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Hello and welcome my names peter wu watching the news live from our headquarters here in doha coming up in the next sixty minutes the lebanese Prime Minister has just put his resignation on hold off the talks with the president in beirut he also said hell wait for more discussions. Crimes of genocide. Extermination murder. In your matrix or forcible transfer. Of. His fate as the verdicts delivered against the military. I think use of government rather than. A rule but prefers to. Hope and optimism as zimbabweans wake up to life after president Robert Mugabes thirty seven year rule. Also this rare and dramatic video of the rescue of a north korean soldier who was shot by the ski. Across the border into the south. Ok lets get going saad hariri says hes agreed to delay his resignation as lebanese Prime Minister after a request from the president to allow more dialogue back in beirut two weeks after first announcing his shock resignation whilst in the saudi capital riyadh hes been attending Independence Day celebrations now the president michel aoun had refused to accept Prime Ministers resignation believing it was done under duress mr previously said mr hariri was being detained by the saudi authorities saudi in riyadh they denied those accusations. That i stressed my commitment to cooperate with president when for the sake of lebanon to keep our country away from wars and disputes today i have discussed my resignation with the president and he asked me not to resign now and to keep it until more consultation about the reasons behind my resignation. Choosing to hold our correspondent in beirut at the president ial palace saying what does this all mean. Well like you mentioned the how do you see submitting his resignation saying that he did not accept it telling him to reconsider to hold more discussions really a very different tone from the Prime Minister of remember two weeks ago he was criticizing iran hezbollah saying that their hands are going to be chopped off he didnt even mention it or iran he even said that hes looking forward to a partnership with all Political Parties in the country what is clear peter is that there has been intensive discussions behind closed doors and diplomacy in front of the cameras as well france is leading this mediation efforts how do you to himself he was in egypt with president sisi late yesterday before arriving in lebanon france and egypt trying to find a solution to this crisis because clearly the International Community did not want to see another failed state in the region it is a turbulent region they wanted to shield levanon. From the crises in the region and the resignation really was an attempt by saudi arabia to curb hezbollahs influence that attempt really backfired because what happened in lebanon is all the Political Parties came together because they felt that in one way or another saddle had was a pawn being used by saudi arabia with the aim of causing some sort of strife in lebanon and when he talks about having more dialogue is he having the dialogue with and is this a face saving exercise for him or could it be a face saving exercise for the saudis. Well a face saving exercise for how to end the saudis because when he says im looking forward to a partnership with all Political Parties in lebanon one of those Political Parties is hezbollah a group that has members and government that has members in parliament but it also has an armed wing and a lot of the criticism has been on hezbollah as the Regional Reach the fact that it sends fighters to syria and to iraq and that saudi arabia is accusing them of helping and the who these in yemen now who will. Involved in these discussions where there are two camps in lebanon the pro saudi camp and the pro iranian camp and theyre going to have to sit down and and solve their differences but these political differences are not new theyre old i mean you have the process of the camp who believes that the pro Iran Campaign should this arm should this associate itself from regional crises this is a power struggle a saudi iranian power struggle to control lebanon but right now this saudi attempt seems to have backfired the had a how do they really very conciliatory in his message he will be speaking to supporters in a few hours from now in fact maybe in an hour from now at his residence well have to wait to see if he explains even further on what exactly happened why did he resign and why did he stay in saudi arabia for two weeks but there was a surge i think was the saudi interior minister after that november the twelfth interview that hariri gave to future t. V. Which is kind of hezbollah leaning the saudi interior minister said look if you go back as Prime Minister you will be folding yourself into hezbollah but that wasnt a particular revelation we knew that we know that even critics of hezbollah and mr hariri would say that was kind of his political m. O. Well yes last year there was a rare deal a rare deal between iran and saudi arabia thats we saw michel aoun who is pro hezbollah he was appointed president after a two year president ial vacuum and then how did he was appointed as Prime Minister so thats where deal collapsed when when heavy suddenly resigned now as of late we have seen a very different policy the Saudi Arabian the new leadership in saudi arabia a very aggressive stance towards iran and they want to curb iranian influence across the region and they thought they can start doing that starting you know from lebanon by targeting its proxy hezbollah but hezbollah is so entrenched in this country like i mentioned its not just an armed wing it has supporters it is the Political Party it offers services to people it is a state within a state and really it doesnt have the support of the whole country there is a segment of the lebanese population which believes that hezbollah should this arm itself it shouldnt act like a state within a state so there is a deep political divide in lebanon which is very easily exploited but right now it seems that the International Community wants to shield this country from from from this crisis and that is why were seeing all the different sides coming together in a very and more conciliatory statements. For the moment thanks very much. Well as weve been discussing that it has been a whirlwind few weeks in the politics of lebanon and for the balance of power between saudi arabia and iran now the Prime Minister saad hariri shocked many with that surprise resignation november the fourth he cited concerns about a threat to his life and blamed hezbollah the group backed by iran others speculated on his motive and whether the saudis were pressurising him hariri gave his first t. V. Interview more than a week after he decided to quit he looked uncomfortable on screen prompting more speculation that he was being held against his will now on november the eighteenth hariri finally left saudi arabia but instead of going home to lebanon he went to paris to meet the french president emanuel macro meanwhile thirty arabia recalled its ambassador to germany saying comments by the German Foreign minister about mr hariri and the political crisis were quote shameful and on tuesday hariri met the egyptian president days after an Arab League Emergency meeting to discuss iran georgia but melbourne is a reporter for le figaro specializing in the middle east he joins us live from paris shores mal brough no whos really pulling the strings here sorry who is really pushing this and making it happen in this way. I think salary finally leeson the president michel aoun who didnt want him to resign the question is what which confession saddlery god all will get in the short run from michel aoun and from as bottle our tool to be able to to remain as a Prime Minister yesterday. When tool to see. C. C. Emmanuel mccall made a phone call was done out of a sun there are many there are a lot of contacts beyond the scene weve heard or saw recently two days ago an important speech by cher as the leader or as thing that are ready to withdraw from iraq saw probably sorry thing that all of this elements giving a margin of maneuver are more important than two weeks ago when the three weeks ago when he resigned thing that is what a lot has been taking over lebanon and probably this is the reason why we have with their zs an expected decision by salary to remain in the short run at least Prime Minister of lebanon if he gets concessions from hezbollah and if the dynamic or if the force thats pushing this is president s own does that make hezbollah more powerful or less powerful. I think. Powerful and will remain powerful in lebanon and the question is what will be that the role of president michel aoun in the short in the short run michel aoun and the foreign minister the last months where accused of being very close to his bottle are allowing ministers lebanese ministers to go back to damascus which was not the opinion of sad. For example the free minister to meet counterpart Walid Moallem the syrian foreign minister in new york saw or probably will have to to to see if michel aoun will will get a more balanced position towards as both a law but as well i believe it and will remain strong and there are also as you know some complains about as bought a law in iraq in syria in yemen and yesterday weve heard president asunder and he is saying that the the victory against has been has been done in iraq in syria are. No one the battle with his allies the russians and iranians and is bottle are there was an agreement to last month at the early november between the american russians and jordanians not allowing as but allowed to go closer close to this Israeli Border south of syria so all of these elements probably are in mind of salary and well have to to see if as well are could withdraw could refrain from being the new original army as there was in for the last month in iraq in syria and in yemen ok if mr hariri heres the thing if mr hariri is just about to in effect have a conversation with hezbollah the political bit of hezbollah does he go into that discussion having. Weakened his own political stock market value if you will because he goes he pops up in riyadh he says im resigning then he goes to paris now hes back home and he says well i may or may not be resigning watch this space that is not the behavior of a robust confident powerful politician. Exactly and i was in riyadh last week and without is were very upset against jane thing at the he has been humiliated for the reason i gave you recently and and everybody even the french last week were saying that we hold that thought ari will resign in order to create a new equation to get a new a roadmap in lebanon so. He is going through a very risky path because a very good something in order for him to to be a more powerful Prime Minister which has been to be seen or if he didnt get anything he will have a lot of problems in lebanon and also with these regional allies particularly with the saudis. Which thorough him as some saudi journalist last week told me sorry was a puppet in the hands of hezbollah so itll have to to prove to his alliance to his allies that he will not be in the short run a puppet of hezbollah and that the big challenge for him entry in time is george melbourne no thank you very much. Plenty more news still ahead here on the news hour for you including these stories an uncertain future haitians speak out after the trumpet ministration moves to force their deportation. And in sports an elder breaks another record in the Champions League santa is here with all the details. Another big story the u. N. War crimes tribunal is set to deliver its verdict in the trial of a former military commander right because he was the leader of the Bosnian Serb Army during the conflict in the early one nine hundred ninety s. And it is charged with genocide and crimes against humanity for the massacre at srebrenica where more than eight thousand muslim men and boys. As were killed we have reporters across serbia bosnia and at the hague marco super to cheers in the serbian capital belgrade david chaser is in srebrenica but first lets go to knead barker who is at the hague where that verdict is being read out neve theyve taken something of a recess what else do we know. Thats right so a lot of been asked to use a facilities thats the reason why this recess is taking place it was only meant to last five minutes its now into its seventh eighth minutes and its expected to last a few more minutes before the judge returns and before melodic also returns to the dock as well but before that we had heard very lengthy summing up by the judge she was addressing the eleven counts of large faces warmed by one they are as you mentioned two counts of genocide and nine of crimes against humanity hand of war crimes the two genocide counts have been addressed first they include the the siege of sarajevo for which melodic shes accused of being a main architect of that siege lasted for years an estimated ten thousand people are believed to have lost their lives in the dutch did go into some detail about some of the lesser known victims of that particular case he talks about a seven year old boy who was killed after a bullet passed through his mothers abdomen of course the ordinary people who lived in that city faced on going a bombardments shelling sniper fire and mortar fire as well over several years and also the second count of genocide the case of srebrenica the killing of an estimated eight thousand men and boys the judge said that it should sign something called directive seventy one to essentially wipes red benita off the map thats where we are so for so far were expecting the remaining counts to be addressed in a fall as this verdict reaches its conclusion needs to close thanks very much for the moment our correspondent David Chaytor is in srebrenica david im interested whats the place like i mean surely its something of a husky of a town compared to what it used to be. Peter let me explain exactly where i am right behind me is the area where the mothers of the victims have gone down to actually watch live broadcasts from aljazeera in the balkans of the proceedings in the hague says been pretty emotional scenes in there theyre waiting like everybody else for the verdicts to continue but the most important point that was made during the course of the verdict so far is that yes genocide extermination happened here in. The gravestones all around us more than eight thousand men and boys still one thousand bodies still unrecovered still missing have not been reunited with their families bones are being found all the time in the hillsides in the forests around me so that gives you an impression what its like to drive into this area it is quite extraordinary its its like a long tunnel with no light at the end both politically and spiritually and psychologically for these people you might think that a guilty verdict and a life sentence which is what theyre hoping for will cause some sort of closure i will be a catharsis for them but these are very very very shallow words there is no cure for what these people have been through and it is quite extraordinary as you go through a Serbian Community here then you go past a Bosnian Community a person a Muslim Community theyre all still around theyre all still frozen in the conflict ignoring each other and the towns that are controlled by the serbs here and theyd say this is not genocide they refused to contemplate any idea of militants being found guilty of that they say hes still a hero whereas the Bosnian Muslim communities that ive been seeing really really so depressing those whove been brave enough to return to get back into their houses are surrounded by neighbors who are no longer there by houses that have got so many dead in them so. This is never going to end. For these people theyve already got a life sentence and they want to see my getting a life sentence as well david at the moment thank you correspondent. Is in the capital belgrade how is this all being reported that. A great deal of attention is being paid to the reading of the verdict. Here in serbia especially. In the last few days but they did in. The indictment they didnt write about the crimes the. Army of republic of. Committed in bosniaherzegovina they dont write about genocide. And i will show you the front page of some papers here in serbia that from this morning they have a picture. And hes saying im innocent. They can take my soul the paper also have a picture of. Saying im sleeping quietly im not guilty and the majority of newspapers that write Something Like this Something Like this and people here are saying that because of that. The crimes that were committed the majority doesnt know what. They know the fact hes hiding here and he was hiding for fifteen years until two thousand and eleven when he was arrested in iran the village close to the border between. Romania. Comment a fact that the verdict is being read in the Hague Tribunal serbian president who was also a National Nationalist before two thousand and eight and after that only the very. Ular in serbia popularity of more than fifty percent of people he was saying that horrible crime happened in srebrenica and in both inheritable we know but he didnt mention broad comedy in any of his sentences. Kaminski all the verdict for a commodity over here throughout the day all the media are reporting live from the hague and the Public Service also reports live from the hague. Thanks very much and just a quick debut diary soon as we have any news out of the hague will carry it for you live here on the news hour or indeed subsequent tough news bulletins not a sound of cheering and dancing in the streets the resignation of the zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe was a moment to celebrate across much of the country thousands of people filled city squares as the news spread that he was stepping down after thirty seven years in office and in the coming hours the man likely to replace him emerson. Will be returning home hes expected to be swiftly sworn in as the new president or much from harare. Jubilation on the streets of harare across the country that Robert Mugabe rule for thirty seven years while. Maybe even days. News demagogy was stepping down came as both houses of Parliament Sat in an extraordinary session to debate the president s impeachment to speak at the speed of the session and told m. P. s that hed received a letter. To the. To. The. Mugabe wrote that he was resigning with the medias effect voluntarily in order to facilitate a smooth transfer of power. To the crowds outside those what was many thought theyd never have ever. Since i was born i have never heard this day im so for thirty seven years we have been suffering our fathers were there when my father the war veteran who went to the detector. Went to paris to show well this must have a new. Departure comes an emotional week off the Ministry First took to the streets intervening in Party Politics over his succession it likely means that this man. Will become zimbabwes interim leader i had of elections in. The exuberant now some a cautious about the future and this is introducing. You to listen to this in what you see what. We want to be done. And politicians like. To hold weve got to talk form a couple through these demonstrations and words from the two men on guard was to play the game fairly if it is not well to play the game fairly we will take him on you also we are sick and tired of the son here soon. I had for decades been a faithful mugabe lieutenant described as a president in close to the army and nicknamed the crocodile if you would describe him as a democrat. Many are right to wonder with. The much difference in the past on this night and for now though. No one knows whats going to happen next its a new dawn for the country for a people who have only known one leader since the one nine hundred eighty. Ok with. Clearly. They want to move in they want to move fast with us. They do this the first day without as leader and the mood on the street is that of expectation people are relieved that hes gone but they are wondering what is going to happen next they hope that. When he is sworn in will be the savior they are looking for in terms of fixing the economy right now here outside the Parliament Building people are getting ready inside the Parliament Building the speaker is giving a press conference to announce exactly when the turban will take place and what all the interested intricacies will be best as theyre preparing for the big ceremony whenever its going to be used to waiting for that. Things have gotten back to normal really people back to work people waiting for news some soldiers are still parked outside strategic places just as a precaution but it is in harare people waiting for a. Way to see him make his first public appearance and hear what he has to say about the economy but theyve got rid of one person in the ninetys a man in his ninetys theyre replacing him albeit temporarily we think with someone in his somebody who was very closely aligned to Robert Mugabe. Convinced zimbabweans we can do this properly. Its going to be really difficult i spent the morning talking to people on the ground zimbabweans and they said you know what this may not be a good thing because. I had has been with. The Liberation War hes been in government has nine hundred eighty he it is part of the rot some people are saying theyre wary of her of him when he does take over but others are saying this is a fresh start here this is a chance where they can actually appeal to the public. P. S. Too often this is the fourth us ordinary is the moment to say we are a party that wants to embrace all of the bobbins its a golden opportunity for the ruling party they have a lot to fix they have to not as they passed the states that he has to give a unifying speech to every zimbabwean so all eyes will be on him but like i said people really its about the economy they want jobs they want money in the bank they want a better life what is he going to do to make that happen for the moment thank you well well people celebrate the fall of Robert Mugabe the question is whether it will herald a new era of democratic rule or deliver much of the same its so far unclear of his likely successor that weve just been hearing about will form a Transitional Government to include the opposition an election is expected in july to choose a new president and the parliament should give the next government a mandate to lead zimbabwe out of its political and Economic Crises now in the past and his ations of fraud and violence of ma the vote under the constitution the president s limited to two five year terms hes the head of states and government and he also appoints the cabinet zimbabwe has a multiparty system in which zanu p. F. Has been in power since independence his main rival the m. D. C. Is the movement for Democratic Change zimbabwes military has been behind mugabes long reign and his exit its role will be under scrutiny of course his backing his elevation and is accused of neutralizing political opponents alex vines is the head of the Africa Program at Chatham House in london he joins us here on the news surely this is not just about changing the political atmosphere its about growing up political atmosphere from ground zero so many people who are going to cost a vote in july if that vote happens dont know what its like not to have Robert Mugabe on the ballot paper. Thats correct i think we need to look at this is transitional politics so were going into a transition now as youve rightly said there will be elections next year thats going to be very different from the past and the question will be will they be more open will zanu be less intimidatory. And i think thats the really key issue is can in the short term a Transitional Government stabilize the economy get growth build up Business Confidence and then have a platform for open elections if that happens then zimbabwe really can bounce back quite quickly i think i mean the skilled zimbabweans that are available to rebuild the economy are the envy of many of work african nations and Venture Capital investors are looking at zimbabwe they have been holding their powder dry but they will start to invest if they see a stable rule based zimbabwe where they feel that their investments are safe and that if there is problems at the institutions as in bob we are robust but also. Affective ok when we talk about a rule based simple way there are notes of caution in amongst all the excitement some people are saying look the tyrant is gone but the tyranny hasnt gone in your mind alex whats the litmus test for the country being on the right road and being on the right road quite quickly. Well i would like to see an inclusive government in zimbabwe. I mean weve heard all about imus and my god hes going to be the the is sworn in today as president probably. Pending up to the elections next year. Yeah he can be referred but hes also very much a pragmatist and he was on the reform side of zanu he understands the importance of getting the economy right and the question i think it will be in helping build confidence in the economy will he also allow opening up for Civil Liberties debate and discussion that i think is really important. We can bounce back but i think its now will zanu be confident enough to allow a democratic space also we wait and see alex vines in london thank you. Ok in a few moments well have the weather for you with rob but also still ahead here on the news hour one of americas most recognizable broadcasters has been suspended over improper behavior as a new reports of Sexual Harassment hes been great in us society. And in sports news to qualifying his team for next years world cup australias football coach calls it. From flowing. To an enchanting desert breeze. It rained yesterday in the Arabian Desert now it rains every year the Arabian Desert but when it rains dry country rapidly floods only temporarily they all goes away this is the the picture in jeddah no reported downpour jet it was. Forty in one hundred minute hes very hard to be sure but this is result after all you pave over the sand and asked to take a while for the word. To go right now this was probably the wettest part he see if the cloud moves on its white mass here that brought those thunderstorms just north of jetta so it also affects the river and mecca and a whole lot as you can see has moved. East and the war lies to show you where the heaviest rain is so in recent i was over a beer talk more like iran that is certainly where the even heavy rain has been falling recently that light extends up to the caucasus so youve got for example around eighty four millimeters huge amount of rain that would of course of flash flooding and probably close to georgia fifty four millimeters died since resting position this is a cold front actually the cold air is what caused this change of weather time yesterday no wonder it was twenty six in georgia now that is seven so this system clearly is a change of weather type and it carries on in the same sort of area thanks to three days. The weather sponsored by qatar airways. Over a hundred and sixty years ago a musician started a band in an arty street in cairo. The brass band was so popular it gave birth to an entire musical genre. A century and a half later the sound still resonates with me today. The peoples music at this time on aljazeera. It was there when i was doing break most of that to see what happens next. My grandmother. Told me that here. Now is about change people have gone through here the area the mission of the National Army barracks the entire complex and im just your stories about telling it from the peoples perspective what they think is happening in their country. And as you join us here on the news are we going to straight back to the court at the hague because we have a development in the case against iraq waiting on the sentencing we do not have a sentence yet but as is the way with these things because of the material idiosyncratic way that russia has behaved when he is in the dock there have been some developments the new correspondent just just walk us through whats been going on there just in the past few minutes. Well it started with a request from to use the facilities and it was only meant to be a five minute toilet break but time dragged on when the course sas again it became clear that there had been some concerns from his defense about his health. Hearts had been monitored and a reading and come back of great concern to the defense team who asked for the hearing to be adjourned the judge then responded saying that the under the medical advice that he had been given they didnt seem that it was necessary to end proceedings or delay proceedings and decide to carry on regardless. Then responded very angrily in the dark he stood a he started shouting at the judge down the his defense counsel down even th then stood up and called again for the judge to reconsider delaying the whole procedure from actually taking place a matter it was then actually taken away from the dog and let out of the court we now believe that there is something of a back and forth i can still see on the monitor here there is a bit still a bit of a back and forth between down eva to chair and the giants but it looks as if the proceeding will continue without melodic judge he being in the courtroom if he continues as weve seen to be a very vocal and very belligerent as this proceeding unfolds and neve would it be fair to say this is another snapshot of the Legal Process surrounding rock nottage one remembers him interrupting the judges many times when he was then standing up shouting at people in in the in in the courtroom and also there was that incident where the mother of several victims from strep and she stood up and she made a throat cutting gesture towards him all the stuff that the judges the judiciary there in the hague feel very uncomfortable with understandable reasons this is a serious business. Its extremely serious and yes those accounts are on record. In one over the previous hearings that have taken place over his four year trial did stand up and make that for cutting gesture to one of the representatives of the mothers of reprimand so that representative is back again here today we have seen enter the courtroom and undoubtedly shes wanting to see justice done he has been aggressive defiance and belligerent throughout he believes that he is innocent he says that he was carrying out orders hes very much being portrayed by the prosecution as a relentless hardliner as somebody who is determined to rid of any ethnicity other than serbian ethnicity. As a result of that the defense team have somewhat floundered along the road theyve repeatedly asked for his health to be taken into consideration theyve repeatedly asked for a delay in this final verdict saying that he was unfit to actually be in the courtroom be in the dark at all but what weve seen clearly in this situation is a man who continues to be angry continues to defy it be defiant right to the bitter end new for the moment many thanks and i can tell you the Reuters News Agency is now telling us the former bosnian serb beaten up luggage and we quote significantly contributed to war crimes committed at srebrenica needs there live from the hague walking us through that outburst and it was initially reported as being a comfort stop for the former bosnian serb military commander he had to go to the bathroom now here is a quick clip of what actually happened. Mr milosevic. Mr milosevic. Mr. Mr milosevic if you. If you continued like this. We we. We adjourn we adjourn missed we adjourn journey mr nitish will be removed from the courtroom in mind that should be a thousand muslims lost their lives at srebrenica and allegedly was the prime architect of what happened there our correspondent David Chaytor is there david whats the atmosphere like there today. Peter a jury in the course of those those scenes that youve just shown in the court we had a reaction here the the mothers of the victims are also watching the proceedings behind me and they also raise their hands i said why isnt anybody taking our Blood Pressure and you also mentioned the fact that one of the mothers who is in the court used to sit in the throat gesture so this shows you the sort of feelings there are here its getting a bit of Bosnia Herzegovina is actually moving into that court that thats what its like here thats how tense the relations are still in this whole area its quite extraordinary that the mothers who are gathered here behind me watching the proceedings they actually say that even if hes found guilty of genocide even if he gets a life sentence their life sentence can never be absolved by anybody they had their loved ones killed murdered exterminated and there are still one thousand bodies missing from those who were killed under the orders of the adage in these hills around me still scars and bits of bones are being found there is no way there can be any reconciliation no way there can be any closure here and just down the road youve got to. Serbian communities who are disregarding the whole proceedings they seem allowed each as a hero they arent talking about this as a justice theyre talking about it as a political trial that just shows you here that theres nothing has changed nothing has changed since the dayton accords nothing has changed since the war ended the conflict is here frozen but still in place its quite extraordinary when you pass down these roads in this valley theres simply no light at the end of this tunnel still they are spiritually affected psychologically affected and the politics of the country is still deeply divided there doesnt seem that this this this piece of justice from the hague will change matters here on the ground the emotions run too deep for that and many of the mothers i spoke to during the course of the last three days said what they really want to see was put into in front of a firing squad here where all of his victims lay but in the end they roll back and they say in a quite extraordinary way that perhaps justice should be their best revenge and only revenge and theyre still waiting to see it done in that court. David thank you very much. Ok were waiting for developments that sentence being handed down by the court in the hague lets stay with that story of the trial of the bosnian serb iraq and logics lets talk to general Mike Jackson Mike Jackson his former u. N. Commander who led the Protection Force involved in one thousand for he joins us from london general mike jackson what went wrong at srebrenica. But im says no i have to correct what you just said i was not the United Nations commander in ninety four. In ninety five i was the commander of west from bosnia which implemented the dayton agreement in that part of the country. Ok general we appreciate the clarity on what your job title was what your job title is allow me to ask you the question again i wasnt involved here it when i was named bolger an idea for the guy me to make that clear understood and i appreciate the thought i appreciate the point for you what went wrong in srebrenica because there was a it was a long time before we got to the nub of it surely that it was to do with dutch peacekeepers on the ground not being given the mandate or the room to maneuver that they perhaps arguably can i suggest to you should have been given the whole atmosphere in Bosnia Herzegovina. A member of for the United Nations for Protection Force. Im afraid that the rules of engagement under which im broke for work did not did not allow them to get involved in the fighting the mandate was a humanitarian law to ensure protection of that the delivery of humanitarian aid. This was not adequate for the circumstances certainly which occurred which led to the awful tragedy of srebrenica. Is there still something going wrong in as much as there are lots of people today saying essentially both is frozen in a time warp and apart from two maybe three regions two or three can tones essentially bosnia is still precisely what it was way back in one thousand nine hundred two. I would like to think otherwise because i i fear and i was in bosnia eighteen months or so. Ive been that the deep seated and tag of this. Are still as you will correspond with. The vigil the clip when he was speaking of you moments ago. Dayton was a compromise these three then warring factions did not gauge a date. Very voluntary. Because basically. The war in bosnia had rendered the old three parties. In a very difficult position and says there was great reluctance to exit date but they did but at the heart of date was this division between the socalled federation that is between the bosniaks and solve the one hand and then republicans serbska on the other. And this institutionalized the antagonism between the bosnians. The bosniaks and the crowds and it fair to say that situation is frozen in time. It would be hard to argue against that conclusion briefly general i mean what youre reading very brief because you can lose the satellite whats your reading of how the course has been doing what its doing because critics of the court say it doesnt go far enough people like Biljana Plavsic found guilty sentenced and hes already out. Is not for me is a certain soldier or make soldier to do. I think second guess the court they have their own process its very lengthy as we know. Its not for me to second guess the general mike jackson appreciate your insight thank you very much. Thank you we move on the un command says north korea violated the armistice agreement when its troops shot at and chased a soldier who was defecting across the border to the south to defect to remains in a south korean hospital with gunshot wounds after the incident last week his car you know that. Extraordinary video of a soldier risking his life to escape from north korea at around three in the afternoon hes seen driving a truck past a checkpoint on the north korean side of the Demilitarized Zone or d. M. Z. On the heavily fortified border fellow soldiers are shown running after the truck which becomes stuck the defector then gets out and runs towards the border known as the military do you mark ation line or m. T. L. Just meters away soldiers from the k. P. A. Or north Korean Peoples Army open fire hitting the defector its thought five times one even chases him over the border before returning to the north korean side the key findings of the special Investigation Team are that the k. P. A. Violated the armistice agreement by one firing weapons across the m. T. L. And two by actually crossing the m. D. O. Temporarily the defectors body is seen a lying motionless on the south korean side of the border then soldiers from the joint u. S. And south korean Security Battalion are seen crawling towards the injured defector to drag him to safety its rare for defectors to try and breach the joint security area puntland jum tour groups on both sides of the border regularly visit though the u. N. Command says no tourists were there when the shooting happened the north korean soldier remains in intensive care in a south korean hospital where hes regain consciousness and his wounds are no longer life threatening a doctor treating him says the surgery revealed a parasitic worms hed only ever seen in textbooks giving an insight into the dire conditions North Koreans face and the kind of life this defector was fleeing kathy novak al jazeera soul. Navajoa to the break lets just take you back to the hague as well because the former bosnian serb military leader quote personally directed the shelling of sarajevo according to the judge youre looking at right now and also the judge has gone on to say that intended to carry out a Deadly Campaign of sniping and shelling in sarajevo when the war in Bosnia Herzegovina was at its height we are awaiting the handing down off the sentence against iraq cloak. The selfstyled socalled the butcher of bosnia sorry of of course besieged for forty six months if you look back at what happened at sorry it was a journal of record who lived in sarajevo Bosnian Muslims who occupied the hills around sarajevo shelling it lobbing shells into it for those four to six months in the main forces as soon as we get a sentence that from the hague will bring it to you just as soon as we can here on the news hour. Also still ahead here on this program the sports news with sana one of the biggest rivalries in International Cricket is set to resume santa has the details when we return. In three. Busy news day but we always make time thank you very much peter while it was another day another record for christiane although he continued his exceptional record in the Champions League he scored twice for real madrid against nicosia to take his tally for twenty seventeen to eighteen goals that has never been done before ryall well the holders winning six nil to secure their spot in the last sixteen meanwhile of a pool blew a a chance to claim a place in the knockout stages and for the First Time Since two thousand and nine the reds throughway three in their half timely the draw three zero against severe whose coach it was nobody so has been diagnosed with making and. From tomorrow we will know again that we. Have a point more than we had this afternoon so but in this moment i dont think that anybody can change that it feels like weve lost the game we didnt lose the game but its like feel like they have won the game but if they didnt. Also annapolis stayed in contention for sports from a group effort with a one nil when all of us walked out on it in group g. Are basics to us it was the last sixteen it with a one one draw against porto who are joined in second place by four one winners in monaco. Now australia will have just seven months to prepare for rochelle organizers of qatars world cup but have marked their own symbolic milestone its five years until the middle east is first fee for world cup but with preparations continuing despite Political Division in the region and the richardson has more. X. Or in this case chevy marks the sports the spanish world cup winner standing on what will be the center spot when cattles world cup kicks off in five years time despite a political dispute which is seen for nearby countries imposing an air sea and land blockade on cats or officials insist their preparations remain on track and that the events has the potential to pull the region closer together recognize that powerful what it means for people who want to see our people is like a door and i say our people is the arab world the middle east and will always be worth and will always continue being worth we suffered abuse yes we suffered abuse did we ever regret it no will never agree with five years to go and so kick off organizers at taking the opportunity to urge the blockading countries to allow their people to enjoy and benefit from what will be the middle easts biggest ever sporting events or tournament they say was designed to promote unity shouldnt be used as a political tool. A smaller scale events has already been hit next month cattle is due to host the gulf cup but three of the countries and also with cattle saudi arabia bahrain and the United Arab Emirates have decided to pull out setting a potentially worrying precedence for twenty twenty two doesnt send out the right signals and i think its actually going to have to sit down. Sit down and think very carefully about how theyre going to we are. Three countries. In terms of how that might affect. On the outskirts of Catalyst Capital doha grass fit for a world cup is being grown already two years of research has gone into developing the ideal target the man in charge of the project once the work being done here was a benefit all countries in the region we are thinking here qatar is a part of the war. Just like decide to not be a part of the world. And our legacy from a plan from the beginning is to share as much as information and benefits with other countries so even if they dont think that they need it here in qatar we think still we are brothers right now growing the perfect grass looks to be significantly easier than cultivating political harmony the hope is that in five years time qatar will be a focal point for football and nothing else. And he richardson aljazeera. Well one of the fiercest rivalries in International Cricket was on thursday the first ashes test between australia and england gets underway at the gabba and brisbane he always is having lost a test match to the venue since nine hundred eighty eight and to the series as favorites. Well the ashes has a long and interesting history that goes all the way back to eighteen eighty two. When for the first time australias cricket team that beat england on english soil theyre the country that created cricket to this small obituary appeared in the Sporting Times newspaper in affectionate remembrance of english cricket which died there at the oval twenty ninth of august eight hundred eighty two it would add to the body will be cremated and the ashes taken to australia and the ashes was born is not a big prize for the tiny urn that the two teams play with is just eleven centimeters tall legend has it that it was a perfume contain a handed to the english team by a group of women in melbourne and eighteen eighty two it contained the ashes of a burnt whale which is a little wooden piece that sits on the top of a set of three within poles known as stumps in cricket england regain the ashes after that series and theyve remained fierce rivals ever since facing each other at least once every four years they play the best of five test matches as they are called these are games that can last up to five days long ill spare you all the rules of cricket but basically youre trying to stop the other team from scoring as many runs as you australia are trying to regain that little urn at home this time around. I think theres theres always pressure going into an ashes series particularly when youre playing at times. You know we dont need to put any more pressure on ourselves if that makes sense you know its still just another game of cricket and we have to come out here and make sure that were flying well from the first. And thats it for me. Many thanks well talk to you later im sure lets just take you straight back to the hague because instead of going to the break and then bringing a half hour of out to serve as we are going back to the hague because we are thinking we are suspecting that the actual sentence is imminent weve been getting a trickle of comments from the judge the u. N. Court is saying that its intended to destroy me in muslim the Bosnian Muslim population of srebrenica thats the the court reacting to what was the reality at the time in the early ninetys that both. They talked about it themselves they used the phrase ethnic cleansing the judge also fleshing out what they what we think theyre going to tell us the u. N. Tribunal quote significantly contributed to genocide in srebrenica lets listen. Its thirty. For the reasons summarized during this hearing have been considered all of the facts evidence and arguments of the parties as well as the statute and the rules and based upon the factual legal findings set out in detail in the written judgments the chamber finds. Not guilty of count one genocide and guilty as a member of criminal enterprises of the following counts count to genocide count three persecution a crime against humanity count for. Extermination a crime against humanity. Count five. Murder a crime against humanity. Count six murder a violation of the laws or customs of war. Current seven deportation a crime against humanity. Count eight. In your main act of forcible transfer a crime against humanity. Current nine terror a violation of the laws or customs of war. Count to an. Unlawful attacks on civilians a violation of the laws or

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