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On what it says is a shocking scale. Which i carry this is. Also coming up i know i was not there is no treatment available for me i have nothing no medicine no money. Medical evacuations under way for more toward syria are too little too late. Sixpack that on thursday in libraries president ial election runoff between soccer legend george way and Vice President joseph. And hundreds of prisoners exchanging ukraine in one of the biggest swaps agreed to between. Warning that children in conflict zones around the world are under attack on what it calls a shocking scale a new unicef report says children have been front line targets and are often used as human shields as many are recruited to fight and in slaven have become standard tactics the conflict in yemen was one of the worst for children in two thousand and seventeen with five thousand killed or injured an agency is calling on all sides in conflicts highlighted in this report to abide by International Law and stop targeting children schools and hospitals and reports. Winter in the moderate refugee camp in lebanons eastern because valley is not easy. Last year for several months shelters which are made out of bits of wood and plastic sheeting were blanketed in snow warm clothes are often in short supply and fuel can be expensive or hard to find. Really to help vulnerable refugees prepare for the cold temperatures the u. S. Refugee Agency Offers cash and other assistance to those who most need it so far around six hundred fifty thousand refugees have receive some form of help but many others are still doing without they need more c one in winter to keep warm they blankets they need more food they need medicine because of the diseases that spread more easily in the winter season. According to the u. N. H. C. R. More than three point eight million refugees and internally displaced people in syria lebanon iraq turkey jordan and egypt need winter assistance a Cold Weather Program which began last month is aimed at helping the most vulnerable families they receive a mixture of cash assistance Building Materials to repair and weatherproof shelters and winter items including thermal blankets gas heaters and warm clothes but of the two hundred twenty eight Million Dollars needed to finance this years Winter Program so far only one hundred forty three Million Dollars has been received a shortfall of nearly forty percent today we are facing funding shortfalls which forces you and other aid agencies to target the assistance that we are able to deliver to the families who are most in need the poorest of the poor unfortunately we know that many other families who are also in need do not have access to this assistance today and while Syrian Refugees and internally displaced children face another winter away from their homes according to unicef children have been used as human shields trapped under siege targeted by snipers and lived through intense bombardment and violence unicef is demanding all parties involved in the fighting abide by International Laws so that children like bees dont have to suffer in aljazeera. Jenny forsyth is the deputy executive director of unicef and he says the children are increasingly being drawn into the conflict what weve seen in recent years and even more so in twenty seven is children being deliberately targeted i mean weve heard stories from our staff on the ground in bangladesh but also in mean maurice south about wrecking the children whove stood by us soldiers of rate on their mothers have shot their father even brutalized those children themselves and theyre saying to those children theyre deliberately doing this we have stories from within syria and from a school that we worked in with snipers deliberately targeting the children in the playground i was in Northern Nigeria recently and i met our children who were who had to talk to me about being forced to be human bombs for boquete her arms and this deliberately targeting of children to make them part of the conflict to brutalize so is a is a is a new development yes its always happened in part but it seems to be growing and growing is normal now that you can target a hospital a group of doctors in syria told me recently when i was in northern turkey how the armed groups wouldnt even come near the hospital because the hospital was more of a target than the armed groups so hospitals and schools are being deliberately attacked children are being brutalized and it feels like all the rules in war as you say that used to at least protect civilians and children in particular in these terrible wars have all disappeared and feels like there are no rules to protect the most Vulnerable Children in these conflicts and our appeal is unicef is to all the warring parties where their governments or rebel groups is it surely we can all agree that we need to protect the children. Aid workers have began evacuating critically ill patients from eastern go to the rebel held area under siege in syrias capital damascus but for selling cloning children treatment has come too late to her has this report which includes some pictures viewers may find distressing its a start but its not enough only a handful of east scooters critically ill are being allowed to leave to hospitals in damascus which is less than an hours drive away twenty nine patients the majority of them women and children a six month old baby was on that list but when the aide workers who each to others house they found out she died weeks ago the Syrian Government is allowing them to be treated outside the besieged opposition stronghold after the armed group. Agreed to release some government prisoners its not clear if new deals will be reached it has been four years since east hooter was besieged by the syrian army the siege has tightened in recent months there are according to the United Nations almost five hundred Urgent Medical cases. Man has brain cancer she says her condition is only deteriorating the u. N. Says more than a dozen people have already died while waiting to be evacuated for treatment i know there is no treatment available for me here i have nothing no medicine no money im just waiting for gods mercy its not just the lack of medical supplies there is a lack of food the United Nations says the area is experiencing the worst case of child malnutrition since the start of the conflict. The lack of medical equipment of vaccines have affected children also they are malnourished and this has that to a number of diseases unfortunately that children are facing dire conditions. There have been three reported deaths because of malnutrition in the past two months. And were all not even two months old when they died the u. N. Says more than one thousand five hundred children are at risk among them two hundred thirty two who are acutely malnourished more than four hundred thousand people. Are believed to be children. Under siege. Despite the russian guaranteed deescalation that was supposed to have. In september reached the area for the first time in months but it was only for forty thousand people there is suffering in this region and the fear is that the worse. The government is using starvation tactic as a military strategy and as the situation worsens the likelihood of a surrender becomes more real. Commission is expected to announce official. President ial. Victory than his opponent. Says its too close to call. In the capital monrovia. Liberia. Many priest with the. Counting is on the way. There were. Very small number of incidents to report where the incident occurred and i should mention they have been dealt with on his part in most of these cases if not all the contest pits fifty one year old former football star where against seventy three year old Joseph Walker i who has been the countrys Vice President for the last twelve years but falling coincide with christmas and many chose to stay home observers say the tunnel close much lower than the fuss round held in october their latrell Commission Says it will announce the results in four days its what happens after and whether the losing side will accept defeat that has most liberians concerned. Liberia is one win as willing to destroy the women and that will mean for us to go back to war for anybody to be president of this country and we will not do it we are going to have peace the children of this country need peace and they also want peace and were going to call for whom ever we decide is president of Liberia International observers to a calling for calm so one person was with that person. So the issue is now when you know. If you when you celebrate it is celebrated in the show because you get to be president of everybody if you lose you also served for the first time in more than seventy years this was the african nation founded by freed american slaves will see one democratically elected government power to another whoever wins will inherit tonic or me but by forming prices of liberias main exports of rabat and i dont want a forced depreciating currency in the past twelve years Ellen Johnson sirleaf has guided this country through the process of recovery from civil war on the horrors of a bull outbreak but you too has been criticized for not doing much to talk all poverty and corruption in hog government have it all does it or monrovia liberia. Ukrainian government and pro russian rebels have completed their hundreds of prisoners in war torn Eastern Ukraine the exchange took place in the city where lythgoe which is mainly controlled by separatists said the biggest since the conflict began in two thousand and fourteen. Had been speaking about their beliefs well. Im very happy that im going back to ukraine and i thank everyone for the work thats been done to be able to help me see my loved ones again we. Spent a year and a half in a cell one by one and a half meters without anything no deliveries nothing they treated us as if we were dogs. Challenge has more from moscow. Well both sides are now confirms that this prisoner swap has concluded with people being handed in both directions across the front lines in Eastern Ukraine the numbers that actually did scruffs the lines a bit different from the earlier advertize figures of three hundred six people going from kiev territory back to the east and seventy four people going from the eastern regions back into kiev territory the reasons why the numbers are different is because some people were transferred earlier and some people on both sides it seems didnt actually get want to go back to where they come from this is an events that has been quite a long time in in the making the final impetus though came as a recent meeting in moscow there was attended by the heads of the two separatist regions in Eastern Ukraine by the head of the Russian Orthodox church Patrick Carroll and by representatives from kiev but the the real political will it seems as come from both kiev and also from moscow with Vladimir Putin saying that he was going to use his influence with the with the separatist regions to make it happen its a breakthrough undeniably a step in the right direction and the sides now are talking about keeping this going theyre doing more prisoner swaps but while people are still dying while moscow is still supplying the rebel regions with weapons and hardware etc and while there doesnt seem to be a final drive for peace this is just a step in that direction we havent got to the destination that we want to get yet which is a final political solution. So i had odd aljazeera as Nuclear Tensions escalate on the Korean Peninsula we speak to one family its been separated by conflict for almost half a century. And. The capital of the world has been sprayed or its all about the darkness. From long flowing the island winds to an enchanting desert breeze. Hell i would chain of weather systems will start to march through the levant now i suspect you see some cloudy in coming through on this satellite picture looks fairly benign i think it probably will be to have a few showers or no more than that mostly its just high in the sky twenty in beirut six in aleppo still above where might be expected to be terror about right for average and is bit warmer maybe than you might expect in baghdad in kuwait but not very much weve seen hard times shes not recently if anything there might be creeping up indication once again of feeding the wind up from the sas still seventy in jerusalem twenty one in beirut in the sunshine most likely otherwise not much going on here to be honest dropping cyrus on the fairly stiff breeze is going to die down i think running down to the gulf twenty three or twenty four seems likely in doha clear blue skies in this part know that dusty every now and again warm on the western side which is fairly normal for any time they had to be honest but notable now to south africa the weather is fairly benign there are showers at the eastern cape and beyond because you could be caught by some warm sunny johannesburg and also in most of botswana the big pall of cloud to the south of that from angola through zambia toward southern towns near this is the line where showers could be persistent pretty heavy. There with sponsored by cats on release. You are making very pointed remarks when theyre on line the main u. S. Response to drug use and the drug trade over the last fifty years has been to criminalize or if you join us on sang. With in the morning and says i want to color the world in darkness is a dialogue and that could be what leading to some of the confusion in lima about people saying we dont actually know whats going on join the conversation at this time on aljazeera. Watching aljazeera lets recap the top story right now and the report by unicef warns that children in conflict zones all around the world are under attack on a shocking scale the report highlights the death of children over the past year in afghanistan child suicide bombers linked to poke a hole rob and at least five thousand killed or injured in the war in yemen. Aid workers who started evacuating critically ill patients from eastern guta on clay the syrias capital damascus last month the u. N. Call for five hundred people in need of Urgent Medical care be allowed to leave but only twenty nine cases have been given approval at least eighteen people died awaiting. Government and a russian rebels have completed a large swath of war torn east careen. Happened near the city of port lavaca which is mainly controlled by separatists exchanges reported to be the biggest since the conflict began in two thousand and fourteen. The outbreak of the sikh a virus two years ago caused a Global Health emergency many cases. In the north at northeastern brazil where the illness was linked to increase in babies born with a condition that severely limited their development now children are toddlers the extent of their Health Problems is becoming painfully clear but as john homan reports from herself eight parents are getting a little help from the government. Two years after the zeke epidemic brazil in the world has moved on but not just and elisei still here. Shes one of almost three thousand babies who a boom with microcephaly an underdeveloped head and brain cools by the majority like police say were in the north east of the country you know when aljazeera first visited receive thing in two thousand and sixteen and i just said the government was yet to help for them lets was changed some of the i lease. You know the government assistance for a few families i know some of them in my case ive never received anything its been more than two years and we havent got a thing. Even a lease is medicine is so expensive the familys income cant cover it they have to rely on donations from friends niger nurses have around the clock but her conditions getting worse by the sea in the middle caught up in the meeting i dont have too much hope from the bottom of my heart is hard for a mother to say that but i can imagine alison ten years time in fifteen years time i dont dream about it that is why i like to make things happen today. Yes. Elisei and others eco affected children receive receive free rehabilitation from a foundation partly funded by the government but its overwhelmed one hundred fifty is stuck on the waiting list all the time getting deeper amazed in the semi blindness and muscle stiffness that typifies the condition was coming to live in says they need more funds we try not to. A lot of people forget about because you know we still have all these children and we still have a burden and its its involves the government but also a public health. Issue that has to be addressed and never forgotten the government says that it hasnt forgotten as well as engaging in a Massive Campaign to eradicate the mosquito which currency seek a virus it since were investing about fifty Million Dollars in Rehabilitation Centers like this one and next year its promised eight Million Dollars more. At a Christmas Party for children with red diseases we met not to gain of the mothers who say they havent seen the money they feel theyre struggling alone enjoying small moments in the midst of a long battle for them and their children. John home and i would desire to receive a resume. As two thousand and seventeen draws to a close for looking back at some of the biggest stories of the year through the eyes of five families and our final report we focus on the crisis between north and south korea and its impact on the people there florence only spoke to a man whos been separated from his father for nearly five decades. This is one of kong and charles treasured possessions its the only photo he has of him with his father he was two years old when he last saw his dad nearly fifty years ago it wasnt until he was nine that he found out the truth you know when they go i asked my mother when he was coming home and she told me he was on a business trip to the United States and will be home for christmas i believed her and waited and waited his father. Had been traveling on a domestic flight in south korea but it was hijacked and flown to north korea. The incident sparked an International Outcry in north korea eventually returned most of those on board the flight but refused to allow eleven of us to leave including kwans father because. There was a time i hated my father so much because i was told by my family that he stood out too much during ideology sessions in the north he would argue with the of dorothys and thats why he wasnt sent back to hong has spent much of his adult life campaigning for his fathers release setting up a group to the south korean government and International Community to pressure north korea to release the remaining crew and passengers. When there were tensions around the Korean Peninsula intensified my fathers case was pushed aside whenever there were any issues between the core yes and our story became the least priority its a tragedy my family has to carry looking inward. And security concerns on the peninsula had deepened this year in september north korea tested a Hydrogen Bomb weapons experts also say north korean scientists appear to have made rapid progress with each missile test and could possibly combine nuclear and Ballistic Missile capabilities by next year. One realizes these developments will make a reunion more unlikely but hes certain his dad still years for hope. To try to defect in two thousand and thirteen i heard that the rest of the people in his group who made the same attempt were all executed by one then in march two thousand and sixteen i heard he was living in punk song but was told last december you know that those surveillance was too strong for anyone to approach him or talk on the Television Program but one is not giving up determined to be reunited with his father no matter what it takes florence lee aljazeera saw. Experts in Artificial Intelligence say the world is unprepared for the enormous changes automation is beginning to have on the Global Economy some say i cant help is create an almost Perfect World but they also warn it could lead to the collapse of democracy and civilization within a generation or insley explores their concerns in the final part of our series brave new world. The future is coming and its going to affect all of us its widely accepted that millions of jobs are going to disappear but we may not have to work we might get paid for having fun and in this future the robots an algorithm that will replace us could either reduces to poverty or set us free this is the time of apocalypse and utopia and its a time where we have to start thinking concretely about how so in vision a better world out of the kind of. The collapse of this one. Optimists say things could be wonderful machines do nearly all the work money disappears as things are created for us automation in science negates Climate Change crops are grown in the deserts we create meet in our own homes. And as a species we develop because we no longer spend our time doing boring tasks to feed our children i think we might well experience a near a nice arms of creativity and of social interaction in a very positive way if people have the leisure to do whatever they want to do they will be less frustrated by the the hassles they have it work. They will be more fearful because theyll be doing the things that interest them. It may sound a long way away after all at the moment robots only do one thing at a time like this one making car doors but what if one can do all the things that week in previous industrial revolutions change was measurable people call it linear the difference with the forth in the revolution is that change is exponential which means it goes faster and faster all the time and its expected that within about a generation from now a machine will be built which is better than a human and that changes everything. Futurologists point to a problem where all of the world politicians discussing these things with their electorates Artificial Intelligence is barely mentioned in western election campaigns yet already jobs are disappearing as the robots take over the global tech giants who in future will control vost resources are discussing privately what their responsibilities to us will be but they would rather not talk about it in public. Every day i experts believe the transition to worklessness that we as humans are in barking on must be addressed now we all understood this was coming i suspect the shocks will be lower and we can start to try to mitigate against it immediately if you understand that eventually most of the population will be unable to do traditional work then you can start introducing systems to cope with it was at the moment that just sounds like saying that spend more benefits which when you have that linear view of the world isnt really an acceptable way in british or western european politics to think the question is what were going to do about it and so for us we believe that we need to organize citizens worldwide to recognize first of all this is actually going to change a lot of things and already is but crucially where do you stand on this what do you believe and how are you going to get involved in debates so that actually leads to progress in in in how you perceive it. Artificial intelligence could be the best thing ever to happen to humanity but in the absence of a Global Political debate about its benefits the risk is that its seen instead is terrifying a direct threat to us. The world will be a very different place in a generation from now it is surely time for the people to be involved in what it will look like. Aljazeera. Dancers and colombias Third Largest city cali house celebrated christmas with their annual salsa parade etc i present the spirit at the City Residents have come together to dance tonight. Reports on the festive work and claudius salsa capital. It might have been born in new york be a cuban where thats latin americas most famous rhythm is truly at home in columbia spared city the selftitled World Capital where the dance is celebrated with a huge hurry them christmas day. This time under a heavy rain thats about a continuous flow of salsa for the counting noses everything look at us totally drenched we love we are showing it once more today. We live and its all idiosyncrasy fifteen hundred then cers parades through this i saw that there must rating calis unique acrobatics. Feat move at an extreme pace to the frantic beat as dancers skip and turn. Kylie both over one hundred south schools attracting an increasing number of foreign aficionados shell get a good look at what makes Kelly Special is its peoples unique passion for dance salsa dance almost everywhere in the world but only here people with such little means do so much to get here dancers train all year to be chosen for the parade and dream of one day reaching the worlds all such championship sixteen year old method says that for many poor becoming a dancer is a way to make a living and change stereotypes i know that. This is where we become more than kids from the ghettos we get associated with Drug Trafficking and prostitution but thats not who we are we dance for ourselves and for our image we work long hours stay out from the streets take care of our wellbeing all our free time all our effort is for to dance this. Sort of in this part of the kali fear for stevie hes celebrating its sixtieth anniversary its the one time of the year when all calais new is deeply divided between rich and poor come together to celebrate and then through the night. It started well will be raised the way out for your report there will be talk. At the end of the show that never lets stop. Trying to make a. World south second capital might sound like a bold claim but seeing a news dance you cant help but think its true i listen to. You. Hes on the top stories right now al jazeera a new report by unicef warns that children in conflict zones all around the world are under attack on a shocking scale the report highlights the deaths of children over the past year in afghanistan tell suicide bombers going to poke a hole and at least five thousand killed or injured and the war in yemen. So hospitals and schools are being deliberately attacked children are being brutalized and it feels like all the rules in war as you say that used to at least protect civilians and children in particular in these terrible war was out all disappeared and feels like there are no rules to protect the most Vulnerable Children in these conflicts and all repeat as unicef is to all the warring parties whether their governments or rebel groups is it surely we can all agree that we need to protect the children aid workers have started evacuating critically ill patients from eastern guta rebel held on claims of syrias capital to mask this last month the u. N. Call for five thousand people in need of Urgent Medical care be allowed to leave and only twenty nine cases have been given approval and at least eighteen people have died while waiting. Results in liberias president ial runoff are expected on thursday former football star george says hes on track to be the successor to outgoing president Ellen Johnson sirleaf but his opponent president joseph says its still too close to call the crimean government and pro russia rebels have completed a large scale prisoner swap and war torn east of ukraine its a place where the city you are live which is mainly controlled by separatists exchanges said to be the biggest since the conflict began in two thousand and fourteen. Im very happy that im going back to ukraine and i thank everyone for the work thats been done to be able to help me see my loved ones again we. Spent a year and a half in a cell one by one and a half meters without anything no deliveries nothing they treated us as if we were dogs a bomb exploded at a supermarket in the russian city of St Petersburg injuring at least ten people the blast was caused by a homemade device packed with shards of metal. Those are the headlines to keep it here on aljazeera the stream is next and then more news. We understand the differences. And the similarities of cultures across the world so no matter how you take it aljazeera will bring you the news and Current Affairs than much of. His iraq. Hi emily could be in the stream of metals plastics chemicals and even corpses from

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