A building in the south causing damage but no casualties meanwhile hundreds of palestinians across gaza and the occupied west bank took part in protests for the fourth day in a row theyre angry at u. S. President Donald Trumps decision to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel has more now from gaza. The edge of gaza city is just a couple of hundred meters over there and this is the border with israel the separation friends wall surrounds gather all step aside to the camera can zoom in a bit for the fourth friday in a row people gathered at rallies in the city after friday prayers coming from the mosques and then some people from those rallies came here to the border to demonstrate its been like this for the last month ever since President Trump announced that the u. S. Would recognize to use them as the capital of israel and demonstrators are trying to get as close to the fence as they can to throw stones and plant palestinian flags. Start fires as well those plumes of black smoke you can see here from fires and burning tires and the israeli armys response with tear gas and some gunfire weve heard that more than ten people have been injured in the violence today in the unrest here and in four of the places along the border at least nine people have been killed and five wounded in an attack on a church and a christian owned shop in egypt the gunman was arrested after opening fire outside the church as a service was taking place place Charles Stratford has more. The suspected attacker lives on the ground its believed hes wearing a suicide vest which you can state t. V. These pictures spilled outside the Coptic Church of modern mena in assault in cairo suburb. Of year. Thank god they locked the door there were hundreds inside if getting close a door on time it could have been worse than did attack and the road the mosque in a sign like this is the latest of a number of attacks on Egypts Christian minority which represents about ten percent of the population the likely suspects or two organizations really that has been consistently targeting since twenty fifteen in sinai so this on a province or the small decentralized cell of affiliated with isis but putting in the valley and the primaries to small and cells one in cairo and one in central delta problem is that there is no clear counterterrorism and counterinsurgency policies so far dealing with this threat and for a while egypt has been just continuing the same blunders in the same mistakes egypt has been under a state of emergency since april when suicide bombing struck two Coptic Church is killing at least forty five people on palm sunday a local affiliate of lysol claimed responsibility. The government has deployed more Security Forces outside churches in recent weeks in anticipation of attacks over the Christmas Period Egypts Christians have a long accuse the authorities of not doing enough to protect them this attack will likely make those accusations louder chaunce transferred aljazeera. Police in iran have used water cannon and tear gas to disperse hundreds of antigovernment demonstrators protests broke out in the western city of comanche a day after hundreds rallied in irans a second largest city of mashad they demanded the lower living costs and. Release of Political Prisoners south africas top court has ruled that parliament failed to hold president jacob zuma to account in a scandal over a multimillion dollar upgrades to his private home last year the court concluded that zuma had violated the constitution when he benefited in appropriately from state funding for raise and candle a home its the latest in a series of president ial scandals that have tarnished the reputation of the Ruling African National Congress Stay with us coming up next that once upon a time in a punchbowl looks at the history of australias Lebanese Community. Trying to its right in front of in order to get away from the work that was happening at the top. And they came here to restart their life. As a margaret when i first arrived at this rally i like it i i struggled. It was very difficult. I wanted to give us. That was a part of the beginning so much like the recent forced along. The decades lebanese families come to australia to build a better life and escape the destruction. That many demonized in a new land we live an easy to. Get rid of multiculturalism because that is. Then after fifteen years of immigration from lebanon anglo and arab australia is divided by the first gulf war they are being confronted with a choice between being on the air or restraint because up to now the multicultural story is. Both. First. Order to answer this question are going to start inside this room. Doors trailer and i shouldnt be asked about this. On my out a seat to accept it as a struggle. To be on the blog about this. Old in one thousand nine hundred a tiny criminal minority become drug dealing gangsters define the real loose games will be watched. In two thousand and one terrorism raises fears that arab australians are an enemy within the party of terrorists or the rival in all of my five years later and our attention explodes into one of the most infamous race riots in a strain in history dont go to the middle east to buy into the weekend of now that we have been in the eye for sure if it forces a team you have people converged on print out what they tried to outwit. What happened on that sunday in court all of it is a black or for a country. Im a live in is the one stone is what i am what i dont know i am a straw man i am lebanese i am a majority. Im all that i want this is a story of what its like to be lebanese and colas trying. We are striving and this is our homeland and says where we belong and this is what we have. It was billed as the die could not the residents would take back the beaches. But it should be told by. The sunday that the ride occurred all i remember seeing is so many people pushing and shoving so many angry faces. I felt very hurt and i thought you know what we dont see you like. What is it about us that you hate so much in two thousand and five. In high school but like the rest of the lebanese a straining Community Feels under attack. By at all the more turned on any one of the least in appearance by members up stairs in my bedroom watching t. V. And all i remember is the night going from just a normal i pace watching to be to just panic and chaos and i remember feeling terrified i felt very very scared as it were my dads anyway. As the horror of the days events unfold. Father Community Leader jamal rifi is frantically on the fine. I spoke with many Community Leaders at the time that we needed cooler heads to prevail brothers in the tickets. And we needed to act and act quickly because if we didnt then we would lose control. It was a very very touchy touchy tone there was a lot of angry people but the things that was said religion and the things it was a communal well melissa being. Disrespected the more disrespect in our. Sam al qaeda grows up in punchbowl hes been going to cronulla since he was a child. And is married to an anglo astray in. My inlaws were living it could all or some or cold of my wife and said. Oh you and your sisters and your father isnt as close as i want to and thats. Because no one no one wants to say stuff like that in this country we dont need to be able to come here and inspire hatred over frustration in parks all over theres no need for. As not phones on this day of shame hundreds of angry lebanese is trainmen a gathering in punch ball park i looked outside the window on my own health i saw one car to come three or four unto us all go home. To the boys. Just ready to. Revenge was the only thing on them what. On the night of the riots kemal saleh is a High School Student living with his parents across the road from the park. Always angry i guess they were angry too youre talking about one hundred fifty boys guarantee that all saw in one house in front of poncho park something that ive never seen before. Little brother had he is just ten years old at the time of the riots that in chewers hadley understands the crisis that police are about to face the asteroid forelocks a ten fifteen minutes it was very calm very good no no swearing no music no nothing it was very calm by you could say the boys were angry they came or met up together. You had one place car that was coming up the street from the back of punch road going once the place of the came thats when everyone jumped back may cause and started to leave one by one. And the falls over in a few minutes they all go on to. Always in the car with. A young guy who had a very serious weapon on him and to actually be in the car with somebody who was really to use. You know a powerful weapon was scary. At the time of the riots muhammad is in hes a conditioning apprenticeship and hes quickly swept up in the call for revenge. There were guys there who are. Who were ready to kill. And once we left we went from from suburb to suburb around the corner are looking for trouble. Even the most the most articulate and the most intellectual people in our community with filled with outrage because how much can someones. Before they crack. Seen up to eight pm dozens of cars a straining towards cronulla seeking revenge. And its probably the revenge attacks that were most shocking. To people because almost like the wider public could understand young your drunken australian prices. What they couldnt in visits was this forwarded cavalcade of dozens of cars bicycling much on the east nothing like that ever happened in australian history. Gangs of them in the middle eastern origin. Bank. It was all for the first time i saw a figure about a man walk in downs a strict and people bennies backgrounds they come in and attack him i cried. I just could not believe my eyes. Could have been me in a coronata or someone else working down the street in punchbowl. By nine pm the police have set up roadblocks all around. And the convoys of cars still pouring in change routes. Decides tactically to simply avoid kuala columbus on the place to get into whereas the east and boat shoes much more open and much more available to a sort of widespread scatter gun attack and people peel off theyre angry and they feel. To what the hell my life once they have been attacked in such a scarlet. Remorseless why they feel that bets are off i can do what i want to. Buy ten pm to beachside suburbs of brighton the sands in the rubra are under attack was. The shocking violence continues into the early hours of monday morning. Live in a store im still just jumped out at my husbands truck a large. Fresh every single car in the street got the shovel of his truck through it strikes rampage and we know it was absolutely love its no big surprise you know were a lot of the thinking thats really stupid what you know what good does that do how to. How does the car being damaged solve anything. We got some river and we got pulled over by the police. They were. Prop against a bus stop and searched and then. They started searching the car and the cops just said. In a noise way and i get the f. Out he get in the car to look you know. Its a relief from the homage and phonemic his future wife i was really shocked that i was one of the guys that went down only because its really out of character for him like hes really much more logical than that but at the same time i can really understand i can put myself in that position i can understand being an eighteen year old guy whose whole world is falling apart because people will not stop picking at every bit of you. When i go home i thought of bell how stupid i was and how stupid we were. Something serious could have happened to myself or to somebody else. And it could have been. Incredibly bad thing for me growing up it couldve destroyed me the. Sunrise the next morning a nation awakes in Shock Therapy zero zero zero riot said train a drunken right they have. Believing that he or terrorism has to play investigators are seeking several miles of middle eastern appearance from i raise my pie its like a although were really going to think. The next day would return that its like any other day kids went to school i went to work but we knew deep down that the emotions is bored like. Then we started to get a lot of hate mail. So early monday morning straight after the come over or its some time i should start coming to the police that there was going to be some retaliation. And some violence towards look in the mosque. Denny mccarty is a lebanese a strain senior constable in the New South Wales police and is still reeling from the nights events. I was quite disappointed to being devastated at the retaliation because i was hoping would be better than that i was hoping that. Members of our community wouldnt get sucked in to. You know putting the shoe on the other foot. It reside with me that we need to keep it close eye on the tension so i attended the very early. The mosque staff knew me very well ive been working the fees and initially there was absolutely no problems but as the i was went on the crowds began to swell and very quickly there were thousands of people down there. And what was interesting was that the people that were starting to come down there definitely one of an islamic background a myriad of cultures of those greeks italians different types of europeans as darkness falls the atmosphere is increasingly volatile. I was at the corner of punchbowl road and i was told it was the Police Offices and you could feel the tension. You could taste the anger. And you could anticipate support. I remember that evening sitting at my parents place and i you know they live on the whites are like a mosque. And sort of like its a people zooming past young people running out of them all that sort of think these are young people you know not only middle east and but also so muslim. Law muslim. Non arabic. Whatever you whatever you want to say it was probably actually the most multicultural like a mad brain. And i asked somebody said whats going on he said i havent heard you know the gangs are coming down here they apparently want to come and burn the most you know im going to let them. Then High School Teacher jihad jihad learned that two of his brothers are in the crowd outside the mosque i thought my brothers. My brothers are there and before anything else my familys the most important thing to me. And im going to go for my brothers im going to get from the rear bring them out as i would i need to shoot. God damn it. And they would have been thousands and thousands of people at the. If i were a public about moscow and we have to buy them on a shelf they all have get it that is obviously a stop at the place. At the corner of my on notice freelance photographer and within an instant you could see. Members of the credit spotting. And like a muppet just steal towards me. Just sprinted ahead of the crowd and gone straight to him. Just asking and telling him get in the car and get out of here so hes got in the car and driven off and im feeling pretty good about myself ive got rid of that situation but ive looked over my shoulder enough noticed thousands of very angry people now who had someone else to base the frustrations at and ive just run towards me. So ive said to myself ok this will be the last day for me on earth. So i quit praying just brace for impact. And as im watching these thousands of people run towards me. All of a sudden look like a black why did i just this stopped. Members of the mosque had formed a human china all the way around me and they shoot at me from the bulk of this writing force of a crowd. Within about a few seconds i started to the most beautiful sound in the world which was placed orange coming in from everywhere and i remember turning to a colleague and i said. Thats how thank you for the years of hard work at this mosque and thats a day that i remember that thats the day that the community saved my life. The bright light in the door was that it was people who were muslim remember talking to i priest though people who were fights of all communities and just what are you doing i would have been in a mosque but also i had weapons a bigger one to fit into. Your mind of the call for them to get even raise your hand and. It was like these. Holy places off limits. Remember it came time for prayer and it was like this and chris ok everybody plays his prank. There were actually coming down. And it to be surely people dispersed. But as they struggled to contain the rage of the dispersing crowd Community Leaders fear the worst. Well i know from people who. Actually does it have. And i was quite a lot. Of bold old baseball bats there was a lot of guns out there. And i was very affected. By eight pm the crowd is still fuming and large groups gather at a nearby service station. I know one pm its clear that the horror of the night before is about to be repeated. The middle east was on the move with the second strike. The next morning Community Leaders make calls to the place and New South Wales premier. I knew we needed to act but when it to at the quick otherwise we will not be able to contain the situations supreme new source wells was contacted and we told them what we should be done on the fifteenth of december. Newsource was parliament was a recall for one solution to actually posit you just lay should look down. To maintain a lockdown hundred to pull a stopping vehicles coming out the british interests doubling child care report to you that the police will step up their efforts to bring in the fives and drops your response of all for those not time attacks to justice. The tough new laws result in the Biggest Police operation since the sydney olympics with two thousand place setting up road blocks on major roads going into for nala and all the major beach side suburbs unfortunately some of the televisions took place but. I missed it earlier so it could have been taos. Some people think it means that the muslim Lebanese Community is going to withdraw into itself turns back on australia and bunkered down in some sort of see each others see it as a cathartic moment which to my agent after years of separation and mutual antagonism. The future after an hour is going to be very difficult. As the new dont the horrifying events of december two thousand and five still reverberate among Community Leaders in a place that. I think anyone who saw the level of anger and venom that was sort of coming out of the series of events that became known as a chronometer riots was very disturbing at the end of it all i think some good came of it in a sense of everybody having to step back take a deep breath and say we dont want that to ever happen again. Canara is a turning point the government realizes that it cant allow a continuing demonize ation of muslims the muslim communities widely in the lebanese in particular say they have to reengage with the wider society. The community in chronology and the shire realizes that they have to Start Building bridges. People are looking far more for ways of bringing people together than of dividing them and from that point on you start to see a lot more energy put into rebuilding the fabric of australian society. That we really need to be proactive into building bridges between over a community and the shia communities. We needed to get them to know us who we are rather than read about us we concentrated on to open our border mosques to do barbecues to invite people to come along there was a big transform a shots at that time following chronology of events. Three months after the riots a new bond between wider and arab astray is formed on canal a beach. Working with the Surf Lifesaving Association and canalis shia council the lebanese a strain Community Launches an initiative called on the same way. Where she thought about we train some muslims in becoming law if that is. January on jesse the african heads of state and government will gather in at his ababa for the thirtieth assembly of the African Union where the goals set out say in twenty seventeen minutes rewind returns with brand new episodes updating some of the best aljazeera documentaries from over the years the biggest names in politics in business will meet in the swiss alps for the World Economic forum what will be talk of the agenda that the house song engages in rigorous debate cutting through the headlines on all fronts and in the week our special coverage will be gauging reaction from around the world to americas most controversial president of modern times january. And she managed tarrying. For truth and war commander. Giovanni did you know a retired bosnian army general who defended setting a vote against attacks by sir forces. World and covers a story of tough choices and determined to hurt. That it gave a measure at this time an aljazeera. We understand the differences. And the similarities of cultures across the world so no matter how you take it aljazeera will bring you the news and Current Affairs that matter to al jazeera. Hello im Barbara Starr in london these are the headlines on aljazeera israeli tanks and aircraft have fired on targets in gaza in response to rockets fired into israel the military says its Aerial Defense system intercepted two rockets causing panic on the ground it says a third rocket hit a building in southern israel causing damage but no casualties but at least fifty Six Palestinians were injured in clashes with Israeli Forces during protests against President Trumps recognition of jerusalem as israels capital hundreds of palestinians them straight across gaza and the occupied west bank for the fourth friday in a row i saw has claimed responsibility for an attack on a Coptic Church in egypt which killed nine people two others were killed on the way to the church just south of the capital cairo the gunman was arrested after opening fire as a service was taking place. Not a bit of thank god the lock the door there were hundreds in sight if didnt close the door on time it could have been worse than did tack and mask in china. Police in iran have used water cannon and tear gas to disperse hundreds of antigovernment demonstrators protests broke out in the western city of kermanshah a day after hundreds of rallied in irans second largest city of mashad the protesters condemned the governments economic policies chanting slogans against the high cost of living and demanding the release of political prisons south africas top court has ruled parliament failed to hold president jacob zuma to account in a scandal over a multimillion dollar upgrade to his private home last year the court concluded that zuma violated the constitution when he benefited in appropriately from state funding for ease unkindly home its one of a series of president ial scandals that have tarnished the reputation of the Ruling African National congress Indias Parliament has approved a bill making the practice of instant divorce in muslim communities illegal offending husbands could be imprisoned for up to three years instance of the bourse also known as triple tulloch is a muslim practice whereby a marriage is ended by saying you are divorced three times i have more news for you on the aljazeera news hour thats coming up in less than half an hour coming up next though once upon a time in a punch bowl continues. Three months after the riots a new bond between wider and arab astray is filmed on canal a beach. Working with the Surf Lifesaving Association and canal a shy accounts on the lebanese a strain Community Launches an initiative called on the same way. We should what about we trying some muslims in becoming law if that happens. So not only did i say were being a lot stivers about but i also i can give an opportunity if people understand what they are about. I guess having witnessed the kernel riots and other forms of. Racist attacks. I fell into the trap of the victimized ation mentality where those poor me poor muslims poor lebanese. You know im sitting the hair thinking you know this person needs to do something and this person thats to do something i thought why didnt i do something. Is nineteen years old and about to make history shes the first muslim woman to ever train as a lifesaver and is one of the first to wear the a strain designed caney. Day. Putting on the rick amy. It was amazing. It gave me the freedom. Within the water. It was an amazing feeling to be back into the ocean swimming comfortably freely. Did the training logs other seventeen and we had many injuries. Someone broke. Some of my injuries included a fractured nars in a way of had common had lifted the board and so it had smacked me right in the faith i had severed tendons in my fingers i sprained both ankles at the same time even though i had sustained all of those injuries i just kept going because i wanted to be able to achieve my bronze medallion so its a great personal achievement show me. One of my proudest moment in my Community Life when those kids graduated with a truly each hour were in the look in that mecca. And that led. Katie patrolling the beach as a volunteer i was proud of what she has done australia should be proud of what she has done because what she did was first and no good. In the end the initiative does not end bigotry on the beach racial harmony is more an uneasy truce. But make a law and her fellow lifesavers make their point. I wanted to be able to put out there that muslims and muslim women in particular as well are just as easy as anyone else and. I. That having achieved that that that message somehow resonate had to with their own one. Three years later make a large joins jamaal jihad southwest sydney labor in pay jason clare and the future minister for immigration Scott Morrison on a journey to the very heart of what it is to be a stray and today the coda track. Jason was to bring kids you know muslim kids and scott was to bring Life Services from the sharia. To go to the my cheap trick because it has other people from different sides can be mites everything about my chick everything that what occurred it was about stood for. That sense of sacrifice that sense of belonging. We wanted to take that was true and go through that experience. But once youre in conditions like that youre walking through the mud you know in a rain forest its quite easy to to look beyond physical appearance so a lot of people didnt say me in or as they go that way this calf and i didnt say that person as just a lifesaver. You couldnt say that one person was more astray end than the other. One we stood at anzac day as it is short of a memorial and let me tell you one thing all over differences melted into one we were all one we were all australia. And there is one other bridge being built the police have been working at improving their relations. With the community for the past six years but the canal or riots is the catalyst for even more action. Weve ramped up because really as an officer program these are not Police Officers and sworn staff as we call who are imbedded in a writ large number of police stations around the the sydney area we established a Consultative Committee for the commission which is populated by a really diverse range of representatives of ethnic communities we also have now drawn coordinators position and its simply somebody who dedicate say working life to monitoring issues of high crime and i think we were lucky because. There was a lot of good people that meant well at that time a new police force and a new community. In two thousand and six there is one Place Initiative with which some in the lebanese a strain community and not interest whatever it tikes to get back control of a straight razor to the biggest nights or strikeforce days wanted list based on experience and evidence gathered during a crackdown on a mattress turf war in southwest sydney the New South Wales police expand the charter of taskforce again and form the middle east an organized crime squad New South Wales has made a decision which many other states have refused to mind to actually label the people as the criminal problem. So it said were going to have a middle east an organized crime squad something which specifically targets middle eastern people. That did not help. A middle eastern crime squad. I can understand it if it was in the middle east. I just cant understand the terminology in sydney. When. Never been happy with such immunology were still not happy with such in minority because it actually works against old bridge building between us society and the police are i think the middle east organise crime squad is call that nine because that is actually what it investigates. And certainly some within the community feel thats a good thing and then i was also i feel that its a bad thing and that it tarnishes everyone from middle eastern background i dont see it that way i am of middle eastern background myself and i doubt feel tanishq in any why in july two thousand and six the nations respect for and loyalty to lebanese astray lins is made clear. When israel launches air attacks on parts of lebanon in its war against his villa the Howard Government evacuated over five thousand strained citizens. Was. To his credit john howard. And the difficult circumstances evacuated these citizens and know why that was very difficult very costly. But humanely and since a defeat done. I have no doubt there was evacuation was conducted by das feel that we are no longer australian of second class citizens we are australian as anyone else. And theres another event which is destined to change the fortunes of many in south wales sydneys lebanese a strain community. It is now five months since she had through the doors of punchbowl boys high school. Oh never forget the day i. Was taking on something that was just too big why was i do it want to get myself that heroic all of those questions that were running through my head. Was jumping out of a frock and into the fire. When i walked in in two thousand and six i felt that the voice itself for a long period of time as a school i was struggling numbers numbers would win ling there was there were threats of. Closure they were there were things that just wouldnt work i was a school and every day i seem to just lurch from problem to problem to problem. In the late one nine hundred ninety s. The school was just ten minutes away from one of sydneys most notorious drug dealing areas. Tilapia street. Once again dozens of police were on the notorious montreal three in a timely two murders drive by shootings forum i didnt own moneyball have had enough and. One of the biggest difficulties you have in running a school is you cant control whats going on outside of the school the school becomes a melting pot of its local community and youve got something right to lybia street which keeps coming up in the news. When a school has got the title thats the same name as this other that keeps getting that negative Media Attention it does have a massive effect on the school you go yeah yeah. I did represent its a generation of Young Professionals who decide they want to give back to the community and build it that emergence not just of good but a whole generation of young people who tertiary educated with a sink credit vision which is both lebanese muslim and destroyed. Means that. There is a new agenda that is possible. Thing i noticed was that there was a sense of hopelessness amongst the students we had right teaches and ive been trying really hard but there was another there was there was like a feeling that. Theyd been a give up mentality and. Quite a few principles theyd come and gone staff didnt stay long which is always indicative of a school its in a bit of turmoil it wasnt a place where anybody aspired to go to he didnt want to take the punch bowl boys. This year is to know where they belong going on talking about not only in a school but in. The water part of started it didnt feel like i belong anywhere but i believe it was actually it is about to lava that is i want to believe in it and someone who could say i you can do this. By two thousand and eight jihad has been appointed principal and over the next two years student numbers increase by around seventy percent over the same period the School Records the nations highest improvement right in test results for literacy and numeracy. Jehad db is changing young lebanese astray in boys lives like thirteen year old who has just started a new seven. When i first got to the school or the lucky thing at all you know i just didnt want to be the. Toilets working working. Sort of school often just to get all of the things i sang over a lot about paper who were. Like what are drugs. And it doesnt take him long before hes in trouble with the principal. Always to get away with and school always its been the. Scene i said. This one time out of four well thats what the guy for of all the teachers or students or. Parents were scared and afraid of the kids safety a lot that was true way between one. Suspensions mount when he turns fifteen hes taken aside by jihad did is that they told me my school more. Try. You know save your of cause your stay is going to be lessened or. Is now two years into a plumbing apprenticeship and the influence of his old headmaster is still strong. I think that means that they really hoping in similar together because theyll take it to my own destruction from the company and i take on very big social sorts of a lot of students from l. Areas you know take more given the petition in a utility so that im going on the straights. And i have is of in the core of it for a while. But you cant describe how good it feels to be able to make someones life better and to be able to make them all help them make the right choices in life where once upon a Time University was an option. Its its there where once upon a time you will look down upon because you want to be a triesman. Its interesting we save kids and we get kids on the right track and we get kids to become successful and now more is to make a difference no matter what at any cost. Today punchbowl boys high continues to record some of the nations highest growth rates in literacy and numeracy. For many lebanese a strain families the school is more than a source of pride its clear and effective proof that their children a less likely to be lost to the streets it isnt long before the community finds itself once again in the negative media spotlight. The court hared that the man had stockpiled weapons chemical bomb making instructions. In two thousand and seven after a three year investigation the value of a close relationship between the middle east and community and the police is demonstrated when a stray is biggest counterterrorism investigation operation pendennis comes to court in melbourne and sydney since you do a term of imprisonment of twenty years. And then its a started wins a counterterrorism unit Victorian Police received information from was ins a community. Of australian muslims working to the plan. Act. It was members of those communities who felt that some people had run off their ass and that it wasnt right and that they needed to do something about it. Unless we engage with the community and have this support they will probably never succeed its up to us to win the confidence to build that credibility with them to build that rep or with them in a time of modern crisis you cannot go to these communities after something very bad has happened and say look i havent bothered to get to marry you but trust me. In two thousand and twelve the Community Faces its biggest challenge since the kernel of riots a controversial film about the Prophet Muhammad sparks a furious wave of antiamerican protests across the globe. A few days later it arrives on sydneys doorstep when two hundred. People demonstrate outside the u. S. Consulate. The protesters move through to international to see these to me so you cannot simply you know spread the message of hate and say there you know this is a freedom of expression. Its quite significant of a very very small proportion of these lamma community paid any attention to the protests and i think one of the reasons that is the case is because we learn from that we can always be so emotional and irrational when. Were dealing with things like that. Hes now twenty two years old and has just Left University with a social science degree and is now working for the Muslim Womens association. They marched down to hyde park to mess families had left and then thats when it sort of got out of control and they created an opportunity for the demonstration which was peaceful to get hijacked sydney has been shut down the stopped hundreds of angry muslim politicians to store the city. Yes we do laughs a prophet but thats not zoom way you defends the prophets image and reputation its said did more damage to zoo prophet and islam then the actual video itself was. Like. You cut out one of the neighbors. Here to show you how. Interesting what happened next is that the community itself saw the footage saw the news heard the coverage and decided for themselves this was unacceptable. Leaders of all of the different organizations quickly got together and said we dont accept this. This is not what we can dine and we with this christ are this so that in itself shows how far weve also come since cornell. Lebanese astray in Muslim Leaders break ranks with their counterparts around the world openly criticizing their own community. Over the past several day high profile when leaders have spoken out against the actions of the few slimy organizations will not allow for such activity to take place because at the end of the day the only community will be tarnished by that exist is this really was a. Its not easy for Community Leaders to criticize some of the around and it hasnt happened too often but certainly on this occasion they were unequivocal of their condemnation of what happened of this support of the police so we all have to Work Together to ensure that we live in this great country i think was a really fine moment for the Muslim Community in sydney. I was very proud of the way the World Community handled itself i was very proud of the speed we mobilized. Community effort to defuse the situation and to send zip misusers and the different forces but same message and submissives was violence will not be tolerated not now not ever. The lebanese a strain community has spent the last thirty years under siege no other Migrant Community has had to endure the saying. But after three decades of pain and struggle the community has emerged stronger than ever. Im really proud to be part of this community. Who is sold. That has survived the gulf war. Saddam hussein and the gang grapes john howard Pauline Hanson and we have proved. As australian as anyone else. I think we have developed a platform where weve really dealt with pretty much every thing that has been thrown at us cultural issues identity issues settlement issues weve dealt with racial issues with issues in faith in extreme weve i dont know what else there is to come but im sure there will be something. But i just think weve developed a platform and i was doing is that is so strong. And like any group of history in living in a big city the people of south west sydney face challenges Gang Activity and gun crime still exist but it toxic minority is no match for a decent majority for a positive future. Theres a great sense of hope and out of everything comes growth and the Arabic Community the Lebanese Community the whatever Community First and foremost. When i go overseas or ive put as much drawl as i came into morsi x. And i have a do it. And then my parents sit back and they know they made the right decision with us and we never came here for anything other than to have a bit a lot. More continue contributing. You know moscow principal im a commissioner in the Community Relations Commission One of my brothers is a world boxing champion two other brothers run their own businesses my sister is a beauty therapist. We are all. Giving and were all part of the society. And i think my parents too they just sit back sometimes its a little bit reminds me of the castle at the very end where mr kerrigan sits at the back you know where hes patio and he just sits back and hes just happy and thats my parents theres no back and i go yeah weve done bloody good. Welcome back well its been looking pretty hot in parts of australia temperatures well into the fortys across parts of queens and now as we look at the forecast for saturday weve got some showers pushing through sydney and say this frontal system will bring about a drop in temperatures later on the weekend cooler melbourne there just twenty degrees some showers affecting parts of South Australia through into Western Australia perth should be drawn and warm at least here in the course of the weekend twenty seven degrees that you know says temperatures coming right back down and said there might some of twenty three how do you across into new zealand here weather conditions are looking fine over the north sea this cloud piling into wards a south all in there and thats going to bring about a significant change in the next twenty four hours some heavy rain pushing its way particular the western side of the south island while the north island stays dry and fine and then gradually here too it will cloud out but most of the rain will be confined to the western side of the south on and during the course of sunday highs of twenty one in christchurch heading up into northeastern parts of asia here is cold but not as cold as it has been weve got temperatures just above freezing in sapporo loose in the strong northerly flow not too bad temperature wise in tokyo on saturday on sunday well see a cooling off here on an area of rain pushing out across the sea of japan. On counting the cost flying taxis megadeals then banishment shakeups a look at the flight plan for global aviation in two thousand and eighteen after roberts over the year in the middle east plus what arms sales book telling us about the state of the world and. Counting the cost at this time on the. Training start slightly but the pace picks up quickly as these grannies work out a long life time of frustration. At eighty five years old intombi sold what trains as hard as anyone and. I feel so good i feel fresh i punch this side and this side like this and like that i really left its. Because. These ladies are tough and they take their training very seriously. But i do feel more. Really explaining when real madrid worth five hundred Million Euros expresses a position on something the World Antidoping Agency has to take notice. Continues its investigation into the widespread use of performance enhancing drugs in the final episode of sports doping the endless chase at this time. This is zero. Hello im Barbara Starr and this is the news hour live from london coming up in the next this

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