Conditions did not allow for a fair contest thats over now the stream is next coming live from the Sundance Film Festival in the United States ill see you after that. And youre in the stream today as part of aspect from the Sundance Film Festival youll meet some brilliant young mind set to change the world their stories are part of a new documentary science fair. I recall i live from prague to utah with the films director a documentary about him from around the world in their quest to win the Intel International science and engineering where. The winner in the category of medicine. Those youngsters you just saw are real scientists today science fairs teens are making stethoscopes powered by Artificial Intelligence and researching cures for the sake of virus the documentary science fair showcases these remarkable students and their endeavors at a time when scientific fact is being challenged around the globe the thought also raises the question of how to nurture young people with extraordinary talents joining us to talk about this in brooklyn south dakota raman shes one of the young scientists featured in the film also in the documentary in Santa Clara California barrett. Here with me in park city are the films directors Christina Costantini and Darren Foster welcome to the stream both of you. Already out there about the show because i love the film and i and i i love science clearly so i know the same is true for you all casino youve called this a love letter to the world of Science Health so i was a science fair. When i was in high school i went to the International Science and engineering fair two years actually i think you know and it totally changed my life validated you know the interest that i had it gave me confidence like rewarded intelligence and all kinds of you know is incredible experience so i wanted to show what an amazing place it was its also a really fun funny place because its full of teenagers and so inherently its a lot of fun and so you know we set up to to make this little celebration of the science fair world and then what drew you to the film christina. Christina told me the stories of her time and i surf and you know some of the anecdotes she told me just maybe really excited about the film and then we had a chance to scout i seventy thousand sixteen in phoenix and it blew my mind just you know seven hundred kids from around the world that are just celebrated like rock stars for you know for doing science at a really impressive level and we got to be some really amazing kids including robbie and chris here who we met on that first trip and we stuck with them all the way till sundance which is crazy raising me to catch fear and robbery im just thinking what is your secret sauce that made you a few of the competitors to end it out in the science fair contrast fear why did he think christina and darren patey. I think that my journey to the internal International Science friends really unconventional one because i come from a pretty Small Community that doesnt really promote science fair so i think that. You know that. Having my perspective in a document even during a really unique flair to the to the science. World. Right. Yes. I mean kind of the same thing like i came from a really small town in West Virginia and. I mean the first year that i was at the science fair i met christina and aaron and i dont know it was it was really fun i tried to be a little bit funny and. I dont know robby i think he succeeded i want to show a little clip from science fact this is the kind of thing that robbie does its quite a daring all of depending it might be quite annoying when you feel his mathy choice parents have that. Be programmed his calculator to generate shakespearean insults. You know and every time he would tell you he would punch a button it would generate another insult. So for a while i remember one that was. Something like that out art and on wash talk and say things like that. I know arent whole areas that are as ingenious. So this is one of the calculators that i was modeling i got this from like broadcast like sixteen bit music to f. M. Radio and i learned a lot doing this and i dont get it like you know my math teacher she hated me for it if i were a math teacher. I congratulate the kid so you know youre doing what youre doing and thanks. Everybody so my single cell phone camera what is that like but not on your calculator no seeing a cell phone camera. Is going to one track science right here its really weird i mean i experienced the first at sundance and it was just it was just really strange like hearing your own voice because it doesnt sound the same what youre saying you know. So i want to bring up this tweet here from jack and some of you may know him because of course for those of you on this show he was in the film he is a previous winner and i thought what a participant previous i thought participate and winner and so this is what he tweeted into the show jack says there are many setbacks as you work through your scientific experiment but lots of long days and nights are learning you really have to believe and love your work through talking about some of the challenges that some of the students face and while i want to hear more about those christina and dan im also interested in the challenges you all pay for filmmakers because your background is investigative work not so much human interest. So talk about some of those obstacles so we thought this was going to be so easy because you were used to investigative reporting. But it was quite a challenging piece we ended up we got five press passes to the International Science fair and we were trying to chase around a dozen kids and so you know very long hours tons of fun but you know it was definitely not an easy production. China keep track of twelve teenagers in Downtown Los Angeles for a week is not the easiest thing it was bit like we said its bit like micro there but instead of a changing to the seeds of a crime scenes and and Car Accidents we were chasing teenage drama. But as it was so much fun i mean we were just feeding off the energy of these kids they were so excited to be there we were so excited to be there and we were very invested in them at this by this point so you know we just really were just so excited to document their journey there and then he has promised that i want to get one of the students reactions to this tweet about the fact back the film doesnt make it look it shows that it is difficult but we are wondering for you what was the biggest difficulty. Probably you know the biggest challenge of drug the whole science fair process was finding like that adult to kind of help me through all the people working on a complicated process processes that were acquired to have a project to present at International Science fair because science fair isnt recognised response or by my high school so it was really hard kind of finding that mentor figure to help me with this when the journey tell us about the mental you did find because its quite unusual process exactly so my mentor was culturally schmidt was actually the football coach at our high school her former school really big into athletics and sports so it was a really unconventional partnership but it worked out really well because coachmen is such a supportive and. Admirable figure he he helped in any possible way he couldnt it was amazing what he did. Didnt i dont get to start oh you dont get to forget it is that it is also the head of the feminist club and the head of our. Legacy i have always wanted to give him a shout out for that because its never admitted to the film that hes a really amazing guy. Did he understand the science that you had to understand your project oh i explained their project to him a couple times and he didnt quite understand all the technical aspects but i think he had a pretty good grasp of what i was doing and he always pays me for you know reason a Public Health concern which was a big problem in project was. This although he didnt understand all of the Science Behind the project he definitely understood it well enough to be that figure that guiding figure so lets have a little look at his project. Our school has a pretty bad drug an alcohol problem because in working as theres not much to do. I definitely want to know its for more about the underlying risky behavior phenomenon normal. To mind. My project basically focuses on how to appeal acts of risky behavior is the facts emotions and cognitive functions in adolescence. Brainlessly legal you doing. So basically the negative emotions that are usually associated with risk taking like guilt and fear and stress gradually become you know desensitize a new did with the repeated exposures to different risky environments. Or a better explanation even though i dont know i really i do. But you see the struggle that actually i had to go through to find a sponsor and then also in the film you have people like dr Serena Mccullough we had a video comment she sent us because she couldnt be on the show but you can kind of see the care and the expertise she puts into each her students this is what she talked to about how to go about doing about this is this is what she thought the greatest support i would give to Science Education is to identify University Partnerships with High School Students i believe that currently we provide foundational mathematics and science to all students but we sometimes forget about the exceptional students and who benefit them all to have someone there to support them in the fields that may not be well understood by high school teachers. So she talks about there her ideas for how to support gifted students but the broader picture is she someone who is one of those people and you dont always find that talk about that juxtaposition in schools where thats the bare and ready for students in others words not so much you know and i really wanted to share the diversity of the science fair and these really well resourced schools that are super supportive dr mccall has one of the best she has the best science or team in the world and she you know spends all of her hours on this she goes home and reads Research Journals on the topics that her students own learning about and she doesnt get any sleep shes one of the hardest working people i know and her students their work reflects that and they are doing incredible Amazing Things and so you know when we see when we look at robbie there and the other end of the spectrum so we want to show kind of the kids that need more support and the kids who have an amazing support system. I mean the tolerance you know her Research Team jericho has gone the york you know like many schools around their football programs and you know shes very much a coach and she you know they spent time after school and many hours after School Working on their Research Projects. And i think it more schools were to dedicate their time like they do to so you know the School Sports programs that by thirty two Stem Education or even the arts you know you have different results and you have you know People Like Us free and robbie who you know dont get the kind of support that supported down in casino when i first saw. A color on the film i looked at her and i thought that she was intense i think im exaggerating have a look. In action in science fact. What is this section of text about. Im going to be so proud when one of my kids win a nobel prize because they will one of them will. Play why im just in the command of numbers important finding a doctor in hell is a very hard working teacher sometimes she works one hundred her students know can you focus please give me the having she is strict she can be scary but i actually like her style you mind me of my my life in china because she just. Really i see. Through it however and i think about your math teacher mrs maya is how do those two combat. Total opposites i mean this my as a critic in a way she was like almost yes. I know tell us more for instance you and you would you would make how could i say or do shakespearean insults and she would say what i mean i mean she should take away my calculator i reset it whatever i mean. I feel like if you like thats a good thing you know i thats sort of how i started to learn how to program. So i mean even though ive been a little bit annoying to the math teacher feel like you know theres probably better ways that you couldve responded to a kid programming their calculator teachers of me watching this now educates will be watching this now and they will have youngsters in their cars who like you who it over to if not doing their homework understand the mathematics or whatever subject is that theyre doing that just maybe not just from the how what would you say to those educators. Well i mean the reason that i wasnt really doing a lot of my homework is because i was really busy running different stuff like i started my systems programming i was like working on teaching that i was mentoring the middle schools robotics that i started when i was in middle school id go back and mentor that i just had a lot of stuff that i was working on that was it was really interesting to be its a lot more interesting than you know the homework that they get for math class because i mean the homework that i got for misfires was just like just like drills on this is just like to. Get into this equation and just you know calculate is just like lation and thats thats really not what thats about there was no room for creativity or anything all right youve got some support from live on you cheated me just say this if i got some money if this kid can cause a calculator he can code a computer someone sending to succumb valley i will pay for it well saving that comment and tracking him down really could go ahead so i wanted to bring that to comment on the same thing the first one is from early and really is also in the film was also a participant in the science fair she by thai schoolers truly need the support of Classroom Teachers to push for involvement in extracurriculars Like ResearchResearch Grants and internship opportunities are so few would give exposure to real institutions she says they need funding so thats one persons view and shes a student so she knows what shes talking about this is a teacher shes a Science Teacher this is Jen Gutierrez and she writes in in a nation driven by test scores it can be challenging to convince teachers that authentic stem science and math teaching and learning works students are always excited when the learning is real relevant and connected to them so we need to keep creating those teachable moments so some of the things that students and schools in this country are up against funding teachers who are teaching to the test because that is what the School System expects of them talk about some of those. Challenges are both things that you ran into in the filming of this i think you know certainly in in robbies case you know heres an obvious a brilliant kid whos very good at taking on independent projects hes very committed to the things that hes interested in but he cant run the support in an Education System that teaches to the test and so you know a little more sympathetic maybe to mrs myers than that from the standpoint that you know shes got a job to do which is to get the kids you know doing well on the state exams or National Exams so you know they are between a rock and a hard place but certainly i think we have to be more imaginative when it comes to kids like robbie. And basically encourage these interest because you know robbie is an incredible mind you know those that old apple lad think different robbie things different and like he is one of those kids that is just going to push down love and really make big changes in this world. I want to share something from cast she is a thing its a little mention here from Harvard University in the class of twenty twentieths where are you going to. So i recently committed to know Harvard University class of twenty to twenty three to you and i hope that. In college i dont. Know this that the pearls from park city do you care its. Right here dont do you think science fair is the reason why youre going to have it. I definitely think that my participation and success and im so contributed to my acceptance to harvard i feel like. Top colleges like harvard really seek a unique student body and i feel that participating i dont really. Kind of set me apart from a lot of other kids my age misty knight says life when you chip watching you rather than catch fat robbie this is for you what scientific breakthroughs are you working on in order to change the wells you have to have some kind of scientific breakthrough that youre dedicated to watch out work. So it might not be a real scientific breakthrough but right now im working a lot on generative are so getting trying to get Artificial Intelligence to create artwork. I mean i know thats not really like i guess it might not like change the world but ill just kind of like that ill continue what do you have some you want to show us chosen to house yeah i dont know its like a its going to be good enough but ive this trend ok and i actually what i did was for that one its not a i but i heard some medical electorates like the stuff the doctors put on your chest to like see the electricity in your heartbeat as up to a house plant and i use that as random noise sort of in in this plot so it is like the energy for that was bouncing around in the wet. Back i love that ok i want to share one more comment with someone else who thinks different and differently and robbie you might relate because he also wasnt really that interested in his class work this is adria and this is what he told a story. The fun part of being going to the west i didnt know what to expect and the truth is that this period was far beyond any possible cuts. Even i said i met a lot of teenagers like me used to think outside the box and preferred to do Research Projects and set up attending course which so it was a life changing experience jan after i said my thanks to all of these the first one was to me comes and starting right in the second one was the start of b. C. After my studies and id like to say that i think the school. So he attended the trash science fair and twenty twelve he talks about what happens afterwards so for you all what happens after the film what do you want people to take away to be. You know for us i think the most important thing is that a lot of people see it thats what we hope we hope that people. Make people laugh. And it most of all people to their compete in science careers or hopefully change the way they think about the importance of these kinds of independent Research Competitions it was the way that i learned the Best High School and for there to be more of them would be amazing oklahoma just announce that theyre cutting their state science fair so you know i think now more than ever we need to remind people that scientists really matter in this country and and you know teenagers are the next generation of scientists. I have to say going to get that i dont know i was going to say i think you know a lot of the kids that are pitching this film play against stereotypes of what a science kid their kid is you know you know if theyre nerds there and there is in the best possible sense of that word these kids are a lot of fun theyre very creative and this film is a lot of fun and really just showcasing. How much fun this journey is its intense is a lot of work that goes into it but they really do have a good time along the way i have to say this image of jack jack is he is a gift and hes right in the beginning of the film is not its not a spoiler because in all of the trailers this is how excited he is to when i say the International Science and engineering fair and then hes a little bit older here he tweets out you can think of places the olympics a science fair when he will change your life and wage you cant even comprehend im wondering will be a he there yet. Work in progress kashmir has a life change it was too close to science fathi to say its different i think my work has definitely she has risen science fair and just just like accomplishing anything and im so gives you that validation and confidence that what youre doing matters and it kind of gives you the push forward to you know keep continuing what youre passionate about regardless of what those around you are doing or saying to discourage you know i would love top tips from european cash for other youngsters who are watching this who have a presentation to do or putting together their board always do what what would you tell them. I think i always kind of this is going to its going to im going to cliche but always speak from your heart because i know a lot of kids like to be rehearsed their presentations and become kind of robotic but i think if you. Kind of put everything in your own words and speak very clearly and naturally you will really get your point across to the judges as best as you can. Robert. I definitely say put together your bird before you get there because twenty six actually i had this huge cardboard it was just blank and i mailed it out to a science fair yeah and then when i got there i started taping everything on because i wasnt really done my project. This is good advice for life probably. I want to get wealthy that advise this is from jack or youve heard from a lot throughout this show but you have really great tweets so jack says read widely think deeply work hard listen to your mentor believe in your idea learn to present your ideas i couldnt even get my name out of my mouth at the start and then you have a chance to go to the fair. Thank you so much to christina and darrin and kashmir and to robbie as well here is going to hire just like talking to you for a shoot it at the Sundance Institute go online look at the science fair and you will find out all about his amazing documentary thank you very much well see you on line hash tag a string. The word. The a. Good luck the arrival of refugees is debated in european parliaments. But the journey itself is little understood. To syrians document the route that has claimed so many lives such infrasound sharee to people in power at this time on aljazeera. Aljazeera. Where ever you are. Facing realities growing up when did you realize that you were living in a special place a socalled secret city getting to the heart of the matter the mian maher government calls you a goalie terrorist hear their story on talk to aljazeera at this time. Explores prominent figures of the Twentieth Century and how influenced the course of history was the cuban revolution communist away feel castro is a feudal eastern not a communist im just a wanted his country wanted International Revolution became a point when the relationship came to an end the icons of revolution who changed the course of latin american politics. And fidel castro face to face at this time on aljazeera. Hello Lauren Taylor in london the top stories are now jazeera save the children has suspended its programs in afghanistan following an attack on its Eastern Office in jalalabad three of its staff members