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Attack on a shia district of the Afghan Capital. Global humanitarian law fails to protect children in times of war. Also hundreds of prisoners i was exchanged in ukraine with one of the biggest swaps agreed and. Im joining the days news including stripped of victory one of sailings most famous racist faces control the city as wild oats eleven has denied line on as a city to hobart because of protests i have all the details coming up for you. Welcome to the news afghanistans president ashraf ghani has ordered an investigation into an attack that left forty people dead in the capital kabul a compound housing a Cultural Center and a news agency was targeted in a shia district in the west of the city. The should going to announce the latest. Explosions followed by a rush to assist the injured and count the victims. Its become a familiar ritual especially in kabul where the Afghan Capital has seen its share of bombings this year this time the target was a shiite muslim Cultural Center and the neighboring Afghan Voice News Agency that of those you up with after i saw many dead in the area i was looking for my cousin but i couldnt find his body im not sure what happened but the number of dead is increasing. The interior Ministry Says suicide attackers set off an explosion outside the center then stormed it and set off more explosives in the basement it was midday on thursday and a group had gathered to commemorate the anniversary of the one nine hundred seventy nine soviet invasion of afghanistan the middle of a cover just when the explosion went off we scapes from the room where we were working and went to the rooftop we sold a small in flames coming up from the basement no one has claimed responsibility the taliban immediately issued a statement denying involvement. An analyst tells his era given that this attack was in a shiite neighborhood this appears to be the work of eisele. He says the armed group has been targeting the Shiite Community this year as well as Media Outlets the isis you know what is on in order to make him our media has not been providing them enough amount of coverage that they have been seeking julian activities should they have been targeting the Media Outlets in capital kabul as well as in the region in order to make sure they get why is he seized. In may a truck bomb killed more than one hundred fifty people in kabul in what has been described as one of the worst attacks in recent memory afghans are trapped by violence from an eisel. The taliban and what critics say is the inability of Security Forces to protect them. Anger has led to protests and calls for resignations in the government analysts say what i say lacks the numbers it makes up for in tactics. An orchestrated by the sophistication of the operation and amount of exactness impreciseness in the operations that do usually target with little the strength or little amount of import it creates a lot of their jobs of achieving good strategic objectives the people at the Cultural Center were looking back and remembering a dark time or black day as its called in afghanistan when the soviets invaded for the families of the victims thursdays attack has become another black day natasha game. Children in conflict zones across the globe have come under attack a shocking scale a shift thats according to a report by unicef it says children have become a front line targets used as human shields and forced into conflict and hawks to possible. This school in mosul stands empty this street makes for dangerous playground as snipers threaten overhead this is what childhood looks like for these families over the course of this year children in conflict zones like here in iraq have been singled out and attacks unicef says those involved in conflict a blatantly disregarding International Humanitarian law is designed to protect the most Vulnerable Children is normal now that you can target a hospital a group of doctors in syria told me recently when i was in northern turkey how the armed groups wouldnt even come near the hospital because the hospital was more of a target than the armed groups so hospitals and schools are being deliberately attacked children are being brutalized and it feels like all the rules in war as you say that used to at least protect civilians and children in particular in these terrible wars have all disappeared finally some light relief for people in rebel held eastern go to in damascus after four years of being trapped in middle of the fighting a few patients with Urgent Medical needs have been allowed to leave. Unicef warns millions of children are also become in direct casualties of conflict from being displaced as well as being made homeless this refugee camp in bangladesh is home now for him to refugees from my ma of which four hundred thousand children children who stood by while our soldiers are right on their mothers or shot their father even brutalizes children aselton it saying to those children that they are deliberately doing this. In Eastern Ukraine many children live by the frontline they share the scars of living in one of the most modern contaminated place. The situation is worse in yemen where aid agencies are struggling to help. Five thousand children have been killed or injured and many more severely malnourished or risk of death a similar situation is unfolding in the democratic republic of congo where violence has driven hundreds of thousands of kids from their homes unicef is appealing to all parties involved in conflicts around the world to stand together and protect the rights of children. As their place where the reports findings can be seen in particularly dramatic form which has about a million Syrian Refugees and as a result of father joins me now from a camp and lebanons eastern back. To focus all the plight of the displaced syrians not just in lebanon but across the region and it doesnt really get any better does it. No it doesnt get any better we are in one of the many really informal settlements across the valley the east of lebanon syria is just a few kilometers from where we are but these people if i just get out of the way these children some of these children were actually born here some of them have never been to syria so people really have been here for years one of many tent cities and once its winter life becomes even more difficult for these people according to a recent u. N. Survey more than half of the refugees in lebanon live below the poverty line which means that they live with two point eight dollars a day per person and according to this report the refugees are more vulnerable than ever theyre falling into deeper into poverty many of them depend on aid to survive may. So these people here. According to what is interesting though is. For the First Time Since two thousand and fourteen the number of. Million. Nine hundred ninety seven. Nations now according to the. Fifty thousand. Trees over the years. They dont have any. Number of how many were turned in where. A few thousand have returned. Weve seen some of the internally displaced and. Leaving the safe areas to go and get. Through the red cross. Generally its believed the syrian war is winding down. And whether they should return home. People are worried people are. Some people returning. Because the Syrian Government taking more territory some of the people here are wanted by the simply because they were involved in some sort of opposition activity in the early days of their revolution some of these people were in the army and they decided to defect because they. Other people are. Because if they do go back. In the army so for some people returning its not an option since the government has been. Really. For the time being people are worried that they. Wont be able to return others want to return but. Especially people. We have to remember. Even if we are ready and willing to live under. A very just for the people here. Hearing that in the. Troops to leave the area. But it is. Absolutely adamant about. Well yes the. President is removed from power that there can be. A long. Along with his regime. And. For them russia is a party to the conflict and so they are wondering why russia trying to push for example. At the end of. Only going to create what theyre calling a phony constitution to leave power and to leave. The country. In the country so many in the opposition will no longer be. Power if. We no longer have. There is a significant. Portion of the population in syria who have little faith in the. War maybe winding down and. Definitely. It is not over and syria is not on the road to peace or for the moment leave it there zain thank you. Aide workers of evacuated a second group of critically ill patients as we mentioned from eastern guta a rebel held area near syrias capital damascus four people were taken from their wednesday but at least one person is refusing to leave fearing arrest by the Assad Government last month the u. N. Called for five hundred people in need of Urgent Medical care to be allowed to leave but only twenty nine cases have been given approval and this is part of a deal with the government its also led to the rebels releasing twenty six people the u. N. Says sixty eight yemenis civilians were killed in just one day from two saudi led airstrikes the Saudi Led Coalition has intensified its campaign against positions following the death of former president Ali Abdullah Saleh earlier this month the first strike on tuesday hit a crowded market in theirs province getting fifty four civilians including children the second killed fourteen people from the same family in the Red Sea Province of the data russias president has called wednesdays explosion at a supermarket in St Petersburg a terrorist attack at least ten people were injured when a homemade device packed with shards of metal went off police say it was hidden inside a locker where shoppers store their belongings no one has admitted responsibility for the attack ukrainian troops have been welcomed home after the government and pro russian rebels completed a swap of hundreds of prisoners some two hundred thirty people were sent to rebel held areas in return for seventy four prisoners whod been held by pro russian rebels the deal was mediated by the Orthodox Church in moscow fighting ukraine together more than three years ago after separatists who are backed by moscow took over parts of the east. Welcome are not what are your marks we will put out all their greatest efforts the maximum to point out a deal ones relatives or loved ones as soon as possible this is very important now some of the ukrainian prisoners have been speaking about their release. Or should. I feel joyful at the fact that we are finally home that i will be able to hug my relatives and close ones i will hug my little son i really want to st nicholas to bring his father home for the new year leaders and i cant believe that at the same time i can and cant believe that we were still there in the morning and now were at home i want to say thank you to all relatives and everyone who participated in our release and i want to say that our guys are still there and they have to be rescued one state in mexico has classified the murders of more than one thousand women this year as acts of famine side thats the international or international tensional pardon me killing of girls and women simply because theyre females mexico ranks among the most dangerous countries in the world for women of all repellent he is in the state of puebla looking into how communities are addressing gender violence. Is a single mother in pueblo mexico who says she lives in fear less than a month ago her younger sister was brutally murdered the victim of a Sexual Assault the body was found on the side of the road and. Because of the way my sisters body was found at first sight it was deemed and as the newspapers reported she had been strangled. Like many places in mexico facing a crisis of gender based violence that keeps personal safety in the back of every womans mind. To help create awareness the government has enlisted the help over one hundred seventy tortilla shops across the state and wrap up warm tortillas and pamphlets with information about femicide and a number to call if violence against women is suspected somewhere this is a good thing and it benefits us all to help women and be informed that last month a prosecutor invade a cruise was murdered outside her work some believe she was targeted because of her efforts to protect women and young girls still experts believe that impunity is the biggest obstacle against dampening the crisis the problem however is also deeply ingrained in the culture is mostly its male privilege violence is a male privilege men kill each other on a daily basis and men are also killing women because of their gender because they believe women are worth less or they believe that their lives belong to them in. Protest denouncing violence against women are becoming more common in mexico which has among the highest rates of femicide on earth the common slogan among demonstrations is not one more activist in mexico have launched initiatives aimed at reducing levels of violence against women projects that include everything from gender workshops for cab drivers to interactive database maps like this one that tracked and catalog cases of femicide all over the country. Sister was killed on november eleventh it was the ninetieth case of femicide. This year since then theres been five other women murdered. Women shouldnt have to end up as a number or as some case file women have to face we dont deserve to be killed or to be hurt or to be threatened or raped not one more not one more woman killed in play or in mexico or in the world my mental. Mexico well plenty more ahead on the al jazeera news hour including Israels Parliament takes away the ability of the police to recommend charges against suspects. If people have the leisure to do whatever they want to do very will be less frustrated by the hassles they have of work and preparing for a world where robots take over and do most of the work. Also in sport Manchester City cardstock winning in the English Premier League joe well have those details in sport later. A teenage palestinian girl recently film slapping Israeli Soldiers in her village is set to appear in an Israeli Military court had to be who was detained on december nineteenth in a raid on her home her force it has more from outside the off or military court. Well this is a case that has gripped both palestinian and Israeli Society since it came to light earlier this month the case of i had to meet me and her sister challenging Israeli Soldiers near there near their village of nablus sally had slapping one of those soldiers in the face and that video going viral it is of course being celebrated by many palestinian to see it as an act of resistance it has been criticized by many israelis who have also been pondering and debating the actions of the soldiers involved but for head and her sister nor and their mother nariman all three now remain in israeli custody this is the second time theyve come to Israeli Military court to see whether that custody will be extended or not israeli politicians have been weighing in the Education Minister saying that she should be in prison for the rest of her days in israeli commentator saying that retaliation should be carried out against such people in the dark of night without anybody watching so theres been a great deal of public debate about this case and also about others there have been one hundred seventy palestinian minors taken into custody since these protests against the donald trump declaration about jerusalem erupted the day after that on december the seventh. Well Israeli Parliament turns approved a law limiting Police Powers which critics say is intended to shield Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from investigations it prevents police from recommending to prosecutors whether or not to charge of suspects wants an investigation is complete and yahoo and his supporters say the law would prevent the public smearing of those being investigated before the attorney general decides how to proceed with the case but the opposition says it seeks to dampen anger against the Prime Minister who is under investigation into cases and that criticism led to changes in the draft say that the new law will not apply to ongoing investigations including the ones against Netanyahu Akiva Eldar is a senior Political Columnist at model t. He says the law is part of a campaign against the pillars of israels democracy. The law the new bill will not apply to the Prime Minister or people who are now under investigation because in israel you cannot pass a law that applies retroactively it will be relevant only to people especially politicians and public figures that will be under investigation in the future but you have to see this in the broader context and the timing first of all it comes after an attempt to pass the socalled french law that does not allow the police and the attorney general to investigate and to indict a sitting Prime Minister and this has failed now this new bill is also kind of the last draft is a compromise because they wanted to go all the way that it will apply to the sitting Prime Minister and the they will not be able they were not able to convince members of the coalition from other parties other than the likud to to support it and the border context is. Is an attempt to deal a just a minus the police the attorney general the media its part of a campaign against the pillars of the israeli democracy. Now experts in Artificial Intelligence say the world is unprepared for the enormous changes automation is bringing to the Global Economy the World Bank Warns that the economies of developing countries could collapse because of the rise of automation and drive but some say Artificial Intelligence could help us create an almost Perfect World currency explores the concerns of the final part of our series brave new world. The future is coming and its going to affect all of us its widely accepted that millions of jobs are going to disappear but we may not have to work we might get paid for having fun and in this future the robots and algorithms that will replace us could either reduces to poverty or set us free this is the time of apocalypse and utopia and its a time where we have to start thinking concretely about how to invision a better world out of the kind of. The collapse of this one. Optimists say things could be wonderful machines do nearly all the work money disappears as things are created for us automation in science negates Climate Change crops are grown in the deserts we create meet in our own homes. And as a species we develop because we no longer spend our time doing boring tasks to feed our children i think we might well experience a near a nice arms of creativity and of social interaction in a very positive way if people have the leisure to do whatever they want to do they will be less frustrated by the the hassles they have at work. They will be more fearful because theyll be doing the things that interests them. It may sound a long way away after all at the moment robots only do one thing at a time like this one making car doors but what if one can do all the things. We have in previous industrial revolutions change was measurable linea the difference with the Fourth Industrial Revolution is that change is exponential which means it goes faster and faster all the time and its expected that within about a generation from now a machine will be built which is better than a human and that changes everything futurologists point to a problem where all of the world politicians discussing these things with their electorates Artificial Intelligence is barely mentioned in western election campaigns yet already jobs are disappearing as the robots take over. The global tech giants who in future will control vost resources are discussing privately what their responsibilities to us will be but they would rather not talk about it in public. Every day i experts believe the transition to worklessness that we as humans are in barking all must be addressed now we all understood this was coming i suspect the shocks will be lower and we can start to try to mitigate against it immediately if you understand that eventually most of the population will be unable to do traditional work then you can start introducing systems to cope with it was at the moment that just sounds like youre saying that spend more benefits which when you have that linear view of the world isnt really an acceptable way in british or western european politics to think the question is what were going to do about it and so for us we believe that we need to organize citizens worldwide to recognize first of all this is actually going to change a lot of things and already is but crucially where do you stand on this what do you believe and how are you going to get involved in debates so that actually leads to progress in in in how you perceive it. Artificial intelligence could be the best thing ever to happen to humanity but in the absence of a Global Political debate about its benefits the risk is that its seen instead is a terrifying a direct threat to us. The world will be a very different place in a generation from now it is surely time for the people to be involved in what it will look like. Aljazeera. Well from global view to. Whether we used to cold weather on north america but the severity this year is pretty serious one of them i read in many parts of ontario it feels like minus thirty so bitterly bitterly cold weve also had a lot of snow but of all pictures of the snow i was talking about it yesterday in erie we had one point five metres of snow in just two days and of course you cant dig your way out of that in just five minutes so were still digging our way out here you can see just how deep that snow still is there at the moment but while we had the lake effect snow as its called around the lakes there and elsewhere we had a problem with just very cold weather and that gave us some very icy conditions these pictures from oregon showing just how bad icy conditions can be if youre trying to get around on the roads because sometimes you cant even see the ice is still there and it can still make you fall into a ditch really now what more wet weather and wintery weather on its way as we head through the next few days you can see the next area of cloud thats working its way into the northwestern parts of the u. S. And into the southwestern parts of canada and thats going to be mostly rain around the coast as you normally see but then gradually as it works its way inland it is going to turn wintery part of the reason for that is because its slamming into the cold air thats across many parts of north america at the moment so were going to see lots of very heavy snow there for the northwestern parts of the u. S. And western parts of canada and that gradually pushes its way enjoying the day on friday and on friday still by the coast youre going to get rates further inland yet more snow they could be an awful lot of snow there so after a few days. Thanks very much the full still ahead here on aljazeera despite protests argentinas government moves ahead with sweeping Economic Reforms. Im wayne hay reporting from thailand where the military government says democracy will return at the end of two thousand and eighteen but well tell you why many believe it wont happen. I dont support a setback for the world number one heading into the new tennis season joe will have that story in sport. You are making very pointed remarks where on line the main u. S. Response to drug use and the drug trade over the last fifty years has been the criminal mind or if you join us on saying no evil person just makes up a over the morning and say i want to cover the world in darkness and this is a dialogue that could be was leading to some of the confusion and lying about people saying they dont actually know whats going on join the colobus conversation at this time on aljazeera. From the far country. Youre watching the avs there and use our hearts a whole raft of these are our top stories afghanistans president africa ashraf gardy has ordered an investigation into an attack that killed forty people in the capital kabul a compound housing a Cultural Center and a news agency was targeted in the shia district in the west of the city also the u. N. Is warning that the scale of attacks on children in conflict zones worldwide has reached shocking levels in a report unicef says there is widespread a blatant disregard for International Laws designed to protect the young. And the Israeli Parliament has approved a law in limiting Police Powers which critics say is intended to shield Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from investigations and it prevents police from recommending to prosecutors whether or not to charge suspects whats an investigation is completed. Lets go back to one of our top stories eric l. That is the deputy country director for syria at the Norwegian Refugee Council as we talk about those syrians that have been evacuated from eastern guta out to get medical a help joins me now from amman in neighboring jordan its good to have you with us on the program. Every move to evacuate deal or the injured across syria has been a difficult negotiation now that some have been evacuated from a suburb very close to the capital do you just sort of tell us about the process of that physical move how difficult has it been logistically. Well the situation in eastern guta is critical. Gratian process is hopefully a small start and a glimmer of hope but our main concern is the four hundred thousand remaining Children Women and men who remain under siege but unfortunately this is not the only place all throughout these seven years of conflict all over the country by all parties to the conflict siege has been used this is really unacceptable the human suffering of civilians are used as a deliberate tool to achieve military and political objectives and it just has to stop what stage are you allowed to say what you have said you might say it meetings with the government to damascus because you have to play a very delicate diplomatic game do you not as do other humanitarian agencies where you are trying to negotiate the safe passage of those that need medical treatment the Norwegian Refugee Council n r c we are not part of these evacuations its mainly done by the Syrian Arab Red Crescent and international i. C. R. C. We our presence in damascus and all of the countries. Yes these are very complicated negotiations and its part of the conflict and unfortunately its nothing new. The u. N. H. C. R. Have been doing what they can in the camps that people are situated we have seen some when we spoke to our correspondent just a few minutes ago eleven desperate cold in places for those that have been displaced and having to adapt blankets to make clothes or become more be done to give these people any chance for war with vironment. Yes more can be done but this winter is not coming unexpected its the seventh winter in this conflict and the situation is really harsh some areas of syria will see below zero and snow for prolonged periods of time in our sea were doing what we can do we deliver blankets warm clothes heaters and help with shelters but its really not enough what is needed is of course a stop to this conflict to stop the suffering well you know you talk about conflict but there is also much discussion politically that the conflict may well be over soon and therefore the discussion within agencies of Government Agencies as well is about encouraging some of those displaced internally and those of beyond the borders of syria to potentially return home with the war is winding down is it too soon to talk about the return of individuals whove been traumatized by a conflict as you say thats what it is seventy year. I was in syria last week and i have a hope that two thousand eighteen will be a better year for syria and people are returning all over the country but a very important point here is that for each one person returning three new people have been displaced during two thousand and seventeen and really the displacement is a human consequence of this conflict and you can see it following the conflict patterns so last year you saw a lot of people being the space from aleppo this seriously lot of people returning to aleppo but you also see new people being displaced. Importantly along the front lines of the conflict and fighting against isis specifically iraq and there are sewer but again although the fighting might stop in an area doesnt mean that that area is safe to return to first and foremost because of the destruction many people dont even have a home to return to second of all its not necessarily safe unexploded bombs or mines make it really unsafe and each week we hear about people trying to return who died because of this and thirdly in many of these places there is a lack of basic services so although we most people most displaced syrians want to return this is a sign of hope and we dont want to take away that hope but we dont want them to lose their lives either this is why its important thats any return is safe and that its their own informed decision to do so we should see what does happen in the future for the moment. From the Refugee Council thanks so much for joining us from. Twenty eight either shaping up to be a landmark year of a tile and a new king will be crowned and the military government is planning to hold elections signaling a return to democracy after a coup three years ago but in the first of our series looking ahead to some of the big stories of next year were hearing reports from the northeast of thailand where many are down for the vote will go ahead. A long dusty dry season is well underway on the plains of northeast thailand by the time this crop of kosov is harvested in about a year thailand should be a democracy again most ties here back to the government ousted in the military coup three years ago including parrot pong turn it on a coordinator for a prodemocracy group called the red shirts she says people in the northeast dubbed the military will honor its pledge to hold an election in november but. I would say seventy percent of the people here dont believe the election will happen and thirty percent think it might happen even if the election is held the type of democracy will be different to what thais head before the coup the military and the establishment in the capital bangkok know that its very difficult for them to win support in parts of thailand like this thats partly why theyve designed a system that will result in weakened Political Parties after the next election the military will hand pick senators to sit in the upper house of parliament who will also have the power to install an unelected Prime Minister the plans are being criticised by the major Political Parties i think everybody will recognise that the last fall short of the kind of standards that we would like to to return. The leaders of the coup in two thousand and fourteen are also drafting a twenty Year Strategic Plan that future governments must follow everything is is planned on the site so that the military military can hold on to power with the. Plans and strategy that he had earlier formulated. Per time i was the party ousted from power by that coup former Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra whos in exile avoiding a five year jail sentence for negligence related to a failed rice subsidies scheme says her trial was politically motivated in Rural Communities in the north and northeast where farm incomes are falling her partys popularity seems to be intact but while political gatherings remain banned campaigners such as parrot porn have no choice but to get their hands dirty networking in the fields wayne hay al jazeera we dont tony thailand and in part two of our look ahead series will report from the us what midterm elections could mean for Donald Trumps presidency thats on friday here on aljazeera. Now south korea says it will ban anonymous trading of Digital Currencies the government wants to crack down on Money Laundering schemes using them now two weeks ago seoul banned its Financial Firms from dealing in virtual money after prices of bit con and other currencies sought sparking fears of bubbles. And i jury of his in the midst of a severe fuel shortage leads into large queues at petrol stations across the country in some regions marketeers are selling petrol at double the approved government prices and theres reports now from a future. The queue is more than a kilometer long and its a common feature at most because stations across nigeria. This one is directly opposite nigerias oil company yet its not dispensing fuel to motorists some have been waiting ten hours ive been going to see is the last night i have to does money there is no even sign off of viable moving from this position to even hope of getting before for decades official corruption has crippled the countrys full old refineries the Nigerian Government imported what it needed through a subsidy system but that was hijacked by corrupt officers and Business Leaders at the heart of the Current Crisis is the demand by retailers for any of you in costs and increasing supplies in two thousand and sixteen when the government stop subsidizing petrol the cost of a liter jumped by sixty percent the queues disappeared at least for a year now they are back and nigerians are seeing big increases in forward and transportation costs. The government blames the shortages and marketers who each says want to force the prices by bit double as you had a source their products said that they were good to include as a populist orbital approach because look the level of this country has moved from about the to me only does but the fifty media lead does but the question arises where is this going to boil knowing you are in a lot of the major streets and highways caucus have plenty of petrol on offer but at three times the official price market to say there is a shortfall and most cannot import enough to meet the demand they deny they are holding the country to run so there is a god and his shop for work and it is you have come to saul in fourth or fifth along problem there is no were. An independent medical wing part of britain one part of which we know the lending causes the other one seventy one. Which is eight cents more than the government approved price of forty cents a liter. The impact of the crisis has a knock on effect at the markets. For muslims here where they are alarm about at the cost of everything has gone up from transportation to others presence up double everyone is affected by the problem. The government says its flooding the market with more petrol but right now most nigerians are worried about how to get from one point to another and the rising prices of food one hundred degrees aljazeera object a former zimbabwean general helped push Robert Mugabe has been sworn in as the Vice President constantine and when go well share the role with kember hardy a long serving state security minister she went to retired from the military last week for his promotion and that of other Army Generals are deeply concerns about the relationship between the military and the new government friends and family of some of the one hundred thirty two Police Officers killed in Rio De Janeiro this year have held a memorial to honor the Police Uniform stained with red painted plaques dedicated to the slain offices have been displayed along a popular problem since the one nine hundred ninety s. The number of Police Officers killed in the state of rio has surpassed one hundred. Yes so my pharmacologic point that i am this is the way we count to say the following to society the quiet the human rights has no side we cannot be selective this is a way to embrace the Place Corporation and express our solidarity to the relatives of the victims because now the outbreak of seek a virus two years ago caused a Global Health emergency many cases were in the northeast of brazil where the ellis was linked to an increase in babies born with a condition that severely limited that development those children are taught less and the extent of their Health Problems is becoming clearer because john hall the divorce from received parents are getting little help from the government. Two years after the zeke epidemic brazil and the world has moved on but niger and elisei still here. Shes one of almost three thousand babies who were born with microcephaly an underdeveloped head and brain caused by the majority like police say were in the north east of the country you know when aljazeera first visited received thing in two thousand and sixteen and i just said the government was yet to help for them lets was changed by the i least i know the government has assistance for a few families i know some of them in my case ive never received anything its been more than two years and we havent got a thing. Even elise is medicine is so expensive the familys income cant cover it they have to rely on donations from friends niger nurses her around the clock but her conditions getting worse by the scene amilcar so in the me i dont have too much hope from the bottom of my heart is hard for a mother to say that but i can imagine alison ten years time in fifteen years time i dont dream about it that is why i like to make things happen today. Yes. Elisei and others eco effected children receive receive free. Rehabilitation from a foundation partly funded by the government but its overwhelmed one hundred fifty is stuck on the waiting list all the time getting deeper amazed in the semi blindness and muscle stiffness that typifies the condition was to me live in two to says they need more funds we try not to like people forget about seeka because you know we still have all these children and we still have a burden and its its involves the government but also a public health. Issue that has to be addressed and never forgotten the government says that it hasnt forgotten as well as engaging in a Massive Campaign to eradicate the mosquito which currently seek a virus it since were investing about fifty Million Dollars in Rehabilitation Centers like this one and next year its promised eight Million Dollars more. At a Christmas Party for children with Rare Diseases we met not to again with other mothers who say they havent seen the money they feel theyre struggling alone enjoying small moments in the midst of a lifelong battle for them and their children. John home and i would desire to receive a resume also on the call to peruse culture minister has resigned following the controversial pardoning of ex president Alberto Fujimori salvador del cielo was a fierce opponent of the decision fujimori who is serving a twenty five year term for human rights abuses and corruption was last week moved from jail to hospital president public option scheme denies the pardon was part of a deal to avoid his own impeachment on corruption allegations. Argentinas president. Bakri is pressing ahead with a reform agenda that includes tax and Pension Reforms the congress has approved his twenty eighteen budget plan which he says will spur growth but as to resupply reports from one as i reserve post and say the changes will only hurt the most vulnerable. Free vegetables in front of congress when a site is well senators gather to vote inside in the last session this year farmers brought twenty thousand kilos of their produce to give away to those in need of us all like we are here so that senators know that what they vote for has an impact on peoples lives costs have gone up for everyone in inflation transport energy but we want to share and draw attention to the demand that this government needs to do a lot more. Marketing was elected two years ago with a mandate to rein in Government Spending and rejuvenate argentinas lagging economy after years of the center left presidency of Cristina Fernandez the commissioner of the government of mali so mike lee has pushed to have a series of laws that it says will make argentinas economy more competitive like reforming the pension and tax system but there are many here who disagree they say that the government reforms are benefiting corporations and north the countrys most vulnerable. Among them i people. Shes retired and says she couldnt miss the opportunity of getting some free food now for us you know you find the pension i get is not enough and what im buying now would cost me a lot i worked all my life and now i can barely survive. Despite scoring a resounding victory in octobers Congressional Elections mackey spent reform sparked a violent protest last week in one of scientists that left dozens of people injured and new legislation changed the way pension increases are calculated which could end up hurting the elderly. And those who depend on social security. The government said there were four aim to restore order to argentinas chronically fiscal accounts. The path of the argentinean economy is very tight with the possibility of crises along the way but for now i believe the government has a clear idea of what it wants to do trying to open up the economy to the world after years of financial isolation. Argentina has a history of Economic Crises that have left millions living in poverty even though the government insists Economic Reforms will lead to a Brighter Future there are many hold out that the governments plans will turn out well. Coming up school. Welcome back its time for school his turn to hail thank you want to say things most prestigious races is facing its biggest controversy in seventy three years of competition water hits eleven has been stripped of line as after a protest from the run this up the super max he crossed the line first in a record time in hobart on wednesday for what appeared to be annoying victory but second place comanche launched a complaint over the base in a commission at the start of the race in sydney and jury up helped their protest and handed wall to its eleven a one hour penalty which would put them in second place as well behind comanche now there is no right of appeal for a while those eleven screws. I honestly didnt expect to protest in order to win the rights it was all about. Actions and if you want to avoid a collision and the fact that that was necessary sorry well i feel quite strongly that the rules are there to protect peoples lives and if we cant rely on that then its difficulty in the sport events jenison on so thats when i think we spike better and. The battle in the tommy sort of thing its a little bit different than what obviously was the for each out was the sort of movie that was a bit sequence because this is this is you michael youve got to live by the seasons and we know that it isnt and. Youve got i mentioned city have extended their winning streak in the English Premier League to eighteen games and opened up a fifteen point lead at the top of the table with just less than half the season remaining Raheem Sterling got the only goal of the game for city as they beat new corsa one nil but it was the only good news for Pep Guardiola side as Vincent Kompany had to come off injured off just eleven minutes the belt and defend only return from his last injury on december the twenty third. Its not easy to maintain our focus in that period because everybody is in holidays everybody is not. The party at home and into the focus after each seventy games youre always in a tizzy we get it really good. We really with the problem we had with. Which company. Was so happy i began to to win again just to think about this part of me or my just city next play Crystal Palace on december thirty first when they aim to extend their already sizeable advantage in the standings mencia says a united are fifteen points behind in second place after any managing draws in their last two outings and chelsea well theyre just a point behind liverpool and tottenham complete the top five while also have the chance to close the gap when they take on palace later on thursday under some cricket now in the ashes series may have already been won by a stray a bit englands cricketers seem to finally found their rhythm against their rivals in melbourne Alastair Cook had an unbeaten double century to put his team in a dominant position on four hundred ninety one for nine at the end of day three of the fourth test the former england captain ended the day on two hundred forty four not outs thats the highest ever score by a visiting batsman at the m. C. G. Is one of those things you get in a few times in your career you get into a bit you kind of that bit a rhythm where you know. Your time can just flies by and this top half an hour is felt like it has felt like two hours and then for some reason whatever reason the last ten hours is gone quickly. People its just a long time and he said it was more aggressive in this mixing as in the previous three matches so obvious he is playing has to take on a little bit. It was a perfect weekend for him to do that by being away. Well that performance from cook has pushed his team to a first innings lead of one hundred sixty four with stuart broad also finishing up with a half century before he fell to the bowling of pat cummins well number one rafael nadal has suffered a setback as he prepares for the start of the new tennis season in just a few days time adel hasnt played since losing to go fine at the a. T. P. World tour finals in london after which he needed and pulled out of the event with a need jury the spaniard was due to return to the court at the season opening Brisbane International this is hes not yet ready for competitive tennis he reached the semifinals of that tournament last year before going on to make his first grand slam final in two and a half years at the Australian Open in melbourne one man who is fit and ready ahead of the new season the seventeen time grand slam champion Roger Federer the swiss arrived in perth on thursday head of the new season he will be competing in the hope one cup which starts on saturday federer won the two thousand and seventeen Australian Open title to begin a year of tremendous success including an eighth wimbledon crown as well. Expectational or higher but at the same time i try to remind myself i just dont think its normal and realistic to aim for the same things i did this year in two thousand and seventeen so im going to to try. Keep it cool try my best and really see what happens but that race has been good so far so well see how things go here first there come a city thunder extended their red hot streak in the n. B. A. To a six straight win and when say paul george scored thirty three points and Russell Westbrook added another thirty as they beat the trying time raptors one hundred twenty four to one hundred seven now despite the loss the raptors arent doing too badly themselves they sit second in the east meanwhile the eastern conference leading Boston Celtics bounced back from a Christmas Day loss in washington they beat the Charlotte Hornets hundred two to ninety one kyrie irving lead with twenty one points and rookie jason tatum school ten of his eighteen in the fourth quarter. Minnesotas game with the Denver Nuggets went into overtime with jimmy bottler leading the scoring for the temple he made twelve of their fourteen o. T. Points to finish with a season high thirty nine and the timberwolves one one hundred twenty eight to one hundred twenty five. Soundly cup holders the Pittsburgh Penguins returned to winning form on the ice on wednesday after a three Day Christmas break the team has been struggling this season by states seven out of eight in their division thats even after this win over the Columbus Blue Jackets pittsburgh rallied from four to down in the third period to push the game into overtime for a fourth time in five regular season meetings Sidney Crosby and getting belkin scored in the shootout as the penguins picked up a much needed five zero win. The new Jersey Devils appear on stoppable on home ice they picked up their fifth straight win with a three one victory over the detroit red wings. And those are useful for now the latest the hail thanks very much jack well that was the news ill be back with more news on the other side of the break into live from jamie the news team thanks very much for your time and your company. Unbelievable it sounds like an agreement between criminal bosses slide trading in stolen goods that have been taken by the place if anyone ever comes to ask that question then you sort of throw their hands up in the air and say i dont know i was just nominee director were doing a investigation into a. Ukraine would you say bribes youve been corrupt our own beloved corrupt i did just what the presidency aljazeera investigation was the only go coming soon aljazeera do is get the whole story the background the history and how issues in other parts of the world are connected to because of the payoff there and the damage thats going by themselves on to the back of these trucks we understand the only important issues and doughboys with local knowledge gets us and signs of whats around the corner is still that the citizen that mine is there more about profits than they do their work is safety so when the story develops al jazeera is already the out on the ground talking with people. I can think to make god good you cleared things shining in korea in Building Full glory yes i mean larry shift our attention to the disaster stricken regions of pakistan and building upon traditional techniques and people with the knowledge needed to sustain the societies redbone architecture a traditional future at this time to sierra. Aljazeera. With and for your. The at least forty people have been killed in an attack on a shia district of the Afghan Capital. Comes obama you want your knowledge is there life more had

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