Sixty minutes egypts former military chief of staff calls Office Campaign for president after being detained by the army has be seen as the only potential threat to the reelection of abdel fattah elsisi. The u. S. And russia clash at the u. N. Security council over the alleged use of chemical weapons in syrias rebel enclave of duma. Venezuelas president Nicolas Maduro says he will seek reelection in april if hes selected as a candidate by the ruling socialist. And fantasy drama the shape of water leaves the oscar race with thirteen nominations. Egyptian military has detained its former chief of staff just days after he said he would run for president in an election this march sami on has been seen as a significant rival to president. But hes now called off his campaign homage on june has the latest. Just days after he announced his candidacy in his countrys upcoming president ial elections egypts military has arrested former Egyptian Armed forces chief of staff sami annan. In a televised statement the military said imam committed violations when he announced his president ial bid without obtaining permits from the armed forces hes also accused of committing forgery to be included in the voter database there are two explanations for this one is that he actually miscalculated the level of support that he has within the military institution and within the security and his so within the politest two sions the second one is he actually had not mistaken a decision he expected to step and this is not the end of the story you told d. C. Something account of reaction on his part on the part of his loyalists so its still too early to tell im not announced his intention to run hours after current president of the fatah has sisi declared his plan to seek a second term even before sisi made his candidacy official it wasnt just widely assumed that sisi would prevail in the march elections it was also widely expected that real opposition to sisi was likely to be thin on the ground potential candidates have either already withdrawn or seen their candidacy while. Some have blamed an atmosphere of fear to other president ial hopefuls were forced to quit the race earlier this month one of them and one said that the nephew of former leader anwar sadat said last week he wanted to protect his Campaign Workers from intimidation or arrest another former Prime Minister and air force general ahmed shafiq had also announced his interest in running but he was placed under house arrest before being deported from the United Arab Emirates where hed been living in exile according to his lawyers was detained as soon as he landed in cairo. And then there is Egyptian Army colonel ahmed consul in december he was sentenced by a military court to six years in prison after he announced his plans to run for president leaving many to wonder just how serious a threat the military men may have posed to sisi a former military chief of staff. And is somebody with hes a serious contender he was the former chief of staff the deputy head of the Supreme Council of the armed forces did winning body after mubarak and he is much senior in terms of the military command in so hes somebody who is very well connected with the americans very well connected regionally so hes not someone who was a lightweight anyway during ccs rule which has been marked by a crackdown on freedom of expression human Rights Groups have been placed under severe restrictions and many critics in the media have been silenced the question now how many more president ial candidates will be added to a seemingly growing list of those being suppressed. The u. N. Says an estimated five thousand people have been displaced by turkeys military offensive against kurdish fighters in the african region of syria. The operation which involves shelling and airstrikes is said to enter its this day its believed around eight hundred thousand civilians are living there some are said to be too vulnerable to flee activists say at least twenty three civilians have been killed after inas surrounded by turkish and Free Syrian Army forces to the north east and the west and Syrian Government forces to the south its believed most of those fleeing are traveling through government held territory to an enclave inside aleppo a city thats controlled by Kurdish Forces but the syrian observatory for human rights is accusing Government Forces of blocking them Stephanie Decker has the latest from montauk here near the turkey syria border. The village of how man which is now been announced that the f. S. A. Have taken a significant why because it lies very close to the Turkish Border in the area just close to where we are just further east of the handle and it does play into the narrative that we heard from the turkish Prime Minister just a few days ago that their plan is to establish what he called up to a thirty kilometer security zone pushing the y. P. G. Away from its borders it has been a fluid fight however on the ground there are incidents when villages have been taken by the Free Syrian Army and Turkish Forces and you know a day or so later retaken by the white b. G. But of course turkey has superiority when it comes to the sky theyre flying jets theyre bombing from the air and that of course carries with it a huge advantage at least twenty one people suffered breathing problems after an alleged chemical attack on a rebel held on klav in syria near the capital damascus the syrian observatory for human rights has accused the government of being behind the attack it says white smoke was released up to Syrian Forces fired a bottle of rockets into the neighborhood of duma attack prompted warnings from the International Community diplomats from twenty Nine Countries have met in paris to push for sanctions and criminal charges against those responsible for similar attacks but the United Nations Security Council has also met to discuss the chemical weapons situation in syria that speak to kristen salumi at the u. N. Christiane what prompted this meeting at the u. N. Well it was a last minute meeting called for by the russians after those statements were made coming out of paris from the United States accusing the russians of ultimately being responsible for these ongoing chemical weapons attacks in syria because the russians have vetoed resolutions at the United Nations that would allow for investigations of those attacks so at this meeting in paris u. S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson said that syria is responsible for these ongoing attacks and then the russians called this meeting here at the United Nations and they said. You know it that they said they wanted to announce a new proposal to investigate chemical weapons attacks and then they went on to defend themselves against these accusations coming from the americans americans the russians say that theyre all for accountability and that theyve proposed mechanisms to do these investigations in the past but the the ones that the the way that the United States and western powers in the Security Council want to go about this is political and in the past investigations had been unscientific and politically motivated so that there needed to be a better way forward and they said they were proposing a way forward they even went so far as to accuse the United States and the west of manufacturing this attack in ghouta or somehow exploiting it to the benefit of this meeting in paris have a listen to the accusations that were going on in the Security Council. So did you go when you go to strong does it not seem strange to anybody that this alleged episode the veracity of which is yet to be confirmed with perpetrators yet to be identified which somehow coincides with the meetings that both paris and. It was when russia doesnt like the facts they try and distract the conversation thats because the facts come back over and over again to the truth russia wants to hide that the assad regime continues to use chemical weapons against its own people so kristen seems as though there is a certain amount of pressure or at least interest in this particular subject but does it sound as though the Security Council is going to go and support this russian proposal. Well the. The fact is that everybody has been pushing to bring this issue back to the table and so the fact that theyre coming back to the table seems like it might be progress on this front but clearly the issues that have divided the Council Still remain the United Kingdom for example during its comments says thats all fine that russia wants to talk about a new investigative mechanism but in the past theyve only been willing to look at nonstate actors and they have protected the government of syria from the investigators and thats not doable for the west thats not what the west wants in the words of the United States ambassador they will only accept a mechanism that allows them to get to the truth and they have felt in the past that russia was blocking them from getting to the truth russia of course accusing the United States of doing the same and so it remains to be seen whether or not theyre going to get beyond these differences and actually come up with something that they can all agree on and i thank you very much indeed. Ok lets go back to our top story in egypt where the former military chief of staff was pulled out of the president ial race in march lets have a look at some ians background he became chief of staff of the Egyptian Military in two thousand and five under former president Hosni Mubarak in two thousand and eleven and during the egyptian revolution he worked closely with u. S. Officials including james mattis the current u. S. Defense secretary but in just a year later former president Mohamed Morsy forced him to resign and eventually formed his own Political Party where the u. S. State Department Spokesperson Heather North says the u. S. Is aware of some his detention we are following these reports we know hes spent considerable time in the United States so were were certainly familiar with him we support a timely incredible electoral process and believe it needs to include the opportunity for citizens to participate freely in egyptian elections we believe that that should include addressing restrictions on freedom of Association Peaceful Assembly and also expression ok lets speak to some of the hardest in washington d. C. Via skype she is the Vice President of the alliance of egyptian americans thank you very much for your time the conditions of this detention appear to be like a strict application of the law rather than an actual arrest or an arbitrary arrest is this however any surprise. No no detail its no surprise that on the First Time Since he took all the rule being given egypt he did it via a coup and then he fooled some of the people therefore he was able to do it even so we were all seeing. Election year rule. There were no by the media going to vote for him or for anybody else at this time however this time sees he just doesnt know what to do he has an edge and to follow. Syrias contend there is going to be taken down no way this by. We have seen happening in egypt continuously or by imprisonment or by the fear of the family just like what happened with feet and now went on and. Sisi and his thugs are going to do if Anything Possible to stop anybody except to getting somebody who is a mediocre who is going to tell the warlords. Against c. C. On by the last fair and square which would never be the case for me to what is happening in egypt now is no less than an occupation sisi has a foreign edge and that he is experiencing one after the other and then he is getting to be and me as ing ally to israel and to the United States in the stead of being the president of egypt so he has given its imports from israel its not going to be easy to get rid of him and theres going to be no snow such a thing as a Fair Election and egypt is never going to be election on their occupation you say that forgive me for into. But you raise an interesting point you say that its going to be very difficult to get rid of and yet i mean on the other opposition candidates clearly saw some things some failing as they saw it in the c. C. Government that encourage them to take the risk of standing against him what do you think that was that they sol well its a pretty sure kooker i mean even his best friends and allies the israeli lobby is now saying its very difficult sure c. E. C. To maintain in egypt and sustain because. It could not make pretty showed thats on the people and because of the continuous. Kidnapping of the people from the cars from this to eads from their homes and i but to a killing. Plus whats happening in. Sinai every day which is a to tell blackout nobody knows what is happening except that theres group those every day so and then maybe had seen just like what shifty at seeing their weaknesses but its no surprise everybody could see ccs weaknesses but sisi is holding with an iron clad and he is going to have to be moved and theres no such a thing as election against him it is not going to and now it is not going to let it happen and so forgive me for interrupting i do apologize im afraid time is against us i mean how this is Vice President of the alliance of a gyptian americans thank you very much for your time you know. Plenty more ahead on the news hour including u. S. Vice president mike pence makes history on day two of his trip to israel. And the fate of brazils former president is in the hands of the courts are guilty verdict could end his plans for a reelection bid. And world number one rough on the dollhouse to contend with an injury problem of the is truly an open tachyon is going to have the full story later in the sports. Venezuelas president says hes ready to run for reelection Nicolas Maduro is yet to be formally nominated by his Ruling Socialist Party president ial elections to be held by the end of april venezuelans blame a dual role for Food Shortages and triple digit inflation but its unclear who from the divided opposition will stand against him in america to see a human has more from santiago. The Foreign Ministers from the fourteen nation group which includes canada were taken by surprise by venezuelas decision to move forward president ial elections unilaterally despite the fact that this was the key point of negotiations in talks that are taking place in the Dominican Republic between the venezuelan government and the opposition the foreign minister said quote the decision in the realisation of democratic transparent and Credible Elections that conform to the National Standards and counters the Democratic Values and the good faith of those who are taking part in the dialogue between the opposition and government it also says that they demand that these elections be called but within an adequate timeframe there was no other announcement made about what could happen if the venezuelan government does not change its mind the foreign minister says that each country in the region is free to take its own decisions in terms of imposing. Like the ones that canada has just recently announced in the meantime a well known opponent of the venezuelan government and this man who recently fled venezuela from his house arrest he is the former mayor of the city he came here to meet with the Foreign Ministers and called on them to take measures that go beyond words and solidarity he says would be an israeli needs now is a quote humanitarian intervention which he conceded could be done by the United Nations or any other organization would want to do it go to brazil is due to decide on whether this day whether to uphold a corruption conviction against former president Luiz Inacio Lula da silva if he loses his appeal hell be unable to run for president this year despite being the early favorite to win producible reports. The beaches of what have long been a holiday getaway for People Living in brazils financial capital. But lately its become one no one for another reason its the focus of the corruption accusations against former president. But everyone say this is lulas apartment i think that as a former president of brazil he should have been the most correct of all if he bought it and gave up on the apartment as he lawyers say he should have a document informing the i think hes you must pay for his mistakes. The former president was sentenced to nine and a half years in prison a decision on his appeal is due this wednesday what convicted of accepting over a Million Dollars in bribes from a Construction Company prosecutors say that that money was used to buy and to renovate. Three triplex on top of that building they also say that in return help that company when contract with half a tall company b. Throw it out but many see there is not enough. Have to condemn him because the tribe plex continues to be registered under the Construction Companys name thats why people like and the reason so subtle sandals continue to support him. Supports the workers those who are working hard every day i will vote for lula for sure people are harassing him to stop him returning to the presidency but we the brazilian people should compare what lula did for us and what the current president Michelle Turner has done to us thats my impression brazil is heading to the polls to elect a new president in october and no luck continues to be this countrys most popular politician he was president for eighteen years after the two thousand and ten he supporters continue to see him as a champion of the poor. Who is now seventy two is facing six other investigations hes not only fighting back but has also announced hes planning to run for president again. Warsi nowadays we dont have a candidate who offers a project a proposal that gets the electorate involved we were dragged to a severe economic crisis and what the population can see is that social and Economic Conditions deteriorated significantly this year your luck would end up behind bars or elected president whats certain is the accusations against him have not been able to disillusion those who want him in power again. It is i will just see what brazil. The u. S. Justice department has confirmed to all dizzier that attorney general Jeff Sessions was questioned last week over alleged collusion between Donald Trumps president ial campaign and russia its believed to be the first time a member of President Trumps cabinet has been questioned in the inquiry our White House Correspondent Kimberly Hauck reports. Getting closer to the president the department of justice confirming attorney general Jeff Sessions has been interviewed by Robert Mueller steam as a witness in the russia investigation its the first time a member of Donald Trumps cabinet has been questioned by the special counsel the trump says hes unfazed by what sessions might have told investigators im not at all concerned thank you the investigation is probing possible Truck Campaign ties with russia and whether the United States president tried to obstruct the russian vesta geisha as the head of tribes Foreign Policy team during the twenty sixteen president ial Campaign Sessions has unique insights given he was also involved deeply in the firing of the former f. B. I. Director james comey in tweets and publicly trump has complained bitterly that sessions recused himself from overseeing the investigation i am disappointed believing sessions should have done more to protect him. Sessions is one of more than a dozen current and former Trump Officials to be questioned earlier this month it was revealed one time trump strategist steve baron has also struck a deal with mahlers team to be interviewed. Late last year former National Security advisor Michael Flynn and advisor George Papadopoulos pled guilty to charges in connection with the probe and are now cooperating as witnesses it suggests muller is ratcheting up pressure on the president who has been cryptic about whether he will speak with the special counsel will see what happens and despite claims by Donald Trumps lawyer that the russian investigators would wrap up by the end of last year the questions by the special counsel continue and appear to be intensifying kimberly help aljazeera washington. U. S. Vice president mike pence has visited the western wall in occupied East Jerusalem on the second and final day of his visit to israel the ball in the old city is one of the holiest sites in judaism and its was shown around the side by a rabbi earlier he met israeli president ruben rivlin and toured the Holocaust Memorial palestinians have held a general strike over the Vice President s visit on the u. S. Decision to recognize to roussillon as israels capital shops transport and Public Services will close or cross the occupied west bank and East Jerusalem in protest the Ruling Fatah Party has called for the strike saying it was the beginning of a peaceful struggle against the decision very false it has more from occupied East Jerusalem. Well after his speech to the Israeli Parliament the knesset on monday tuesday saw mike pence and his host really doing something of a victory lap given just how much support there has been for the tenor of that speech which was seen as incredibly supportive of israel without really any other side of that coin and there was very very little in terms of any kind of appeal to the israelis to change any course of action in terms of their relationship with the palestinians or anything else it was seen as a speech almost unqualified in its support of israel so when meeting the israeli president Reuben Rivlin mr rivlin called mr pence a mench a man of integrity and honor mike pence in his comments during that meeting talking about jerusalem once again being the capital of israel as far as United States is concerned very much the watchwords of his visit so far has been repeating that phrase many times saying that he still saw a possibility of progress in the Peace Process with the palestinians based on that fact of course for the palestinian perspective that is no longer a prospect the u. S. Being a mediator or broker in the Peace Process there was a statement to that effect from saberi cads a long time negotiator and now chair of the executive committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization mr pence then went on to visit the Holocaust Memorial yad vashem with the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and then came to occupied East Jerusalem to visit the western wall the holiest sites which jews can pray at in jerusalem and he said that that visit was inspiring he now returns the United States with the fulsome praise of his israeli hosts here but also the even more certain condemnation of the palestinians who now say it with even more certainty that the United States cannot be part of the process Going Forward israel has again accused the Un Human Rights Council of unfair treatment during a meeting in geneva at a review of the countrys rights record in many states urged it to end arbitrary detentions and the torture of palestinian prisoners that he has more from geneva. Well the last time israels human rights record was under review here that was five years ago these rallies actually boycotted the session well on tuesday there was an israeli delegation here and they pointed out several areas in which they said there had been improvements in the human rights situation in israel for example increasing access to legal aid for the countrys bedouin arab population setting up an action plan to combat racism against people of ethiopian origin and fighting Human Trafficking but what many countries talked about was the countrys obligations to protect the human rights of palestinians living in the occupied palestinian territories East Jerusalem the west bank and gaza israel is the only state in the world that can be called an apartheid state we remain deeply concerned at the denial of the right of selfdetermination to the Palestinian People in the absence of which no other human right can be exercised or enjoyed in this regard south africa is of the view that the issue of East Jerusalem and the two state solution are fundamental to the right to selfdetermination of the Palestinian People who brought a protest from israel about inappropriate language and after the session israels ambassador here suggested the delegation hadnt got a fair hearing we came to the n. P. R. With the hope of having a Constructive Exchange the many recommendations and comments that have been made by Member States will be carefully reviewed. Unfortunately. As i have mentioned in my concluding remarks some representatives have decided once again to raise this opportunity to wage a Political Campaign against israel and its try today exerted discussion to make terrorists they do not belong to the human rights agenda with the un report on israels human rights situation is due to be adopted here later this week but in the past israel has not allowed un reporters to carry out their own investigations so the mistrust between israel and some of the Member States of the Human Rights Council is likely to continue for some time still ahead an aljazeera where the World Economic forum in davos where threats to the Global Economy and Climate Change are dominating the agenda. Aid workers are warning that three Million People in democratic republic of congo are addressed of starvation because of conflict. And in sports russias unofficial olympic team unveiled their look of killing a child. Welcome back now a look at the weather conditions across the americas weve got a classic frontal set up across north america its a front moving through in a line way down across the Southern States so some warmer how you on across some Miami Florida otherwise looking cooler once again new york theyre coming up five degrees but weather conditions improving the snow has cleared away is fine around the eastern seaboard during the course of thursday and back out swards the west weve got another system pushing in towards the Pacific Northwest some snow likely over the rockies some snow for the south Sierra Nevada this means little bit of rain affecting San Francisco at times though los angeles is expected to remain dry down into central parts of america the winds coming in from the east or northeast weve got lots of showers along the caribbean coastline of the isthmus all the way from panama up through towards the yucatan peninsula and indeed some showers pushing in towards mexico city during wednesday as they are as the caribbean weve still got a fair amount of cloud across parts of cuba in the bahamas but generally weather conditions here are looking better and there will be a fair med a sunshine kingston jamaica enjoying some very pleasant weather conditions heading into south america weve seen some flooding rain affecting southern parts of brazil in recent days that looks to be easing knows and proof for the situation here dry in point as areas in argentina with highs of twenty six. Aljazeera explores prominent figures of the Twentieth Century and how rivalries influenced the course of history steve jobs a much better market youre going to build up its going to really fancy stuff bill made software what it is today will change the world to high tech visionaries breakthroughs inspired the digital revolution jobs and gates face to face at this time on aljazeera when the news breaks members of the knesset Israels Parliament setting a higher threshold for any future attempt to give up any parts of truce and the story builds. Up to date just what the president say in our country that is not other way and when people need to be heard china has a serious shortage of women and a lot of lonely men aljazeera has teams on the ground to bring the mall and board winning documentaries and live news on air and online. Youre watching aljazeera a reminder of our top stories this hour the Egyptian Military has detained its former chief of staff just days after he said he would run in the president ial election this march sami on and was seen as the main challenger to president of the thought of sisi has now called off his election campaign. Thousands of people are fleeing fighting in the Northern City and regional buffering as a Turkish Military offensive enters its fifth day the exodus comes as the un Security Council met on the alleged use of chemical weapons in syria russia has called for a new inquiry into whos to blame for the attacks a move the. U. S. Has branded a destruction. Venezuelas president Nicolas Maduro it was hes ready to run for reelection after the constituent assembly declared that polls need to be held by the end of april many venezuelans blame a doable for severe Food Shortages and triple digit inflation in the country lets stay with that story and bring in medina in miami hes a former venezuelan diplomat who resigned because of the governments crackdown on protesters thank you very much indeed for your time just give us a little bit of background before we go any further why was this election and thank you robin thanks. I believe these seem prone to. Out of the blue convening a president ial election is a very strong sign of weakness a political weakness from the mother to a regime trying to distract the International Communitys attention for their war crimes committed against oscar paris and the profound humanitarian crisis that has. Served the majority of the country is there any credible opposition to the macdougall government at the moment much of the opposition does still seem to be fragmented after the protests that we saw last year well to begin with what we have to see its a fragmented regime besides the opposition at this time what weve noticed is that a fraudulent and in constitutional. National constituent assembly that has been asserting the competence of the elected popular popularly elected in two thousand and Fifteen National assembly has a brought this fake superpower to mothers regime and as you have noticed more than fifty countries around the world have repudiated any decision that this. National constituent Assembly Takes such as convening this elections so any election that has been convened the past including their municipal and state elections are totally normal and void now if we base ourselves in these it would be a huge mistake for the opposition to participate in fake elections therefore regardless of the differences among opposition parties it has no consequence what this elections may bring as an outcome already today there lima group has stated in a communique that they will not recognize and a repudiation of the Illegitimate National Constituent Assembly and also they call to bring back the rule of law as you have noticed their European Union has sanctioned seven more officials including the president of the illegitimate Supreme Court and all theirs such as Diosdado Cabello who today in retaliation was asking this National Constituent assembly to convene these fraudulent and fake president ial elections if the opposition parties dont take part in this election for the reasons that you have explained there is still a groundswell of people within venezuela who blame the macdougall Government Support for the problems that the country is facing at the moment how are they expected to show their disapproval of the government if they dont take part in the elections. Well the disapproval was very clearly expressed the sixteenth of july of two thousand and seventeen and that also brought as you have know of you as you and the world knows the april to july protests that actually. Brought down one hundred thirty civilians killed by mothers regime so it is very clear that the induced crisis the humanitarian crisis it is. A political weapon of control to stay in power for mother little and hes accomplishes of crimes against humanity now i would have to say that the only way out is that rebellion civil and military rebellion which is that duty by the National Constitution of two thousand article three three three and three fifty that calls upon every civilian and military to act against any organ or power or mind human rights and that violates the constitution it is africa institutional right for insurgence forgive me for interrupting you but i. Thank you very much indeed for your time always good interesting to get your view on this thank you absolutely thank you. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has warned against a threat to global civilization in his opening address to the World Economic forum in switzerland at the center of this years summit is the debate over the growing gap between rich and poor u. S. President donald trump will close the gathering of seventy World Leaders on thursday jonah hall has more from davos. Its gridlock in. Just as the World Economic forums annual meeting hot stop high in the swiss alps a huge dump of snow has brought things to a standstill it doesnt matter how important you are theres little to do but wait. No never seen anything like this before i think so i like it but its a bit of a struggle does not only a small. But a normal user for horrible graphics the last time the snow drifts were this high dive oss was coincidentally also the last time a u. S. President visited dad was that was bill clinton well with an avalanche warning in place this year is also bracing for the arrival of donald j. Trump i was the protests have already begun ahead of his arrival on thursday this was the scenes europe and in davos itself President Trump may not get the warmest welcome the u. S. Announced new import tariffs this week angering china and south korea and illustrating trumps America First policy of economic nationalism and protectionism anathema in a global club that believes in free trade as the indian Prime Minister pointed out in his opening address bar set some argue of the many societies and countries are becoming more and more focused on themselves it feels like the opposite of globalization the negative impact of this kind of mindset cannot be considered less dangerous than Climate Change or terrorism that was a thinly veiled slight by the leader of the worlds Fastest Growing economy aimed at the leader of the Worlds Largest economy i must trumps response on friday is the weeks most anticipated event jonah how aljazeera at davos Pakistani Police have arrested a man suspected of raping and killing a seven Year Old Girl was in a band site his body was found in a rubbish dump earlier this month the suspect was arrested near the city of course or where the girl was found her murder sparked outrage on social media and led to protests across pakistan. Millions or for. Starvation because of conflict in democratic republic of congo fighting in the casaya region between the army and rebels has prevented farmers from planting crops for several years and as Catherine Sawyer reports many of those a need for a long journey to get help was. A year old couple go to his mother more baca and three siblings spent two months on the route from their village to a scythe centrals capital kananga with little to eat they had fled the fighting between Government Forces in the combine and supper rebels which was adding to communal conflict that already existed. Its been a month since they arrived and both mother and son still have symptoms of malnutrition but overall numbers of which are going with it was very hard walking so long with my children at some point i couldnt walk at all if it wasnt for the help of the people we were with in the forest i would have died. I ten that the Nutrition Center mothers bring their children to get weighed and for food and medicine she did tom was distended belly discolored hair and let their chicks data all these signs that he needs assistance humanitarian agencies say about four hundred thousand children in this region are mon norrish and more than three Million People are facing starvation because they have been unable to plant crops for three seasons its quite difficult to see theyre still on the crisis in class five because most of the affected are in five villages that are hard to access people who had fled to the forest but are now coming back home and those who are still displaced able. Much help lets not forget this has been a protection crisis and right now when the conflict has. Been dispersed and then areas we start to see in very difficult cases of children that have seen a lot of atrocities committed on their on their farms weve seen children that have to witness how their parents were killing her mother people here are now receiving some made but in this area last year dozens of people were killed the Catholic Church put in the figure for the antiochus a region since the conflict began at around three thousand both rebels and Government Forces accused of the killings and. I do not want to go back to my home village my house is destroyed my children were killed how could i return. At the centime can we are told she is going to be alright hell get all the medical any traditional help needs that be consignees that maybe other children wont be so fortunate because aid agencies dont have enough resources to go around katherine saw aljazeera a sigh central in the democratic republic of congo saudi arabia has begun airlifting aid to the yemeni city of mahdi its part of a saudi pledge to donate one and a half billion dollars to the war torn country order of the hungry and has more its been a tough start in life nine months old mariam has only known hunger so far her parents too poor to pay for food and humanitarian aid unable to reach the area because of the conflict now she suffers from severe and acute malnutrition a just four kilograms marian weighs less than half the average for a child of her age and. We couldnt get to the clinic before because we didnt have money for the journey says her grandfather like many others in the waiting room the family fled nearby towers with people live under both airstrikes by the Saudi Led Coalition and artillery fire by duhoux thiis. To reach this clinic they had to take mountain roads and evade the many armed groups that roam around yemen a very trying experience for these him a sated little bodies since the start of the war in two thousand and fifteen half of the Health Facilities of yemen have shut down and during that same time an estimated three million children were born out of those three million two million of them have been born out of hospital and the majority of them they have been born or thought without the support of her skin. That. Increases the risk of sanctions for the children and an addition would be one of the meijer this is now. One point eight million children and others in the country and out of almost four hundred thousand such severe acute malnutrition an estimated twenty five thousand children a year are dying at birth or shortly after many of those who survive are barely hanging on to life. By then my or for that no matter what we do once they leave they will get sick again because theyre not taking enough vitamins any bacteria any disease will get to them theres no income no way for the parent to feed their children let alone getting medicine. Yemen relies on its ports for food fuel and medical supplies under International Pressure the Saudi Led Coalition ease the blockade last month allowing goods to enter the ports for thirty days now as the u. N. And humanitarian organizations are calling for access around the country and for ports to remain open the program is that if we continue to be. In a situation where the food cannot enter the country or fuel the country then we are going to. All the outbreaks this year or me. Of the last year outbreak. The conflict in yemen is fragmented and polarized hopes of a political solution remain elusive but if and when this happens the trauma yemeni children are going through with stay with them well beyond the end of hostilities without that hermie are. Still ahead and ill. Start as a sight for sore eyes thats coming up in sports. The Oscar Nominations were announced earlier today with a wide open field for best picture the happening signs that the Entertainment Industry is taking heed to some of some recent scandals and controversies while brunells reports from the sounds of news and congratulations to all the nominees the Academy Award nominations inch toward greater racial and gender diversity reflecting the air of the meet to end black lives manner movements they can probably unfairly. If theyve come up with a respectable set of nominees i dont think thats going to be too much shock and horror i think thats been such an incredible year for four women in film and female director granik gerwig was nominated for lady bird the fifth woman ever nominated in that category which has been won by a woman only once in two thousand and nine my daughter was murdered seven months ago see nominated for best female actor in three billboards outside adding missouri Frances Mcdormand character epitomizes an indomitable and unstoppable woman demanding the truth and justice i dont think those billboards is very fair to the film focuses on timely issues of violence against women and corrupt abusive policing i have. My own side of this story notably absent from a best actor nomination was the disaster artist star james franco who was recently accused of Sexual Harassment and i think that for my son he has cost him a nomination. To do you know in black. Nominated for best picture get out is a horror film satirizing Race Relations its director jordan peele became the fifth black best director nominee in history get out star daniel color is now in the running for best male actor will be quite busy as is Denzel Washington for roman j israel esquire he just come the two africanamericans mary j. Blige and Octavia Spencer received best supporting female actor nominations. In other nonce to diversity the gay romance call me by your name was nominated for best picture and mexican director guillermo del toros the shape of water one the most nominations with thirteen including best picture and best director i would say now that these nominations are come three a sip of water as for any problem even if the show from russia but its not way ahead of the pack could the story of a tender love affair between a mute cleaning woman and an amphibian humanoid creature really when the film wins top prize in oscars territory Stranger Things have happened. Hollywoods elite will have an opportunity to make war comments on issues of social and cultural importance during the awards ceremony itself which this year will take place on march fourth robert oulds Al Jazeera Los Angeles its time for the sports. Thank you very much well number one rafael nadal dreams of becoming only the third man to win each tennis grand slam at least twice over at least for now the hip injury got the better of him on tuesday in the Australian Open quarter finals and he wasnt the irony high profile exit of peter sem it reports. Marion chile which was the latest food before rafa in the dough in the world number ones quest to win a second Australian Open title. And the dog had been in good form in melbourne in twenty eighteen and took the first set six three but the sixth seed hit back by the same school on the second the spaniard was back in front with a tie break of victory in the third set but it would not be too much longer before a hip injury would flare up he required a medical timeout and would be back on court but was never quite the same again. When the fourth set six two and when leading to love in the fifth the dole could no longer bear the pain and retired injured. High on the leg but. I dont want to lie you know and tomorrow were going to communicate whats going on after the m. R. I. You know hes not the moment that was going are not going on because where were really dont know when the dogs are really done not for me big focus is to continue with my own game you know i cannot influence he much on the other across the net but going to try to kid take care of my things in one of my things and part on my part of the court and hopefully im going to have another great match. The crow that will meet great britains kyle edmund in the semifinals edmund took care of third seed Grigor Dimitrov in a surprise result britain is ranked forty ninth in the world and has never reached a grand slam semifinal chile each will be looking for a second slam title after taking the twenty four u. S. Open. On the womens side belgiums will number thirty seven he leads mertons produced an equally surprising result when she met ukrainian fourth seed eagerness with alina the belgian is playing in her first ever main draw at the Australian Open and is putting on a show of note burtons charged past six four and six love in any seventy three minutes. If mertons is to advance to the final shell need to take care of another of the worlds highest ranked players second seed Caroline Wozniacki needed three sets to get past spains Carlos Suarez novato the dane winning six six seven and six two she is also searching for a first ever grand slam title and will no doubt be hoping to come out on top down under peter statement aljazeera. Olympic officials have sent out a list of russian athletes theyll be inviting to take part at the winter games in pyongyang but there are some pretty big names left off of that list the biathlon olympic champion anton ship in the Cross Country while champions of and six time ellen pick short track champion victor have all been left off the Russian Olympic Committee has called the decision on grounded and absurd since none of those athletes have been implicated in the doping scandal affecting the country russia is banned from competing as a team because of a Systematic Program of doping some of it athletes will be able to take part as neutrals. Such a decision is not founded to upset think it up wasnt to us so were waiting for the i. O. C. Explanations of why our athletes who are the leaders not just in russia but worldwide didnt make it to their preliminary list as they participated in the competitions for this year and even know mckayla shifrin remains on top in the overall world cup rankings that us despite losing her lead in the giant slalom standings the american slid out on her first run in the latest event in italy its from platts on tuesday that open the door to french women tests a wally to take the g. S. Lead but it was germanys victoria weapons but he clinched her third giant slalom victory of the season with the fastest combined time from both of her run. Heres a sight for sore eyes christiane or an elder has been seen sporting a big black eye. Training of a rail in madrid the portuguese star got a bit to the face during rails a seven one thrashing of deportivo in the league but he got back to work at training on tuesday preparing for his teams cup of delray quarterfinal with. There are very few Football Players who can lay claim to having broken record set by the great argentine Diego Maradona but his mark hampshire is one of them a few weeks ago hundred six the past the record goals tally set by marathoner after tally in napoli and on tuesday he was on it at the National Archaeological museum in naples by having his jersey inducted maradona won syria twice with an up early and although hump chicas yet to win a title with the team that carly the League Leaders in italy. They were the most important certainly it is a great achievement for me im happy i was able to beat the great diego miller donna and this will certainly be part of natalies history i never thought i would have donated my jersey to museum and really happy about that. Manchester city are through to the English League cup after a three two win over bristol city in their semifinal second leg on tuesday city won the first leg two one is well and go through five three on aggregate well australias cricket team already have some top players in their side as we saw in their ashes demolition of england and it seems that more amazing bowlers are coming through the ranks as they proved at the under nineteen world cup in new Zealand England were cruising to victory before eighteen year old like in a lloyd pope stepped up just an incredible eight for thirty five us the best a bowling figures that have ever been recorded at an under nineteen world cup match australia winning by thirty one runs in the end get to play for a place in the final also rising lee got the player off the much award. The spot for now more later. The man known as the father of South African jobs has died. Hugh masekela was famous for his distinctive afro jazz side of his career spanned more than five decades gained International Recognition through hits such as so what old blues song that became synonymous with the Antiapartheid Movement in south africa and thats it for me while matheson for this news hour back in a moment with more of the days news and. The facts first. From Satellite Technology to three d. Printing and recycled waste to classrooms africa is transforming young innovators aap propelling change Building Communities creating employment and solving. Their challenging systems and shaping new what. Creative thinkers shaping the continents future innovate africa at this time on aljazeera. Jewett from iraq hes also a part time going to Pergamon Museum which includes a reconstruction of the famous. Most of the people hes showing around came to germany as refugees this is just one of several berlin museums taking part in the project called Meeting Point and as well as bringing people together one of its aims is to emphasise the contribution of migrants right up to the present day to western culture. Because ive been here for some time i can help them with lots of things that news is forward to me the great thing is its not just about museums about forming a new life here and part of life is culture. The main challenger to egypts president calls Office Election campaign after being detained by the army

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