Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20171130

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And oh i Maryam Namazie this is the news hour live from london coming up african and european leaders agree an emergency evacuation plan for the hundreds of thousands of africans trapped in camps in libya. Britains Prime Minister repeats that donald trump was wrong to show online posts from a far right Group Despite and criticizing her on twitter. Syrians and homs worry that they wont survive the cold as they face another winter without food fuel all firewood. And dutch prosecutors confirm the violent Bosnian Croat war criminal down in court did contain a deadly chemical. And sport russia gets ready to start its role as next years world cup parks the games sometimes are gathering in moscow ahead of Fridays Group stage draw. Top story this hour european and African Leaders have drawn up an emergency evacuation plan for refugees and migrants in jaring terrible conditions in libyan detention. Camps between four hundred seven hundred thousand africans are thought to be trapped in libya its not clear how the deal will be enforced but most of them are expected to be sent back to their home countries a plan was agreed at a joint African Union summit in ivory coasts it was there for the theme of this summit was huge but there is no doubt the from the outset it was dominated by the issue of the refugee slave trade in libya and by migration we heard from the host of the summit the president of the ivory coast in the beginning who said that everyone had a collective responsibility to do something when at the end of the summit what leaders decided is that they would try and repatch reate those migrants and refugees that are trapped in libya that theyd also launched a task force to try and crack down on people smuggling and we spoke to many people here who said that that is just a case of firefighting and what is really needed is a Long Term Strategy to deal with migration. African and European Union leaders condemned the refugee slave trade in libya in their final statement they promised a task force to tackle traffickers and urgently repatch rate anyone whos trapped. There are women and children living in inhuman conditions we have agreed along with the e. U. And the u. N. To set up a task force for repatriating at least three thousand eight hundred people. Leaders say there are more than forty refugee camps in libya where people are bought and sold by those with a little respect for human life. Well the leaders here have committed to helping refugees in libya there were very few do tells us exactly how and when they will repair create them and they were also very frank about the new task force they say theyll put in place to combat people smuggling. There was also no mention of the french president s remarks to reporters that military action against traffickers is a possibility the u. N. Secretary general told summit leaders on wednesday that new ideas a needed to deal with migration including more legal ways to into europe is that something that you discussed and something which you wouldnt visit each we have to. Strengthen the flows of of legal migration but that the same time we have to stop to get illegal migration this is. A common obligation youth workers say until young people have real opportunities little change we want next time African Leaders in reply leaders to come together and say we are going to support two hundred five hundred one thousand youth start up but from africa and from europe and here are the resources that we put in place the practical things to do is you know of telling us in the declaration that yes we are going to empower the people but how are we going to empower the people theres no doubt that ending the slave trade is an urgent priority but unless gnostic solutions are found to persuade people to stop leaving home in the first place human rights abuses will continue to affect africas most fun robel this was the first summit between these two organizations there were more than eighty leaders here from the african and European Unions and what they said was that this is really an opportunity for a new era in relations one that was far more equal in a sense it was a an attempt to try to redress the balance of the past but one more many experts have told us is that for as long as the your opinion. And continues to poor aid money into africa it is going to be very difficult to do that. Well many of the refugees gathering in libya trying to find their way to europe others take a different route crossing from turkey to greece a surge in the number of people arriving on the greek island of less bosses severely straining emergency facilities there the conditions are so dire that some refugees are resorting to self harm in the hope of being taken out as jonah hill reports in the third part of our series from last boss. In a busy cafe outside the main refugee camp on Lesbos Island tally to tell stories of self harm and abuse on your way out of. Had been absent i know of some people who cut themselves so that doctors can see there and let them go along with it already. People have been here for more than a year they are tired and psychologically unwell they will hurt themselves in any way just so they can leave this island inside the camp more than six thousand people share facilities designed for just a third of that number in conditions that appear to be in breach of their human rights many have severe medical problems a man with little bolts of his knees. A husband whose wife is about to give birth. The letter says this gentleman has had two recent hospital admissions in mytilene with chest pain it sounds like he has significant coronary artery disease. But there is no easy ticket out of this place or often less boss island the asylum process can take year or more its you and therefore greek government policy now to stem the tide of refugees into europe weve heard stories about people. Making themselves sick have you heard these stories can you confirm that theyre so its true they do these things they quite common all the time we hear it those sorts of injuries and that they have various problems for their health but its something weve become used to and ive been here four years at this camp and for all the years ive been here this is been going on. The words there of the camps doctor and surprised he says at the lengths people are prepared to go to because of the conditions here that the senior members of the European Commission have visited this camp and nothing changed even the Greek Health Minister has visited this camp and nothing changed the medical charity dog. As without borders concentrates on Mental Health and Sexual Violence inside the camp it is horrendous and it is unacceptable so for me the question would be. What is pushing people to take this measures this extreme measures. And what do you think that is the policy it is that is your policy since today theyre pushing people to do this to complete them on this. Nighttime temperatures here in single figures and yet these are some attempts theres no hot water nothing but wood fire to protect families from the cold in conditions like these the sick. And the desperate do desperate things jona how aljazeera lesbos greeks. The u. K. Prime minister tourism a has again condemned the us president for sharing anti Muslim Videos posted by a british far right leader thats despite trumpeting back telling me to focus on tackling terrorism in her own country on a beef its reports now from westminster here in london. On a tour of the middle east forging a post brecks it role for britain in the world this is not what the Prime Minister wanted to be talking about the fact that we Work Together does not mean that were afraid to say when we think the United States got it wrong and to be very clear with them and im very clear that retreating from britain first was the wrong thing to do. Back home in london the government argues that britains ties with America Military cultural diplomatic make the special relationship and this will endure long after the current president has gone the Prime Minister will always have regular calls with the president and she has been explicit in criticizing this tweet and i know that she will always make sure that she calls it out where she sees it and thats what shes done here. But a tweet from another minister who is a muslim made it clear the president had hit a raw nerve. Donald trump has upset a lot of people here in westminster in fearing he still invited to london on a state visit that would involve the queen in practice its very hard to see that visit happening any time soon the president has provided a huge probably steve bruce to a fringe far right Movement Britain first which has never come remotely close to success in any form of election here in the u. K. Britain first wants to end immigration and ban islam in the u. K. And the fascist groups believe it has about one thousand members. Its deputy leader joe de france now whose tweets were retreated by the president is facing charges of using threatening and abusive language shes thanked the president for retreating her messages to his more than forty three million followers saying god bless you trump God Bless America Barnaby Phillips aljazeera westminster well its been an eventful seven days even by donald trump standards last friday kindy turned down the opportunity to become time magazines person of the year for the second year running because he didnt want to do another photo shoot a claim time totally denies he continued to back Senate Candidate roy moore in the face of allegations of Sexual Misconduct with underage girls going against his own Republican Party at the weekend it emerged trump has been questioning the authenticity of the infamous two thousand and five access Hollywood Tape in which he made vulgar remarks about women saying its not his voice on choose day once again refer to democrat senator Elizabeth Warren as pocahontas this time in front of native american war veterans and the New York Times says hes still questioning whether his predecessor braca bomber was born in the United States or theres also been speculation the white house plans to replace secretary of state Rex Tillerson with the cia chief might pompei o in the last hour weve had briefings at the white house and the u. S. State department weve had correspondence monitoring both of those lets first speak to kimberly hark at the white house so yes another eventful week some might say bizarre as well but first of all the president ial we too its continuing to spark controllers see it here in the u. K. And some serious rebuke from british politicians have you heard anything more where you are. Right at the White House Briefing with Sarah Huckabee sanders the White House Press secretary obviously this was a major focus of the questioning and one of the key questions she was asked by one of the reporters was whether in fact the president fully understood what he was retreating and if he had any knowledge of the Group Britain first and specifically the beliefs of jeddah franson and her the fact that she is not only very much a vocal and to get islamic proponent but whether or not he understood that the group many equate to the equivalency of the k. K. K. Here in the United States the White House Press secretary said in fact that she didnt believe that the president knew what he was retreating but she defends his right to do so saying that what he aimed to do with those retreats was in her words elevate the conversation because she feels that the president does as well that there is a legitimate argument to made in terms of National Security protecting the American People and what the white house believes are Real Security threats are thanks very much can really help good life for us at the white house now that speak to roles in jordan because shes been following developments at the state Department Force and of course there have been reports for some time suggesting that rex ellisons days at the state Department Might be numbered what are you hearing about whether or not his departure might now be imminent. Well mary im the Spokes Person here at the state department how they are now or it is categorically denying that the secretary of state Rex Tillerson is on his way out and as you pointed out the rumor has been going around washington pretty much for the last several months of course what she tried to do during the Daily Briefing here on thursday was to try to put an end to the latest round of news reports multiple news reports suggesting that todd tillerson is on his way out and that the current chief of the cia mike pompei a would be taking his place. That chief of staff kelly called our department this morning and said that the rumors are not true that those reports are not true the white house statement confirmed that there will be no personnel changes it is a fact that secretary tellers and serves at the pleasure of the president as we all do as does every political appointee and cabinet Member Secretary tellers and enjoys this job he has a lot of work to do. Chief of staff kelly there of course is a john kelly who was the chief of staff at the white house and as such would be the point person for discussing any personnel changes within the trumpet ministration now it is worth pointing out that in the next couple of days secretary tellers and will be traveling to europe for a number of meetings with his Foreign Ministry counterparts whether at nato whether at the o. A c. Or in other parts of the continent and so the question came up mari im wooed these Foreign Ministers actually believe that Rex Tillerson is going to be representing actual accurate trumpet ministration policy could they have confidence in what he is going to say during those meetings and the message from the spokesperson here during thursdays briefing was he represents the trumpet ministration and so what he will be saying when he meets his Foreign Ministry counterparts should be taken at face value should be considered actual u. S. Policy. Thank you very much i was in jordan in washington d. C. That state and. Now erik prince the founder of the u. S. Private military contracts of blackwater and supporter of Donald Trumps president ial campaign is currently testifying before a House Select Committee of the on going investigation into alleged russian interference in last years election yes attorney general Jeff Sessions is also testified behind closed doors for the same investigation so lets get more on this im Shihab Rattansi his in washington d. C. And chad what do we know about the perhaps unofficial role of erik prince chairing the president ial campaign of two thousand and sixteen. Well the House Intelligence Committee are going down this route road of inquiry in what they call an open hearing in a closed space in the hearing room behind me open hearing in a closed space thats their euphemistic way of saying were not welcome were not allowed in we do hope for a transcript of what exactly theyre interested in in the coming days but that wait may well be redacted but if its erik prince what we can we can speculate on is this must be about the attempts by the trumpet ministration during the transition period after he was elected but before he was inaugurated to set up some sort of back trouble of communication with the russians we know several meetings took place in trump tower with the Russian Ambassador with the crown prince of abu dhabi who factors very strongly in this particular story what we know is according to the Washington Post erik prince presented himself to the u. A. E. As an unofficial surrogate of the Trump Administration to be and he said we have and this is what we understand from the reporting we have a mutually beneficial offer here if the u. A. E. Can organize some sort of meeting with a senior russian official then we can perhaps try and convince russia to move away from iran perhaps in return for some lessening of sanctions when we get into office this is all the reporting weve had nothing confirmed by anyone the u. N. He said ok and so they set up this meeting in the seychelles we know that the meter. Took place so erik prince says he was doing nothing of the sort he was there anyway in the seychelles meeting people from the emirates he does a lot of business in the emirates he lives there hes reported to have sort of a Paramilitary Force for the u. S. Made up of colombian and South African mercenaries who were on call in case theres any kind of arab spring in the u. A. E. He said he was there just to meet with his business contacts he did meet with a very senior russian investment banker but that was just incidental it perhaps lasted this long as it took to drink a bottle of beer he has said so its just one of those many many layers of inquiry that we have or theres nothing illegal by the way about having back Channel Communications and in fact the trumpet ministration who say they knew nothing about this meeting have also pointed out look if we were so desperate to talk to the russians now can you also say we were colluding with them throughout the Election Campaign but these are the sort of questions that are being asked perhaps well get a better understanding of what specifically what role of this plays in the general inquiries underway by the House Intelligence Committee when we finally get this transcript if we do all right thank you very much. With everything. In washington d. C. Well there is much want to tell you about in this news hour from london but france has called for decisive measures to help the hanger refugees but stopped short of calling them by name. Accused of helping iran to evade u. S. Sanctions. Authorize the transaction. And then well tell you who won south americas biggest club football. Now russia has accused the United States of doing everything it can to provoke north korea and insists that cutting diplomatic and trade ties as washington has demanded is not the answer tensions are running high after north koreas latest Intercontinental Ballistic Missile launch but. One gets the impression that everything has been done on purpose to make kim jong un snap and carry out further inadvisable actions youth regrettable the americans should explain to us what theyre after. Well on wednesday the u. S. Wants young that it be utterly destroyed if war breaks out north korea claims the Missile Launch could reach the u. S. Mainland kathy novak has the latest from seoul. Thanks for showing the latest in a series of Ballistic Missile launches north korea says its rocket weaponry System Development is complete and its finally a Nuclear State the day after firing what the north says is its most advanced Intercontinental Ballistic Missile yet state t. V. Showed leader kim jong un overseeing the night time test the u. S. President again called kim little rocket men and added a new unflattering description little rocket man rocket fuel for the american economy. Is a sick puppy for the ninth time this year the United Nations Security Council discussed yet another crisis centered on north korea this test is another confirmation that the north korean threat has changed dramatically in a few months both in scope and scale the threat is shifted from being regional to global. And from the u. S. Ambassador a direct plea to china to exert greater economic pressure on its ally and neighbor we need china to do more president tropp called chinese president xi this morning and told him that we have come to the point that china must cut off the oil from north korea that would be a pivotal step in the worlds effort to stop this International Pariah but no such pledge from china instead it called again on the u. S. To explore a freeze for freeze scenario in which north korea would slow its Missile Program if the u. S. And south korea lowered their military posture on the peninsula this position supported by russia in the booklet with what we proposed a solution based along the principle of suspension for suspension which in visions of d. P. R. K. Stopping missile tests while at the same time the u. S. And south korea decreasing the scale of their military exercises this in turn will pave the way for the principles of peaceful coexistence and peaceful discussions between washington and pyongyang. But this has been repeatedly and vehemently ruled out by the u. S. Another round of joint exercises between the u. S. And south Korean Military forces are due to start here next week north korea has said the drills are a rehearsal for war at the United Nations americas ambassador has said the u. S. Doesnt seek war but if it does start north koreas leaders would be in her words utterly destroyed Kathy Novak Al Jazeera soul. But francis is demanding the International Community takes decisive measures to resolve the causes of the mass exodus of rangoon muslims from man ma arriving in bangladesh from man pope francis broke his silence so what the un has called a textbook case of ethnic cleansing he also called on World Governments to immediately provide assistance to bangladesh and he means hes quote here. In recent months the spirit of generosity and sort of diversity which is a distinguishing mohawk as there she saw it has been seen most vividly in its humanitarian work into a massive influx of refugees from my code states providing them with temporary shows the basic necessities of life if this is been done. It has also been done before the elizabeth the whole world. With a plan to patrick hundreds of thousands of ranger refugees back to myanmar is facing hurdles on the bangladesh man man governments have agreed on a deal to return the ranger home issues with identification documents are presenting problems Charles Strafford explains from cox is bizarre. Abdul fires and his family fled their home on them e. M. R. Bangladesh border a month and a half ago military and my advocate of the Myanmar Military were taking woman away and raping them we saw them burning home all is so was fire everywhere. Following Huge International pressure myanmar has agreed to work with bangladesh on a plan aimed at eventually allowing the ranger to return. To plan entails refugees staying in temporary camps close to their property and destroyed homes the rangers have suffered decades of persecution they often described as the largest stateless people in the world im not sure i know what our main demand is that they recognize us as romania and then we may go back to. It when you take a look at the various Identity Cards issued to the ranger that you begin to understand how vulnerable they are to further violence and discrimination these cards and pieces of paper highlight the kind of problems that the rangers have had for decades in relation to their legal status inside myanmar and they also highlight potential difficulties with respect to their identification if indeed this repatriation plan goes forward this is a citizenship card and it was made available to all ethnic groups including the ranger after independence there were nine hundred eighty two citizenship was withdrawn for the ranger it was a few years later that they were issued with this the socalled white card now the word ranger has disappeared from it instead there is written main goal and the religion islam. In twenty fifteen they had to hand these over and they were issued with this receipt now there is no mention of any ethnicity nationality or religion on this receipt it was a few months later that they were issued with the us with a similar scant amount of information now the vast majority of ranger refused to ever pick these up from the government bangladesh has already registered hundreds of thousands of refugees living in the camps have those son muhammad with his new id card but the information on it is far from clear for some of that first they gave us a card which said ranger registration card now they gave us the card which says me and my National Registration card why the Bangladeshi Government gave us this card and we dont know based on information provided by bangladesh meon maher says it will accept the remainder only after it verifies the information. In the hammer to walk to the border and look at their home which is now occupied by the Myanmar Military. Says he just wants citizenship and security in the country he his family and hundreds of thousands like them believe they are from. That aljazeera coxs bazaar bangladesh antigovernment protesters have clashed with police in the philippine capital manila. Demonstrators tried to break a police line ups and cant get near the gates of the president s official residence but they were pushed back with fire hoses for president. To create a revolutionary government to fend off alleged efforts to oust him that critics fear hes dragging the country back to dictatorship a counter ali was staged in support of the territory as well. Right well there is more to come this hour well power to help evacuate five hundred starving people from a besieged damascus suburb. And look at why the main opposition candidate in honduras is refusing to accept the results of sundays president ial poll despite his previous promises. And then in sports want to have some secure a big way in a Major League Soccer and well have much more training out. Hello there was a red warning out for heavy rain in montenegro and it came to pass you can see the cloud stream across from italy stream on to nigger and then beyond into Eastern Europe it gave seventy five minute beaches in port a good teacher it gave snow on the ground in austria southern poland but a response mainly a band of rain and its moving its a cold front moving in this general direction behind it the air is obviously colder for sure any study of satellite pictures youll see these dots in the north sea there are showers and they are snow showers so they move and they bring in the code a with them so its the four crosses at max four in paris ten in madrid snow in the high ground in northern spy rain still falling heaviest time more likely i thinking greece running up through romania and stood in kiev and the snow from moscow on the current runs with the Stormy Weather i think the Baltic States where its cold. And miserables back out in austria there was some snow on the ground further progress will take it to the edge of europe still a lot of snow to come out of it leaving the cold behind still with a northerly wind three in paris night in madrid and a circulation westminster rating which looks particularly stormy that will be mostly rain but as you can see there be some snow for the french alps a real touch of winter. In Jakarta School students are taking up weapons to fight in deadly street battles. One on one east investigates this violin phenomenon. At this time an al jazeera. Zero. Every. Now and again and. Its only. Defying my disability zero were just. Talking back youre watching the news outlets update on our top stories a joint African Union summit in ivory coast is agreed upon for the emergency and back evacuation from libya of refugees and migrants trapped and facing abuse in detention camps the british Prime Minister to resign may is repeated a condemnation of u. S. President donald trump for sharing anti Muslim Videos despite him criticizing her on twitter. And with tensions running off to north koreas latest Ballistic Missile launch russia has accused the u. S. Of doing everything it can to provoke yang in the last few minutes the u. S. Defense secretary has said that americas diplomats are in a position of strength because they have military options. Now at other stories were following a turkish iranian gold trader whos cheated guilty to Money Laundering and helping iran evade sanctions u. S. Sanctions as told a new york court tuckeys president do on personally approve the transaction when he was Prime Minister kristen salumi has been following developments in new york. Well some very interesting details coming out in the courthouse today let me start by backing up a little bit and explaining that reza zurab this turkish iranian gold trader is testifying against a turkish banker here in the Southern District of manhattan there are two of nine people that the u. S. Government claims were involved in this scheme to launder iranian money and violate iranian sanctions now is a rod was the lead defendant in this case he has since pled guilty to conspiracy and is now testifying against the bank guard and on the stand he has said some things that are getting the attention of the turkish government to say the least in fact there outrage in the turkish government on wednesday he testified that he paid the former economy minister of turkey half of his profits in bribes in order to make the scheme go forward bribes totaling forty to fifty billion euro sorry forty to fifty million euro millions of dollars more and millions of turkish lira on top of that and today he said in court that this scheme was authorized by then Prime Minister recip thai of era one now president of turkey so he is explaining on the stand basically how the scheme work that he was providing golden fake food purchases as a way for iran to spend its oil money abroad in violation of these sanctions. And lets discuss this with nicholas dan fulfill a Senior Analyst at the Bipartisan Policy Center joins me live now from washington d. C. Thank you very much for speaking to us what are the implications of. Testimony the president himself when he was Prime Minister approved trades that effectively allowed to iran to evade u. S. Sanctions. And its the seriousness of these accusations and especially the fact that they now touch on aired on himself not just his family his cabinet ministers thats going to potentially make turkeys response so explosive in order to deal with these accusations in order to discredit them the target governments done its best to simply ignore the case but when thats not possible its work to presented as a Us Government conspiracy an effort to not just bring down aired on but to damage the entire country of turkey in doing this in suggesting that the turkish Main Opposition Party is implicated in this anti turkish conspiracy it risks badly damaging its relationship with the United States and undermining whatever veneer of democracy turkey has left at home. Though a series of high profile individuals implicated in a corruption trial in turkey in two thousand and fourteen which was dismissed and does this does this current trial time into that in any way exactly and thats a key part of the turkish governments rhetoric about this the previous trial which was not only dismissed by the turkish government but now presented as a coup attempt by foot to the group in the pennsylvania based preacher the tricky also blames for last summers coup attempt in turkey. Because its now committed to this narrative because of presenting this as the previous corruption allegations as a coup attempt its now doubled down on this saying that the United States is implicated much as it claims the United States backed the real military coup against turkey its saying that this is this is part of the same scheme. And you were just saying its difficult to see a u. S. Target relations are going to yeah i mean i should just i wanted to ask you about that point because even before as tests need today we know that this trial really enraged the takesh government you said that their reaction could be explosive what do you expecting to happen now. Well again its the fact that this comes at the same time that the leader of the turkish Opposition Party has also made very serious allegations about bribery or sorry about corruption involving aired on family and Close Associates by the turkish government to try to link these two cases again saying that the turkish opposition is essentially committing treason and early as this morning there was a legal case opened against the head of the Main Opposition Party if this kind of linkage there could really make the situation become dangerous. Nicholas downfall thank you very much for sharing your thoughts on this story with us appreciate it thank you now the u. N. Humanitarian advisor for syria has called on wild powers to help arrange the evacuation of five hundred people including one hundred sixty seven children from a besieged damascus suburb and egeland said humanitarian supplies are not being allowed to reach Eastern Ghouta nine children have died in the last few weeks while waiting for the government to allow them to be evacuated to hospitals just a forty five minute drive away rebel held east has been under siege since two thousand and thirteen some four hundred thousand civilians have believed to be trapped there well as winter approaches in syria people in the Northern City of homs a worried about how theyre going to survive the cold theres a severe lack of fuel and People Living in besieged areas say that were ready theyve already used most of the trees around them for file it some of binge of aid reports from gaza on the tacky syrian border. Its getting cold in syria and for its the time of the year to scavenge for things to burn they need it more inventive because in addition to cooking the family will need to stay warm he tells us we came from home city because of the government we didnt go to i send my boy to collect things to look in to face another winter without any food or diesel. Diesel is expensive and ensure supply because the northern countryside of homs has been under siege for years. Is that. The reason behind the high prices is a blockade we live under even then the diesel we get from the regime areas is not suitable for cars. People are forced to look for alternatives. You had to become a tree logger he fills all kinds of fees in his own and nearby villages thanks. Yes this year he says hes got sixty tons of trees to be burnt this fire but. The cost to the environment she was a small price to pay for survival. Prices make us cut the trees down it used to cost less than two cents a kilo now its over twenty cents. But you put alternatives to diesel means trees in these villages are fast disappearing. There arent enough trees left we have been besieged for the last five years when the firewood ends well have just our clothes and god help some residents are trying to find alternatives to cutting trees and tries growing them to earn a meager living. Back in allows home this environment whatever they can get their hands on to cook with and to cook on and. I cant go to school i used to like winter but there was no money to buy firewood or diesel and other children hope winter will be easier on them this year. Is just one of many besieged areas in syria where tens of thousands of people are struggling to survive this will be their seventh winter since the two thousand and eleven uprising and many syrians say that the outside world does nothing to ease their suffering. A result of sundays president ial election in honduras is expected soon but the main opposition candidate now says he wont accept it is by previously vowing to respect the count. Five percent that is now just over one percent behind the current president is accused of manipulating the results explains. Its been four days since the president ial election. These people say they are gathering in the capital to defend their vote. We are challenging the results. But the electorate is corrupt and is defending the interests of the president and betraying the people we wont allow these elections to be stolen like happened in the past. President. And his t. V. Star opponents. Claim victory after sundays election initially the result of. This after a hold up in the count. Remote municipalities that have not been votes have not been counted as the victory of our party because rural areas vote in favor of the nationalist party. Has one of the highest murder rates in the world and there are fears that the current political crisis will increase the violence that already exists in this Central American nation. I dont even want to think about it but i fear this could get worse during the two thousand and nine im afraid for my Children Family and my wife respect the results. Of american states managed to have both candidates signed a statement where they vow to respect the final results once the disputed votes are checked. But nothing later rejected the agreement saying the government is trying to steal the election and supporters to take to the streets. Protesters set up barricades and clash with the police that used tear gas to disperse them but if you consider liverpool the next president whoever wins is going to be in a weak position because of the thin margin and the suspicion around the election hernandez will be accused of winning three for being illegitimate and well have the institutions against him. On the ass is already battling poverty and crime political instability could easily deteriorate the situation here even further. Now venezuela authorities have arrested two powerful officials who used to run the oil ministry and state energy company. And Nelson Martinez have been accused of graft and seeking to sabotage the Energy Industry analysts see this move as an effort by president Nicolas Maduro to consolidate his power and of next years president ial election that as well as chief Prosecutor Says the u. S. To fill a government pledge to assure the countrys oil wealth is spent on the pour. Well in other developments the worlds Major Oil Producers have agreed to extend Oil Production cuts to the end of twenty eighteen as they try to care a global loss of crude oil the opec group and its partners have been meeting in vienna under the current agreement there cutting supplies by about one point eight Million Barrels a day in an effort to boost oil prices the deal was juicer expire in march but has now been extended for a further nine months dutch prosecutors have confirmed that the vile a Bosnian Croat war criminal drank in court on wednesday did contain a lethal chemical so died later in hospital in the hague some in bosnia have been mourning and while others feel cheated and even barbara reports. In bosnias ethnically divided town of must star some people were in mourning on thursday theyve held vigils for slobodan trial yet he took his own life after having his twenty year jail sentence up held at the International Tribunal in the hague judges found seventy two year old along with five other Bosnian Croat leaders guilty of a socalled Ethnic Cleansing Campaign against muslims during the bosnian war of the one nine hundred ninety s. Then proclaiming his innocence he took a swig from a glass bottle he said hed managed to bring a poisonous liquid in he was taken to hospital where he died confirming a potentially deadly substance was found in the bottle this prosecutors spokesperson said that soon be an autopsy and toxicology tests. Ridgeley convicted of crimes committed when he commanded Bosnian Croat forces along with his codefendants he was found guilty of helping establish concentration camps for Bosnian Muslims part of a plan to create what was described as an ethnically pure greater croatia. The appeal verdict and projects death have prompted hugely different responses in bosnia here in the capital sarajevo some feel cheated. I think the incident that happened should be blamed on behaved tribunals says this Bosnian Muslim army veteran how did he bring in the bottle. While the muslim member of the countrys shared presidency defended the verdict. That most i think up there in the joint criminal enterprise in the verdict led him to do what he did but in croatia the Prime Minister said probably suicide spoke of what he called a deep moral injustice. This is an event without precedent especially for an international courtroom he has in his own way sent a message on what he thinks about a verdict which we also think is unfair for the countrys president the verdict should mean the start of a new era. As croatian president i will do everything so this verdict doesnt ruin relations between bosnia and croatia and i will visit bosnia as soon as possible but back in march star me and cry out reaction served as a warning. To be in a fair trial in the hague it would have contributed to peace in bosnia but as it was a political judgment there certainly will be no peaceful coexistence so the work of a tribunal for the former yugoslavia has come to an end but in places like mostar its legacy continues to prompt debate and resentment that aljazeera. Former italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has been ordered to stand trial accused of bribing a witness and an underage prostitution case is charged with paying a piano player at a bunga bunga parties hes me to lie during the twenty thirteen trial where he was accused of having sex with a seventeen year old he denies all wrongdoing so he is the leader of the center right for talia party which is expected to do well in next years general election. Scientists warn people not to underestimate the dangers of bodies mount agung volcano eruption is imminent. And the toughest foot race in the wall stays true to its reputation of the details with andy. Business updates brought to you by Qatar Airways going places together. Business updates brought to you by Qatar Airways going places together. Welcome back now scientists are warning people long to underestimate the dangers of the amount of volcano in bali tens of thousands of locals were evacuated off the volcano started spewing ash last week but someone already gone back to their villages also reports from bali. Unlike other evacuees none at taba has no plans to go home shes been in the evacuation shelter for two months and knows exactly how dangerous mt agam can be during the last eruption in one thousand nine hundred sixty three four family members were killed a scorching gas clouds and rocks rained down her scared after what happened to us in and in sixty three noted as clouds have reached our village im sure a much bigger eruption will happen the only thing i hope is that it will happen fast because im bored here there was no Warning System fifty four years ago and she barely survived villages decided to run only after eruptions have lasted for weeks five hundred of them didnt survive. Being nearly two people didnt know what was happening and they stayed to watch the news until debris killed a person standing behind my mother that was when she decided to leave mt agnes one of the seven most explosive worldwide vulcanologists say because it geological pattern is different to any other volcano in indonesia its difficult to issue adequate warnings the experts have taken no chances this time and ive advised government leaders to order an evacuation of villages in danger of. This volcano is a very dynamic it can change behavior any time it even has a history of erupting when seismic activity is very low so were learning a lot from this mountain and were going to. Scientists are warning of the continuing threat even though the volcano sometimes appears calm every movement is being registered and analyzed scientists are tracking the increase for candidate devotee and a warning for a major eruption but when and if remains a mystery which the mountain will only reveal when it happens. That could be at any moment but Community Leaders are struggling to persuade villagers to stay in evacuation shelters many believe they could get to safety in time if theres a major eruption but based on the nine hundred sixty three disaster Scientists Say that clouds of doxy gas can travel time kilometers and less than three minutes making it virtually impossible for anyone to survive that fires an aljazeera at mount argo in bali and is here now with us for thank you so much marion will russia is getting ready to officially starts its role as next years world cup hosts the draw for spalls biggest event takes place on friday who plays who in the group stages will be decided at the kremlin in moscow where rehearsals for the draw on going its the first time russia has hosted this event the big kickoff coming up on june the fourteenth while the thirty two teams will be divided into four parts based on World Rankings the best sides are in pot one along with hosts russia who are also included there despite being the lowest rated side in the tournaments of the teams will be allocated into eight groups that include four countries each group can only have one same from each confederation except europe they can be two european teams in a group and once the action starts each side will be vying to be in the top two of the group so as to progress in su the knockout stages. Of course lobello german team with the worlds finest emal oh brother you know you look closely oh thank goodness. Youre in luck because the last last chance for you now Brazilian Football Team grimier are celebrating their first libert sorest title in more than twenty years before so unlike our side beating one ace of argentina three more and i guess in the final of south americas biggest Club Competition and they are holding their nerve in the argentinian council one as there is to win this title for a third time is such an essential this. Argentinian football has waited a long time for success both on a national and club stage the countrys lost a major trophy with the kaka america in one thousand nine hundred ninety three that made the pressure on the new few hosted brazilian viable gremio in the second leg of the cup olivet but not as final hoping for their fast ever title grimier who lifted the trophy back in one thousand nine hundred eighty three and one thousand five hundred one new leads in the fast track and they see double that advocates advantage and dini are putting the one now out in the twenty seventh minute. One known as the new run out the rio than doubled their lead tonight. Then a glimpse of hope i seventy five minute county was awarded to the news the stars a fan struck into the finish. But it wasnt enough premier has only lost a single game since march twenty fifth and they maintained an incredible feat. To take by winning the match two one zero. Zero were going. I would like to wake up the mayor of moore and all they get it so that you know is that all due respect the water was all the in the city and im sure that the major to be considered this is all the role this being about board all they get that there is a giant club that. Now three times champion of america. Is the reflection of mirroring for what she did sergeant time. To really in fit. In having proven themselves on the continent. Now go global theyll make their debut at the fifo Club World Cup competition in the u. A. E. Which starts next week. Tatiana founder of aljazeera. To run so i save beats and Columbus Crew to reach the m. L. S. Cup final Jozy Altidore scoring the only goal of the game to a one zero win at home in this eastern conference decider france reaching the m. L. S. Final for the second straight. Talk woods has made an encouraging return to competitive golf as he pits to save his career was recording a three under par round of sixty nine on day one of the hero world challenge in the bahamas the forty one year old has suffered a series of back injuries and this is his first four months appearance since february. One of crickets biggest names ben stokes assigned him cancer free while he remains in international exile stocks has been dropped from the england scene while u. K. Police investigates and alleged assaults he was involved in it means hes unlikely to make an appearance of the ongoing ashes series in australia. Be sure that not everyone will mystery agree with their decision but someone has to make a decision and its us that here so. If people are uncomfortable with it now come and talk to me but i think youll find from a cricket point of view. We see that he will lead straight to our team and i think from a Commercial Point of view he would put bums on seats to watch games. Well starks could play for Council Brief for the first time on sunday that would come inside with day two of englands second test against australia in adelaide in his absence and then lost the first test of that ashes series by ten wickets. So. I think its good that hes going to play some cricket situation does change and you can. Hopefully join with some point but at the moment you know for us its kind of just sort of our hands weve got to try and focus on winning this next test match this will be. The mouth and i saw as first appearance on south american soul has already taken its toll on many of the runners organizers of the legendary sahara rice have set up a sister events in peru and more than fifteen percent of the field drops out after the opening day about its have to cover more than two hundred fifty kilometers in seven days and with the exception of russian water have to carry all their own supplies ok lets get back to marian in london. Andy thanks very much well theres much more and everything were covering youll find sport there and of course all the latest news including analysis that takes you behind the headlines al jazeera dot com is away need to go that wraps up the news hour but i will be back in a moment with much more of the days news including the new cabinet that has just been announced by zimbabwes new president stay with us. The sky what they should be no borders up here. Only horizons. 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