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Hello and welcome to the aljazeera news hour live from our headquarters in doha with me and as a purana coming up in the next sixty minutes. Should have happened a long time ago should happen years ago u. S. President donald trump says hes designating north korea a state sponsor of terrorism paving the way for more sanctions zimbabwes voting party begins in page one proceedings against Robert Mugabe as he refuses to resign as president the head of syrias main opposition body the High Negotiations Committee steps down just days before kate talks on solving arabia plus as Coalition Talks fail in germany and going to merkel says shed prefer a new election. U. S. President donald trump has designated north korea states. Terrorism trump also promised more sanctions against pyongyang but secretary of state Rex Tillerson says washington has not given up hope on dissolving the Nuclear Crisis on the Korean Peninsula through diplomacy shihab or tom seaver reports from washington d. C. And president trumps of the designation of north korea as a sponsor of terrorism was long overdue should have happened a long time ago should happened years ago in addition to threatening the world by Nuclear Devastation north korea has repeatedly supported acts of International Terrorism including assassinations on foreign soil. However this announcement wasnt a certainty some officials at the state department were reported to the North Koreans did not meet the Legal Definition of a state sponsor of terrorism two cases have been cited during the deliberations the killing of kim jong uns half brother adam a lazy an airport and the treatment of american student on a woman who died of his injuries after being released from north korean custody neither represents terrorism they argued nonetheless more sanctions will now be announced by the Treasury Department there its unclear this will prove to be anything more than a symbolic measure given all of the sanctions that have already been levied against pyongyang something the secretary of state alluded to i dont want to suggest to you that the designation is suddenly going to put a whole new layer of sanctions olympus again i think we already have north korea so heavily sanctioned in so many ways with the u. N. Resolutions that have been undertaken but this will close a few additional loopholes all analysts are attempting to discern a comprehensive strategy for north korea from the trumpet ministration i think its disappointing trump came to washington as an outsider and i really thought that maybe there was some chance that he could have a policy towards north korea that would be different and more creative than the wall. That the inside the beltway crowd have been implementing. The North Koreans have said they would end their Nuclear Tests and resume negotiations if the u. S. And its military exercises with south korea the u. S. Has ruled that out so in the meantime the administration is once again relying on sanctions and harsh rhetoric she average hansie washington. Well lets get more on this knowledge joined by jim walsh Senior Research associate at the Massachusetts Institute of technologys Security Studies program and hes joining us live from boston mr walsh is great to have you with us on aljazeera i know that you have worked on sanctions on north korea yourself why do you think this administration is relying on sanctions and hosh rhetoric as i correspond and said when they havent really worked. Well thats an excellent question i think part of it is sanctions are enormously popular on capitol hill as a policy tool and in some ways it hits the policy sweet spot if youre not sending troops and youre not putting boots on the ground and youre not just simply ignoring a problem its really gives politicians a middle way to look like theyre doing something even if its not very effective at least theyre doing something and thats why theyre politically attractive also you dont you know talk its easier the negotiation when you negotiate with your adversary you have to actually sit down and talk to them and that can be very difficult where sanctions you just shooting in them out there to your door get so i think theyre politically easy and thats why we get a lot of a while they have the desired effect of all the new designation provide the president the administration with new leverage to force negotiations or do you think it will just further antagonize kemet on. Well i think and secretary tillerson in your report just part of this sort of hinted at this i dont think its going to matter very much at all so you have the president saying you know this pressure is going to force them back to the bargaining table molly skeptical of that and im not sure you know forcing someone to negotiating table what sort of negotiation you get when you do that on the other and i think the president s critics are saying well this might undermine diplomacy with china who we want to help with north korea im not sure thats really true either i just dont think its going to matter very much the North Koreans when as you rightly point out i conducted with john park of harvard a study last year we published and essentially what we document is that the North Koreans are very good at evaluating sanctions in other words theyve innovated in the face of a challenge we sort of do the same thing over and over again expand the number of companies being designated to the number of people that sort of thing and they figure out ways to get around it in particular theyve been very good at hard talented private chinese middlemen to do all their procurement for them so unless you respond you know you cant just put sanctions on you have to if you put sanctions you have to respond to their countermeasures or youre just doing the same thing over and over again and yet we are going to see more sanctions mr walsh what do you make your heart what do you make of the fact that north korea its be needed more than two months now actually since north korea has carried out any tests off to a year of regular tests and you know somewhat optimistic that this could be the environment to negotiate do you think this could be a this is a missed opportunity by the u. S. Administration hand by imposing more sanctions by designating them a state sponsor of terror at this time. Well i do think youre right elizabeth to point out that the north korean and u. S. Relationship is such that every season that we sort of have a sanction season and a war game season and every time we do something and then they have their tests and every time one party in the relationship does something the other party pulls back and refuses to talk and so you really only get a limited number of opportunities in a given year to try to actually have a dialogue to try to move forward here to put limits on their program and to see what it is that they want in return for that and so youre right weve had this long typically the Fourth Quarter sees that the colline in the number of north korean tests and it may be that they had some tunnel troubles after their last nuclear test that may have delayed them a little bit so were not sure why theres a delay but you are right to say while they are not testing that is the time for something creative. Rather than doing the same old same old because once you start putting on sanctions and once they Start Testing the no ones going to want to talk to one another how do you expect them to respond to this. You know i dont know i think it all depends on their strategy im sure well get you know. Overblown statement with lots of insults and hot rhetoric if that hasnt already happened. How will it change. Directly i dont know i think theyre probably really focused on their Missile Program right now and thats what they care about most and they probably dont care that much about these other sanctions if they cared about something that the president did the thing that i worry about if you go back oh so long ago to the president s speech before the u. N. General assembly where he personally insulted kim despite receiving advice not to do so i would be worried about that what is the down the road what are the consequences of that are going to be are we really going to see a nuclear test across the ocean which was one of the things mentioned by the koreans after that speech i more worried about that than i am this particular sanctions bill mr walsh thank you very much as always for your time on this we appreciate it jim walsh joining us live from boston thank you. Lets move on to other news now Zimbabwes President Robert Mugabe has begun talks with former Vice President and a son on a gondola it comes as the ruling Party Started and pitchmen proceedings against the embattled leader of the motion against the body and the gobby is due to be presented to parliament on tuesday after he ignored a deadline to resign him a top side has moved from hadi. The monday new deadline for president Robert Mugabe to resign or face in each meant has come and gone later that evening the military said Operation Restore legacy is making progress is a bubble of defense and Security Services i encouraged by new developments which include one that the between the president and the former Vice President committed. In the country shortly. Thereafter the nation will be advised on the outcome of talks between the two. Calls for the president to step down are growing louder the war veterans once will grab its closest allies say they are losing patience. Because what we dont want to see. We saw him go to the National Television to pretend as if everything is normal if you are saying that. Attending his Party Congress we are saying mugabe go now. Your time is up please leave. And let the country start on a new or new page. M. P. s say they will file a motion in parliament and choose day to impeach mcgarvey opposition m. P. s who decide whether to join them president mugabe is an increasing pressure to step down and regional leaders are trying to find a quick solution to zimbabwes political crisis. Students at the university of zimbabwe say its time for the ninety three year old leader to step aside they are refusing to take exams and threatening to shut down the investor. Being poor zimbabwean must be restored to. Its turn but he should no longer want you in power so everybody who does not does not understand the rule of the people is not become a constitution or delinquent. These are Uncertain Times. Its charted territory has about the events of the last few days have shaken both the party and the state how much has al jazeera had. Well lets get more on this now were joined by and going to die shame when they may also see a professor of Political Science at Williams College and hes joining us from williamstown massachusetts great to have you with us on aljazeera so very Uncertain Times and zimbabwe just how much of the sc confusion that were seeing do you think is being caused by the military not wanting this to look like a coup you know to add a legal or constitutional veneer to whats happening and is the president as mugabe taking advantage of that its good evening i would say that just seeing. The commitment by. The military action and. Maintain that. Thats. Situational transfer legal. On has opened up a need for bangali to hold on to power perhaps much longer than the planners i thought this would all take. You know being sued. Sort of constitutional legal transfer they didnt require you. To make some decision some choices that for instance their request to step down to resign bone or in i think its all part of the. Pursuit to conceal the high. Frame thats not as a coup but is Something Else and why and we. Why do you think what gabi is holding on like he is. Wow. You know im saying there probably will factors behind that. One cannot imagine probably in significant uncertainty for him about what in future looks like the. Way he treats the sino december is finally as while others are considerations that are untrue are laying on president of his mind of the moment. But not i would fall back on the second count on in some ways what were seeing in president mugabes defiance of usable to resign to lead directly what trade stat has made him popular over the years he has demonstrated over one strong willed. Position positions across the board in particular heres his stance against the west for instance which he has taken on the dates and in some instances so far so he has a person on very strong conviction and yet hey i dont think that if he is losing his popularity isnt he there will be a motion to pass and page went on tuesday do you think that the opposition m. P. s it will provide the support needed to pass it. After three years of trying to impeach mugabe would seem to be quite incredible if the opposition members were to balk at this opportunity and given him his own im sorry. Looks like its bringing the emotions to you to morrow. So everything would seem to suggest that. The opposition the parliament have got quite an opportunity to. To read far our own government removal i think some of the things that are going on in the background of truth. Is the beginnings are certainly go see a sure and of posturing on the part of some opposition members in terms of trying to position themselves and their parties for some inclusion in whatever political configuration comes in or after. Thank you very much for your time and your analysis on those that isnt going to win a mug joining us live from massachusetts thank you. We have plenty more ahead on the news hour including anger in yemen protesters demand to be reopened as the humanitarian situation worsens. And looks at the career of a champion. Passed away at the age of forty nine. The head of the largest backed Syrian Opposition group has resigned after nearly two years of her job was appointed leader of the High Negotiations Committee in december two thousand and fifteen a spokesperson and several other officials have also stepped down ahead of an opposition conference in saudi arabia and a new round of u. N. Sponsored talks in geneva a statement from her job did not say why he was quoting him say is the main antigovernment umbrella bloc which includes political and armed groups well lets get more on this now were joined by jonathan crystal a fellow at the World Policy Institute and middle east expert hes joining us live from new york very good to have you with us on aljazeera why do you think he hasnt said as but what does his job stepping down now. Why would he do it and days before that opposition conference and saudi arabia. Well you know i think that there are two possible reasons you know one is its a quite a thankless job i think that hes had over the last couple of years he is acting as an Umbrella Group for a very wide range of organizations that really have competing goals competing interests dont necessarily work with each other some of them show up sometimes and not other times and its in some ways its a bit of a p. R. Sort of position it plays well to the a western audience it plays well to the other powers in the region to make it seem like theyre someone speaking for all of these groups when in reality they dont so i think that theres a certain frustration that anyone would have in that circumstance now the timing comes not only before these meetings but it also is time to around a lot of. A flurry of activity from saudi arabia in the region and so you know it is too early to know for sure what is going on but you know it could be that the saudis had a particular replacement in mind it could be that he was frustrated that things were going nowhere and didnt want to go through a sort of farcical display at these meetings but i think well find out in the days to come i imagine even if this position is something of a poison chalice what does it mean for the opposition especially going into the next round of geneva talks. Well you know these talks have really over the past few years fallen into i would say a few different categories there are the talks that fall apart before they start there are the talks that fall apart while theyre happening and there are the talks that fall apart you know within weeks maybe a month or two later and so you know i dont think that this really will have a tremendous impact on the opposition groups i think it certainly would be a good thing for the opposition groups to be united to Work Together to achieve the ends that they have that are in common which is the removal of assad and pushing back perhaps against iranian and russian influence although thats probably secondary and different groups have different views on those latter two points but you know i think that that would be the unity of these groups would be a good thing im just not sure that it is a possible thing for anyone to achieve that isnt a particularly strong charismatic leader that manages to bridge all sides and that person may not play as well to foreign audiences mr kristof thank you very much for your time and you know and fights into this john fund christo joining us live from new york thank you. Now the red cross and al bayda have joined the list of yemeni city is the now without clean water two point five Million People live in the five cities where a shortage of fuel caused by the saudi led blockade has cost pumping stations to shut down some yemeni ports have reopened to an island desperately in need of food and aid but critics say its not enough mohammed reports. In yemen where a humanitarian catastrophe continues unabated anger rises as supplies windell. We have many people with kidney failure and cancer and many other diseases but there is no treatment where can we go. Hundreds took to the streets in the city of her date on sunday demanding the Saudi Led Coalition reopen air and sea ports to allow the unimpeded flow of much needed aid. In one of her they does hospitals where medical supplies are running dangerously low a baby diagnosed with cholera is seriously ill. Yemen which is on the verge of famine is also suffering from the worst cholera outbreak ever recorded nine hundred thousand suspected cases of the disease have been recorded since april was this fact of how hospitals need anaesthetic materials surgically sutures and surgical tools edisons and many other things and all these things enter through these ports if they are closed these materials decrease. The un is growing increasingly concerned that there is a point it comes as a Tipping Point where those seven Million People who are living in mines clytie four hundred children under the age of five who are skilled to which is that you see on t. V. Those people are living in a similar existence and if we interrupt their very fragile supply. Then those people are getting closer and closer to that. Represented. As of the uns office for coordination of humanitarian affairs in yemen are eager to travel to saudi arabia to discuss the issues face to face with saudi leaders but cant really afford to send me in to discuss the procedure. Or. Somebody but it will be with. Us and saying so. In addition to the humanitarian concerns a new report from the s. A. M. Organization a geneva based rights watchdog says that at least seven hundred sixteen cases of Rights Violations were committed against civilians in yemen last month. The alleged violations included extra judicial killings physical assault arbitrary detention forced displacement torture and violations of press freedom. More than five hundred were attributed to iranian backed who the rebels who are currently in control of the capital sanaa while the Saudi Led Coalition was deemed responsible for at least one hundred violations says the watch dog back in her data a vital port remains closed as yemenis grow ever more desperate for help. And later of lebanons hezbollah has denied any involvement in the firing of a Ballistic Missile into saudi arabia which prompted the un and blockade awesomeness that a lot also says arab league accusations that hezbollah is involved in terrorism unfortunate saying holder has more from beirut. Well really i had two messages one to the arab league responding to their statement the resolution which called hezbollah a terrorist organization and they accuse that of supporting terrorist groups in arab countries hezbollah saying that no we are not sending advanced missiles or Ballistic Missiles or even guns to any arab country including yemen and actually mocking saudi arabia and its allies telling them what have you done name us a battle where you fought against i so not saying there is an International Consensus that i sell is a terrorist organization but it is hezbollah it is iran it is iraq it is the Syrian Government they are the ones leading the fight against isis so almost trying to say how can you call as terrorists when we are fighting a terrorist organization and the second message i had it had to do more with internal lebanese politics you have to take it within the context of the resignation of the lebanese Prime Minister saad of heidi who said that he would be ready to withdraw his resignation if hezbollah this in gauges itself from regional conflicts and hezbollah nasrallah saying that were ready to pull out our advisors and our commanders and our trainers do we sent to iraq because iraq is very close to announcing victory against isis so almost saying that we sent our troops to fight the ice so there is a just cause and we dont have any other you know ambitions so is he trying to open the door to some sort of a compromise so that the how do you he can withdraw his resignation and there could be some sort of a National Agreement in lebanon so those two messages coming from hezbollah trying to really justify why it extended its reach beyond lebanons borders. Lebanese Prime Minister. To visit egypt on tuesday where hell meet with president of the c. C. Hes been in power since saturday when he met french president crawl and has played a key role in mediating the fallout from his sudden resignation i. D. D. And else the move on the fourth of november while on a trip to saudi arabia and stayed there for two weeks prompting suggest. He was being held against his will and he has promised to return to lebanon by wednesday Independence Day celebrations. The country foreign minister has wrapped up his u. S. Diplomatic trip with a key meeting and washington d. C. Mohamed bin up the ram and use the masing to describe the blockade against kafa as an aggressive power play and express his concern that the region could be heading towards more instability a state Department Correspondent and report. Warm greetings at the u. S. State department on monday for foreign minister. Or Michele Bachmann or thanks for your reply. All in all. Thank you. Thank you thank you at the top of the list the saudi led political and economic blockade of gaza now in its sixth month earlier on monday. Told an audience of the blockade is affecting his countrys ability to sell its oil and natural gas overseas but also said the bigger problem is this by launching the blockade the saudis. And the egyptians have made the middle east more unstable region and. I think that responsibly but its a good gamble with the lives of other nations. With no exit the cutaways argument is simple the blockade simply isnt the result of a spat between them and the saudis and the us should be worried but its not clear whether this new argument will be enough to spur washington to put more pressure on both sides to resolve the crisis. At the state department. Aljazeera continues to demand the release of a journalist hussein has been in egypt in prison for eleven months now husseins accused of broadcasting false news to spread chaos which he and al jazeera strongly deny hussein has repeatedly complained of mistreatment in jail he was arrested on the twentieth of december while visiting his family still ahead on the news our Supreme Court action. The u. S. And convicted mass murderer. Died after more than forty years in prison and a moroccan. Into a dominant position at the ballot and peter will have the details. Hello there its very wet for some of us in north america at the moment weve got this weather system with us has been giving us some heavy rain to the North Western parts of the u. S. And the western parts of canada that for western canada weve seen seventy three millimeters of rain there in vancouver and twenty five millimeters of that was just in three hours so weve seen some very heavy bursts of rain and over the mountains of course weve been seeing a fair amount of snow more very wet weather still to come as we head through the day on tuesday and that only slowly is edging its way eastwards on wednesday in behind it yet more rain still following for the east coast of the u. S. Too well here weve got another weather system with us thats bringing a fair amount of snow as it sweeps its way eastward towards the coast as we head down to the central americas you can still see this weather system that weve got with us thats the one that gave us some flooding in colombia still giving us some fairly sharp showers but gradually it is breaking up instead it does what are for some of us in cuba there on choose day and that stretches down through jamaica rather wait here and that system still with us as we head through wednesday to the south america well here its been very wet for some of us as well particularly around rio this weather system just stretches down towards us at the moment and its not going anywhere as we head into wednesday so another wet day for rio. With. Victim of manipulation between politicians held in guantanamo. Without trial. For six years has been to every country in the world. A quest for a better life and incarceration. At this time on al jazeera. When the news breaks it was an announcement you were expecting. My resignation as Prime Minister from the. And the story builds. When people need to be heard. Hundreds of thousands of. Aljazeera has teams on the ground to bring you more Award Winning documentaries and live news on air and online. These are our top stories. North korea state sponsor of terrorism the us president has also promised. The secretary of state says washington has not given up hope of the Nuclear Crisis on the Korean Peninsula through diplomacy. Ahead of the back Syrian Opposition has resigned. Of the High Negotiations Committee for the past two years several other Agency Officials have also stepped down ahead of an opposition conference and sell the. Round of u. N. Sponsored talks in geneva. Zimbabwes president Robert Mugabe has begun talks with former Vice President emerson man on guard who he fired two weeks ago meanwhile mugabes party has started impeachment proceedings against him the move comes after mugabe ignored a deadline to resign or bright matonga is a former zimbabwe government spokesman and deputy information minister and he says the time has come for gabi to go. At the moment. Who is going to be the next. In you could be anything. Is something new Something Different we have. Nine times it has never happened its a world record. From a president you know to you know to. Zambia over this arctic region even in my. Time to. Someone else. But i think for the good of everybody we need to keep his legacy we need to protect that because hes done a lot with. That but he. Also. But at the moment. In opposition. In this process of assisting zimbabweans in coming with a new Leader People who are united. United force. Lets just do this together. But i think you just. Have to kenya now where the opposition has dismissed president hu kenyatta selection victory as illegitimate despite the Supreme Court upholding the results of last months judges dismissed challenges that have told us for page election was conducted an illegally Opposition Leader a violent gang and says the ruling was made under duress harm of the men ever ports from iraq. It took just a few minutes for Supreme Court judges to end months of Political Uncertainty the president ial election of the current six talked over. The election of the respondent. Supporters were in a jubilant mood outside the court before president elect looking out his plan to swearing in the next week thats still havent we. Havent read the the. Outside the. Victory and that its a legitimate. Party and the Electoral Commission say last months rerun was free and fair despite an Opposition Boycott and a voter turnout of less than forty percent and the opposition the National Super Alliance Says it wont recognise can yachters president it believes the Supreme Court didnt act independently when upholding kenyatta election when tension increased in Opposition Strongholds as demonstrators about to fight for what they say is political justice. I want democracy was put on a ledge now i want them to tory m. P. Government. Can is plagued by political and economic divisions worsened after two controversial president ial elections in just three months ruling party says it will go up to form an inclusive government the opposition not only the disability in fact that we want. That kenya is bigger than you that all of us must reach out all of us must reach coexistence the opposition says the government has been using armed militia and bullets to disperse supporters. As the opposition ponders its next move its uncertain if any further protests will have the impact it hopes for as many other kenyans prepare to move on from aljazeera nairobi. Now amsterdam and paris have won the right to host. Union agencies that must leave london because of brecks it that results were decided in a drawer during a ministerial meeting in brussels the European Banking Authority even had to paris while the European Medicines Agency is being sent to and sudan has more. Rights it isnt meant to happen until the end of two thousand and nineteen but its effect already starting to be felt plums are on the way to see the punch of two of the e. U. s biggest and most important agencies the European Medicines Agency base and they said go leaning the skyscraper and the european banking or authority only a few hundred meters away from here and it equally shiny building these organizations receive tens of millions of dollars in funding they employ together more than a thousand people theyre highly paid highly skilled and many of them are somewhat reluctant to leave this prestigious location when it comes to the e m a it also attracts thirty six thousand experts and specialists a year who attend hundreds of different conferences thats a huge money spinner for the surrounding area think of all the hotels and restaurant bills that come with those kind of events the irony is that the u. K. May have to pay for the departure of the European Medicines Agency because of a lack of a great cool is in the rental of this skyscraper. The coast of around seven hundred Million Dollars the british authorities may try and post the best talent to work. But there are some concerns that some of these employees may leave before the start of the in two years time undermining any hope of a possible smooth transition. Well germany faces a new round of elections after talks to form a Coalition Government collapsed and a merkel said that she was very skeptical about moving ahead with a minority government a three way call talks including merkels question democrats and the greens but they fell apart following the withdrawal of the Free Democratic party. Reports from berlin. As germanys Political Uncertainty increased on monday the countrys president had a stark warning for the various Party Leaders here but diana hardens the endeavor. In september and the election on september twenty fourth the partys vide to take on responsibility of germany this responsibility in accordance with the german constitution cannot simply be given back to the electorate earlier he had met chancellor Angela Merkel following the collapse of talks between her party the greens the socialist Democratic Party and the Free Democratic party or f. T. P. Merkel since been trying to send a reassuring message to germany and the outside world is that i can talk it is at least a day of to perfection on how to go forward but i will do Everything Possible as transitional chancellor to ensure that this country will be well led through these difficult weeks the probusiness f. T. P. Had been part of Coalition Talks in septembers elections fail to deliver a majority for any one party late on sunday they pulled out suggesting they simply couldnt offer any more compromises on issues such as clean energy and immigration as. We were conducting exploratory talks not forming a government at the end you decide whether to trust that the recent common vision and it is exactly this a common vision for the country that was missing merkels former partners the socialist democrats or s. P. D. Have consistently ruled out to being part of another socalled grand Coalition Since doing badly in september vote now theyre hoping for a snap election. We think its important that the citizens of our. The sovereign voters are able to evaluate the situation again we are not afraid of new elections based on the Election Results of september twenty four we are not prepared to enter a grand coalition with german leadership seen as crucial for European Union trying to push through reforms the collapse of the talks simply youre affording likely the next government will not necessarily be a stronger government because it has come about in a rather cumbersome and conflictual process which doesnt make for a very energetic or vicious government it will rather be one that will try to bridge magically continue and muddle through rather than to shake up europe with new ideas the next few days will prove crucial not only in shaping germanys immediate political future but also advance of the e. U. Now even if the country does avoid having to vote again and whatever save the next government will tell you the stability that german leadership once represented is now being brought into question. Berlin the Argentine Navy says its now analyzing a noise that may have come from the missing submarine the sound was picked up by two ships involved in the search meanwhile naval officials have confirmed that the sound reported a technical fault believed to be battery related before it went missing theres been no contact with the crew since wednesday there are forty four on board including argentinas first female sub narrator daniel on the sent us this update from when a site is. The search and rescue operation for the missing argentina and submarine the one is continuing in its fifth day the operation coordinated partly from here the Navy Headquarters in one osiris and also from the naval base in which is where the submarine was heading having left the port of wire on the southern tip of argentina lost contact about four hundred thirty kilometers off the southeastern coast of argentina theres been nothing heard from it since and the reports they did try to make Satellite Phone contact with bases in argentina turned out to be unfounded its also been revealed by the head of the Argentine Navy shortly before contact was lost last wednesday it was reported that the batteries on the submarine were in difficulty. The submarine surfaced and reported a malfunction which is why the ground commander the submarine force ordered to change its route and return to its naval base in model plotter. Theres now a massive search and rescue operation going on with help from a number of countries including the United States Great Britain chile with sophisticated monitoring equipment planes and underwater rescue vessels the families meanwhile gathered in the port of. Waiting to hear news of their loved ones the situation looking increasingly pessimistic. There are no long so there seems to be no word on the weather conditions certainly hampering the rescue operation. They asked a male of the venezuelan capital caracas says Police Officers helped him escape from the country. To colombia and then spain on saturday after around a fountain days under house arrest hes accused president government of running the country like a now. U. S. Regulators have approved the trans canada companys plan to vote the keystone x. L. Pipeline to the state of nebraska a decision comes despite a recent may just spill on the companys existing pipeline john hendren to paul ryan the state of nebraska says yes to canadian Oil Interests and no two american environmentalist but were sure they hear if theres. An unusual pairing of farmers and conservationists calls that decision dangerous and he will go as far as we can test this from going through because it will threaten that Drinking Water of americans just four days earlier the existing Keystone Pipeline leak five thousand barrels of crude oil in rural south dakota regulators in the midwestern state of nebraska say more canadian oil can flow through the u. S. Along the long delayed keystone x. L. Pipeline extension however the planned route through the american heartland faces in all but Certain Court appeal opponents want the nebraska Supreme Court to block it theres years of litigation ahead of this project the local citizen never asked up some of them were quite conservative and probably voted for trump they are against this pipeline and were going to be with them until the end president barack obama stopped the pipeline extension in two thousand and fifteen over concerns about Carbon Pollution President Donald Trump revived it just a few months after taking office and we take one more step and putting the jobs wages and Economic Security of american citizens first. Its a familiar story in the american midwest the native american Standing Rock sioux nation has also waged an Unsuccessful Campaign to block another pipeline the Dakota Access as there those in nebraska plan to continue their fight but with the u. S. And canadian governments backing construction of what amounts to a superhighway of crude oil the odds appeared to be against them john hendren al jazeera. Now the inventory as americans here on connect Charles Manson has died and present he was eighty three years old the cult leader from the nineteenth sixtys died of Natural Causes than from a seven life sentence the seven that is and quoting that of actress sharon tate who was pregnant rob reynolds reports. For an entire generation of americans Charles Manson was the living embodiment of evil a symbol of an era when the country seemed to be spinning out of control his baleful stair compelling millions to make sure their doors were locked at night and to lie awake listening for intruders with murder in their minds in one thousand nine hundred eighty nine mansons socalled family a group of dropouts drifters and burned out hippies murdered seven people in two separate attacks in los angeles they acted on mansons orders the victims were taken by surprise at night in their homes and brutally stabbed and shot to death the gang left messages including death to pigs and helter skelter scrawled in blood the slain included the rising young actress sharon tate who was eight months pregnant on trial for the murders manson carved an x. Into his forehead which he later turned into a swastika he taunted the court and it one point tried to attack the judge prosecutors argued his motive was that africanamericans would be blamed for the murders thereby inspiring an all out racial war which manson called helter skelter manson prosecutors said believe he and his gang would survive and prosper in the aftermath. Manson and three other family members were sentenced to death but the california Supreme Court temporarily overturned the Death Penalty in one nine hundred seventy two and the sentences were reduced to life in prison he gave interviews expressing no remorse maybe i should have killed four or five hundred people then i would have felt better and when i felt like i really offered society something you know if i wanted to kill somebody id take this book and beat you to death with it and i wouldnt feel a thing would be just like walking to the drugstore Charlie Manson is dead but for americans of a certain age his name will always conjure up a shiver of fear of twisted minds and things that lurk in the night. We have the sports news still ahead on the news at all it was once home to much of a mind to mind the six olympics and two super bowls at what comes tumbling down next. Week thank you thank. You. Thank you. Its time for the sports news now his pay to thank you very much we start with the sad news of the death of former wimbledon champion yunnan of both of the chick lost her battle with cancer on sunday aged just forty nine looks back on a remarkable career. Yana novotny became wimbledon champion during a decade of high quality in the womens game. Using an effective serve and volley style. To check prior hotel measure when the federation copied nancy nancy and it was a familiar name in the ninetys and inside the likes of steffi graf radical sellers and mary pierce i mean some classic matches. She became most famous for her tears in defeat in the ninety three wooden final she leapt for one in the final set against the formidable golf before her game disintegrated and she lost she captured the hearts of tennis fans when she cried on the shoulder of the duchess of kent a member of the British Royal family she also lost the ninety seven wimbledon final and seemed destined to remain a bridesmaid but her big day was to come a year later beating natalie toes in straight sets on the famous grass a delayed and deserve triumph that delighted millions. In the one hundred four grand slam tournament seen ladies doubles twelve overall and sixteen including mixed doubles she was also in a limb pick medalist in eighty eight in ninety six she retired in one thousand nine and was inducted into the International Tennis all of fine winning women down and becoming the grand slam champion is the greatest thing ever but dont forget that is pretty much gave me everything and gave me the opportunity to travel i mean to speak another language and just you know to be a different kind of first and its among thing that i was i will always appreciate and treasure she was a popular member of commentary teams along with doubles partner Martina Navratilova but suffered a long fight against cancer when she finally lost on sunday Yamana Wagner is most remembered for those two years on Wimbledon Center court but also as a champion lay wellings aljazeera. The fallout from a sony failure to qualify for next years world cup in russia is continuing following the sacking of coach journey into the Italian Football Federation president carter a lot of vecchio resigned in a highly passionate press conference on monday in which he often referred to himself in the third person. The problem is simple we fail to qualify color to vecchio is very upset is not as head of the federation but as carlow the fan had the ball into the goal instead of hitting the post who had carlo been our hero no he would have been the same person but this system this culture these politics this management cant continue this way now italian team napoli are currently leading the city our standings their four points clear of you venters but the picture is not as rosy in the Champions League campaign they play Ukrainian Club shakhtar donetsk on tuesday and you know when all facing elimination from the competition all together even then they will still trail shacked up by three points going into the final round of games they will they need to win at dutch club and hope shakhtar for at home to Manchester City with some of the money if thats the only this is a tournament where you cant leave without giving everything therefore i expect a vibrant game from our team were going to play against a very strong tame very difficult to face as they play a very dangerous football but i expect my guys to put in a great performance at least with their attitude as quality can come and go from the attitude i expect a ferocious game. Stage three of the grueling oman theres a marathon has been won by a moroccan mohamad r. B. T. Who is now also the overall race leader of the moroccan looked unstoppable as he made his way across the sand dunes of mondays twenty nine kilometer third stage the one hundred runners also crossed two valleys as they started to head in a south easterly direction towards the arabian sea they crossed a portion of the desert with no roads or tracks and had to follow the flags until the finish line the action began before seven in the morning that to help the runners avoid the harshness of the sun. Actually lets get more today. A little bit harder to stop the heart from it the first two stages but today was good so i did better today saturday so then it finished very strong i think the nascar racing season came to a close on sunday in the United States with the sports biggest star dale in our journey officially retiring it begins an uncertain new era for one of americas most popular sports with ratings and sponsorship dollars on the decline it is home and reports but steep price tag on n. B. C. Sundays mean two things for many sports fans in the United States and f. L. And nascar but the two american sporting giants are in a rights to stop a drop in Television Ratings but europe is gone now all of that was forgotten for just a moment by nascar bosses as Martin Truex Jr secured his first ever comp championship with victory at the Homestead Miami Speedway in florida stole a ship not a near perfect seems to refer to. The times where i thought my career was over with. The times and i think you will believe me. But the guys. If you were madder than the fans every. Nielsen ratings show the nascar t. V. Writings have dropped by forty five percent over the past decade a downward trend in sport by not limbs limited to nascar as Television Viewing habits and technology changes. Stitching but its attendances outside down and that only means that sponsors a pang far less to advertise during races. Like. The victory over a demographic study this you showed enough confidence to be ninety four percent white its by sits in americas Southern States and skews conservative and notably older than. It makes the challenge of attracting a new younger audience even higher and that wasnt helped on friday when the sports only active female driver Danica Patrick announced shell be putting out the flame on her career next season my sister told me have disposed. Of. Her so they would. Go for the biggest hit though is the retirement of the sports biggest star Dale Earnhardt jr he finished twenty fifth in his final rise he was going to nascars most popular driver in each of the last fourteen seasons the twenty seven ten season now ends at a crossroads. In lace home an aljazeera. And finally one of the United States most iconic sports stadiums the georgia dome has been demolished the any venue in the world host the Olympic Super bowl and College Basketballs final four was brought down in a controlled demolition on monday both in ninety ninety two the dome was also home to n. F. L. Side the Atlanta Falcons the space will now be turned into a hotel with a falcon this new stadium sitting next to. And thats all the sport more later. And that does it for this hour of their news hour but i will be back in just a couple of minutes without a full news bulletin thank you for watching. And monday ported world on. U. S. And British Companies have announced the biggest discovery of natural gas in west africa but what to do with these untapped Natural Resources is already a source of heated debate nothing much has changed they still spend most of their days looking forward to for the dry river beds like this one five years on the syrians still feel battered or even those who managed to escape their country havent truly been able to escape the war. I am taking historic steps to lift the restrictions on American Energy without regulation the profit dictates policy on health. And the environment it was a surprise. That some in the habit of big Pharma Protection is going to take a decade or two to four lines down is the cost of the. Toxic war at this time on aljazeera. Witness documentaries that open your eyes at this time on aljazeera. Should have happened a long time ago should happened years ago us by

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