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Nuclear missile concerns a top priority. Israels Parliament Passes a law making it harder to give off any faults of jerusalem to the palestinians and stops charities by the u. N. Security council from the collecting money. Nine iranians have been killed overnight in antigovernment protests according to state media it says at least twenty three people have died since the demonstrations began on thursday president has acknowledged the public anger but hes warning those breaking the law will be confronted matheson has more. Gunshots in the city of persia and on monday night. Demonstrators defy a Government Social media blackout posting these pictures from cities across iran of damaged cars crowds and burning buildings. Just hours earlier in the capital tehran there was little sign of the turmoil which is engulfed parts of the country but the issues which have sparked the protests such as iran stuttering economy after years of sanctions and the fear of unemployment are serious concerns for people here. Im working but in this society im always stressed about the possibility of getting fired the next day always being worried about my job my family the security of my family the main problems people are grappling with are their security the economy and their livelihood. And there are some who are poor and cannot make ends meet what should they do life is really difficult i have a daughter in. The high prices that really put me under pressure. Irans leaders say some protesters may have been provoked by Foreign Countries but they say they believe most are demanding more freedoms been as every man in my opinion we cant say whoever is taking to the streets has orders from other countries there might be a handful so its not like people have come to the streets to say that we want money bread and water you know they have other demands as well as allowing a freer environment us. President donald trump has tweeted that iranians are hungry for food and freedom and thats led to protests outside the white house demanding the removal of president rouhani on monday night protesters also continue to demonstrate against irans support for syrian president Bashar Al Assad as well as in lebanon and hamas in the occupied palestinian territories irans Republican Guard is threatening to stop the demonstrations but there are still calls for more protests rob matheson algis in. South korea has accepted the norths rare offer of talks proposing the two sides meet next tuesday the Unification Ministry said the talks would mainly focused on north koreas participation in the upcoming Winter Olympics in the south it follows kim jong uns new dress which struck a more friendly tone toward seoul south korean president lee j. In the said resolving the standoff over pyongyangs Nuclear Program is still a top priority. The improvement of relations between north and south korea cannot go separately with the resolving north koreas Nuclear Program so the Foreign Ministry should coordinate closely with allies and the International Community regarding this. Florence slowly has more from seoul. South korean officials have made it clear that the talks that theyre proposing to be held on january ninth focus on north korea sending their athletes to take part in the upcoming Winter Olympics and paralympics as well as on improving into career relations the last time these two countries held high level talks was in december two thousand and fifteen those talks broke down after south korea refused to resume sending leasure ter groups to north korea and we dont yet know how north korea is going to respond to this offer south korea said they tried to contact north korea via communication hotline this morning but nobody picked up this communication hotline had been severed since february two thousand and sixteen after north korea conducted a nuclear test the president of south korea has also made it clear that talks on denuclearization will have to involve the International Community but theyre hoping that separate south korean officials are hoping that these talks will help improve into career relations that him have been at their lowest point in decades Israeli Parliament has approved a bill making it harder to hand over parts of jerusalem to the palestinians under any future peace deal two thirds of the knesset must now prove giving up territory for deals agreed previously would have required a simple majority comes less than a month after u. S. President dog trump recognized the city as israels capital. As more from west jerusalem. At its core this new law would require that eighty of one hundred twenty knesset members or full two thirds of the knesset would now be required to approve any future legislation that would attempt to divide jerusalem essentially that would ensure that jerusalem would remain off of the negotiating table when it comes to any future peace talks of course that would complicate an already very complicated situation now this vote comes on the heels of another contentious vote vote that happened on sunday this was a vote by the Central Committee of the likud party they voted to annex large portions of the occupied west bank now the first thing to remember is that that resolution they voted on is not binding and also weve not yet heard any reaction from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as to whether he will indorse that resolution and actually try to take it to the knesset to get it passed into law but that resolution after it passed was causing great consternation and anger amongst palestinians of course palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas said that this was considered an aggression against the Palestinian People taken together with this new border really shows just how tenuous the situation remains and how uncertain things really are on the ground here. Israeli authorities have charged a palestinian teenager film slapping and kicking two of its soldiers in the occupied west bank sixteen year olds are had to mean he was arrested after this video was posted online two weeks ago a lawyer says the twelve counts relate to six separate incidents and she faces up to two years in jail and mother have also been charged. Pakistans government is banning charities linked to one of the main suspects in the two thousand and eight bombings from accepting donations. Has been designated a terrorist by the un and the United States so youve has repeatedly denied involvement in the attacks and the Pakistani Court found insufficient evidence to convict him. Joins us now live from islamabad so how are the moves against harbor side going down. Well first of all me it should be understood that day to day security the Exchange Commission which issued orders prohibit any group all individually or in the u. N. Watch list all banned within that country and that orders were didnt clued to stop all fundraising it would be no feigns punishable by law and therefore come down hard on all these organizations including seventy one organizations within pakistan by jim portly. There. And the f. I. F. A. Run by house they say they do have that tremendous contribution. That have struck targets on what the last several decades day contribution of cause its something which mens and day of course are one of the first. And any emergencies any ban on damage is not likely to go down because they do have considerable support across the country and the people are not in no mood for the government to buckle under pressure on that point of pressure is this being seen as the pakistani government responding to pressure from the u. S. Well on that particular front there is a surprising move on and defined theyre saying that this is unacceptable. And a rare move to august on the. U. S. Ambassador to the foreign office. Strong. Tweeted by. Their defense minister going as far as to say that the pakistanis are capable of defending their sovereignty and. The americans to fly dead of on wall on pakistani Strong Language coming out of the pakistani Prime Minister. Meeting will be attended by the naval and military chiefs and that is going to be crucial because the pakistani government is going to come out. Against war days. Statement by the u. S. From islamabad. Its been a lean tourist season on the indonesian island of bali as you to an erupting volcano arrivals in september have dropped by more than seventy percent indonesia has lost a billion dollars in revenue the government is trying to entice the tourists back also and reports now from bali. Inside the danger zone tourists are visiting ballys most famous temple the sucky life just seven kilometers from the crater of the erupting volcano and was off limits for the past three months the decision to reopen a tourist attraction shows the governments eagerness to lure visitors the whole gay know is still at its highest alert level or agree with this decision there are many other places where tourists can go in delhi we cant predict nature its a better to put safety first around five million tourists visit every year but after the eruptions and Airport Closure last month several countries including china issued travel warnings hotels far away from the volcano where i am and owners were forced to temporarily suspend staff. To reassure tourist president joke of a daughter took southeast at one of balis famous speeches tourism has recovered slightly during the Holiday Season but many balinese are suffering. Has worked as a guide on mt im going to take in around one thousand hikers every year since september his business has stopped promising and. I am confused what to do now i want to work but i have no other Work Experience than being a guy i hope someone can give us a job because all sixty two guides of a girl are now jobless and we have no money to go back to farming them. Vocal knowledge is saying nobody can predict how long will a rupture or if the eruptions will become bigger the last time it erupted in one thousand nine hundred sixty three it killed more than fifteen hundred people all living near the volcano while a volcano continues to erupt the government has gone out of its way to convince tourists that bali is safe outside of the danger zone ten kilometers from the crater the huge losses in tourist revenues has taken the authorities by surprise and some say this is a wake up call for the Holiday Island not to fully rely on to. As im i do we john has learned how fragile his business is over these past months his small resort in a safe area near the volcano has been mostly empty and he hasnt been able to pay his staff. What i have learned from the situation is that we have no choice then to accept what happens to us and start to look for alternatives if my resort business fails then maybe i can start selling food. But not all is lost for some tourists the erupting volcano has become an attraction in itself perhaps with the right Safety Measures in place bali could used to spec to call of nature to its advantage step fasten aljazeera cinnamon bali. Still ahead on aljazeera we look at the Success Story of a tiny minority in the jap making a major contribution to the economy plus. In a few months time the stands here at Luzhniki Stadium in moscow will be filled with football fans from all over the world armory chalons and ill have more on this later in the program with russia now in its world cup year. From the Clear Blue Sky of the doha mooney. To the fresh fruits and grease in the city you know. How ive got most Stormy Weather piling in across western parts of here looking very just for many of us haze and steria of clouds wind and rain weve seen a fair amount of Stormy Weather affecting western france recently and this was the scene there just twenty four hours ago all size and very high waves heavy seas are rolling in winds gusting to around one hundred thirty Kilometers Per Hour at times and i think we could see similar strikes on those winds over the next couple of days the possibility the potential full widespread destruction as a result of that where you are looking thirteen fourteen celsius there for london temperatures should be about six o seven that this time of the year that mahler cosa comes all the way down across the peyronies into the alps and that does bring with it the threat of avalanche risks over the next couple days the temperatures up and down somewhat so that could cause some problems as you can see touching twelve celsius by wednesday off name thirteen there for london dry abroad skies coming in behind at fifteen and paris really is very much on the mild side may want to post all the parts of africa well again quite a brisk breeze coming in for those Northern Areas temperatures now to sit around twenty degrees celsius or about with a high of twenty four. The weather sponsored by cattle race. You are making very pointed remarks there on line the main u. S. Response to drug use and the drug trade over the last fifty years has been criminal or if you join us no evil person just wakes up the over the morning in the sense i want to cover the world in darkness this is a dialogue that could be leading to some of the confusion about people saying they dont actually know whats going on join the conversation at this time on aljazeera. Youre watching aljazeera time to recap our headlines now nine iranians have been killed in antigovernment protests according to state media says at least twenty three people died since the demonstrations began on the first day president has the rouhani has acknowledged the public anger with his warning those breaking the law will be confronted. South korea has accepted a north rare offer of talks for opposing the two sides meet next tuesday follows kim jong uns new year address struck a more friendly tone towards. Israeli parliament has approved a bill making it harder to hand over parts of jerusalem to the palestinians under a future peace deal two thirds of the knesset must now prove giving up territory. More now on the protests in iran trita parsi is founder and president of the National Iranian American Council he says the demonstrations are not being influenced by external forces. Ive not seen any evidence that would suggest that these rallies or any other country really has much of an impact on the ground now clearly weve seen that both the president of United States and the israeli Prime Minister have tweeted and are trying to push themselves into the conversation but i really doubt that people on the ground in iran are taking any cues particularly not from donald trump of the israeli Prime Minister who carry absolutely zero credibility on the streets of iran with more than anything else theyre frustrated by the Economic Situation which is much much bigger than any questions about how you run is spending the money regionally theres corruption at home the economy has not developed in the way that people expected as a result of the nuclear deal and instead of seeing things moving in the right direction people feel that particularly the six past months things have been moving in the opposite direction theres wages that have not been paid out for months so all of these things coming together creates a tremendous degree of discontent in society which leads to a scenario in which a lot of people even those who are not protesting and we even may disagree with the way the protests are taking place nevertheless they feel that frustrations are justified. Houthi rebel fighters in yemen say at least thirty people have been killed or injured in airstrikes in the port city of data Saudi Led Coalition planes reportedly targeted two vehicles carrying hoofy fighters which stopped at a petrol station and got our district vocal sources tell juicer a number of civilians were among the dead another strike targeted a local market. Syrias government has launched at least twelve airstrikes against rebel held areas just outside the capital damascus according to opposition activists this video is said to show the attacks on neighboring suburbs in eastern water fighting has intensified there in recent weeks the u. N. Says about four hundred thousand people were trapped under a government siege of the area. The u. S. State of california new rules have made it legal to buy marijuana for Recreational Use customers were queuing up when this shop in oakland opened at six am waiting to buy the drug legally without a medical prescription about ninety stores were allowed to start selling cannabis on new years day. So no tree is the director of the drug policy project at the institute for policy studies he says with california being the sixth largest economy in the world legalizing marijuana will push other countries to follow suit. Its certainly good from a criminal justice point of view in a tax revenue point of view this is a quite a Dramatic Development california is the sixth largest economy in the world you can now drive from all the way in the Arctic Circle in alaska through canada down Washington State oregon california all the way to the mexico border and thats all legalized cannabis zones now so california because its also the home of the Entertainment Industry in such a powerful economy is a is a real juggernaut for change elsewhere in the country and indeed around the world what this does to the black market is the dust that makes the profits in the black market the black market only existed because of cannabis prohibition or over regulation so that people were willing to engage in a criminal side of the market but they would charge a huge risk premium so thats where the real money comes from in illicit drug sales is not from the cost of manufacturing itself but from the fact that its illegal and that people are incurring tremendous risks in terms of jail time for these things thats where you take thats where the profit comes from and this will pop that bubble california is experiencing a new gold rush thousands of people first arrived in the Nineteenth Century hoping to find a fortune recent heavy rain has made it easier to extract the precious metal rod browns joins for spanked is turning to strike gold. Deep in these rugged hills and plunging valleys a new age of gold has dawned and modern day prospectors are on the march in search of the glint of glittering gold and there are still gold in them there are hills theres a lot of gold out here members of the delta Gold Diggers Club are panning and pounding cameras and digging sluicing and sloshing in ice cold california streams in years past the gold was hidden beneath tons of gravel built up in the stream beds but furious rain storms and floods burley or this year change that virtually overnight the rains scoured the canyons and made gold here to find you had to work for an hour solve before to disk it down to the bedrock that start moving that bedrock around breaking apart and getting the grout the dirt that has sunk in over thousands of years and get the gold thats in those cracks hours of work shifting boulders earned mike steele a golden reward worth about twenty dollars this is the heart of the historic California Gold rush country the discovery of gold here in eight hundred forty eight set off an unprecedented global Bass Movement of people sailboats steamships and horse drawn wagons brought three hundred thousand gold crazy migrants from the eastern u. S. Europe and from as far away as china and she lay the surge of gold stimulated Economic Growth around the world but the influx of miners devastated native american tribes in the region gary taylor understands what brought the hordes to california nearly one hundred seventy years ago a favor if you find some then that in this kind of that way then it keeps going the final bend think ok lets come back and find some more jay randall struck gold not much its true a little back and i found that people were looking for but hes perfectly happy anyway i just like to get out and. See if you can find something kathleen borghi hasnt found any gold birds shes having fun getting out in the forest. And digging around in the ground. How i make in my. Gold fever still alive and well in the california hills rob reynolds aljazeera near columbia california. A large fire at a drinks factory in camerons largest city has destroyed a nearby school and several homes witnesses say the blaze started in alcohol vats at the factory and. Firefighters couldnt stop the flames spreading to surrounding buildings reinforcements were called in from the nearby airport. Tunisia where in west africa now a rags to riches story arabs in the remote northern desert region represent less than half of one percent of the twenty Million People and theyve become some of the most prosperous after centuries of being marginalized you see some credit their success to the governments policy of Racial Inclusion mohamed valley explains. It takes some one and the pride to reach the native. Minority. There are villages already most needy populated due to decades of drought. Only a few life muslim gold hundreds of kilometers to the northeast of the capital niamey continue to struggle for survival. And struggle to keep our culture on life to go to support. We are teaching koran to our children to preserve our religion islam and our arabic language to without the schools we would not have been able to preserve them was hobbes migrated to this area from north africa in the sixteenth century they brought with them their camels and theyll trade skills. That i believe the god of the who did when they arrived here the area was ruled by the. The arabs who excelled in trade hold an alliance with them even before the arrival of the french colonize ation they were trading in camels within the neighboring countries libya and ill geria they even traded in clothes which was prohibited by the french. But even though theyre small in number and have recently been driven from countryside to city by natural hardships they soon began to the adopt not only that but to excel in value some of us are now responsible for more than sixty percent of the jeffs industries and ninety percent of its transport most bus lines linking initial to west africa are owned by then they have shares in local companies and own several factories built what it allies and neighbors in the north recognise the contribution made to the development of the asia. No doubt arabs are a minority however their presence is strongly felt namely embassies all credit goes to the arabs who started modern Transportation Companies connecting with all cities and villages these companies also provide Job Opportunities arabs of new year explored various types of msdos as their scope for entry. Despite its Ethnic Diversity in asia seems to have successfully managed its racial problems and in turn it into a degree that broke out in the north in one thousand nine hundred and in a solid Peace Agreement in two thousand and nine. No both dragon and doing a sizable representation in the government and parliament to many troubled region proves into peace benefits nations. Are. Next in our series on what to expect to be some of the big stories of two thousand and eighteen we report from russia its for pairing to host the football world cup in just over six months the event is a chance for russia to showcase itself in a positive light at a time when its on the western sanctions and in the shadow of a sports doping scandal or a challenge reports from moscow. Empty stadiums often have an atmosphere of expectation about them they need the roar of a crowd to bring them alive and moscows Luzhniki Stadium fresh from a complete refit is waiting for the biggest footballing spectacle of them all this is the direct construction took about three years then talk or if it had to be demolished except for the external walls the steady him is a High Technology facility the base has natural grass with a special ventilation and a heating system and there are more than sixty five kilometers of engineering tubes under. The readiness of russias twelve world cup stadiums is facing the usual precon petition scrutiny catherine bergs temporary stance raise concerns a few months ago assures us everything will be fine all together theyll be seven matches played here at luzhniki including the opening match the semifinal and the final itself together with the olympics the world cup is one of the two biggest sporting events in the world which makes it not just about football but about politics to. The glory of russias last big sporting bonanza barely lasted beyond the closing ceremony two thousand and fourteen Winter Olympics in sochi were tarnished first by russias military involvement in ukraine. In and then a widespread doping scandal so providing everything goes well this summer the world cup is an opportunity to mend russias reputation somewhat and it happens to be a president ial Election Year to disperse is extremely tremendously important for russian politics for russia as empire of. Military force and. To lesser extent Economic Force political force. Sports means kind of a war fare for the salutes National Pride matters hugely in russia particularly with many people left poor up by the recent recession in a wintry central moscow they dare to hope. Of course we believe in our Football Team we believe in our victory we will aim for the finals we are supporting them we believe in them this is our russia summer cant come soon enough rory chalons aljazeera moscow. And next in our series will be looking at the upcoming winter Olympic Games in south korea and safety concerns about the host town not far from the north koreas border thats on wednesday right here on aljazeera. And lets take you through some of the headlines here now just here in al nine iranians have been killed in antigovernment protests according to state media he says at least twenty three people have died since the demonstrations began on thursday hundreds more have been detained president has the raw and he has acknowledged the public anger but hes warning those breaking the law will be confronted. South koreas accepted the norths rare offer of talks proposing the two sides meet next tuesday the Unification Ministry said the talks were mainly focused on north koreas participation in the upcoming Winter Olympics in the south it follows kim jong uns new year address which struck a more friendly tone towards seoul south korean president said resolving the standoff over pyongyangs Nuclear Program is a priority. The improvement of relations between north and south korea cannot go separately with the resolving north koreas Nuclear Program so the Foreign Ministry should coordinate closely with allies and the International Community regarding this is very parliament has approved a bill making it harder to hand over parts of jerusalem to the palestinians under a future peace deal two thirds of the knesset must now approve giving up territory becomes less than a month after u. S. President donald trump recognized the city as israels capital pakistans government is banning charities linked to one of the main suspects in the two thousand and eight mom by bombings from accepting donations half as it is being designated a terrorist by the un and the United States seders repeatedly denied involvement in the attacks a Pakistani Court found insufficient evidence to convict him is called for nationwide protests over the move. Pakistan has hit back at criticism from the us president don trump meanwhile that pakistan is not doing enough against armed groups he said the u. S. Had foolishly handed pakistan more than thirty three billion dollars in aid pakistans foreign minister dismissed the tweet as a political stunt. Says trumps trying to blame pakistan for the u. S. Is failure to win the war in neighboring afghanistan islamabad has summoned the u. S. Ambassador in protest those are the headlines the news continues after this stream stay with us. Head of the september twenty Fourth National Election Survey showed a satisfied to the state of their economy this is easily the biggest tech Success Story. Two thousand and eleven we bring you the stories shaping the economic world we live in counting the cost at this time. And here in the stream today from poverty to parliament to uganda an afro pop star and newly elected in. Uganda as the robert better known by his stage name

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