Years in jerusalem was continuous palestinian presence in jerusalem what about that how about that for a reality to at least refer to or call no but what weve heard from the speech was a one sided you know what not just israeli a one sided netanyahu spin on the history of the conflict and on how to proceed how to move forward on the question of jerusalem and by the way thats what the so thats what thats what. I want to see annoying but from and then and then ethical point of view i am trying to explain how does an american speech sound from. The perspective an american interests. But i didnt hear the president from defend America Great again i saw the President Trump advocating a greater israel again because he wouldnt even recognize nine hundred sixty seven borders he wont even recognize that palestine is occupied he wont even recognize the international communitys consent and consensus over two state solutions what he said if they agree to a taste of solution i agreed to it well guess what that anyhow does not agree to this two state solution netanyahu wants one large greater state of israel and half a palestinian state on half of the west bank thats what we know from Prime Minister to now because he wants to maintain control over jordan river he wants to can maintain control over the airspace over security of the palestinian territories and over much of area socalled area c. Which is basically half of the west bank so once again to summarize and to take care of all our paperwork here. I would just say that we heard an american president deliver an israeli speech today this is a a a terrible night for those of us students of american politics who have every possible honor to render to american presidency and to america to hear an american president manipulated drinking the koolaid of an israeli radical extremist Prime Minister like that of Benjamin Netanyahu putting a spin over an important issue like is a palestine and reducing it all into some sort of a cliche of theology and religion not for making America Great again but for in the rendering the greater Israel Occupying palestine again im only short time for the thank you. Well trumps and im smart has sparked anger as you might imagine from a u. S. Ally turkey a cry to protest this is gathered outside the u. S. Embassy in ankara earlier president regift or the one who warned the decision would cause the gun rest across the muslim world well lets talk to mohammed adore who joins us live from istanbul so amongst the leaders that warned trump against this course of action turkey warned him against it but nonetheless he went ahead anyway mahmoud. Yes he did and reaction here in turkey has been swift hundreds of protesters gathered outside this the u. S. Consulate here is the move to protest the decision of President Trump which they described as irresponsible and dangerous talking to some of voce protesters who are there they say that this was not any helpful to not only the Peace Process but also the people of palestine who they say have been facing so many problems and for so many years and who they were expressing their sort of data to with they said that jerusalem is not negotiable and that palestine is where its the capital of the people of palestine as well now early on in the day president began also spoke after meeting the visiting jordanian King King Abdullah and he said also that the decision that trump was about to take then was an affront to International Law and treaties and as he said it was responsible and that the muslim world must speak with one voice on this matter and towards this end he announced that on wednesday next week the thirteenth of december hes going to call for a summit of the organization of islamic countries whose presidency he currently holds and say that from that summit they will come up with a concerted response to present transposition that mohamed and millions died on the streets talking to people i just wonder if you can describe to us what people were telling you whats the main emotion is it a strange sense is a girl our solidarity. Well its beyond. Surprise and shock that president has the audacity to carry out. A step which they say is this drastic many could not believe that this could be hopping and being done by a country that is supposedly one of the sponsors of the middle east Peace Process and they were saying how can the United States once again rise and say that it is almost broken in the middle east crisis if at all it can carry out such a drastic step in support of one of the purty so people here very angry and shocked as well. Joining me there live with reaction from istanbul mohammed some teeth well there have already been protests across the palestinian territories burning smith joins us now live from gaza hi there bernie a whats the main emotion would you say in gaza i know that people have already been out protesting. Julie really one of frustration as well as anger of the main emotions there were protests earlier on today when it became clear that donald trump was going to make this announcement about the route jerusalem being the capital of israel and then been sporadic protests this evening as well and weve heard in the last few minutes the palestinian factions of call for a general strike across all the palestinian territories thats here in gaza in the west bank in East Jerusalem so its expected the palestinians will observe that call for a general strike tomorrow and protest across theyve been called to protest across the palestinian territories and that speech can be given given by Mahmoud Abbas it gives an indication of the pressure that he is under from some of the other palestinian factions earlier before trump officially delivered his speech which has been running garzon is handing over control of gaza to the p. A. Under a unity deal brokered by the egyptians hamas said that mr abbas is Mahmoud Abbass administration should read itself of the illusion that rights can be achieved through an american backed a deal very critical of abbas for sticking with the americans for this long and now essentially abbas has also been forced to abandon that stance been forced to abandon american mediation hes abandoned the american mediation and if you choose Palestinian Peace deal so a lot of anger here and we can expect sporadic protests that have been the saving bilby protests tomorrow as the palestinians are asked to heed a call for a general strike who has an affair and live from gaza by not thinking. Palestinian refugees in lebanon are also angry at trumps decision many of them hope to one day return home to a palestinian state. As its capital has more now from they were. Born in exile because raised not to forget their identity these are the children of the refugees of the one nine hundred forty eight more palestinians who were forced to leave their homes in what is now israel. Lebanon is where they live but they want their homeland back we want a country these children. The jews of them as i was five year old says promising that no one will be able to take it away from them. I will hussein was younger than what his family fled palestine he was too young to remember his country but for him palestine remains home he has a message for u. S. President donald trump. If points to donate to israel he crossed the red line he should donate one of his countrys states to israel. And palestine is jerusalem. There is anger there is the jurors of the status is extremely sensitive in the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Palestinians say they will never give up jerusalem but there is a reality many of the refugees here say that they have given up hope just like jerusalem the right to return has been at the heart of the palestinian struggle its been seven decades and no one here has returned home. Thirty four year old Mohammad Jamal was born in lebanon he has a nursing degree but he cant find a job Palestinian Refugees in lebanon are banned from working in many professions and have little rights in a country that has tried to prevent settlement from jerusalem status of returning to palestine are lost causes in. The wrong tree turn is a forgotten cause it is not our intention to forget about it but the arab rulers betrayed palestine for us the priority is to live stateless these refugees live in desperate conditions very few were under the illusion that peace with israel was ever a possibility and for them the u. S. Decision to recognize jerusalem as israels capital only reinforces their belief that washington was never an honest broker in the conflict. Or not that. This is a new aggression against palestinians it is a dangerous new phase they want to destroy the palestinian cause to get rid of the right to return to prevent a palestinian state. Many palestinians feel that now more than ever the dream of their own state is fading away. Well as we heard theres been International Condemnation of the planned u. S. Move french president called it regrettable. Foreign minister mohammad thang. Yes its a death sentence for all who seek peace president reagan. Warned that will make the region less secure. As protecting the current status of jerusalem is very important and it is important that the islamic world unites and acts as one if any attempt to change the legal status of jerusalem should be avoided no one has the right to play with the fate of millions of people such a move would only help to promote the ill and tensions of the terrorist organizations well he made those comments seven earlier press conference with jordans King Abdullah who spoke to risk them as being middle east instability jordan has also called for an emergency meeting the arab league there is no alternative to the stupid state solution and jerusalem is key to any Peace Agreement and it is key to the stability of the entire region i did reemphasized to the u. S. President just today our concerns on the decision to move the u. S. Embassy to jerusalem therefore it is imperative now to work fast to reach a final status solution and a Peace Agreement between palestinians and israelis and this must allow palestinians to establish their independent state side by side with israel and its capital and. Ignoring the Palestinian Muslim and christian rights in jerusalem will only fuel further extremism and undermine the war against terrorism. Well the location of the u. S. Embassy in israel has long been a contentious matter in washington d. C. Our state Department Correspondent ross jordan has the background. At the white house in september one thousand nine hundred three a handshake to celebrate the signing of the first oslo accord and the prospect of peace between israelis and palestinians including a deal on the status of jerusalem but then the u. S. Congress decided to get involved even at the risk of up ending peace talks legislators passed what is formally known as the Jerusalem Embassy act of one nine hundred ninety five it requires washington to move its embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem the penalty a freeze in state Department Spending however Congress Also gave the white house the right to delay the move for six months on National Security grounds to date that waivers been in vogue more than twenty times people who want the embassy in jerusalem say the law is simply a matter of respecting israels right to choose its own capital. That hasnt been the view from the white house for fifty years. Both democratic and republican president s had watched the carnage from the one nine hundred sixty seven and nine hundred seventy three arab israeli wars their early efforts to prevent those wars and then to broker peace largely thing but despite their own affection for israel all of these men from Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon to bill Clinton George bush and barack obama ultimately agreed on two things only direct negotiations based on u. N. Security Council Resolutions two for two and three three eight and then on both oslo accords could resolve the jerusalem question and moving the embassy could lead to a collapse and talks or worse riots across the region. Now that President Donald Trump is deciding to change course the world is about to learn whether his predecessors had good reason to be cautious Rosalyn George aljazeera Washington Well joining us now is daniel levy hes the president of the u. S. Middle east project and a former israeli negotiator and advisor to the israeli Prime Ministers office we have so much to get very chocolate questions here when the region is in the Current Situation that it is you know multiple conflicts why agitate the remaining tinderbox right now with this decision whether it is a remarkable thing to put jerusalem front and center in that way we saw in the summer when there was a unilateral israeli attempt to change the status quo in the old city the response that that generated this cant be about advancing the Peace Process it just doesnt make sense and when he says we wont continue the failed policies of the past hes actually doubling down and putting those policies on steroids because the failure is to go so egregiously over into the israeli side in supporting more powerful party so what is this about shaw his closest advisors have a particular bias on this issue and i think you can also say that this goes along with his existing political playbook which is to mobilize his base to keep the rest of the Republican Party in congress on board and this plays especially to evangelical christian zionist community. But we may also think about this in terms of he has a governing project which is not how most people would see the american National Security interest which is hell the divisions ease the tensions with the muslim world for instance he has been about polarizing escalating those tensions the muslim travel so you can at least speculate intelligently that when in the room some of the security pentagon folks are saying hey this could lead to protests america fly burning this is going to make things worse some of trumps people saying yes give me some more good reasons why we should do it because thats the political playbook and thats the ideological project the tone that some of the words in a general speech and we heard marwan earlier saying that it was an israeli speech out of an american drum he said i dont know what you think about that but he started talking about you know were going to bring in architects of says if he was building a new hotel and yet you know that there are hundreds of thousands of palestinians there who for this moment for them is an officer mitigated disaster and yet there is almost the come only. I dont even know what the word is abandonment of that point of view and how that must be for them and how that as you say feeds into any greater success in the Peace Process must be beyond lots of right thinking people oh i think sometimes people say that Benjamin Netanyahu speaks as if hes an american politician speaking from him and i think more ones right this just couldnt have been a text that was written as a collective into Agency Process in washington d. C. The new American Ambassador trumps former bankruptcy lawyer is known to be a devout supporter and founder of settlement causes and somewhere between him and the Prime Ministers office i think youve got the sweet spot so to speak of where that speech came from but if i were to try and find a Positive Side because the negatives are overwhelming and i think this is to making peace what we drawing from the Paris Climate Accord is to saving the planet but if ones trying to find a positive is this the moment when the palestinian leadership based on what you said the way they have just been treated on jerusalem is this the moment when they say you know what it wasnt working so well for us relying on an american led Peace Process with all the structural flaws in the american system is this the moment when either by design or by pressure from below they say we absolutely have to move a page we have to advance a new strategy and if that is the case then inadvertently and despite his attempts to blow everything up this president may unintentionally have done something positive and who then do the palestinians who can they turn to that have the same global leverage and might that the americans perhaps once had russia tell im just sitting out there. They cant see where they turn is to themselves first of all because or theyre from washington will not define the future of jerusalem or this conflict in the same way that actions on the ground well and if the palestinians have been told. Violence is often rightly so but if theyve also been told hey theres a Peace Process dont go to the un dont hold israel accountable in International Fora in International Jewry jurisdictions dont sanction israeli behavior to accumulate leverage all of that has to be taken out of the cupboard dusted down and gone for and if that means saying goodbye to the relative pittance of money they receive anyway from the americans if that means saying goodbye to have a a building with a palestinian flag it doesnt seem to me like its that hard a choice to make at this stage david levy thanks very much thank you now another new city fighters have broken up a rare protest by dozens of yemeni women in the capital sanaa. Where the women gathered outside the Military Hospital where former president Ali Abdullah Saleh is body is being kept demanding that he gets a proper burial he was killed by the iran back to sea rebels on monday after switching alliances to the Saudi Led Coalition that has fired shots at the one causing them to flee. Now more than Twelve Thousand homes are under threat by wildfires in Southern California the largest and most destructive is raging in the foothills of the city of ventura thats about eighty kilometers northwest of l. A. Well the blaze has been found by hot dry winds and has so far burned through at least one hundred fifty structures and fifty thousand heck tears of. Russias leader Vladimir Putin says hell seek reelection as the countrys president next year the sixty five year olds been Holding Power in holding a power host of as either president or Prime Minister since the year two thousand opinion polls show put in would come to be when four president ial term. Is due to know. They can be no better place and no better reason for making this announcement thank you for your support i will put forward my candidacy for the post Office President of the russian federation. The ousted president of catalonia says he will remain in belgium for now despite spain having withdrawn an International Arrest warrant for him now called faces charges of sedition and misappropriation of funds if he were turns to spain he fled to belgium with four of his cabinet former cabinet members after madrid imposed direct rule over the Regional Government for announcing itself as an independent republic. Of the Nobel Peace Prize will be awarded on december the tends to the International Campaign to abolish Nuclear Weapons or i can thats a group dedicated to creating a World Without Nuclear Weapons its been seventy two years since the devastating power of Nuclear Weapons was first used on the civilian population millions of people can remember a time where the threat of Nuclear Armageddon overshadowed their daily lives now that threat has steadily diminished since the end of the call. War but with the rise of north koreas Nuclear Weapons capability well fear its hard rock bands records. Nuclear annihilation with little warning that was the terrible fate that the generation that grew up in the one nine hundred fifty s. And sixtys was taught to fear and prepare for first duck and then cover schoolchildren were drilled on how to avoid being incinerated we all know the atomic bomb is very dangerous and it may be used against us we must get ready for Public Service films urged children to keep an eye out for soviet planes and to head for shelter when the air raid siren boomed you were warned right the flash thats the first thing theyll be get away from windows get under a desk you had the sense that it was going to be incredibly destructive and that we would be just tiny pawns pieces of debris we had to hide in every crevice we could find. Hollywoods response to this visceral fear was to produce a parade of nuclear spawn monsters giant ence emerged from the site of nuclear bomb tests to attack society as did giant radioactive spiders and humans in terrifying radiation grew like enormous looming symbols of destruction the terror peaked in one nine hundred sixty two when the cuban missile crisis brought the u. S. And soviet union to the brink it was a difficult and dangerous effort on which we have set out it receded as the superpowers negotiated a reduction of tensions and Nuclear Arsenals but under the hawkish Ronald Reagan fear of mutually assured destruction came roaring back it flares again the nuclear fear in the early eightys when Ronald Reagan started building star wars and next missiles before the reforms. And in the soviet union we were again at the brink this time Popular Culture delivered not giant insects but a realistic and powerful depiction of nuclear war in the widely watched Television Film called the day after when the soviet union collapsed most americans readily passed their Nuclear Nightmares away now a new threat has emerged but so far at least the fear has not its kind of surprising now isnt it that we seem to be very perilous times with north korea but it doesnt resonate the way Nuclear Crises did in the past its too early perhaps for Popular Culture to absorb the north korean threat and decide how to respond robert oulds aljazeera los angeles well we continue to talk about and i later programs the news that donald trump has made it we hope youll stay with us thanks for coming. The head of the september twenty Fourth National Election Survey showed a satisfied with the state of the economy this is easily estonias biggest tech Success Story the company was bought by microsoft in two thousand and eleven we bring you the stories that are shaping the economic world we live in counting the cost at this time on aljazeera this month the International Campaign to abolish Nuclear Weapons will receive the Nobel Peace Prize but what hes the real threat in a series of special reports aljazeera examines the state of Nuclear Proliferation around the world. Facing the reality if a piece of machinery goes wrong is there a chain of litigation through which we can bring an ecosystem to bear getting to the heart of the matter i dont think we need of the world but some of my producers just to hear their story on talk to aljazeera at this time. When. The the earth the earth. It is time to officially recognize jerusalem

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