Youre watching the news hour live from the headquarters in doha im debbie navigator coming up in the next sixty minutes ive judged this course of action to be in the best interests of the United States of america and the pursuit of peace between israel and the palestinians a long overdue step thats the view of the u. S. President as he ignores International Warnings and officially recognizes jerusalem as israels capital palestinians protest against the move their leaders in the occupied west bank and gaza call for three days afraid. And did you know this is a reward to israel and encourages the okee patient to stay open to study the palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas condemns the u. S. Decision saying all efforts towards peace have been ignored. If you say only by realizing the vision of two states living side by side in Peace Security and little recognition. As the capital of israel and palestine from the un to turkey leaders warn the decision will further destabilize the middle east. Hello so the us President Donald Trump is being widely condemned for officially recognizing jerusalem as the capital of israel palestinian leaders are calling for three days afraid while others warn washington will no longer be trusted as a mediator israels prime. Mr Benjamin Netanyahu halley announcement as a historic landmark and he urged other countries to follow suit our White House Correspondent Kimberly Halkett begins our coverage. More than twenty years ago the u. S. Congress recognized jerusalem as israels capital and with that the relocation of the u. S. Embassy there from tel aviv but every u. S. President since bill clinton has blocked it from happening until now i have determined that it is time to officially recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel its an historic Foreign Policy term for the United States the white house says reflects a political reality given jerusalem is the seat of the Israeli Government trump denies this will harm ongoing u. S. Peace efforts we are not taking a position of any final status issues including the specific boundaries of the israeli sovereignty in jerusalem or the resolution of contested borders. Those questions are up to the parties involved many people overseas added washington disagree and have warned the u. S. President not to break with decades of historical precedents the way its perceived in the region particularly by the by the hour a publix is going to be problematic for the United States and will raise further questions about whether the whether or not the United States can be an honest broker in working hours and arrangement between israel and the palestinians many people argue this has little to do with peace or security but instead is about boosting the political standing of a beleaguered american president for months the Trump Administration has been dealing with the impact of a scandal that seemed former top officials criminally charged god bless israel god bless the palestinians so the jerusalem announcement breaking decades of protocol allows trump to keep a Campaign Promise and refocus attention on his policies we won the election not in washington he won it in wisconsin and michigan and places like that and what he said was the problem is with washington and if he didnt do this he would becoming part of washington and so therefore his own base not not on this issue but on keeping your word is important. But white house officials admit it could be years before the embassy moves which virtually insurers this will be an issue in the next president ial election Kimberley Health kit aljazeera washington and we can now speak to alan fischer whos joining us from washington kimberly was referring to that embassy move in at the end of her report out and now regardless of how long it takes to move the embassy this is still a very big decision that was made and it breaks with convention its drawn International Condemnation as weve seen in washington how much opposition is there to this. Well if you speak to Trump Supporters they say look this is what he promised on the campaign trail and donald trump is going through a list of things that he promised on the campaign trail and putting a big pick next to them and saying yes we have done in the absence of massive legislation success this is an easy fix for him he gets a lot of support from evangelical christians despite his past behavior despite the statements hes made in the past they see him as a president who will deliver one essential things to them and this is one of them there are also other Trump Supporters who say look theres not a great deal of difference between what donald trump has done with jerusalem and what barack obama did with cuba this see that something had to be done to change the dynamic that in cuba had been fifty years of the same embargoes and nothing had changed they needed something to change the dynamic on the ground in the middle east put aside for the fact that many of the republicans who say this is a good move by dont trump criticize barack obama for doing exactly what he did as far as democrats are concerned very few of them are speaking out you have to remember that the whole idea of moving the u. S. Embassy to jerusalem went through both houses of congress in a bipartisan way with an overwhelming majority and every time its come up in the house people have agreed to that but mark warner whos on the Intelligence Committee the democratic senator has been perhaps the most outspoken democrat over the last twenty four hours he just says look all our allies are telling is this is a bad idea or all our allies are saying this makes getting peace on the ground much more difficult donald trump said that to get peace in the middle east would be the deal of the century many people believe hes just made that even more difficult and one wonders what trump must be thinking or perhaps members of his administration when u. S. Embassies in the middle east and europe are now warning americans traveling are living there of potential of violent protests after that decision was made i mean that must be very concerning. I know there are reports that james mattis who is the defense secretary and Rex Tillerson who is the secretary of state cautioned donald trump against taking this move seeing that it could cause problems for us ports around the world and just in the last forty eight hours every single embassy in the world that is a u. S. Embassy has received a security warning upgrading the security alert to the highest possible level the last time that was done was march two thousand and three at the start of the iraq war there are people who are deeply concerned that there will be a big backlash against donald trump for this announcement but there are others who say what choice did he have nothing has moved in the middle east theyve sat back for twenty years and there has been no movement whatsoever something needed to be done that was different and this is exactly what donald trump is doing hes changing the way things are looked at in washington and the way things are done in washington of course we know immediate change the u. S. Embassy will remain in tel aviv it could be at least three to four years before there is any movement a tall and by that stage if donald trump doesnt win reelection in three years time there may be another president who could overturn this but for the next few weeks many people are concerned about the backlash this coming because of dont trust decision to move the u. S. Embassy to jerusalem and recognize that as the capital of israel ok allan fessor reporting from washington thank you well as we mentioned the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has hailed the move calling it a historic day for israel the president s decision is an important step towards peace for there is no peace that doesnt include jerusalem as the capital of the state of israel i call on all countries that seek peace to join the United States in recognizing jerusalem as israels capital and to move their embassies here. I share President Trumps commitment to advancing peace between israel and all of our neighbors including the palestinians this is been our goal from israels first day and we will continue to work with the president and his team to make that dream of peace come true well rival palestinian factions in gaza have joined hands in a show if unity the protesters burned american and israeli flags and they also wave palestinian flags and banners proclaiming jerusalem as our eternal capital and calling the citys status a red line well the palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas has rejected and condemned the move by the u. S. Youre killing me and my Palestinian People we are going through very difficult times after the decision made by the u. S. Administration regarding jerusalem they have chosen to contradict all International Resolutions and ignore all International Positions which have been expressed by many other countries and leaders over the last few days all the efforts towards peace have been ignored this is a reward to israel and a further encourages the occupation of the state of palestine and saw about a car to use a chief palestinian negotiator said that trump statement disqualifies the u. S. From mediation in the region this step is prejudged prejudging dictating closing the doors for negotiations and i think President Trump tonight disqualified the United States of america to play any role in any Peace Process plus the new leadership will call for an emergency session for the council to study the speech and to review all the options available and take the proper decisions concerning many issues. And the same time i would say that crossing the food lines tonight for president from speaking about moderation speaking about nonviolence i think tonight he is including the forces of extremists in this region as no one has done before lets speak to the god that had made shes joining us from in the occupied west bank look best himself and the palestinian leadership knew that this was coming out about how the phone call with trump just twenty four hours ago warning him not to do this so is there a sense that there is a frustration with the Palestinian Authority that they havent been able to stop this. There is a frustration with the Palestinian Authority not that they havent been able to stop this but they have that they have over the past few years been too. Quiet that they had compromised way too much and that nothing that the palestinians havent received received anything in return you know from the point of view of the palestinians many things have changed over the past twenty years here theres been a separation wall settlements have expanded their land is is shrinking abided day and is still no way close to getting any kind of peace deal not forgetting obviously that gaza is under blockades of certainly all of that is a lot of change for the palestinians now there was sort of. The Palestinian Authority was in bracing itself for this announcement they were all over the past twenty four hours or so before the end aisles with wondering how far reaching will be whether trump would declare both jerusalem as the capital of israel and announce the move of the embassy both have happened we heard after president Mahmoud Abbas saying the same thing that sidebar cuts said that now the. Americans have lost their role as mediator as the bees brokers are because now they are part taking part they have jumped basically fully and unconditionally on the in the Israeli Cabinet but certainly there is a lot of frustration that frustration has grown considerably among many palestinians we spoke to and theres also sort of a certain level of anxiety and whats going to happen next now speaking of whats going to happen next if we look at the next few days were hearing reports that palestinian factions have called for a general strike and rallies and for three days of rage as theyre being called are we expecting big numbers. Well that is something that is always very difficult to predict in the occupied west bank a mass protests is not something that happened very often even though if you recall last july when there was a. Crisis everybody was taken by surprise by this sort of popular mass show up at the compound was now whether that will happen here or not that some will have to just wait to see tomorrow but they are not only protests that are called for it is also calls to go towards this sort of what they called a contact points which is basically the areas from which where the Palestinian Authority ends and where after that the Israeli Military is present and usually when you have protesters heading that direction it ends up in clashes there also calls for example in hebron for commercial strike i think many people here are sort of. Making sense of what happened there was a lot of people before the announcement who were saying you know President Trump is a man who always changes his mind of the last minute lets wait and see if they were bracing themselves but i think its a different its a different viewpoint once actually do words have been uttered by the president probably tomorrow we will see more and more anger spilling on the streets were also we see more and more initiatives and we will see probably people mobilizing and factions mobilizing to make their message loud and clear but make no mistake president Mahmoud Abbas now is under a lot of pressure he people will look at him he did talk in his speech about coming up with a list of steps that he will take that he will make that public very soon i think people are also looking into was that direction waiting to hear. From their president hes going to do even though many people also feel that very little he can do because they feel feel that the one party that was. Over looking. At the moment has completely as many people say. In the back. Giving us the point of view from the occupied west bank thank you trumps announcement has sparked anger with americas nato ally thats turkey a crowd of protesters gathered outside the u. S. Embassy in ankara president. Warned the decision would cause public unrest across the muslim world. Protecting the current status of jerusalem is very important and it is important that the islamic world unites and acts as one. Any attempt to change the legal status of jerusalem should be avoided no one has the right to play with the fate of millions of people such a move would only help to promote the ill and tensions of the terrorist organization. While the turkish president was speaking at a press conference with Jordans King Abdullah who said jerusalem is key to the stability of the entire middle east jordan has called for an emergency meeting of the arab league. There is no alternative to the solution and. Any Peace Agreement. To the stability of the entire region i did three emphasized to the u. S. President yesterday. The decision to move the u. S. Embassy to jerusalem therefore it is imperative now to work for us to reach a final status solution and a Peace Agreement between israel. And this must. State side by side with israel and its capital and. Knowing the Palestinian Muslim and christian rights in jerusalem will only fuel further extremism and undermine the war against terrorism while the un secretary general is among the International Leaders whove reacted to trumps announcement terrorist stressed there is no alternative to a two state solution with jerusalem as the capital of both israel and palestine and were now hearing that the u. N. Security council is planning emergency talks on friday on jerusalem mike hanna has the latest for us from the United Nations. The President Trumpet spoke in the u. N. Secretary general restated what a position on jerusalem for decades i have consistently spoken out against the left of all measures that would jeopardize the prospects of peace for israelis and palestinians. Jerusalem ease a final stop those issues. That must be resolved through direct negotiations between the two parties on the basis of the Relevant Security Council and General Assembly resolutions taking into account the legitimate concerns of both the palestinian and israeli sites a number of other leaders have backed the un position among them pope francis released a statement calling on all to respect to roast lamb status quo based as he put it on the pertinent United Nations resolution criticism of President Trumps decision coming to from the president of france this is. This is a regrettable decision that france does not approve of and which goes against International Law and all the u. N. Security Council Resolutions and the british Prime Minister theresa may said the following we disagree with the u. S. Decision to move its embassy to jerusalem and recognize jerusalem as the israeli capital before a final Status Agreement we believe it is unhelpful in terms of prospects for peace in the region the British Embassy to israel is based in tel aviv and we have no plans to move it back at the un even before President Trump made his announcement the bolivian ambassador said he would call an emergency meeting of the Security Council. Reckless and dangerous decision to go against International Law the resolutions of the Security Council. We can see you have a force for peace in the region and also upset the whole. Region and later in the day bolivia was joined by a number of other countries calling for an emergency Security Council meeting including egypt france and the u. K. However waiting in the chamber will be the u. S. Veto mike hanna aljazeera United Nations. Well the fight for jerusalem for the control of jerusalem that is goes back thousands of years from biblical times to the roman empire to the crusades but the current battle for the ancient city is a distinctly Twentieth Century story as empty as tired explains. Two major events within weeks of each other in one thousand nine hundred nineteen have in part led to events now first the signing of the Balfour Declaration when the British Government announced support for the creation of what it called a National Home for the jewish people in palestine the signing was soon followed by the socalled battle of jerusalem where british troops defeated the Ottoman Turkish Army which had controlled jerusalem for centuries after nearly thirty years of British Colonial rule the state of israel was created in one nine hundred forty eight after the socalled war of independence with western resume captured effectively dividing the city in half with the historic and religiously important east under jordanian control that changed in one thousand nine hundred sixty seven and the six day war between israel and arab states Israeli Forces seized large areas of territory including East Jerusalem hopes were raised in one thousand nine hundred three with the signing of the oslo accords which ended the first intifada or uprising and laid out a framework for the creation of a palestinian state those efforts ended in two thousand with the start of the second uprising were jerusalem was the frontline of riots and suicide bomb attacks these really government began building the separation wall in two thousand and three and continued to improve the construction of huge jewish settlements in occupied land making the creation of a palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital increasingly difficult to see now the United States one of the key brokers between the palestinians and israelis is breaking with years of precedent by recognizing all of jerusalem as israels capital and unpredictable consequences could be the result. Lets speak with safe donna hes a professor of sociology and International Studies at the university of wisconsin parkside joining us via skype from wisconsin itself thanks for speaking to aljazeera how would you describe the past couple of hours and trumps proclamation on jerusalem as the capital of israel well i think it exposes actually the essence of the u. S. Position and all and does away with any pretense about impartial broker for the socalled Peace Process or the political process so i disagree that actually with the with the argument that it does break with with the previous convention i think it does break with the previous convention on the where with only in for for seventy years actually at least since one thousand six to seven the u. S. Has given as a tacit approval for. Diplomatic cover for most of its practices now we only have a president who is doing this in a diplomatic way and is actually threatening the framework that enables the u. S. To claim some sort of a role as a broker or as an impartial broker but they last has never to be an impartial to the conflict actually the u. S. Has been party to the conflict. And you will support that is that ill be the u. S. Diplomatic cover the u. S. But the action in the Security Council is the thing and what does the u. S. Actually gain from doing this why is it the trump took this decision and why now. Well there is that the domestic factor and i understood that some of the some a few of. You that you discussed this few a few minutes ago so he is trying to fulfill the promises because he lacks any other achievement there is no other achievement for the u. S. President but on the other side there has always been a talk about what they call the ultimate deal or the deal of the century to which are some arab countries have a party too and by that i mean saudi arabia and articulate and. This is phase one of the ultimate deal as it seems because all the aspects that have been leaked about the socalled ultimate deal or the deal of the century entail. Lead to one course of events basically the elimination of a new possibility for the establishment of a sovereign palestinian state. On the borders of one thousand six to seven so there are aspects of the Jordan Valley for example will not will remain under the israeli control settlements will not be evacuated and now we have declared as israels capital so all the aspects that have been made to be who are issues to the to the two state settlement or to the states allude to the two state solution have been done away with by president today but this seems to be the ultimate deal of the ultimate deal is to put them and theres a palestinian question by providing by by giving. Seventy over the whole region i mean where does all this while the stand where does this leave then the palestinian leadership and the Palestinian Authority obviously Mahmoud Abbas has come out and hes condemned the statement that was made by trump but besides beyond the condemnation what is it thats a bass will actually be doing will do excuse me and he did come out and say that they are looking at the next steps what will those next steps be. Well condemnation obviously is not enough is not sufficient disappoint but what is what should be said to that this is a lie a mix of the only slow process so this is one of them litigations long term implications of the all slow process engineered to actually by Mahmoud Abbas himself on the palestinian side so he expected it to lead to some sort of a palestinian state in the nine hundred sixty seven borders obviously it did not the other aspect is in one thousand nine hundred ninety five Mahmoud Abbas was himself was a party to some sort of formal negotiation with parties. A document was revealed at that time called bail and document in which its kind of stated something close to what we are seeing now the b. B. C. Revealed the document the british documentary build a few days ago by the b. B. C. Basically show that other countries or other arab leaders actually since the one nine hundred eighty s. Have been standing with this idea. To actually give israel more land in return for their arms ferrying some some land and sea and to the palestinians so this is not this is not surprising actually what happened today well who. By the by todays announcement was living an illusion actually the illusion of that was a more allusion a false law and the illusion meant most important to the illusion of an impartial broker that is called the United States of america. All right well have to leave it there we thank you very much safe donna for speaking to us from the United States itself thank you still ahead on the aljazeera news our team russia could end up pitching up at the winter Olympic Games after all ten ill have all the details coming up. Hello deep cold winter is talking to the midwest at the moment as a backwash effect from this big swirling winter low thats sitting over Eastern Canada thats the front of the cold air and the time is going to be driven dance at the highest temperature and chicago is going to be about minus two week on thursday but in winnipeg it was minus fifteen tuesday repped about minus seven is the deep cold isnt disappearing but it is spreading cold chill all were down to georgia atlanta for cost of night on thursday drops to a maximum about six come friday all this time the santa ana winds have been blowing in Southern California but theres no other weather effect here so a touch of winter all the way down to northern florida though not in the south of not border was its of obviously warm most all times the year the cloud in the caribbean is really just in the western side as were hitting the eastern coast of nicaragua what amalek costa rica very few showers around a spaniard or puerto rico looks dry the risk of showers is still there but its a small one i think the gathering of cloud and thats represented by the onshore breeze particularly green from the rain will still be from nicaragua out through guatemala towards mexico few showers but notable ones. The Worlds Largest humanitarian crisis millions caught up in the civil war alters the real world examines the roots of the conflict in yemen and the complex history that drew a country into perpetual time. But i am going to feel that separation or that the north and the thought of these dualisms are part of history. Yemen the north south divide this time. Aljazeera is Award Winning programs to take you on a journey around the globe. Expert analysis. Its all about whos in charge who controls the resources and documentaries that will go in your eyes its a Technology Story its a business story its a social story and its a political story all wrapped into one its unpredictable television that truly inspired us only on aljazeera. Hello again the top stories on the aljazeera news hour the u. S. President donald trump has officially recognized jerusalem as the capital of israel and directed officials to begin preparations to move the American Embassy there from tel aviv israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hailed the announcement as a historic landmark and urged other countries to follow suit. The palestinian president has condemned the move by the us what about said donald trump was merely encouraging continued occupation he added the u. S. Is no longer a peace mediator palestinian leaders calling for three days of free. And protests against the decision were held and among the demonstrators burned american and israeli flags and rival palestinian factions in gaza have joined hands in a show of unity they also waved palestinian flags and banners proclaiming jerusalem as our eternal capital. Has more from the occupied from occupied East Jerusalem. This announcement had been true for days now it was up to donald trump to make the case that a wildly controversial move opposed by the palestinians arab states and most of the International Community could advance the Peace Process it would be folly to assume that repeating the exact same formula would now produce a different or better result therefore i have determined. That it is time to officially recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel trump said he was directing the state department to begin preparations to move the u. S. Embassy to jerusalem from tel aviv talk of architects and engineers confirming earlier suggestions that this would be a matter of years not days we are not taking a position of any final status issues including the specific boundaries of the israeli sovereignty in jerusalem or the resolution of contested borders before donald trump made this speech white house officials were trying to frame it saying that it didnt define the final status of jerusalem that could still be negotiated between israelis and palestinians in a two state solution if that is what both parties still wanted over for the palestinians this is the United States definitively taking sides in this conflict in a prerecorded message the palestinian president said trump was merely encouraging continued occupation. These denounce and rejected measures create deliberate constraints to all of the efforts towards realizing peace and reflect the United States withdrawal from practicing its role as a peace mediator. Israel to have prepared its messaging on a day that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called is story called milestone the president s decision is an important step towards peace for there is no peace that doesnt include jerusalem as the capital of the state of Israel Palestinians living in occupied East Jerusalem would have heard little in President Trump speech recognizing their own historical connection to the city which they too view is their capital jerusalem is Christian Churches world of conflict violence and irreparable harm. Donald trump made reference to a perceived lack of courage on the part of his predecessors who failed to make this decision now he will have to wait along with the region to see what consequences it brings are a force that aljazeera occupied East Jerusalem well now speak to rabbi Joel Jacobson is the executive director of true Human Rights Organization of rabbis working to protect and advance human rights joining us via skype from new york thanks for talking to us on aljazeera so you must agree then with Amnesty International has put out a statement saying that this is a reckless and provocative decision by the trumpet ministration it further undermines the human rights of the Palestinian People and it shows a total disregard for mass Human Rights Violations that palestinians are facing as a result of israels annexation policies. Thank you so much for having me on i represent true eye which represents close to two thousand rabbis across the u. S. And canada and we strongly support a two state solution that will ensure the human rights of the security and safety of both israelis and palestinians and we know already that in order to be acceptable to both parties that two state solution is going to have to include a capital injure islam for both israel and the future palestinian state and so the decision today by President Trump his announcement today is just a symbolic gesture it doesnt change any facts on the ground but it is reckless decision because it moves as no closer to the Peace Agreement it shows the United States is giving up its role as a peacemaker and as an honest broker and it stokes the fires of what is already a very volatile city so that you are doing what amnesty what amnesty says this undermines the human rights of the Palestinian People. That is the decision certainly fails to recognize that helston ians also have a claim under islam and that in a two state solution easter islam will most likely become the capital of of the new palestinian state. Concern for us as an organization that is concerned about human rights of both israelis and palestinians is that we bring about an end to the occupation through a two state solution in order to ensure that palestinians can enjoy their thought human rights that they deserve by virtue of being human that they have the right to selfdetermination that they have a right to control their own state and also that israel has the right to selfdetermination and that israelis have can enjoy security and safety in the south Israel Jewish community i know it might be difficult to pinpoint exactly but can you just give us a sense of how the Jewish Community in the u. S. Feel about this decision. Sure well first of all jerusalem has been the spiritual and Political Center of the jewish people for thousands of years so that is not a question. And jews continue to pray for jerusalem three times a day we in our prayers we mourn the destruction of jerusalem thousands of years ago and we pray for a return to jerusalem that is never changed over the two thousand years that since the destruction of the temple that said there is a difference between jerusalem as a spiritual capital of the jewish people and the current political reality and it within the Jewish Community there is widespread agreement that your islam is our spiritual capital and theres a variety of opinions about what should happen in the political reality but i will say that the majority of the Jewish Community does not support decisions that are going to pull us further away from peace and in fact there is some evidence that it was really the right we winning christian evangelicals that were pushing for this change that it wasnt something that was coming from the Jewish Community a right members of the know how how complex your islam is and how volatile the situation is and for the most part we dont want to make any changes that would compromise a security of our friends and family members there all right so we thank you very much for a rabbi joel jacobs for speaking to us from new york thank you thank you so much. The u. S. President donald trump has been talking about yemen as well so hes called on saudi arabia to end this blockade immediately here is a portion of the statement that he put out ive directed officials in my administration to call the leadership of the kingdom of saudi arabia to request a completely allow fuel water and medicine to reach the yemeni people who desperately need it the u. S. Has backed the Saudi Led Coalition in its fight against houthi rebel since twenty fifteen thousands of people have died in the war there thousands more are facing famine and starvation. While houthi fighters have broken up a rare protest by dozens of women in the capital. The women gathered outside the Military Hospital demanding a proper burial for the ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh he was killed by the iran a by the rebels on monday after switching sides to the Saudi Led Coalition who has fired shots at the women causing them to flee. Now some Asylum Seekers in germany are being offered cash if they volunteer its a return home before february the incentive which applies to around one hundred thousand refugees amounts to about twelve hundred dollars per person the repatriation offer is in sharp contrast to deportation like helen spoke to one refugee who was forced to leave his job in the bavarian town of beirut. With a friend about to be deported a group of protesters trying to break into a holding room to say goodbye but it was too late for this man whose face we cant show you for security reasons he was told hed be sent back to afghanistan after arriving for an appointment at the immigration office. Protesters in volunteer workers helping refugees are outraged by the decision if i can put it in words im devastated i still cant believe he will be sent back to an almost certain death. Deportees boss even showed up to support him thats. When people are trying everything to find their way in a new country learning the Language Culture and trying to be integrated its very sad that they dont get a chance. The night before we walked the streets together in the bavarian town of by reut he refused extra money on offer by the German Government for anyone who returns home voluntarily they offered me a thousand euros to go back i said account go back a spin away twenty years from my country i didnt come here for money i came here because europe is safe he fears if he took more money home it would make him more of a target in the eyes of the taliban with no relatives or friends in afghanistan he will be alone there im not a criminal im not an islamist im not a terrorist for twenty six years ive been living in fear not knowing whats going to happen my life is just over the German Government wont comment on individual cases but stands by its deportation policy fair the situation remains unchanged people see him as a threat criminals and those who repeatedly refused to cooperate can also be deported to afghanistan i believe this is right and we will continue this practice but lawyers say the afghan refugee weve been talking to has no criminal record and cooperated with the authorities the number of afghans supported from germany has almost doubled in recent years and the treatment of refugees is emerging as a key dividing line is the country struggles to form a government. Two years ago germany opened its borders to an unprecedented number of refugees now during a shift in domestic politics the reality is that goodbyes like this appear to be more likely elec alan aljazeera by reuters germany. Russias president Vladimir Putin says he will seek reelection next year the sixty five year old has been in Power Holding the post of either president or Prime Minister for seventeen years if putin serves another six he would reach the milestone for the longest tenure as leader since joseph stalin. There can be no better place and no better reason for making this announcement thank you for your support i will put forward my candidacy for the post of president of the russian federation. Rebuilding after the devastating earthquake of twenty fifteen is the number one issue as nepal holds the second phase of national and Regional Elections more than two years after the quake survivors are still looking for much needed relief sabina stressed the reports from katmandu. Political party flags flutter in the outskirts of guttman do reminding everyone of voting day on thursday a series of small explosions in the past few days doesnt seem to have deterred these new parties security staff are watching every polling dates and final preparations are being made not far away is another reminder of failed promises by politicians tin sheds that continue to be home for survivors of the quake two and a half years ago one thousand apologies were killed jenny my body is one of the millions of people who lost their homes during the quake. One Party Leaders have been saying theyre going to help us im hopeful i will go and vote maybe the ladies will help me re build my house one of those voters this election is about development its also supposed conservative in the palace path to becoming a federal republic state representatives are being elected for the first time voting has already finished in the remote hills. On thursday it is the turn of voters in areas where access to polling where its relatively easy theyre due to close at five p. M. Local time when so counting the entire culture. There are two main political alliances the Left Alliance is a man was former rebels with about communist Party Unified marxist leninist the other is the Democratic Alliance of the Party Congress and the right of center parties sixty percent of candidates are being elected for a spouse the post proportional representation decides the remaining forty percent the system was introduced into the minorities and the marginalized but critics complain not enough women or minority candidates have been fielded by Political Parties that mark this is all about equal opportunity level Playing Field for candidates if elections become expensive Political Party that is money and they are not transparent. A lot of people will be excluded people who dont have money. Mainly women dont have money marginalized people do not have money so they would be x. Excluded from the democratic process or they would end up just being voters so this is one major area of. Fifteen million eligible voters will have to wait to find out which parties will win a mandate to form the next government the Election Commission says it will take around a week for the result to be announced. Aljazeera. The Nobel Peace Prize will be awarded on december the tend to the International Campaign to abolish Nuclear Weapons or i can millions of people can remember a time when the threat of nuclear war was a looming presence that worry has steadily diminished since the end of the cold war but with the rise off north Koreas Nuclear capability well that fair return rob reynolds reports the Nuclear Annihilation with little warning that was the terrible fate that the generation that grew up in the one nine hundred fifty s. And sixtys was taught to fear and prepare for first duck and then cover schoolchildren were drilled on how to avoid being incinerated we all know the atomic bomb is very dangerous it may be used against us we must get ready for Public Service films urged children to keep an eye out for soviet planes and to head for shelter when the air raid siren you were warned right the flash thats the first thing theyll be get away from windows get under a desk you had the sense that it was going to be incredibly destructive and that we would be just tiny pawns pieces of debris we had to hide in every crevice we could find. Hollywoods response to this visceral fear was to produce a parade of nuclear spawn monsters giant ense emerged from the site of a nuclear bomb tests to attack society as did giant radioactive spiders and humans in terrifying radiation gruen like enormous looming symbols of destruction the terror peaked in one nine hundred sixty two when the cuban missile crisis brought the u. S. And soviet union to the brink it is a difficult and dangerous effort on which we have set out it receded as the superpowers negotiated a reduction of tensions and nuclear. Arsenals but under the hawkish Ronald Reagan fear of mutually assured destruction came roaring back it flares again the nuclear fear in the early eightys when Ronald Reagan starts building star wars and makes missiles before the reforms started in the soviet union we were again at the break this time Popular Culture delivered not giant insects but a realistic and powerful depiction of nuclear war in the widely watched Television Film called the day after when the soviet union collapsed most americans readily you pass their Nuclear Nightmares away now a new threat has emerged but so far at least the fear has not its kind of surprising now isnt it that we seem to be very perilous times with north korea but it doesnt resonate the way Nuclear Crises did in the past its too early perhaps for Popular Culture to absorb the north korean threat and decide how to respond robert oulds aljazeera los angeles. And you can watch an exclusive interview with this years Nobel Peace Prize laureate beatrice fan from icann wholl be speaking to us right here on aljazeera dots on sunday the tenth of december at sixteen g. M. T. Still ahead on the news hour the sports news and a history making night for christiane a rinaldo in the Champions League stories coming up in just a moment. Time for sports heroes to. Thank you very much for elementary and stocks strike a christan over now that has become the fastest player and Champions League history to score in all six a Group Stage Games the portuguese made history with the second goal against but if the adult scored in every single Champions League group game this campaign with a total of nine strikes so far madrid were already through to the knockout stage but for good measure three two winners in this game not play well arguably the biggest casualties on wednesday the sorry club went down to one final and while shocked speak man just a city to advance if he were through anyway limp would join them thanks to a big win i have a spot at moscow thats the puerto also through. Thursday sees the awarding of the doors separate from the fee for player of the year award even though there was once upon a ship that combines the awards thats no longer the case though there were thirty players nominated including the waltz most expensive pyatt neymar but in the eyes of the fans they were really only two realm addresses Cristiana Ronaldo led to his club to a second Champions League title in a row in the last year hes also the current holder has rival in all messi of boss alona with the leading goalscorer in the Spanish League last season messi netted that he seven goals during that campaign and veteran italian goalkeeper genuity bouffant is an outside bet thats mostly because this award almost goes to ways to forwards the event will take place in paris the eiffel tower will fee for his lifted kuwaits ban from. International football the suspension had been in place since october twenty fifth day and because of government interference in the running of the game is yet to be announced if that means q eight who can paid in this months gold cup in doha but president johnny and frontino is in kuwait where he made the announcement on twitter earlier mr president i dont like it when i was thinking the suspension. Would be the best. This extension of the quit were going to station this. Thank you very much thank you. The fifo Club World Cup has kicked off although the big teams will only enter the semifinal stage in the meantime the tournament began with a playoff to get into the second round algis there of the United Arab Emirates the host nation defeated ocean champions oakland city one nil runner in your school to go goalkeeper ali pulled off a string of saves aljazeera will play asian champions the arrow of red diamond in the second round for the right to meet realm of dread in the semifinals. Russian president Vladimir Putin says his country will not boycott the twenty eighteen winter Olympic Games in china on tuesday the International Olympic committee chose to suspend russia from the games for doping violations but they did leave the door open for clean athletes to compete as neutrals its something you know i know many of the athletes personally and they have been preparing for these competitions the whole lives it wasnt only a couple of years of preparation theyve been preparing their whole careers and for them its very important so we wont ban anything to anyone block create conditions that would make participation impossible now while russia are officially banned from the Winter Olympics in almost bizarre fashion the russian athletes could be present in official team russia uniforms at the closing ceremony the possibility still exists that the i. O. C. Could lift the suspension on the russians during the actual and lympics in time for them to a pair and official colors right at the end. And there are the closing ceremony. Then the signal that. Russia and. Then accepted and respected sanction and then and you beginning is possible and we can look into the future of. Russia australias cricketers have taken a two nothing lead over england in the ashes series after winning in adelaide england began the day needing one hundred Seventy Eight runs to win and it would have been a record chase for them but they lost a wicket quickly captain jerry was out on sixty seven having failed to add any runs on day five Mitchell Starc ripped through the batting order taking five wickets for eighty eight until england were out australia winning by one hundred twenty runs the third test on some path on december the fourteenth an f australia win win back the ashes an australian captain is sacked me breathing a sigh of relief. Yeah it has has been a pretty tough twenty four hours from being honest. You know its so hard and i think caps in every country yeah you have to make difficult decisions and sometimes you know make the wrong decision you know its all part of a learning experience and i think i can learn something from this guy i think the way that we the way that we got about a second innings is i think proved to. Everyone really that were still massively in this series. I think the simplest weve shown that throughout the two games with periods that we can outperform australia and just not for five days and thats going to be our challenge really sri lankas cricket board has complained to the sports governing body the i think about the poor quality in delhi during the test match with india which wrapped up earlier on players were forced to west from off while fielding and four of them vomited from the effects of the small guys the average twelve times the wild organizations say for limit i will take necessary steps the matches self ended in a draw sri lanka were unable to reach the victory talkative four hundred ten on the indians could not teva india win the series one nil and out of all this but for now more light. Bulbs are watching the news hour on al jazeera back in just a moment with much more of the things they do in a minute. This is quiet the signal is given. Out so its safe to walk to school more than thirty in this community in one month the police say this area is a red zone one of several in some townships. Children sometimes it caught in the crossfire when rival gangs fight the parents and grandparents are what they call a walking us. I lost my son. The go i also lost my but there are more than one hundred fifty volunteers working for several walking buses teachers say it is working class attendance has improved the volunteers also act as security guards banks love to make loans to sufferance because behind the song for a millions of taxpayers taxpayers never go away theres a new arm bone every single day and it is an emerging national. Quest to ration of the support mechanism we created together because i happen to live in greece somehow im a sinner im a bad person. At this time. My announcement today marks the beginning of a new approach to

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