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Hello im sam is a damn this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next sixty minutes. And it will be the largest famine in the world to see for many decades with millions of victims i die warning from the u. N. This is the situation worsens in yemen after a saudi blockade. Smiles all around us president s trump and she reach Common Ground on trade and discuss north korea. And syria eyesores territory continues to shrink the latest offensive focuses on the town of old will come out. In sport the first indictments are made in one of the biggest corruption scandals to hit u. S. College sport a series of multimillion dollar kickbacks involving coaches agents and sponsors are being investigated. The un there more than twenty humanitarian groups are warning of the worst famine the world has seen in decades unless the Saudi Led Coalition allows a then to yemen fuel and food prices have risen dramatically since saturday thats when the blockade was tightened its a stark warning from the un but as james bays reports the Security Council has struck a different tone after three days of quiet diplomacy with saudi arabia the u. N. Is now changing course laying out the dire scenario if the blockade of yemen isnt lifted. There will be a famine in yemen. He will not be like the famine that. We saw in south sudan earlier in the year where tens of thousands of people are affected it will not be like a family in which cost two hundred fifty thousand people their lives in somalia in twenty eleven. It will be the largest famine the world has seen for many decades with millions of victims. The response from the Security Council seemed very guarded the current president the italian ambassador read out a statement strongly condemning the missile fired by the who feels but barely mentioning the country responsible for the blockade. You have strongly condemned the missile by the who thing is given mr local dire warning isnt it now time to strongly condemn the country that is blockading yemen not allowing the humanitarian aid in saudi arabia. The focus by u. S. G. Law. Was absolutely on the humanitarian aspects of the can flick we also know that any and all military escalation army terry attack is heading back on the humanitarian situation so of course this is why we have decided to issue deeds breath elements the un says yemen is the worst humanitarian disaster in the world after years of conflict and an epidemic of cholera people in who data port where aid food and medicine should be flowing into the country have a sense of despair and not go down people have no jobs no life and the world is almost at a standstill almost finished insult to injury they closed down the port a sad case that the price of a bag of flour was seven thousand reales its now eight and a half there was and reality means you know the price of a chicken what can we do they god help us mr low cost comments from this podium brought some of that reality from yemen to the Security Council but for now theyve responded with very carefully chosen words rather than any concrete action james pays out jazeera at the United Nations. Questions are being raised about the whereabouts of lebanons Prime Minister sadly how do you mean after he said he resigned his post during a visit to saudi arabia on saturday some lebanese government officials believe hes been detained and hes being held against his will in riyadh saudi leaders have denied reports hes under house arrest how do you he has not been seen or heard from since he attended talks in abu dhabi on tuesday so i know holder has the latest from beirut a very confusing picture on the whereabouts of the resigned Prime Minister saddle hetty the last time he was seen was on tuesday when he was in Abu Dhabi Holding talks with rulers there his office said he flew back to riyadh now on saturday he announced the sudden his sudden resignation and since then we havent heard from him yes we saw him holding talks in abu dhabi we even saw him the day before sitting with the Saudi Crown Prince holding talks but he hasnt released any statements since his office his aides theyve been saying over the past few days that saddam had will return to lebanon but theyre not giving any time or date so there has been a lot of speculation and levon on the questions are being asked is he being held. Against his will and saudi arabia so at the end of the day the very fact that he has still not returned means that the constitutional process cannot continue he resigned that means the government no longer functions but the president of the country does not see it that way he believes that he will not accept how did this resignation until he returns to lebanon and explains in person the circumstances behind this resignation so there is still a political vacuum in this country people are quite worried because lebanon now finds itself really at the center stage of this saudi iranian island rivalry which is playing out across the region they actually see this as a saudi move against hezbollah bringing down a government which is how do you arabia considers close to iran so a very very Uncertain Times for this country and people people are quite worried about you know what will come next. Now the u. S. President says hes found Common Ground with chinas leader of the crisis on the Korean Peninsula visiting china donald trump called on president xi jinping to apply more pressure on kong over its Nuclear Weapons program he says china could curb the escalating tension quickly and easily we agreed on the need to fully implement all u. N. Security Council Resolutions where north korea and to increase economic pressure until north korea abandons its reckless and dangerous path all responsible Nations Must Join together to stop arming and financing and even trading with. The murderoUs North Korean regime adrian brown has more now from beijing. Well president xi jinping laid on a very lavish welcoming ceremony for President Donald Trump outside the great hall of the people china has really been rolling out a very long red carpet for trump inside the two leaders met for several hours the dominant themes of course being trade and north korea afterwards the two men appeared before the media they didnt take questions with simply read prepared statements front called on all countries to cease trading with north korea a direct reference of course to china which continues to provide aid to north korea aid that is not covered by the current u. N. Sanctions he also called on china to address what he calls the chronic trade imbalance between the two countries while president xi jinping was more upbeat in his message he said that it was time for the United States and china to draw up a new blueprint in their relations and that the Pacific Region was big enough for both china and the United States chinas leaders clearly want president from to leave here a happy man and they appear to have given him just enough to ensure that happens in return chinas state controlled media is saying that its time for the United States to treat china as an equal partner and that now represented a moment to build a new chapter in their history in many ways this has been a very defining moment for those relations or tang jim angle is a professor of american studies at beijing Foreign Studies University joins us now live from there good to have you with us so the u. S. President down trump says hes found Common Ground with china over the issue of career north korea does that mean that the chinese have come over to transposition of demanding tougher action against north korea. Well to a large extent i think that china and china has been always very very proactive in cooperating and implementing all u. N. Security issues resolutions and so in that sense i think that china has been always a step responsible stakeholder in resolving this very issue and to let the world i know theres a. Little going into this was that he wanted china to do even more so im wondering whos come around to who if now there is Common Ground between them is it a case of the chinese coming around to try case perhaps of the sort of Charm Offensive and warm welcome bringing trump around to the chinese position. Well the chinese position has always been very clear i mean the denuclearizing this very Korean Peninsula i mean nuclearized Korean Peninsula has always been putting countries in harms way i mean south korea china russia in all countries japan perhaps and they all countries involved around in this very region and so china has been very firm in using the sixty party talks lots of consisting mechanism to resolve the issue and also lots of sanctions passed by the United Nations Security Council and so in this sense i think theres no theres no need to push i mean the idea that china gets involved and also the world has to realize that the issue of north korea has always been the card has been caused by the United States i mean its the United States that caused this very nuclear rising issue and so its the United States should work and cooperate and to use donald trump and words to to make a deal i mean try to negotiate to try to talk to engage them in conversations instead of using military exercises monckton military pressures using Aircraft Carrier task groups around the country around the region it is a considerable risk and also a security concern for china and russia and the country in this region im curious to know from the chinese perspective how do you think that beijing sees that the americans what have they done to fail to make a deal what should they be offering. Well i think the first thing first it is the u. S. Some responsibility to deal with north korea and to continue and so in that sense i think not Us North Korea i mean they should resolve this issue through these Regional Security mechanisms secondly i think that like beijing and china has always been insisted on used to sit at Six Party Talks revitalize that very sixty party talk mechanism in gage to north korea engaged somebody state coders industry regions like russia like china i mean of course south korea and so continue to talk and continued the United Nations pressure on this very country but at the same time even like south korea president known said do not start the war i mean it is not war will never be the solution to an issue like this and so we as a nation are responsible nation will never like to see a Korean Peninsula nuclearized and perhaps because of the issue and go to war or lets talk about trade are they finding Common Ground on that one well i think the Common Ground should be well once again a legacy denuclearization stop the Missile Program focus on efforts to improve livelihood and improve the nations economic status improve the nations diplomatic status in the International Community and so reach out to that very nation negotiate and consulting members in this very region that i think has always been the Common Ground all right thanks so much fear analysis on that one. Now the economy in the kurdish region of iraq has taken a hit after the referendum on secession the Central Government in baghdad closed its International Airspace tourists are staying away and theres been fighting between iraqi and Kurdish Forces Stephanie Decker reports from the hole while the cease fire is now in place the uncertainty continues to affect the region. The fresh air and serenity of these mountains usually attract kinds of visitors not just kurds but tourists from baghdad and elsewhere in iraq the bustling Mountain Resorts which would still be busy at this time of year are empty this ancient cave turned cafe used to be packed with customers and not anymore. The referendum iraqi forces and shia militias attack the Peshmerga Forces from that time business has been very bad because now iraqi forces are standing against the peshmerga all the borders the killers he has with iraq and all the connecting roads have been caught business travelers are also staying away its been noticeable in every city weve traveled through hotels are virtually empty imagine khalid used to run sixty to seventy rooms a day now its ten if that he says the situation has never been this bad. Both our airports are International Flights have been suspended by baghdad when a businessman wants to come to kurdistan from turkey for example he doesnt take the land right kurdistan is saif there when people see media reports theyre frightened every day we see different reports about issues with the border crossings i dont think businessmen will take the risk. Dirks general director for tourism says visitor numbers are down eighty percent and investment in the region is also shrinking due to the current situation. After military action and the decisions made by the iraqi Prime Minister about twenty five Hotels Motels and Restaurant Owners had to close their doors in less than a month in province because they were not able to make ends meet this is all due to baghdads actions its not a good move from them. People here have lost faith in those they consider to be their allies especially the United States they say they simply take yes on a legally nonbinding piece of paper but the message the referendum on secession sent means the kurds of Northern Iraq now feel abandoned and completely isolated and they say the consequences for them appear far from over Stephanie Decker aljazeera into her province six catalan politicians including the dissolve Parliament Speaker arrived at Spains Supreme Court in madrid to answer charges of rebellion and sedition are accused of staging catalonia secession referendum spains government has repeatedly declared that illegal john joins us live from barcelona take us through the full range of charges that theyre facing right now. Sami this is the speaker of the parliament the Parliament Building behind me there that has been dissolved i met four codell she is the woman who would have read out the results of that vote on october the twenty seventh in which the bottom and decided to declare independence along with her five other m. P. s from the parliament appearing before the Supreme Court in madrid on charges as you mentioned there of rebellions sedition also embezzlement misuse of public funds in the pursuit of the referendum first and then the declaration of independence now the court will ask them to answer to these charges that has their case delayed by a week to allow them to prepare to do that what will happen well the court has a number of options it can easily either throw out the charges and let them go it may decide to allow them out on bail on conditional release pending a trial or as has happened to eight ministers of the former government here in catalonia it may decide to lock them up pending trial and in the case of the ministers of weve heard that that could take anything up to four years now the same time joe i mean what is the expected outcome of all of this. Well its an interesting question because the legalities of all of this a quite complex the ministers because theyd been sacked were treated effectively as ordinary citizens their case was heard before the National Court in front of a particular conservative judge of the National Court thats a step below the Supreme Court the m. P. s because parliament has merely been suspended still have legal privileges afforded to elected officials theyre having their case heard in the Supreme Court the speculation at this point is that the Supreme Court may decide on a different outcome it may judge them not to be a flight risk it may judge them not to be an ongoing threat and therefore let them out on conditional release if that were to happen today then the thinking goes that the judge the ministers may lobby to have their case heard before the Supreme Court as well and also find that they are allowed out on conditional release speculative lee this may be a way out a way of deescalating a crisis now in which spain a member of the European Union is seen to be Holding Political prisoners. Are living there for now thanks so much jonah hill. By the most still ahead on the group of scientists in the netherlands announce theyve got a solution to world hunger. And the digitals communities an argentine a say theyre being persecuted and pushed from their native lands. The final line team to qualify for russias world cup will be decided over the next week and we will have all the details. Now syrias army and militia from iraq have surrounded the eyesore controlled city of. Iraqi fighters allied with the Syrian Government are pushing into their resort province crossing the iraqi border from the east this video appears to show syrian troops and iraqi fighters flying yellow shia militia flags its been losing ground rapidly since it lost its socalled capital of iraq to the Syrian Democratic forces in late october. It is following developments from. The turkish Syrian Border so first of all lets start with now confirmed that control is in. All depends on who you are listening to if you listen to the syrian observatory for human rights an Opposition Group and they say that half of the city is under the control of the Syrian Government and hezbollah forces whove been trying to retake it syrian state media has been seeing for the last few hours that its completely under their control but its not uncommon to hear these earlier claims of victory as these forces move into icy controlled areas weve heard that in mosul be heard that. In their lives or in other places where Syrian Forces or iraqi forces have moved in and they claim victory before the fight is completely over but it looks like that is if not already very soon going to be out out of his hands and will be the end of ice and in urban areas in syria that doesnt mean that isin fighters would completely be ended in the fight would have completely ended but urban areas would be gone from under its control and the caliphate that it once claimed will be over. All right well leave it there for now thanks so much. Now the International Criminal court wants to renegade libyan general to hand over one of his top commanders to face war crime charges. Is accused of planning the exit queue sions of thirty three people between march and july this year i. C. C. Prosecutor. And Security Council supported the man and sent a warning to libyan war criminals they are not beyond the reach of law. My office has also received reports including indicating that mr awad family is at large it remains a command sacre brigade and may have been involved in further killings i am investigating these reports mr president you know excellences let me stress that irrespective of any reported domestic investigation that may be underway libya remains under a legal obligation arising from resolution one thousand seventy two immediately arrest and surrender mr fairlie to the i. C. C. He must be transferred to the court to stand trial. Police have seized twelve tons of cocaine from colombias main drugs gang its the largest drugs hole ever in the south american nations long running fight against Drug Trafficking the cocaine has an estimated value of three hundred sixty Million Dollars it was found stored underground near the border with panama flash floods in southeastern colombia have killed at least nine People Police in the municipality of corinto say nineteen people are still unaccounted for after the river broke its banks and sent thousands of tons of water and mud into the nearby streets local media say at least thirty seven homes have been destroyed venezuelas Constitutional Assembly has passed a law clamping down on Media Freedom it allows prison sentences of up to twenty years for anyone who incites hate or violence through Television Radio or social media president Nicolas Maduro has frequently accused the opposition of promoting hate under the new law the state can also order Media Outlets to broadcast messages it says promote peace. Argentinas congress has renewed a law preventing Indigenous People from being evicted from land they say belongs to them but the communities are facing a difficult battle in having their land claims recognized many say theyve been targeted by people who want them removed there is a boat reports from foremost in northern argentina. If you dont look at dijon his community have been fighting eviction from this land for years they are members of they were community in the province of formosa in northeastern argentina. The teacher was born here over his fifty years ago he shows us pictures taken of him as a child with his mother so her mum my mother got very sick and we had to leave but this land was part of our territory and our land for years weve been discriminated against lived in poverty and now they want to take away the only thing we have left and that will make us a community again they we choose had twenty thousand hectares of land here in the early one nine hundred know theyre fighting for five hundred almost six years ago some came back to stay but they say theyre being persecuted. He now says a family in the capital of. The land is theirs and have done Everything Possible to make them leave he has been shot at and was later hit by a car that he says was driven by one of the family members. A muslim and the first time they tried to run me over i had to jump off the side of the bridge the second time they hit me i tried to recover for months we have made at least seventeen complaints but just as here side with the powerful. Argentinas law is supposed to guarantee that these people are going to be removed by force and he supposed to identify indigenous communities around the country so they have some type of protection communities have to prove they have a historical right to live on the land this Community Says that this piece of land is the biggest proof they have that this territory belongs to them they claim that some of their relatives are buried here you can see some ancient crosses here the only thing theyre missing is their recognition of the argentinean state. That in every nomad athenas says because of a current lawsuit happening here the communitys not allowed to do much on the land. I once wanted to sell some wood to survive. I but i was caught by police and they took everything away we could be growing more watermelons onions and other things to sell but they want to punish us in every possible way. The government says its trying to identify indigenous communities but there are over fifteen hundred land disputes in argentina today and i want to think we have the political will to advance but it doesnt depend on us alone but also on the provinces we believe that most of the governors want to move forward with this issue because were talking about people that are extremely vulnerable these people say the province has done nothing but persecute them and thats why theyre asking the National Government to help them. Argentina and then a few moments well have all the whether with robert still ahead here on aljazeera are we becoming selfie obsessed the Catholic Pope thinks his message this not happy followers coming out. Spreading it europes biggest vatican city of french shoppers and now facing a nationwide shortage and its both the first indictments and made in one of the biggest corruption scandals to hit College Sports in the United States. From the sky dome home. To the fresh autumn breeze in the city of. Now last year the rains in south america were pretty deadly and i just coming back up to strength again in the first place to watch from fridays colomba down the southwest in a time called gordon toss this is the site of tuesday evenings river expansion the river overflowed it doesnt take very much force to do that were in a mountainous area unfortunately there have been fatal it is that its just southeast of cali were looking so you can see its not very big clouds in the in the big scheme of things you can see much big ones of the i was in rain forest this is the place to get about a hundred millimeters in the months and we probably had that up in the mountains this is a shot of the light of day because the flood happened in the evening and still clearing up thirty seven has at least destroyed and people are still missing i would like to say there is some good news as a result of this but im afraid if i move you on to the forecast its not that good this is that time of the year weve got some effects of the short rains its not the wettest month even but in this mountainous part of western colombia thats the picture on thursday bogota has very going to get to where we were talking about and the green is all showers they tend to be their biggest year the day of course front up by the heat of the sun but they dont disappear entirely even overnight. The weather sponsored by the time these. Short films of hope. And inspiration. A series of short hostile stories that highlight the human triumph against the odds. I prepared for that one hundred people it was you know he had to be on time. To be on the bed i hope you said oh because if it everybody one aljazeera selects at this time. Where ever you are. Bank youre watching out is there a time to recap our headlines now the uns humanitarian chief is warning of the worst famine the world has seen in decades unless the Saudi Led Coalition allows aid into yemen food and fuel prices have skyrocketed since saturday thats when the blockade was tightened more than twenty humanitarian groups have criticized the blockade. U. S. President donald trump says he and chinese leader xi jinping believe theres a solution to the north korea crisis trump called on china to apply more pressure on pyongyang over its Nuclear Weapons program they acknowledge Common Ground on how to deal with the crisis. And six catalan politicians including the dissolved Parliament Speaker are appearing before spain Supreme Court in madrid to face decades in prison if found guilty of charges of rebellion and sedition over their role in last months ban secession referendum. Theres been a new wave of arrests in what saudi arabia says is an Anti Corruption crackdown dozens of royal family members officials and prominent businessman of already been detained they face allegations of Money Laundering bribery and extortion about seventeen thousand Bank Accounts have now been frozen that number is expected to rise these include accounts linked to the former crown Prince Mohammed bin nayef and the late prince plan bin abdulaziz banks in the United Arab Emirates have been asked to provide information on the accounts of nineteen saudi citizens critics say the crackdown is an attempt to consolidate power by the Saudi Crown Prince mohammed bin cell man soon chassis is a senior lecturer in the middle east politics at the university of bradford joins us now on skype from leeds in the u. K. Good to have you with us so lets start with the latest round of arrests i believe its nineteen people what do we know about this latest round of arrests and what does it tell us about the scope of the crackdown. I mean for several the only thing that the first thing that we need to kind of acknowledge is that a lot is happening in saudi arabia but in a climate that there is no transparency there is no freedom of expression and freedom of media it is a very difficult to be able to make a proper sense of what is really happening. On the ground yes there over the last twenty four hours we heard that there have been conned of new arrests in in the country and according to some reports at least some of these individuals are directly connected to the former crown prince. Sultan and also they could take with the crown prince after him being who was removed from his office in june two thousand and seventeen and replaced by mohammed bin solomon and at the same time got a lot of con of lower level kind of managers and officers in chuse day we had around twelve hundred Bank Accounts. Kind of frozen by by the Anti Corruption committee and by wednesday this figure reached seventeen hundred and im absolutely sure within the next few days this number will see if it cant lee rise but the point is that in this kind of climate of one transparency it is a very difficult really to really understand what is happening and what exactly targeted but without any doubt that there seems to be a linkage between those people have been arrested and their political and ideological oconnor for ordering this action into the question of whether i mean as you mentioned their figures associated with former crown princes eve. In the bank account being frozen of mohammed bin nayef the former crown prince who was replaced one hundred been sold on that account being frozen when you look at stuff like that youve got to ask is this an Anti Corruption drive or is this a consolidation of power. I mean we have to acknowledge that yes corruption is an issue in saudi arabia and if you really want to pave the way to a meaningful economy transition you have to address it but to be honest i dont think what is happening right now is primarily about kind of setting the stage to create a more transparent and clean economy most of the individuals who have been targeted by this Anti Corruption committee seem to create some impediments some challenges for the future of throne of. Ben solomon and to me it seems that actually mohamed bin salmond is increasingly moving towards further centralization of power and him. Off the Political Landscape hes using that corruption just in the same way that the bolsheviks were using kind of counter revolution the activities in order to penalize and marginalize his potential rivals in the future and that potentially can constitute a lot of problem for the future stability of the country you have to remember since the time of the as these things the foundation of the kingdom of saudi arabia of politics was based on consensus based on consensus and im wondering if i could jump in again after you know in the punishment for example for an ordinary person stealing in saudi arabia as we know it is cutting off their hand but when people see princes who have been accused of corruption of being accused of stealing vast amounts of the countrys wealth confined to the ritz carlton instead i mean are ordinary citizens going to see this as the rule of law being established or as a double standard. I mean id to be honest i dont think there is a rule of law to begin with because there is very little clarity about the legal jurisprudence of the socalled or the Legal Authority and jurisdiction of the socalled there Anticorruption Committee it seems that there is no clear jew process taking place at the moment and the people as i mentioned who have been targeted primarily seem to have some political issues with their status meant rather than being penalized and targeted because of their corrupt economy activities because if you genuinely want to set the stage for a cleaner economy a more transparent economy you have to start basically reforming the legal as much as you have to start reforming the political the structures in order to be able to have a meaningful economy reform which could pave the way to a more transparent economy and in absence of basically an effective and legal judiciary and legal structures i really cant see how they can clean the economy from the corruption and to me this is unfortunately on the part of the extension of the politics of fear which is kind of affecting every facet of political life in saudi arabia at the moment all right thank you so much as that the u. S. State department is mark serious decision to sign up to the paris climate agreement that leaves the u. S. As their only country in the world thats not part of the deal syrias move has been praised at the u. N. Climate summit in germany its yet to formally submit its Climate Change plan leaders from around the world are drawing up a rule book for the paris accord. Scientists in the netherlands say theyre close to a breakthrough which would allow crops to be grown in the desert many say this could completely alter life on the african continent and even end hunger now World Leaders meeting at the climate talks in germany are being urged to commit more to fund new agricultural projects in drought stricken parts of the world largely reports. In this southern corner of the netherlands a grain of ember day looks like the last place youd expect to see a revolution in food but in these vast greenhouses things are happening that could change lives half a world away usually it takes huge amounts of water to grow tomatoes but here they reduce its a virtually nothing and they even grow the fruit in insulation material rather than soil we use only rainwater and recycled water and you can do this with any vegetable. You can. It can be a solution to to bring feed food into other places in the world where theres a problem that. The tiny netherlands is already the Worlds Largest exporter of tomatoes this though has not location not for western supermarkets but for the worlds hungry what theyre onto here is regarded as really exciting because if you can grow vegetables with no soil and with almost no water then you can grow them anywhere you can grow them in the deserts or where theres been drought and so theres a growing realisation that this technology could be used to fight famine the combination of population growth and Climate Change are making a terrible situation in parts of the world even worse and deserted occasion the Agricultural Land is turning many into climate refugees. At this leading university to finding yet more radical Solutions Like extracting the bacteria from plants which can cope in the deserts and putting them into crops incredibly the scientists believe the deserts of the world are a huge agricultural opportunity they think theyre two years away from planting crops in the sand that this cabbage tomato and i thought potato we are working on this well so its really brought if we come to barley and its a very close relative of wheat that we have were talking about major crops of that. That we can grow under such harsh conditions also in desert areas. The message here to western politicians is that Climate Change is an integra part of the refugee crisis and Offering Solutions has benefits everywhere if we dont solve the problems over there then people will migrate to other places and they will look for food in europe and we know that. Migration is a great problem so in my opinion we need to improve the situation in africa. And. Improve the Life Movement of people in africa theres often a feeling that trying to help the worlds hungry is pointless then the problems will never end but here there is proof that even Climate Change can be beaten by science for the politicians of the rich countries it is becoming possible to affect incredible change if they really want to lawrence lee aljazeera in the netherlands Human Rights Watch is urging World Leaders to raise me in mass treatment of. Which get underway in asia. Has arrived in the vietnamese city of dying for this weeks apec summit is not a formal member of the group but she was invited by vietnams president next week shell attend the summit in the philippines Government Faces International Pressure over violence in iraq and state which is for six hundred thousand ringle muslims to flee into bangladesh a World Food Programme survey shows malnutrition rates are increasing at an alarming rate among the refugees camps in bangladesh the findings show one in four children are suffering from severe hunger and the number of life threatening cases has doubled in the past few months and World Food Program says the area where many of the refugees are coming from has seen some of the Food Supplies in. Level of malnutrition severe acute malnutrition amongst children Young Children of which they could risk dying has actually doubled from a similar survey that was carried out some months ago but the situation in the camps and settlements is very very difficult so as prosecutors have dropped an investigation into a Rape Allegation made against the film director Roman Polanski last year former german actress renee lang go cuse polanski of raping her in one nine hundred seventy two when she was fifteen years old prosecutors say the time limit has expired for had a geisha is to be pursued and go as the fourth woman to accuse polanski of Sexual Assault and us act think kevin spacey has been dropped from an already complete hollywood film after more accusations of Sexual Misconduct against him spacey played the late u. S. Oil billionaire getty in the ridley scott film all the money in the world was due out next month but his scenes will now be shot again with Christopher Plummer as a replacement spacey faces a growing number of Sexual Harassment allegations in the u. S. And britain last week he was fired from the lead role in the popular netflix production house of cards former u. S. President barack obama returned to his hometown chicago on wednesday to report for jury duty the two term president s appearance caused a flurry of excitement at the courthouse even though he wasnt picked for jury Service Former president s george w. Bush and bill clinton of both reported for jury duty in the past but werent chosen either regional judges use the event to highlight the importance of jury duty. So they can see that no one who is a citizen is automatically excuse unless they are at a certain age everybody else has that responsibility and if the former president of the United States takes his time to come in about a part of the world in the current pope francis has taken aim at worshipers who take pictures with their mobile phones during mass the leader of the Roman Catholic church has previously urged the faithful to be more spiritual and his priests and bishops to be more humble after his election in two thousand and thirteen pope francis said pained him to see priests driving expensive cars and using the latest smartphones the pope is driving around in a ford focus and is not known to have ever used a mobile phone in public since he took up the role he question. The priest during mass says lift up your hearts he does not say lift up your cell phones to take pictures its a very ugly thing it makes me very sad when i celebrate mass here in the piazza or in the basilica and i see so many cell phones held up not only by the faithful but also by some priests and even bishops please the mass is not a show its a meeting with the passion and the resurrection of our lord thats why the priest says lift up your hearts what does it mean so remember no cell phones now the french are the worlds biggest consumers of butter its used in much of the local cooking and baking but theyre facing the biggest shortage since the end of the Second World War and finds out if the shortage is likely to spread. Few things are is french as croissants customers come early to this fakery in paris to buy them warm from the oven most say its the butter that makes them so tasty so rising butter prices in europe is worrying because in france. The cost is doubled for us but we cant put up our prices because the customers wont understand class on some pastries or part of daily life here so if you raise prices will lose Business Global demand for butter is soaring as tastes change but milk supplies in europe have decreased forcing up prices and feeling a shortage its a color a catastrophe for the french who eat the most butter in the world and naturally im still managing to find some butter even if there is not much in the shops we love the taste of butter especially when its organic and delicious france is suffering shortages because of the rigid rules that govern food supply suppliers and supermarkets decide prices annually in february so supermarkets are refusing to renegotiate until next year analysts say retailers in other countries like germany adapt by paying and charging more in other countries in europe their prices when there are a strong evolution of the prices the prices negotiator there really. Is the case for example in germany its dairy farms like this one in normandy that supply the milk used in france is famously creamy parter. What most Dairy Farmers are saying is that they have been forgotten in this crisis they havent seen any benefit from the high a butter prices and what most tell us is that theyre still selling their milk at the same price as they did thirty years ago. Manual gavel says farmers are fed up with seeing others in the industry profit. It is a real concern we said about a shortage in the shops but we farmers are not being paid more after some turf years we need more financial help there is obviously a problem between suppliers and shops but when will farmers get their share of the pie frances government has called on all sides to in the past a crisis at its promise to help farmers get better paid for their produce manual hopes that will mean farmers like him will be able to make a fairer living. Aljazeera. Attic or france. Well still ahead on aljazeera all the sports including army wellings in darwin in the north of england exploring with a college kid anywhere in a right engine sports like any difference to results some scientists here are sharing it count. Writes time to catch up with all the sport we start with some corruption and date seems to be all too often the first indictments of be made in one of the biggest corruption scandals to hit College Sports in the United States athletes playing at College Level on sell outs be paid but a series of multimillion dollar kickbacks involving coaches agents and sponsors being investigated was on the reports christian dockings a former sports agent walking out of federal court in manhattan prosecutors say dockings ran a scheme that exploited teenage College Athletes in the name of profit he was one of more than eight people charged as part of a web of corruption in u. S. College basketball that also involved coaches sportswear executives Financial Advisers less carpenter a Sports Writer for the guardian says it all starts with nike and adidas vying for sponsorship deals this is the great on veiling of what weve always known about College Basketball its a very complicated system of payments which Shoe Companies at the heart of it that essentially are buying off coaches in universities the with with huge sponsorship deals that are several Million Dollars those sponsorship deals are critical in mooring top players to colleges the Shoe Companies essentially locking up those players to wear their shoes and thus rake in the profits should they go professional but the big money involves more than just sneakers. Basketball especially the famous march madness competition brings the National Collegiate Athletic Association or n. C. A. A. About one billion dollars a year from Television Rights ticket sales corporate sponsorship and advertising and for the most Successful College teams that means huge profits the university of louisville the top earners made a profit of twenty four point two Million Dollars last year the top ten coaches meanwhile make salaries of between two and seven Million Dollars a year but its a different story for the players who no matter which college team they play for are paid nothing jim gatto a former executive editor this has been charged with trying to arrange a one hundred thousand dollars payment to the family of a heavily recruited High School Star rick pitino the former scandal plagued coach at the university of louisville was the highest paid coach in america but even though he hasnt been charged he was ousted that day after the criminal complaints came down his methods of recruiting dealings with Shoe Companies were under suspicion for years in a world of College Basketball where what was once considered unethical behavior is now seen as potentially criminal gabriels on doak how is it a new york how week long process to decide the final nine sames will compete at next years world cup in russia kicks off on thursday the european class began with Northern Irelands tie against switzerland on croatias in counts it with greece sames place for the home and away with the win is progressing into the finals Northern Ireland i mean for the first world cup since one thousand nine hundred six. These players have gone through a lot of experience a lot of good a lot of bad. You know the one thing i will say them is that youre not not not to fear the situation to embrace the situation. And make sure that whatever our plans you know when you look back you know we dont have any regrets regardless of you know if it goes our way or not well there are eight teams left in europe only four will make it so russia twenty eighteen after these playoffs Northern Ireland second leg with switzerland is played on sunday later on thursday croatia host greece in the first leg of their match up in sa grab italy face missing out on a world cup for the First Time Since nineteen fifty eight their playoffs against sweden the first leg is on friday and on saturday denmark are at home for the first leg against the republic of ireland they havent featured on footballs biggest stage since two thousand and two catalogues efforts to improve the conditions of his mind when workers have been recognised by a leading Global Trade Union the International Labor organization has closed its complaint against the country many working on projects for the twenty twenty two world cup including the forty thousand seats at our wacker stadium here the organizing team say that despite the trade blockade is being imposed on qatar by some nearby countries preparations remain on track always at the markets but have since then been discovered even further especially when we just look at a man in kuwait as well as other countries and have had then. Been has been very. Simply put. Satisfying in finding alternatives quality and quantity russia says it will ask the United States to extradite the man who revealed details of an alleged state sponsored doping program chen cough is the former head of russias anti doping of oratory he claims the country protected its dont cheat and cover up failed tests russia has denied the allegations but its track and field athletes from maine banned from International Competition russia and the United States dont there have an extradition treaty. Now the England Rugby team will be hoping to slip under the radar when they play argentina on saturday wearing a dark gray kit manufacturers claim will help to camouflage them reports on whether kids color really can make a difference now you see them now you dont yes its hard to miss giant rugby players but the england team dont want opponents argentina to see them clearly in their match on saturday their dog for the game has been specially designed as an attempt to blend in stealth mode. Come a color and design of kit really make a difference. In darwin north east england Robert Barton and fellow scientists russell hill showed statistically it can in many species of monkeys and the color red is used in males to display dominance and aggression and we wondered rather speculative like whether it could possibly be the case that red has similar psychological consequences as contest between humans as it does in the contest between say male monkeys using fifty years of english Football Data they found teams in red did perform better on average in late positions they also looked into four limpid combat sports in the two thousand and four guides and found the competitor wearing red one between fifty five and sixty percent of ballots. Sometimes when youre watching any sports it really does feel that color come make a difference a psychological as well as the visual might the loser in the all blacks have a bit of an extra bondage on top of being the best to you because of that famous jersey the brazilian football when they switched to a vibrant yellow of Great Success over many decades and youve got tiger woods always wearing a red shirts on the final dye when he might his push for a title a bad kid can sometimes be blind for a bad performance for example Alex Ferguson holding his Manchester United team to change that great good time in a premier league match against southampton this is where we study professor a new home but explores color recognition at Newcastle University its not just easier on the eye its also how it makes you feel so light and colors not only give you a visual signal they also affect how you feel they affect your mate the effect your emotions and it might make your competitors feel a certain way to. Do the boxes back at Darwin University have a preference if you go in red or blue you have a choice to make a difference here right with some of the time with more direct like scientology but its psychological and this usually does mean that. The vote on englands rugby kit is designed to fight to guy but when i step on to the right on the green grass of twickenham lee wellings aljazeera. Im not changing to read about is how youre a sports fan and i was. Thanks andy thats it for this news hour ill be back with more of the days news thats with adrian might stay with us. It. Was finished. School. The sams in archaeology graduate from iraq hes also a part time going to billings Pergamon Museum which includes a reconstruction of the famous ishtar gate in baba log most of the people hes showing around came to germany as refugees this is just one of several berlin museums taking part in the project called a Meeting Point and as well as bringing people together one of its aims is to emphasize the contribution of migrants right up to the present day to western Culture Office in a language he had been because ive been here for some time i can help them with lots of things that moves us forward to me the great thing is its not just about museums about forming a new life here part of life is culture. With. Documentaries that open your eyes at this time on aljazeera. It will be the largest famine the well to seen

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