Catalonia is sacked parliament and five other for mike castle and politicians have appeared before Spains Supreme Court they face charges of rebellion and addition for their role in last months independence referendum the court will decide whether to remand them in custody while the investigation continues. And those the biggest headlines here on aljazeera im back with an update for you in about twenty five minutes time until then its the stream to stay with us. Good. Times i mean ok and youre in the strange today how is u. S. President donald trump. Since he was allowed to go on were joined by a special kind of naturalized u. S. Citizens to haiti chavez thought i was free. And im willing to be like he started out his first day in office in january setting out his priorities. Its going to be only America First american. Every decision on trade on taxes on immigration on Foreign Affairs will be made to benefit American Workers and American Families we must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries make you know our products stealing our companies and destroying our jobs of new roads and highways and bridges and airports and tunnels and really it was all across our wonderful nation we will get our people off of welfare and back to work rebuilding our country with american hands and American Labor we do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone but rather to let it shine as an example we will for everyone to follow. Together we will make america strong again we will make america wealthy again we will make america a proud again we will make america safe again and yes together we will make America Great again. So you heard from u. S. President trump his agenda from his first day on the job but we asked our community to share their thoughts on what they believe has a priorities for next year should be how to listen to what they told us. In his next nine months his priority should be to craft workable policies that balanced security civil rights of americans and humanitarian concerns that means meeting our obligations to refugees protecting the eight hundred thousand immigrants with dhaka and protecting three hundred thousand immigrants with temporary protected status if he doesnt step up to do so and congress should be but. I think you going to school busy doing time for two thousand and eight. Miles. Of course continue to fight immigration which means security to our borders. And for health care in the wake of more it for the both lower taxes for the average people considering the higher frequency of actual gun related deaths and violence this year which will be the highest priority i have very little pain here exegete anything substantial but i think in the ministries you can do anything to increase Crime Reporter gun control that would be the highest order. So how does the president s first year stack up with naturalized us citizens were happy to have back with us in our stream town a whole lot i can possible or she is a Patient Navigator and she immigrated to the u. S. From mexico and her husband and needs to go to a antony is a n r a instructor it is thirty years an accountant and immigrated to the us from pakistan his daughter a son of the city he is a graduate student she was born in the United States do you know when is president of the voice of vietnamese americans she came to United States as a refugee from viet nam your daughter is an immigration lawyer her family originally from mozambique and guinea the south immigrated to the United States from france and most is president of the Republican Muslim Coalition she immigrated to the United States from pakistan now we also had hoped to be joined by just are you seeing founder of american sikhs for trump whos been with us for our previous town halls but he is on well welcome back to the stream everyone. A. J. If i say Immigration Reform to you and you think about the last few months what strikes you about how this Current Administration is dealing with immigrants. Well we know what what they have done to muslims what they have done to mexicans the dark hour we talked about earlier and so its scaring all of the people all of the immigrants all of the refugees i live in probably the biggest concentration of Somali Refugees and immigrants in the minneapolis st paul area and i see people are really in very bad shape people are scared their children are concerned about whats going to happen to their parents whats going to happen to the children theyre there some of those children have not seen anything other than america there are American Kids and the same thing holds true to the mexican children that darker supported or or help. And im sure that theyre going through a tremendous trauma at this moment i think america has always been a country of immigrants and i will go back to the statue of liberty inscription that give us your tired your said we accept immigrants we this country has always been the one that has open arms for immigrants and refugees and thats the strength of this country thats why this country is the and the investigators in the world three we need to know that the immigrant support this country and all that junk people that is now here in this country working like a doctor a lawyer that our city sense and they are paying for their time and for that all people here are children but you did the same under a very only off though the key is ilLegal Immigration theres nothing going to happen it will be slowly go theyre not going to work you really want to ask another. But anyway the Legal Immigration is. A result of the International Politics to the United States because in the poor countries they need to go out for the violence for the economy they need to find their way over to live so its no fault of the United States which is like a consequence and we need to know what these thing me gratian issue is not just that is the security in this country too because like me ground so we need to be safe too so now we are living in that. Time with all these fade creating sort of the. Supremacist we can see in the stores all the attacks today spawning people say that we are paying for the things that do our buy in and we dont want you here go back to your country that is no ryan has no say or because if you are living here in this country supposed to be there. Country i think that we had the right that we respected you or someone who might agree with you this is our very go who tweeted to send to the strain he is a dreamer and those are people that nickname for people who are recipients of dr the deferred action for childhood arrivals he says dr enabled me to work for the Family Business and pay taxes but with the end of dhaka my future is less certain and americas my home and america where hard work and determination pays off without it we face possible detention and deportation to countries that we do not know lloyd he goes on to say thats why hes hopeful that the president will work with congress to address the broken immigration system and make it a number one priority Going Forward you see that happening i dont know if its going to happen. But i want to go back to what he was talking about as far as how trumps right or it is only targeting ilLegal Immigration. Youre talking if were dealing with deferred action of childhood arrivals stocco which did not only benefit latino youth but just youth in general that came into the United States and then for whatever reason found. Selves to be undocumented and then thats capturing roughly eight hundred thousand people and then you have temporary protective status t. P. S. That captures roughly around three hundred three hundred thousand people who are protected from going home based on natural disasters or internal conflicts. Under trump hes threatening and taking away in some instances all these protections so youre talking about almost one million individuals who will now all of a sudden be without status and these are individuals that the administration had already determined let us shield them from deportation for any number of reasons including if you came in when you were a kid or if you cannot simply just pack up and go home because of whats happening at home taking it away without an alternative is inhumane and and thats where Congress Needs to do their job but the word right there you just said it Congress Needs to do the job but until then dont take it away what with how famous he was he has driven our way without having something to to take over these the air force being health care the Affordable Care act which. Will tell you something that doesnt mean that were going to be up and you know i dont think that he has the capacity for. Wheel of the world in the border first because this country needs more and more me or other issues that for a while more money for security more money for the creation more mourning for whos just too so i think that a wall is not something that you know we havent believed now to know this is its its been such a busy newsworthy ten months for this new president so many instances have happened in some tragedies as well so. Yes there was a shooter who killed fifty eight harmed many more and then in new york city just recently an attack using a vehicle just have a listen to how the president reacted to both of those tragedies have a look. What we have right now is a joke its a laughing stock for donald trump the new york attack is justification enough to launch a radical overhaul of americas immigration system you have to get much less politically correct we have to get tough we have to get smart we have to do whats right to protect our citizens so we got this tweet here from jonathan picking up on that juxtaposition there jonathan says this is flat out racism how can we not classify the shooting in las vegas as a terrorist act while brightly calling out the new york city attack as a terrorist act plus for guarding gun rights versus Gun Legislation the politicians will always vote the way the n. R. A. Wants them to or not of course the National Rifle association of course are going to get about one t. You anthony what do you make of gun control of course thats a hot topic that comes up after any time there is a shooting well when they talk about gun control the talk about passing more laws i mean we already have the laws my god its against a lot of kills somebody the laws are already in place are not they dont need more laws they need people to understand whats wrong with these people that are sick for example this weekend the the person that killed the people in the church in texas the air force screwed up they didnt pass on the information to the federal government ok if that information would have been there you probably he would not have been able to buy a gun laws are already in place no more laws are going to make it happen you know in the guy in las vegas. Theres nothing you can do you cant theres not on you can do theres nothing you can look at a lot of do to stop him. He bought the guns legally he had nothing on his record and i. Believe why we need to have the law to make sure that its illegal for him to buy that so many guns that can kills mass amount of people and he was able to bring up to the hotel all these guns and all of this and we nations that can kill up to five hundred people at one time that is that should be make illegal we need to have a bad a comprehensive gun law where is this more sensible and we need to have a background checks so that people who are unfit to use guns should not be allowed so theyre already already there and already know if president transfers focused a lot on Mental Health being the thing to be blamed but then where is the money where is the money for Mental Health initiatives wheres the money for Medicaid Expansion if youre going to blame Mental Health then you must act on it and thats not being seen the word of the money come from come from congress right the money come from taxes and the way that hes proposed the tax reform where he cut fifteen put sand from the one percent healthy as the big corporate does that in mathematics and its going to get up to two point four trillion dollars a year from our budget and thats where the cut from me began maybe it will come from let me just ask you this because every time there is a mass shooting in the United States our colleagues around the world do not understand how it can happen again actually this is you at the n. R. A. Headquarters. Yesterday. Can you explain to people watching around the world how is it that nothing changes off the little children killed people in schools or killed people in churches or killed. White people using guns on one example all right mexico we travel mex my wife is from mexico we travel there you cant own a gun you cant own in the ammunition in mexico but in the last ten years we had over two hundred thousand People Killed by guns there are so many illegally it happened just guns. America is not mexico i mean you are not here in america you compared with with europe and other developed country other developed countries in the world and in fact going to New York Times actually posted some research this morning that i was reading saying that if we were to put all of the developed countries in a line we have of course have the most mass shooting but even if you take us out and you see the trends you see that developed countries that have less restrictive gun laws and policy is also have more Mass Shootings so its a Mass Shootings are directly related to the guns that people but i think right as there is more of them i think that we need to it seems like a global idea about and the whole idea is we are talking about a man with problems so we are talking about that this is the counter to more drugs use and like of pain pills in the work. So look people is using drugs a look people that is using drugs so we can see that hes a mentally fit to and that is for the Health System that we have so its not just that the political issues is that he also used in the economy everything that we have in this country is like in a global bhushan and that is the idea that we have now we said that the terrorist when these an attack for somebody that we use for the country is that terrorist attack when we say why person was in so late on was a mental issue so what is the difference what is happening i agree with because i think you know the Las Vegas Shooting should have been classified a terrorist attack similar to other. Shooting that happened in texas i think you know whenever its sadly whenever its a white person a we tend to say its a sick man and they were doing is they were they had their mental issues but if it happens to be a muslim its labeled a strongly a terrorist attack and i think i think overall our policies should be changed but i do agree with the right to selfdefense Second Amendment is very strong in our constitution i think i should have the right to defend myself if im attacked or for whatever reasons so i dont we should have stricter gun laws but at the same time we shouldnt take away the rights of americans to defend themselves to some of our someone who might if youre if you this is you know the i just want to read this from julie because she wants to get in our International Community watching the show julie says i believe the real Donald Trumps position on gun control is just where it should be someone else though is picking up on a point that was raised in our town hall a bit earlier trump says the texas shooting was a Mental Health problem but didnt he sign a law that makes it easier for people with Mental Illness to buy a gun so segue from the gun control issue to health care this here out nov sixth twenty seventeen from n. B. C. News and that he signed a bill earlier this year rolling back a regulation that makes it a. Harder for people with Mental Illnesses to buy firearms even as he blamed the mass shooting in texas on a Mental Health problem so that pushes us into sunnah into health care of course not a lot has been done theres been a lot of talk about it because one of president trumps goals was to repeal and replace obamacare heres actually what he said over the past year about how to care have a look mandating every american to buy government approved Health Insurance was never the right solution for our country a lot of people in the senate and a lot of people in the house are committed to repealing and replacing this disastrous law with a Health Care Plan that lowers cost expanse choice and ensures access for everyone ive been saying for a long time let obamacare fail and that everybodys going to have to come together and fix it the motion to proceed on health care has just passed and now we move forward towards truly Great Health Care for the American People. Are you pleased with where we are on health care which is really not that much has changed no not that much has changed but a lot has been talked about and i think we saw with Graham Cassidy being shot down that you know the American People and congress see is that we really need to start making bipartisan changes we really cant be focusing on this idea of repeal without having action that makes makes coverage better makes health care more affordable and i think the idea congress had been so focused on just repealing it and that was that that was the main focus that wasnt Good Health Care wasnt Cost Effective health care and so im i think with Graham Cassidy and all the other Health Care Bills that were doled out being defeated is that perhaps we can refocus on more Bipartisan Legislation and more effective legislation i agree and i think the point is that we need to have revenue but to put in to subsidize and help the health care so more but it needs to be put in mom money has to be appropriate the obama the a. C. L. U. Found not because its most wrong but because there was not money appropriated by congress to subsidize their insurance and recently pressure than make it flows they said that he would cut the subsidy so he didnt really care for the poor. Boy illness but he need to repeal what it will that i feel that we need to look back in the budget. And we do need to look at the tax reform if the tax reform is going to cut the tax from the wealthiest thirty five percent fifteen because sand and cut out two point four three b. N. Dollars from the budget the end way as can be get the revenue to provide service for health care for education for transportation and for Everything Else so that to be really a focus is one more health issue that id like to discuss. And thats the v. A. Health system im a veteran and i and i do not go to the v. A. Hospital because i think its its its a joke i use the word the president. We need to fix it i have a cousin thats a pilot there was in the air force actually when the navy is a wounded veteran and purple heart and they want to allow him to go to the v. A. Hospital i think every veteran that served should go to the v. A. Hospital and not have to pay a penny well thats why i think this wealthiest economy in the world this country should have health care as a right health care should not be relegated to large corporate. Pharmaceutical companies and Insurance Companies everything that seems contrary to everything its about money while we talk about health care im remembering jesse i feel his jesse sick at home he cant be with us and our town halls and jesse get well soon let me share with you a picture from his twitter feed so this is jesse so you know exactly where his politics lie hes looking very happy there with the president of the United States but he said the last time that we were all together he said its wait until the First Anniversary of the president of the United States being allotted let me just remind you what he said his jesse when we meet again when we meet again for the first Year Anniversary you will see a lot more time looking forward to our anniversary family townhome family and there were you see i was really in a sears who were saying that in the first hundred days youll be impeached so and they were made to as we said he never went so he won hes doing a wonderful job hes moving forward and the First Anniversary i think a lot of. Folks on this table will be thinking a little differently. Im not sure that prediction is right from jesse but in the last two minutes of our show i just want to get freaking very briefly whats one priority that the president of the United States should be focusing on sabbath or the Immigration Reform and the tax reform are two huge issues and as hes brought dakar to the devil and i think he will be executing on those some a priority im going to pair to gun control and then also on Bipartisan Health care a. J. Health care and gun control all the big issues these to me your health care. Ok health care and security and with security i want to talk about Foreign Policy hes right now in asia for the first private along and he need to really focus on bather people bussy to our allies. World relations immigration absolutely pushing congress to get reform on the table and happening interesting it sounds like the last ten months a repeat of the last ten months. I think our community would see immigration and health care to the top issues. So i guess i have to thank you so much for being with us for another town hall we have to set a date for when were all going to get back together again hopefully when jessie is better and weve got more politics to talk about about the United States thank you very much for this second part of a town hall one year after the election of President Donald Trump and you can finally and i on the street always online i think everybody thank you. A mass exodus hundreds of thousands of have fled ethnic cleansing in me in march for bangladesh one of the worlds poorest countries want to one east investigates what their future holds at this time on aljazeera. The street is quiet the signal is given. Out yet so its safe to walk to school last year there are more than thirty made as in this community in one month the police say this area is a red zone one of several in some townships and kept our children sometimes a court in the crossfire when rival gangs fight so parents and grandparents have started what they call a walking past to try to take them to Gang Violence i lost my family looking they lived or years ago i also lost my but there are more than one hundred fifty volunteers working for several working busses teachers say it is working class it in it has improved the volunteers also act as security guards provoking debate the Corporate Tax has not hurt job growth from the barack obama that what went on in georgia that enough not true tackling the tough issues restrictions on Media Freedom of a tree killings torture maybe you giving the wrong movement give me crap challenging the established line every single one of the three and a half thousand people who was killed with a drug dealer yes how do we know that you didnt try them didnt prosecute you didnt charge the shot one saw and join many has done for up front at this time on aljazeera news has never been more available but the message is a simplistic and misinformation is rife the listening post provides a critical counterpoint challenging Mainstream Media narrative at this time on aljazeera. 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