The probe into the Trump Campaigns alleged links to Russia White House correspondent Kelly Holcomb reports. Republicans promised a bombshell that would destroy every idea the Trump Campaign colluded with the russian government during the twenty sixteen president ial election but in the end it did not meet expectations president declassified the memo written by Top Republicans allowing for its public release even against the advice of his own f. B. I. Director and the u. S. Justice department. The four page report which is part of a larger intelligence document argues f. B. I. Investigators looking into alleged truck ties to russia hit the fact some of their research was funded by Democratic Party sources it also claims the entire investigation was biased against donald trump from the beginning and that some agents expressed views privately and i think its a disgrace whats happening in our country and when you look at that and you see that and so many other things whats going on a lot of people should be ashamed of themselves but democrats argue the memo is simply a summary of republican talking points based on in accuracies House Democratic leader nancy pelosi says its all part of a plan to distract americans from the russia investigation led by special counsel Robert Muller and alleged campaign ties to president Vladimir Putins government in a statement she said President Trump has surrendered his constitutional responsibility as commander in chief by releasing highly classified and distorted intelligence by not protecting intelligence sources and methods he just sent his friend putin a book a trump himself made the argument on twitter prior to the memos release that leadership at the f. B. I. And Justice Department are out to get him some analysts believe thats more evidence trump is actively obstructing the investigation if you look at the words out of mr trumps own mouth the very incriminating he said repeatedly i need somebody in the Justice Department who will protect me its doubtful the memos released will change Public Opinion about the russia investigation still there is now an effort by some democrats and republicans to literally protect the russian probe from what many believe is a white house effort to derail the justice process kimberly held at aljazeera washington. The u. S. Military says it will modernize its Nuclear Weapons arsenal in response to concerns over russias expansion of its capability the Nuclear Reviews also express concerns over the Nuclear Programs of china iran and north korea. Aljazeera has obtained a un report which accuses the Saudi Led Coalition in yemen of killing dozens of children in airstrikes last year the studies focused on the period between july to september it says the saudis bear the greatest responsibility for the deaths dozens of pakistanis affair to have drowned off the coast of libya that among more than one thousand people on aboard a boat which is capsized off the city of swara only three people are known to have survived theyve been trying to cross the mediterranean to reach italy. Dozens of people in pakistan have held a mass sit ins then landing the arrest and execution of a Police Officer after a male model was shot dead its the second day of mass rallies after the killing of twenty seven year old nucky Boylan Mehsud in an operation on wednesday his family denies the police claim that he was a criminal the officer who led the operation has been relieved of his duties theyve been protesting in kenya after the government arrested a second lawyer involved in tuesdays mocking your gratian of Opposition Leader. Protesters clashed with police in the capital nairobi where a lawyer me going to know was taken from his home in a dawn raid three private television stations that had planned to broadcast the event remain off the air despite a Court Ruling Allowing them to resume operations. Those are the headlines the news continues here and aljazeera after partition borders of blood ill be back in about twenty five minutes by. August donna came the front photo of british pop as mr jinnah governor general of the new dominion arrives of a constituent assembly in karachi. August one nine hundred forty seven. A century of british rule over its indian empire comes to an end guest of honor in the muslim capital while older laid him out of bed carrying out one of our love by his regal gilt is all the politician of india took effect. The new nation of pakistan his pool. Meanwhile in the stage was set all british role to give place to the bill dominion of india. A day later across a newly drawn border leaders celebrate the birth of the republic of india. Freed from colonial rule the creation of these two countries completes a long struggle for independence and here is the goal we have begun but did anyway. And now the time can then been shown to be mild. But even before the celebrations are over chaos iraqs. Panic and fear sets in as neighborhood turns on neighbor unleashing mass violence. Millions leave their homes. The celebrations were or was marred by blood it took place against the backdrop of perfect violence. And. People who a year before we tended to each others wedding parties in each other raping each others daughters roasting each others babies on spit. With human passions are unleashed. None of us can can foresee what could happen. While historians recount the horrors of the past for those who lived through them its like yesterday. Were going to do a lot of or ive been lucky though when the yardbirds or tower monday were going to monitor. The eighty six year old Joginder Singh called it was a young teenager in india at the time. Seventy years on he still remembers how muslims hindus and sikhs turn on each other. Or heard it when they were little i knew he would go through he were they really beautiful. Was the word in the out. Of work. Again the little girl again or when the word was he would want to go to. The local. Would do they walk all over. Who or what do. We want. Or who are here to learn who will go in the. Ground who are. On the other side of the border in pakistan the memories are just as strong in one nine hundred forty seven saladin colleagues family were muslims in india hes never forgotten how he escaped the killing but others didnt. We were staying in our. House on six september one thousand nine hundred eighty seven six oclock when my mother was saying a spear i heard a shriek cowing somebody. I turned and i saw a stick with a sword in the hand coming in my sisters wedding and. Was the enter the. Room of my mother killed her and they ran toward us this is the house saladin fled his home in fear of his life when he returned the horror lay in front of him when i enter the house it was just making the euro the. House nothing sort of old. Then you see your own mother. Range and blood. And stomach open then started coming up how would. How did it all come to this. Many point the finger at indias then colonial masters. When britain ruled india it was the jewel in the empires crown plundered for its natural resources. But in the devastating aftermath of World War Two britain had its own problems on the homefront. Was returned to london with renewed interest in the community and the country and bankrupted itself fighting itself to death with the nazis. And so british Authorities Say that it was the exhaustion of them power and the bankruptcy of the mother country that led to the realization that the simply no way the british could keep this enormous empire in chains the moment to come to head back home to a land of rationing drizzle low light and leave the exotic plagues of india behind. After decades of crushing any Movement TowardsIndian Independence postwar britain had not had the wheel or the might to fold on to its calm. There was massive demonstrations across india and there was. An awareness that the leaders the finns struggle could call strikes and protests which would paralyze the country. Seizing the moment of british weakness three leaders spearheaded the push for independence. You are allowed me route Mohammad Ali Jinnah and one hundred k. Gandhi. At first they shared the goal of a free and united india one country one people regardless of religion. Thousands of national the great term to hear the message of gandhi. The leader of the demands for indias independence. Was mark mcgowan you mobilized the masses who gave them the language of things like civil disobedience and nonviolence who spoke of the national the struggle is a struggle for truth he gave it a strong modernistic fervor and he completely inspired the masses to rise up behind him or gandhi himself a lifelong preacher of nonviolence and gandhi when tom fairly quickly to establish himself as the spiritual leader of the Indian National congress led freedom struggle. The Indian National congress was a Political Party made up of the elite of hindu and muslim society. It had been pushing for self rule since the turn of the twentieth century. With gandhis mobilization of the masses the party transformed into a populist movement and attracted new leaders with new ambitions men like to warlow ni route never was very attracted to my gandhi and gandhi was very impressed with and he was gone these handpicked provision to lead the the sort of Political Party the National Movement gandhi himself never took any political position didnt want one and nearly everything from leading the Indian National congress as one of its youngest ever president s to becoming eventually the first Prime Minister of independent india and mr nader presided over the first Cabinet Meeting both nehru and gandhi were hindus but the third member of the influential trio was a Muslim Mohammed generally one of the legion or was an extremely interesting man educated very anglo file in fact culturally far more on your file than the new the nehru of gandhi. Over is dressed in western clothes had western habits in your discussion and his source agism as ham sandwiches. He wasnt particularly strongly Observant Muslim and a man who was hailed. As the ambassador of hindu muslim youth. A lawyer jinnah began his political life within the hindu dominated Indian National congress. Later on he also joined the muslim me a group protecting the Muslim Minority. Both parties were fighting for an independent india which at the time was ginas ultimate goal jinnah in strongly opposed to the idea of a separate muslim nation and indeed he is saying this is british divide and rule they want us to be divided weve got to stand together weve got to fight for our freedom if we dont fight for our freedom to get that we will never be free but he increasingly gets sidelined by a new Younger Generation of leadership among whom particularly there is there is no room who is his nemesis handed now who calls for an indian republic is accused by the league of working for domination over the Muslim Minority but are making everyone with britains grip on india weakening nehru and the Indian National congress grew in power nehru wanted a new india to have a strong Central Government run by his party. This alarmed general who argued muslim majority regions should govern themselves it was a losing battle winner realized that given the imbalance in Political Support between the league and the congress but only with the league was ever going to actually come to any significant power was by advocating a separatist plan. Thousands of kilometers away in London Records revealed deeper insights into the fall out between juno and nehru and this is one of the repository of which the number in. At the National Archives private letters jinnah sent to british officials shows a relationship beyond repair at this point is extremely suspicious of the congress and he feels assets propose it would be prepared to seize power by force that the may have been infiltrated the Indian National army. And that he regrets thats the Muslim League hasnt organized in the same way so were talking a serious mistrust of this yet i think this in the Case Complete breakdown in trust between between the two policies and the and the you know its the leadership of those policies new delhi and although the scene looks quite gina and nehru had first come together to fight the british now they were fighting each other the servant is against the Muslim League to reach the danger of life by nine hundred forty six any hope of a united india had evaporated autoworker god but beneath the surface enmity between muslim and him the breakdown at the top of the indian politics was mirrored on the streets as tension spilled over into violence. Chaos erupted in major cities first because of a grim audio post by british an indian probe during the worst riots in the history of calcutta. Road vantec in many places higher pitched battles continued between muslims and windows for muslims the fear of being ruled by hindus convinced them they needed their own separate nation. Even jinnah the man once hailed as the symbol of hindu muslim unity now demanded an independent pakistan. After a sentry of british power in india the empires hand was finally forced. Charged with overseeing the withdrawal was a decorated while officer one who would go down in infamy louis now better. New delhi airfield and the arrival of the viceroy designate mo batten is a sort of vaguely comic character looking back. Prancing peacock who loved his robes and costumes and loved to appear as the viceroy not a particulate matter. A man of some christmas a man of great sort of personal selfworth he was received i think he you know whatever little homework he did was fairly modest and when he got to india i think it was a crash course he started meeting the various leaders had his own likes and dislikes inevitably but very quickly decided that this thing had to be this hot potato had to be dropped as quickly as possible and mr byrd his hands and those of his or those of his masters as his in the english government lauder lady mountbatten have taken their faces on the grounds because mountbatten became viceroy of india in march nine hundred forty seven britain had originally planned to leave india more than a year later in june one thousand nine hundred eighty eight but mountbatten wasnt going to wait that long monbiot and decided to accelerate even faster partly because he found his control on the control of the british soldiers over india slipping and so here celebrated to august fifteenth one hundred forty seven and with that headlong rush into disaster happened with the british unable and unwilling to prevent some of the horrors that were unfolding before their very eyes horrors unleashed by hastily drawn lines on a map the north west state of punjab was home to hindus sikhs but mostly muslims it was split with one side forming the bulk of pakistan in the northeast of india the state of bengal was cut into the predominantly muslim eastern half made up another part of pakistan. Separated by newly two thousand kilometers of indian territory it would eventually become the independent country of bangladesh wasnt well thought out was ill thought out. When the british had to draw a line they pulled in the Civil Servant who had never been to india before and was sitting in his cots well garden when he was told that he had fly next week to india and divide the country into. And no one was pleased with the line he drew inevitably. British in august one nine hundred forty seven as the flags of india and pakistan were raised ordinary citizens were left in the dark as to what this meant for them. On the actual day of partition in august that show boundary hadnt been unsub able to know where they were in india or pakistan where they could stay where they lived for centuries where theyd have to move. And its only after that people tune into their ideas to hear whether they will now be part of pakistan or india everyone. Suddenly people found themselves on the wrong side of a new border muslims in india are hindus and sikhs in pakistan. There had been ethnic fighting between muslims hindus and sikhs before the partition set off an unimaginable massacre out of the horrors of fires like the blitz the the villages are all bunning hayricks or on the platforms a literally washed with blood because hello to hindus waiting on the platform to travel to india to be massacred on another platform was covered in blood because the training just arrived from india full of dead muslims. Total chaos. In the rural areas hideous scenes of pregnant women lying with their bellies ripped open babies literally rested on the beds and journalists in ninety four the seven who had covered the opening of the nazi concentration camp there were two or three journalists who had covered that and then they ended up covering partition and they said that they saw more gruesome things in the punjab punches side than they ever did in the concentration camps muggle born white the photographer writes a graphic description and she says you know i saw a shit but what i saw in the punjab was a million times. At the time the british estimated two hundred thousand died in the violence the consensus today among most historians is that the death toll was at least a million and the british had lost control long before partition and that became clearly evident and visible in nine hundred forty seven but in a way more terrible than anyone had ever expected it was a complete and utter mess total mirth some suggest that britain was aware of the impending horrors that would come with dividing up the indian subcontinent it was a mess made worse by britain abandoning its colonies so quickly in the stockmen which is which is a telegram from the Foreign Office to its evidence in the National Archives suggests british leaders knew months before that Ethnic Violence was spiraling dangerously out of control they say ever over ten thousand persons have been killed and many more injured over the last six months of the Previous Year had been extensive communal violence so we actually use the words civil war yes yes they mention here. Widespread recrudescence a man single most an organized and spontaneous civil war. The british were pretty much aware well through the fortys that the communities were on a but they didnt want to get involved in what they regarded as the subcontinent periodic descent into communal frenzy gandhi famously goes on Hunger Strike begging for peace and mary was weeping and broken but. There are no images i think of my bass in head bowed in. Tears on his cheeks. History is so often told through the eyes of leaders. But if india just thirty kilometers from the border with pakistan this old building is being transformed into a new museum keeping alive the memory of those who suffered the most partition is not about the political events that led up to partition its about the impact on each person who went through it and what it might have felt like for them to leave behind their homes to leave behind their friends to leave behind the life they had known and to move to a new land you know and to have to rebuild afresh it was less migration of people of partition of assets it was this collective migration of sorrow while youve done a lot in just a few short months. Here is the driving force behind sars Partition Museum so its really shocking because if you think about the fact that within a few years of nine eleven happening on nine eleven museum was there and they are now numerous holocaust museums as an up beautiful Apartheid Museum so countries around the world have work to memorialize these events that have shaped them and i think its its very sad that. You know this hasnt happened so far in the subcontinent. And survivors want to tell their stories. But the stand here. On the locks one he remembers the day violence arrived in a door step. They need the treadmill but its even. Made a fun little play. Mama. A sunday van and i live in the. League easy to do. What they see in the me. Back door and did much just made. It big but then again in the above the new a c. Pulley made a big business that none of the. Big even he compared to one. Another but. Its stories like these in museums curator is hoping to capture before its too late my grandads ninety three now and weve seen over the last decade so many of his friends leave us you know and so theres a realize ation that within a few years all these stories will unfortunately lost. But they are tales not just a form. Theyre also collective kindness where muslims sikhs and hindus protected each other. Mallika believes full recounting of what happened in partition could you all. And dissolve in hatred between pakistan and india that exists today. I think its really important that we highlight the stories of humanity and we highlight the stories of you know friend helping friend neighbor helping neighbor but also a stranger helping stranger. And that those narratives shouldnt get lost because i think a lot of people who did make it to safety made it through the help. Of someone they knew. Hopefully one outcome on this would be that we remember our shared. Humanity. The shared history. Facing realities growing up when did you realize that you were living in a special place the socalled secret city getting to the heart of the matter why is activists to live in jail just because he expressed himself he had a story on talk to aljazeera at this time in. February on aljazeera south korea hates the twenty eighteen Winter Olympics can records be broken aljazeera will bring you the latest from pyongyang china the big picture examines the present day crisis in venezuela by exploring the divisions rooted in its past senior officials will meet to discuss the biggest security challenges facing. Will be nine from the Munich Security Conference partition borders of blood looks at the troubled legacy of the events that shape the indian subcontinent and in a series of special reports we look at new trade and travel routes which are opening up to. February on aljazeera. Or about some of the headlines in the u. S. Congress has released a memo that alleges the f. B. I. And department of justice abused their power while investigating russian meddling in the president ial election democrats in the memo is aimed at the railing the probe into the trunk campaigns alleged links to russia the u. S. Military says it will modernize its Nuclear Weapons arsenal in response to concerns over russias expansion of its capability the Nuclear Review has also expressed concerns over the Nuclear Programs of china iran and north korea. Aljazeera has obtained a un report which accuses the Saudi Led Coalition in yemen of killing dozens of children in airstrikes last year the study focused on the period between july to september and says the saudis bear the greatest responsibility for the deaths of dozens of pakistanis are feared to have drowned off the coast of libya they were among more than one thousand people on board a boat which capsized off the city of water only three people are known to them survived have been trying to cross the mediterranean to reach italy. Thousands of people in pakistan have held mass sit ins demanding the arrest and execution of a Police Officer after a male model was shot dead its the second day of rallies after the killing of twenty seven year old nucky boylan nestled in an operation on wednesday his family denies the police claim that he was a criminal that have been protests in kenya after the government arrested a second lawyer involved in choose days walking or gratian of Opposition Leader raila odinga protesters clashed with police in the capital nairobi where the lawyer me going on the guna was taken from his home in a dawn raid three private television stations that have planned to broadcast the event remain off the air despite a Court Ruling Allowing them to resume operations a father distraught over the sexual abuse of his three daughters has destructed a Court Hearing for u. S. Gymnastics dr laurie nasser Randall Margraves lunged at nasr who is already facing up to two hundred years in prison for abusing the girls while working as the doctor of the usa team. The judges said there is quote no way unquote she will punish margraves he has sends apologized for his outburst. Those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera off to partition borders of blood by for now. I. Every evening here at the wall the border soldiers from india and pakistan put on a display of showmanship nationalism and hostility. Seventy years ago the british drew a line on a map dividing their self asian empire into tunisia. It led to the biggest most violent migration in Human History a million people. For survivors like joginder seen called it forgiveness is the only way for over a million very good about all. The girls will all go from here go through to. Get out who would regard you know would we go we would all maybe of all normal. Parts of our one hundred or the good hard one negative. Or another going to look. Good in the wall going to we hear only. Were not heard a nigger me im going to go out of here. But politicians on both sides havent forgiven or forgotten. Seventy years on the face the division of britains empire continues to drive a bitter a still between india and pakistan. And nowhere is animosity as fierce as if kashmir. A picture rest territory turned around. Today its one of the most militarized regions in the world. Where pakistani and indian troops face off day of. The. Border and sleep about here in pakistani administered kashmir and a few foreigners are allowed in. Your home but weve been granted special permission. To keep. This mountainous region looks peaceful but its a highly volatile area where fighting can break out at any time. Over the last seven decades up to one hundred thousand people from saudi have been killed. On the deadly violence began from the moment the two nations of india and pakistan were created. To the accession of kashmir is the Unfinished Business of politicians. The feeling was a song that kashmir would naturally sheet to pakistan. Kashmir was a muslim majority state ruled by a hindu maharajah had troubles in kashmir where india supported the project in many ways it should have gone to pakistan because it had a muslim majority but it is hindu my raja chose for it to come to it it was a choice forced on the maharajah when weeks after partition pakistan sent in fighters already the rebel forces have left a trail of bloated and burning villages on the way the pakistanis simply sent in a large number of troops in fact many of them the socalled irregulars armed tribesmen from the north west into kashmir to seize the territory and overthrow the. Rampage and eventually that prompted the maharajah to call upon the Indian Government to send in the troops reinforcements continual to pardon as the indian troops consolidate. India are promptly paratroop soldiers. They beat back some of the invasion but a ceasefire was called leaving pakistan in control of roughly one third of the western side of kashmir. And and leaving the rest to me. That ceasefire in one nine hundred forty eight has resulted in what is now known as the line of control todays frontline it remains the big hole in. The bone that neither dog will let. India and pakistan have far too brutal wars over kashmir and the battle rages on troops against troops. And civilians again soon. To pakistan india is a ruthless Occupying Force in a muslim majority blame. For India Pakistan in its military. Intelligence service the i. S. I. Have been carrying out a campaign of terror on its territory for decades in the face of determined intelligence effort to. Send militants across the border into kashmir to train up. Many of them have been armed trained financed equipped and occasionally even offset by the Pakistani Military the pakistani i. S. I. Has embarked upon what has been described in pakistani literature as a war of death by a thousand cuts we learned never to underestimate the enemy for general assad to ronnie the former head of Pakistan Intelligence using any means to defeat the enemy is justified for me any yes they can be part of particular purpose. Served in the military for four decades and as the intelligence chief he was responsible for pakistans strategy against india. Every yes if you do not have enough conventional a suit because of a lot of your enemy. You do not rely on a conventional response. And among those assets mujahedeen fighters allies of pakistan who in one thousand nine hundred eighty s. Had been waging war in neighboring afghanistan when the soviets pulled out of afghanistan a lot of the would have been with nothing else to do were diverted by their pakistani handlers to four meant violence in kashmir and they principally are the ones responsible for the destruction of kashmir. Armed by pakistan to battle hardened muslim fighters poured into indian administered kashmir. India hit back hard crushing the Armed Movement and anyone thought to be supporting it kashmir is remained pretty neutral until the one nine hundred ninety s. When excessive violence by Indian Security forces which in many cases raped kashmiri women behaved in the terrible man and they were terrible torture chambers set up in kashmir with electric shocks being used on the genitals of Young Kashmiri kids i mean lots and lots of horrors took place and kashmir is today of a very alienated very very elated from india not all of them want to be part of pakistan either. I certainly would not suggest that Indian Forces have been. Always shall we say of the most tactful and diplomatic in the way in which theyve conducted their or their operations historian shushu to rule is also an indian opposition member of parliament you can imagine the enormous pressure theyre under in a conflict in which. A hostile neighboring state is funneling armed people weapons bombs counterfeit money all sorts of resources thats very very hard to to maintain selfrestraint in the face of all of that in the mean. Innocent ordinary human beings are suffering at both ends the suffering terrorist violence intimidation and menace on the one hand and the inevitable repression that comes on the other side. Seventy years on kashmir is no closer to peace its been. A worsening spiral of pakistan encouraging militancy indian state cracking down the crackdown then creating more resentment some of the ones or resentful going often and and getting training and equipment coming back to the militants in the cycle keeps going. In islamabad pakistans capital we come to a rally condemning indias presence in kashmir. Its run by a group india and the us consider a terrorist organization. Firing up the crowd is how feast of dual Brenden Morrow leader of. A group the un says is a front for lashkar e tayyiba responsible for deadly attacks in india something the group has always denied. Is. Up. As the rally breaks up we make our way back stay there to try and speak with ninety. Five the u. S. Has put a two Million Dollar price on his head. Its not surprising that that hes well guarded can you truly say youre not sending fighters weapons into kashmir or beyond into india can you truly say that. Theres a home game and the big secret neighborhoods are bought out give our military here heavy equipment nor not for just for example down the border. Many get back im done im into. But Indian Officials say mack used group is far from peaceful. They accuse them of masterminding the deadly attacks on indian soil. In two thousand and eight heavily armed gunman entered the city of mumbai killing one hundred sixty four people and injuring more than three hundred. After initial denials pakistani officials confirmed the attackers were all from pakistan and all linked to lashkar e tayyiba. Even then it took almost a decade before pakistan put a piece saif the groups leader and now hes boss under house arrest has your group not sent fighters into india. Yes a lot of people. Here will. Do. Was frightfully. Evidence cool to use more me your country to our people out there. Instead mackey blames hindu nationalists for carrying out a campaign of violence against most. In india over the past twenty five years there have been major al breaks of religious violence that have killed thousands mostly muslim. In fact a lot going in from. Ram medevac is the general secretary of the ruling party the hindu nationalist b j p hes also a former spokesman for the r. S. S. A right wing group often accused of encouraging violence against muslims nor heard from our government. From the government. And the country committed to maintaining the uncommon and harmony in the country. Rights groups say since the b. J. P. Came into power in twenty fourteen the attacks on muslims have surged. Its a charge rejects totally impact the black three of how been the war would be here when it comes. But for some the reality is starkly different. Weve come to the region a main water which is predominantly muslim its communities like these that are starting to feel the heat from the more violent elements of hindu nationalists. You know news. And. Dairy farmers you shout car his father and some neighbors were returning home from a Cattle Market with two cows they got. Suddenly they were attacked by hamada vast being by. The embargo i would like very guarded local. Of all of a sudden hum milissa look i see that her heart of. Gold. For hindus cows are secret recently theres been a spate of attacks by hindu vigilantes targeting those they suspect of slaughtering cattle. Marty marty. Or margaret got there so many. Jackie yes some of the pond to logan. Or catch cats got. It got better get a car boiling away. Or. Managed to escape with his life he was lucky his father died from his injuries two days later devastating the family. That i. Didnt call. You should not only lost his father he says he also lost his old way of life one where muslims and hindus live together in peace hes got. It when i can go talk to him come out for the incubi when they cut im going to be in the muslim on. Down economics and they are going to be very clear. But it is going to the mark for mother who didnt do them nor. About it. Despite the governments assurance that confound me is still waiting for justice. Months after your shots father dart his alleged killers are yet to face trial. Increasingly hardliners in both india and pakistan are still king really just and political division. In mumbai we find these prejudices alive in the Younger Generation. I go to some. Distance. Across the border in islamabad we find more kids passion for the same sport and harbor the same future. Oh. What if. They are all going to listen to monitor. To be. Going to. Go on. What did your grandmother see when you first said that you want to. Get over my dead body but the only. Pakistani activist zakaria wants to change those negative attitudes. In many ways that thing that to this generation is far more hardline and antagonistic and more partisan than the generation in one thousand forty seven because even though a lot of families you know who who migrated who suffered partition went through horrific tragedies there was also codependent was also coexistence for the younger children today there is no coexistence in pakistan you dont come across an indian let alone in the world of. According to a its a situation made worse by governments censoring the story of what happened in nine hundred forty seven the state has emphasized and reinforce certain partition arthurs over other partition so what youre then reading in textbooks or in the media narrative that that also state sanction is a lot of interest going islam and hostility and only to the bloodshed and i have expenses of my own grandmother who you know for twenty five years of my life only spoke of the last or did you have a hindu or a sick friend and all this story started come out and she said you know you know a sick family helped save my sister partition so no i didnt know you know these stories have escaped generations. The absence of these stories from official history has come at great cost to the young child who is hearing that you know hindus are responsible for genocide and hindus must never be trusted and must never be friends with how to expect their child to think anything else these are children that are going to school and im memorizing hatred. Oh my god weve all become so tall and now im is now working with young people in both pakistan and india to help build bridges between the two countries. She invites us to an online chat between students in karate pakistan and mumbai india. I think we have some questions for you what is. This is the first time some of these teenagers have ever spoken to someone across the border mongolian gang is there anybody in this flooded street food so youve all done this once they do you can find whatever you want any of it so what im trying to do now through our work is get them to talk to each other and get them to access these alternative history is that. The same over those two through talking to my own you know and working through the sewer to have some challenges. But we havent heard that good things about. The anybody is going on since first of all it to be honest its the same on this oh were not. Good things about india. These casual chats may not seem like much but they have a big effect meeting people and you live in that there too are people just like us has been. Really important in it shaping my view of what india is theyre just as into our culture and theyre just as into our musicians our movie that we are into this. Now i know how just like i was and theres no point in. Here it was made in a spot but to go to everyone the lord of time. I think its very important to let them express that hatred you know because i dont they we can move on from partition because partition isnt a static of and because it continues to shape us it will continue to empath us. A nominee these students are trying their best to reach across the divide yes. But seventy years of hostility are difficult to overcome. The violent birth of these two nations is a legacy seared into their collective memory. And as long as the treaty burns of. Reconciliation remains a distant dream. Well im led to believe that Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow on groundhog day god i believe that we look at the amount of cloud that we have here but yeah that did brighten up in pennsylvania enough for the ground hope to lead us to believe that we will have six more weeks of winter certainly and with a good chance of six more days of winter minus one the top temperature in new york minus six and also a fair amount of snow coming in across the Northern Plains and i would towards the rockies and that will continue to spill its way further east which as we go through a sunday said a cold enough for the super bowl on sunday and temperatures will struggle to get anywhere near a one degree celsius around the midwest across the Northern Plains minneapolis cools but thats taking place down to the southeast in kona very heavy rain a possibility of some flooding here to further north as you can see it does stay a rather wintry at least for the show come to the south its not too bad it still has a sunshine across much of the caribbean a little more cloud over towards northern parts of cape of the think is cloud will be across the western side of the caribbean always a chance of want to see showers creeping into panama into nicaragua into cost to recreate for the next few days elsewhere largely draw a scientist must see want to see showers around the lake was that fine for the west. Theyre the children of jailed chinese criminals with nowhere else to go one beijing shelter is giving them a home when he speaks the children growing up with their parents behind bars at this time on aljazeera when the news breaks when people need to be heard. Like it a good thing is there. And this story needs to be turned in just largest catholic country is witnessing a dramatic rise in teenage pregnancy aljazeera has teams on the ground to bring the mood winning documentaries. And live news on air and on. The Palestine National locust was first founded in the one nine hundred thirty s. But has had to be revived in two thousand and ten all was very important for me to sing in palestine now musicians from all over the world come together to perform in the occupied territories so you can philistine its like every palestinian living in the aspirant felt it was the first time they performed using their identity aljazeera world hears music as a force for unity the diaspora orchestra at this time. Where every. Time the river nile is a vital source of sustenance to the countries it flows through this enormous thing called on who can lay claim with it later this is a good given the resources we found both agreed with with this comes a destabilizing rivalry the country suspicious of each others intentions in the battle for control of the record and transparency consultation was not open to the hunters because of some fear of struggle over the nile but this time on aljazeera. This is al jazeera