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Hello im daryn jordan this is obviously a live from doha also coming up the documents reveal fresh evidence of the super wealthy and corporations hiding huge sums in tax havens. Hezbollah leader know how to use a saudi arabia forcing the lebanese Prime Minister to resign plus the ousted Catalan Leader for xmas is a freed under strict conditions in belgium and spain seeks the extradition. We begin with a mass shooting at a church in southern and springs in the u. S. State of texas at least twenty six people have died police say the gunman walked into the church during sunday service and opened fire at least seventeen others were injured in the attack including children the gunman fled the scene and was later found dead when i was john hendren is live in washington d. C. With more now on this story john somewhat more details are emerging about the shooting on the gunman involved. Daryn we know the victims ranged in age from as young as five to is old is seventy two years old they included the fourteen year old daughter of the pastor of the first bad just church in that town pastor Frank Pomeroy was out of town at the time with his wife but his fourteen year old daughter was found among the dead the shooter has been identified as Devon Patrick kelly a twenty six year Old Air Force veteran we are told according to air force officials that he was Court Martialed after an assault on his wife and child thats in two thousand and twelve and he received a bad conduct discharge Authorities Say that he attacked that church in military gear and a ballistic vest first from the outside then from the inside and we hear more from Martin Freeman of the Texas Department of Public Safety this is what he had to say at approximate level twenty this morning. A suspect was seen at a valero gas station and so there was praise texas he was dressed in all black this suspect crossed the street to the church exit is being cool and began firing at the church the suspect then moved to the right side of the church and continued to fire that suspect entered the church and continued to fire as he exited the church a local resident grabbed his rifle and engaged the suspect the suspect dropped his rifle which was a ruger they are Assault Rifle and fled from the church. Or local citizen pursued the suspect at that time a short time later as Law Enforcement responded that suspect right at the Wilson Guadalupe county line he ran off the roadway and crashed out it was found deceased in his vehicle at that time we at this time we dont know if it was a selfinflicted gunshot wound or if he was shot by our local resident who engaged him in gunfire. And john previous Mass Shootings tend to put the spotlight back on gun laws presumably this latest deadly shooting will reignite that debate. Undoubtedly we will be hearing calls and we already have on twitter and social media from gun control advocates saying this is simply the latest of an endless line of examples of shootings that call for some kind of restriction on weapons however whats different in this case is that you have someone from inside that church who according to police grabbed a rifle and then engage the gunman now that is likely to fuel gun activists who will say that more people having guns means more people will be able to defend themselves against these kind of incidents and therefore gun control would not be necessary so this is a debate that is likely to be enlivened now but congress and the u. S. President s have had a dismal history of changing gun laws ever since two thousand and four thats when an assault weapons ban that was supported by former president s carter and reagan and was signed by president clinton expired from one thousand nine hundred ninety four to two thousand and four we had this assault weapons ban and since then despite all of the shootings that have happened after them newtown pennsylvania in two thousand and twelve or twenty eight were killed mostly children and then as recently as just october first where we had the shooting in las vegas where fifty eight were killed five hundred or so were wounded in that incident and there has been a little momentum since then President Trump at that time said it was too early to be talking about remedies for that thats a dramatic contrast from the approach he took after the incident in new york in which an it was back immigrant mowed down eight and killed eight people on a bike path in new york at that time he called for changes in the Immigration Law and he called for the Death Penalty for that assailant in this case he has said we vow to stand strong but there is little evidence that he will pursue change in the gun laws and very little evidence in history that congress will do the same john hendren there in washington d. C. John thank you. Now Donald Trumps commerce secretary an aide to canadian Prime Minister just introduced Queen Elizabeth the second just some of the people revealed so far in a huge leak of financial documents showing how the super rich have been using secret offshore accounts in tax havens more than thirteen million files called the Paradise Papers were leaked on the offshore north applebee they cover an estimated ten trillion dollars held in offshore tax havens in most cases its perfectly legal but critics argue allowing the mega rich to hide from the tax authorities isnt fat and that governments have been slow to address the issue well the official finance system is also highly secretive oddly opening the way for illegal activity on the north applebees says its confident the papers will show no evidence of wrongdoing or to sullivan is the editor of organized crime and corruption reporting project he says the leaks highlight the imbalance of how societies wealth is managed theres a new Global Industry that that caters to money that moves around the world and this money moves through tax havens and it used to evade taxes to hide assets to steal money if you are going to prime it you buy Large Businesses and what this is really doing it it to allow i mean by globalization money youre allowed to move your money legally into places where you dont have to pay taxes and the problem is that the countries which were getting taxes when a yacht was bought or a plane with the larger issue is you know whether its text mitigation or tax evasion the problem is not its not fair because you only can really do this if you have a large amount of money theres a criminal Services Industry that that kind of caters to the market and allows people to do this and regular people are just not allowed to do that. Donald trump is meeting Business Leaders in japan as part of his asia tour earlier he had lunch with Prime Minister Shinzo Laberge in his address to Business Leaders he said trade with japan was not fair and open this Morning Police have an opportunity to discuss how we can strengthen. The economic ties between the United States. And japan. And i have to say for the last many decades japan has been willing to do nothing. So the latest now from tokyo scots a President Trump started his second day in japan at the u. S. Embassy where he made those comments about u. S. Japanese trade what more they have to say. Now there what he talked about the trade deficit in this is something that candidate trumping up president who has really been kind of focused on the deficit between trade with nations and the United States so as he said there you know there is a deficit still here with japan i want to correct that he also talked about the t. P. Pino this is a Transpacific Partnership and one of his very first actions as president as he entered the white house was to take the United States out of the now thats something that really kind of hit hard here in japan because that is a trade deal that the japanese really were focused on and really wanted to move forward so that is something he reiterated that again this morning at that statement at the u. S. Embassy here in tokyo he said that its still not its not a good deal what this is interesting what makes this interesting now as we go through the second day the business day if you will of his stop here in japan is that were getting indications that there might be some announcements about trade between these two nations he kind of teed it up he has his view that there is a deficit that needs to be corrected it has his eyes were going to be hearing from the leaders in a couple of hours were there right now meeting at a Government Guest house for lunch they can have a working lunch and then after that theyre going to have a sit down summit meeting as they coined it and then after that were going to hear from the two leaders a joint press Statement Press conference so well probably hear about some type of trade situation im not going to say trade deal between the two nations but some type of trade situation potentially out of that we will also hear about north korea because that is a very important issue to both of these nations security is very important to both of them coordination between the United States and japan on all Security Issues is critical so well probably hear a little bit more about that there and again that press conference is going to happen after they finish this working lunch and then get to the meeting then hear from the two leaders and whats in store for the rest of the day for the president s goal. Yes so that meeting you know we right now will that thats the focus right now and then later on theyll be a banquet an official banquet this evening monday evening and that kind of sums up the trip here no earlier in the day he kind of marched through here to march through the day so far he met with Business Leaders at the u. S. Embassy we saw that statement and then he met he had an audience with the emperor and empress at the imperial palace just before arriving at this government state house for a working lunch the meeting thats the nuts and bolts of what this trip here is all about the press statements and then this evening a state dinner a state banquet with all of the dignitaries here in tokyo and then he will take off early Tuesday Morning and go to to sort of continue on with his asia trip or just got high level in tokyo scott thank you well ahead of Donald Trumps visit to the philippines thousands of people have marched through manila calling for an end to drug related killings in the country Jonathan Duggan has more. When president carter was elected into office more than a year and a half ago the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic church and other religious groups says they were willing to give him a chance this might religious organizations here be at the end of the pirates months ago they finally spoke up and said enough is enough romneys name is right no more and i feel like no more for the religion john nor. The. Farmers. But the promise of. The. People of use of drugs it is the one that you see has been i firmly believe that. Involved in the illegal drug trade not only now but when they were. And it has become apparent that targets of. Water and drugs of. Only the or. Primarily fear in the hearts of of the nation Rights Groups here say more than thirteen thousand filipinos have died since president through the good the third to launched his socalled war on drugs and according to religious leaders they say his presidency has released a spawn of killings and a level of impunity and seen in recent decades here at this rally where thousands have showed up religious leaders are encouraging people to speak up they say its time to speak out against the killings and abuses of human rights silent in the face of evil is to be an accomplice to any of. Hundreds of environmental activists up a testing ahead of the annual u. N. Climate summit they gathered at a coal mine near the german city of bond where the talks will be held on monday ministers will gather for the first cup twenty three meeting since u. S. President donald trump withdrew from the Paris Agreement on limiting emissions. Come here and saudi arabia calls a Ballistic Missile launch at riyadh from yemen and out of war. Around. The ranger exodus from continues despite claims the governments doing everything it can to help the refugees morn. Hello winter has bitten well and truly in Washington State in British Columbia and all that cloud is still tumbling in and then heading east was across the Northern Plains to what is really the head of another system now that is where winter is its in canada but it has come down to the cascades in the Northern Rockies that seems to be dying out now and overnight for cause youve got snow Daylight Hours on monday suns back out in seattle still cold only five degrees but it stopped snowing up in the hills youll notice that snow has crept across the dakotas and possibly a bit beyond seven degrees in chicago and all this time still quite warm the eastern seaboard if that is to woman toronto and also that will change the cold air will spread your way were down to single figures come tuesday for toronto also and were in the teens for new york and washington with showers in through the appalachians down towards dallas still warm twenty three theres a lot of action going on in the gulf of mexico all the caribbean you can see with the cloud is here curling around its not produce a good spinner it is just storms all shells one around possibly need to make here in cuba that sit in the area of interest and a bit further east center domingo could be a very weird place generally hispaniola with mexico its looking remarkably dry. Inspiration. Stories are keeping the spirit. By courageously defending the right. At this time. Welcome back to the top stories here on aljazeera. In the texan town of southern springs has left twenty six people dead but he said the gunman walked into the church during a service and opened fire dozens were injured in the attack the gunman who fled was later found dead. Britains Queen Elizabeth and a top aide to the canadian Prime Minister are among thousands may in the new leak of financial accounts the socalled power papers contains thirteen million files from bermuda based. Meeting Business Leaders in japan as part of his asia told is a live picture from that earlier he had lunch and played golf the Prime Minister. The high ranking Saudi Arabian prince has been killed in a Helicopter Crash near the border with yemen eight saudi officials also died prince months or been moved in was the son of former crown prince muqrin these videos were posted on his twitter page hours before his death showing him carrying out an inspection of defense and environment projects he was appointed as the Deputy Governor of the sea a region which borders yemen its not clear what caused the crash. And more than a dozen saudi princes and ministers have been detained in a sweeping corruption crackdown the roundup started just hours after an Anticorruption Committee began work one of the worlds richest men is among those being held the sweet kind and sided with a major government over whole bolstering the power of the crown Prince Mohammed bin solomon reports call it a surprise saturday night shake up saudi state t. V. Reported that eleven princes three current and dozens of former ministers have been detained as part of an option probe only hours after the formation of an Investigative Committee was announced its difficult to relate this to corruption since they didnt have enough time to make a prosecution or to make investigations about that if there was something or some information collected previously why did the and with. The case by case in different be this before about the not doing this overnight all these people together which is rather suspicious. The saudi cabinet overhaul is viewed as a power play by king solomon analysts say its designed to ensure his son and heir to the throne crown Prince Mohammed bin salomon consolidates power and does so among their branch of the royal family hes making this Public Relations sense to get more public support and also a little bit of the way his popularity one of the most high profile figures pushed out is the minister of the National Guard prince metabo bin of dollar he was the son of former king of dollar and once thought to be next in line to the throne he was the remaining member of the abdullah family in such a high level position. Also detained is prince will lead bin tell out hes one of the wealthiest men in the world and given his widespread investments is detainment could have an impact on global business. This shake up sends a message theres a new political order but only do we have a new chapter opening up in saudi arabia we have a whole new book a whole new political i submit if you will except i mean with one exception thats still all done in secrecy its also a reminder that for months after the crown prince was named heir to the throne there can be no mistake mohammed bin selman is the future for saudi arabia natasha going to eight zero zero. Saudi arabia has shut down yemens land sea and airports in response to rebel who think is firing a rocket across the border at riyadh saudi airstrikes have also targeted the who with the run Defense Ministry and a square using mass rallies and the capital of yemen where the who the Ballistic Missiles fired deep into saudi territory on saturday the Group Released this footage which they say shows the launch it was aimed at the Riyadh International airport but was shot down in the air a Saudi Led Coalition controls many of yemens ports and saudi arabia has pointed the finger at iran for arming the who things with such missiles and expertise a spokesman for the military Coalition Says the missile incident could be considered an act of war by iran. These militant who are supported by iranian experts iran provides the who has military experts and planners in collaboration in cooperation with a terrorist organization of his in lebanon might try to control the strait in a dangerous challenge to Regional Peace and stability and to the movement of ships through the strait and International Trade you know iran and hezbollah have accused saudi arabia the u. S. And israel of trying to fuel tensions in the middle east saying they forced lebanons Prime Minister to resign saad hariri announced on saturday in the saudi capital but he was leaving his position as well our second general says saudi arabia is behind the sudden resignation. This is the statement. If you want to discuss it we need to discuss the. The way south is its not the way of south really its not the way. Stuck by a block and what has been written and there is ignition the statement is completely different even the sense of sad that harry. Came to power the way he thinks the way he deals with matters the way here sort out problems doesnt go. With the content of those of a nation statement irans government that says saudi arabia is using the resignation of hariri to cover up its own internal political crisis aljazeera same as romneys been speaking to a member of parliament for the rain in National Security and Foreign Policy commission. Not having hussein is a member of the Iranian Parliament hes also the spokesman for the Parliamentary Commission on National Security and Foreign Policy he gave us his perspective on the events unfolding in saudi arabia over the last few days regarding the resignation of the lebanese Prime Minister he said theres no doubt in the iranian governments mind that saad hariri was pressured by the saudi government to step down and it was a cord needed effort to distract from saudi arabias own internal political problems heres what he had to say. Just on the crew in the government of saudi arabia there has been a coup and saudi arabia tried to use the resignation of saad hariri to hide any tunnel movements inside the saudi government but the first headline is the resignation of saad hariri not incidents happening inside the government of saudi arabia so we believe that this is coordinated now he also said that irans government has information to suggest that hardline political groups are taking over Saudi Affairs but he took the opportunity to reach out to the saudi government. We believe if there is cooperation between saudi arabia and iran it is beneficial for the rage and it could bring calm to the region but they rely on america they rely on israel they think that with american weapons they can be a power in the region this is a wrong theory the government before the revolution in iran the shahs regime with totally saving america but americans abandoned him during the Islamic Revolution so instead of relying on american powers and foreign powers Pay Attention to the countries of the bridge and finally hussein he said that attacks by yemens hooty fighters on targets inside saudi arabia are in evitable he said that hundreds of yemenis are dying every day in saudi bombardment and that the people that theyre fighting cant be expected to do nothing else and he said that yemen had become a quagmire for saudi arabia in the same way that vietnam had become a quagmire for the americans and he said that it was time for saudi arabia to stop the violence and negotiate their way out of the conflict because as he said the era of empires is over. A car bomb killed at least one hundred civilians including children who were trying to escape the syrian city of dinners or at least one hundred forty others were wounded in the attack eisel has claimed responsibility Government Forces announced on friday the group had been pushed out of the city which was the last major urban stronghold ousted cattle only that catalyst for former cattle and ministers have been released under strict conditions in belgium and spain seeks their extradition that earlier turn themselves in following an arrest warrant from madrid of the holding of catalonia secession referendum David Schaper reports from brussels. Tomorrow and four of his deposed cabinet ministers surrendered themselves at this Police Station in central brussels and were officially placed under arrest at nine seventeen sunday morning they were then transferred in a police van to the office of the brussels prosecutor but they were not put in handcuffs. An investigative judge has been appointed will now examine the case laid against them by the court in madrid who issued the warrants the investigative judge. Refusal to execute the european arest. People involved freezing in the m. M. A conditions under which the mall has exercised his right under belgian law to have the hearing conducted in flemish a belgian region of flanders has long shared catalonia bishan independence some analysts say its an attempt to politicize the whole process the legal procedures surrounding the european arrest warrant have been streamlined and reformed but it still could take up to sixty days before any extradition is carried out on in special circumstances up to ninety days but legal experts now say there are a limited grounds to resist arrest warrants so there is for instance no grounds for for refusal based on the political nature of the old fence any more so this has been abolished here are two different grounds for refusal could be used one on the basis of a serious risk off infringement after mr president. Human rights and the second ones on the basis of double criminality pushed him on his ministers are charged by madrid with rebellion sedition and misuse of public funds and of facing a maximum sentence of thirty years in jail the double criminality clause examines if those charges mean the same in both belgium and spain if they appeal on any of the grounds allowed under the european arrest warrant they will go before yet another judge in a bid to fight extradition chaytor aljazeera brussels. Thirty children have died in two days in a hospital under scrutiny in northern india the beyond Medical College in pradesh said the deaths were from Natural Causes comes after seventy children died there were no burst a lack of oxygen supply was blamed for those deaths well the incident triggered protests against Prime Minister Narendra Modis party which rules the state. Aljazeera has obtained exclusive pictures of thousands of displaced range of muslims waiting to cross the border into bangladesh since august more than six hundred thousand fled the violence which the u. N. Says amounts to ethnic cleansing more from Florence Louis in yangon where the exodus of refugees continues. A makeshift settlement has sprung up. In Rakhine State top all in sheets and blankets propped up with sticks so that shelter from the sun and rain many have been here for weeks its difficult to verify the numbers because journalists are restricted from traveling to northern recalling but the person who sent us this video says the thousands of people on the beach and they all share one goal to escape to bangladesh. Rakhine people looted our properties and set fire to our homes our cattle have nothing left but the boatmen are charging fifty dollars per person to cross and i cant afford the trophy along says people are hungry thirsty and desperate the myanmar minister told al jazeera the government has been providing people there with some humanitarian assistance. Weve asked them why they want to go to bangladesh there is a curfew in Northern Iraq but there is no cleansing operation going on and no more attacks have taken place recently but the real hinge of a still crossing into bangladesh bringing with them accounts of persecution and abuse they entered despite the risks about two hundred people have drowned since august when their boats capsized there is still very much an influx the numbers are lower than what we saw in september but people are still coming by the sawzall its they are coming by the land border and also the sea Border Crossing after of are some are so desperate that they make the dangerous journey around through the bath and all for weeks the government and state owned media here in myanmar have been saying stability has been restored in recalling and that authorities are starting to rehabilitate areas destroyed by violence but its becoming increasingly clear that one group the remainder is being excluded more than half the room population in myanmar have now fled to bangladesh with many more waiting to make the journey florence al jazeera. All the news of course on our website the latest on that deadly shooting at a church in texas there it is on your screen address aljazeera dot com thats. Called. A quick recap of the top stories here on aljazeera at least twenty six people have been killed during a mass shooting at a church in the texan town of southern and springs in the United States police say the gunman walked into the church during a service and opened fire at least seventeen others were injured in the attack including children the gunman said have been challenged by a member of a Church Congregation and then fled police say the gunman was found dead later in a vehicle he died of a gunshot wound Texas Governor says the attack was unprecedented as a state we are dealing with. The largest mass shooting in our states history. Where so many families who lost family members. Fathers mothers sons and daughters. The tragedy of course is worsened by the fact that it occurred in a church a place of worship for these people were innocently gunned down. And we mourn their loss well the governor also attended a prayer vigil held to on of the victims of that mass killing. More than one hundred people gathered off the dock on a grassy Street Corner within sight of the church where the shooting happened. Donald trump is meeting Business Leaders in japan as part of his tour of asia earlier he had lunch and played golf with the japanese Prime Minister shinzo ave tomorrow hell meet political leaders to discuss north Koreas Nuclear Weapons Development program. Donald trumps commerce secretary britains Queen Elizabeth and a top aide to the canadian Prime Minister are among thousands named in a new leak of offshore financial documents the socalled Paradise Papers leak contains thirteen million files from bermuda based applebee saudi arabia has shut down yemens lan c. N. N. Reports in response to a rebel who these firing a rocket into Riyadh Saudi Arabia is also conducting their strikes against the who the run Defense Ministry and a square used for mass rallies in the capital sanaa who has launched a Ballistic Missile into saudi arabia on saturday the Group Released this footage which they say shows the launch into riyadh was aimed at the International Airport near the saudi capital but was intercepted and shot down before it reached its target well those were the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera. Thanks for watching live from. Germany is hosting this years climate talks from the United States to the powers agreements what now for the global effort to tackle Climate Change indepth analysis and live reports from the Climate Conference in bonn and from the frontlines of Global Warming climate s. O. S. One. Week from a mining. Town i cant think of

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