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Democratic transition of power in seventeen years. And Michelle Carey this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up that francis again calls for a negotiated two state solution to bring peace between israel and palestine. About a Million People evacuated in vietnam but its now forecast the country will escape the worst of a Violent Storm that claimed more than two hundred lives in the philippines. These crazy people to mation bottom to please the common good to me to move us there it was disappointing but of element of Driverless Cars could drive thousands right out of a job. And just a few hours in early two point two million liberians will choose between a former football star. Are the current Vice President and a president ial runoff a candidates a promise to revive liberias struggling economy and kickstart infrastructure jobs the election will see the countrys first democratic transition of power in seventy years amato reports from right here. In the contest for the liberian presidency this month for my International Footballer do it well and start he received thirty eight percent of the votes cast in the foster round held in october hes open and in the round of current liberian Vice President just a walk i got twenty eight percent of the vote. In the car. That where grew up has been hyping his humble upbringing and style himself as the pull of pork and to date a man who knows exactly what liberians want from the government tension of politics we have a traditional voting along ethnic religious and regional lines where you were born and grew up is important there is a hope here thats when he becomes president he will help his community where dropped out of school at an early age to concentrate on playing football he applied his trade in liberia until he got a break to play for the french club he is more like go on from there on to some of the worlds most glamorous clubs in two thousand and three where now is his intention to run for the presidency after taking on the incumbent president Ellen Johnson sirleaf to a second round vote in two thousand and five the footballer was bitten this is known as walk in the park this could be we as the he led in the first one in two thousand and five and phil to win in the second round this is wide open it could be president we have a president. A former head of liberias Petroleum Refinery company and agriculture minister seventy two year old joseph. Biggest wise president since two thousand and six his tenure as Vice President will be remembered as a period of an interrupted peace most small feat in a country torn apart by years of civil. Is considered a safe by many given his long experience of the highest echelons of power in liberia ambassador walker strongest point is his credentials in Public Policy and the broad perception of him. On this the last time i tried this line around he has an honesty capital. In liberia where theres been so much reports of corruption hes managed to keep on touched he will have to persuade many liberians though that he can do differently than he has done for more than a decade many hell hold the government responsible for failing to improve their lot whoever wins the election will inherit the leadership of one of the poorest countries in the world liberians often complain about them of corruption in government and the poor delivery of Public Services many of them say about the world of thankful for the past twelve years of peace still excited about the prospect of change. From another world as you know the old year like beauty. That of the Roman Catholic church is used as christmas message to call for a negotiated two state solution to end the Israeli Palestinian conflict as a second time for francis has spoken out censure as president on a recognition of jerusalem as israels capital earlier this month but francis says talks are the only way to find peace. But. We see jesus and the children of the middle east who continue to suffer because of growing tensions between israelis and palestinians on this festive day let us off the lord for peace for jerusalem and for all the holy land let us pray that the will to resume dialogue may prevail between the parties and that a negotiated solution can be finally reached one that would allow the peaceful coexistence of two states within mutually agreed internationally recognized borders and Israeli Court on monday has extended the detention of the palestinian teenager her mother and cousin they were arrested after this video was posted online on friday it shows seventeen year old ahead altimimi pushing an israeli soldier this incident reportedly took place after a relative was shot in the face by Israeli Forces and critically injured ahead has appeared in several other videos challenging Israeli Soldiers Tropical Storm tambon has now been downgraded to a tropical depression after it failed to make landfall and vietnam with a trail of death and destruction in the philippines where at least two hundred people have been killed heavy rain and strong winds are expected to cause serious damage in vietnam around sixty thousand fishing boats were ordered not to go to sea all my pride has more from the island of mindanao in the philippines the area worst hit by the storm. This is the township of too bad its probably one of the worst affected areas of one of the worst affected provinces in mindanao we are down river that was the site of a surge of water that came through here if i can stand back and just give you a quick look at the kind of damage and trail of destruction that it left a torrent of water came down here leaving all of these boulders some of them the size of cars these werent here a couple of days ago taking with it the surge of water more than one hundred houses sadly twenty nine people are confirmed to have died here a number of the bodies are being kept at a makeshift mortuary just a short distance away while the search continues in this area for a further sixteen people who are missing and the search is being conducted some six kilometers downstream it gives you an idea of the strength of the power of the water that came through here all of mindanao like this area are assessing the damage from this storm and looking at ways of being more prepared the next time and the philippines as it is one of the most disaster prone countries in the world does take Disaster Preparedness very seriously and invest a lot in infrastructure also in Awareness Training to be ready for the next time but here in mindanao given the security situation it is an added complexity it makes it harder to introduce any of those plans but the philippines has to think in terms of introducing those things given what we are seeing people tell us here about stronger storms and people certainly here believe it is the evidence of Climate Change that these storms are going to be the shape of things to come to nations demanding an apology from the United Arab Emirates after an airline ban female to news continues and citizens from landing in the gulf state Emirates Airlines flights had been barred from tunisia in response tennis has since been told the ban fallen during intelligence reports are. Possible attacks by three male to nation passport holders theres widespread anger in the north african country over these restrictions charlotte bellus reports. This was the scene at tunis airport on friday as women turned up for flights the start of a u. I. Travel ban against women and girls of all ages to be given to the was there let me know but then if not i came here and found chaos and theyre saying to an indian woman under the age of thirty cannot board emerick plane remember that morning but i arrived here only for a man to come and tell me that any woman who holds a tunis in passport is banned from boarding us airline. Two days later the u. A. E. Explains the temporary travel restriction is for security reasons the minister of state for Foreign Affairs posted on twitter they had communicated security information with tuna zia and that the u. A. E. Appreciates and values to his young woman. But outrage across china zero and elsewhere grew with claims of discrimination and racism to his ears governments took immediate action the ministry of transport has decided to suspend Emirates Airlines flights to and from tunisia to the latter finds a suitable solution to operate its flights in accordance with International Regulations and conventions emirates didnt respond to our request for an interview but to confirm via twitter they were instructed to stop services to tune a spy to newseum authorities a fictive to seen between the fifth children as young as two years old will be im barred from flying i mean not many people would consider two year old threats and officials or even informing families that even if you are a one month old female baby you wouldnt be allowed to fly and you wouldnt be allowed to enter the u. A. E. Territory emirates is the only airline that flies you a direct meaning it severed the transport link between the countries its unclear if the diplomatic link will also be cut. To his ear has been trying to repair relations with the u. A. E. After its twenty eleven revolution its Biggest Political Party has strong ties to casa currently under blockades by the u. A. E. And three other arab countries its quite clear to say you know that the United Arab Emirates have been seeking to undermine his democracy so on the hundred three so this decision is the most expressive yet and the most in your face ever since the two thousand and eleven revolution emirates will remain suspended until feels it can operate within International Regulations the sudden and vague ban that to newseum woman face now turned on the line charlotte dallas aljazeera place in peru have fired tear gas to Disperse Protesters angry about a pardon for former president of barter for g mori hes been serving a twenty five year sentence for crimes against humanity and corruption. Demonstrators marched through the capitol when the president. Decision seventy nine year old still intensive care a day after he was pardoned he managed to send a message to his supporters from his hospital bed on Christmas Day still ahead on aljazeera russian Opposition Leader alexina valmy calls for an election boycott after his bit run in next years president ial election and block. A major earthquake has sole second guessing the decision to build more Nuclear Power plants and south korea. Howlers a wont sweat through the event and northern egypt very rapidly on the thing which is a cold front and it rained on monday thats introducing of course weather the role to be there this time of the year which is temperatures typically in the middle teens and lastly sunny skies occasional showers now the same cooling trend is working trust iraq but does a mix of twenty and twenty sort of woman it should be but runs really will that it should be in a few showers still to come on the south coast of the caspian sea and also imagines beyond tiran terms coming down to near average but still not there and all the time that cloud was movie across iraq iran and afghanistan with the hindu kush getting the benefit is no from it now given that youve got that sort of thing which looks like a cold front it usually affects the weather running down to the gulf and there it is it will drop the temperature in riyadh to twenty to temperature in their holiday off to about twenty three inches briefly a blustery northerly breeze which will get rid of any threat of further fog in dubai or up or down. Southern africa should be where the sun the year the concentration of heavy rains quite often around zimbabwe a malawi and zambia and thats indeed where it is during tuesday so if youre looking for south africas sun its everywhere. On county would cost a robin hood in reverse quite forgive the saying dont plan to cut taxes for the rich do little for the poor the link between electric cars cobalts and a legal minds result i dont see crisis means for the give economy county the cost of this time on aljazeera. Watching aljazeera lets take a look at the top stories right now liberians are set to go to the polls in a few hours and our president ial runoff that will see its first democratic transition of power and seventy years are football star george waya is taking on the countrys Vice President joseph. Tropical storm temp it has now been downgraded to a tropical depression after a failed to make landfall in vietnam time and kill more than two hundred people as it passed over the philippines tenacious demanding a public apology from the United Arab Emirates after the u. A. E. Banned tunisian women from flying to or passing through the state on friday and retaliation tunisia suspended all and rights Airlines Flights says the ban was imposed for security reasons but it hasnt given more details. The russian Opposition Leader alexina vali has been barred from running in next years president ial election hes been told he isnt eligible because of a past criminal conviction which he says followed a politically motivated trial on the us now calling for a boycott of the march vote will show president vladimir. Course to be reelected comfortably what should keep him in the kremlin until two thousand and twenty four or a challenge has more from moscow. This was no surprise at all really how mean i have been talking with colleagues yesterday and weve been speculating that there was maybe a small chance that the tightly controlled russian president ial system the electoral system here would be given a bit of a shake up and maybe there would be some fresh life breathed into it most people are assuming that person is going to march towards a fourth in office when the elections are held in march next year but no that was not to be the thirteen member panel of the Central Election Committee decided twelve votes with one abstention that they were going to fall in the valley from the panel fired back saying that he was brainwashing kids that he was disrespecting the Election Commission and that they hinted he was politically irrelevant anyway now what is now i do next well of course i said hes going to take this to the constitutional courts but hes also saying that his supporters should boycott the election and he is saying that yes there will be street process they havent set a date for these yet but hes saying that when the protests hits they will be nationwide canada is to expel a venezuelan diplomat two days after a caucus throughout canada as ambassador for criticizing its human rights record but as well as ambassador who had already been pulled out of canada has been barred from returning their equipment or his government has also expelled the brazilian envoy accusing interfering in domestic affairs. Politicians and Decision Makers in south korea are torn about a plan to continue construction of two Nuclear Power plants following a major earthquake that five point four magnitude quake in early november reignited public concern about whether the country can still be considered a seismic safe zone now a five hundred strong panel of experts is due to report kathy novak reports on. This is south koreas scenic southeastern region a popular Tourist Destination home to stretches of coastline and eighteen uclear reactors so when a magnitude five point four earthquake forced more than a thousand people to evacuate their homes in november some wondered if those Nuclear Reactors are safe she is so worried shes been protesting in the streets. That its almost impossible but. I was so scared when the earthquake happened here i had evacuated from my building but when the tremors continued the thought of the Nuclear Power plants exploding horn to me. More reactors are on the way during the Election Campaign president monday and promised to halt their construction but he reversed that position after public consultations found the majority of people wanted the existing projects completed the Environmental Organization greenpeace want safety reexamined we saw the. Significant increase of the people who are concerned about the safety of Nuclear Reactors to. The twenty eleven fukushima disaster in japan happened just across the sea its not hard for South Koreans to imagine the worst Case Scenario but a tsunami triggered by a magnitude nine earthquake caused of that catastrophe and experts say that sort of event would be extremely unlikely here in a statement korea hydro a Nuclear Power the company that runs this plant says the newest reactors being built here are designed to with. Stand earthquakes sixty three times more powerful than the five point eight magnitude quake that hit the nearby city of young jew in twenty sixteen that was south koreas strongest earthquake since records began in one nine hundred seventy eight. Locals are still rebuilding many replacing traditional ceramic roof tiles with more affordable and sturdy metal sheets even if you church quakes damaged homes again uclear power advocates say the plants are designed to contain any radiation leaks that define a physical barrier to capture containment is Strong Enough to withstand any kind of the significant creek john young hoon says Nuclear Power must be part of south koreas Energy Supply the government still wants to phase it out over time. In the meantime the Energy Ministry has told South Koreans that close inspection of power plants revealed no damage from the latest earthquake Kathy Novak Al jazeera also south korea as two thousand and seventeen comes to an end for looking back at some of the biggest stories of the year through the eyes of five families and part three we speak to a syrian family like millions of others they have been forced from their homes by the civil war theyre also among four hundred thousand people who live in the tribal enclave of eastern. Has their story. Makes a living selling what ever he can find he was once a farmer and owned his own land. Now hes among the millions of syrians this place by the war and theyre able to survive without assistance. Im not ashamed to say this there are days when im able to provide food for my family and there are other days when im not able to do that the other day i had to take my children to the hospital because they didnt have enough food to. Run our. Lives. And opposition controlled area that has been besieged by Government Forces for years the siege has been tightened even more recently Food Supplies are scarce and shortages have sent prices soaring at least four hundred thousand people live in east on the outskirts of the capital the United Nations has been demanding unhindered access and warns that many of syrians there face severe problems in getting enough to eat. The aid that reaches us is not enough is specially for someone like me i have to take care of seven children and my wife. Only under siege it remains a war zone even though a russian guarantee deescalation deal was supposed to silence the guns and allow aid in. The building. Fears for her children shes also afraid that her family could face further displacement the government has been using what is known as the surrender or starve strategy and it is applying it. And. If given the choice to leave or stay and live under the regimes rule i will choose to leave i dont trust them they will eventually kill us. They starved us they killed our children. Rebels and refused to surrender but government pressure is growing already hundreds of thousands of syrians have been bused out of their towns and villages and taken to the rebel controlled province of in the north the Syrian Government calls them reconciliation agreements for the opposition those deals are forced settlements and. I dont think those who are forced to go to will ever return to their homes displacement who knows who they will give our country to its been almost two years since Government Forces began to crush popular dissent from a position of strength the leadership is imposing its own peace but it is a peace that is unacceptable to many syrians who now fear not having a place in their own country. Beirut. In the series one year five families families caught up and. See that an hour later news programs. Hurricane earl caused extensive damage in the u. S. State of florida and september since then much of the state has recovered but in one small Farming Community the daily struggle continues the city of lochley is almost entirely made up of Migrant Workers many of whom lost their homes and their jobs when that storm hit and gallagher has more. During the storm our house. Had several leaks the roof was not Strong Enough to sustain that when when hurricane ima hit this poor Farming Community on the edge of the everglades it took maria has his roof since then things have become worse repairs have yet to be made government help has been slow and had his family home is full of mold like many here the family couldnt afford insurance its hard even even though they give you extra food stamps or whatever to the migrants or whatever it is its still hard baghdad i said theres twelve of us here and you know we have to split our food are you know you know we know where our portions residents are almost entirely dependent on agricultural jobs but the storm took close to the loss of income and damage to homes is being felt across the community in the market these Communities School built for migrants teachers so even the children are being affected. By not having jobs them having money for them thats a lot of stress something going to have to borrow money to buy the food so theres a lot of stress for the childrens too because if theyre not eating well they have a hard time coming to school and in a city where more than half the population of thirty five thousand lives below the poverty line they used to fending for themselves. In the weeks following the storm teams of volunteers have handed out food and supplies and demand hasnt slowed we make phone calls as soon as we get product in and different churches and different organisations show up and everything that comes in here its not a warehouse its a Distribution Center so as soon as it comes in it moves out markedly was a poor Farming Community before hurricane hit and once its immediate needs have been met thats not going to change there was some government help there but what weve seen overwhelmingly is a community so its just politics is and members of Society Coming together to get this place back on its feet i mean gallacher aljazeera. Florida. This year saw the emergence of Driverless Cars and trucks being tested on the roads in the u. S. And u. K. Those behind the Technology Say its much safer and will save lives but others fear it could cost millions of jobs or enslave reports. In this brave new world events official intelligence the first direct effect on all our lives will be in transport its already begun and it will change humanity in many ways its well enough known by now that Driverless Cars and lorries are being childs the future were told may involve our children not having to learn how to drive please press the automation button to place the car to go to meetings with a satirical was this one even sitting in a simulator you feel a lack of control if you dont grip the wheel or press the brakes dragging on for real involves a leap of faith in relation to that is true of the thing to the Steering Wheel you are now free to engage in other times the engineers here assure the technology is good enough for driverless travel on motorways if not in congested cities because theres too much going on. You know the extremely busy and complex environment with lots of potential destructors people running across roads. So i think thats probably too complex weve certainly trying to contemporary vehicle automation both on the motorway and in urban environments. They dont work at all in urban environments and even on motorways they require regular interventions by human drive less. The future it seems may be a combination of systems moving us from port to driverless port modern rail systems near airports are driverless and people use those quite happily the paths of the cars through space would be similar to if there were you know some physical guide to them so i think in some cases so long as the as the speeds are fairly low its probably a safe proposition. True believers in driverless transport say we will be able to sleep or work nob vehicle but if that sounds good it will also mean the loss of millions of jobs and i wonder trades unions want to know how those jobs will be replaced were looking to see massive massive investment in electric vehicles driverless vehicles future mobility we need a great leap forward its easy to understand this concern in the u. K. There was a massive shock when car factories which had traditionally employed thousands of people all shut because of foreign competition this used to be the jackie were factory in the West Midlands now its going to be a warehouse the advent of Driverless Cars and wide automation could be a far greater shock still the British Government reckons that Driverless Cars could create up to thirty thousand jobs in the u. K. Which sounds ok until you hear evidence that says that in this part of england alone automation could cost three hundred thousand jobs it becomes pretty clear that governments like the one in britain in the job strategy for automation and quickly were asked to consider a world in which no humans at the wheel of a vehicle means accidents will not happen more than a million lives will be saved every year driverless vehicles will be on the roads and soon but will human souse jobs rely on transport except them and can we learn to trust the machines to safeguard the lives of those we love. Lawrence lee. London. Take a look at the headlines on aljazeera liberians are set to go to the polls in a few hours and a president ial runoff that will see its first democratic transition of power in seventy years or more football star george way is taking on the countrys Vice President joseph poor guy both candidates have promised to revive liberias struggling economy and kick start Infrastructure Projects Tropical Storm temp it has now been downgraded to a tropical depression after a failed to make landfall in vietnam ten minutes already cause death and destruction in the philippines are more than two hundred people have been killed tenacious demanding a public apology from the United Arab Emirates after the u. A. E. Bantu nation women from landing in the gulf state every tally ation tunisia suspended all Emirates Airlines flights the u. A. E. Says to ban was supposed for security and security reasons but hasnt given any more details and Israeli Court has extended the detention of a palestinian teenager her mother and her cousin arrested after this video was posted online friday that shows seventeen year old ahead altimimi pushing an israeli soldier this reportedly took place after a relative was shot in the face by Israeli Forces and critically injured demonstrators improve have marched through the capital lima in protest of president petro pedro pablo decision to pardon the former president Alberto Fujimori seventy nine year old which murray is still in intensive care a day after he was pardoned hes been serving a twenty five year sentence for human rights abuses and corruption during his tenure presidency. The russian Opposition Leader alexina vaulting has been barred from running in next years president ial election hes been told he is ineligible because of a past criminal conviction but she says followed a politically motivated trial of all me is now calling for a boycott of that march vote canada has announced it will expel evidence why one diplomat two days after caracas throughout canadas ambassador for criticizing its human rights record in israel Us Ambassador has already been pulled out of canada has been barred from returning there and thats what our Us Government has also expelled the brazilian envoy those are the headlines the news continues right here on aljazeera after counting the cost and. Forced to flee from syria to lebanon many refugee mothers risked childbirth in terrible conditions delivery is very difficult here and its ghostly i cant go back to syria now because of the war but one lebanese woman is committed to helping them. Become friends with the woman. Shes important to me. There are a few g. s midwife at this time on aljazeera world

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