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Im fully back to go this is al jazeera live for my headquarters in doha also ahead signs of progress after months of deadlock in talks to form a new grand Coalition Government in germany but more hurdles remain plus more violent protests in tunisia over the governments austerity measures more than seven hundred people arrested and catalonia separatists discussed their next steps that could see their deposed leader become president again. The United Nations spokesman on human rights has hit out of the u. S. President calling him a racist thats after donald trump reportedly used a swear word in reference to african countries and haiti in a meeting about immigration Rupert Coville said this isnt just a story about vulgar language its about opening the door to humanitys worst side about validating and encouraging racism and xenophobia christensen only has the story from washington. Days after President Trump called on lawmakers to find a compromise on immigration reforms a Small Bipartisan Group of six senators say theyve done just that the agreement was expected to include funding for Border Security protections for undocumented immigrants brought to the u. S. As children and changes to the way the state Department Approves visas but in a private meeting a proposal to restore protections to immigrants from haiti el salvador and certain african countries who were until recently protected from deportation reportedly prompted the president to question why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here. He then suggested that the United States should instead bring more people from countries like norway whose Prime Minister he met on wednesday thats the races that women norwegians are white theyre northern europeans he was referring earlier in his vulgar comment to africans and haitians who are mostly of african descent this is these are racist comments he said things like this before when he talked about nigerians who wont go back to live in huts and he talked about the haitians who bring aids to the United States these are all confirmations of war a lot of people have long suspected that he harbors racism republican representative mia love a haitian american responded on twitter saying the president s comments are unkind divisive elitist and fly in the face of our nations values this behavior is unacceptable from the leader of our nation they are bringing drugs theyre bringing crime theyre rapists its not the first time the president has spoken disparagingly of immigrants and his spokesperson didnt deny the comments certain washington politicians choose to fight for Foreign Countries President Trump will always fight for the American People he said President Trump is fighting for Permanent Solutions that make our country stronger by welcoming those who can contribute to our society grow our economy and assimilate into our great nation the president says he wants a merit based immigration system not one based on family connections or a lottery and his comments suggest hes not yet ready to accept the compromise reached by senators kristen salumi al jazeera new york well adam a gay is an author and political commentator on africa he says its time for African Leaders to show the u. S. That the u. S. At the continent has other International Partners and isnt reliant on dealings with the child but ministration. Les i think. The one thing the working one person to be is. That with stops in the prison the review is there any assurance really. Going to leaders displayed of this isnt tools for instance when the African Leaders met him in the g. Seven summit in italy recently even if you had full list. And years repeatedly be talking in a recent week against not only article but also people from poor regions i would have wanted to know with a time when you were just a business person miss a long look on not done business with african countries i suspect you may have done business and made money from both countries is not a given issue or also the white house is a. Little under thirty runs by the surgeon to be a good year to see because they are only fully in do whatever it was now the news for years in germany have made significant progress towards forming a Coalition Government after months of uncertainty chancellor Angela Merkels question Democratic Union and the opposition social democrats have reached an agreement to move forward with negotiations the parties found Common Ground on the contentious refugee issue agreeing to limit migrant arrive also around two hundred thousand a year the draftee and also commits funds to bring economic stability to the eurozone and the blueprint outlined sponsor immediately and weapons exports the countries involved in the war in yemen lets speak to david in berlin so david talk us through this progress that said ben made how big of a breakthrough s. S. Well it seems to be the end of the political limbo that germanys been suffering since the september elections a marathon session of talks for twenty four hours capping five days of negotiations between the parties and they produced this twenty eight page blueprint with some detailed areas of agreement on several policies now the most important one as you suggested is of course the one on refugees and immigration is going to be a cap on on migrants and youll migrants up to two hundred twenty thousand is the cap that theyve imposed and also more importantly theyre dealing with the issue of the divided them very clearly on the family reunions for those one point two million or so refugees that came here in twenty fifteen twenty sixteen many of them are without many of their family members and that was the most divisive issue in the Coalition Talks and theyve agreed that up to one thousand cases per month will be examined by the authorities here and theyll decide on several very strict criteria whether the application will go through whether family members are allowed to reunite here in germany but of course there are other issues the issues of reforms to europe reforms to the euro zone the sort of reforms that the president of france has been trying to push through germany is going to be very much on side on that but there is one question of course fully which is the most important one theres still one more hurdle and thats the fact that martin showed some of the social democrats will have a special delegates conference on on january the twenty first to decide whether to approve this penciled in agreement and start formal Coalition Talks lets hear what political analyst have to say about that. Well the youth of the sort of democrats is one of the most vocal parts of the party a calling for opposition they believe that an s. P. D. Outside of government would have the opportunity to to reenergize to re think its a gender to come up with a new. Statement of purpose or mission that they think has been lost in so many years in government and thats why this is the most critical constituency that the Party Leadership faces so david as i understand it this is a Draft Agreement though what are the next steps whats going to happen now. Well essentially for lead what theyve got to do is the modern childes has got to sell it to his delegates as that honest was saying and that could be a difficult process but he is expected to succeed and then formal talks will start not mean the government wont really be formed until april and its getting very urgent there are lot of budgetary decisions that have to be made but i think that most analysts say that there are really the policy issues to drive forward a new image of germany for the future theyve tried to cobble together something that they need desperately to get a coalition a grand coalition back together again but that grand coalition doesnt have many grand ideas except for that. Startling statement about germany will no longer export weapons to any country that is giving those weapons to the war in the m. And now that is a very good breakthrough that is something that perhaps other European Countries including the United Kingdom might look to that is an important issue for the social democrats and indeed for Angela Merkel is the sort of leadership thats been missing over the last few months since this extraordinary election in september and it shows that anger merkel will once again take her place on center stage in World Politics and indeed in the European Union so these are important breakthroughs but theyre still talks that have to be agreed to and those talks will be difficult and long as well david talks in berlin thank you. Activists in tunisia are calling for a major demonstration against the government over plans to raise taxes and the price of basic goods theres been nearly a week of sometimes violent protests across the country with more than seven hundred seventy people detained so far the government has deployed troops to help contain the rest with the Prime Minister urging calm some in his government are blaming the deception says on criminal elements lets speak to hashem i had violence in tunis for us hashem. The protest leaders are calling for people to take to the streets a get back on to the streets will they heed that call in light of the numbers that have been arrested in the last week hundreds and hundreds is this going to keep on going. Well followed despite many people are saying that they would like to continue to take to the streets to put more pressure on the government to scrap the austerity measures were talking about we want to forgive which is a movement that fights against corruption in tunisia is also what are we waiting for this is a trend that has been established on social media over the last few days and then turned into a movement of thousands of people say that they are enthusiastic about the momentum there has been generated over the last few days so they are gathering in an hour for in two hours from now in the capital tunis and they would like to see that momentum spread across the country they say that the hope is not only to see the government scrapped the austerity measures but they blame the government for breaking the pledges you made in the past about improving the Living Standards of of the two huge problems that uneasy and suffer from we should basically poverty and unemployment and uneasy and say that sister thousand and eleven all theyve been hearing from the government is just empty words so what are the governments options now then and what can it do to ease the tensions. Very few options for the government folly people here say that they were hoping that the two thousand and eleven mass protest movement that triggered a revolution in tunisia asked the former president zelaya been bitterly will usher in a new era in tunisia where the Living Standards of the people will be improved where poverty and unemployment will be reduced and where people and particularly young people who took to the streets will have faith in their future seven years later they say there is nothing which happened the government is struggling the main sectors that generate revenue for the economy have been struggling for many years particularly mining in tourism and culture so the government is left with very few options. To increase taxes and also. Ask for more loans from the International Community but the International Community is saying that we cannot pump cash into tunisia unless the tunisians get their act together and reform the economy tackle the budget deficit and at the same time try to cut the Public Sector but you know in a country like that is if you lay off people the trade unions the opposition will take to the streets more protests mean more instability more instability will just just bring back the memories of the day when the country was beset by all sorts of problems groups operating across the country and the protests that practically crippled the economy and this is something that the government would like to avoid do they have an exit strategy i dont think this is the case right now so i think there will be more political talks in the near future to try to strike a balanced approach on one hand solve the problems of the economy but as same time address the needs of the tennesseans barrington a thank you. Still ahead on aljazeera present donald trump is expected to decide on the u. S. Position on the Iran Nuclear Deal an agreement still family balance by the e. U. And russia plus. One hundred thomas floating through a jungle in Papua New Guinea but only explaining how rainforests like this have been decimated i would just the last seven years and the profits from. Being so much from abroad. How the weather remains very wintry across much of japan is seeing some sea effect snow coming in for the sea of japan you see this area a cloud just rolling its way into that western side of honshu there has been some travel disruption as a result of the snow here more the same as we go on through saturday so these are the mountains to the shelter well tokyo getting up to around seven celsius with some sparkling sunshine and that will be the case as we go on through sunday as well perhaps a little milder on sunday and notice the snow starting to ease off a little behind that still pretty cold temperatures struggling to get above freezing just four celsius there the top temperature in seoul but it least it should be largely dry well as you try to across a good part of central and Southern China on the cold side there once again hong kong around seventeen celsius on sas day after day maybe those temperatures just picking up a touch as the winds go around to a southeast direction for sunday a little bit of cloud though into the South China Sea central parts of the not seeing some very heavy rain once again the wettest weather though will be just around the towards singapore you can see this circulation which has been developing for the past few days that may well develop into were tropical storms that certainly want to watch as we go on through the next few days damaging winds coming in with those flooding rains. Unbelievable it sounds like an agreement between the criminals trading in stolen goods that have been taken by the place if anyone ever comes to ask the question minister throw their hands up in the air and say i dont know i was just nominated director were doing an investigation into. Ukraine could use a bribes youve been corrupt or are being told corrupt did just the Presidency Council zero investigation its only go this time. Youre watching aljazeera a reminder of our top stories the United Nations spokesman on human rights is calling u. S. President donald trump a racist his comments follow thomas reported use of a swear word to describe haiti el salvador an african nation is during a meeting on immigration progress has been made to form a governing coalition in germany after months of uncertainty chance Angela Merkel and Opposition Leader martin shills have agreed to move forward with formal negotiations after finding a Common Ground on refugees and the eurozone. And more than seven hundred seventy people have been arrested across tunisia following five days of government protests people are angry at plans for tax rises in higher food prices activists are calling for a major demonstration on friday. After months of political posturing donald trump is expected to reluctant leaks and sanctions relief to iran later on friday the waiver is part of a twenty fifteen Iran Nuclear Deal it was brokered by world powers but the u. S. Congress requires the president reaffirm the agreement every ninety days during the law. Tolbert declined to satisfy irans compliance but congress didnt act to reimpose sanctions and while the president is expected to sign off on the nuclear deal on friday his treasury secretary says new u. S. Sanctions are being considered alan fischer has more from Washington Well we know the donald trump has been meeting as National Security team in an doated leave the whole around deal is probably on the agenda we know that in the past Rex Tillerson who is the secretary of state h. R. Mcmaster whos the National Security advisor and to matters who is the defense secretary they have been suggesting that they dont want to step this deal they dont want to blow it up what the United States should do is look two ways to try and amend it while working with their International Partners but there is the possibility that will be no one Nuclear Related sanctions and thats certainly something that treasury sector steve munition suggested when he made a surprise appearance in the White House Briefing room. I am expecting new sanctions on iran we continue to look at them weve rolled them out and i think. You can expect there will be more sanctions coming now we know that donald trump speaks to a lot of people before he makes these decisions he has heard from pres the core of france who said the International Community doesnt want to see this deal being abandoned sources for into the israelis and the saudis and we know that donald trump tends to see these things very much in binary terms that any win for iran and any sort of level is a defeat for the United States but what people will be saying to him particularly after the protests in iran over the last month is what we want to do is keep pressure on the iranian government and you do that with no one Nuclear Related sanctions rather than dismantling this whole deal if you do that and it keeps pressure on the iranian government and but if you blow up the deal then that gives them some sort of nationalistic totem to rally people around and the focus moves off them and more on the relationship with the United States and the International Community and that could strengthen their position so donald trump has a big decision to make in the next twenty four hours he will listen to all sides and then donald trump being donald trump will make the decision he wants to make when hes ready to make the decision catalonia is deposed leader collis belgium and is meeting his newly elected m. P. s in brussels theyll be negotiating with other process session this partys said drafting a proposal on the composition of a Catalan Parliament body that would elect the regions next president has been in brussels since being forced out as leader and threatened with arrest by the Central Government in the trade. Is in brussels for us just how significant is todays meeting a team. Fairly is very significant term were just about were expecting a press briefing by members of mr pushed him on certain gather for Catalonia Party and the Catalan Republican Left Party whove gathered here in brussels mr push for more should be arriving shortly and those two parties together with the support of four other members of the Catalan Assembly do have a majority but the reason theyre here of course is that was to push them out and several of his deposed ministers. Who lost their jobs after madrid dissolved the assembly after a referendum. Declaring that the catalans had acted illegally they came here to brussels to avoid arrest a european arrest warrant was withdrawn but they still face arrest if they return thats the situation thats why theyre discussing things in the building behind me part of what they have to decide today is the make up of the Parliamentary Bureau the body that runs matters in parliament including the speaker now next wednesday at the first session of the new Parliament Following those december elections in which the pro dependents Party Parties one a majority the speaker is expected to announce the name of the person that the parliament will have to vote for as regional president earlier this week there were reports that mr put him out met the acting leader of the catalan republican left here in brussels and they agreed it will be mr push dumonds name Going Forward but it might not prove to be as easy as that so what are the options and now for the Pro Independence bodies. Well the thing is that mr push them all is not prepared to go back to spain back to take up office hes suggesting that he could in the first instance make his investiture speech via video link that that has to happen by the end. This month some people are suggesting that he could in fact continue to to fulfill his obligations like that remotely others are saying that perhaps the party should nominate a proxy to actually to actually perform the job in person the party which won the most votes in that Regional Elections sudan knows theyre against independence they say that thats not constitutional it is a bit of a gray area were expecting to hear from the parliaments lawyers in the near future the Spanish Government certainly say that thats not allowed the the together for Catalonia Party could press ahead and say no we won the elections you have to allow us to do our democratic duty they could compromise its not clear whats going to happen but lets not forget that very majority in parliament depends on the participation of several deputies who have actually been jailed so there really is a lot of uncertainty at the moments that seem thank you for that update nadine barbara live for us in brussels. A Charity Group linked to the main suspect in the two thousand and eight mumbai bombing has held a rally in the pakistani city of fine its one of a series of protests sparked by the u. S. Decision to recognize your islam as israels capital the demonstrators are also angry at violence in the disputed kashmir region. And theres widespread outrage in pakistan over the rape and murder of six year old zeina im sorry authorities are being accused of not doing enough to keep children safe after a series of similar killings diana karim has a story. That. Theyre calling for justice for zainab a girl whose body was found in a dump on tuesday four days after she went missing in a District South of the horn. Protests have since broke out in several cities in pakistan some of them turning violent. There were funerals on thursday for two men killed in the city of pursuer an enraged crowd stormed a police station. Officers responded by firing live rounds on demonstrators Law Enforcement is being blamed here zain ups father says the police did not act fast enough when his daughter went missing last week the local police chief has been sacked for negligence related to the case. If the culprits in earlier cases had been caught and punished than this incident would never have happened if they had been given exemplary punishments peoples daughters would have been safe today eleven other child murders have been reported in the area in recent months and in two thousand and fifteen sewer district was at the center of a child Sexual Abuse Scandal a number of suspects were arrested accused of blackmailing scores of children into making sex videos the figure of child sexual abuse child rape sodomy. Has ford in the past three to four years in the district and it seems to me that there is an element of. Gangs and ring police say theyre still investigating leads in zena murder and have interrogated two hundred twenty seven people in connection with the case the number one suspect the man seen here on the Security Camera with zainab its the last time she was seen alive diana kerim aljazeera. Environmental groups are accusing Papua New Guineas government of sitting back while the countrys rain forests are destroyed the pacific nation has just overtaken malaysia to become the worlds biggest exporter of tropical hardwood Andrew Thomas went to palm ear to have a look at the impact of. The extreme leigh remote location of this rainforest used to operate protection but recently that changed. The forests around palmy zero are disappearing fast as they have been right around Papua New Guinea we have lost. Everything weve been here two years ago we would lose to new year and a new go to be tree or maybe looking at the birds flowing out all the troops but no look at this so we would have been in the middle of the forest yes we would be in the middle of the forest. Papua new guinea has more of asia pacific remaining rainforest than any other country but special agricultural business leases or. Threaten them they were supposed to be issued to Agricultural Companies to clear land they intended to farm on but most s. A. B. Else which now cover more than ten percent of Papua New Guineas in thailand mass were issued often corruptly to logging companies the timber is processed in china and sold on around the world as kitchen flooring Palm Oil Plantations are eventually planted but their reports substitute. Is supposed to avoid emotion and reports like this but this scene is just profoundly depressing when i first took my breath away i mean just look at it this is a landscape thats being scarred. Logging Companies Say they brought Jobs Services and roads to poor parts of Papua New Guinea and paid landowners but this satellite imagery with pictures taken in twenty thirteen and again this year shows in just one area the extent of whats been lost. John powell rear helped the Malaysian Company to negotiate its access but he quickly felt locals were being pressured into sunny onesided agreements i feel embarrassed i say i must tell you we were looking for yes this is why without considering all the simplifications we offered to bring him and we were in in places looking companies have subsidized the local police those trying to stop the loggers say theyve been beaten by them held in shipping containers and threatened with arrest hours given. Some on my farm and by a policeman in uniform carrying a gun and in the night. In Papua New Guineas capital two politicians and officials have been accused of being too close to the logging companies and of taking bribes to help deals go through the countrys new lands minister doesnt annoy that but says he is part of the solution is deals is a disaster its a disgrace theres definitely some that are illegal theres no question about it and they will be cancel they will be cancelled and all logging will stop but its not stopping were just painting these new britain the logging is devastating youre right it is not stopping because of the fact that we still have to go for the process theres a Legal Process love of the east but its going to stop it will stop in many places logging companies are appealing the cancellation of their licenses but while court cases drag on the trees keep falling under thomas aljazeera pommy or papa new guinea. There again im fairly battle with the headlines on aljazeera the United Nations spokesman on human rights is calling u. S. President donald trump a racist trant reportedly use a swear word to describe haiti as salvadoran african nations during a meeting on immigration a u. N. Spokesman says a comment validates and encourages racism africa and less than commentator out of a gay says champagne has a history of racist behavior. Is that this in the usa any is sure really going to need a display of this isnt tools for instance when the. G. Seven summit in italy recently even if you. List the. Early years even if you live in a resistor we know only i think it will also people who are musicians. Meanwhile donald trump is expected to reluctantly extend sanctions relief to iran mater on friday under the nuclear deal with world powers the u. S. Needs to reaffirm the agreement every ninety days but the president may impose separate u. S. Sanctions progress has been made to form a governing coalition in germany after months of uncertainty chance that im going to merkel and Opposition Leader martin shuls have agreed to move forward with formal negotiations after finding Common Ground on refugees and the eurozone catalonia is deposed leader economist boojum ont is meeting his newly elected m. P. s in brussels theyll be negotiating with other process session is parties there discussing the formation of a group in the parliament that we elect the regions next president with the hope of restoring leader more than seven hundred seventy people have been arrested across tunisia following five days of antigovernment protests people are angry at plans for tax rises and higher food prices activists are calling for a major demonstration this friday a Charity Group linked to the main suspect in the two thousand and eight mumbai bombing has held a rally in the pakistani city. Its one of a series of protests sponsored by the u. S. Decision to recognize them as israels capital the demonstrators are also angry at violence in the disputed kashmir region those are the headlines on aljazeera coming up next its inside story. The rebels in yemen say theyve built their own surface to air missile it comes days off to saudi arabia so that it intercepted a Ballistic Missile that was fired towards its territory so is there an end game to this near three year conflict this is inside story

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