British history a Memorial Service is being held in london to mark the deadly fire in grenfell that killed seventy one people members of the royal family the Prime Minister and Emergency Service personnel who worked on the night to june the fourteenth are attending the Service Hundreds of families were left homeless after the fire engulfed a twenty four Story Building many of still living in temporary accommodation where you have to take the headlines here on aljazeera inside story its coming right up. Jerusalem is a red line thats the message from the turkish president as he opened a gathering of Muslim Leaders to discuss the recent u. S. Decision on the holy city but beyond words what else can be done this is inside story. Though there and welcome to the program im noriko jerusalem status as part of israel palestine all both has long been a controversial issue many politicians have shied away from but donald trump changed decades of u. S. Policy last week by recognizing the city as israels capital that position sets off world wide protests and condemnation darcus president. Convened a meeting of the organization of islamic cooperation or oh i see on wednesday to discuss a response he said the u. S. Decision was illegal and jerusalem was a red line the final communique said the United States should withdraw from its role in peace the Peace Process but what can the fifty seventh Member Organization realistically do to pressure the u. S. Heres what suggests at the event. Starman kill it although i would like to call all nations around the globe to respect International Law to rise up and recognize jerusalem as the occupied capital city of the state of palestine we will never give up on our demand for a free and sovereign palestinian state the capital of which is jerusalem and as islamic countries we condemn the violence of Israeli Soldiers our palestinian brothers and sisters protesting the latest decision of the United States well off the missing the oh i say members released a statement echoing those thoughts calling on the world to recognize East Jerusalem as the palestinian capital city of already president Mahmoud Abbas also attended the meeting and heres what he had to say. The United States chose to lose its role in eligibility as a mediator and not to have a role in the political process we will not accept any american role in the political process from now on the u. S. Is biased to israel that is our position this is a major crime that requires us to come out with decisive decisions that protect the identity of jerusalem until we end the Israeli Occupation of the state of palestine all issues concerning jerusalem go right to the heart of the oh i see as an organization it was formed in september one thousand nine hundred sixty nine after history and man set fire to part of the al aqsa mosque in East Jerusalem as the third holiest sites in islam today there are fifty Seven Members of the organization of islamic cooperation spanning four continents the group calls itself the collective voice of the muslim world and it meets every three years to address issues of peace governance and development. So lets go now to our guests and joining us from ankara youssef can lead journalists and form as sort of techies harriet daily news in tel aviv gideon levy calmness with her at newspaper and in amman more in rabbani a senior fellow at the institute for palestine studies a very warm welcome to all of you use of turkey in that calling this emergency summit sort of common response to the u. S. Declaring jerusalem its rails capital it certainly got a common response but it was all words first of all it was important for do this when countries to have a common worries and gazed. Out of the race from the beginning is a provocative action by the american presidency. Because so far the states keep on talking about the palestinian problem but no one is taking concrete action concrete firm action furder the condemnation or is there any actions or to tuesday can against the palestinians now for the first. Greet step do you some it has called of all countries members of congress and others. As the occupied capital opata start ok more in which even when you agree with that would you see the outcome of todays summit as a concrete step in the right direction. I think its a. Step in the right direction but i wouldnt quite call it a concrete step i mean the meeting called on its Member States to make this declaration over it recognition but well have to see to what extent its actually implemented i mean i would have very much expected to see something. Significantly more concrete in terms of the Member States of the o. E. C. D. Announcing and adopting specific measures at the meeting not only viz a viz their relations with the palestinians but more importantly in respect of the relations with israel and with the United States because many oh i see members maintain relations with israel and all of them maintain release or virtually all of them maintain relations with the United States and so i think if we look at what actually happened today can safely be considered at the level of declarations rather than concrete action gideon and israel said have been watching this summit do you think it was wary of any action taken against it or did it feel that it was pretty secure and the fact that fifty seven nations were not going to take any concrete action in regards to its or as mine says the United States fortunately or unfortunately is very can remain quite indifferent to whats going on in ankara because by then of the day it will remain as a lip service another live service to the palestinian cause not much more than this and in any case. Has its own ties with some of those countries and those ties will remain and israel can trust the United States more than ever before does it need more than this. Would you agree with that he said that its only lip service that these countries are not going to break ties with israel and theyre certainly not going to break ties with the United States. First of all why should they break ties with israel it was the american musicians robert incisions that declared jerusalem the capital of israel they did that this isnt is the proclamation was done long ago its Something Else to talk about the station by doing so the most is that it is not an honest broker because the crux of the palestinian israeli problem is the future of jerusalem itself now this is Logical Organization is coming up with a concrete position does what im saying they say is jerusalem is the occupied palestinian capital. They say the United Nations should call it security because it can live and discuss this issue three if the United NationsSecurity Council does not do so then they will call the General Assembly to take action on this issue this i think is it about was expecting this the mcconnells organization and its members to cut relations with United States or israel just because of. The gerson of decision i think that would be too much ok what about the Turkish Foreign minister to have a certain saying that some arab countries have not taken a hard enough light losing very little arab reaction on jerusalem issue because trump scares them do you think that rings true yes or. It is a reality i mean. My friends were. Complaining as well the other nations keep on paying a lip service to the palestinian problem but when it comes to taking full of action they start pondering how not to do anything. I hope this statement does not be so and you know h. O. Shoulder was diplomatically putting underlining the reality that of nations love should come up something concrete something firm. Bring forward. The plight of the Palestinian People more and do we expect to see something coming from his i mean first of all whats your response to the arab reaction so far which you have hopes for a stronger united response amongst arab countries. I would have expected a stronger response from the recent Arab League Meeting for the simple reason that these are the leaders and governments who on the whole are increasingly a strange from their people who in many cases are either close partners of the United States or rely on the United States either for their own security and survival or rely on the United States in terms of conflicts that they themselves are waging either amongst themselves or against other states and in that context i dont think theyre going to privilege anything concerning the palestinians over the their bilateral relations with with the United States and i think you know nevertheless its its not meaningless that at a time when arab states and governments are so divided over the various conflicts in the region syria yemen libya and so on that they could at least. Not be divided by the palestine question as well thats not meaningless but under the circumstances its certainly not particularly significant either you now have what might be called an incipient rebellion in the occupied territories that needs concrete support and assistance and none of that has been forthcoming either from the arab league or from the organization of the islamic conference similarly these states could for example have put in provisions to make their own relations with third parties whether israel or the United States or other is dependent on how they respond to this latest american declaration at various levels of seriousness and theyve failed to do any of that but i also have to say we are also living in a reality where the policy leadership itself has not yet met. Put forward a clear set of resolutions and an agenda and demands and i think thats really the biggest shortcoming in this whole equation is that its alternately up to the palestinians themselves to take the lead in confronting this new reality and so far at least at the leadership level they have signally feel to do so and given that thats a good point isnt it we havent seen any joint palestinian leadership on this issue you know you can expect very little from the palestinians in the present conditions they are still leading from the second intifada they are divided they are weak the lick leadership they lick spirit of struggle you see its a lost generation under the occupation which really looks for its way and the only thing that they are capable right bell to do is again and again those individual eggs which lead to nowhere and are totally meaningless and i think well have to wait for another generation to who resort to regain energy for a real struggle this generation seems to be lost thats thats a long time to waste when we look to Mahmoud Abbas the palestinian president he had been accused of being too moderate in his response today at this conference we saw him coming out stronger he was saying you will no longer accept the u. S. Role in the Peace Process given was that something that you expected to see from him. You know its really too little and too late to leave relevant there is no Peace Process obviously and you know in many ways one should be grateful to donald trump also because he put an end to this mess carraige he put an end to this mess kerry that the United States is an even mediator he put an end to the notion that they were right and states is supporting the two state solution and the drum came and say we are not even hand that we support the occupation there is only one people who has rights in this part of the world and this is the jewish israeli people and the palestinians deserve nothing even old half of a capital and you know in many times its better to face reality rather than to continue the mess karaite of Peace Process two state solution and all those things that lead to nowhere over fifty years now he said would you agree with that that this u. S. Announcement is expected is the u. S. For what it is not at all america totally. Totally i mean. All through do. With many years did we ever see and honest with the american broker in the. Is there any conflict for a time but after Clinton Presidency for a tie perhaps the. Obama presidency briefly but it is an overall assessment diabetic and the policy has always been pro israeli. As my friend just put it in a way focusing only on the problems or because you want a solution that will serve the interests of israel where this problem is not just of course the problem of jerusalem but is a problem. A problem of people deprived of their homes of their property or of their land homeland therefore this problem is money talian tragedy. And for that of course neither the United States can play honest broker role and unfortunately neither turkic airplay and almost broke all rules perhaps not be out of making a return to the car ted. Ok so they could do something ok im not moving i know you and i are touched on this last week just an inside story its just in the same subject if not the u. S. As the mediator in the process is there an alternative is that the court has as you said suggested always the process just now dead in the water until the next generation theres a perhaps get in believes well i think the court is compromised as United States primarily because the court is essentially an american creation intended to circumvent the International Community and the United Nations and so on i mean i i very much like to believe gideon levy is right my fear and i think the real scandal would be that if this latest measure does not lead to a situation in which the u. S. Is no longer able to play the role of exclusive mediator in the arab israeli an Israeli Palestinian conflict in other words i think its not impossible that arab states including this palestinian leadership despite the words that weve heard will continue to try to find a way to go along with these you know various initiatives and plans and so on that are being hatched by the trump team i think the obvious alternative is to look at least for an expansion of the mediator go some people have proposed something along the lines of an International Committee of the p five plus one and something along those lines as we have with the Iranian Nuclear agreement but i think even more important than the form of any mediation is a substance in other words clear terms of reference clear objectives a clear agenda clear deadlines clear arbitration mechanisms clear and for cement of any arbitration and all the rest of it but i think is a previous two speakers of the. Were a very long way off from even getting to the point where those are questions that can be seriously considered simply because of the gross imbalance of of power on the ground and i think that has to be addressed first before we can return to these larger diplomatic mustards ok i get it is it not something of a good thing to shake things up to see this shake up because whatever else chunked has said and done he did say that this Peace Process needed new thinking that nothing that it was going nowhere and that its gone nowhere for twenty years i mean he was right about that wasnt he you know he was right about that but dont expect theyre not trying to suggest an alternative and theyre tentative is there we have to change the discourse we have to start to talk about equal rights we have to realize that there will never be to two state solution because israel never had the intention to go for the two state solution and with over seven hundred souls and settlers which will never be able be evacuated there is no viable palestinian state so im not sure that there are drum men did but i see that anybody who is enough should draw the conclusions and the group rules are very clear we failed with a two state solution we have to receiving restart we have to start to talk about it were right about one person one vote and lets challenge israel because if his word says no to this is really is the clearing itself as an official apartheid state and it is where it says no to this and the reason other part its the its about to the world about the world to decide do we accept another part that states in the twenty First Century yes or no and then the world will be a challenge to do Something Like he did with south africa or just to continue to hug these apartheid state finances and supply it was arms and say we live with it in peace is if do you believe that the world is almost at the point where it can challenge israel. Yeah to the face the reality is that his dick capability the americans are firmly behind israel the other of the world is divided and it cannot come up with a common position this is a very Rare Development here but as my friends old it is said lets see what will be the translation of this into reality what action they will take tomorrow. For the Palestinian People. How can they have much expectation that their problem might come to an end tomorrow is a very daily kate a very imbalanced situation. Finding a very out appears to be very difficult how can this be if if somehow the islamic world starts implementing decisions who are enough. Like. The seventys then perhaps something can be done but at this point no government in the area feel secure enough to challenge the American Leadership the other upspringing in coats or are fired visual you know you look at it is the information mines what happened in syria is there what happened in iraq is there the libya situation where they are who are taking very much. Real courage to get in the u. S. Vice president mike pence is in the region next week what sort of reception to that is going to get. First of all the palestinians declare that they are not going to accept him and receive him and i hope i must say frankly i hope they will stick to their word because also this ritual in which americans and others are coming to israel spend two three days in israel and then go to for two hours to meet a bus in ramallah and by this they show that they are so even handed and so fair i mean also this masquerade can come to its in the world should a bus talk now with the beauty president of the United States would what about what can he do for him would what does he does he have any intention at all to bring to any kind of justice or any kind of progress that the american have no intention to boot and to these very acute patient and as long as this is the situation or there is these really reach for two for two unities which we are sick and tired now after fifty years of watching this mess kerry theres a as i said before going just as a final thoughts youve got the oh i see meeting next month that was what came out of todays meeting they say they want to keep the momentum going but do you feel that there is any momentum that if he kept going. Not particularly i mean you know prior to this meeting and i think even prior to the trump announcement you had for example turkish president erdogan saying that if the United States were to recognize jerusalem as israels capital that turkey would sever relations with israel hasnt done so then you had the meeting today at which unfortunately the level of representation for many Member States was quite lacking and i think we can also agree that the resolutions and conclusions were fairly weak i think were really we should look to now is the people on the ground particularly the mobilization within the occupied territories but not only there also in other states in the region and to a lesser extent around the world and i think it will only be on account of effective mobilization and pressure from the ground up that these leaders who as i mentioned earlier are increasingly strangest and disconnected from their people will feel any need to do anything about this issue that obviously matters so much to the peoples of the region and its certainly a story that we will need to keep watching very closely indeed many thanks today for all our guests for joining us here on inside story youssef cannily gideon levy and rabani and thank you to you for watching you can see the program again any time by visiting our website as aljazeera dot com and of other discussion to go to our Facebook Page thats facebook dot com for slash a. J. Inside story you can also join the conversation on twitter one hundred is at a. J. Inside story from me laura carl and the whole team here by fanatics. I. Sure if i have. Lots of. Stuff like these itll be all right for things. Like. Good stuff for us fail to india and see if you like kids besieged by Violent Crime and drugs. Confronted by ariss and integration now r r r r r out jazeera traces the history of a first generation lebanese australians exploring the conflicts. And the struggle for acceptance. Once upon a time in punchbowl at this time on aljazeera. You are making very pointed remarks where there online the main us response to drug use and the drug trade over the last fifty years has been to criminalize or if you join us on say no evil person just wakes up over the morning and says i want to cover the world in darkness this is a dialogue that could be was leading to some of the confusion the line about people saying they dont actually know whats going on join the colobus conversation at this time on aljazeera. After fifty years of occupation and un condemnation of illegal israeli settlements. Of im from carry out and i want to preserve the safety of the village ive clashed several times with settlers on these lands aljazeera world tells the story of a palestinian village thats struggling to survive and the growing threat to the residents desperate to preserve their homes village under occupation at this time. Im sam is a dam in dar how that over the headlines here on aljazeera now uns