A snowball in crisis around his presidency over ties to russia he said he had nothing to hide just a day after his former National Security adviser admitted to lying about his contacts with moscow as ports the controversy is overshadowing what would have been a big win for trump in the Republican Senate giving tax bill green light. Outside the white house saturday morning President Donald Trump wanted to talk more about the new tax plan passed by the u. S. Senate then about his former National Security advisers russian contacts soured on what has been shown no solution no killer has been absolutely has been absolutely no solution so were very happy and frankly last night was one of the big nights on friday Michael Flynn pleaded guilty in federal court to lying to the f. B. I. About efforts to obtain advance knowledge of how foreign governments might vote on a u. N. Security Council Resolution regarding israel and about conversations he had with russias ambassador to the u. S. During the president ial transition as part of the deal flynt agreed to cooperate with special prosecutor Robert Muellers investigation into russian meddling into last years president ial election mohler is looking into whether the Trump Campaign colluded with russia hes also looking into the president s business ties there oh when is the fourth member of the president s inner circle to be charged in connection with the investigation and political analyst eric hamm says hes clearly the most significant by Michael Flynn was a very high profile target both in the campaign and in the white house and so what hes looking to do is bomb mullers looking to steadily move up the food chain hes looking to get bigger fish and so i think hes looking at possibly jared kosher questioner and maybe even the president Going Forward last winter President Trump said he fired flynn just one month into his National Security advisory post because he had lied to Vice President mike pence about his contacts with russia but the president offered another explanation saturday in a tweet saying i had to fire general flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the f. B. I. He has pled. Guilty to those lies it is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful there was nothing to hide dian us to brooke aljazeera washington yemens former president Ali Abdullah Saleh has called for a joint ceasefire between his supporters the who the rebels and the saudi Like Coalition at least forty people have died in battles between forces loyal to sala and who in the capital sana. Pope francis has defended his silence and me and moreover the plight of her hand to refugees saying he spoke the truth and private hes been facing International Criticism for not directly addressing the crisis the pontiff says public didnt see ation would have prevented his message from being heard. Gyptian a president ial hopeful a fake has reportedly arrived in cairo after being arrested and deported from the United Arab Emirates she think of him based in the u. A. E. Since losing to the Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohamed Morsi and egypts two thousand and twelve president ial election the former Prime Minister an air force commander announced last week he plans to run for president in two thousand and twelve incumbent president abdel fatah elsisi is widely expected to seek another term a nighttime curfew is in place and on doris following days of protests Security Forces happening given extra powers to stop the violence that followed last sundays president ial election one person died and dozens were injured after six days a clear winner is yet to emerge from the vote so as of now president won or lando hernandez has narrowly ahead of opposition candidate salvador and. Seventeen people have been killed in northeastern nigeria after two female suicide bombers attacked a market that happened in the town of view in borno state one of the women is said to detonate in her explosives at a Food Distribution center run by a local group. Those are the headlines news continues right here on the opposite after return of a president keep it or. This is a president of madagascar my common man and. The first time i met him was in south africa. He was in exile deposed by military coup so look really think this is a good shield to take a photo because all the hear me and tell us where would you like to say. I want to stay on welfare. Born into a poor families family who worked his way up to become one of madagascar us largest food producers. In two thousand and two he was elected president of madagascar. He was reelected with a larger majority in two thousand and six. During his presidency new Schools Health clinics and roads step is to cross the country. In the middle of his second term the mayor of the capital and. Organized a military coup against him. In. The democratically elected domain and this exciting south africa while the kuwait or this in charge of madagascar. Rumor has it that france the former colonial power back the coup. Get in the sea and if you are right you know. What the fuck going to be about. It so. Its. Ok. The women but its a day to set the business to the to so next as if yes how are you going to go this frozen james book a ticket to yes youre going to book it to get ok because the reader theres lots of reader again joy to go with yes something especially good here is your kills the Lessons Learned yes so can i foresee keeping. This book this year will serve with the with the Senate Intelligence set ourselves up for a serious crisis a for everybody to have somebody to look for both the possibility of his numbers as a risk for strongest oh wait do we do that this is your thoughts is this is it yourself was is a bait i responded to the two kids. Yeah thats ok im concerned it is your son who killed my thats something my yes but then you have to descend to the guys exact was telling you what to do. About it. I did my best to be in the period of play dancing but. They result. I or could prove i was crazy within the Muslim Community in the. Finals of the institutions like. The world bank the i. M. F. They helped me clean up all the depth of my desk. My priority was for the infrastructure of educational reform Rural Development but i did them for. Their purity through the meat of the. Side we didnt the world. Island saw its not normal. To spend. Thirty to forty percent of our about it. For free. For many that. We. Have. To. See. Firsthand the gentle. Harmonious corners shows when the situation for the good to the real i think i was really cause for. Effect do you feel villa still the mall or no i was there for a lot of. The for the on the telephone for. The appraisal for a water facility. For a water delivery. I think it would be very interesting to see what you get. Cuz. It is i think the summary of the all the events that took them to seems to come to mind. The house young. And for the be nice to hear someone like me to to make to ask us a single cause its a bit long. Before the release your former Prime Minister. The first to. Need to talk can i. Just took a cuckoo day hands confession. A trip or a stream missing was interviewed carrying out operations black monday was held in two thousand and nine for nine decisions were made to recruit. Big thumps from the slums in order to create a climate of insecurity and truck spots throughout the country to destabilize and topple the legal government. Is this necessary to shift human plot a second five five successive to create. One. Anyhow situation do i think. I got onto the project became bookkeepers very very bad that this does to frighten. The west its way from me they were. Three pos zero zero zero zero s. And then come up in my room and they appoint. A government made for saying if your goal. You. Know i dont want to that could you take him. Blow us when. She has the courage to tell you where you went there that the house is really good about. You. Yes. And this i want to get it its good its cool and cascades yeah and he put this on someone all my life. And when you pass a good nobody dont most. Of your life a lot of. Them put you know. But the money. Going to you. Isnt only about their own post your first this was the article the end of the picture of you with your first exhibit done nothing to fall out of the right person is a slogan. This is a party. I look forward to being a home to be with my fellow country men and women. True democracy a mans nothing unless the reality is that brazile is and is in control of the country when you arrive there is a very strong possibility that you will be arrested how do you expect to lead your dialogue if you were jailed this is time for me to go back thats not the on guess is not valid by fluke the most important thing for me is theyve asked us enough that the focus is but what about you but my heart. Yeah. I. Just knew i dont is one of them from the ira its the u. N. News service and sometimes that former pow such as fronts still wield. And im judy strong inference madagascars is that true it is so important for our Health Mother got to get up from this crisis because a plane or. Just until she. Finally did consent about it talk about this but its the same. Place just because you do something good for the country you dont need to. Not talk to an important terrorist i have to be playing for you have tools of the courage to do it to do so if i why you think people here i cannot do any more for the politics that you and so i have to make a choice. About how many many years i have to how many years hes made this of my life. To come over here to meet the girl to marry you know not here. But to create. A meeting of the. Season for the. Really. Tough. One for one day speaks sundays when youre. On the market a bit from him yes. Aha. Different than mr im the mother and theres a. Problem for me. People because here. Dont come under the scum of the six thousand. Dollars. To the tune. Of its political to the victim want to see most the facility to do the stuff so thats the dream the small simple see the people in my gosh all such a symptom or not so please dont say. Nothing here we need these fools we need peace for the mother has come. To full sufferer. Not. Play money and. Its very difficult for people. All lever falls who are in for power no movement can take profi to advantage of the situation. By cicelys him. Its a message for people say you dont Pay Attention we are here. For the french were definitely. Not in this photo the french of the enemy of the provinces influence in africa is being corroded all the time by the chinese by the americans by south africa and they want to keep madagascar french yes and they felt if they had to choose between regimin or they would choose raja leader because hes french. To understand the difference was the colonial power. If you just go to the us can you look at medicare see everything in the biggest destruction from. From the cars the language of the people the business and everything. Present of the motive to do its been explained to me and this is just my understanding of it is that. He then began to open the economy to non french interest so he would say he created for example the change the constitution so that america is huge for him she speak english is the food language he joined so he began to open the economy to know just about. All of these tourist signals two fronts the kind of the policy was. Ok and was for you having something as we know is that the crew is from transpired and we have lots of. Nonnegotiable french position is that rather the literature to consider. Since the coup the president has been part of International Negotiations mediated acetic the Southern African Development Community. Said it has drawn up a road map to lead madagascar out of the crisis. But the road map fails to mention the president s rights return home. And we are missing mr rosenker from the from the road map you have a labor. Leader again say i want to do safely the good to be able to send it but we cannot say if it does the lad will buy him a better. Set x. Lead negotiator is she sound of the former president of mozambique. Fellow man and i want his son its ok im seeing the right to go home and take part in future elections. You can get to be with. Me as someone people who know that i know he knows what i know if you have. To believe this yes i have a great see that will do this because. This is a difficult time for everybody. To. Play with my teacher said. The king but. I think its a tribute of no use to raise in the discussion about the roadmap not. Fish for president lover that is his return to madagascar. If we can draw an analogy with the house president level of the non that was chased out of his house. This is a yeah if there was it would have solved the problem but be able to tell you not just make the point to dismiss thank you she doesnt work you think if we are asking the president here too. Good faith and generosity but i also expect that as well to show good faith and generosity heres a good deal to live in to someone out of his that was ok but here start all over. Which way their toes. You can manipulate can and so on and he is not alone. You have forces outside and inside with him the president yes what im saying. Is that its of no use to start discussing might not be stupid at least to me exactly in forty two its just a paid a whole lot of media to take a chance be in context of this no yes yes this is a big change from the first vision and the basic understanding decided big battell you saying that that road map is not a for any further. Discussion or negotiation im telling you i say that you cannot carry the solution to more than a start by trying to impose on the road map again. Because listen to this in the everybody that he was lazy about is a little so i was going to put a lovely. Thing in. Our. Case it was a lie when we were doing my little when my mother worked at the wheel we are waiting to work the governmental. Board im not sure how the not. You are right. The solution is not for me myself i can stay here by the issue of a problem for appointing me dumping i dont expect you to be happy because you see you are heres your plan for me dont think any of that has a famous one. Tenth. Please dont take offense. They trying to peddle. But its almost over they say is that the father gets caught or hog. Ever done something to. The. Improvement things you create is really just a mother gets nothing nobody. Except the mouse down with that. I think people feel they have. Been helped in their daily life and. Hope for a. Better future. Do you hear. The word. On. This is. Not. On. Gins is in paris to not be the french authorities says. He wants to reopen negotiations on the route in and then after every army major singapore wants to. See. The students for this man while he was in the service c. C b something might end up being somebody having this. Is a residence and its a young. People you. Have a clue of course is perceptible you know about money in the knowledge they would say due to a fake with boyd although it. Was great. To see. First hand information from the French Embassy saying that the french share a canonical interest is accepting our viewers has a future president that means he has to support active what i dont like that is absolutely no. Willingness to listen whatsoever and they have closed the case the fight is close to them being what you can stay out ok. And then as the minute as population has only one possibility to react to absolutely and that is why after being on the streets and you are my thing for thats bad for you and why i think for the regime to kill innocent people you know to come down he said yeah yeah this. If you feel people he would say yes dont they dont buy. Chinese. The main event its not necessary but not let me. Find the wife this will be. The new era in television news. And those insights into toss to do things in secret that are on the list we had actual victims who had survived torture detention and saying this was the cause of my arrest if you could. Just stay but we do have stood by this conviction that everyone has a deep reservoir accountability if you can give them the opportunity and wonderful things start to look at the actual distance theres at least twenty thousand for him to refugees who live here we badly need at this moment leadership and so president Hosni Mubarak has resides donald trump is going to be the next president retaliation with banks how do you guys go back chief i mean canisters of gas i just want to believe it best to prevent the behavior getting anyway lets get recorded. By having me achieve something that never happened before. And there all the countries of managed to solve this problem but you worry that this conflict could erupt into account right. Away the people who pay the price getting their rights up in prejudice setting the stage for a serious debate up front at this time on aljazeera. Our. Show here here in doha these are the headlines on aljazeera yes President Donald Trump has again insisted there was no collusion between his campaign and russia during the two thousand and sixteen election he tweeted that while he fired his National Security adviser for lying to the f. B. I. Michael flynns actions were lawful once pleaded guilty to making false statements about his contact with russia yemens former president Ali Abdullah Saleh has called for a joint ceasefire between his supporters the who the rebels and the Saudi Led Coalition at least forty people have died in battles between forces loyal to these in the capital sana. Egyptian president ial hopeful. Has reportedly arrived in cairo after being arrested and deported from the United Arab Emirates should be given based in the since losing to the Muslim Brotherhood candidate morsi in egypts two thousand and twelve president ial election the former Prime Minister an air force commander announced last week that he plans to run for president in two thousand and eighteen incumbent president. Is expected widely to seek another term. Pope francis has defended his silence and me and maher over the plight of our heads are refugees saying he spoke the truth in private hes been facing International Criticism for not directly addressing the crisis the pontiff says public to nancy would have prevented his message from being heard. A nighttime curfew is in place in honduras following days of protests Security Forces have been given extra powers to stop the violence that followed last sundays president ial election one person has died with dozens of others injured after six days a clear winner is yet to emerge from the vote as of now president want to lend a hernandez as an early head of the opposition candidate salvatore nasrallah. All of these acts of vandalism these incidents the settings of fires are not reasonable for hundred of us therefore at the request of many sectors of society a council of ministers has declared a curfew to safeguard the security of the country seventeen people have been killed in northeastern nigeria after two female suicide bombers attacked a market that happened in the town of you in borno state one of the women is said to have detonated her explosives at a Food Distribution center run by a local aid group. Has had the headlines the news continues after return of a president keep it or. Negotiations have fish around at last and we were on our way to acetic meeting. And they said be nice and say. The president and the koolaid a hundred as for me to put over the ascetic hits of states to discuss the road. Back would you want to speak from this meeting with actually. I dont. You dont know. I dont know what you wish. Dos know what i got. But s. S. E. Is quite important right now i hope so it is not just another meeting it is my hope so here goes so you know. That it could go on i have lost my you should hear. This on the property just to prove to. The world they. Didnt know rather than it was a show they are sure your want to know and other that made me happy dont do more because your mother has got. And the man lived to invision down a mother thats got. Deal now tell me what your limbs knew what that he was up. To and i thought to buy a. Box of the false abundance i was on the internet the makers of movies local sources ive talked among us. To model for looking. For next year not. Danceable someone. To represent the my lungs which are changing. In the north east peace posted this is a victory against muslims must we give them even when you know the full of it he thought he was if you want to won the vote of any not. Good enough. They will think you are oh youre fine with your nose you got to get some sleep at night yes yeah like it is nothing to fall on you like that and i think you look very much because you want to know she will not ask you for your own biological oh yeah i just think its bad but you have a much higher up with this bloke a big thank you nobody like you. Im getting laid no jacket and yeah you get to. Know jesus. And your blood in the trough being seen as for the state. You have guided us this morning. Dont destroy the stock you do for the Better Future ask. For. Your prayers here today signal for. All. The roads probably the people are going to. Be subject to. Carry. On the air only if you place. Your. Interest. On. The extraordinary sight meeting of heads of state and government of the Southern African Development Community such. As the higher seasonal party took a lot of. People in for political reasons to be allowed to return to the country and condition including my problem and i. Guess its a good because they have a me edition ready. To accept and this hour we must be. More like africa. My friend here white for she take it. So you have to return as. It were to think of just how this is great but i want to see it for this vision. We should reserve my own no idea if close to a man is appropriate but then my feeling is yes im very struck a receiver might come back to listen to the coverage of a dangerous form this year so this is a first step and that we will see the next but i just got and hopefully weve got that this week good. Fish tank against thank you very. Quick from might. Be one of my memories getting back to our email me if you need want this process because. You know next week to serve the no fish bowl of the. Train fare i would say for sure you are dealing green. Ive prepared business in the peak hour on three. Days to do one or two hand hands but. If this is all you want about the president s return its so this responsibility is sure that you reach a certain gap so what is left to france is france going to turn around and so we dont accept that so well send french troops to go to support for drugs they probably do that but i think its game over for the really good years even the going to get many guest back to being a productive country instead of being a basket case i dont trust it as a vice i trust you can still expect theyve got these people missing. If ross is seeing the reality that the reality is they cannot and for us said think that to return to my guess can have to go for the next election frost no six actually. That you will win the new. Seduction but im just asking the question mark if its like why dont they approach us. Because the real thing is either not me but i guess theres a lot of what you just you know you get up at the station and think its been a good all sam priest oh my clever man im crazy to be. Here thats a good debate the first. X. Pretty good it did not show up at the end of the piece which honestly said i love you so never going to prison because i wish. I was immediately. Going to sue the youre going to do that. Youre easy wrong you are you are jesus to protect people and their. Own. This is end of the world you believe the mob is wrong obviously no one. Is being kept out of the country because of the interests of the small clique of people on the farm and that is just wrong that has to be with. You and your friends you need women to get you. Dont believe. Me if you dont have any cushion you should use. The hygiene make it look i wont keep it were not because you dont fuck with these you be good you know. Imitation process this floor all this is being achieved or a lot is for music to attempt above about and could at all no i think ive done i actually moved to it came to politics a god are imposed by science while you are secular show me love island critter talk he goes even by the nose at the grocery so you go right this restroom i leave people this is a coup government that you have put in class this is illegal going to share my career now you just love them trick and i want you to come see and this is something i thought they were doing transform something illegitimate into this. Rosalie. Was very snooty or is a foreign power. That would just. Give. The poor thing up to. Put it in more. To reprint in the security guidelines. But this master christian. You have four. Days you get my last sunday. I should miss unity this is the market i should have listened to if you. Were. A president thank you very much if its if you. Keep wasting money on security against. Anybody listening for the best security now its going to get the papers it should be more here than ever. Read on a bet youll know what your new thing going to be do you know many people with anything given with a good word believe. It. Or not have enough on them votes for an awful. Lot of them not the mother to say. I mean they in the back of the bed. Is a good looking as the best of the better for people who want to have a man as close as it up. Why. He can have to work at the. Effect of able to take up today and expect to be able to take up. A twenty seven aborting so maybe a little snots is a choice. To speak with one of the guests many people. Speak to him small. Must. See some small. Close to what i. Think most of the discussion. Was. A few times on. The recently and many many. Take on additional and hang on. Hang. On we keep on going on and off. The want to. Snakes. Now we. Must think this is really not. The. Thing i think about for. The moment. Ok. Nothing to me. Level forty five. They will put some of the motion up. Did the police try to do a good part. Of all of the. The program the mother has got. To smoke to smoke yes do you know. The situation but back when you do think well get back within a few days time perspective. Of can you draw what my opinion here so my up and just my opinion such opinion of the president no Political Party no not until. I think that. If we just trust diplomacy. And. We got purses we can never. Never never thats why. Because. France has. Many just thinks enough to prevent us to call. Was there to. Meet. Their haitian jam. They are. The boss of the boss but think they should. Think. About. The after negative. It was for instance a directive directly to people. To react most strongly to refuse the things. Is always said remain quiet remain while you remain peaceful. Peace initiative is in shatters. I dont think that they will be a democratic. Outflow. Term creation of. Of i properly. Elected new regime. So i think it will be a disaster. The president is still in exile. In the meantime elections have taken place medic aska. Neither have i know men or know how to or were allowed to run they made too Many Community community but no action. Story of my. My country my life. Will sort itself out. Thank you. A little president of the family. I didnt say. That. Last night. The. Movie. So what they think please dont is there i think so they think so and they tend to like this sixty military some easy around. There and after that they shipped my door bit and the giftes so what did you do not at all we dont do nothin of you stay like this and they come and there but it doesnt im here and they say. Its with risk to do this no risk is not not that there is nothing for us no risk. Because if you are scared for risk its mean the you accept what they do for you. The president s sister has died. Mrs cabell men and i hopes the regime will allow the president to return to feel full and i am sure even among the funkier find opinion found one just. Dont forget the end of the. Its my mother not on the run youre going. To. Say with. Some outside i get a thomas. Im going to. See. The note how are you. To see this off it will be. So you know the way that. The way she said thats coming. Thank you. If you were going up but it ultimately i have. Is that by the by by luck you just feel. That. It is to destroy the spoke you dont know that they decided to keep in infancy during five this. Coulee the process with the same thing. And. Put pressure on several fronts. Is it appropriate punishment bobbie or. Are international Community Community behavior in poor countries. Concerned. How i went to places say we got some slaw its why weather at long last across the Pacific Northwest of the United States and indeed up towards that western side of cat is still a fair amount of cloud coming in but i think the scars will be a little clearer of some dry weather coming through thats disturbed weather is making its way across the rockies in the form of some snow much of central and eastern parts of the u. S. East there is a canada not faring too badly eleven celsius in new york no great shakes but at least it should be largely dry over the next few days that wintry mix thatll topple off the rockies through the Northern Plains heading towards the midwest turning to rain is it makes its way into illinois hes the seaboard generally staying fine and said with a little bit of cloud there into the southeastern corner with a possible system showers just around the panhandle so the possibility some showers just around the last around to this great around here this should be largely dry and fight over the next couple of days and pleasant sunshine for many thirty celsius there in kingston the winds tend to push in from an east or north easterly direction so still a chance to some showers just around the western side of the caribbean and they will continue to make their way into where panama nicaragua and costa rica what a rash of showers across the amazon basin no surprises there northern parts of argentina also disturbed along with the river plate. On counting the cost the goldilocks oil price is there such a thing as the perfect price of crude for consumers and producers financial bubbles and big point the future of job creation in africa the only continent where the young outnumber the counting the cost at this time. When the news breaks it was an announcement few were expecting to hear by announce my resignation as Prime Minister from the lebanese government and the story builds i cant stop thinking about the bullies my life when people need to be heard a mass exodus hundreds of thousands of the injured have fled ethnic cleansing imeem are for bangladesh al jazeera has teams on the ground to bring you more Award Winning documentaries and live news on air and online. In syria citizens are collecting evidence. Of crimes committed against civilians weve moved out of syria post six hundred thousand pages of material so that one day they can bring the assad regime to justice it puts a human face on the charges its a dead human face but its a killer tracks syria witnesses for the prosecution at this time on aljazeera. This is aljazeera

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