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President donald trump has designated north korea a state sponsor of a terrorism tramples i promise more sanctions against pyongyang but secretary of state Rex Tillerson says washington has not given up on resolving the Nuclear Crisis on the Korean Peninsula through diplomacy she offered tons of reports from washington d. C. President trumps of the designation of north korea as a sponsor of terrorism was long overdue should have happened a long time ago should happened years ago in addition to threatening the world by Nuclear Devastation north korea has repeatedly supported acts of International Terrorism including assassinations on foreign soil. However this announcement wasnt a certainty some officials at the state department were reported to have argued that north korea did not meet the Legal Definition of a state sponsor of terrorism two cases have been cited during the deliberations the killing of kim jong uns half brother adam a lazy an airport and the treatment of american student on a woman who died of his injuries after being released from north korean custody neither represent terrorism they argued nonetheless more sanctions will now be announced by the Treasury Department there its unclear this will prove to be anything more than a symbolic measure given all of the sanctions that have already been levied against pyongyang something the secretary of state alluded to i dont want to suggest to you that the designation is suddenly going to put a whole new layer of sanctions olympias again i think we already have north korea so heavily sanctioned in so many ways with the u. N. Resolutions that have been undertaken but this will close a few additional loopholes all analysts are attempting to discern a comprehensive strategy for north korea from the trumpet ministration i think its disappointing trump came to washington as an outsider and i really thought that maybe there was some. Chance that he could have a policy towards north korea that would be different and more creative than the ones that the inside the beltway crowd have been implementing. The north koreans have said they would end their Nuclear Tests and resume negotiations if the u. S. And its military exercises with south korea the u. S. Has ruled that out so in the meantime the administration is once again relying on sanctions and harsh rhetoric she average hansie old zero washington the trouble ministration is planning to terminate a temporary Residency Program which allows haitians to live and work in the United States sixty thousand the currently in the u. S. A temporary residency status introduced in the wake of the two thousand and ten earthquake that devastated the island the move comes despite calls from both demagogue one who fired two weeks ago meanwhile mugabes party has started impeachment proceedings against him the move comes after mugabe ignored his partys deadline to resign. Lebanese Prime Minister saad hariri is to visit egypt on tuesday where hell meet with the president sisi that he has been in power since saturday where he met french president Emmanuel Macron whos played a key role in mediating the fallout from his sudden resignation and he has promised to return to lebanon by wednesday for Independence Day celebrations. The Argentine Navy says sol detected earlier did not come from the missing submarine the sound was picked up by two ships involved in the search meanwhile naval officers have confirmed a reported a technical fault believed to be battery related before it went missing. American broadcasters c. B. S. And p. B. S. Have suspended t. V. Anchor charlie of all of this after eight women accused him of Sexual Harassment the woman cited long time t. V. Host quote the man made sexually remarks rose who also cohost c. B. S. This morning and contributions to sixty minutes apologize for his inappropriate behavior but insisted he was under the impression that the incidents were consensual the latest allegations come on the heels of sweeping accusations off misconduct by public for this from government to hollywood those are the headlines on tata motors one to two snakes. The campaign against terrorism continues. Our media military objectives remain the destruction of the qaeda network. The taliban leadership. And the end of afghanistan as a place where terrorists are harbored. And i would if i was so. Scared of the so many. Parts the heart of the starter for this im going to give a test of said love on men we work. You know once the basement a little more you can be good you can move the it was that the assault on smith asked me to hold the hut before me and then the whole. Pack somewhere came to me and im going to look to the us its very good. Man. The number of al qaeda and taliban detainees transferred to u. S. Forces in afghanistan has continued to grow for the first plane with plenty of pain hes arriving on portable bay cuba we were notified here at approximately thirteen fifty he asked have you heard of weavers being caught in afghanistan and brought it home it. Should have been showing up to the. Marines poem but it looks good and we can use to mention the other dictum that was in the i am going to give us kind of numb stuff music and the point is to ask i dont. Mind them i dont look like you have said of course much in the comics really disappointed in my country u. S. Government how they allow the Chinese Government to do what they want in the prison camp. That is live on them sort of thing couldnt. The million in the bush needed then the next. One could reach them that if. They get other mezzo messiah them to cut his pay. This is a copy of the request for Legal Assistance that we got this had been sent down via another lawyer from the prison and it contained our first two clients including her an odd. Trial lawyer in the bankruptcy area of so if you have a large bankruptcy case like enron or something lehman brothers. We often have clients who have big positions in those companies that may have been the first month of two thousand and five i went to a seminar locally about guantanamo. And basically all of these people were saying that we are in obvious and facial disregard of the geneva conventions at this camp that were running on time and i thought really. So i thought our offer should get involved. And just then the center for Constitutional Rights said weve got these weavers down there worried about we all said why dont we go what is that. So there that was when it winter of two thousand and five we began to learn about xinjiang and we are culture and how this all happened. Stimulation base now in beijing you can. Chop it and i say its going to sort of to them by the. Look on the gene that i can and they just want to begin to push on the because im going to us that spent them then put in this have it on the mirrors here when you can see its there theyve caught them with a mag whos in the mess and if there was no were not going to build the going to push out of the question look im not that stood up at them and in the push a little and i moved off the step but im in the height. Of the up. The medical or surgical baloney picked at best by the logic that. The minimum. Scope at that emblem of the. Abundant cornish was on the plane and. I remember walking into a heightened camp echo for the first time to meet up and barker was the first client we met. And thinking whom i going to meet am i going to meet some terrible terrorist i dont know i dont have any records on him but he documents i never talk to him. Business i see. Him again. Curse go off them is there. A limit to me that i get for them as theres any of them saying about it because im in a buying into it i walked into this cell and theres this little guy whos sitting behind the table chain leg chained to the floor and hes got these kind of you get mogul asses you know which were these goggles that they issued and little sort of prophecy oriel owlish looking fellow and i walked in and i think i said doc schmoozes which i understood to be hi how are you didnt we hear the im in the ninja tell them to the man on the can tell them they sent my son the good. Doesnt that you and the care say men cannot we can also build up was hope that formatted kind of the good not so then shame that all those at them are though they have suffered on the chin put on which is upon the goodness of the winners that is their ability to put the former was caused him to. They had a paper that said they were innocent they werent allowed to bring me the paper but they had it in this once we had the unique circumstance of. The Defense Department themselves without a lawyer intervening have cleared this guy and said hes not an enemy combatant and then sent him back to the same prison he came out of that was interesting right as a press story. And from the press went instantly to the court. And the judge was very interested in this way that a lot of these guys have been cleared and theyre still there youve got some splendid to do he says to the government and so we had a series of hearing hearings all through the fall but his decision was to dismiss our petition it was just before christmas of two thousand and five because he said there was no relief he could get the only place these people could be for ordered released was the u. S. Because he couldnt order some other country to take them. And he didnt think he had the power over the governments objection to cause them to be brought up so since i have a case in which i can give no relief i dismiss the case as what he said and then we appeal thats. The best and then im betting you can. Ask another good kip and if you get in the can they get all done the most that began again with the ball by the committee that there is close here the coolness think of the hook on this and what im saying well in the moment my absent number and the department of justice calls me up and he says i mean were moving to dismiss your appeal i said really odd cases theyre not there so theyre not there when they go and he says albania and i said no bob where they go really and he says albania. Thank you well done there you give me the mayor that looked. At that segregated bus on that day plus put sherman as an adult but again we were challenging judge robertsons decision and the governor was still worried that the courts might not be happy with the notion that theres a he has corpus writ but nobody can give any relief and show thats what led them to move that case by moving these guys to albania which was the only place in europe where people would cheer for george bush when he visited. London and the. Fun they can share the ball less water than they can get in the middle below any of us that music. They said she was against that only sort of stuff. Was awesome it was clear that she did them the album they were on the book said the isms and meant to set them on best money more than the music going to the. Janus hot dog in this hot bed of the moment kids but in this net only accept or thought of on the. Position goes fox like and they are pulling in the simple shake of polluting then all of the National Association lips a lot of bad shots those combined. Is in the bill for them to be even again and again the. Are buying your home in that youre taller or a not. For not mean or for. Each of you for the party but your image of the day. When we get our welcome back to you for a young girl but you also. May walk or run you know. And one of the things that we had been sort of schooled by the old hands was never use the governments interrogate interpreters because their clients would trust them. Guys and get more say get your shot get were shot so they were the exception to the rule. I just called her up and she said Something Like i wondered when you were finally going to call it was really mixed feelings actually i was excited after three years i missed them i wanted to go and see them how they are doing but at the same time i was hesitated because i remember what happened well what the u. S. Military and u. S. Government said to them stray years before that and its difficult for me to look at them and to say im sorry. It wasnt until august of two thousand and six that i finally met for the first time. He had this is here shorted out in this afro or member and he was very gentle and mannered and very bright and they can on income the kind of stuff. Other cotton swabs have had in his observation says. There had been suicides acute know that some are a suicide and following the suicide. They had stripped the cells of a lot of the socalled comfort items including his bed sheet he did ask they took my blanket l. A. Do you know why you think this has anything to do with my case being in the court he wanted to. You know think about what could be the consequences of proceeding with this lawsuit he kept asking the time how much time do we have and then is the calmest more time that we have left. Ok what time is it how many more minutes that we have left so i kept telling him like we have two hours and we have fifteen minutes left we have ten minutes left so the member is america. So. That it. Has a School Camera and that she had him and he starts speaking rapidly and wigger and i watch were shot in her face just feels nice what would she say she says tell you outside if you talk to me and i didnt know what to say so i didnt say anything i didnt want that to be on the record because i i couldnt understand what just happened at the gars guards yelling at me absolutely you know to get this building give me ten more minutes whats going on to know youre on a time you got to get out of there and shes you know just gone for you to. Actually file a standing and gravel asked her what just happened that she said he said drop the suit. He said you must you be shown us make it very clearly you have dropped the suit because the lawsuit is worth my badge. And i remember thinking wow i mean thats sort of our feel this great lawsuit that we have isnt worth the action. And i remember going to ethics professors say what do i do in this situation and lots of other people were giving advice that you know the guys judgment is impaired by the situation easy and i wasnt sure what to do so when we filed our next thing leigh we left his name off it had to admonish him said cancer staunch numbers and their seven took on their production lancer. They can aspire to that and six and they are going to have and i think at least in them yeah yeah i mean i remember a stance that was that im there hoskin the artists on the left and kind of from the question that has to learn them. Sometime in late two thousand and six simply because they had built it had to fill fill the beds they started sending our clients to camp six. And to work going on want to get. To. Term then on but it sure sure we knew. It was described accurately by one of our clients as the dungeon above the ground because the second you can get in that place you felt closed in the water concrete was all around its up to the design and if they are. Covered in thats covered it up where they can to move let me to meet them and the one. That can i your uncle name is lifestyle you get in there. Are so. Much to do but assad can goodish terms of general of his it. Is that what i kissed in death for the one hour which they called without any sense of the kind of black humor that they called rec time. You would be taken to the wreck area ok so the rectory was a kind of a chimney within the within this facility three stories high with with a mesh top wire mesh and if you were lucky if you really really lucky you might see this to rec time it would have to be right over this chimney even for. State time you know you could actually see this and there wasnt a thing that hit us as how powerfully men missed something they would talk about they would count the days i didnt see the sun for twenty six days so that it i did see that the sun twenty seven days. To put on this one is called out the middle where does it feel he has a bend a bit and then the lightest. I dont have eyes again that nazi officials. On the can keep an eye on things on the logo and then let him do it there and then him and all them too little. And then as an issue yeah i didnt get that. Ten minutes now out the link and more to add to my other than the two of them look at them no nos then mcluhan yep. Isolation is a killer he watched people just shriveling. Like a plant with no water and. It was so awful and the feeling like we come out of there thinking weve got to do something to do something you know were going to were going to file a motion were going to file another motion and no ones going to care we got to run to the press they were here you know. I went to the captain on the base one time and i just basically bag a big. I cant do a thing in court you know that i know that this is right youre in charge this person is right if you meant my going to calmly you can just blow your bag basically begging him you know that you believe he was. And finally cully all got out of camp six for no reason that ive ever understood did they never explain why he got out the other guys did. It became clear that these cases were going to be coming to us when i say us i mean not only the federal courts here but my court specifically and i got all of the way to cases so i posed certain questions directly to the government and i ask quite plainly is it on these people and to be combatants and they hesitated said no we have no evidence to show that they were enemy combatants i said well tell me what danger these individuals poles to the United States or its allies and they said we have absolutely no evidence. So i said well ok let me see if i understand the not enemy combatants another threat but theyre still in guantanamo and theyve been there for quite a long time what are you going to do about releasing them. And the position of the government then was that we cannot release these people for a variety of reasons but mainly because we would have to place them in other countries and those arrangements have not been made as well are you saying that you plan on holding these people these waivers indefinitely. It was a hesitation he said yes. To have this situation presented to me where all these admissions were made about the non culpability of these individuals but to tell me in the same breath that these individuals will be held indefinitely really offended me. So at that point i looked to the government again and they said well you know theres really nothing you can do judge because. Its the prerogative of the of the executive branch to decide. And i said well i think i would like to have these individuals brought here the prosecutor on his feet dropped his pencil i think im not sure but there was there was dead silence in the room and i dont think they believe their ears i didnt think i was doing anything that sensational i mean they would still be in custody would be brought he says we mean here is him into this courtroom and thats when the governments of we can do that and you can order us to do that as my just a half. Way by standing outside of the tent and the leaders on the other side seventeen men might end up in front of me. The District Court heard to your case this morning and. Delivered his decision. And then i couldnt continue. With the she could not and i had tears and i was trying to hold myself not burst into tears and they all were just looking at me and i can hear probably it pin drop at that moment it was so quiet all we can hear is the waves of the ocean in the background. Oh is it allison where on line we were in hurricane winds for almost like thirty six hours these are the things that new york has to address or if you join us on set im a member of a complex one but we struck up a relationship based is a dialogue tweet us with hash tag a. J. Stream and one of your pitches might make the next show join the global conversation at this time on aljazeera the new era in television news. It doesnt say that its a toss to those things in secret that are on the list we had actual victims who had survived torture detention and saying this was the cause of my arrest if you would. Just stay but we did still get about this conviction that everyone has a deep reservoir a time of going to if you can give them the opportunity is wonderful and start to. Look at the actual distance theres at least twenty thousand for him to refugees who live here we badly need at this moment leadership and so theres an interesting look like i was residing donald trump is going to be the next president retaliation with how do you guys go back to a reconnaissance of gas i said its a bit west if were going to be if youre getting anywhere theres good record that. Might. Be achieved something that never happened before. The headlines on aljazeera donald trump has designated north korea a state sponsor of terrorism the us president has also promised more sanctions against pyongyang but secretary of state Rex Tillerson says washington has not given up on resolving the Nuclear Crisis on the Korean Peninsula through diplomacy. Zimbabwes president Robert Mugabe has begun talks with former vice president. He fired two weeks ago meanwhile mugabes party has started impeachment proceedings against him the move comes after mugabe ignored his partys deadline to resign. Lebanese promise to d. D. Is to visit egypt on tuesday where hell meet with president. He has been in power since saturday where he met french president emmanuel mccrone who has played a key role in mediating the fallout from his resignation has promised to return to lebanon by wednesday. The ousted mayor of the venezuelan capital caracas says Police Officers helped him escape from the country antonina desolate fled to colombia and then spain on saturday after around a thousand days under house arrest hes accused president nicolas muddles government of running the country like a narco terminate. American broadcaster c. B. S. And p. B. S. Have suspended t. V. Agha charlie rose after eight women accused him of Sexual Harassment the woman say the longtime t. V. Host brought them and made sexually lewd remarks rose who also cohosts c. B. S. This morning and contributions to sixty minutes apologize for his inappropriate behavior but insisted he was under the impression that the incidents were consensual the allegations come on the heels of other accusations of misconduct by public figures the Us Department of justice is attempting to block an eighty five billion dollar deal between mobile Service Provider eighty n. T. And time warner the proposed agreement would merge content from the broadcaster with a t. N. T. The Delivery Networks the government says the doing would mean higher fees for both rival services and customers the argentine maybe so sell and detected earlier did not come from the missing submarine the sound was picked up by two ships involved in the search those are the headlines on aljazeera do stay with us as the guantanamo twenty two continues next. We are standing outside of the. And. The other side said my in front of. The District Court heard to your case this morning. Or been delivered his decision. And then i couldnt continue they all were just looking at me and i can hear probably it pin drop at that moment it was so quiet then i continued i said touch or declare that you are all the n. S. A. And you must release right away. Because it is a member some i as a learned of a possible. Outcome for. In the more your larger culture from called comes up in them called them partial well known that i was a lot of them. I was leaving the next day from the base when i left at one time on airport there was a plane there actually waiting to take those guys. But then when i landed in Fort Lauderdale and soon as the plane landed i turned my phone on and there checked my messages and there was the email from saved and telling us that. The government went to appeal its court and the stop put the stop on the Church Organist order i just sat there on the plane. Ask god. Again not this time again. That. Can get this nominee going to look at whats going on is a Ticker Symbol of power loves. This persons idea that we are side. By side or invested me as president that question by the constitution of the law and United States of america in order to affect your part of this position of individual probably the same private apartment that walked out of. That probably falls sessions just over half the total system of the National Security and for all the years of the United States Army Officers just recited by. You that fired. The fosses whereby the title will be closed no later than one year from now. As soon as ever obama was elected we were after his Transition Team trying to get a meeting trying to get a word trying to say and they were alive to get my hours straight of issues. And i got meetings with various people and i would say to them look its very simple if you want to close this prison youve got to do something with the people if youre going to do something with it people are going to have to have a whole lot of countries in the world cooperate and if you want to cooperate you need to play in if were going to play ive got the guys for. And sure enough in the spring of two thousand and nine and so hes been president for a couple of months we get high level meetings and we cut a deal for the first two weeks. To come to virginia. Community unforseen yeah were so excited about this and the day even rent that and apartment for those wafers and the community was all ready to welcome them and bring them to virginia that plan was well underway until the spring of two thousand and nine when word of it leaked out and it leaked out to members of congress specifically to representative frank wolf Northern Virginia who threw an absolute complete fit and went crazy the chair recognizes the gentleman from virginia mr wolf for five minutes. Thank you madam speaker it is my understanding that president obamas decision regarding the release into the us of a number we gear detainees held at Guantanamo Bay since two thousand and two could be imminent the New York Times a. B. C. News and other news outlets every border that the president will soon release these terrorists into United States yet this congress has not been briefed on this decision let me be clear these terrorists would not be held in prisons but they would be released in your neighborhoods they should not be released into the United States. Two members. It didnt matter how crazy the talk was you could have a senator and then there were senators saying this stuff and you say have you read anything about who these people are do you know that your own government for six years has been telling every country in the world theyre innocent and please take them and youre saying these things in common really seriously but you couldnt get through the noise and unfortunately to our great regret and to the great regret of the wiggers president obama abandoned the plan that was the beginning of the end of president obamas going to talk about policy. I started in may and immediately i turned to the European Union for european governments to negotiate with us arrangements for them to take detainees. I did not like going to countries and asking them to do something that we as a government were unwilling to do and thats not because of the Obama Administration that was because Congress Prohibited us. Too bad and it made it harder and many countries would say why should we help you do something you wont do and my answer was youre right we should but we cant so the question is will you help close guantanamo even under those less than ideal circumstances or will you not. No way are they going to now more than a million you do that or should you. Sure dont use order to move or do you or your to me on a platter a bit later that i knew what i knew when i hung up. On the junior fat dinner. Edges on shantaram. Question being can do the trick of not going there. Simply because the attitude is a little welcome to. Join now slowly got there on the alarm was hard as anybody cares who you are so. By last night didnt allow themselves to get much again show up again with those guys who have gone there on the list and to get medical blood this would have been as others are. Put on their business. So it was going to go to some songs that could just cause a goodbye and. Yeah yeah yeah. Because you know we have been. Around this is doing i make i. Really want to go yeah ok. Im just on call not and you can ask i got a poor and because it will look i think of com desk and theyre going to go get em scans found out i still am in that kind of a there and they can chop you know slow your skin but although there should not be the high set them in childhood of. But for. That kind of market because of slipped to number one on my own gloss as a. Preset never a. Chance again but a perception on their. I mean when i ordered guantanamo closed that it would be difficult and complex. There are two hundred forty people there who have now spent years in legal limbo. For example the Court Ordered to release seventeen weavers seventeen weaker detainees took place last fall when george bush was president as president i refuse to allow this problem to fester. I refuse to pass it on to somebody else. It is my responsibility. To solve the problem our security interests will not permit us to delay. Our courts wont allow it and neither should our conscience. Bermuda came in and basically said we want to help president obama were willing to take detainees and we thought well the leaders have the most compelling case and we have no legal right to hold them. I flew down to bermuda we got there in the late morning met immediately with the bermudan premier and the security minister that afternoon we reached agreement and everybody on the table agreed we this we cant wait till daylight because this will leave us with the story definitely can and you know whitehall will go nuts. And stuff that the modulus that all that kind of response to their asking. Him that he could stay out of shit not on that we finished up the meeting in the mid afternoon the plane left sort lee before midnight. Same day church or school after the wonder of prison again the soft children totaled and scrap i came up on the bus saw those four men sitting there in all their regular clothes now shackles there just sit there and it was so exciting night came up and i had the privilege of telling them that. While the plane is here we are here to get you you will be free it was obviously an emotional moment for the four people who didnt im sure didnt really think theyd be leaving. It was an emotional moment for their lawyers who had been working pro bono for years and after years of frustration they realized that very quickly these people would be out of guantanamo some are come step. Names of a conversation sure but sure the point the smaller the very. Bottom of the killed off story. When plane was approaching the land i got a signal on my cell phone and i asked them do you want to call your families and they did they started the calls. And get on bridge can see at the end. The mother to tell them. I dont call them. Consultant general an immigrant family is going to get. General and im going time with an them so exactly. We have a serbian m. S. O. Yet didnt. Ensure that. She was living there sure. There is and in them are. Better. Than us if i had to do that it s. A lotta living. You know all approach right in between and go to work to construct share the sure. Is nice and skim a dog i say does an indication that stray lucky seven and saw them zoom would rather order but im a decade since theyve included get to. Sim cambridge dumbass u. K. And the should have not got the cyclists get the sure. But. The president of poll out publicly offered to take leaders himself now that was an offer that took some months to conclude that that was an important offer and i want to give real credit to president torah beyond a whore toward weaker for the first night in my life. And then i listen carefully and i want to accept the invitation. Ploughs offer to resettle our clients was a wonderful generous humanitarian gesture you know the government of plough did what the government of canada with the government of germany what the government of australia what the government of my own country the United States and refused to do the actual transfer took some months to negotiate and at the end of october two thousand and nine. Six week years. Flew from. Guantanamo to the last stage. I was there she stood in the can i had sat down with the trauma of a skill i did belong. Its called look on the problem is the. Problem is that its going to look as good low number listed for long as i get but i was going to i saw the key. Part of the action i was amusing and to your knowledge and id say that was just one of them going on and all what they did and didnt like become the but the best. If they come to look at the blood. Like a blood bath few. If you get them will do it from one of the four boys genelia. By them sick him for long. Held up the button that. Wasnt. Come on in. Those you. See dollars relaxed here might go well ok if we wait for the interpreter and then well say i need money to go in there going to see it for a week youre. Welcome. So with that i know youre very tired of a very long flights on waste because myself and leave you to. The interpreter just a little. Good night or with morning as the case maybe you can. Take it in a look at that and thank you again. Its not new the way. We. We arrived at the beach with the people for them and they disappeared for about thirty minutes. When they came back from the back side of the rock island so i could see the sand on their foreheads. Because theyd been praying by putting their heads to the ground. Game day said. Its nice to see trees and the sun in the ocean for the first time. When you found food. I mean sure the film you know will not lead to normally argue move on and would seem quite a. Show that we do maturely hama maybe. There are times when we gave countries modest assistance to defray some of the costs not anything like the millions that discussed by orders of magnitude smaller than that but we did provide plow some of that kind of assistance which went for Housing Education but. Maybe theres no real direct linkage but after the week or so arrived in palo then. The negotiations with the us on the compact review for the extension of more us the rick assistance the pollo. Became more favorable i think it went from fifty nine million to. Oh one hundred million and it was amazing all these deals that got made around moving we were to places i dont know how many runaways. I think we built half the airport in toronto you know weve been watching project were going to virginia. You know. I mean. How. Many more. Hundred miscalled but you know you can look dont have any idea that you. Had to get this kind of possible me to make a complete go and i was the must. Be. Because the look we do may go. Much closer back to what a lot of zilch is more money and a nasa doesnt as you look at. The one eight hundred. S. But i do the price and i miss. Those in the business i said to tell you soon as theyre. Going to sing along the cake in the cause it didnt miss think pelican it was no one told it was me and something that was i was a part of the among us dont put it that i think that in the end them being good question but here is the im going to use a politician as that they get. Political theyre saying that they can but it isnt instead but the sigma. Of an. Honor. And i say i said something out of. Paycheck. Well the plus that the man behind this the necessity jet that. This is tragic and that these people did nothing wrong it was ascertained that they had done nothing wrong that they were not enemies and yet they lost great chunks of their lives and their dignity and their ability to evolve within their culture and their religion because of political expediency and the failure of the American Government to act accordingly. Holding the weekers as long as we did counts as one of the. Original at the early mistakes of one time and we have found on guantanamo that certain mistakes are nonbiodegradable you know they dont disappear they just stay there. Hello there its very wet for some of us in north america at the moment but this weather system with us has been giving us some heavy rain to the North Western parts of the u. S. In the western parts of canada in fact full western canada weve seen seventy three millimeters of rain there in vancouver and twenty five millimeters of that was just in three hours so weve seen some very heavy bursts of rain and over the mountains of course weve been seeing a fair amount of snow more very wet weather still to come as we head through the day on choose day and that only slowly is edging its way eastwards on wednesday behind it yet more rain still following for the east coast of the u. S. To well here weve got another weather system with us thats bringing a fair amount of snow as aggression sweeps its way eastwards towards the coast as we head down towards the center americas you can still see this weather system that weve got with us thats the one that gave us some flooding in colombia still giving us some fairly shop showers but gradually it is breaking up instead it does what if some of us in cuba their own choose day in that stretches down through jamaica or all the way to here and that system still with us as we head through wednesday to the south america well here its been very wet for some of us as well particularly around rio this weather system just stretches down towards us at the moment and its not going anywhere as we head into wednesday so another wet day for real. Witnesses documentaries that open your eyes at this time on aljazeera. When the news breaks it was an announcement if you were expecting i hereby announce my resignation as Prime Minister from the lebanese government and the story builds i cant stop thinking about it the bull is my life when people need to be

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