentives the sanctions bost i think instead we need to do is just keep tightening keep having reports like this this kind of stuff in the media but it continues to bring attention so rather than completely shutting north korea off we should narrow the pipeline and i think thats what were really looking for right but sanctions are not going to bring about the collapse but when i go to him just want to ask you one question which is not to do with north korea but but the south and President Trumps nominee for ambassador to south korea this some can control to see about that this week which is kind of going to the radio. Yeah thats right so the American Ambassador are supposed to be an American Ambassador to south koreas an academic a think tank intellectual named victor cha and dr charles pretty well known in the community of people who do what i do sort of the Analyst Community on korea i know myself and hes got a reputation as a hawks of smart and personable and Everything Else and i think a lot of people were looking for to him coming in the Top Administration pulled him back at the very last minute this is sort of sent waves i think its a bit of inside the Expert Community because china is known as a hawk but apparently hes not hawkish enough for the trump ministration and a lot of people are read that as sort of a big red flag but the trump people looking to strike north korea i myself im a little bit concerned i would have thought that victor would have been a shoo in he sort of like a conservative broadly speaking youve got a history in republican politics the United States but they pulled him anyway because i guess he didnt he didnt support a strike which tells me that the trump people are really seriously considering military action in two thousand and eighteen wrote always good to talk to you many thanks indeed Professor Robert kelly that. Keep calm and tackle hard thats the advice of the head of the f. B. I. And his stuff after the u. S. Congress released a memo accusing the bureau of being biased against the president a republican document criticizes the f. B. I. And the department of justice it says that they abused their power while examining alleged ties between Donald Trumps Campaign Team and russia the f. B. I. Had argued against its release saying that it had grave concerns that the document contained what it called material emissions of fact democrats say the memo is aimed a deal railing the special counsel Robert Melissa investigation into the trunk campaigns alleged links to russia following the release the white house says that no changes will be made at the Justice Department a white house Correspondents Committee held at reports. Republicans promised a bombshell that would destroy every idea the Trump Campaign colluded with the russian government during the twenty sixteen president ial election but in the end he did not meet expectations President Trump declassified the memo written by Top Republicans allowing for its public release even against the advice of his own f. B. I. Director and the u. S. Justice department the four page report which is part of a larger intelligence document argues f. B. I. Investigators looking into alleged truck ties to russia hit the facts some of their research was funded by Democratic Party sources it also claims the entire investigation was biased against donald trump from the beginning and that some agents expressed views privately and i think its a disgrace whats happening in our country and when you look at that and you see that and so many other things whats going on. A lot of people should be ashamed of themselves but democrats argue the memo is simply a summary of republican talking points based on in accuracies House Democratic leader nancy pelosi says its all part of a plan to distract americans from the russia investigation led by special counsel Robert Muller and alleged campaign ties to president Vladimir Putins government in a statement she said President Trump has surrendered his constitutional responsibility as commander in chief by releasing highly classified and distorted intelligence by not protecting intelligence sources and methods he just sent his friend putin a book a trump himself made the argument on twitter prior to the memos release that leadership at the f. B. I. And Justice Department are out to get him some analysts believe thats more evidence trump is actively obstructing the investigation if you look at the words out of mr trumps own mouth the very incriminating he said repeatedly i need somebody in the Justice Department who will protect me its doubtful the memos released will change Public Opinion about the russia investigation still there is now an effort by some democrats and republicans to legally protect the rush of probe from what many believe is a white house effort to derail the justice process kimberly held at al jazeera washington russian warplanes have renewed asterix on rebel held areas of the province in syria at least seven people were killed when a car was hit in aleppo the opposition had lip been bombarded for weeks now by Syrian Government forces in the russian allies jets also targeted the rebel own claim of the capital damascus Government Forces of the siege the area for five years four hundred thousand people trapped. Well a bombing by russian jets in italy province is supporting a major offensive by Syrian Government forces aimed at recapturing a strategically important road between the cities of aleppo and damascus troops have been facing opposition groups for weeks moving northwest trying to cut off a rebel supply line the road between aleppo and damascus connects some of the few remaining opposition held areas of syria at least two people have been killed and nineteen others injured in attacks on turkish towns near the border with syria. He says the rockets were fired from a kurdish enclave inside syria theres been more than two weeks of intense fighting in the area turkey launched an offensive to clear the region of Syrian Kurdish forces known as the y p g which it says is a terrorist group. And the Free Syria Army says that it will investigate allegations that its fighters mutilated the corpse of a female member of the y. P. G. Parent body is understood to been a member of the all female kurdish womens Protection Unit video seen by al jazeera appears to show Free Syrian Army fighters standing over her body in a village near the Turkish Border lets go live now to aljazeera as stephanie deca whos into the near the border with syria lets start with the latest on the fighting there in that border region stan. Weve been here for the last couple of hours and there has been intense outgoing artillery over one of the main roads that where weve had to move back from that base we were filming because the villagers didnt want us to be there but from time to me outgoing and so it really falls into a pattern that weve seen here over the last few weeks which is a campaign of trying to push the wiping away from its borders now the f. S. A. Theres the Free Syrian Army fighters backed by turkey have taken some of these pockets along the border but there still remains certainly a lot of areas to take also briefly you mentioned rockets on kilis theres also been a rocket attack. This is a city inside syria apparently those rockets fell on the market and what we understand nine people have been injured as of course as we were they are just last week it is under the control of the f. S. A. Backed by turkey so it is also seen as a target but certainly as you mentioned two weeks now this offensive still very much active theyve made some headway along the border but there does seem to be a long way to go one of these accusations the turkish faces mutilated and the corpse of a female. Youve seen the video right what does it show. Its incredibly disturbing and its a female fight from the white p. J. This is the unit of the white its being filmed its f. S. A. Fighters Free Syrian Army fighters standing around her body its hard to know everyone here has their own story of what happened the f. S. A. And those who support the f. S. A. Will tell you well she blew herself up but what you can see is what have been her chest area some people say that her breasts have been cut off its a very difficult topic to discuss you can find when you talk to people they did this no they didnt do this now the fact that its so much traction you have the main media picking up without a statement from the f. S. A. Sort of senior come on saying that theyre going to look into it and there will be accountability the video shows one man sort of touching her chest area and the man the voice behind the camera saying dont do that were filming i think the point of this is that seven years into this war you have a narrative and you have actions on the ground some of them that are captured on camera that have become so horrendous but to many people its almost become the norm and i think we have to ask the question going ahead once this war is over and at the moment its not looking likely the issue of reconciliation you know you have you have the sunnis you have the kurds there is so much hatred yes people also will talk about forgiveness but i think this narrative what has become normal these days is incredibly incredibly concerning i think that is going to be one of the huge challenges moving forward for syria when this war is over. The border between turkey and syria. You know with the news out still to come on the program you know that i cant do that thats now. Sexually abused girls apologizes of them lunging at rick to produce a very nasty. Argentinas bio diesel industry in decline as it feels the impact of Donald Trumps America First policy. On paul reese in copenhagen where the danes bring home only the second Winter Olympics medal. After winning. The u. N. Human rights body is calling for the Immediate Release of an aljazeera journalist from jail in egypt saying that his imprisonment violates International Law saying was jailed almost fourteen months ago for what prosecutors said was broadcasting false news to spread chaos both he and aljazeera deny the accusations the same is repeated three complained of mistreatment while in prison joining us now via skype from liverpool is Elizabeth Witchell has the impurity Campaign Consultant of the committee to protect journalists good to have you with us elizabeth hussain. Detention is him as far from an isolated case here so what can be done by the un and other International Bodies to hold governments to to account for violating human rights. So i think you know this this process is a good one the. Committee for every detention but we need to keep constant pressure up we need bilateral pressure we need pressure from intergovernmental institutions and what were seeing around the world is this use of anti state laws that are vaguely worded. That are you are used against journalists are used against critics that are ill defined and just like mahmoud hussain. People are held arbitrarily theyre theyre not actually fully sentence and fully convicted and held for a long time so we need to see more. Leadership from countries unfortunately like the u. S. Who is starting to. Promote some of the examples that only encourage some of these countries with traditionally high rates of imprisoning journalists to continue this pattern. Bring someone with top three jailers of journalists along with china is it is it safer or less safe to be a journalist these days. I think when it comes to imprisonment were seeing those numbers rise over the last few years and two thousand and seventeen was a historical high terms of the president s that weve documented worldwide so it so in that sense were seeing. It its an extremely precarious time to be a journalist particularly if youre a local journalist. Youre covering you know your local communities your. From the countries where we see repressive tactics. In terms of violence were still seeing journalists attacked routinely and were seeing still seeing high numbers of journalists killed you know last year we did record a small drop in in numbers of journalists killed and journalist murdered. This is a Welcome Development but this is also a drop following years of historical highs in that area as well all right so elizabeth how do not just journalists but the people working for nongovernmental organizations of charities how did they operate in this. In this environment of increasing censorship well i think on the one hand we have technology that opens the door for. You know collecting and sharing information and we can rely on you know a certain level citizen journalists and were also seeing a greater. A much greater sharing of safety knowledge much greater awareness that freelancers and your workers and people who are working on the front lines. Understand that we that there has to be. A much a much. Much better understanding of safety and security measures and so we are starting to see alliances and programs formed to increase that training and increase that awareness that is whats really going to achieve the sixty for being with us elizabeth which will the from the committee to protect journalists thank you its estimated that at least ninety migrants have drowned off the coast of libya a boat carrying mostly pakistanis capsized early on friday at least three people in the have survived theyve told aid workers that they were trying to cross the mediterranean to reach its only ten bodies of washed ashore whether doyle from the International Organization for migration believes that the boat was overloaded. We know that the weather was calm so thats indicating that indicating that the smugglers who are cavalier to say the least have hugely overloaded this vessel so this is just really what happens and we need to get the word out to people desperate people around the world who think theyre coming to a better life and theyre reading about it on social media that its not the case leaders of the Palestine Liberation Organization a meeting to discuss ending the oslo accords and suspending the recognition of israel the palestinian president declared last month that the peace agreements of nine hundred ninety three in one thousand nine hundred five were dead Mahmoud Abbas valid to reject u. S. Mediation to Donald Trumps decision in december to recognize jerusalem as israels capital. Mexicos foreign minister says that relations with the u. S. Are closer on the President Trump than with previous administrations luis de guy says that theyre working relationship has improved despite trumps attacks on mexican migrants and who pays to build a border wall and mexico is calling for peace a peaceful solution to the crisis in venezuela after the u. S. Secretary of state raised the prospect of a military uprising president Nicolas Maduro has been officially named the socialist Party Candidate for the president ial election in april he could extend his term for another six years if reelected opposition leaders have been jailed or banned from running for election they say that venezuela has become a dictatorship on the door oh whom they blame for widespread shortages in the country. Argentinas once booming Biofuels Industry is suffering but after its main market the United States imposed a seventy two percent tariff on imports the move is part of the trumpet ministrations America First policy to ensure u. S. Producers dont lose out to foreign imports from rosario to theres a bow reports. Six years ago this factory was producing sixteen thousand tonnes of bio diesel fuel now its down to about six thousand and. The Interest Rate wont grow theres no investment it worries us that the United States will stop importing or bio diesel the interest it was created to export not only to fulfill internal needs. Some say factories located in the province of santa fe argentinas first victims of Donald Trumps America First approach to Foreign Trade the us announced a seventy two percent tariff on imports of its biodiesel american officials accuse argentina of fairly subsidizing the countrys Biodiesel Industry at the expense of u. S. Producers even if. Their decision is arbitrary unjustified and illegal they discarded all the arguments presented by argentina argentina has an export tax on the story of being in a different one for bio diesel it is not a subsidy this is one of mr trumps protectionist policies. Almost ninety percent of argentinas biodiesel is directed to the United States cutting that flow has impacted almost thirty companies here ample jobs at risk argentina is one of the worlds top soybean producers and biodiesel here is also produced with this crop it is a crucial source of income for argentina because it provides the u. S. Dollars but be economy desperately needs dollars that help keep the trade balance in check since taking Office President has been trying to open up argentinas economy. In the note that argentina is trying to open its economy in bio diesel is one of the products that exports the most by losing its main buyer means we will have to look elsewhere argentina cannot afford to lose markets if it wants to get its economy back on track environmentalist have long questioned the cost of argentinas reliance on the. Entire areas of the countries for years have been destroyed to grow what is known here as green gold experts say bio diesel is different in. The United States and europe request a sustainability test so that the story of being used for bio diesel can be checked argentina has been certified and credited for this. Argentina says it will file a complaint against the United States at the World Trade Organization in the meantime factories here will have to find new overseas markets even there to save the industry and precious jobs. As. Argentina as many as ten thousand people had to leave their homes in argentina after heavy rain caused flooding villages beside the river in the mountain assault of province were the worst hit the river rose six meters and swept up everything in its path including cause a number of people were rescued from the muddy water river levels are expected to continue rising for the next four days and in neighboring bolivia at least six people have died in flooding in santa cruz more than fifteen thousand people are homeless following days of heavy rain the president of france and heads to the french out of corsica next week where nationalists are calling for more autonomy it follows the victorian Regional Elections in december theyre planning a large demonstration ahead of the president s visit david chase reports. The full independence may still be a distant dream but nationalism has found a renewed force on this island the. Middle a a. Not so long ago just singing the course can National Anthem was enough to get you beaten up by the French Police here now the islanders are demanding official status for their language. The all. Expression of course you can roots was rapidly merge with the expression of political demands so the singing became hard for the political authorities to accept and not only the french but also some corsicans were supporters of great affronts the confrontation then became violent extremely violent very extreme in. The brutal struggle for corsican independence lasted for four decades before weapons were finally surrendered three years ago the political fight to the ballot box is proving much more successful. A coalition of nationalists now commands forty one out of the sixty three seats in the Corsican Assembly one of their key demands is for the return an amnesty of what they call their Political Prisoners held in jails across france to keep a seal to some say give it up to hide the body what happened in the election last december was an earthquake it wasnt just the usual renewal of the acidly the corsican people voted today an absolute in my yard for corsica nationality thats the fact there are thirty some parties have to think about it. But the nationalists have already served notice on president macron warning him that unless he starts listening to them then hard and conflicting times like head for paris and corsica course was the birthplace of napoleon the man macro is most often measured against in terms of his youth and grand visions the french president is due on the island next week will he choose a compromise will he defend the integrity of france and its language if we change to aljazeera course. Well the staff here in just a few moments for that update on conditions in snowy europe but still to come on the news out fall at all times the Digital Currency is as popular Cryptocurrency Bitcoin loses a third of its value in a week plus. Im stuck fast reporting from papa about last traditions and a rapidly disappearing unique culture of the of my people. At its core the bron james speaks out of those reports that hes leaving the Cleveland Cavaliers will be right back. From a fresh coast to breeze. To watching the sunset on the australian outback. Hello there i know that it takes about one centimeters of snow before it grinds to a halt across the British Isles but ive always wondered how much snow it would take to make a place like finland to a whole i mean thats a very snowy place anyway i know ive got my answer about forty centimeters of snow thats how much they snow had in about a twenty four hour period and it caused quite a few problems to the to the roads in the rails on the trams as well but its not the only place weve seen a lot of snow recently this system here as you can see links all the way back to whats been going on over parts of spain and portugal spain seen a awful lot of wintery weather over the last day or so these pictures are from the northwest now here we know exactly on used to snow we do see every now and then but this much snow is very unusual and that snows pushed further south as well so weve also seen some wintry weather down in the southeastern parts of spain places like bennett told the costa blanca these are all seen so wintery weather and weve also seen more snow across parts of new york and youre hoping ill finish soon not you but ive got more pictures to show you this from algeria weve even seen snow here and it looks like were going to see get more cool weather over the next few days the system the board to stow thats heading up towards the northeast more rain snow out of that and behind it turning cooler over the next few days. The weather sponsored by cattle and race. For the nomadic jacka tribe survival is about reaching their destination goal if we dont hurry a lever be able to give account of the storm we follow the mongolian herdsmen on a treacherous migration find the race dangerous the ice is then as they strive to preserve their traditional way of life a little bit longer we sometimes lose our cattle there with the cold war because of the storm risking it all mongolia at this time on aljazeera. Our jazeera. And. Where every. Hello again adrian forget here in doha the news hour from aljazeera our top stories this hour a confidential United Nations report says north korea earned nearly two hundred Million Dollars last year by violating u. N. Sanctions the report says north korea supplied weapons to syria and shipped coal to countries including russia and china. The head of the f. B. I. Has urged his staff to keep calm and tackle hard after the u. S. Congress released a memo accusing the pure of being biased against the president the document says the f. B. I. And the puppet of justice abused their power while examining alleged ties between Donald Trumps Campaign Team russia. Russian warplanes of renewed asterix on rebel held areas of italy province in syria at least seven people were killed when a car was hit in aleppo the opposition in italy have been bombarded for weeks by Syrian Government forces at their russian allies. The u. S. Military is modernizing its Nuclear Weapons arsenal in response to concerns that russia is expanding its capability the new pentagon state strategy ends the obama era push to reduce americas stockpile defense secretary james mattis says the u. S. Needs to see the world as it is and not as it wishes to be a defense correspondent Patty Culhane reports from washington. U. S. President donald trump never criticizes russian president Vladimir Putin but the pentagon is doing just that moscow retains a large stockpile of nonstrategic Nuclear Weapons and continues to modernize those as well as its strategic. Systems this report says aggression from russia concerns about china and north korea and potentially iran are the reasons the u. S. Needs to modernize its Nuclear Weapons and its changing the wording on when it could use them saying the u. S. Could use Nuclear Weapons in extreme circumstances to defend the vital interests of the u. S. Whats new is that had this line extreme circumstances could include significant non nuclear strategic attacks the military was asked to clarify what that means it would that also involved employing a biological weapons against the Us Population or allies would involve the use of chemical weapons against our people would involve a conventional attack in other parts of the world the context in which an attack occurred on the United States or allies would be how we would evaluate the appropriate response the plan also calls for modernizing the Nuclear Arsenal thats something the last administration wanted to do and at the time they said it was going to cost more than a trillion dollars over thirty years this plan would undoubtedly be even more expensive and that has not been something that congress has been really willing to fund at this point. The u. S. Also wants to build a new kind of weapon a Nuclear Warhead with less impact but critics say that could make nuclear war more likely they are literally having weapons that give the president more options to start a nuclear war and that is becoming dangerous particularly we have this president who we all know is impetuous irrational and not always unsound mind recently three high ranking former diplomats went to capitol hill with the warning that the Massive Destructive force of a Nuclear Weapon was no longer appreciated or even feared by some in those days people seem to have an appreciation of what would what would be the result of a Nuclear Weapon or ever used. I fear people have lost that sense of dread the u. S. Under President Trump is trying to improve its Nuclear Arsenal and the potential reasons to use it they say in order to improve the odds it wont have to. Zero washington doctors in the u. S. Are trying to manage the worst flu outbreak in a decade fifty three children have died so far this winter and flu related hospital admissions are at an all time high people are being urged to get the flu vaccine despite questions about its effectiveness kristen salumi reports. Hospital Emergency Rooms across the country are inundated with sneezing coughing sniffling patients in Atlanta Georgia Grady Memorial Hospital opened a temporary mobile emergency room and closed in plastic tents to handle a twenty five percent increase in visits in the month of january the flu this year has been dangerous our volume in the Emergency Department has reached such a critical number and not only us but our increasing colleagues we really need to bring in an additional resource the very old in the very young are the group that tend to be in the most danger from catching the flu is a cesspool a flu a cesspool a funky flu at the e. R. Right now in florida one tired nurse posted this now viral video after working a twelve hour shift as watch this im going to teach elementary trick its. Her advice is simple cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough wash your hands and avoid bringing Healthy People to the emergency room the u. S. Centers for Disease Control says the hospitalization rate for flu is at an all time high this year with forty nine of the fifty us states reporting widespread flu Activity Still the scale of this outbreak is dwarfed by one which occurred one hundred years ago this month one of the deadliest in history in one thousand nine hundred spanish influenza spread around the globe in the aftermath of world war one over a period of two years it killed tens of millions of people globally including six hundred seventy five thousand in the United States alone this flu strain may not be as deadly but the National Institute of health is still advising americans to get a vaccine even though a canadian study found it was less than twenty percent effective we should point out that even though the vaccine is less than optimal its efficacy that the small to moderate amount of protection you get against influenza by getting vaccinated is always better than no protection at all by not getting vaccinated thats very clear with as many as ten more weeks left to this flu season u. S. Health care workers are looking for all the help they can get kristen salumi aljazeera place of johnson ammunition dealer who sold bullets to the gunman who carried out the deadliest mass shooting in modern u. S. History Stephen Paddick opened fire from a hotel room in las vegas last october killing fifty eight music fans and wounding five hundred others supply douglas haigs accused of conspiring to manufacture and sell almost piercing bullets without a license he told reporters that he sold seven hundred and twenty rounds of a different type of ammo to products and didnt contribute to what he did. A furious father has apologized after trying to attack the fall the doctor of the usa Gymnastics Team and course now the chief of police has also apologized to one of the gymnasts who reported larry nasa eleven years before he was fun at one hundred reports to be. A fathers fury his target the man who sexually abused his three daughters said oh theres you too as far as assad saying. To grant me five minutes and a lot of this is the one you know that i cant do that thats not how i will do what america is. Doing to me. The man he wanted to get his hands on is larry nasser former olympic gymnastics doctor and a convicted serial child molester and possibly the last child he will ever assault nasser was accused of assaulting more than two hundred fifty girls and women while his face justice the organizations hes worked for have largely escaped any punishment we need to hold these organizations accountable usa gymnastics united front back in may and as you may need an independent investigation new allegations less than a week before the start of the twenty eight thousand winter games describe how usa gymnastics emailed Us Olympic Committee security chief larry boone door detailing Sexual Misconduct accusations against nasser a year before they were made public theyve engaged in a cut a cover up of the worst child molester perhaps in American History Brianna Randall gay reported nassar to police in two thousand and four eleven years before he was fired from usa gymnastics and very very right you hear it in times square. And thought it might. Work this week she received a long awaited apology i want to start first of all the most important reason work here. And thats to apologize. Of the half of the community or police department. To you maria we failed you we let you down one back at the Court Randall hargreaves the father who lunged at nasser apologized for his behavior he said he came to court not to up stages three daughters but to help them heal john hendren aljazeera well the dead apologized saying that he just lost control like a very supportive my daughter i knew they were going to read a statement i didnt know what olson would not let me see that it. Dealt my daughters life very delicately realizing they may never trust a man. And i could hear that and i look over larry nassar sickness and know. Like you did who were first all through the. Last control of one hundred by a judge in brazil has ordered that former president Lula Da Silva is possible should be returned to him it was taken last week after a court upheld his conviction for corruption that increased his jail to twelve years hes likely to be barred from running in october as election but if party insists that he will be the candidates that he remains popular. Trading cryptocurrency is remains volatile with investors worried about a possible global clampdown the value of leading Currency Bitcoin plunged thirty percent this week sliding below eight thousand dollars for the First Time Since november other Virtual Currencies opposed to big falls as regulators questioned their reliability india plans to ban all crypto currency trading on Facebook Says it will no longer advertisement for Digital Currency is just over a year ago bitcoin was valued at nine hundred two dollars and twenty six cents at its peak on the sixteenth of december stood at just over nineteen thousand two hundred dollars but by the end of january it had fallen below ten thousand dollars wasnt back it acts as a financial analyst who says that bitcoins real value depends upon investors confidence in it as a currency for my money the bottom could be zero and the upward limit of the price could be anything in the trillions if you believe in this as a currency as a real alternative to dollars or two yen or to anything else in the world then you could theoretically say that the price could be infinite because everybody would pile into it they would use that as a principle form of exchange and its value would never stop increasing if you dont believe then it doesnt have any worth it all the proprietary Technology Behind because it isnt any different than what we know in Payment Systems around the world in fact its slower its more cumbersome it eats up tons of energy there are all sorts of issues with this transparency that people have a problem with so from a functional point of view it doesnt have a great amount of value but function doesnt always translate into what people will pay for. Now laos is investing billions of dollars in a high speed rail line thats being built by a Chinese Company itll run from you nine in Southern China to the laotian capital the n. T. N. Before eventually connecting with another line thats being built in thailand in the third of our reports on global trade routes wayne hay reports now from line providing in laos. These normally quiet previously untouched hills of northern laos and they are filled with the sights and sounds of heavy construction around the town of the one problem rapid progress is being made on a chinese built high speed train line it will cut through here and cross the mekong river on its way from Southern China to the lao capital vienna. The communist government of law says it wants to landlocked country to become land linking beijing sees this project as a key part of its delta road infrastructure plan linking china with the rest of asia europe and beyond when this line is completed it will run for more than four hundred kilometers more than sixty percent of which will consist of bridges and tunnels that makes it a very expensive project one that some say laos cant afford experts worry it will add to the governments already heavy debt loads the cost of the project is six billion dollars with most of the money coming from chinese grants and loans this is significant because. Ours. Is only. In four been very young so close to fifty percent of g. D. P. In this project we would be in five years time so we got in we can expect around ten percent of Public Investment just for this process. One of the stops will be just outside the one providing which is a unesco listed town for its unique lao and french architecture there is concern the new project will attract too many tourists putting a strain on the towns facilities and infrastructure. That many people and Small Businesses here survive off the Tourism Industry so the prospect of more visitors spending money is welcomed. About three years ago there were more tourists but now there arent as many so we are earning less money so were looking forward to the training. Happening. Some studies have found that china will receive most of the economic benefits from the large projects its involved in around the region laos is one of asias poorest countries so when the railway is finished by late two thousand and twenty one it will be hoping its begin this mint will start paying off straight away wayne hay al jazeera long laos or in the final report of our global trade routes series will be taking a look at the planned trans African Railway line that will connect west africa with the east you can see that throughout the day all day sunday here on how to zero a modern life is threatening the existence of a tribe in a remote jungle region of indonesia people in papua are blaming the government for not doing enough to help them not a serious step faster report stuff from our guts on the plight of the asthma people. Children in this remote part of Eastern Indonesia are dying of disease and hunger. Outbreak is claiming lives infecting childrens bodies week from malnutrition decades ago people were proud and feared worriers well known for head hunting and cannibalism those traditions have now gone and only on this play in museums but the rest of the tribes unique culture is also in danger of being lost with. Our culture must not disappear we have abolished bad traditions and are focused on the good parts of our culture we still like killing and eating people that was clearly not a good sign of our culture but our sculptures our cultural festivals we need to protect them they cant disappear the bad things have been taken by the winners of. Modern day good stuff replace what nature used to provide in the jungle instant noodles and ice cream are on the menu instead of baked forests are no longer a source for food city style garbage is seen everywhere here it becomes painfully clear how a unique culture is rapidly disappearing instead of psagot trees Plastic Waste dominates the habitat of the us my people many say its a sign that indonesia needs to act fast if it wants to maintain its diversity and preserve this centuries old culture because of the lack of Good Nutrition diseases spread quickly many children have died because medical post in remote areas are unmanned. Church leaders estimate the figure could be in the hundreds but. We have to realize that this tragedy is a very important lesson to us it shows how we have failed at robbers and sisters and not managed to bring welfare and health care to them it shows that a lot has to be done. By. Church workers provide information to villages about healthy food but proper education facilities are seriously lacking we visited a school with only one teacher present the head of the school had not shown up for work for four years the government admits its approach has failed. In what we found is that the services we provided were not enough they did not reach the right people and were not affective or it was the wrong approach all together now we are discussing with several ministries to see what is the best approach that suits their culture at that level of development. President jokingly doto suggested relocating the more than one hundred thousand members of the tribe to a town but that was immediately rejected the government now says it aims to preserve the culture and provide the medical care and assistance needed for the people to survive on the land they have always known step fastened aljazeera our guts. Just ahead in the sports straightly open champion Caroline Wozniacki is brought back down to earth and he has the details just a few. Six. Months think the problem. Is the name under which i recorded a record its a regular music its really kind of trip for a very young age. But i feel that. The talks about just the quality. Of. Music i think. Thats. Especially true. Of all the right wing assault on our freedom to last questions and freedom of expression and people you know all being students teachers activists filmmakers rights its. Been its going to do this. And people on the street see the protest has reached our doorstep in which. Attempts to. Get. Out i get i misled you its not its all its sport it is thank you very much i had three time n. B. A. Champion upon jane to deny reports that hes going to ditch the Cleveland Cavaliers to join option rivals the Golden State Warriors the cubs forward who can opt out of his current contract thelma spoke out following reports on e. S. P. N. The us met what claiming hed meet with golden state in the off season if they opened up sufficient salary space to land him while abroad and sidelocks of the arias in last seasons finals and have been on the pa this season they do have the best record in the east bought have lost twenty out of fifty games. To go and stay. Conversation nonstory all the other conversation about the story my focus right now is to try to figure out how we can get. To be a farmer before champs or Everything Else. Is not about this team i want to ask you about this to argue for good better. Play for us to see the rise above the no no no. While one team le bron is highly unlikely to ever consider joining is indiana with whom he had a face rivalry when he played for miami they went down on saturday losing to the shallow hornets kemba walker hitting forty one points as the hornets won one hundred thirty three to one hundred and twenty six. The twenty eight hundred six nations championship kicks off on saturday with wales hosting scotland in cardiff that match begins shortly with wales on a run of eight consecutive home wins against scotland later from the take on island who is seen as the other title favorites islander on a seven game winning streak while france over the house again in six games england other reigning champions and begin the defense of their title against italy in rome on sunday had courage eddie jones has picked center ben teo in the starting line up that he one year old to has been out since october with an ankle injury hasnt played for england in over one year the side of bidding to become the first team to win the competition three times in a row england have never lost to italy before. One of man that knows a thing or two about beating the new England Patriots says the Philadelphia Eagles can pull off an upset against the defending super bowl champions in sunday shape a snatch new york giants thought eli manning is the only quarterback to beat a tom brady Led Patriots Team having done so in both two thousand and eight hundred twenty two all i do i think that they have to make up they have a great deep its a project to get pressure on the board back you know theyre up and they run the ball well they know that their quarterback is playing at a high level and. So i think they have the ingredients now to put it all together on a game that. Hes playing at a high level you know but the best way to slow down the quarterbacks get pressure on him and make him the borrower earlier. That he wants to do it so i think they have the talent where they can get some pressure that is going to do it Manchester City boss Pep Guardiola believes the premier League Title Race isnt a foregone conclusion that despite his fight leading the table by fifteen points fifty taken badly away later and go into the match having won back to back games. Is thirteen games see nine points to break fifteen so. Hes going to. Have an amazing tough games to play for example tomorrow you cannot deny and Everybody Knows here england complicated this thing badly enough to have to go to stoke city for example greece and park. We have against us in the courtroom united chelsea. While there are eight games in the e. P. L. On saturday second place Manchester United have the chance to bounce back after their midweek loss to top gnome united faith huddersfield and austin ill who are eight points off the Top Four Champions League place can make up some ground they take on everton. Caroline wozniak has come back down to earth after winning her first tennis grand slam title at the Australian Open the dane was beaten in straight sets by twenty year old a russian that i cut the night in the quarter finals of the w. T. Event in St Petersburg it was the new world number ones first defeat since winning that race in melbourne. And a child now in defending stanley cup champions the Pittsburgh Penguins have extended their winning streak to four games with a win over the Washington Capitals on friday the penguins got off to an early lead but the capitals managed to break even late on in the middle period of the game moments off to pittsburgh pulled ahead washington once again levelled after alex the vetch can get his thirty second goal of the season but no more goals would come from the capitals as the penguins scored three goals in less than four minutes to secure a seven four victory. Now there are six days to go until the Winter Olympics in china and undoubtedly yearly expect to see its guns and even countries perform well but theres one odd one out thanks to and thats denmark and you got a hundred by the relatively flat landscape they have just won a winter medal to their name Paul Research reports from copenhagen. Denmark in the Winter Olympics curling is the undisputed champion among sports poles apart from the skiing and ice hockey cultures of its scandinavian neighbors here in copenhagen medal hopes are made of stone of the curling olympic debut twenty. Years ago gave denmark that only place on the podium we had one medal and it was in nine. And it was. Very proud of that no one has been able to do medal in any way this boy every so thats why its very special. Its special as more than just a memory in the era before nine hundred ninety eight danish curl is how to play and skating rinks that medal may have been a hard act to follow but it did what in danish terms was a Winter Sports revolution the creation of this club after nine hundred ninety eight when the first time at least some danish winter olympians could train for the games in their home country curling remains the exception denmarks top medal prospect elena regress trains most of the year at speed skating rinks in holland to know why the best danish crosscountry skier lives in greenland on that great alpine hope christopher followed up far away in norway trina christe won silver with the curling team twenty years ago im just still one of the only danes to outdo their scandinavian neighbors in the winter games when we won the medal we were higher. Than sweden was for twenty four hours and that was very special. Its a great feeling but of course we hope every time there is a Winter Olympics that there will be more of us denmark has slipped down the rankings since the heady days of ninety eight but when a single medal means so much every olympics is a brush with destiny. All race aljazeera copenhagen. I mean the fact that he thinks the curling now its a sport id like to go i reckon i could do that and finally as they say all the best news programs archaeologists in egypt of announced the discovery of an ancient tomb in the pyramids of giza they say the four thousand year old colt was made for that he was a prominent priestess who lived during h. T. Chips fifth in the city. Thats it for the newsroom sam is here with more news in just about see. If you can. You stand the differences. And the similarities of cultures across the world. Aljazeera the Palestine National locust was first founded in the one nine hundred thirty s. But has had to be revived in two thousand and ten all was very important thing in palestine now musicians from all over the world come together to perform in the occupied territories. Its like ever published in the a living in the us poor felt it was the first time they performed using their identity aljazeera world hears music as a force for unity the diaspora orchestra at this time of the river nile is a vital source of sustenance to the countries it flows through this enormous thing going on who can lay claim. This isnt going to give them the resources we found but with this comes a destabilizing rivalry the countrys suspicious of each others intentions in the battle for control of the records transporting sea consultation was not up to me to come to because of some fear of struggle over them at this time on aljazeera. North korea is accused of earning two hundred Million Dollars from. Including selling weapons to syria and me and mom

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