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Welcome to the aljazeera news ally for my headquarters in doha with me it is a problem coming up in the next sixty minutes palestinian leaders threatened suspend all communication with the u. S. If it closes their Diplomatic Mission in washington d. C. Tens of thousands take to the streets in zimbabwe a day before president mugabes party holds a meeting to decide his fate. Lebanese Prime Minister meets the french president in paris and says he will return to his country next week plus. A cozy manhattan apartment thats four people in a great location the only catch you have to take it with you wherever you go im krista slimmy coming up ill tell you why some artists are choosing to live here. We begin with news of major tension building in the u. S. Palestinian us palestinian relations the trumpet ministrations says it will close the Palestine Liberation Organization the Diplomatic Office in washington d. C. The u. S. State Department Says the p. L. O. Has broken rules while calling for an International Criminal Court Prosecution against israel for building illegal settlements a two thousand and fifteen us law bars palestinians from approaching the i. C. C. Against israel well the p. L. O. Office in washington has been open since the mine hundred eighty is the plan to close it has led to serious concerns about efforts to find peace in the region its also being seen as an attempt to force the Palestinian Authority into entering direct negotiations with israel israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he respects the u. S. Decision but the p. L. O. Which the International Community sees as the official representative of all palestinians has threatened to end all contact with the us if the office is closed while. We replied to the u. S. Administration also in writing saying that in the event that they close down the p. L. O. Office we will suspend all our communication with the administration until office is reopened meanwhile netanyahu government is destroying houses in the jabber area and war as well as. The government is being rewarded and we are being punished this is totally unacceptable and it does undermine the Peace Process lets get more on this now our correspondent on estabrook who is joining us live from washington d. C. Saab etiquette calling this totally unacceptable on just how significant could this be diane. Well its very significant lizabeth when you and you also have to consider the timing of all of this the the trumpet ministration is in the midst of trying to broker a peace deal between the palestinians and the israelis and President Trump has called this the cornerstone the potential cornerstone of his administration his son in law an advisor gerry questioner just got back from the middle east where he talked about this just last month and also consider the timing of the closure the possible closure of this office the certification of this office just ended in the certification period for this office just ended in november its been renewed every year for the last thirty years so the timing is interesting it looks as though right it appears as though the Trump Administration could be using this Office Closure as a bargaining chip with the palestinians but it could backfire because as you mentioned the palestinians said they could potentially cut off all communication all negotiations all ties with the u. S. Over this so is it a done deal the closure diana. Its not a done deal the president has ninety days to review this decision and if he thinks that the palestinians are engaged in meaningful and direct talks with the israelis you could keep the office open also eternitys for the state department are going to be meeting on monday with members of the p. L. O. To discuss the closure and we might get more clarity on monday about what may need to happen to keep this office open and to keep negotiations between the u. S. The israelis and the palestinians going towards a peace accord diane thank you very much for that sly correspondent Don Estabrook joining us live from washington d. C. Lets get more on this knowledge on by Phyllis Bennis who directs the new internationalism project at the institute for policy studies she is also joining us from washington d. C. And then its always great to have you with us on aljazeera so what do you think the trumpet ministration is doing here what is the likelihood of them actually closing the p. L. O. Office. I think that what is going on here is a political move on the part of the us the fact that jared cushion or the son in law trump who has recently been in the in the middle east particularly in saudi arabia meeting with mohammed bin so man about a number of regional issues presumably including the question of palestine means that they may be trying to force the palestinians to negotiate on what will be a completely unacceptable position that the u. S. Will put forward so far we have seen no indication that the u. S. Is prepared to even consider pressuring israel on settlements on any of their other violations of human rights and International Law the fact that theyre using this two year old requirement imposed by congress that if the p. L. O. Went to the International Criminal court they would close the office unless the president certified that they were already engaged in serious negotiations means that theyre choosing the time very carefully and very tactically this is not a strategic move this is a tactical move it could be quite dangerous and it could backfire but the reality is there are no talks to be engaged in so theres no way that the president right now can certify what it may mean is that there are talks planned by the u. S. They know the palestinians will not be able to engage on the terms theyre prepared to offer and this will be their means of pressuring them saying if you dont negotiate on these terms then we will close down the p. L. O. Office in washington so given everything that youve said and the history of the u. S. Not actually being seen as an honest broker in this Peace Process for a while now i mean can they be won if theyre stopping the palestinians from going to the i. C. C. For crimes against international. The u. S. Has never been an honest broker the u. S. Has always acted as israels lawyer as several of the previous u. S. Negotiators have acknowledged once they were no longer in office they admitted it analysts all of us watching these processes here in washington and around the world have known this this is not a surprise the u. S. Is not an honest broker the u. S. Is representing its own interests and they correspond primarily with the right wing of israeli interests so what were looking at is the possibility that the u. S. Will try to impose on the palestinians negotiations that will allow israeli settlements to continue to expand that will allow the continuation of Israeli Military control over all of the palestinian territory that what they will call a palestinian state in quotes will not be independent will not be sovereign will not control its own airspace will not control its own water will not control its own borders it will not be an independent state and the u. S. Will demand that the palestinians be willing to negotiate on that and the palestinians say no they will say then we will close the office in washington its we should point out it is a symbolic move us negotiations with the p. L. O. Has never gone through primarily the office in washington its always been directly to Mahmoud Abbas or before that to arafats people it was never through the ambassador in washington in a serious way so this is a symbolic political move not a strategic legal move misspend us it is great to get your thoughts on this as always we thank you for your time from the stannis joining us live from washington d. C. Thank you rick. Thanks being about to move on to all the news mountains and bob way where tens of thousands of people have joined rallies across the capital harare calling for president Robert Mugabe to resign the line to three year old has been under house arrest at his official residence the military took control on wednesday his ruling party says it will hold a meeting on sunday to discuss mugabes fate. Holds from her. Extended zimbabwean say they can feel change is coming soldiers posed herself in crowds hundreds of thousands of people flooded the streets of harare men women and children marched alongside armored cars and soldiers they say they want president Robert Mugabe who has ruled for nearly forty years to resign for the medicines but the. Sixty thousand dollars we are saying you should stop. This country. I think it is. Freedom to all of us weve been waiting for this time for so long we have been. Basically. It was a united front opposition supporters people loyal to mugabe is on a party and veterans of the Liberation War against white rule marched together the main Opposition Leader Morgan Tsvangirai says the country is preparing for a post mugabe era the army seize control earlier in the week and confined the countrys leader his private residence in harare. And. Speaking from south africa on saturday his nephew patrick was reported to have said the president and his wife grace are ready to die for what is correct and they have no intention of stepping down but people at the march insisted the ninety three year old has to go. Branches in all ten provinces have said mugabe should resign they also want to grace mugabe who heads the partys womens need to go through things on a pair party will meet on sunday to discuss the fate of president Robert Mugabe and his wife and reinstate the Vice President he dismissed him as a man and. Zimbabweans have only known one leader after decades of being afraid to speak out against mugabe things have changed the people marching insist is not a matter of if but when mugabe will go. Lebanons Prime Minister saad hariri has confirmed he had returned to beirut by wednesday and hold talks with president michel aoun already made the statement during his visit to france Natasha Buckler reports from paris in the latest twist in this political crisis saad hariri arrived at pariss look. Dawn and headed to his apartment in the french capital it was the first time the lebanese Prime Minister had been seen in public since his sudden resignation in riyadh two weeks ago later he met the french president emmanuel markov at the elisei palace and said he would return to beirut. With regards to the political situation i will be in beirut in the next few days to take part in the celebration of our independence and all express opinions on all subjects once ive met president. Hariri was joined by his wife and eldest son but his other two children were left behind in riyadh fueling speculation about why that was released a sources said only that it had been the hariri familys personal choice. Macro invited to really he said not to offer exile but as an act of friendship the fact that some of the rary was here at the elise is being seen by those in france is something of a diplomatic success for him and call it is the french president s mediation attempts over the past two weeks that have seen hariri finally leave riyadh says. This is certainly a diplomatic success for a manual macro at the start of the lebanese crisis no one was very convinced that hed be able to get results but he succeeded in getting hariri out of saudi arabia and hopefully back to lebanon soon but that its a personal achievement for macro hes managed to reinsert france into the middle east and diplomatic arena. Many people in lebanon say theyre fed up with what they regard as foreign meddling in their affairs if hariri does make it back to beirut on wednesday hell be there is the country celebrates his independence with a Public Holiday that would be a symbolic moment would be lost on no one Natasha Butler al jazeera paris. Well this was haitis first public appearance since his resignation many in leather and questioning what of his children were left behind and they are saying a hunter has more from beirut. Seidel had a rival to the french capital may be a way of showing that hes a free man and that hes able to leave saudi arabia but speculations about his ability to move freely have not been put to rest the very fact that he left his children behind here arrived with his wife his children stayed behind according to his aides it is because theyre theyre attending school in lebanon many in lebanon including the president believe that the Prime Minister in one way or another was a hostage in saudi arabia he was forced to resign his resignation speech was written by the saudi authorities and now we are in and the neighborhood which is considered really a hariri stronghold mixed reactions definitely but many people really asking questions on whether or not their leader is a political hostage a little of those of us how did he saudi citizens did for saudi has influence over him and that means he has a responsibility towards they tell him something he must listen and its possible his children could be a pressure caught. He wasnt salty and its natural that hes there and he would return this is this country. Behind only he and. This may be a family issue but. I would like to know i would like to thank president for not accepting his assignation because if you gave. The First Official confirmation that saddam will be returning to. The man himself. Not long after landing in paris how the phone conversation with the president telling him that. The Independence Day celebrations on november the twenty second now what happens when. His resignation or will he decide to. Prime minister and form a new government but on condition that hezbollah. Which is allied with iran is not participating in this government so a lot of questions on what comes next and many fear that the crisis is not over because. Which is really playing out across the region is now being played out in lebanon. More head on the news all including protests for the president to quote as well be live in the capital Port Au Prince with the latest. To elect a new leader but many have lost faith in their politicians and gonna have a blast in the english premier. Details with. A trickle into yemen almost two weeks after the sale of the medical mission closed land and sea but what is vital supplies are being allowed into ports and government controlled areas but the United Nations has only a complete lifting off the blockade will stop what could be the worst famine in decades many on the honda reports. These machines a slowly cleaning this mans blood and keeping him alive a Saudi Led Coalition is strike left him without any obvious injuries but the trauma and the Health Problems came soon after. It all started when my husband lost his eyesight after a few days his health continued to deteriorate when we had him examined and found his kidneys had failed which he needs kidney dialysis three times a week but at this hospital in the who see controlled capital of summer patients are lucky to get even one treatment resources are dwindling food and fuel prices are soaring so not as within the estimated sixty percent of human thats under her control and did some to see each. Suffering here weve been denied delivery of medicine as we call on the world to look with mercy on the yemeni people and put an end to our eyes every start by opening the closed borders and deliver medical supplies. For twelve days yemen has been all that cut off from the outside world a blockade imposed after humans who three rebels fired a Ballistic Missile deep into saudi arabia the blockade was designed to choke the alleged flow of weapons to who the rebels from iran but its increased the hardship for millions of human knees a majority of whom need some sort of assistance the Saudi Led Coalition says aid can get in through what it describes as liberated ports its partially open to the government controlled port of aden in the south but none of the points of entry are in areas under hoofy control that includes the airport in the capital sanaa and to the port of who data through which the bulk of all aid is delivered when i think covering the war in yemen for two and a half years now but heres an idea of the impact from just the last twelve days seven Million People were already on the. Think of famine without any kind of aid getting in the u. N. Says that number will rise past ten million the cost of the saudi blockade is being measured not in care but in the number of lives lost one hundred fifty thousand of them thats how many melnotte has children the u. N. Says could die within the coming months if the book isnt lifted completely but. The u. N. Says vital supplies will run out in yemen within the next few weeks the blockade is a calculated move by the sounded coalition a strategy that needs time to take effect time that for the people of yemen is fast running out medium the hond al jazeera. But to haiti now with thousands of people have taken to the streets calling for president jovan elmores to step down as the latest of ongoing protests against more is that began two months ago members of the opposition say his new Budget Proposal unfairly taxes the poor haiti is still struggling to rebuild after a cholera outbreak and destruction caused by the two thousand and ten earthquake lets get more on this now were joined by our correspondent towards the bushies live for us in the capital protests have been going on for months now tereza what are the demands. Well thats great its been an intense here day here in Port Au Prince with thousands and thousands of people taking to the streets to protest against a newly elected president in illinois most of their demands they were asking for the president to step down they say that he passed a budget that is benefiting the country and not to the poor majority they say that some products they have increased taxes in some cases after three hundred percent and this is of course hurting those and the peoples purchasing power but whats interesting is also what happened in the northern part of the country in cap haitien where president s maurice reinstated the haitian army to haiti has been without one since one thousand nine hundred ninety five that was right after former president. Came back to power following a cool and since two thousand and four theres been a United Nations peacekeeping mission here meaning haiti that has withdrawn around one month ago so the army is going to be in charge of security here alongside the Haitian National police and their objective is also going to be patrolling the sea controlling the borders with a Dominican Republic for example but also help in the efforts to rebuild the nation and its tourism theres no shortage of problems facing haiti and have been facing haiti for a while now but the is the proposed budget the sort of Tipping Point on top of all the other troubles. Well thats correct right now haiti is suffering for shortages of food a half of the population right now is suffering for example from Food Insecurity theres a lack of healthcare lack of education and thats why many in the protests today were also protesting against the reinstatement of the army there saying that right now the country has other priorities than paying for an army that at this point it does not need another problem but he the spacing right now is the possibility of a temporary protective tattoos of haitians living in the United States around fifty thousand people could be deported back to this country and that would be another problem that the Current Administration would have to face at this point the government is saying it that the measures the measures its passing are necessary at this point to improve the Economic Situation in the country but of course those on the street if saying they are saying that its hurting those who need help the most is a thank you very much for that thats our correspondent treys abode live for us and the haitian capital thank you what is in chile will go to the polls for the president ial elections on sunday but many say theyve lost trust and politicians off to a series of corruption scandals last america editor lucien human has this update from santiago. This is a very unusual election for chile all over the country and here in palm idea a very small town where people make a living by making and selling objects made out of clay theres practically no enthusiasm for the elections are eight candidates in all but the leading candidate is none other than the former conservative president. People say they dont like him very much but at least he is a known quantity he is the devil that they know what there is also a coalition thats taking part for the first time in this election made up mainly of former students student leaders and they say they are trying to change the status quo. Six years ago the University Students in chile captured the worlds imagination by undertaking a peaceful revolt proofread quality education for all. The british newspaper the guardian named communist Party Student leader come eleven call the person of the year and the most glamorous revolutionary since che guevara. Georgia jackson became a poster boy for education reform but unsatisfied with progress four of the student leaders ran for congress and won promising to hold chilean politicians accountable from within the system. Four years later congressman george or jackson concedes its been harder than he did expected theres no satisfaction because. The expectations are too high so. I feel that the people here in. This hole in politics to change their lives. Jackson is running for reelection at this time as part of the new Left Wing Coalition dissatisfied with the pace of change under the Current Center left government and. Former communist student leaders coming out are you whole and Carol Guardiola who are also running again have been criticized for not pushing hard enough. At the university of chile these architecture students lament that their former leaders didnt achieve their promised goal one hundred percent free education. They failed the career presenters from a high position but they dont listen to us anymore we havent seen judge jackson or burridge on the streets protesting with us we try every very very very with every action that we may jackson argues they need more time here and many other former student leaders are pinning their hopes on the new Broad Front Coalition which is loosely inspired in spains leftist or their most party and even Bernie Sanders in the United States for a coalition that was just formed in january doing surprisingly well in the polls particularly amongst the disgruntled you. Which is why jackson continues to insist that the only way to push political limits is from within as he runs for congress again. You see in human just sita santiago. The mayor of caracas has arrived in madrid after escaping house arrest in venezuela antonina day as a vocal opponent of venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro hes been confined to his home since two thousand and fifty charged with supporting an attempted coup which he denies the sixty two year old crossed the border into colombia and then flew to spain but as my says hell work to free Political Prisoners and organize resistance against models rule while its unclear just how he escaped and made it to the colombian border undetected desmo says it was harrowing. Living like a james bond movie i made this twenty four hour trip passing twenty nine checkpoints crossing trials taking all the risk. I did nothing but think about the value of freedom and to die as i arrive in spain i feel free. Still ahead on the news hour one of the most divisive politicians and history says hell step down as party leader after nearly thirty five years. A temporary relief of palestinians after egypt reopens the Border Crossing and Roger Federers comeback season ends on a sad note at the eighteen finals peter will have the details later and. Hello there were seeing some heavy snow in parts of north america at the moment so out of this weather system here its gradually sweeping its way eastwards in the south of course here were seeing a fair amount of rain but further north we are seeing a lot of wintery weather and there be more of it too as we head through sunday and that system sweeps its way away behind it its not feeling that warm so new york is best getting to. Around fourteen degrees and force in toronto will be getting to around six further west theres another weather system here thats being with us for a day or two thats working its way into the northwestern parts of the u. S. And to the west in parts of canada lots of snow lots of rain out of that and gradually working its way southward so more heavy downpours and a lot of snow over the mountains and all of that is expected on monday i mean for the towards the south and the satellite picture is picking up very clearly this area of cloud his stretching from parts of columbia all the way out of through hispanic and away towards the northeast thats given some very very heavy downpours these pictures are from cuts ahead in columbia and shows just how wet its been there we do have a fair amount of flooding and that weather systems not really moving anywhere in a great hurry so still plenty of showers for some of us here over the next day also a force in hispaniola yet more heavy rain gradually begins to break up on monday. Tracing the four from prosperity to financial ruin this is precisely the movement where we humanized that nothing the worst post will be in the devastating impact to save the banks means also to save the deposits for ordinary citizens and the failure to prevent disaster banks political leaders of the people who needed to learn and thus are gora from democracy to the markets at this time on aljazeera. When the news breaks it was an announcement you were expecting. And the story builds. When people heard. Hundreds of. Teams on the ground to bring you more Award Winning documentaries and. Top stories. To. Diplomatic and washington. International criminal court. That will cut off communication with the u. S. And. Wednesday. That the french president. Talks with president. Two weeks ago. Now saudi arabias answer the throne has been making bold political moves in the kingdom with a series of decisions that many consider to be unprecedented the latest developments including an Anti Corruption crackdown and several blockades are the focus of a conference in london with former diplomats and middle east analysts have been meeting to modern child has more from the conference the seismic changes in saudi arabia are having reverberations around the world among those invited to speak at this event in london was Paddy Ashdown a member of u. K. s upper house of parliament and the former leader of the liberal Democrats Party he told attendees that the International Community must take punitive measures against saudi arabia to prevent its leadership from further destabilizing the region but support of saudi arabia is actually in the enemy without is as foolish as it is reprehensible it is very clear that war crimes have the images of the conflict in yemen both in relation to indiscriminate attacks on civilians and by using aid and starvation as a weapon of war britains silence on these matters is thunderous shaking. The saudi led war in yemen has gone on for two years now it was launched by crown Prince Mohammed bin man in that time thousands have been killed millions displaced on top of that have been said man has pursued other aggressive policies including a recent crackdown inside the kingdom which saw hundreds of people arrested among them senior members of the royal family and some of richest businessmen britain has very strong ties with the saudi government hundreds of millions of dollars worth of saudi money has been pumped into the u. K. Economy through arms deals and other trade agreements there are growing calls however in the u. K. For london to take a tougher stance against riyadh but the fear among some is that the money coming in is compromising britains principles the shameful british record of deeply deeply corrupt. Has gone on in government after government. Control and thats the basis of the relationship. Was the massive corruption both were inside saudi arabia and being kicked. Into britain thats got to stop organizing such a conference like this in london isnt just because of a close relationship between the United Kingdom and saudi arabia an attempt. To put pressure on the British Government to take action against what they perceive to be very destructive policies being pursued by the crown prince understand but its also because according to human Rights Groups there is little freedom of expression and so i do think this will be impossible to hold such a conference critical of the saudi regime in. Saudi arabia has back on until one of the worst records on human rights and on freedom of speech simply because some of us have a man cannot tolerate any dissenting voices among his own members of the family and also inside to Society Whats concerning for many observers is the lack of pushback. From the International Community in response to the aggressive policies being pushed by saudi arabias rulers conferences like this into highlights whats at stake namely the stability of the gulf region and lots of other countries like lebanon and iran. London. That motorists in saudi arabia will have to pay a five percent tax when they fill up their tanks from january earlier this year they are passed a draft law to apply a five percent of value added tax to some products and services as part of the countrys Major Economic reforms as the Oil Dependent nation continues to deal with the slump in global oil prices. China has called on myanmar and bangladesh to resolve the real hunger refugee crisis through bilateral negotiations about the Chinese Foreign minister also said that beijing is ready to help bangladesh is hosting talks about the crisis with Foreign Ministers from the e. U. China and japan more than six hundred thousand one hundred have escaped of validation from myanmar since a military crackdown started in august or sunday child lee has the latest on the growing humanitarian crisis from the myanmar bangladesh border. Sixty percent of the newly arrived refugees are children and on them are thirty six thousand orphans a lot of this kids of lost their parents in myanmar theyre either killed or missing some of them could be even within the refugee camps but i dont know where they are living without god Family Friends right now the first and one and only offer an aid nonresident often has set up by united Six International a Charity Organization i spoke to one of the organizer this is what he had to say my name given to seeing. The. Education of the children like. Basic education releases education english language dress and the. Concert in which every day. The children i mean. Request you know a lot of these kids are as young as two years old some are as old as ten years old some of them dont even remember the parents name let alone know where they are theyre getting some basic education literacy and also religious quranic teaching by melissa teaches that getting three full meals which is big thing the best part is that among the other fellow children they can talk they can play around a lot of them get counseling on and off but this is a nonresident often it what is more important that they need to have some sort of formal school within this campaign if the refugees end up staying here for coming years they need to have some sort of formal education for this kids to have some future hope to go on with their lives in coming years in the refugee camps. Now thousands of people are taking advantage of the temporary opening of the rougher Border Crossing this weekend traveling from gaza into egypt the crossing had been sealed since august but is due to open permanently on the a reconciliation deal brokered by egypt malcolm webb has more from ramallah. Hundreds of people in gaza boarded buses and made their way to the rafa crossing its last brief reopening about three months ago and aside from similar brief openings we closed most of the time for the last ten years because of the blockade of gaza by israel in egypt right now about twenty five thousand people in gaza are registered waiting to cross to egypt and beyond that only a fraction of that number will get through in this temporary opening which is meant to last three days so priority is being given to people with the most urgent reasons to travel such as those seeking medical treatment. They haste and i weve registered to travel here in four months ago it was a lot of suffering its good so far today there facilitating it. All had a booking to go to turkey for more than three months and now ill be able to go. To borders meant to be open permanently soon as part of the reconciliation agreement between palestines two main Political Parties and hamas is being brokered by egypt without a permanent opening the last week has been delayed seems not everythings yet in place and your thoughts on your side all the Palestinian Authority on the gaza side of the border or for hamas who still control the interior of gaza according to a two thousand and five agreement monitors from the European Union are meant to be at the border they left in two thousand and seven and then not yet back in place Palestinian Authority Officials Say over the three days theyre hoping to get two thousand five hundred people across that means the many more thousands who are registered will still be stuck in gaza waiting and hoping for that permanent reopening to come soon. I was there continues to demand the release of journalist mark with hussein whos been in egypt in prison for nearly eleven months the saints accused of broadcasting false news to spread chaos which he and al jazeera strongly deny hes repeatedly complained of mistreatment in jail hussein was arrested on. December the twentieth while visiting family gerry adams a veteran leader of the Irish Republican Party shin fein has announced plans to step down from his role after nearly thirty five years his replacement will be elected by Party Members in the coming months adams has long been a divisive figure in ireland and the United Kingdom he was a leading spokesman for shin feigns paramilitary when the Irish Republican Army during its decades long Bombing Campaign aimed at ending british control of Northern Ireland adams was also a key figure in peace negotiations with nine hundred ninety s. What source and fein enter government with their probe british counterparts can maris the dublin correspondent for political reasons adams the likely replacement is untainted by links to the ira and that will make it easier for sion failing to develop relations with other irish parties giving it the potential to be part of future coalition governments. He said tonight that hes stepping down as president of should they in a party hes been like in charge of since nineteen eighty three things have been happening here over the last number of years in the general election last year here and look what the violent thing increased number of seats in the Government Parliament from fourteen to twenty three all but wiped out the Irish Labor Party and they ended up holding the balance of power but you stop this party stand again and fianna fail dont want to do business which in thing because with adams in charge the party is doing if you like its being somewhat toxic adams has had a Long Association with the provisional ira the terrorist group that engaged in a Bombing Campaign to try an end to british rule in Northern Ireland. Who are the governing party here and the Main Opposition Party in a of believe that as long as adams remains in charge of shin fein it is viewed as being a bit like a terrorist party. That has launched a satellite it says will make forecasting Severe Weather more accurate three to. One. The joint polish satellite system will be used to track environmental disasters like forest fires and drought will pass over the equator about fourteen times a day and cover the globe twice every twenty four hours. U. N. Climate talks in the german city of bond have ended when the only two hundred countries agreeing to keep the paris deal on track despite the u. S. Pulling out and to show their commitment delegates are going to start a process to review and grandpop their efforts to cut Carbon Emissions the clock reports from bonn. Long into the night time to sit and listen wrangling over the financial elements of the tax twenty third Un Climate Conference comes to a close. I am very pleased. That with this decision the branches dialogue which will start in generally twenty eighteen under the fijian presidency the spirit of these talks has been upbeat and the Paris Agreement it seems is on track so i think that were in a very good place twenty eight is the year to. See it Climate Action and i think what we have here on a good road ahead thats a lot of homework to do its not easy but i think we will and decisiveness governments governments cities states private sector to move ahead so progress but is it enough for those most immediately threatened by Climate Change not enough is being done its certainly not enough for the survival of the pacific and there needs to be increased ambition there needs to be a greater responsibility taken by developed countries they need to keep in the ground and they need to know its a safe and Just Transition to renewable energy. Keeping fossil fuels in the ground was always on the agenda in and outside the conference holds german coal phaseout from Angela Merkel but the u. K. And canada launched an alliance of twenty nations to wind down coal use meanwhile a delegation sent by the trumpet ministration to promote culp got a predictable welcome. As a coalition of us states and cities stepped into the void to say were still in the Paris Agreement. Does it matter how much. We think it really fingers i really cannot stop you cannot stop me from my room reducing. So this conference has delivered what it set out to do and created a mechanism to move the Paris Agreement forward to say called telenet a dialogue before the conference a pause in poland a year from now clearly plenty of work today. Next stop is the french capital where in december president micro will host a special summit looking specifically at climate finance the Paris Agreement rolls on. Aljazeera bone germany. In other sports news still ahead on the news our most successful female racecar driver and u. S. History is walking away from the small. But new era in television news. It doesnt say that its a tough to do things in secret that i miss we had actual victims who had survived torture detention and saying this was the cause of my arrest if you could. Just stay with what we do have still got this conviction that everyone has a deep reservoir of thomas better to have if you give them the opportunity and a wonderful thing stopped to look at the actual distance theres at least twenty thousand for him to refugees who live here we badly need at this moment leadership and so president Hosni Mubarak has resigned donald trump is going to be the next president meeting with the other guy. Daschle saying canisters of gas subsidies i believe it best if were going to be if youre getting in the way theres good record that. He achieved something that never happened before. Now in new yorks financial district on the citys most famous structures and now a group of architects are injecting some autistic flair and to a popular downtown Square Kristen salumi has more. Its a cramped apartment even by manhattan standards which way they want to go at it over but for ten days at least its home for these four artists and if braving the elements in a chilly new york november wasnt enough the group also has to move their hut piece by piece across the square changing it from a shelter to a makeshift bridge and back again thats when things get tricky so once youve got once youve got the new floor or the beginnings of the new thats when you have to start thinking about where is the bathroom wheres the kitchen. Wheres all the lumber in the bins like because it becomes this like mental pattern of. Their mental puzzle solving. The team isnt allowed to touch the ground outside so beads to pick up food and supplies stored in the yellow boxes along the route also living sleeping eating and yes even going to the bathroom in the hut its called the newcomers a performance architecture installation the artists say theyre trying to challenge the idea of architecture as permanent structures and explore new ways of sharing space its a theme collaborators alex waiter and board shelley have visited several times in recent works like two thousand and fourteen is in orbit or last years reactor which moved in the wind but while those works were tucked away from the general public this is right in the middle of the financial district and interaction with passers by is encouraged we actually really want to know what people think its a way of home because we are living in the work and they see the work from the outside so where you only have an interior perspective of what this thing is and so they come to us with views from the outside looking in and through those discussions thats the way we build meaning to the course of the performance so far progress has been slow but steady the finishing line is in sight and only a few dropped nuts and bolts along the way. Kristen silly me al jazeera New York Times for now has peter. Thank you very much arsenals red hot home form in the English Premier League has continued with a win over their better north london rivals Tottenham Hotspur on saturday are some vegas men pulled over to no win against spurs in the early kick off scott brown was stuffy opening the scoring Alexa Sanchez then doubled the lead before half time as arsenal moved to sixth place in the standings thats a point behind spurs the desire to be always efficient and was a great story directly from the first to last minute of the quarter found concentration was very high we never had a minute where you could feel we dropped a little bit our focus and. Overall it was a very intense game and when you look at the physical performance of the two teams its absolutely. Distances the players produced an immense performance on both sides it was a really big win for Manchester United against newcastle in the late game Anthony Marcial Chris Smalling paul pogba and Romelu Lukaku all found the back of the net pub as goal coming on his return from a long term hamstring injury second half. Was was ours we had control the goals we had and we reflection was still. Time for a. Very emotional thing for all of us from all of those that stay close due to such a. Professional with one of the biggest injuries in. And the guy going over that. Coming back was i think was a joyful for everyone for us close to it was more than that was was to give motion to see the big guy coming back. And in other results leaders Manchester City enjoyed another fruitful day with a to you know win at Leicester City little ball swept past self hampton three no and they were big wins for chelsea and bournemouth as well so Manchester City remain the runaway leaders in the English Premier League they now have an eight point advantage over they said he rivals united you can see the current champions chelsea are in third place there a further point adrift of man united taught them how to completing the top four despite their defeat against arsenal who round up the top six liverpool in fourth place on twenty two points now they was a big madrid derby in the Spanish League on saturday a big match but not much action as far as the score is concerned it finished mill no other games that are fair were for one win as against all of this in the early kick off barcelona eased fast legalists and severe beats out of the go to one at home. Hello and are our red diamonds have played out a one one draw in the Asian Champions League final first leg in riyadh rafael saw overhand the Japanese Club the early lead diamonds are looking for a second Champions League crown they won of the last time in two thousand and seven whereas our hello aiming for title of the three after last tasting glory back in two thousand and three been a little before the break for the Saudi Arabians the second that takes place saturday a week from now. Roger federer a strong comeback season has ended with defeat in the same way finals of the a. T. P. Finals in london the world number two looked well on track to make the final after taking the first set six to him but he says it was only a matter of time before we got beaten by the the gulf and because the belgian keeps crushing him in practice and often it stormed back winning the next two set six three and six for roger it was something something unbelievable i cannot describe what im feeling now. Is my such a legend is my mind that id only seen some really young and you know to have the chance to play against him and so we. Go in but to beat him its just you know i cant describe and be merry has split from his coach even lendl for a second time the paramounts the mutual decision on friday thats despite the czech born linda leading the scot to all three of these grand slam titles including two at wimbledon and an olympic gold medal the former world number one mary is now ranked sixteenth. Murray won just a single title this year compared to his gold in twenty sixteen season that victory was at the dubai tennis championships in march the thirty year old has suffered with an ongoing hip injury which played a big part in his quarter final defeat at wimbledon in july he was then forced to pull out of the u. S. Open in august due to the same injury and hasnt played since murrays hoping to make his return at the Brisbane International in january. Ok england have achieved their biggest win over australia on the rugby field thumping them thirty points to six on saturday in the only lead six know at half time and elliott daly helped them to a thirteen six advantage in the second half but three late tries from Jonathan Joseph a jonny may and danny kaye wrapped up a resoundingly in for the english amid some controversial referee moments. That time ten replies. And then make a decision they said this is the best referee in the world and we have the best guys in the team saying were lucky because this is when our sorry sorry sorry im sorry were lucky. Im sorry not sorry. On the ball you know the ball doesnt have to jonny mate has got the drive but thats going i think the referee. To return i want to be sure. Its now. Its interesting that on. The images are just not sure that our sense of you know how many replies one internet records from. He promised my son you know. The worlds best rugby teams have been in action on saturday and autumn internationals in europe scotland came close to beating the World Champion all blacks for the first time in their history but ultimately lost twenty two points to seventeen argentina with a thirty one fifteen when theyre over italy south africa bouncing back after the embarrassment against ireland the week before with an eighteen seventeen win in france and then england with that thumping win the australians meanwhile there was a big upset at the Rugby League World cup tournament cohosts new zealand were beaten by fiji four two in a remarkably low scoring quarter final fiji will meet australia in the final for the other semi will be between tonga and the winner of england versus pop one new game. A british rider has been killed at the macau motorcycle grand prix thirty one year old daniel he gets he died after hitting a very a deer in the annual street circuit racing event in macau the race was immediately called off portuguese rider was killed on the same bend at the seventh in twenty twelve the most successful female in u. S. Motor racing history is rounding off her six year nascar career at the end of the twenty eight hundred season thirty five year old Danica Patrick who was the fourth highest earning sportswoman in twenty sixteen behind only Serena Williams Maria Sharapova and mixed martial arts star ronda Rousey Patrick is the only woman so you have led laps in both the daytona five hundred and the indianapolis five hundred and the only female driver to start from pole position in the nascar cup series my sister told me have disposed. Of i thought i would. Im going to do the daytona five hundred next year and a five hundred so im really excited about that i think its going to be a great way to capitol and thats all the sport for me another update coming up again later. And that does it for the news hour but im back in just a couple of minutes with another phone news bulletin. With. Right. Graduate from iraq hes also a part time going to museum which includes a reconstruction of the famous. Most of the people hes showing around came to germany as refugees this is just one of several berlin museums taking part in the project called a Meeting Point and as well as bringing people together one of its aims is to emphasise the contribution of migrants right up to the present day to western culture. Because ive been here for some time i can help them with lots of things that moves us forward to me the great thing is its not just about museums about forming a new life here of life its culture trying. To tackle pollution in one of chinas showcase cities the thing that my twenty two might see all of the time seem to occur to me only on lacking. Mental grassroots campaigns joining forces in the us there is a global connection that is happening and we want to utilize that power to make changes not only for today but for future generations as well. This time on aljazeera

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