The turnout is much lower than it was during the first round in october letters are choosing between a former International Football player and the countrys Vice President mohamed el reports in the capital monrovia. Follows and slammed up to bolton more than five thousand polling stations across liberia arriving long before the stations opened the tunnel know when the foster home held in october that had been delayed twice of the being contested in court amid claims of good are glad it is in the false to round Officials Say the reduction of candidates from twenty three just to may have caused the among volt is akin to float for socalled. And. I hope. This morning the qantas is between a full into mush and footballs top dog where wise. Isnt just what the we know would replace africas first female head of state Ellen Johnson sirleaf who came to power after the countrys lost civil war told me years ago im not as they were losing to this this is good. They said im going to win. And now we know georgia seventy two year old Joseph Walker has served as liberias Vice President since two thousand and six he too voted in the capital we did great beer because of the curse of democracy we went in one way during your work and i will reduce it to. We have gone through the process this is what it is the president were to say we are willing to live with both where promising peace in liberia and also want to corruption and one of the will sportiest countries if the results hold it will be the first time in generations that lead videos will witness the transfer of power from one elected leader to another International Observers also praising what they call a Violence Free pool sis finally in liberia the bottle books hospital placed ballots but this is a big election for everyone who is following democracy west africa the trend has certainly been you know more towards the democratic shift and really rooting that was firmly and i think that is what we will see here in liberia today the liberian people are determined to do it theyre ready to do it. And im im very confident they will then a commission has two weeks within which to declare the results its official so how about confident that well have them ready in four days mohamed atta will just. Be the kremlin says calls by russian Opposition Leader alexina valma to boycott next years election should be investigated to see if they break the law and mob russias president Vladimir Putin has been nominated for reelection as an independent candidate. A former senior official with the bruce National Football federation has been acquitted of conspiracy by a court in the u. S. A move argot was charged with taking bribes in exchange for the award of marketing and media rights to International Soccer matches or get walked free just days after two other south american officials were convicted of similar charges the government of the philippines is setting up more than six hundred temporary shelters for people displaced by the conflict in the warre the army return to the city from separatist fighters in october after a five month conditions have been made even worse by Tropical Storm tammy the National Committee for the red cross and red crescent has begun medical evacuations from eastern guta the besieged rebel held area of syrias capital damascus the United Nations had earlier call for five hundred people in need of Urgent Medical care to be allowed to leave egypt is asking the world bank for its help to resolve a ten month and passed with ethiopia over its massive grand renaissance dam project on the river nile the project also involves sudan egypt fears the hydroelectric plan will reduce its share of the water if the o. P. s says the dam is needed for its Economic Development those are the headlines news continues here on aljazeera after sports in the endless chase keep it or. Doesnt want to by the way you into. The u. S. Could have but thats the balls are born out of. The knowledge to find out the fall theyre not the. Best solicitousness dancers and let me add that of which most of the set says their last and david sort of supported. The double that of a cousin to punches a proton up the butt out of. A boat just all mom is that all of the. Children its obscenity but the only thing i. Really just noticed particular to you. Because you can get the most at least. The story in peace kitchen fire when they meet the keanu. Cook with smoke with my new teacher. Knocking about some of our colleagues and what im about as i wish for certain is the same tack still i get you want to. Pick your singing. You boy going to pick you saying you want to. Vote for the death of god or go out to. Do some on would not want to smoke this night you could see he was chasing me i have which now point she keyboard. For if i fall and therefore you really are step out of our box but it could not you might not but you know youll use the part of us is a whistle blower heroine of the fight against doping despite the risks she had the courage to report an organized cheating system in russian athletics. Causing one of the worlds biggest sports scandals questioning the presence of russia in International Competitions. And i ask the question about doping in the russian federation. Its not on the last world cup level. Never in sport has cheating been so prevalent at the highest level. Never has the pharmacological range of performance enhancing drugs been so great. It is something new and it picked up this issue through scottish. Cycling football power sports injury and sports Technical Schools doping is only present no discipline escapes unscathed but where do these products come from how does this underground activity work. Till armitage but certainly its also going to aid in a good many galaxy most of the stick you have to ship. The styles of High Performance sports can spend up to one hundred thousand euros a year on state of the out treatments that are often still under development. The extreme growth of the sports business is gendered a lucrative black market in doping with an estimated thirty billion euros a year so in whose interest is it to unmask the cheats and clean up sport demands that it was picked that diminish it given that it was because the measure of the virtually sixty that it believes about the cost of whatever the less it guy is on the best christmas but even voters that. Sponsors and sports federations a party responsible. For the video. Where is it. Rise up without. Some leaders benefit financially from having doped athletes and cover up the cheating to ensure participation in International Meetings such as ok because it does damage stuff thats a bold impression screen on top of a culture to others and in a world that values prefer. Moments and competition so highly all the proponents of green sports fighting a losing battle. Its rare to find out leads willing to talk about doping. Where starting instigation that things parts could i talk to no im sorry i have no comment to make nothing to say about that. And only to say well ok yes the ship money for doping and it was up and. You know and she. Hunted him out in force by the militias she had you know nobody will talk about this country stop calling every day we cant say anything but. The subject is to boo. Clinton about as you said you know the new things about in fact im always. Up. For. This young man is the first to agree to address the subject area but already you know. A quarter. Twenty two year old quentin beagle a hammer thrower tested positive from anabolic steroids at the european championships in germany in two thousand and fourteen. Time to go you said what was on the bodies on all filmed in latin with a long i dont do you look. Like equals. Video as you hold it is that you have a look at you are going to look back responses im afraid i mean on the. Mystery tour or does it really sort of clip on why moores are exposed its what i thought he really made. His coach rafael peel lanty was indicted for inciting doping. This is a. Remark toward all just sentiment in a sixty year misses the point of forgive for she said hobbled us to pawtucket off if you dont see it when youre up to put up or for the. Kids to school the rest of us or not. At eighteen going to big or became junior champion of europe at nineteen he was the youngest athlete for the french delegation at the London Olympics in a sport where you normally reach the peak of your performance in your early thirties his career seemed to begin well. I dont know maybe the. Ideally. More. Suited me they do want. You know a certain. Party on priscilla system to the more traditional on the open your they mean all things are beginning from the midtown times revenues were all called the hospital put up through this. Door. Again yes all they do. Which it isnt your. Or just some to. Pick our year or refunded our funds from what you are fitted are fun to do you do this we were showing plenty of eyes at the pop or. Then in two thousand and twelve six months before the London Olympic games clinton injured himself the issue of dont bring came up for the first time to market one metaphor and we can ensure that. Its a possible writer. Mentally for. Are committed to pay three hundred percent of schwab to move the physical. City up by duty or such i thought i mean is also a lot of. City a leg going to. Say that it was still in pain when the trailer folks. Are going out a trophy and was originally prescribed by doctors to stimulate the secretion of sex hormones athletes use it for its anabolic effects to help increase muscular mass. Quentin b. Goal was also taking testosterone proponent injections. Meth and die alone orally. And stanozolol the steroid taken by ben johnson in one thousand nine hundred eighty for two years quentin was able to avoid testing positive. Jump assisted in europes lone dispense it in may for the apollo once problem. Well when it comes. To all the. Issues you know whats in there but dont. See it on the way in hindsight he incriminates his relationship with his trainer. I mean dont foam affair or just dump. The book. Journey type of fairbridge point this was on a limb on that all kind morning drew where you appreciate more papa bear it is resolved of our process at all victories. When you when you would get up as conservative. Second second while. His former coach denies any involvement clinton admits he made a mistake and wants to move on he hopes to rediscover his best form in two thousand and seventeen and says oh yes i mean. Its now. Former. Rivals. For their thousands. Every year worldwide three thousand death leaves are suspended by their federations. On a global level the fight against doping began fairly recently in one nine hundred ninety nine the World Antidoping Agency wada was created water defines doping in legal terms. You have bagged you being out. Here for amnesty but if. You support. In two thousand and five one hundred ninety one states signed Unescos International convention against doping in sport and began to harmonize diligence lotions but the World Antidoping Agency still has no operational role it is the responsibility of the sports federations to find cheaters and therein lies the main problem. August two thousand and fifteen beijing hosts the fifteenth world athletics championships organized by the i w n the International Association of athletics federations since the two thousand and eight Olympic Games china has excelled at all in izing sporting events for nine days almost one thousand nine hundred athletes from two hundred make countries more watched by six billion television viewers. Thats the i. W. A. After organizes the event and sells Television Rights to broadcasters oddly though they are also responsible for enforcing anti doping regulations its a system which makes the federations both judge and jury i buy any. Potential. The suv stuff but of course the general also bob will just move on to the course question as well apollo was the only player for the charger sources that a full. Plate. Was. Behind the finishing line dont ping inspectors and members of the International Federation await the athletes selected for testing. By the stop the process so we are secure in knowing that they dont see you cannot miss any of the athletes that have been selected for their record for that so many cases start off that they lost in the proceedings and. In this secure zone five hundred samples are taken no camera can enter when an athlete is present. So essentially they see. You have been there yet and there this is now. There is no. So. He sounded so they can see. To tell you yes. There were cases where. Things were not required to. Complete so it was the possibility to hide something we did. There were nothing. An example of this was a trick most famously pulled off by boxer mike tyson who confessed to having deceived testers by using a fake penis filled with clean urine. An independent laboratory analyzes the samples there are thirty five in the world that are accredited by the World Antidoping Agency each athlete must provide two bottles sample a friend now assist and sample b. For a second test if required the anonymous samples are separated into several tubes and tested for four hundred different chemicals every year the World Antidoping Agency publishes the list of prohibited substances and methods the athletes take great care to avoid the banned substances. For a book called horses but even more lucrative do we do because it is all going on as it. Does for what it. Says the effect statistic more could. It will prevent more put in Water Bottles who cant get to School School or simply improve they will do it. Because of him going to go sisulu potential is for the overall samples of the. Testing during competition is above all about protecting the reputation and credibility of the athletics inventing ques. These urine tests are supplemented by other checks elite athletes are subjected to testing several times a year either at home or at a hotel tests that the federations normally do not allow to be filmed. To the top infantry officer shes my colleague sure how do you reckon so if this time its a blood test. Images one of its. Great feel. Once you. Have. Blood testing allows levels of other substances undetectible in your in to be assessed. The equipment a protocol all the same for all athletes in all countries all blood data is kept on record by the i w f for comparison purposes to help identify any suspicious variations this is what is known as a biological passport. I think thats probably the same moving or taking a pyramid. More or less or so. We do wallace is if. Of it of a movie or the mask of saga sold in. Normal novelette is more stubble a cube of the year law school. Girls were pleased to be all over. Again this is the value of various work your typical titles will. Disappear. In beijing four hundred fifty thousand euros to spend on the drive to unmask dont use but only two kenyan athletes testing positive samples can be reanalyzed for a period of up to ten years. So i started to do the persia a lot tougher to show. The case that that was fairly does attitude that is the cause of me. Because for so all these all what i when they said the poses had to be democrats was through the desert let a fish other for. These retroactive tests can shatter the podiums years after competitions since the london games russians are a poor was stripped of her gold medal in the three thousand meter steeplechase. The u. S. Relay team lost their four silver medals and turned out to keane returned her gold medal for the one thousand five hundred meters value of years that left us barely made diocese mears one boys then knows what their sexual needs the pleasure morning in town but i. Dont mean to infer that being your medina yes or the boys did their the drugs no he will sign do is me leaving stace nozzles the hail me usage going on here but. Nowadays any athlete is seen as capable of dont bring. Them up on. The same cincinnatus. He. Has been on the net at the with. Me daughter. Chose to stay here myself. This is not. Going to spawn me. As if it is. My powers and they. Form a killing for his team. Which i want. You same for chile. So i still cant see come joy leave my face. In the entire history of the one hundred meters i fled six blue ribbon sprint event only ten men and run the distance in less than one point eight seconds using bones is the only one to have never been accused of doping. Was. It what it what it was the jamaican is the first sprinter to have been proved one hundred metres world record three times some of these records were achieved during a period when no blood testing was carried out on jamaican athletes. Yes you do. It by tab you give it back program to test sure you didnt just want to have it is that lead to tony and the law. Because that they are behind you dont. Tend to get the full immersion. If the law says that led to. That lead. From that it isnt. Hard may be demo not to. Be young and they dont need a bad outcome only kell better looking for it possible here live it up as possible. In theory every country needs a national Antidoping Agency able to independently organize the testing of its athletes however in many countries due to the interference of National Sporting federations of the state the agencies do not carry out anti doping tests thus in two thousand and twelve there were no urine tests in jamaica during the six month period that preceded the London Olympics where using bolt made off with three gold medals. They didnt go. Because they know that theres more. Ball when. They say look theres a young for a saturday and theyve got the does not only are. You saying balls Great American rival Justin Gatlin has been suspended twice after testing positive for amphetamines and testosterone he returned at the age of thirty two Even Stronger and faster than he was when he tested positive for his performances judy raised eyebrows. I am and. Unbelievable it sounds like an agreement between a criminal busts just like trading and stolen goods that have been taken by the place if anyone ever comes to ask the question then sort of throw their hands up in the air and say i dont know i was just nominee director were doing a investigation into. Ukraine could you a bribe so you can corrupt ill be corrupt i did just what the president say aljazeera investigations the only god coming soon. After years documenting street violence and john this book that someone was inspired to transform perceptions that we had to listen to. South africa and capture the fiber and see if the emerging black Youth Culture now is one of the people that has kept said i would not be giving a speech but if i think thats what you think try the new african photography not so much at this time on aljazeera. Our war on terror begins with but it does not in there no terrorist state poses a greater or more immediate threat than the regime of Saddam Hussein this is a regime that has something to hide they had prepared a significant Propaganda Machine and guess what not one w m d shite was found in iraq since one thousand nine hundred ninety one iraq a deadly deception at this time on al jazeera. Im Richelle Carey and soha these are the top stories on aljazeera counting is underway after a peaceful day of voting in liberias president ial Runoff Election observers say the turnout is much lower than it was during the first round in october and had to choose between a former International Football player and the countrys Vice President the kremlin says calls by russian Opposition Leader alexina volley to boycott next years election should be an investigator to see if it breaks the law meanwhile russias president Vladimir Putin has been nominated for reelection as an independent candidate can you see. The. Solution of course these would be difficult years for both the country and for those who had to ensure a Stable Development and overcome the difficulties that stemmed from the World Economy i can say that the russian government not only did everything that it could but in my opinion even more than that you have essentially solved all the economic tasks at hand that are National Committee for the red cross and red crescent and medical evacuations from eastern guta the besieged rebel held area of syrias capital damascus the United Nations said earlier call for five hundred people in need of Urgent Medical care to be allowed to leave. Man maher is keeping to reuters journalists in custody for another fourteen days by loaning who were arrested earlier this month after they were invited to meet Police Officials on the outskirts of the gone man maher says the reporters this is a quote illegally acquired information with the intention to share it with foreign media the u. S. Canada and the European Union have joined top u. N. Officials into managing their release a former senior official with prues National Football federation has been acquitted of conspiracy by a court in the u. S. And walburga has been charged with taking bribes in exchange for the award of marketing and media rights to International Soccer matches he walked free just days after two other south american officials were convicted of similar charges the government of the philippines is setting up more than six hundred separate shelters for people displaced by the conflict in murari the army read to the city from separatists fighters in october after a five month siege conditions have been made worse there by a Tropical Storm tembin. Those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after sports stoping the endless chase keep it or. Using bonds is the only one to have never been accused of doping. The jamaican is the first sprinter to have improved one hundred meters world record three times some of these recalls were achieved during a period where no blood testing was carried out on jamaican athletes using bowls Great American rival Justin Gatlin has been suspended twice after testing positive for amphetamines and testosterone he returned at the age of thirty two Even Stronger and faster than he was when he tested positive for his performances judy raised eyebrows scientists suspect that doping main deede have long term effects and i. Believe it. Yeah and theyre back to do it only one more seriously. And. Then is key for what i saw. The hopper to defamation effective more connected to mood if he sued if it. Took on second here compliments of the crypt. Considering your knowledge is performance this president has to remind you this path is life tragedy he wrote that your job is to go out there and give. Give the news to the world but have a biased opinion so i think you dont do a good job of being the reporters can meet later to discuss more about it and all of that. Despite four years of suspension Justin Gatlin signed another contract with nike the Worlds Largest Sports Equipment manufacturer is sending out mixed messages. Its sure not the way with an eco light that there was a common a keyboard a comparison with a nigga but to get us back up. About theyre on the market youre on the opposite they want in bed they got. The. Second month in there was chemistry in there from the first. Job a runner up at the end of this which i let us call mario and beyond just england in my filming i thought that was going the opposite they were going to show us in the box within all four nike is told only they are they there for more than one. And we dont believe you need most is the sheeple who frequent romel and mirthless for snore that couldnt be the root of the explorer effect that spoke to the office for tsunamis this could go. And should report but will seek a new cell for tomorrow against the on the cusp of the bomb on me and you but that your story to them and theyre almost. Endless will see the evolution of the computer. To stop cheating many athletes are demanding more severe penalties. Enormous this. Has been on the sites of clear clinton. Things open my eyes thing with my eyes thing on socialists in london its a cousin and so. On they can from the olympics and you know i think this year seen the stakes up late in two thousand companies have to set a new voting. This in this theater so few of us here on this book speak to meet welcome to couldnt comment on the athletes and im sorry i know im talking weekend wont see shmeat on a lot and his making his time he says needs to say oh mommy says i read. This is to plow its image this is me fucking most fish have a complaint in laos and south of him missed. Hes been at them i dont does that lead them to get up top and but in a babys looseness to get open and fluid have to be stuff that i missed and. Then i know the small being no wallace they leaked behind the recent. Months even pissed off. They stayed in on their plates and. Couldnt get the fiend mystical style to folk to them the stuff we say took a family skin done of it this is to a mouse if hed asked again over the. Pios equipment is one of the few journalists specializing in dumping since two thousand and six hes been conducting a study on cheating in spain china and kenya in two thousand and fifteen he brought the lies and corruption at the highest level of the i w f to light. This is a comment. That inventors read about as. They gather and veg. Brutally at a fresh start or season for me and i can spit. Him as hes talking for us or to try to take away yall invective reasons and most these are the results of blood tests for five thousand athletes taken between two thousand and one and two thousand and twelve amongst them eight hundred a suspected of doping for example this value of this blood sample should not exceed one hundred forty three sometimes we find samples valuing one hundred forty five one hundred fifty five or even one hundred fifty six. At lorton versions of the here get off talking kind of person i know a lot interesting a bit of the talking to are yet to happen too often a tradition was a hands off of your insanity i dont know annoyances. Dropping going on when were talking the toward. The federation the us knew that many of their athletes with doping notably the Long Distance and medium distance runners but they allowed this to happen even worse the directors of the i. W. A. F allowed athletes who tested positive to compete in exchange for money according to the newspapers le monde on lexpress mean diac the president of the i. W. A. Up until two thousand and fifteen admitted to french prosecutors to having him pencilled one point five Million Euros the money would have been used to fund the election of the senegalese president in two thousand and twelve his son diac former Marketing Consultant supposedly targeted athletes such as the russian marathon runner. From whom he allegedly demanded four hundred fifty thousand euros so that she can still compete racketeering money was moved to a company in singapore black tydings when investigated by interpol he denied all involvement gabriel delay the head doctor of the federation is suspected of having received nearly two hundred thousand euros for having concealed the doping but see this is obviously just. Stopped at about a push to run top of a culvert lawtons and get it for blunt and i stuck to it as i said comforting gawping at the forefront in the fight against doping one internets and argue about it see or touch these after about and i cannot escape in total not out dont go if now to just good stand out is obama supporter were talking to americans i get comes im. Disgusted by these practices athletes decided to take matters into their own hands here i dont believe we cannot trust you anymore you damage our sport we have to. This is what we have to see. You put money. I want to run against clean athletes not munster. Taggerty. Passion. Some athletes went even further us to part of russias eight hundred metres champion in two thousand and eleven along with her husband vitali unveiled to the world how russia creates its champions for five years yulia rub shoulders with the worlds best athletes the tally is an advisor to the director of the russian Antidoping Agency this is him at the side of the sports minister in two thousand and nine. In two thousand and fourteen the couple decided to reveal the systematic doping of russian athletes doping organized by the countrys medical and sporting bodies and covered up by the state their revelations caused a scandal. Its tearing apart im diving in Atlantic City sides russia facing tannic caribbean also there at the start of the civilities it will take im going to need to do better could we just learn from this one of these people as it was yesterday spewing out a lesson in lessons for the all to do push the ball shook the city gets your. If. Forced to react to the i. W. A. After suspended four thousand russian athletes it was the biggest collective punishment in the history of sport. Vladimir putin was forced to reassure the world. Youre going to produce just for your thoughts to win there but you know just you know when youre. Every species somewhere i could get a pitcher and were prepared but him only start doing each mission not only me and you dont. Stop. Two months later two directors of the Anti Doping Agency died under suspicious circumstances vyacheslav seem to have a new key to come on have their deaths took place just as they were preparing to make Public Disclosures according to the sunday times considered traitors of their homeland the whistleblower couple exiled themselves to berlin. Resist. The best right now so mr. Dusting is no mysql this years. The story began the day that yulia met sergei portugal the head of the athletics federations medical department who prescribed a doping program. The girls were given claridge. That presented the dog that wasnt thats because it got to have spots near enough that a lot of its border. Can fall out um you for all but mother me a lot of us to. Spot an absence i mean that i just. Need to stitch a whole new. Class thats just what them to quote. How do. You know to not go there bill stuart you know. That the storm new governor your own go ideals dont save in the word of what it is must see that zongo just ones that he bore you will eat up with. Two of the gold Medal Winners of the London Olympic games if you athletes tested positive it was because the Anti Doping Agency in moscow were themselves corrupt. And that resignation a. Bit about us is a slower so move it is cheap and since the dawn. Of the machine you must give them good help the goal of only because. I guess its about what was more but they still are on your door when you go in you boys at the u. Prost as they also which. Would still know but them to be over the blanket was of an accord on the piece a moment problem it didnt you so must get that number probably but so i guess thats just because popcorn that what it has a place where you are yeah i am disallowing number probably it ends up with i guess most probably no names could hit it or when you. Did you did while competing union made retire early her future husband on a second date she broached the issue of doping. Us. I. Dont think are you. But ill. Cook of this because that the problem of putting on the tube. In the sun to get to most of silk is a condition. For them to sit still for some. Severe measures three children thats what he has recorded over so theres no new profit loss to the shop or for the ideals could always need to take place towards who would stand to pursue me dr billy. And then he of us what they all you promote. The man who said nothing was we are just love scene of one of the two directors the died under suspicious circumstances. But what were the russian athletes doing to escape jackson brought. Us. That we said come on the signal imam. Stay on its not genuine design use could never use them as dammed up in the country. But i said the brigade a sentiment is plentiful is that no money you know the detection methods is always changing and the dates how long. Some substances can be detected always getting shorter but again usually the directors of the labs at the first ones to receive this information so that in a country like pressure the they have to share this information because the main goal is not to catch their peers the main goal is to help people in gold medals. The russian Anti Doping Agency disputes the accusations. Vitali he has refused to cooperate with us on this matter. And for us its a pity if you want to fight against doping in sport you should not only give these bold statements publicly its not enough just to you know appear in the screen and say everyone is cropped it facts and presumptions that what we need to have in order to establish an underdog in the world is. The evidence was collected by high level. As if you have a as a tradition yesterday in your four veto. And you just have an off duty guy and. In video and audio form the. P. S. A. Given to not made one in you know not on titles and one of. The you know in. Your view you know its a day in is so good to see does he. Get up and on was times to the economic hot. Beleaguer. Just dropping and it was nice to play the cop tie a knot. Or maybe tina does one hundred and was dustys us and sustain imminent us problem theres always are spots to minister to was invited to. Use it thats all it was his form of good luck almost genius like she took the equivalent. Of the vision image from were up about the let me die you see but i couldnt conceive in my book simple minimal for the month i was just not the. Good he should be most of the fishies that makes it alls. Lives it does business all your people who want. To punish on the school can get a look past make it look wont get to me that. Following vitaly unions revelation is what i began investigating in russia. Meanwhile julia hopes to rediscover her best film. Because i didnt want to get i guess that worse nor so get the most you got though this is me of a subtle shift but. I see just as nice to you on each when you do my least three up and you might still. Stay to get divorced it seems that all it is the study of sport and sports. Do you think that they take yet. I couldnt win them with that but if. You want. To take part in International Competition she first needs to find a host country to accept into their team. But go to closing it was do but its a cool we can fix that and then you just get that shit from my store up and get to the caucuses that are stepping up to the head you have to get the question. Which country would be dead if i russia and adopt yulia. Russia however does not have the monopoly on doping every year worldwide three thousand athletes test positive for doping among the sports in which cheating has been found to be the most prevalent in recent years our bodybuilding athletics baseball american football weightlifting boxing wrestling cycling ice hockey rugby swimming and basketball power and insurance sports are not the only concerns. And would use book only on novel is a specific nick book if you didnt. Saw that it would want to put it in his pool and its all of it is. More all now but the movies where that initial exposure that he needs me all could do is rather than the six it all but. Much of skittishness of all dont do it thank you said look they stood it to me not in this book its promoted. As a sport that relies on technique football would seem to be above doping scandals and yet it has been tainted by much rigging and corruption. Its very true and nobody during the two thousand and fourteen world cup in brazil seven hundred thirty six players were tested as shown in this free for promotional video. Once again the tests are financed and carried out by the federation that organizes the event do you think that that is the feel like in other words or what is your opinion one difficult in football. The run. Of you know grand in islands. Good luck scored a goal was. No footballer tested positive in rio a satisfactory result of a free for. All. The last. Case we had was during nine hundred ninety four was the united states. There is a very clear commitment to make the fee for competition free. Despite this show of toughness to the leaders of World Football really provide the necessary means to catch cheats in one thousand nine hundred fifty four had all the samples destroyed after the world cup thus avoiding any subsequent unmasking of drug cheats in two thousand and six no blood samples were taken in two thousand and fourteen the laboratory that tested the samples was in those over twelve hours away from rio after twelve hours tiny doses of a no longer detectable in urine samples so is the myth of clean football to be believed retired player wright a World Champion in one thousand nine hundred four is skeptical. So. As to be. Really my origins vital to those. Sports working to control the strain strain of the of he used to look at as a future boy as he was in jeopardy. Badger me of with my i was there with my shorty there was that they may perceive him as massive amounts of muscle. Them being. Ripped out of some fees and. If we witnessed this that specter. Of dementia. Would only whatever was the speed of the earth when most of it. With an army. Sugar abuse issue which first i want to know. Was only a move toward the minimum is more. Yeah well weve history got it or or since youre closer to. It watch the video of it you know what in my arm i see my eyes fickling to my eyes my eyes up without the ha. Ha ha ha ha ha oh. I mean yes it was part but i think an issue part. I pop your brain gun. Law the law i just finish of a post by doc i think i wanted to work at all still cannot now fraud. Is part and sweet. Little budget i stick in exhort for but call early i led the explaining. The keep a saw so maybe youll see still could nationalise mortality do but do point to that then mash shots if he called me because it will be able to teach you ever take banned substances to enhance your cycling performance yes he just wouldnt give as bookkeepers good seem to be by the b. Go with the human whats on your ball i dont get it again even when you want to see it all out much but to start. With i used. To aid you nicky minaj accountability more sophisticated the official welcome to geneva for the special one the independent Commission Press conference weve found to cover up speed film destruction of samples in the fortress payments of money in order to conceal the doping test so its worse than we thought. Our league is influenced by their football fans who dont think about doping really had that lead explaining when real madrid a club worth five hundred Million Euros expresses a position on something the World Antidoping Agency has to take notice you dont think. Ill just continues its investigation into the widespread use of performance enhancing drugs in the final episode of sports doping the endless chase at this time. Hello and welcome back across the levant and western parts of asia its all quite certain on wednesday we see the snow clearing the way there are marty will get up to freezing elsewhere fine around the caspian sea to much of eleven degrees fine around the eastern side of the mediterranean with variable amounts of cloud as we head into thursday weve got a southerly flow so temperatures jerry not too bad here twenty one in beirut heading into the Arabian Peninsula its thirty one woman off from mecca with thirty three degrees as of night so cooler here in doha as a front just clears through twenty two hours of max with but the winds picking up for the northwest we should lose the fog that weve had over recent days not a great deal of change on thursday perhaps a very slight warming so lets head across into southern parts of africa where for south africa and much of botswana namibia saw looking draw and find once you get further north into certainly more northern parts of godor through into zambians about way mozambique malawi here are seeing heavy showers heavy showers too on the eastern side of madagascar which continues a head on through into thursday with highs of twenty three in and around the reef so head into central parts of africa the northern limit of the showers is right about the bonsa leavell still a risk of showers but west africa fine sunshine and highs thirty one. You are making. Their on line the main u. S. Response to drug use and the drug trade over the last fifty years has been criminalized or if you join us. In the morning and says i want to cover the world of darkness this is a dialogue could be with some of the confusion i like about people saying they dont actually know whats going on join the colobus conversation at this time on aljazeera. We understand the differences and the similarities of cultures across the world. So no matter where you call home aljazeera will bring in the news and Current Affairs that matter to you. Aljazeera. And she manage tarrying. For truth and war criminal. You know funded young a retired bosnian army general who defended saturday vote against a top by sir forces. And covers the story of tough choices and determined. That it gave. This time on aljazeera. The philippines government reaches out to help people displaced by storm

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