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Run them out santa maria this is the world news from aljazeera a reprieve for thousands of syrians sheltering in the United States the trumpet ministrations as they can state your rivals contact also kenyas government shuts down three t. V. Stations just hours after they broadcast reiner agendas swearing in as president so all of that plus. Im going hey reporting from Southern Thailand where well tell you about an ambitious coast to coast project that could have a major impact on shipping and security. So how does that mean territories first of all plenty of news there in the past twenty four hours developments which of often hope to the long besieged people of gaza but also challenge the palestinians Political Leadership at twenty three than the u. S. President donald trump first of all used his state of the Union Address to reiterate americas recognition of jerusalem as israels capital then the state department the state the political leader of Hamas Ismail Haniya as a global terrorist imposing sanctions against him youve also got israel unveiling a billion dollar plan to help ease gazas humanitarian crisis but it wants the International Community to pay for it and the European Union also pledging an extra fifty three Million Dollars in aid to the palestinians first report now from roslyn jordan in washington. The United States formally declared the Palestinian Group hamas a terrorist organization in one nine hundred ninety seven twenty one years later washington says hamas is political chief. Is himself a specially designated global terrorist because thanks to his leadership hamas has killed seventeen americans the designation is that any assets honey a house in the u. S. Are now frozen he cant travel there and u. S. Persons cannot give him any Financial Support one official says honey a is a clear threat to u. S. National security and he has been a member of hamas and the one nine hundred eighty s. And he rose through the ranks in large part but continually championing terrorism against israel. And he has calls for a renewed into fatah just last month underscore how important todays designation is we will not be distracted by hamas as efforts to obscure its true and bloody nature of the land my honey a call for a new uprising against israel in december because of this we are no to los or to a lasting Peace Agreement between israel and the palestinians the us president Donald Trumps decision to recognize your islam as the capital of israel something mandated by congress welcomed by the Israeli Government and condemned by palestinians who want East Jerusalem to be the capital of their future nation while honey i attended a funeral for a hamas member his aides told reporters they dont take the u. S. Is moved seriously while the other side of. It is clear that putting the name of Ismail Haniya on the terrorism list by the americans came at a time that the u. S. Administration is targeting jerusalem and putting sanctions and preventing the aid of the morra which is a continuation of the crimes against the Palestinian People that it isnt it is not always thought we have looked at this that is forbidden or does them no diligence for this reason we are considering this statement of is the foolish statement committed by people who know nothing about what freedom for the u. S. Says it will do all it can to stop hamas from destabilizing the middle east the problem for the trumpet ministration a ma says it wont be deterred rosalyn jordan aljazeera washington now as you mentioned at the European Union pledging an extra fifty three Million Dollars in aid for palestinians following the u. S. Decision to withhold funding he used Foreign Policy chief federica mockery made that announcement at a donors meeting in brussels after a un warning that gazas economy is on the verge of collapse here is not saying baba with more from brussels. Well just before the talks started here in brussels the e. U. s Foreign Policy chief Frederica Moore greeny did say youre on the record but this meeting really came about as a result of president trumps recent announcement that the u. S. Would recognize jerusalem as israels capital and the angry reaction that provokes a not only among the palestinian leadership but in other countries in the region to know the e. U. Is stressing the importance of keeping the u. S. On board as a crucial partner in the socalled Peace Process which has really been dormant for several years and that was something that was addressed in comments to aljazeera by the Palestinian Foreign minister we are not excluding the americans to be party to any Peace Process we are excluding the exclusivity of the americans and the monopoly of the americans for the Peace Process but we are not we are not naive to see will the americans can play a role we will allow them to play a role but if you know it all as as part of the comprehensive collective at all by many other countries now something thats worrying everybody involved is the threat by the United States to withhold funding thats the United Nations agency that provides Crucial Services for millions of Palestinian Civilians notably in the gaza strip where much of the two million population lives in poverty there withholding around one hundred ten Million Dollars they say they will be contributing this year now weve heard in the last few days that some european nations will be speeding up their payments but thats just a short Term Solution at the end of the talks the norwegian foreign minister didnt have. Any figures to announce she did basically say that it is going to be left to subsequent meetings to try and plug that gap he recently through the International Community to recommit to. Strategy and building the institutions that will ultimately lead to a negotiated two state solution and there is also a need for a comprehensive in supporting and the reception of controls. Well in the background there have been warnings from Israeli Intelligence officials as well as other political figures that the threat of a reduction in funding to the palestinians could have big implications for security not just in israel and the occupied territory but for the whole region and thats why many people really are looking for some sort of quick solution whether its a reversal of the u. S. Decision or somebody else stepping in particularly from gulf countries to say look this money will be secure because its in everybodys interests to make sure that it keeps keeps flowing now at that brussels meeting israel also presented a plan to help rebuild gaza it would cost a billion dollars more crucially it would be funded by the International Community and iran can have the support now on some of the daily challenges of life in gaza. Gaza is crumbling the siege imposed by israel and egypt now in its eleventh year and three wars have left its infrastructure in ruins everything is in dire need of repair replacement buildings roads house services. This is a shot a refugee camp moa nobody ellas house is not fit for human habitation according to the local United Nations agency yet theres no money for even basic repair much less extensive reconstruction. And we are a family of eight People Living in a small house until now we can provide food and i cant expand the house i only have two small rooms the house is too small and its falling to pieces the blockade dictates the day to day reality for two Million People in gaza where israel controls the borders space and waters goes an Economic Experts are warning that even if help is given immediately a security and humanitarian situation might be unavoidable many youth dont but. Many youth they want to leave because they want to leave anywhere the social. Graces and. Hey in ramallah the news that the israelis are talking about a billion dollar deal to ease humanitarian suffering in gaza has been met with skepticism and experts are wondering what any deal might actually mean or what those that really needs is an entitlement a serious and kind of National Effort led by the by the studios i dont think. Of the bottom three to speak of all but over a month at a time one is high and is putting forth for the bed the development of gaza many blame israel for gazas current state but others also say that the rift between the Palestinian Authority and hamas the largest Political Group in gaza has meant that things have stagnated gaza remains under siege imran khan. In other news thousands of syrians whove claimed refuge in the United States will be allowed to stay for at least another year and a half the trumpet ministration has decided to extend temporary protected status to the seven thousand syrians it currently is. But it wont be accepting any new applications from the syrians for the program over twelve million syrians have been displaced since the conflict began back in two thousand and eleven. Morse most of the fires the executive director of the Syrian Emergency Task force an Advocacy Organization involved in this issue and he told us syrians in the u. S. Will be pretty happy to hear this news well temporary protected status means that individuals that are in the United States under a student visa a work visa any other views are able to remain in the country and are not sent back to syria or any country where there is either a human made humanitarian disaster or a Natural Disaster that would endangered their lives and so it is a law that is focused protecting people that if they were to be returned back to their home countries their lives would be in imminent danger. Over travel documentation that they can utilize if they need to to travel certainly you know emergency and so the number one thing which is work and the ability to stay here legally not be under threat of deportation or detainment are important so theyre able to lead lives that allow them to function and survive through this tough period until the future of syria is a little bit clearer now the Associated Press news agency has released video it says confirms reports of a massacre of range of muslims in me in march last year early this month and me and my military did confirm the killing of ten range of muslims whose bodies were found in a mass grave a. P. Says its obtained this video that appears to show the bodies of. Half buried men its investigation suggest more than five mass graves have been found to mask took place and in august the news agency spoke to villagers who said the death toll though could be up to four hundred million miles government has previously denied any reports of the massacre lets talk to scott harder in yangon about this we blurred out some of those pictures there scott but you know when you see it it is pretty horrific stuff has there been a response from the government to this. No there hasnt been a direct response to these images and video thats come out from the Associated Press we contacted the government spokesman this morning and he said that he had not seen the report yet he had not seen the video and he cant comment on it were obviously going to keep following up with him hopefully that he will see these and read these reports and then comment on this but if a track record serves probably not directly respond to because they havent as you mentioned come all to previous accusations yes of photographic evidence of these massacres that took place in Rakhine State back in august but also in studies from human rights organizations saying that there was systematic rape and systematic violence against these were henge of villages so were not really expecting anything but weve alerted them to it and supposedly theyre going to be looking at this report but as you mentioned its interesting because for the first time the military did admit that there were some of their soldiers were culpable guilty of some of these atrocities that took place in rakhine back in august they said that some soldiers were involved in a mass grave with ten bodies in it we dont know what is really happened since that was a couple weeks ago but its interesting because their first and initial reaction the military to what took place the accusations of what took place and we kind state came back in november where they said that there was no wrongdoing by any of the military officers on the ground in Rakhine State during the period of question then just a couple months later we heard earlier this week that yes sorry earlier this month that there were in fact some officers involved in one of these mass graves in the meantime scott whilst we wait for some sort of reaction youve also got the trial of the two reuters journalists happening today. Right while lo and josue are in the court room just behind me they are reuters journalists that were detained were arrested in mid december theyve been held since then today thursday is a bail hearing on if theyll be able to be released or young gentlemen they have Young Children so they are obviously wanting to get out the Defense Attorneys want them to get out on bail we dont know if thats actually going to happen but it underlines come on just the lid if you will that the government has put on anything thats happened in Rakhine State over the last several months these gentlemen were arrested under an old act in the British Colonial days a law that says possession of secret documents can put someone in jail for up to fifteen years thats what they were charged with they say and Reuters News Agency says that they did nothing wrong they said that they met some police men and they actually were given documents by these policemen and then right after that were arrested so that trial behind me is going on now but today will probably not hear too much progress in the overall trial but just it will be granted bail well check in again with you later on both of those stories go ahead listen young god the Yemeni Government turns to session as have swapped prison is this is in the southern port city of aden the governments headquarters were taken over during three days of fighting in the city dozens of people have been killed in this battle between the Southern Councils the session ists and Government Forces meanwhile russians dismissed u. S. And u. N. Supplied evidence that iraq supplied missiles to humans who the rebels russia says its inconclusive and then it would oppose any bid to slap sanctions on tehran russias ambassador to the u. N. To see the new benzema. Missiles used by the rebels may have been shipped to yemen before an arms embargo was imposed back in twenty fifteen. The kenyan government says three t. V. Stations that broadcast Opposition Leader rather are doing is mock swearing in ceremony on tuesday will be staying off air indefinitely dozens of protesters have gathered in the opposition stronghold of consumers to demand the release of an opposition m. P. Who was arrested they are angry the authorities declared the Opposition Movement a criminal group a dangerous always said this twenty seventeen president ial election was stolen from him due to voting irregularities heres Catherine Sawyer in nairobi. A very tough statement coming out of the interior ministry with a cabinet minister saying that what happened on tuesday was an attempt to overthrow the government so basically talking treason he said that the government has launched investigations into that and also investigations into pop conspirators and facilitate says he says that the government has also launched investigations into media houses particularly local media houses whose live signals was switched off and he said the reason why that happened is because it was a threat to National Security we also had that who presided over the swearing in. Was arrested in tire ok ted and you know with that the government has declared this National Resistance movement which is. A unit that was introduced by the opposition last year so the government has displayed this movement an organized criminal group so a very tough position taken by the government and will be interesting to see how this investigation will conclude whether it will lead to their arrest of reloading i was very careful with the words he used in the oath thing on tuesday as swearing to be the peoples president which is not exactly the same as the president of the republic of kenya he also has a huge following you can just tell from the number of people who turned up for that swearing in on tuesday a walk day so perhaps going to be problematic to arrest him but government officials saying that nobody is above the law. More still ahead for you on on to zero including the classified memo about the f. B. I. The Trump Campaign and russia which is our partisan rift in washington battle and the headlines in a month. By this guy knowing if an asian harbor or off the coast of the italian riviera. How our recent spell of unsettled weather seems to have cleared away from much of the middle east now so we have got clear skies coming in behind a little bit of cloud there just into afghanistan eastlink across pakistan that will continue to drive its way further east was around the black sea the caspian sea this area cloud just stretched across georgia armenia. Thats in the process of pulling away as well so baku getting up to around seven celsius fall and dry across the events eighteen degrees there in beirut i will get up surround eighteen maybe nineteen degrees there for baghdad and for kuwait city touch warmers to go on into friday thank fine and try a little bit of a wintry mix them into the northeastern sections of the region but elsewhere as you can see it does look settled and sunny settle in sunny to across the Arabian Peninsula here in doha twenty two cells is feeling a little chilly and thats not going to change as we go on through the next few days quite a keen always a possibility of a little bit of lifted dust and sand stripe itchy to ensue were Southern Africa for the most part the drought continues for cape town twenty four celsius here still a few showers just around the eastern side of south africa and theyll still be there as you go on through friday capetown stays dry a little more cloud rolling in over the mountains but further north a chance of showers. The weathers sponsored by qatar and hes. Paid the same for us when theyre on line which is american sign in yemen that peace is almost possible but it never happens not because the situation is complicated but because no one cares or if you join us on sat there are people that there are choosing between buying medication and eating they say is a dialogue i want to get in one more comment because this is someone whos an activist and shes close to the story join the global conversation at this time on aljazeera. Here with al jazeera these are the top stories this hour the United States has designated the political leader of hamas as mohammed a global terrorists have imposed sanctions against a state department accuses him of being involved in terrorist attacks against israelis it is the hamas says the old station is a violation of international its. Thousands of syrians of crimes refuge in the u. S. Will be allowed to stay for at least another year and a half the trumpet ministrations made that decision to give extended temporary protected status to seven thousand syrians must have been in the u. S. Since august of twenty six which means any new arrivals will be placed on hold. And the kenyan government says three t. V. Stations that planned to broadcast rather a doing the Opposition Leader a mock swearing in ceremony off and on tuesday will stay off there indefinitely the symbolic inauguration was condemned by the government as a form of treason. The u. S. Public health chief has resigned over a financial conflict of interest documents show Brenda Fitzgerald traded in tobacco and Health Care Stocks while she was the director of the centers for Disease Control and prevention fitzgerald was appointed by trump in july and is the second high Profile Health official to step down Health Secretary tom price resigned in september after allegations he had misused a government aircraft. The f. B. I. Has raised questions about the accuracy of a secret congressional memo that suggests the agency and the Justice Department abused their powers the white house intends to release that classified document containing allegations of trump bias that explains. Thank you and God Bless America goodnight for many people it was the text of donald trump state of the union speech that made headlines instead it was his unscripted comments as he left the chamber referencing a secret memo purporting to show top Law Enforcement tools were used for political purposes the twenty sixteen president ial election was released or you know were going to have. You heard its a classified memo written by Top Republicans and members of the House Intelligence Committee they allege it shows a misuse of power by the f. B. I. And Justice Department under the Obama Administration will investigating the Truck Campaign during the u. S. Election republicans on the House Intelligence Committee voted on monday to release the classified memo to the public despite protests from democratic lawmakers and the department of justice the memo al the partisan decision to make it public have only intensified the controversy surrounding the inquiry by special counsel Robert Muller into accusations of Russian Election meddling and potential kulu with the trump president ial Campaign Democrats argue it is all part of a wider effort by republicans and the white house to undermine the bowler investigation by continually raising questions about its fairness this week a top f. B. I. Official announced he was stepping down after trump personally criticized him on twitter for having ties to the Democratic Party and recent reports suggest trump himself wanted to fire moller states new stuff thank you. Very well youre going straight story the russia investigation has clouded trumps presidency from the start yet as truck checked off his list of what he sees a successes in his first year. There was barely a mention of russia in his state of the union speech and despite an almost unanimous vote by legislators to further sanction russia for interfering in the u. S. Election the white house on monday decided not to move ahead with those sanctions the white house has received a classified memo and says its under review the president now has five days to make good on his promise to make it public kimberly how aljazeera washington the u. S. E. P. A. The Environmental Protection agency says it wont enforce regulations issued under the Obama Administration to combat Water Pollution and it says it suspending those rules for two years while it can considers whether to keep them at all its called the clean water policy focused on smaller rivers and streams the trumpet ministration says suspending that policy made under president obama will offer more Economic Security to farmers and u. S. Judges said the number of victims of sexual abuse by sports dr larry nasa has now risen to two hundred sixty five at least sixty five of them are expected to confront their abuser in court in the last of three sentencing hearings now it has already been sentenced to up to one hundred seventy five years in jail for assaulting more than one hundred fifty female athletes during his time as a doctor for the u. S. Gymnastics team among his victims the olympic medalists including u. S. Gymnast simone biles who won four gold and a bronze in rio twenty sixteen i think its very hard for someone to go through what ive gone through recently and its very hard to talk about. But even that i think that god is my hero just because she gave it took shape and did it let him get any power over any of the girls in letting the girls go and speak was very powerful. He cant hurt you any more he. Cant. Volkswagen has suspended its chief lobbyist over the animal testing controversy the carmakers Supervisory Board has begun an inquiry now into two commission tests in which monkeys and humans were exposed to toxic diesel fumes daimler has also suspended the board member over the scandal the monkey experiment took place in new mexico in twenty fourteen and was funded by volkswagen dam that and b. M. W. Australias domestic spy agency has secured thousands of highly classified government documents Intelligence Officers arrived at the National Broadcaster the a. B. C. On thursday morning and after it did add a series of exclusive reports this week citing confidential files on current and previous governments what was later revealed though is that the documents were found inside a filing cabinet that was sold at a second hand shop Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has ordered an urgent review into that breach now panama has its famous canal and youve got to sue is canal which cuts through egypt now there are plans to resurrect a four hundred year old idea in Southern Thailand this is part of our series on global trade routes why and how you travel to seek out where Industry Groups are pressuring the Thai Government to consider a waterway that would link the indian ocean and the andaman sea with the gulf of thailand on the south china sea. During the wait seas in thailand and im in khost is often dark and moody tourists go home leaving local fisherman to ply their trade in relative peace but life could become a lot busier if the proposed shipping canal cuts through here some welcome the prospect of investment while others doubt their lives would change for the better. When it comes to make of projects its never the people who benefit its only the rich people big people from bangkok who get more rich from it and never get anything and the government never helps at the moment ships sailing between europe and china for example travel through the dangerous and congested Malacca Strait often stopping in singapore to refuel or unload before continuing the tide canal would cut more than one thousand kilometers off the journey but could drastically cut into singapores shipping trade the backers of this canal proposal have many problems to overcome not least of which is the location between here and the Malaysian Border there is a separatist movement with armed muslim groups fighting for independence from thailand in the three southernmost provinces if the canal goes through here it could create something of a border and therefore embolden their claim because of the violence in the south Prime Minister priority says hes reluctant about effectively cutting the country into supporters of the plan which includes some type of Business Leaders and retired generals believe they can convince the Prime Minister to at least agree to a Feasibility Study he has to come to an understanding that this is the project that boost our economy faster than in the projects. That we have right now the canal group says it has private Sector Support from china to help pay the estimated price tag of thirty billion dollars but it really needs Chinese Government backing if its to tap into beijings one belt one road economic and trade initiative to link east and west so far theres no sign of Chinese Government money in the proposed canal zone theres already concern about the potential impact on tourism the environment and livelihoods. Our lives depend on the social this is our home this is where we find food people will start to come and take what belongs to the locals or people means more trash this place will no longer feel like home instead this sleepy Coastal Community could become one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world wayne hay al jazeera seek out thailand. As i mentioned this is part of a series in the next story rough to canada looking at what the melting of ice in the outtakes Northwest Passage means for shipping companies. Heres another look at your headlines on aljazeera the u. S. Has designated the political leader of Hamas Ismail Haniya a global terrorist and imposed sanctions against him the state department accuses him of being involved in attacks against Israeli Citizens how mass is branding the decision a violation of International Law to do this is not. Just for the beginning. No religion its for this reason we are considering this statement is the foolish statement committed by people who know nothing about freedom for. European union also says its pledging an extra fifty three Million Dollars in aid for palestinians following the u. S. Decision to withhold funding the e. U. s Foreign Policy chief federica mockery made that announcement at a donors meeting in brussels after a un warning that gazas economy is on the verge of collapse thousands of syrians have claimed refuge in the u. S. Will be allowed to stay for at least another year and a half a trumpet ministration made that decision to give extended temporary protected status to seven thousand syrians they must have been in the u. S. Though since august twenty sixth seen meaning any new arrivals will be placed on hold of a twelve million syrians have been displaced since the conflict began in twenty eleven. And the kenyan government says three t. V. Stations that broadcast the Opposition Leader ran a road in his mock swearing in ceremony on tuesday will stay off air indefinitely dozens of protesters have gathered in the opposition stronghold of consumer to demand the release of an opposition m. P. Who was arrested they are angry angry before hes declared the Opposition Movement a criminal group adiga himself says the twenty seventeen president ial election was stolen from him jews are voting irregularities back with more news for you in about half an hour in aljazeera the stream next there the children of jailed chinese criminals with nowhere else to go one shelter is giving them a home when he speaks the children growing up with their parents behind bars at this time on aljazeera. I am free ok and im only is there a dark side to the world of social media and fluence or sort of trick question to tame the stream examine step how and behind the insta famous and some other media messages

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