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Northern city of tokyo and he visited areas devastated by floods and landslides last year those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after inside story by now. The u. S. Government shuts down over the failed budget deal of the day if President Trump celebrates his first year in Office Workers are told to stay home democrats and republicans trade insults but whos willing to blame and what does it mean for Trumps Administration this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program husham obama Donald Trumps first Year Anniversary as u. S. President was certainly go down in history it was the day the Government Shutdown congress failed to back a bill to fund federal agencies hundreds of thousands of government workers affected some would stay home because their offices would be closed others would work without pay republicans and democrats blame each other for not reaching a last minute deal talks broke down over issues related to immigrants and Border Security was also a gas shortage but first particle hang with us from washington d. C. This is not the anniversary any leader wants to have it was exactly one year ago when donald trump made this promise and became president we will face challenges we will confront hardships but we will get the job done he vowed government would work again its clear with this. It isnt republicans who control the congress and the white house lost four of their own members but picked up five democrats still not enough to pass the bill that means many nonessential Government Employees wont be coming to work on monday without a deal although most essential federal services will continue the employees just wont get paid until its over it came down to this a program that was in place to protect children brought into this country without documentation President Trump threw it out and said congress should fix it he promised to help if we do this properly docket you know its so far away from comprehensive Immigration Reform and if you want to take that further step ill take the heat i dont care i dont care ill take all the heat you want to get. They brought him a bipartisan deal and he refused to sign it so democrats refused to help pass the budget now the white house is saying they still have the weekend to work out a deal i think it will be taken care of the money i think thats why i just said i think i really think theres a theres a ridiculous there that the before you offer that in the future for now it is a standoff a functioning government held hostage while two parties wait to see which side the public will blame for the very dysfunction that trump promised to end exactly one year ago what weve just witnessed on the floor was a cynical decision by Senate Democrats or shovel. Millions of americans for the sake of irresponsible political games a Government Shutdown was one hundred percent avoidable this will be called the trump shutdown because there is no one no one who deserves the blame for the position we find ourselves in more than President Trump. Aljazeera washington. Lets have a look at what a Government Shutdown means as a saturday hundreds of thousands of Government Employees will stay home on unpaid leave others will work without pay National Parks and monuments may be closed visa and passport processing could be delayed but essential Services Related to National Security and domestic safety will remain functional the failure of the two sides to reach a deal on funding is mainly due to immigration that democrats want of the new bill to include protection for undocumented immigrants into the u. S. As children in september and today a program agreed by former president barack obama granting them temporary legal status and some republicans are not convinced by trumps funding demands for new border controls including his proposed mexican war so hosed fourth is it republicans and democrats are pointing the finger of blame at each other the white house issued this statement Senate Democrats own the show shut down tonight to put politics above our National Security and military families fundable children and our countrys ability to serve all americans where were not negotiate the status of our lawful immigrants while democrats hold our norful citizens hostage over their reckless demands this is the behavior of obstructionist losers not legislators the last shutdown was into thousand and thirteen and lasted for sixteen days donald trump blamed the than president barack obama for the stand of this is what he said in an interview to fox news the problems start from the top and have to get sort from the top the president is the leader and has got to get everybody in a room and has got to lead lets bring in our panel joining us. From lubbock in texas oliver mcgee who has publicly support of President Trump and previously worked as assistant transportation secretary and president clinton from london in the chairman of the Obama Research network at City University of london and from lancaster which are johnson who lassers in u. S. Politics and International Relations at Lancaster University welcome to you all let me start by asking mr magoo this how did we get to this point a Government Shutdown. Well as secretary of defense madison today. Keep steady as you go stay on course and stay alert this is really all about trying to protect the guns that are money. The Defense Department going to stay pretty much so on track on National Security and also to protect the law and order what we might call john lockes life liberty or property in the department of justice most of those the lawyers are going to be on permanent appropriations appropriate compensation and not appropriations but we got here because. Chuck schumer wanted to really push this negotiation towards dacca theyre really looking to establish a base for twenty eighty and to also pressure the president in trying to bend just a little bit on dakka at this moment but the president faced a real tough first to go she should because when they really take out the wall thats a battle best alternative to walk away and so when President Trump was campaigning and he was campaigning for every forty eight hours to ten thousand people he was just simply say that you know weve got to build a wall or else and so thats going to be a no deal if that doesnt happen the place thats really how we got ok and so forth and suppose its rare to have a shutdown when the the president has his policy controls both chambers the congress the house and the senate is it a defining political divide over us to came paul is the main reason why we got to this point of a shutdown. I think it is quite rare and i think therefore that pushes the responsibility for the final decision to shut down towards the dominant party and the dominant party in this case is playing a short game as well as a long game in my view i think the short game is really to to divorce the darker the dreamers issue from what of the other issues from the other issues and i dont you know ill take up the point that mr magee made which is that actually the democrats had gone a long way towards meeting many of the demands that the trumpet ministration had put forward on the mexican wall for for example earlier in the process accepting to pay up to eighteen billion dollars towards the building of the wall with an immediate down payment of Something Like one and a half billion and then an agreement on a more ice agents and even on military spending increases so i think in the end this plays into the longer game i think the trumpet ministration has been playing and i think that is much more to do with what american identity in particular is kind of a racial identity is really all about and i think controlling immigration increasing deportations and the kind of comments that President Trump made in a previous meeting where he said that people from africa and places like that are not really welcome they want more people who look like norwegians and i think that is the big game that theyre playing and the dreamers issue therefore was a big Sticking Point i think they want to make a big political point for the people playing a political game are really i think this is the Republican Party but it also shows us the democrats are willing to go a long long long way to compromise and theyre still not getting anything mr johnson is darker with shields young immigrants from the petition the main obstacle to a bipartisan bill or do you think the dockets of has been sort of manipulated for by both parties to further their their political agenda. Well i think this is the Sticking Point in this negotiation and its interesting that the democrats are sort of staking the future of the continued government funding on. Polls have showed that a majority of americans think its more important to keep to new government funding than the dark a program and so that the democrats are speaking to their electoral base who care about aka of course those who are affected by the Doctor Program themselves cant vote its about affects about eight hundred thousand as normal u. S. Citizens and so i wonder if the democrats are playing this high stakes gamble which is what it is because they sense a degree of weakness from President Trump perhaps President Trump is some of the blame here because he sent mixed signals and so perhaps Chuck Schumers willing to stick his neck out because he believes that President Trump might might budge he might make a concession on this. So well see in the next few days what happens but i think that it is i think at the core of the of the thats the issue here ok speaking of duck under some again this is what the democrats are saying that the basically they were willing forward to move ahead with the bill and that everything was fine until the establishment republican is meant started sending very mixed signals about doc does the need to wait until march the fifth while the democrats were saying give us a deal of the dhaka well give you a deal on the immigration. I think the republicans are very right that they want to have a little bit more time to talk about this i totally agree with the Republican Party that they want to put is out to march the back is a very very difficult issue to determine and to resolve for america and more importantly the republicans are like the. Regrets are looking at the polls and as my colleague said the American People were not as strong a bit baccy just a push ahead and an immediate head on baca without having a thoughtful conversation with the American People about Immigration Reform serious image Immigration Reform and this is also going to set the stage on how we look at Immigration Reform across International Borders particularly as were trying to keep up with this Fast International markets basically as i said before many times even theresa may is happy and this type of debate in trying to establish cracks it because International Borders and interNational Security is very much so tied to prosperity across the nation states and right now the nation states are basically interested in International Trade good free trade that will create jobs and also keeping up with this economy donald trump is over see him at thirty one percent increase in the dow in its first year and thats a blart has increased in the doubt since f. D. R. In one nine hundred thirty three so what we saw back then we had to make some transformative changes in what america was and so now america is making another transformational change in America First and America First as he said it was an auger address last year was really about securing our borders but also securing our markets and at the same time communicating exclusively with the American People to get them what they need and want and while were trying to also advance and get like understanding of science and technology so they could be able to gauge the markets as well and also to be able to gauge ok chops this that this makes me to another full of question on the duck a thing of the palma the the republicans are saying that if they democrats were genuine about the need to have. A shutdown they could have waited until last the the fifth how urgent is a dud fix does it need to be solved now or can it wait until the last the fifth. Well its quite clear that our my colleague at lancaster said that there is a political game being played by both sides and the attempt to exploited certain vulnerability obviously or a Government Shutdown is a very very significant Major Political issue and and in terms of the people who are going to be paid or not and this issue could possibly wait but when you caesar see an opportunity of this type clearly political operators are going to try to take it but i think they are playing a political game and it is not as if the republicans arent i mean they threw in the Child Health Insurance program as a kind of extra incentive in order really to derail this as well so i think to some extent the shutdown was something which both sides are willing to risk in order to get through the kind of things that they want and overall i think theyre very much closer to an agreement overall then they would appear to be and this is a very dramatic kind of stand out of him but in the big picture the democrats have gone closer to the republicans mr johnson if this is a political game what if it backfires ninety ninety six two thousand and thirteen the republicans tried the same tactic it really backfired is there any potential for this to backfire on the democrats who would be ultimately seen by the americas of the we an impediment to this deal. Well i think the democrats could be playing with fire here five as as report noted five Democratic Senators actually voted with republicans to continue the government funding these are senators who represent states that President Trump one in twenty sixteen and they are up for election this year states like missouri West Virginia north dakota indiana and so those senators are the polling suggests that in those states those senators will be getting the blame if the government doesnt continue with the funding and the darker. Issue is not one that really resonates with voters in those states those states tend to have low immigrant low minority populations by and large and so while this may play well in states like california and texas for the democrats it may help them in some of the house elections it could ultimately hurt them in holding some seats in the Senate Elections in november with some. Article about two days ago where he said basically that trump is riding this wave of unprecedented economic reform as a president is born in the markets and that therefore that he will continue to why that wave of popularity Chuck Schumer who is the Senate Minority leader said yesterday that the. Shutdown is an example of how dysfunctional and inefficient the Trump Administration it is he says one word but the other leaders of the senate of the house says Something Different isnt this something that the American People will end up believing. Well Chuck Schumer is actually talking like and efficient leader he is really about the counting the dimes and nickels and quarters in the purse during that the should but donald trump is really looking in the realm of american dignity he is acting in the thing and its putting a message out there dignity over efficiency hes saying that american populism is prosperity but also International Populism is also International Prosperity so as he builds america and makes her strong hes going to take that message out abroad and thats going to be permeating across because americas markets cant grow without the International Markets or in partnership with them but also american trade has to work with International Trade and the key thing is is that donald trump as i said article on sky news that. He doesnt want to merica to get ripped off anymore thats a simple as that and the American People are really backing him one hundred percent when i look at my twitter and i typically do polls and get a sense of where the voters are on my twitter theyre one hundred percent loving this economy theyre loving the job growth of two million jobs theyre loving the fact that theres a trillion dollars of new wealth and is a commie weve never been this wealthy in since f. D. R. And so really really really enjoying that but make no bones about it he said every forty eight hours in a Campaign Speech or a core a year hed held a rally for every forty eight hours he said bill that wall ok that is a Campaign Promise that he is going to keep and that is very popular among his orders miss apollo i mean lets look into whats next what the options available for all the parties now that could be this stopgap measure thats called allow for a short term deal that could go for a month whether democrats will give the go ahead for the eighteen billion dollars for the Border Security in exchange for a leverage on the. Dhaka is something that could potentially happen or do you believe this is going to continue as a political conflict between such a potties. Thats a really difficult question i suspect that both sides will at a certain point want to reach a deal because theyre going to alienate even more supporters more voters its impossible to predict exactly how long this standoff will go on but the problem is that what this centers the whole debate on is in a way a kind of a diversionary tactic which helps the the republicans a lot more donald trump a lot more it suggests that the whole issue is about foreigners and immigrants and as mr bigley said people ripping america off in one way or another and this kind of blaming the outside of the foreign or the other and in fact if you look at their sort of socalled wealth produced in the last twelve months and even for many years before that the ownership of that wealth the distribution of that wealth and that income is a heavily on equal this new economy with the two million jobs we were remains to be seen how safe and secure and well paid they really are and i think a large part of what President Trump has been doing is diverting attention onto the wall and on to race the nuns and immigration and so on point actually hes been transferring wealth income and power to the groups of people that he most favors thats the Big Corporation ok and im a sprayed hes using this issue to promote that agenda even more mr johnson lists lists imagine for a second your chief. Term democrat strategists youre the midterm elections if you show the world or the americas or give us some concessions on the Border Security then you would have a backlash from the states where you have a huge percentage of immigrants if you move forward with your position then the states where your own people are running for reelection which were won by donald trump might not vote for you so how to strike a delicate balance in this situation. Its a very difficult needle to thread i think that perhaps what if i were to guess what Chuck Schumer is doing is he is trying to send six signals to the Democratic Base that he has tried has had a good faith effort on tucker perhaps there will be a separate vote on tucker down the road which ultimately wont go anywhere because the house want to prove it in the president would not approve it but at least there might be a symbolic vote on it but i think at the end of the day schumer he can he can string this out for a bit but i dont think that he can do it forever without damaging those Democratic Senate candidates many of them who are in these trump dominated states i think donald trump if i was advising on trump he needs to bring on those republicans who voted with the democrats last night to to defund the government and that shows a failure of leadership from the republican side there were four republicans five republicans in fact voted no one republican who didnt vote for senator mccain because of his health so he needs to get those people on side as well as well as bringing over a few more democrats if you want to keep the government funded mr mcgee as you seem to be most of the time getting all you hoped against. President trump yesterday he had to meet on his own with Chuck Schumer give him money to question whether this is a legitimate move because ultimately its not just one person is about an establishment its about the republican establishment both a both chambers is this someone who is undermining even the chances for the republican establishment to thrive in the near future. No hes just doing the mechanics of the art of the deal the negotiation tactics sometimes when youre negotiating with a key principle its sometimes good to get in a room alone and kind of hash out the real issues and find out what the options are and really get to know your opponent very very well because alternately when youre in negotiation with someone as President Trump is with Chuck Schumer theyre going to come out in agreement and sometimes theyre going to find some Common Ground but youre going to find some Sticking Points in there and make no bones about it a Government Shutdown this is the twelfth Government Shutdown weve passed since one thousand nine hundred one in the first year of reagan this is really not a big big stuff we got a four trillion dollar government and basically a cut down its one point five billion dollars a day so all we need to do is count the days in the multiplier by one point five billion dollars and thats how much its costing taxpayers so in relation to the size of the government its pennies but this is very very big dollars associated with politics on the democratic side and republican side and either side cant afford to give too much away from their base no make no bones about it chuck has a very Chuck Schumer has a very very strong emotional base that is really looking after two thousand and eighteen to come off of a very very tough loss in two thousand and sixteen and donald trump thank you has some promises to keep his promise to keep in one of them is basically build that wall but also to keep winning against what rete and create it and thats what he really wants to keep going it will have been interesting to see how this political saga was coming to an end so a lot of again and this is palma but chad johnson thank you very much indeed. And thank you too for watching you can see the program again at a time by visiting our website c. N. N. Dot com for further discussion go to our Facebook Page thats facebook dot com forward slash a. J. Inside story you can also join the conversation on twitter our handle is a. J. Inside story from me on the whole team here live with. In two thousand and eight aljazeera documented a groundbreaking school. Preparing some of indias poorest children for entry into its toughest universities. Ten years on we return to see how the students and the scheme of helping change the face of india. Super authority at this time around as they are. Rewind returns with new updates on the best of aljazeera documentaries. And the moving story of two young turkmen girls in afghanistan. At last able to get an education after years of repressive taliban occupation. Five years on what has become of their dreams. Rewind pencils and bullets at this time on aljazeera. Matheson in doha the top stories on aljazeera gunmen have stormed a luxury hotel in afghanistans capital kabul taking hostages the interior Ministry Says two of the gunman have been killed as a special forces attempt to take control of the intercontinental who

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