On social raman youre watching aljazeera life one headquarters here in doha also coming up in the next thirty minutes easing its blockade the Saudi Led Coalition allows the first aid shipments into yemen in weeks also zimbabwes new government moves in on Robert Mugabes old allies. And millions in the pool of those ing in the polls seen as a turning point for the himalayan nation that one thats also dividing families. We start in south asia where pakistans military has been called in to restore order in islamabad after the Police Struggle to disperse hundreds of demonstrators six people died and more than two hundred were injured when officers fired tear gas and water cannon to clear their camp the demonstrators have blocked the highway for two weeks they want the law minister to step down angry after he admitted a reference to the prophet mohammed in a parliamentary bill welcome all hide a has more from so high that the city of lahore. The civilian government has off the military to come in aid of that civilly and administration their primary objective would be to save dogs key installations the diplomatic all claim in islamabad and that at a time when there is trouble spreading across the country we had added trouble in karachi protests have continued a many people injured there and us and we are toward only one person was killed near the airport now all the airports all the highways and fluting the grand trunk road that connects the north to the south as well as the motorway that connect its normal bog to the provincial capital of the punjab long haul all are jammed people are stuck on the highways de canard move because all the intersection have been taken over by the protector and then we have also been told that the protesters are now back in strength at the same place where the Security Forces primarily the police where they tried to get across them are near this morning so indeed a crisis situation head and the military now being called in for the protection of islamabad but this is a situation that has been mishandled by the government there disqualified Prime Minister of the country had called all his Party Workers and members including senior ministers for meeting and it all was probably it was brewing in the city of karachi in islamabad so it appears that the government had miscalculated they did not know their strength of the reaction that would happen and on forward on the streets across pakistan indeed a crisis situation one that age threatening to spiral out of control that is also talk that de palma interior ministers house was attacked the law minister whose resignation that people have demanded and also being attacked and of god that the government and all sorts of trouble lower is a really is the editor of the daily times in pakistan and says these protests didnt just about religion. Unfortunately this has been no use for the past twenty days for political purposes that these gestures you know who have gathered in the capital and now all over the country blocking high res are wanted now you know earlier they want your resignation of the law minister but now they are demanding that the government should step down. A lot of commentators have eluded to the fact that they have the backing of elements within the state who have been robbing them to basically government under pressure but the other us cause is that the government itself is beleaguered and incompetent in handling that situation like that that it has a guy got things to such a pass so they started a crackdown and then they died that crackdown backfired and then they had to all the operation and not at all in the military and the military is asking what is the scope of the area it wasnt in in need of some in power so the military is very careful here but it does not want to be directly in confrontation with these mullahs. Will stay in the country the u. S. Is warning pakistan the decision to release the key suspect in the two thousand and eight of them by attacks will strain relations washington says half a saying it is being afraid because the pakistani government failed to provide evidence against him say it has denied any involvement in the attacks which killed one hundred sixty six people tom a committee has more from washington d. C. Well this is in line with president trumps pronounced leaning against the pakistani government accusing them of failing or in fact allowing pakistani soil to be host for the Haqqani Network and taliban just as he launches what he describes as a pronounced a new strategy for winning winning in afghanistan a Winning Strategy that the president hasnt quite spelled out but certainly regards pakistan is not a cooperative partner in that venture the pakistani interior minister just a couple of days ago said that he was pledging that that the government was committed to not allowing its soil to be used for violence against any other country and that that is something that the American Administration simply does not believe and as a result the it in keeping with that position the troubled ministration has been making their references and their overtures to india asking the indians to be more engaged in the afghan fight even more irritating for the pakistanis to africa was the ball was full of finance ministry ignatius is in custody accused of corruption and he appeared in court today after the new president was sworn in as lawyers say that hes been mistreated but the police to do this under simmons as well from harare a new presidency and the court cases have already started first in line ignatius chumba a former finance minister he owns more than one hundred homes and hes accused of corruption. Jumbo is reported to have been beaten in military custody Receiving Hospital treatment he says ma soldiers with assault rifles raided his home and he was illegally detained for forty eight hours as a military takeover took place also before the courts form a zanu p. F. Used leader could soon i should banga accused of corruption and slander he had resisted the Army Takeover earlier this month. And he didnt know what he did what he told you if you believe i mean that you. Will. Hear. The army has already withdrawn from the streets of harare ahead of an announcement of a return to barracks and that action coincides with the High Court Judgement saying its action and taking power and putting the garbage under house arrest was lawful but Human Rights Watch says its an example of the military having undue influence on the judiciary and the legal warnings that it could set a precedent so ok i was after his swearing in everson. Had vowed to hit the ground running with a raft of measures to revive zimbabwes shattered economy but he hasnt impressed the main opposition party. He has been part of the twenty seven years of disappointment thirty seven years of the unlikely that you see is from the same boat as mr mugabe they are cut from the same tree so it doesnt matter that present what appears to be a fresh deal it remains a pipe dream the people. That lives. With Foreign Investors and foreign diplomats but political reform and economic reform needs to happen quickly to have the effect he wants under simmons al jazeera iraq. For a plane to arrive in yemens capital for the First Time Since the Saudi Led Coalition fighting against the rebels in yemen imposed a blockade nearly three weeks ago the planes are carrying humanitarian workers and vaccines to help fight diptheria the country is also enjoying the worlds worst cholera epidemic and is on the brink of famine as the tasha getting reports. Wheels down at Santa International airport for the first time in almost three weeks until saturday a saudi led blockade had shut down most of yemens ports of entry after warnings by the un a handful of planes carrying polio and diptheria vaccines and aid workers arrived in the who controlled capital had only open mic and asuna International Airport was banned from receiving communitarian aid aircraft for more than one thousand days that led to more than five hundred u. N. Aid workers being stuck here and the cancellation of more than fourteen aid flights. Earlier in the week some aid trickled into the western port of who died but that has now stopped the World Food Programme tells aljazeera its still waiting to offload a ship carrying twenty five thousand metric tons of wheat enough to feed one point eight million yemenis for a month people need an avalanche of eight millions are on the brink of famine and theyre struggling to survive cholera polio and diptheria outbreaks in addition to the war humanitarians are serving the needs of seven Million People who are completed dependent on. The blockade began on november sixth after who the rebels fired a Ballistic Missile into saudi arabia. The Saudi Led Coalition fighting on behalf of the government says it needed to stop weapons smuggling the u. N. Warns commercial imports particularly food and fuel must also resume the World Food Program says continuing to choke off supply i could have a disastrous effect on fourteen Million People living in northern yemen people it says it doesnt have the resources to help natasha going to does iraq. Now libyas coast guard has recovered the bodies of thirty refugees who died when their boat sank off its North Western coast on saturday one hundred forty five people were rescued and brought back to tripoli the coast guard spokesman told aljazeera that forty people are still missing to europe now where german chancellor Angela Merkel is hoping to form a government soon after the opposition social democrats agreed to more negotiations talks on a coalition between merkels conservative bloc and two smaller parties collapsed last week on friday the social democrats reversed its decision to rule out being part of merkels government again. So in the next election we must do better we must have solved more problems than we have today it is with this in mind that we must evaluate possible talks with the social democrats of course were prepared to talk but talks can only be conducted on the basis of Mutual Respect that must be clear well still ahead here on aljazeera life after castros cuba prepares for a future without the revolutionary leaders at the helm plus. I dont know what. There is nothing to do with a major boost for online retailer amazon but for some of its workers theres nothing to smile about. Hallows the thanksgiving weekend comes to a close in the u. S. So if youd be traveling once again quite often you have some pretty poor weather at thanksgiving this time its not so bad theres a lot of cloud around to mislead the cold front running up through the great lakes and towards the atlantic seaboard lot more cloud on the Pacific Coast thats more telling but its also quite specific more recently has been washington states got really wet in b. C. Seeing rain and snow on the canadian side but that rains heading down through california be raining in San Francisco on sunday but otherwise whats going on not very much its not particularly cold in new york at night nor indeed interim two its rain in both places you should see more sunshine anything else not true for the day after or down to the south coast here were looking the high ground the west where rain or snow is going to be the feature so the most places asked looking quite enjoyable times for the governments go to the caribbean that persistent line of rain the port a bit of flooding to jamaica haiti bitsa cuba and costa rica is still there it is falling apart so its not quite such concentrated rain but the chances are youll still get yet more shows over jamaica over cuba with this circulation contra to get near panama but probably more especially once more costa rica. On counting the cost of crocodile economics what emerson melange gad will have to do to transform zimbabwes finances a modern day slave trade in libya and how chinas internet giant ten cent over took facebook. Counting the cost at this time and i just. Thought you know i was there im still rob and this is a reminder of our top stories pakistan has called in the military Police Struggle to disperse hundreds of protesters in the capital islamabad the demonstrators want the moment instead to step down for failing to mention the prophet mohammed in a parliamentary bell. Zimbabwes former finance minister ignatius jumbo is in custody and accused of corruption it appeared in court today after the new president was sworn in. For aid planes have arrived in yemens capital sanaa carrying humanitarian workers in vaccines to help fight diptheria is the first aid shipments since the Saudi Led Coalition fighting against rebels in yemen imposed a blockade in the three weeks ago. Polls opened in nepal which is holding the first phase of federal and state elections but the vote is leading to disputes in some areas the choice of candidates is causing tension amongst families and close knit communities should be the shuster reports now from menang district. In brother village in milan district on the famous on a put a circuit in the park but this flags fly along with flags of Political Parties the stars of Nepali Congress and the Democratic Alliance and the son of the hammer and sickle of the Left Alliance in the small village everyone is related to each other because of its remoteness and distance from the capital in the past the community had a common identity and decisions were made unanimously now that mainstream politics has been thrown into the mix family relationships are strained. Thomas ringarooma has come all the way from got money to vote he and his wife she me dont want to stay with anyone if. This site the other would get opposite the two of devote. Both sides are relatives whoever wins i hope they develop the district as all the hotels are aligned to one party or the other they will spend the next few days in a town. Like the girl a couple many of the voters from a long lived in the capital and have made the difficult journey to exercise their democratic right one candidate will represent this district in the National Assembly and two in the state assembly one district has the smallest electorate with just five thousand eight hundred eighty one registered voters and before winter arrives the first phase of the election is being held in the hills and mountains where climate and geography can both be challenging the second phase will be held on the seventh of december in more moderate climate district officials in milan have deployed more than six hundred security personnel nationally that figure is around two hundred fifty thousand already to other not only to the ground without enough they goes with the Ground Clearance of mobile force might not be able to strike on time and we are fully prepared otherwise. Be rest assured that the upcoming federal and state assembly and action will be held in a free and fair manner voting will end by five p. M. Local time but ballots wont be counted until the entire nation goes to poll which means for the next ten days the tension among family members here is likely to continue to aljazeera manon district in the past while staying in the region me and martin bangladesh have agreed to take help from the Us Refugee Agency to repatriate thousands of Rohingya Muslims the two governments signed a pact to stay settling terms for the repack three punctuation process which is expected to begin with. Two months under the deal were going to fijis will be moved to temp recounts in me in march while socalled bottle villages are built near their former homes which were burnt down in august. Also plans to issue them with Identity Cards on their return all demonstrating that have so far rejected the scheme charles transferred has moved from coxs bizarre in that southern bangladesh where most of the rich. Its impossible to imagine the level of suffering that people like these have endured over recent months and indeed for decades now stories of men women and children being killed by the myanmar army also stories of gang rape being committed by soldiers in the myanmar army stories that the myanmar government denies now this agreement between the bangladeshi and the myanmar government with respect to repress relation implies the eventual return of these people to a country that they have some sort of legal citizenship status but of course they dont they lost their citizenship thirty five years ago in one thousand nine hundred eighty two and its when you speak to people here. That you really get a sense of the fear and the lack of trust amongst them they say that they are not prepared to go back until their property is rebuilt and they get some sort of formal legal citizenship status. Hasnt seen her husband since she fled a month ago. But they have to give us Identity Cards at the border stating that we are residents. And that we are. Otherwise we will not go in because they may start killing us again. Abdul also says his home and village was destroyed and he is terrified about returning to live like i do they want a lot of them and we dont want to leave bangladesh back home were afraid to leave our house and they kill us they take our people away we dont want to go back how did you knew that. According to the Bangladesh Government theres no fixed time frame as to how long this repatriation will take its hope that the process will start in about two months time the Bangladesh Foreign minister also says that myanmar has agreed that the u. N. H. C. R. The un will be involved in the process and its aiming to set up temporary camps so people like these can leave in the areas in which their homes were destroyed but the two main issues when you speak to the people here are issues of trust trust the me and my military and secondly citizenship will they eventually become citizens of the country for so long for so many generations they have called home. Cultures bizarre. Kenyas military says its push somali based science is out of a forest that lies along the border between the two countries but people whove been displaced by the fighting a scant to go back home even though the government wants them to katherine so reports now from southern kenya. Lizabeth cards lost two sons were reason he killed by an unknown people believed inside born in a forest that extends to the border with somalia. Their home area we too as well as other paths along the kenyan coast have been attacked several times over the last few years. We stayed home that night instead of going back to the camp for displaced people one of my sons was not well and so we all decided to be with him we were attacked at around eight pm two other people what killed on that night in this village the government has often blamed somalis are shabaab fighters whove been using the forest as a hideout to plan attacks and train kenyan recruits but also increasingly conflict between firmus and hard as living inside the forest one of elizabeth cards all sons was in that house when the attackers came the other one was right out there there was also a friend in the compound their mother was preparing to sleep in the next house she says that the attackers targeted the men they slit their throats and then fled the main supply route this lama county administrative leader shows us some of the trouble areas he says a security operation has forced alshabaab out of the vast forest all the roads with the one you see. You. Are being seen. And when i was serious in the country they dont mean free like in the past. We come out the government now wants more than two thousand people who have been living in this temporary shelters on the edge of the forest to go back home life is stuff for them here they have little food and a bed bag infestation but they say going back right now is not an option so. We quickly said cullom if i knew its true the government has pushed out but what we fear even more than alshabaab are the herders in the forest theyre the ones whove been killing our people lately theyre the ones who should be dealt with before we go back. Adolescent also lives in the camp this is the first time in three months that she and has sand have come back to check on their home they dont have much time they tell us they have to go back to the camp before nightfall when it gets dangerous catherine sorry aljazeera we too south in kenya the flights on the indonesian island of bali have been disrupted after a volcano erupted for the second time in a week gone was sent smoke and ash one thousand five hundred meters into the sky about twenty five thousand locals have been unable to return to their homes since september when the mountain showed signs of activity for the first time in more than fifty years now cubans are looking ahead to a post castro era as they mark the First Anniversary of the death of their revolutionary leader fidel castro bill the communist state half a century ago his brother and successor role will step down in three months time or latin america editor Lucien Newman reports. In old havana a decades old photograph of fidel castro framed by plastic flowers is put on display. At the hotel where castro met with countless heads of state and International Stars the staff paid homage to the deceased leader of the revolution with music and poetry. Son Alexis Castro was the guest of honor he told al jazeera his father is resting in peace because. He was always certain of the continuity of the work and the ideals of the revolution he dedicated much of his efforts in life to just that i think he would be satisfied. A year ago the world took note of the passing of the last cold war warrior the revolutionary who created a communist state on the doorsteps of the United States in cuba a ten day mourning period paralyze the country on the anniversary of his death academics and communist Party Officials have been holding symposiums as part of a state push to keep castros example alive as the country faces new hostilities from washington i might drop of it you know where possible for years and its trump that wants to return to the past for though was always looking to the future i think the way cuber is handling the situation rationally and what is very little but many say castros passing has had no impact i mean all the way the same nothing has changed as usual he wasnt the only person a certain sadness because he was our president but nothing but cuba is inevitably moving towards change castro is gone and in just three months his brother and successor will be stepping down which leads to the obvious question of what will become of the cuban revolution once theres no castro at the helm the answer in part depends on just how well the cuban state can keep the del castros bigger than life persona a life you see in human ill just see how vanna. Now shares in the retail giant amazon reached a record high on friday searching on optimism of the holiday sales its founder jeff bezos is now the worlds richest person and reportedly worth more than one hundred Million Dollars but those employed by the online stole two to live a good song not doing so well jacob walsh reports. John delivers packages for amazon. The gig is unpredictable amazon flex drivers spend as many as sixteen hours a day watching an app for an available block of deliveries if they get one theyll deliver perhaps a dozen packages in a two hour window then they wait sometimes for hours without pay i want my job i started what would i do i would be in a car and i think doing most job is great but i just cant make any money doing it right now john is not his real name and we can only tell you he lives on the east coast of the United States he says he doesnt want to lose this job but he can no longer afford to work it either when i started we were earning. Our base wage plus tips after several months he changed to. Base pay including tips. Amazon now counts tips for its amazon flex drivers against their total pay john used to make roughly three hundred dollars in a day now hes making two hundred dollars if hes lucky amazon is developing a service how to use drones amazon has made a science of delivering goods fast and cheaply someday it says it wants robots to make deliveries but at the moment it relies on contractors to cut costs in this country if you are treating workers as an independent contractor youre saving up to thirty percent of your labor costs youre not painting to Social Security youre not paying into Workers Compensation for workers who are injured youre not paying into Unemployment Insurance for workers who are laid off and two months before in a sense from the change in pay on a john received a new contract to sign you an amazon agreed to resolve disputes between you and amazon on an individual basis through final and binding arbitration he was being asked to sign away his right to sue in open court and then amazon changed his pay i shouldnt have to fend off emails trying to do now through one ip took a thirty percent less than what it was last week and i still havent gotten an answer because theres nobody pocket i dont know what to do theres nothing to do you can quit thats the around through youre a private contractor newts up the permit the job or you dont the holidays put pressure on everyone but for those without the comfort of full time employment there is no such thing as time off amazon says it cannot comment on pending litigation take aboard aljazeera. Well thats because government has created the largest marine park in north america and its in the Pacific Ocean southeast of the Baja California peninsula the parkers a Protection Zone of around one hundred forty eight thousand square kilometers all fishing activity will be banned and the area will be patrolled by the navy. Youre watching aljazeera im so ho raman these are all top stories pakistan has called in the military as Police Struggle to disperse hundreds of protesters in the capital islamabad six people have been killed and more than two hundred injured the demonstrators want the law minister to step down for failing to mention the prophet mohammed in a parliamentary bill to has more from sukey near the city of lahore it appears that the government had miscalculated they did not ignore the trend of the reaction that. Happen and forward on their trade. One day. Out of. That they form. The last minute resignation the. Dag and of god that the government and trouble well staying with the country the us is warning pakistan the decision to release the key suspect in the two thousand and eight mumbai attacks will strain relations washington says have to say there is being freed because the pakistani government failed to provide evidence against him saying it was denied involvement in the attacks which killed one hundred sixty six people. Full planes carrying aid have arrived in yemen for the First Time Since the Saudi Led Coalition fighting against rebels imposed a blockade nearly three weeks ago the country is facing a cholera epidemic and is on the brink of famine libyas coast guard has recovered the bodies of thirty refugees who died when their boat sank off its north west coast on saturday one hundred forty five people were rescued and brought back to tripoli because god spokesman told aljazeera that forty people are still missing german chancellor Angela Merkel is hoping to form a government soon after the opposition social democrats agree to more negotiations talks on a coalition between merkels conservative blogger to smaller parties collapsed last week on friday the social democrats reversed its decision to rule out being part of merkels government again those were the headlines ill be back with more in thirty minutes next its counting the cost. Aljazeera. Swear every u. S

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