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Controversial election we were. Alone again im of international without is here in life and also coming up. Clinging to power but Zimbabwes President mugabe is just hours away from a deadline to resign or be impeached. The euro falls after germanys Coalition Talks fail. And mammals leader discusses ilLegal Immigration and the plight of the ranger at a summit in the capital nato. The first Kenya Supreme Court has upheld the result of last months disputed president ial Election Rerun the ruling follows two days of arguments on the validity of the second vote who kenyatta will now be sworn into office on the twenty eighth of november well this is what chief Justice David miranda said as the court upheld the result. The president ial election of the twenty sixth of october. As is the election of the type respondent each party. As ive said it i did the recent judgment should be issued within twenty one days of this it is the mission in conformity with the rule twenty three of the sprint Court President ial election. Seventeen or i live now to our correspondent from either miller who is outside the Supreme Court in nairobi and for me to not be a great deal of relief obviously for the Jubilee Party and the kenyatta but what about the opposition right in the National Coalition what will they now do. Well you know its you we are still waiting for an official response from the opposition but prior to this ruling theyre already said that they would begin a campaign of civil disobedience and economic boycotts and they would continue to push for reforms of the Electoral Commission which they said was already in a position to hold free and Fair Elections the support is why the Opposition Leader raila odinga had withdrawn from this Election Rerun but here at the Supreme Court were already seeing supporters of the president to. Begin a celebrations there clearly very happy with this outcome were going to speak to counsel to the president mr ahmed in the series mr this is clearly an outcome that you are very pleased with given that its the second election that mr kenyatta has have to run in some of them and were glad that the court you know got it right the second election. Has been some criticism around the role that the court has played whether or not it has the freedom to make an independent a ruling is this something that you think doesnt merit any attention i mean this court is a powerful call that is the Supreme Court of makes any decision it wants according to the law on the parts on the first time in september although we have a different view the court which is a different decision and say that that election did not meet the threshold and people have to live with it the same for apply to the second judgment but now weve also spoken to the jubilee the ruling party who would say that the president working out has the constitutional mandate how would it be explained to the public that the school has made the right ruling in terms of the election having met constitutional requirements i mean we are unfairly holding the president to a different standard you know i mean we want to look from the postman i mean there was a difference of one point four million because you want to election again i mean he was. Got almost to the simple to go to law school and he has all the legitimacy of a president ial candidate needs both politically and i think kenyans really will understand that you know this process of component and this is the result this is the final word on this process just looking at the way forward we do expect the president to be sworn in for his second term. To be caught in any legal processes that need to be considered of what happens next is the end of the story challenge to the president ial election is concerned he will be sworn in twenty eight he will hold his cabinet of the doubt on life continues of about in our view all right thank you so much its my pleasure for your time and we of course are expecting her to be sworn in next week this is the Supreme Court there is no room for any sort of appeal and this final judgment from the Supreme Court upholding over kenyata a winning this rerun will will certainly be upheld and have to be abided to. For the meantime. For me to live in nairobi thank you very much. Step down or face impeachment these are the choices facing the zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe has already been removed from the parties and p. F. As leader and the chorus of calls for him to quit is growing now within the past half hour or so the leaders in babas war veterans christmas founder has made fresh demands for president mugabe to step down. Because what we dont want to see him is. We saw him go to the National Television to pretend as if everything is no more you are saying that. We are saying mugabe go now. Your time is up please leave. The country start. Only new page. Ok our correspondent in harare is her Room Christmas vango are sounding pretty miffed it has to be said he sounds as though he was expecting president mugabe are true to say what he did say he was expecting him to step down. Is the press conference is still going on is still speaking and yes it does seem like he doesnt think is going to resign attain g. M. T. Thats why hes calling on all parliamentarians to come to harare on tuesday for a vote of no confidence hes also told to come to the streets as well and protest his message is mugabe has to go has to go but it is an indication that he feels like the nation has been tricked and he feels he suspected something is going on behind the scenes and he says the army is taking too long as our politicians are taking too long and mugabe should resign sooner rather than later but in all right. Well leave it there thank you for continue with our coverage of whats going on and zimbabwe but well leave to listen more to what the war veterans are actually saying because as i was mentioning before the war veterans are an important part of the of the social and political structures in by way. All right before we go back to events in harare lets have a look at another story in a Multinational Air and sea search off the coast of argentina that has failed to find the submarine which disappeared five days ago its got forty four crew on board hopes were raised when satellite signals were received on sunday but is daniel shrine the reports from the base in marbella platter navy experts havent been able to say if the signals were from the stricken sub. Its been more than four days since the argentina thora his last communication with the air a san juan Satellite Phone signals were detected on saturday giving course the hope. We had seven call attempts of a few seconds each possibly with a very low signal which didnt complete that information is still being checked were confirming it so we can squeeze what we can out of that information to get firm darter to localize it a huge search and rescue operation is underway with all of argentinas available resources being deployed along with assistance from a number of countries including the United States with these multimission search planes and specialist underwater rescue vessels so thats the desperation that back to hope again all here know the south atlantic is a cruel and unforgiving sea and with each hour that passes without contact being made without a sighting yangs r. T. Is rising argentina is holding its breath hoping praying for a word a sign of life from the forty four crew members. I also pray for the crew members of the Argentinian Navy submarine who have gone missing. In the air a san juan one of three Argentine Navy submarines was built in germany in one thousand nine hundred three and has since been refitted to serve another thirty years it was on a ten day voyage from the southern port of wire to its base the model plotter when contact was lost the weather is not helping but the search and rescue operation continues unabated. Aljazeera platter argentina. Right now we can speak to. Who is chairman resources exploitation watch thats a group thats affiliated to p. F. In zimbabwe joining us live from harare thank you very much indeed it all into us what exactly how exactly would you explain this moment is for the people of zimbabwe this particular moment with a president who is apparently clinging to power but with the military and the party against him. Well the will of the people. Present. And the people. Out from the politics it is an internal matter from the position that was done by. Short that there was no so therefore it does not warrant International Intervention we are going through our normal processes of. Something. To interrupt theres nothing normal about it because youve never done it before so this is uncharted territory for zimbabwe. Now just continue telling us then how you could describe this particular moment for zimbabwe. So well i understand now that the president is currently terms of. Years a third line. Which is about two hours from now. After. The party. To start the impeachment. Committee in parliament to more but theres no going back the army by the people. To defend the people not the president are i simply doing exactly that. What do you make of the term. Theres an element of aggression creeping into the tone of the war veterans christmas vango in particular what you make of that. Well i think the world of veterans have been very distant for this is classical cool if you look in the east of africa cause of resulted in blood should. Be turned look at quite before and other issues but this time around the situation is a higher level it is smart to live where they were to recognizing the immense contribution robot and got the plate and liberate in this country the respect that is given and you can see from this study he was fired from the party is to a member of the party who has a record but the wife was explode again they are saluting theyre respecting him and even the presentation yesterday the generals proceeded to salute him as their commander in chief waiting him to select. For exit for himself but to believe that. A lot of things will happen. Out of this. Country and where is. God well of course hes now been named as the transitional leader p. F. But he hasnt been named as a transitional president has he where is emerson man and god what have you seen him. In the country served this is a middle of survived two assassination in the past three months and i hope you appreciate that. The moment must be tighter than before into the media must respect the space for now and wait for him to come out all right very good talking to you thank you very much indeed. Thank you very much indeed for talking to us live from harare weve got a lot more to come here at aljazeera including a new round of protests. Demonstrated in a hundred to the kind of. By the skyline of asian harbor or off the coast of the italian riviera. How i was saying the skies finally clearing for greece prices guys coming back in behind little bit of wet weather pushing its way down into that southeastern corner eastern sort of the mediterranean heres a very of low pressure the still breeze some lively showers in some thunder downpours at the moment so do expect to see some weather for maybe the next twelve to twenty four hours the showers will diminish the power of this area refer cooler air we have got some very low temperatures in force here six celsius of berlin seven celsius there for vienna eight degrees for bucharest there you go with that really wet weather pushing into western parts of the now athens getting up to around sixteen celsius for monday fourteen back quite noticeably as we go on into were to say thirteen degrees brightest guys coming back in behind ninety single figures from ankara from bucharest i think the across much of Eastern Europe little area clout there was some wet weather up towards the low countries and grey skies over the northwestern corner so the British Isles will see a fair amount of class and damp weather as well but modern weather that meanwhile is largely dry across northern parts of africa still want to show scraping the far north of cooler air coming in behind here atop temperature in cairo of twenty one degrees celsius. The weather sponsored by qatar and race. Are not. Themselves and the other countries have managed to solve this problem are you worried that this conflict could erupt into an outright open war that its a security issue where the people who pay the price clearly the right top interested in setting the stage for a serious debate abstract at this time on aljazeera. These are our top stories here at aljazeera Kenya Supreme Court has upheld president kenyatta victory in last months disputed president ial Election Rerun the ruling follows two days of arguments president kenyatta will now be sworn into office on the twenty eighth of november. Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe has been given a deadline of ten g. M. T. To resign hes been voted out as leader of the rings and p. F. Party which could try to impeach him if he doesnt resign mr mugabe has so far refused to step down. Now the iraqi Supreme Court has declared that the kurdish secession referendum that was held in september is unconstitutional lets go live to our correspondent imran khan whos in the iraqi capital baghdad so what significance then that the Supreme Court has ruled rather late in the day must be said although in on that referendum which was held at the end of september. Lets write it is rather late in the day but this going on to discuss it now. Was actually a decision by the Police Officers made money federal Supreme Court last week saying it was unconstitutional this is now the final decision now what this means it will open up negotiations between baghdad and that is still not here on the Supreme Court what they did here was testimony from both condition for swift and rotten officials before coming to this decision but like i say its really about what the future holds nobody was really expecting the decision to go any other way the future holds down these negotiations over the state all of that is talk and the powers they have they just want to set the fact at the open. Stadiums with that thought that the chip could streets problem and what theyre looking for now is that things that will improve that situation. By that i mean its tolerate payments going to kurdish officials also be looking at who got the border point at ports central so now its its a situation where were going to see negotiations. Right and what is it that Iraqi Kurdistan would actually like to come out of these negotiations given that independence is as far away as as ever at malls. Well much what they want what they want is what they did have a single one of us region where they were in control of the kurdish region though that was something i did help for certain for the twenty fifth of september and then the vote took place and that if i got the stuff is place restrictions on who can get in and out of this region but it comes to the board of course so really what the be looking at is a negotiation how this will be negotiated take place with the International Community as well. As the time it was a deal. On the table from the u. S. The u. K. And the u. S. Who are trying to avoid the lesson take place in the first its likely that that form the basis of any negotiations that take place what it. Is a promise is and money coming forth from baghdad from the whole budget that salaries within that star and the borders those are the to keep it. All right he among them live in baghdad for us thank you. Now. Says the world is facing new threats paul klee because every Legal Immigration and the spread of terrorism. Made the comments in the capital while discussing the rich refugee crisis at a summit for european and Asian Countries her country has been accused of violently forcing out hundreds of thousands of muslims today we are facing a new pair of global uncertainty and into debility conflicts around the word are giving rise to new threats and emergencies ilLegal Immigration spread of terrorism and violent extremism is harmony and even the threat of nuclear war. All right lets go live to tanveer child and hes our correspondent whos actually in coetzees bizarre thats on the bangladeshi side of the border with me and there of course where so many hundreds of thousands of the rich have found sanctuary at least but what do you make then all of the conferences taking place in naypyidaw or what seems to be. Cheese russia now almost for the treatment of the ranger and not allowing them back. What appears to be a very calculated statement she made shes trying to change the domain of discussion from ethnic cleansing to you know something of terrorism and migration now that plays well with the International Community considering the n. C. Migration sentiment in europe as well as islam of where we are around the world shes trying to change the whole discussion to him the fact remains that i and our after the why of their living their villages to come to bangladesh what is forcing them to come to bangladesh in live in the shanty refugee camps without sanitation water and adequate food supply you know the idea that theyre somehow theyre to blame for the conflict in iraq and its just ridiculous you know i spoke to some of the rowing director it is just before the live in a mosque and i talked to an elderly woman i said this is what your leader say she said this elderly woman told me look she is the one who was supported we supported her we brought our two power does not she is talking against us now this group of men in the mosque told us that most of the International Community do not know our history that on door that we are here from twelfth century ok i know that but that is against sorry go ahead all right tell me no i just wanted to find out i mean we we had the foreign minister is simply. Federica we had the other foreign minister is actually visiting where you are now and seen for themselves the conditions in which the manger people are living well theres a sense that you go out of their impression of what they still are. Well the met with the Prime Minister even the Chinese Foreign minister was there on saturday he say it is going to pull support for the buying of those government and tried to resolve this problem as european Foreign Ministers us to a dish and German Foreign minister as well as Japanese Foreign minister says that they understand the humanitarian crisis and theyll put provide full support to bang of those government there was a delegation of u. S. Congregational delegation rather led by the best that i would visit at the camp they said what theyre saw is nothing less than ethnic cleansing while talking to reporters in bangladesh we know all kind of diplomatic activity is going on on the ground the more refugees are trickling down every other day if not within a week like last week there was about four hundred refugees crossed into bangladesh so theyre saying that the conflict isnt over you know the men folks are being detained by Security Forces we dont know where they are taking them so she has to first address the conflict in the me on my blog or before discussing any other issues you know that is that is a major thing why these people are moving into buying of their right to have a child life from. Now im going to medical physician is german chancellor is in doubt today after talks aimed at forming a new Coalition Government collapse the business Free Democratic party thats one of the four taking policy in the negotiations pulled out on sunday night they cited irreconcilable differences mrs merkel says she now plans to meet the german president and that could be a signal that she does not believe that her christian democrats will be able to form a government it could mean fresh elections following the september poll that has been a new wave of antigovernment protests in togo demonstrates is a calling for an overhaul of the political system and an end to the ruling nothing the families fifty eight. Met and a hundred. The government put the figure at twenty thousand the opposition says there were ten times that number the discrepancy over how many were out on the streets of togos camp is a long way on saturday gives some insight into just how far apart the opposition and to government and how little interest they have been each others views protesters want a president for missing day out and a two term limit on who will take his place but the president is resisting sidestepping proposals that would see him go. Fifty years is too much for one family were sick of this youll see were sick of this. For three months people have been calling for an end to the political dynasty togo is the only country in west africa that doesnt and he had to president ial term limits thats kept than a Single Family in power for half a century first missing by a demo for thirty eight years and then his son who took over in two thousand and five when his father died president full pledged in late september to hold a constitutional referendum but the proposal for a two term presidency is not retroactive that means missing by could stand to gain even twice potentially keeping him in power until twenty thirty as tensions rise the president has called for loyalty from the armed forces protesters have responded by handing out flowers to those seemed to keep the pace. Will shock the military a flower for each member of our armed forces the army is ours we want the armed forces to take the lead in the struggle and finish it with us the government was having none of that. No no no our armed forces are loyal to our institutions that is final nothing beyond. The situation appears to have no clear resolution in sight both sides blame each other for violence that has killed sixteen people of the last three months was difficult leaders and members of the African Union have stepped in to try to get the two sides talking but until that delivers meaningful change these protesters insist that will keep matching. Aljazeera. Now the notorious american serial killer Charles Manson has died the cult leader from the one nine hundred sixty s. Died of Natural Causes in hospital at the age of eighty three he was serving a life sentence for the seven murders including the heavily pregnant actress sharon tate rob reynolds reports. For an entire generation of americans Charles Manson was the living embodiment of evil a symbol of an era when the country seemed to be spinning out of control his baleful stair compelling millions to make sure their doors were locked at night and to lie awake listening for intruders with murder in their minds in one thousand nine hundred eighty nine mansons socalled family a group of dropouts drifters and burned out hippies murdered seven people in two separate attacks in los angeles they acted on mansons orders the victims were taken by surprise at night in their homes and brutally stabbed and shot to death the gang left messages including death to pigs and helter skelter scrawled in blood the slain included the rising young actress sharon tate who was eight months pregnant on trial for the murders manson carved an x. Into his forehead which he later turned into a swastika he taunted the court and at one point tried to attack the judge prosecutors argued his motive was that africanamericans would be blamed for the murders thereby inspiring an all out racial war which manson called helter skelter manson prosecutors said believed he and his gang would survive and prosper in the aftermath manson and three other family members were sentenced to death but the california Supreme Court temporarily overturned the Death Penalty in one thousand nine hundred ninety two and the sentences were reduced to life in prison he gave interviews expressing no remorse maybe i should have killed four or five hundred people then i would have felt better and would have felt like i really offered society something. You know if i wanted to kill somebody id take this book and beat you to death with it and i wouldnt feel a thing it be just like walking to the drugstore Charlie Manson is dead but for americans of a certain age his name will always conjure up a shiver of fear of twisted minds and things that look in the night. These are the top stories here at aljazeera Kenya Supreme Court has held president a hurdle kenyattas victory in last months disputed president ial Election Rerun the ruling follows two days of argument kenya after will now be sworn into office on the twenty eighth of november but this is what the chief Justice David murray rugger had to say the president ial election of the twenty six talked over. The election of the type respondent each but. Its on course as ive said it i did the reason i think it should be issued within twenty one days visited the mission in conformity with rule twenty three of the Supreme Court president ial election. Seventeen the zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe has until ten hours greenwich mean time to resign hes been voted out as leader of the rulings and p. F. Party in parliament is expected to start impeachment proceedings if he doesnt leave Office President mugabe has so far refused to step down and within the past hour or so the leader of the War Veterans Association chris a firm and founder has made fresh demands for president mugabe to go. Because what we dont want to see him is. We saw him go to the National Television to pretend as if everything is no more if you are saying that. We are saying. Now. Your time is up please leave. And let the country start on a new or new page. And found through jesus the world is facing new threats partly because of ilLegal Immigration and the spread of terrorism may a month later made the comment in the capital naypyidaw while fisk ussing the range of refugee crisis at a summit for european and Asian Countries all right youre up to date with the headlines for now the news continues after upfront we are living through a technological revolution but all the machines taking over a piece of machinery goes wrong is there a chain of litigation through which we can bring an ecosystem to bear Oxford University professor of Machine Learning Stephen Roberts talks to all juiciest at this time from escalating the conflict in yemen to rounding up and detaining his fellow princes saudi arabias crown Prince Mohammed bin salam has been called both ambitious and reckless in this up from special will also

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