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This is al jazeera live from doha also our heads. Dodge crowds gather in tunis protesting against government austerity with almost eight hundred people arrested in demonstrations over the last few days plus progress in germanys political deadlock hopes of a grand coalition on the horizon after months of postelection stalemate and south africas ruling party moves to speed up the transfer of land to the black majority. U. S. President donald trump is facing Widespread International criticism after reportedly using a vulgar word to describe haiti as salvador and african nations has since denied you denied using the term the operas which was not initially denied by the white house is set to happen during a meeting with senators to discuss immigration hooper covielle from the u. N. Human Rights Office says if true the president s remarks were nothing but racist. These shocking and shameful comments from the president of United States sorry but theres no other work on can use but racist you cannot dismiss the entire countries and continents shitholes whose entire populations who are not white. For no welcome well the u. S. President has responded to the allegations on twitter implying he didnt use that word he says never said anything derogatory about haitians other than haiti is obviously a very poor and troubled country never said take them out made up by dems i have a wonderful relationship with haitians well our White House Correspondent Kimberly Hawk it is standing by in washington with the very latest reaction live to her in just a moment after this report from christensen who me. Days after President Trump called on lawmakers to find a compromise on immigration reforms a Small Bipartisan Group of six senators say theyve done just that the agreement was expected to include funding for Border Security protections for undocumented immigrants brought to the u. S. As children and changes to the way the state Department Approves of these surveys but in a private meeting a proposal to restore protections to immigrants from haiti el salvador and certain african countries who were until recently protected from deportation reportedly prompted the president to question why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here he then suggested that the United States should instead bring more people from countries like norway whose Prime Minister he met on wednesday thats the races that women norwegians are white theyre northern europeans he was referring earlier in his vulgar comment to africans and haitians who are mostly of african descent this is these are racist comments he said things like this before when he talked about nigerians who wont go back to live in huts and he talk about the haitians who bring aids to the United States these are all confirmations of what a lot of people have long suspected that he harbors racism republican representative mia love haitian american responded on twitter saying the president s comments are unkind divisive elitist and fly in the face of our nations values this behavior is unacceptable from the leader of our nation they are bringing drugs theyre bringing crime theyre rapists its not the first time the president has spoken disparagingly of immigrants and his spokesperson didnt deny the comments certain washington politicians choose to fight for Foreign Countries President Trump will always fight for the American People he said President Trump is fighting for Permanent Solutions that make our country stronger by welcoming those who can contribute to our society grow our economy and assimilate into arg. Great nation the president says he wants a marriage based immigration system not one based on family collections or a lottery and his comments suggest hes not yet ready to accept the compromise reached by senators kristen salumi al jazeera york well weve been getting reaction from politicians and people in some of the countries trampas said to have referred to heres what theyre saying which is now this that means that hes a president whos destabilizing a president of all the words who is unacceptable in the name of the haitian people we as part of a patriotic emergency that is a part of the real change in haiti we demand that donald trump apologized for the entire african continent as well as before haiti the country whose blood has been used by ancestors who have served with their minds and bodies to liberate the United States itself from slavery. This is not a shuttle country neither is high t. Or any other Country Industries and it is extremely offensive for President Trump to make statements about other countries that are really not complimentary of the u. S. Is position oh policy positions on those countries and its unfortunate that he makes those statements obviously we no position to stop any president from saying anything they wish to say but all we can say is that. Developing countries do have difficulties and those difficulties are not Small Matters and its not as if the United States doesnt have difficulties. Hes not unexpected from somebody of his nature going to define me you already know you stand a person so i dont feel any. In the room i just think its you know most is me someone i can tell me all you got to do as a reconnaissance or stipple why do you say. Lets bring in our White House Correspondent Kimberly Hall kate cant believe the president now denies using that language but this has created a huge controversy. It certainly created a huge controversy there have been two denials by the president in just the last couple of hours on twitter. Saying that he did not make the statements that are being widely reported and as you have reported have now created quite a diplomatic opera around the world one that now at the state Department Level diplomats are trying to deal with weve seen a in a multiple number of these nations that were disparaged by the president reportedly this effort to try and clean up the president s language this is something that we see consistently with this president he tends to speak off the cuff and then there is sort of this. Effect of his administration trying to say well no what the president really meant was this but its pretty difficult to parse this language in any terms other than how it is being reported i think what we have to take from all of this is once again words matter and they have a profound effect when you are the president of the United States and certainly were seeing an example of that but what were also seeing here and provide context of how these comments came out is a very divided United States when it comes to the issue of immigration it is one that could shut down the u. S. Government in about a weeks time because with buried within a government funding bill are four key issues that this white house is pushing ending chain migration ending the visa card lottery system and also building up Border Security highly contentious and as a result you see the president expressing his frustration a very vulgar and salty language that is now adding yet another problem for this white house thank you kimberly for that can really help it live for us in washington. Try to world news now in the ninetys nation says its concerned about the number of arrests earing antigovernment protests in tunisia more than seven hundred seventy people have been detained in nearly a week of sometimes violent demonstrations over plans to raise taxes and the price of basic goods the government has deployed troops to help contain the lets go to. Those in tunis wars where the other demonstration this friday tell us whats been happening on a ship. Gathered near a Police Headquarters in the capital tunis it was saying that basically going against the hundreds of people of the lawsuit they say that the government is using that as a tactic to silence discontent across the country they want all those people to be afraid as soon as possible to go to here to have people give a square where i stand was the focal point of the two thousand and eleven mass protest movement that inspired the spring across the world so the protesters say that they will continue to come. Here for as long as it takes until those people are read by the police and until the government scraps the austerity measures that have been gathering about few hours ago here in this particular area but then the crowded dispersed. So what is the government going to do if these protests continue as they have in the past week what can it do to ease the tensions. The government has been describing the protests. Of using violence targeting police stations and Security Forces to the point where some of the Political Parties started to distance themselves from the movement. Is to basically say that this is something which is legitimate and genuine and he has to continue building up with. More pressure on the government the government does not have really many options in news the tax increase to be able to generate cash to be to keep functioning the government relies on. Sectors like mining tourism and those sectors have been in decline over the last few years because of the attacks targeting tourist. And to decline in prices for example worldwide so the government went to the International Institution for those those institutions said we cannot keep giving you. Until you reform the Public Sector just to give you an idea about the gravity of the situation Government Employees bite into Something Like twelve percent of the g. D. P. Of the government has promised to slash the number of course by twenty thousand and if you do that if you live lay off employees youre going to get more discontent people on the streets of the problem is that further for the protest movement in the country leads to more instability and this is something that the government would like to avoid question thank you for that update live for us in tunis. Political leaders in germany have made significant progress towards forming a Coalition Government after months of uncertainty chancellor Angela Merkels Christian Democratic Union and the opposition social democrats have reached an agreement to move forward with negotiations the parties found Common Ground on the contentious refugee issue of grain to limit migrant arrivals to around two hundred thousand a year the draft and also commits funds to bring economic stability to the euro zone and the blueprint outlines plans to immediately and weapons exports to countries involved in the war in yemen are both chancellor merkel and martin short agree the goal of any Coalition Deal is to strengthen and unite europe. And in the long side in the long time since the elections weve seen that the world is not waiting for us and as far as europe is concerned were convinced that we need a new awakening for europe and have developed the corresponding ideas for this so i have no doubt it will be able to find Common Solutions and partnership with france emerge design just completed the Coalition Document is a new start for Europe Germany will keep it strong position in the bloc if the next German Government is going to be built on this document and it is also an answer to the proposals from paris on strengthening europe we are determined to use the political and economic power of germany to make europe the great project it is. In a rare public four Supreme Court judges in india have held a press conference to criticize the countrys chief justice they accuse him of allocating judges to court cases without a rational basis they also raise concerns about procedures to hire and promote judges the chief justice has not yet responded to comments expose a rift at the heart of one of indias most important institutions which has the power to set public policy. Decisions of the. World. Is mourning over the. Many things you do list can be very weak you have never read the last few months in the. Convinced i dont live in st louis because indeed. The. Still ahead on aljazeera catalonia separatists discussed stand next steps that could see their deposed leader become president again guys outrage in pakistan over the rape and matter of a six year old girl. The sky is a largely clear across a good part of china at the moment in the southern areas of china cold enough in shanghai at seven degrees celsius seventeen celsius there for hong kong a little chinese really as we go on into sunday may be a touch with the winds coming in from a south easterly direction only a few showers pushing their way towards Central Vietnam but nothing too much to speak of a few showers too pushing their way towards southern parts of india southern areas of sri lanka but the big change takes place further north you see this little area tat here across the Northern Plains winds picking up over the next day or so that should help to shift the focus and small twenty two celsius there phonied delhi symphony similar values as we go on into sunday actually elsewhere as you can see largely dry wanted to show was there a possibility into us for lanka then. Dry across the rebel peninsula more warm sunshine not bad here in doha eyes of around twenty five degrees a little bit of cloud there just around the southern end of the red sea much to see one of two spots of light sensitive areas to get a little bit of cloud coming through here for saturday so the possibility of a little bit of tab weather but nothing too much to speak of will see things certainly pleasantly warm haven down hard on sunday as the winds ease off nicely. You are making very pointed remarks when theyre online the main u. S. Response to drug use and the drug trade over the last fifty years has been to criminalize or if you join us on sat. In the morning and says i want to cover the world in darkness this is a dialogue and that could be what leading to some of the confusion on line about people saying they dont actually know whats going on join the colobus conversation at this time on aljazeera. A reminder of our top stories on aljazeera the United Nations spokesman on human rights is calling u. S. President donald trump a racist reportedly use a swear word to describe haiti el salvador and african nations during a meeting on immigration his knowledge deny denying using the excuse that the United Nations says its concerned about the number of arrests during antigovernment protests in tunisia more than seven hundred seventy people have been detained in the past week demonstrators are angry at plans to raise taxes and the price of basic goods and the European Union is welcoming progress made in germany to form a Coalition Government after months of uncertainty chance that im going to merkel and the social democrats martin short have agreed to move forward with formal negotiations. More now on our top story and present our times reported use of a vulgar term for african nations and haiti joining us now is a calander who is the African Union spokeswoman she is via skype from addis ababa in ethiopia thank you very much for speaking to us the president now denies using derogatory language what is the afghan unions reaction when we happy that hes reacted. Because if the comments indeed were true. That the communion commission its frankly such alarming language to refer to by britons are of african origin and from african countries. In such contemptuous terms is. Is is is alarming why why would it be alarming to the African Union. Given this given the historical reality just how many africans arrived in the United States during the atlantic slave trade. About ports they would fly in the face of all except a behavior and practice especially coming from the leader of the United States and he specially because the United States has become such a global emblem of just what can be done by nations that can be built on migration and blued values which are blue values around diversity and tolerance and the recognition for the need to do more to better yourself and opportunity how does the African Union view its current relationship with this new u. S. Administration with the Trump Administration which has yet to clearly define what is africa policy is going to be how does the African Union see the future of africas relations with america under Donald Trumps administration. Well we hope that certainly in terms of the African Union position in fact at the at the United Nations Security Council and these are the the United States of position. Wanting to be able to cut will reduce its contributions to peacekeeping operations around the world and you know most of the peacekeeping operations of the United Nations are located on the african continent that is the worry and the African Union commission has as a result together with many countries especially within the sa held region have formed what is called just g five the how. Multinational coalition tough for a military command of five countries in the psi how that have taken upon themselves to take on. The threats of terror in the by help and we would think that this is this is a Global Responsibility because this is the global fight on terror on african soil and we would like to think that be the african led an African Initiative for peacekeeping should be part of the new doctrine in terms of rethinking peacekeeping and also. African africas contribution to peacekeeping on the continent in the fight against terror and we believe that of course the United States has a great role to play not least being a member of the United Nations Security Council and its current position on grid wanting to reduce contributions to peace the operations around the world would negatively impact not only me the nation around to help Africa Europe but also the entire thank you very much from thinkable does i think and the calendar thank you leave that alone to a spokeswoman for the African Union joining us there from our to sanctify a timely appreciate it. And u. S. President donald trump is expected to reluctant to extend sanctions relieved to iran the way various part of the twenty fifteen Iran Nuclear Deal was brokered by world powers but the u. S. Congress requires the president reaffirmed the agreement every ninety days during the last headline in october declined to certify irans compliance but congress didnt act to reimpose sanctions and while the president is expected to sign off on the nuclear deal on friday his treasury secretary says new u. S. Sanctions are being considered so while trump is expected to sign off on the sanctions waiver under that deal he may impose separate u. S. Sanctions alan fischer has more from Washington Well we know the donald trump has been meeting is National Security team and on doted lee the whole iran deal is probably on the agenda we know that in the past Rex Tillerson who is the secretary of state h. R. Mcmaster whos the National Security advisor and to matters who is the fence secretary they have been suggesting that they do want to stay this deal they dont want to blow it up what the United States should do with to try and amend it while working with their International Partners but there is the possibility that will be no one Nuclear Related sanctions and thats certainly something that Treasury Security munitions suggested when he made a surprise appearance in the White House Briefing room. I am expecting new sanctions on iran we continue to look at them weve rolled them out and i think. You can expect there will be more sanctions coming now we know that donald trump speaks to a lot of people before he makes these decisions he has had from president markhor of france who said the International Community doesnt want to see this deal being abandoned horses for him to the israelis and the saudis and we know that donald trump tends to see these things very much in binary terms that any win for iran on any sort of level is a defeat for the United States but what people will be saying to him for to kill it after the protests in iran over the last month is what we want to do is keep pressure on the iranian government and you do that with non Nuclear Related sanctions rather than dismantling this whole deal if you do that and it keeps pressure on the iranian government and but if you blow up the deal then that gives them some sort of nationalistic totem to rally people around and the focus moves off them and more on the relationship with the United States and the International Community and that could strengthen their position so donald trump has a big decision to make in the next twenty four hours he will listen to all sides and then donald trump being donald trump will make the decision he wants to make when hes ready to make the decision. Turkeys Prime Minister is urging iran and russia to rein in the syrian governments offensive in a province one of the rebels last strongholds and says the army assault could force even more people to be displaced one hundred twenty thousand people have fled in the past three weeks russia and iran backed the forces of syrian president bashar assad while turkey supports opposition fighters. The deposed leader of spains council on region and is meeting his newly elected m. P. s in brussels that discussing forming a group with other procession is parties in the council on parliament with the hope of restoring the regions leader has been in exile in brussels since holding a session referendum in october for which he could face arrest if he returns to spain now deemed baba has more from brussels. Well colors put them all seem to be in a jovial mood here in brussels as he took part in that meeting with people from his party who were elected to the Catalan Parliament last december and members of the other main problem dependents party he didnt actually talk to the press himself it was left to spokespeople from his party who were adamant that he would very soon be sworn in as the catalan president there are a number of obstacles that they face mr pushed him or wont go back to spain and neither will the deposed ministers that he came to brussels with last year when they were facing a european arrest arrest warrant thats gone away but they still refused to go back now mr push them all says that he might make his investiture speech which has to happen by the end of the month via video link some opinion say that would be unconstitutional the Spanish Government say so too the party which won the most votes in the region action should have done this and were waiting to hear from the council on parliaments and lawyers as to bear advice but the message here really was the term thats not going to sway things that if in fact the parliament does choose to relax mr pushed as regional president then it would be an affront to democracy if anybody tried to stop that imagine from the rest of the world that the parliament investor. Whos going to be there their president to whom theyre going to give their confidence and then someone in spain decides that they dont like the president they did this once we hope theyre not going to do it twice. Well there is another problem former. Group among the several very were actually jailed in spain so there are many Unanswered Questions about exactly how and when they can start their jobs when they can take power qatar has sent an airspace violation complaint to the un Security Council against the United Arab Emirates it alleges an emirati fighter jet illegally crossed into cattery territory on december twenty first the u. A. E. Saudi arabia bahrain any close airspace to qatari aircraft in june after cutting diplomatic ties they accuse qatar of supporting terrorism which it denies twenty five years after the end of apartheid land remains one of the most divisive issues in south africa the vast majority of the best land is still owned by white farmers now the government a governing African National Congress Wants to change this but it would require contentious amendments to the constitution tanya page tells us why from johannesburg. These men are serving a site they manage they think of themselves as Property Developers sorts this is what they call phase one of a land invasion more than ten thousand shacks they say theyre tired of waiting for the a. N. C. To give them land there was a pause when taking over from a bunch of government decision but they never bonded by do we keeping on promise and promising promising but not to do. Enough is enough. One of the main reasons the mc was formed in one thousand nine hundred twelve was because black africans were losing their land often being forcibly removed from it more than a century later most of the best land in south africa remains in the hands of a few thousand mostly white commercial farmers. After twenty three years in power the and sees only managed to return a fraction of the land to black people the latest Research Suggests about twenty percent that makes land a defining issue and one the n. C. A. Things that may be able to solve if it changes the constitution allowing it to take land without giving compensation to the mc says it wont go ahead with the change if it will hurt the food supply dan creek cant see how thats possible hes been representing farmers and talks with the a. N. C. And says many people like him are committed to returning land to black people and we want to work with government and we have funding models and we extend Property Rights to new farmers we can actually make much much faster progress if we work together. Ive not lost hope in terms of land reform in any way but from an economic point of view there are concerns over how changes to the constitution will impact farmers if you compensation they would not be able to see all that practically all the detroit at least seventy five percent of the through the value of the land so that they would default on those. Loans that they have with the banks but these men believe the date owed to them and their people is far more important the n. C. Government may have been too slow to help them but if it speeds up the transfer of land into the hands of black people it could dramatically change the face of Land Ownership in south africa tanya page aljazeera johannesburg. Hello again im fully back to where the headlines are aljazeera the United Nations spokesman on human rights is calling us President Donald Trump a racist trance reportedly used a swear word to describe salvador and african nations during a meeting on immigration the president has since we did imply he didnt use the word. These shocking and shameful comments from the president of United States. Sorry but theres no other word one can use but racist and you cannot dismiss the entire countries and continents shitholes whose entire populations who are not white. Formal welcome and present donald trump is expected to reluctant to extend sanctions relief to iran later on friday under the nuclear deal with world powers the us needs to reaffirm the agreement every ninety days but the president s main post separates us sanctions the un says its concerned about the number of arrests during antigovernment protests in tunisia more than seven hundred seventy people have been detained in the past week demonstrators are angry at austerity plans to raise taxes and the price of basic goods. The European Union is welcoming progress made in forming a governing coalition in germany after months of uncertainty chancellor Angela Merkel and the social democrats martin shorts have agreed to move forward with formal negotiations towards a grand coalition spent the past five days finding a Common Ground on refugees and the euro zone the deposed leader of spains catalonia region and is meeting his newly elected m. P. s in brussels that discussing forming a group with other process session is parties in the cars on parliament with the hope of resorting to mount as the regions leader has been exiled in brussels since holding a secession referendum in october for which he could face arrest if he returns to spain turkeys Prime Minister is urging iran and russia to rein in the syrian governments offensive in a province one of the rebels last strongholds. Says the army assault could force even more people to be displaced one hundred twenty thousand people have fled in the past three weeks russia and iran backed the syrian president bashar assad while turkey supports opposition fighters. You have state with headlines on aljazeera the stream is next to stay with this. News has never been more available but the message is a simplistic and misinformation is rife listening post provides a critical counterpoint challenging Mainstream Media narrative at this time on aljazeera. Every ok and your in the street we are live on out is here and egypt im allowed to be loud today why are so many palestinian minors imprisoned in israel and how are they treated take a look at this video from our colleagues at a plus

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