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And of them are a col this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up the book criticizing Donald Trumps first year in office goes on sale despite the white houses attempts to block it. The u. N. Says it will investigate an attack in the democratic republic of congo that killed fifteen of its peacekeepers last month. A push against intolerance how modern Office Exhibition in indonesia is challenging vising censorship. Is here is a counsellor held a special session on the recent protests in iran with the us accusing tatiana of stifling the voice of its people the members objected to the meeting insisting the council wasnt the place to discuss a countrys internal affairs mike hanna reports from the United Nations. There was animated debate in the Council Chamber before the discussions began their members taken aback by the lack of notice from the u. S. In calling for this public debate the u. S. Ambassador adamant that it was essential iran be called to account if the founding principles of this institution mean anything we will not only hear their cry we will finally answer it the Iranian Regime is now on notice the world will be watching what you do russia had vehemently opposed what it saw as an unacceptable intervention in irans internal affairs but also argued that the us had another motive in pushing for this meeting used to meet with the blueprint the real reason for convening today is not to protect human rights or promote the interests of the iranian people but rather a veiled attempt to continue to undermine the Iranian Nuclear agreement would have an agreement that the french ambassador maintained in his speech was crucial also distancing himself from the u. S. Decision to call these discussions with your president but it is up to the arena and to the iranians to pursue the path of peaceful dialogue a dialogue based on full respect for the fundamental rights and freedoms of the rain people given speaking rights and the council irans ambassador described the u. S. Action as yet another attempt at political destabilization following such acts of disruption take in. U. S. Administration as flouting International Law and this is spect in the practices of civilized behavior in International Politics is that ministers in is not the spirit of leaching for every restaurant that keeps it a flute there is a long history of u. S. Bullying at the u. N. But this is posters example. And indeed at the end of the discussion members got up perhaps more divided than when they had. My kind of aljazeera United Nations. Oh yes actually of state Rex Tillerson has also been talking about iran specifically the twenty fifty nuclear deal he says the Trump Administration is looking for ways to keep the u. S. In the Agreement Congress is working on new legislation that could both the enforcement measures i want to suggest. For this lot of the other one. Number. By the twelve. We just call them little chance for. Further. Hussein is a political pawn of the Truman National security project and a former Obama Administration advisor she says any new legislation is a political move to shield trump from having to deal with iran agreement a tool but the reason why donald trump ate it is because when he ran for president you know he called it quote unquote the worst steel our ever but what we seen is that really hes not able to come up with a better deal hes certainly not able to in the case of north korea and so what theyre trying to do politically is just prevent their president from having to be the one to sign off on it to sign off on it every six months which is the current law and so what hes done is hes punted it to congress and theyre looking at ways that they can be creative now to essentially throw the ball into congresss Court Without essentially scrapping the deal altogether and so what hell do rhetorical as hell call that effects. Theres been a third day of rallies in support of government one of the largest was in the capital tehran where demonstrators chanted anti u. S. Slogans blaming washington for the on rest of a report from tehran. Another day of progovernment rallies in iran seemingly part of a two pronged approach to keep detractors off the streets a large show of public support and a heavy Police Presence across the country with critics inside and outside iran predicting the downfall of the Islamic Republic the government is determined to publicly project the power of the state at friday prayers in the capital to her own a senior cleric reminded people of irans real enemies who he says are behind the unrest in the country its say announced this is what is happening saudi arabia gave the money the u. S. Did the planning it was coordinated from u. S. Control very names in have gotten weapons are being transferred little by little to iran they wanted to finish is in february that was the plan. But he also sympathised with public demands for better Economic Conditions it turned all thought to have the protests was right those who lost their money and its not too long protest for them people are saying death to high prices were saying not what people are saying should be heard peoples rights shouldnt be missed in the middle of this mess. Meanwhile what was essentially a leaderless protest movement with competing demands seems to have fizzled out but on social media sites people are still sharing old videos of antigovernment demonstrations. Protests last week were the boldest challenge to rather stablish lives in nearly a decade the crowd sizes only ever numbered in the thousands in contrast in two thousand and eight more than a Million People came out into the streets to protest the reelection of president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad but for now activists who oppose the government have been sidelined by much larger crowds who support. The president has gone on another twice a tirade calling the author of book detailing his first year in office a total lizza but fire and fury is proving so popular books as a struggling to keep up with demand that asked about reports washington d. C. Crowd swarmed this washington bookstore at midnight friday snatching up copies of fire and fury inside the Trump White House present the crowds are no i cant take your order of the phone politics and prose opened it ten am within thirty minutes eager buyers had nabbed all thirty copies the store had im super excited to read this i went to a couple of different bookstores even midnight last night there was a another bookstore selling this they sold out in twenty minutes why are you so interested in this book. Why would i not be interested in this book it is so salacious and to see. Politics die hard and scary to read it at three hundred twenty pages this is a relatively like home but it is filled with explosive material the author Michael Wolff said he spent eighteen months conducting about two hundred interviews with senior white house staff in one passage wolf says former british Prime Minister tony blair offered this nugget of information to the president s son in law jared cushion or there was he suggested the possibility that the british had had the Trump Campaign staff under surveillance blair is denying the claim. Another passage describes a potential change in saudi arabia the president was considering before his trip last spring to the middle east in the days before his departure he was telling people that the saudis were going to finance an entirely new military presence in the kingdom supplanting and even replacing the u. S. Command headquarters in qatar fire and fury wasnt supposed to be released until tuesday but the books publisher moved the date up after attorneys for President Trump issued a cease and desist letter threatening legal action in an interview friday morning author Michael Wolff stood by his book and added this observation the one description that that everyone gave everyone has in common they all say he is like a childs. And what they mean by that is he has a need for Immediate Gratification its all about him the white house is labeling fire and fury tabloid trash President Trump wouldnt answer questions about the book friday afternoon but tweeted i never spoke to him for the book full of lies misrepresentations and sources that dont exist still fire and fury is yet another distraction for a white house that is trying to advance among other things a new immigration plan and a spending plan to avoid a looming Government Shutdown dian estabrook aljazeera washington oh Orthodox Christians around the world are getting ready to mark the Christmas Holiday and we can see some preparations underway for a parade in the occupied west bank city of back to him. And in istanbul armenians celebrating christmas the eastern orthodox faith follows the old julian calendar which puts the birth of jesus christ on or near january the seventh russians ethiopians and ukrainians are also marking christmas. Q. N. Is investigating last months attack in the democratic republic of congo that killed fifteen of its peacekeepers and suspects the allied Democratic Forces ugandan the group was behind the attack as fighters are known to be active in Congress North kivu province where the assault took place and says it will examine the circumstances surrounding the death of the towns and in the national and make recommendations. The a smell is a professor at the university of minnesota he joins us now from kosmo in somalia via skype thanks very much for being with us its the worst attack on u. N. Peacekeepers in recent history the un suspects the a. D. F. Is behind it what do you think happened. I think its very difficult to ascertain exactly what happened but its quite feasible dating that feature of the congo and. Western uganda that possibility exists but the United Nations also been known for not being always quite truthful about these matters so its quite difficult to spain whether its the ugandans all of my dishes in the congo all those the com has been terrible for a very long time the place in kinshasa so its hard to tell exactly what happened when you say the u. N. Has not always been truthful on these matters but what would the u. N. Have to gain by lying. To pay as we lost communications there with absolutely unfortunately the skype was not a good connection. Still ahead head on aljazeera a brutal cold spell grips the u. S. East coast at least eighteen people are killed after one of the western winter storms in recent history. And cartel wars press corps asked nations in a failing Justice System would have at the grim lead up to mexicos twenty eighteen president ial election. By the sky nine if a nation harbor or off the coast of the italian riviera. Hello and welcome to your International Weather forecast now were seeing some pretty unsettled weather developing across parts of western europe once again from this frontal system in this low Pressure Center so across northern parts of spain were seeing some heavy snowfall developing over the next twenty four hours or so heavy rain stretching up through central parts of france a little bit of snow around the alpine region thats going to intensify as you move on into sunday so there you see the snow also some strong winds coming into the eastern coast of spain and ready for to it looks pretty unsettled across central areas fairly quiet conditions the moment the best the weather across more southeast narrative should be fairly bright enough things with highs of Fifteen Degrees into north africa and that low pressure circulation i mentioned earlier is going to give some snow on the Atlas Mountains mountains pretty windy weather and wet weather for parts of morocco generally algeria too will see some unsettled weather conditions but further east it should be dry and fine for central parts of africa for the most part looking fine showers across uganda d. R. Congo and further south but otherwise for much of west africa weather conditions are looking good highs of thirty in akron and down a Tropical Cyclone continues to give vast amounts of rain across madagascar some severe flooding here. The way the sponsored by qatar. Has never been more available its a constant barrage every day but the message is simply stay. Plain good logical rational person crazy months and misinformation is right dismissal. Well documented accusations and evidence is part of genocide the listening post provides a critical counterpoint challenging Mainstream Media narrative at this time on aljazeera. And there again youre watching aljazeera as reminder of our top stories this hour here in Security Council is held a special session on the recent protests in iran but the u. S. Accusing terror on of stifling the voice of its people are the members including russia and france objected to the meeting insisting the council was not the place to discuss a countrys internal of. Us present donald trump has gone on a twitter tirade calling the author of a new book heavily criticized in his first year in office a total loser but foreign fury is proving so popular books others are struggling to keep up with the mob. And the u. N. Is investigating last months attack in the democratic republic of congo that killed fifteen tons of men peacekeepers here in suspects the allied Democratic Forces ugandan on the group was behind the attack. Zambia has launched a Major Military operation to stop a cholera outbreak more than fifty people have been killed in just over three months the u. N. Is providing two million vaccines and beds for sixteen hundred people victoria case and he has more. Extreme measures to contain a National Health crisis this is the barricaded zambias capital lusaka street sellers pitching in to help the military close off one of the citys crowded marketplaces that have become a breeding ground for cholera before the unsettling season there are those petition ready to terminate but recovered in season is getting. Deeper into a period where there will be prodded more doesnt see the world this is a government decided it needed discredited reports on thirteen defeat that the outbreak began at the end of september with bacteria showing off the shallow wells in two densely Populated Areas on the outskirts of the sunken the wells with built in but not. Before the disease spread to the city more than two thousand people have been infected in just over three months color is a bacterial disease usually spread through contaminated water that preys on the most vulnerable the frail and weak but even the healthy are at risk left untreated it can kill with an ounce with the backing of the u. N. Exam be a has launched a color a Vaccination Campaign set up Treatment Centers and closed off some public spaces. Church gatherings in the. Areas where the epicenter. Of now much. And the least as has been provided by our colleagues from the command center and not allowed funeral gatherings and not allowed public gatherings and. The ban extends to schools due to resume classes this week and two restaurants where Health Workers have found contaminated food the government says its confident the outbreak can be contained within the next few weeks but spreading the message of proper hygiene and sanitation may take longer than that the story. Of the latest report on summer biggest stories of the year we take you to a refugee camp in bangladesh its now home to hundreds of thousands of rangar who fled violence in manama child strafford reports on what the refugees face in the year ahead. With their three children across the border from myanmar into bangladesh the end of december. They joined the more than six hundred fifty thousand refugees who fled the military crackdown on the region in Rakhine State in western myanmar she says her husband was killed as they tried to flee. There not that betty we couldnt go anywhere because there was heavy fighting from all directions and my husband was shot dead by Security Forces there are very few people he still remain here they try to go to the forest and River Fishing but the military does not allow them they say you cant go there anymore and you cant harvest the paddies either so people are not able to work the million mom she tells us you are not surrender and there is no ranger in our country going to the country where there already hinges. Western governments including the u. S. Of call the crackdown on the predominately muslim or hinge or ethnic cleansing but myanmar has denied access to any independent investigation in Rakhine State the ranger have suffered a decades of persecution and violence they were stripped of their citizenship in what was then burma thirty five years ago the myanmar government considers them Illegal Immigrants from bangladesh and evidence of the brutality they have suffered in recent months is shocking food Charity Doctors without borders says at least six thousand seven hundred were killed by the myanmar Security Forces between the end of august and late september it says at least seven hundred thirty ranger children younger than five years old were among those killed mostly shot dead. Doctors without borders also says nearly ten percent of children who died were burned alive in their homes. At least five percent were beaten to death Human Rights Watch and aid organizations working in these camps in neighboring bangladesh say myanmar soldiers gang raped women and young girls the refugees have escaped deaths in myanmar but the struggle to survive in the camps goes on the u. N. Says seven percent of children here are suffering severe acute malnutrition a condition that will kill if not treated properly the biggest challenge that we face right now is that this is the Fastest Growing refugee in the world think about washington d. C. But without Health Services without medicines without proper access to food we know recent studies that eighty percent of new arrivals food assistance. If you know breaks or Communicable Diseases including measles and diptheria in the camps aid organizations estimate around seventy percent of the worlds a contaminated the governments of bangladesh and myanmar say they will proceed with a voluntary repatriation scheme in the coming weeks. Says she will never take her children back to myanmar until the government at least recognize them as a ranger until it guarantees them the same rights and security as citizens of the country they and hundreds of thousands of other ranger refugees were born in and call. Chance stratford aljazeera. Well our next story in the series takes a look at the upcoming Winter Olympics in south korea the games that have taken on a political dimension with north koreas willingness to take part but those athletes will be in for a cold treats the Opening Ceremony will be held outdoors for the First Time Since two thousand and six you can head that story here on that story here on out there on sunday. The threat of Political Violence is costing us. The lead up to mexicos president six more Public Officials have been killed in just the past few weeks two thousand and seventeen was the most violent year for the country with twenty three thousand recorded murders and europol i reports from mexico city. Local politics can be a dangerous business in mexico just ask people thirty year old political hopeful who wants to become mayor of the town of hope in the state of morelos. Is new to the political scene but he knows that the risk of harassment extortion and even death at the hands of organized crime is very real if. I knew i would be lying if i said i wasnt afraid it would also be a lie to say that fear is not in the back of my mind but today were motivated by our goal to make a better place. At least six mexican politicians have been killed in recent weeks this includes of all four seven i know whether the mayor of a small town in the state of get little who was murdered on new years eve. With a National Election drawing near political leaders in mexico. Worry over these types of attacks against Public Servants. But. I think this is a warning by organised crime against the Political Parties the problem here is impunity and the phenomenon of Political Violence the more this will continue because there is no punishment. Experts say that the rising level of violence in mexico is not only putting the lives of political candidates at risk but could also be frightening voters which could damage the democratic process less political participation less third now. Because of fear less political less people voting. I know about it and is hinders the strength of a democratic system. There are over three thousand four hundred elected positions up for grabs in the Upcoming Elections but its candidates for local posts who are especially vulnerable targets by organized crime twenty one local Public Servants were murdered in two thousand and seventy which was also a record breaking year for homicides in mexico the concern now is over the potential for yet another exceptionally violent year as we approach the two thousand and eighteen general election when read up a little aljazeera mexico city Election Officials in hundreds have rejected in the pale by the opposition to a result of novembers president ial vote president who. Was declared the winner last month after he narrowly defeated leftist candidate salvador. Officials say there wasnt enough evidence to support the oppositions claims of voter fraud. And these eighteen people have died in the us train one of the worst winter storms in recent history to hit the east coast it dumped thirty centimeters of snow and caused flooding in coastal areas emergency crews rescued people trapped by rapidly rising waters for cost as according the storm a bomb site climb under reports from new york. These are historically low temperatures throughout the east coast of the United States and how are people coping well if they dont have to go outside theyre not because officials are saying that these temperatures are so low its so cold that its dangerous and warning people not to go outside unless they absolutely have to for those that do its all about layering layering as many clears of clothes as possible to really get through these low temperatures now this is the east coast of the United States their use to cold wintery weather this time of year but this is different theres three key factors that are making this different a large amount of snow that is fall in number one more than thirty centimeters in some areas Hurricane Force winds are complicating matters and not only that a storm surge particularly in the north east and new england area of the northeast that are complicating matters as well combine all of that with incredibly low temperatures and youve got really historic freezing area here the mayor of new york city is saying that into friday night into saturday morning with wind chill factors it could get to negative twenty nine degrees celsius here the worst is certainly not over officials are saying that while the major storm has moved out that the temperatures are supposed to remain below freezing throughout the weekend so this area of the United States will not be warming up anytime soon. A little warmer a strain is Great Barrier reef is once again being threatened by a predator fish as being a major outbreak of the crown of thorns sawfish in the southern end of the reef. Say they have feasts in their way through the coral sophos a native to the area but when the numbers explodes complete devastating. And today is his First International modern art museum has opened his works that some may consider too controversial but local artists say theyre needed at a time of rising intolerance so fast and reports from jakarta. Indonesias vibrant art scene has found a new home indonesian contemporary and modern art combined with International Works makes up the private collection a quiet over the past twenty five years one of the countrys businessmen and is now being shown at the march on museum result is an unusual display of thought provoking pieces in a country where censorship has been on the rice like diesel for traits of the artist who became victims of an anti communist perch in the one nine hundred sixty s. Killing more than one Million People still a very sensitive issue today about their instinct as a museum we dont have any political opinion but we have to be honest about our history and showed real history of art in indonesia and what happened in the in sixty five is part of our history also linger yoni is back a controversial painting from the one nine hundred ninety s. Using hindu male and female symbols of fertile ety against the background of a rabbit script it symbolizes the merging of cultures and beliefs in indonesia when it was first shown conservative groups considered it an insult of islam and send Death Threats to the artist she was forced to flee the country fast enough but i have after i really hope people can now openly discuss the issue of pluralism this is the right moment tensions between the majority and minorities are only increasing because these issues are being politicized to divide and rule we have to reject this at the moment and we are back and look at the indonesian modern art is increasingly sold at auctions around the world but as yet to receive the same appreciation at home work by in human must reality one of indonesias best selling modern artist has been sold for one Million Dollars abroad so much on the sea and not only aims to create awareness for modern art among in the regions but also wants to bring the nation art to the world to say it has created a rare podium for low. And International Artists in their time increasing intolerance and selfcensorship something the government so far as failed to provide to make sure visitors from all walks of life can enjoy the art museum decided to sell tickets as cheap as cinema tickets knowing that many indonesians spend money to watch movies the strategy is working not all visitors are interested in the art on its own merits the infinity room by japanese artist kusama has been a big hit on instagram these visitors are queuing just to take a selfie but the museum hopes it will make an effort to see the other works as well step fastened aljazeera jack after. Go with aljazeera these are the top stories here and Security Council has held a special session on the recent protests in iran with the us accusing tehran of stifling the voice of its people other members including russia and france objecting to the meeting is this in the council is not the place to discuss a countrys internal affairs here is actually a state Rex Tillerson has also been talking about iran specifically the nuclear deal he says the trumpet ministrations looking for ways to keep the u. S. In the agreement i want to see just who will fulfill this one of the well first novel. By the twelfth. Were just talking about some little chance for fun. First. Here as President Donald Trump has gone on a twitter tirade calling the author of a book heavily criticized in his first year in office a total loser but fire and furious proving so popular booksellers are struggling to keep up with demand trump says the book is full of lies. The u. N. Is investigating last months attack in the democratic republic of congo that killed fifteen tons and then peacekeepers u. N. Suspects the allied Democratic Forces ugandan group was behind the attack Election Officials in honduras say there is not enough evidence to overturn results of novembers president ial election president. Was declared the winner last month after he narrowly defeated leftist candidate salvador nasrallah despite claims of voter fraud. At least eighteen people have died in the u. S. During one of the worst winter storms in recent history to hit the east coast the storm dumped thirty centimeters of snow and caused flooding in coastal areas forecast as a calling the storm a bomb site claimed all those christians around the world are getting ready to mark the Christmas Holiday preparations are underway for a parade in the occupied west bank city of bethlehem. And overseeing armenians celebrating christmas the eastern orthodox faith follows the old julian calendar which puts the birth of jesus christ on or near january the seventh. Headlines back with more news on aljazeera after the listening posts stay with us. Valued as a gem of africa nairobi has gone through many changes over the past decades took to aljazeera travels to the kenyan capital to him from those who witnessed the citys progress to becoming a metropolis and discusses where its heading now at this time on aljazeera. A couple she picked up. On our map conference. And they were forced to go out

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