Hello im sam is a than this is a live from doha also coming up under pressure after a controversial referendum iraqs kurdish leader is reportedly considering standing down spain says catalonia is deposed leader can run for his old job in decembers election and cuba continues to deny involvement in the bizarre case of sonic attacks on the u. S. Embassy in heaven are. Now Security Forces in somalia have ended a fifteen hour siege after shooting Gunmen Holding hostages in a hotel in the capital mogadishu five fighters stormed the building on saturday after twin bombings in the area at least twenty three people were killed as claimed responsibility its the Second Attack to hit the capital in two weeks Mohammed Atta reports from neighboring kenya. This is the target of the first explosion the two hotel a stones throw away from the president ial palace a car was driven up to the gates of the hotel before exploding causing a blast that was hard across the city. At least three heavily armed fighters then stormed into the hotel shooting anyone in sight and im going to rely on you i was driving a took to the front of the hotel and i saw a car exploding at the gate of the hotel i dont know where two of my clients have gone i dont know if theyre dead or alive but i saw four dead bodies. And two hes popular with somali members of parliament and other government officials the hotel was also the venue of vomiting between the somali president mohammed of the life of the module and the leaders of somalias five regional states. The second car bomb exploded at a busy intersection in the heart of the city and near security. Few expected alshabaab fights us to cut out such brazen out talks in mogadishu so soon after the recent mustve talked the wost in somalia as history and evidence of the city are still coming to toms with a talk to weeks ago which left three hundred fifty eight people dead four hundred injured and another fifty six. Was a victim from the couple in two thousand and seven it has maintained its control in many rural areas of central and Southern Somalia since then the group was prevented resilient able to replace commanders and flight is killed by u. S. Strikes and in fighting with Somali Forces and African Union peacekeepers. Recently gained control of several areas outside mogadishu including but even a strategic town forty five kilometers from the capital government Officials Say preventing attacks and look at issues building. Districts surrounding the cup itll fall to the flight as one after another Mohammed Atta well just it will become now the leader of iraqs kurdish region is reportedly planning not to extend his president ial term Masoud Barzani has been on the pressure to quit following septa. This controversial secession referendum the vote triggered more than ten days of fighting between iraq and Kurdish Forces the parliament of iraqs kurdish region will meet in the coming hours to discuss a plan to redistribute powers held by. Seventy deca joins us from ed a bill the capital of iraqs kurdish region so i mean the case in which way parliament is going to head on this one most people will tell you that they will go with exactly what is laid out in that letter theres also reports that some of the opposition parties like got on will be boycotting the session thats yet to be confirmed parliament will meet in a couple of hours from now and yes we are expecting this letter from the president to lay out there as you mentioned the redistribution of powers between the parliament the executive the legislature sorry and perhaps also in the hands of his nephew the Prime Minister natural on barzani again were going to have to wait for official confirmation of that but interestingly sami we havent heard from the president we havent heard him speak to the people since all of this this backlash against that controversial referendum began which basically saw a huge reversal of fortune within thirty six hours Iraqi Federal forces taking control taking back control of those disputed territories and also now the far message that they fully intend to take control of the border crossings at the k r g holds with syria with turkey and with iran this is acceptable under the iraqi constitution but certainly you are seeing that the situation of the k r g the seventy and thomas region take huge steps back from where it was before this referendum so i think yes well be waiting to hear what parliament decides right think more important people will be waiting to see if president muscled but design is going to address the people at any point in the next few days because that term and in three days time so what happens next and what measures are in place if this does go the way that people think and there will be a day off about a sunny. Yes well parliament has voted to extend parliamentary and president ial elections for eight months so what well see is this interim governing system however theyre going to decide thats going to look like we might know that by the end of the day and thats going to keep keep going until you have these fresh elections many people will tell you sammy of course if we look at the politics here it really is run by two dynastic families the burdens on these and the talabani people will tell you that perhaps if you know he is not going to run something hes always said but people many people didnt believe it if youll no longer be the president will his powers be less and is he going to disappear completely know that brazil or any family will still have a major power on the other hand you have a lot of internal rifts here when it comes to internal kurdish politics divisions that go back a very long time people are seizing on what they see was a huge mistake here they say timing is everything and calling this referendum as the president did against the advice of many people here against the rules of baghdad against the wishes of his closest allies is something thats going to be used by his opponents to try and renegotiate reshift the sands of politics here in this region all right Stephanie Decker that. Now catalonia is deposed leader. Is calling for democratic and peaceful opposition to the Spanish Governments direct rule of the region madrid stripped catalonia of its autonomy and dissolve the Regional Parliament after barcelona declared independence on friday Andrew Symonds reports from barcelona. Their sinking long live spain this the response to the breakaway declaration from barcelona on friday the demonstrators are unionists government supporters in madrid waving spanish flags. That i am cattle i am spanish and it is the moment in which we need to be more united be brave and to do something definitive. As the demonstrators in madrid called for the jailing of the catalan leader. He was freely Walking Around his home city of jerome surrounded by supporters and media the prosecutor general is set to announce charges. Pushed him or made a t. V. Address to catalans calling for peaceful support. It is clear to us that the best way to defend what we have achieved so far is to have a democratic opposition to article one five five this is the response to the deliberate action against catalan who have for many centuries felt different we have to overcome any threats and to act in a civil and peaceful manner. For those watching in barcelona there seem to be as many doubters as supporters. And i dont agree with making unilateral declaration because in the end even if the people who participated in october the first have more of the g. T. C. They dont have legal which it says here at the seat of power the palace of the generalities that it was unclear who was really in control one secession activists said large numbers of students had contingency plans to guard the building it would have to to defend. The people. That the police not be able to arrest the president right now the Spanish National flag still flies here unlike the city of jerome where push to mourn is spending the weekend it was unceremoniously lowered but it pleased a lot of people. Are not afraid of independence because this is what we wanted and were behaving according to our politicians are leading us down the right path. In my opinion ive never felt spanish ive always had a catalan identity so i felt very excited and at the same time worried what events may come next which may be complicated and hard. Back here in barcelona the Government Palace is guarded by mosses the Regional Police force its commander. Trip arrow who is already on a charge of this edition has now been sacked along with a director above him officers have been warned they have to be neutral were hearing now that some ministers have had their Police Protection withdrawn and pushed him on his head is security reduced should be returned to his office here its possible he could be arrested and its very likely that his supporters will come to his defense and do some of those aljazeera barcelona or the Spanish Government says more will be allowed to take part in the snap Regional Elections planned for december but you know he has no power words no competences no financial means. Insist that if you want to continue in politics which is his right i think he should prepare next elections to be held as have mentioned before on the twenty first of december and there he can exercise this opposition cuban officials have denied any involvement in the alleged attacks that led to more than twenty u. S. Embassy staff being recalled from heaven or the u. S. Says the staff were injured at their office and residences washington says have an affair than its obligation to protect diplomats on its territory cuba says there is no evidence the attacks took place mike hanna has more from washington d. C. Relations between the u. S. And cuba continue to deteriorate in the wake of what u. S. Officials described as a covert sonic attack last month the u. S. Withdrew all nonessential personnel from the embassy in havana following what they said was a series of staff falling ill because of some kind of sonic attack now the u. S. Did not provide any evidence and said that it could not establish exactly what the socalled attack was but now cuba is fighting back the foreign minister is visiting d. C. At the moment and this is what he had to say last year my only showing the socalled attacks are on just whatever the type of attack whatever the incident it is completely false the foreign minister also described the whole incident as and i quote political manipulation aimed dead damaging bilateral relations now important to note that the u. S. Has never directly accused cuba of being responsible for the illness of its diplomats however it did say that cuba has not done enough to investigate the causes of those cubas position very clearly there is no such attacks underway there have been no attacks and even if there were certainly cuba has got nothing to do with it but all of this is got to be seen as well in the context of the trumpet ministration relations with cuba were reestablished under a bomber under the trumpet ministration things have changed substantially from the very beginning a president making very clear hes not that happy with these increasingly warm relations with cuba now weve seen a continual deterioration emerging from these claims of some kind of covert sonic attack. Well small still had an aljazeera demonstrators. In support of me and my tree over there and the crisis plus i made a lot reporting on moves to bring apex predators like wolves back to the Scottish Highlands. Of more than three hundred you. Had i was about to get really cold and windy for a good part of northern and Eastern Europe you might get an idea watch where the cloud is coming from was all become very active now various frontal systems on the spiky ones of course caught it where you might expect already weve had one go through the the as much cold now in the balkans morning frost isnt far away by day the focus is on the still not looking up top and still double figures ten to fourteen but the strength the wind and the right to be feeling quite dismal in poland austria germany its still fine at the moment and spain and portugal in a good part of at least Southern France for. Best ten degrees and then one day later single figures eight hundred nine in vienna even down athens which is how young to twenty one but in ankara plus twelve this is looking particularly chilly out to say again western side not bad in the dreaded twenty one degrees still in the sunshine and should hang on for a little while longer now given whats happening in eastern youd expect a windy time in the eastern med and youd be right tempers are already been pushed back to the low twentys twenty one at best in benghazi ronnies likely to cyprus and then levant but the sun comes out afterwards on monday. Partnership. On the back youre watching out just zero time to recap our headlines now Security Forces in somalia have ended a fifteen hour siege after gunman after shooting gunman Holding Hostages in a hotel in the capital the gunmen stormed the hotel after detonating twin bombs that killed at least twenty three people and injured dozens more the leader of iraqs kurdish region is reportedly planning not to extend his president ial term. Has been under pressure to quit following septembers controversial secession referendum spain says. The deposed leader of catalonia will be allowed to run in Regional Elections in december. Calling for democratic and peaceful opposition to madrids direct rule of catalonia following the regions declaration of independence. Rally is taking place in me and my biggest city in support of the military which is facing criticism over the rangar crisis thousands of supporters of turned out in the streets of yangon six hundred thousand. State for bangladesh over the past two months thank you as the army of rape murder torture and arson the u. N. Has called the violence textbook ethnic cleansing slowey is joining us live from whats the message of these marches. Well as you pointed out the military has come under intense criticism. Because of whats happening in Northern State its very much in charge right now. The point of view that a. Russian. Government a terrorist organization. Some of the. Some of the. Criticism. On the day of the. On the day of. When. The tide. In. Public. Would be. A few weeks ago. It took. A democratic transition in. The country. But the military is still a very powerful institution it retains control of important ministries and has reserved for it twenty five percent of the. And im going to. Just because event is happening and there are. We should take. A part of the reason why people could be supporting but its because. Of the government and the military seem to be aligned in this particular instance. On criticism from the International Community itself. Allowing the ongoing violence to take place and. Explain. The event and its one of the. Events being planned around the country. Or. Kenyas main opposition leaders are expected to issue a statement as unofficial results from the repeat election suggest president a whole kenyatta has won more than ninety seven percent of the vote the election has been marred by violence with voting suspended in some opposition stronghold for me the miller reports from nairobi. This is all thats left of these businesses and homes in cologne west of nairobi they were burned down by protesters throwing petrol bombs. In phantasm one guy worked here he says they knew the attack was coming but they couldnt stop it he says the attacks a based on ethnicity often targeting people who have voted on friday one man was beaten to death. Demonstrations have followed thursdays president ial rerun which was boycotted by the opposition and the areas which are Opposition Strongholds are bearing the brunt of it. Mary oma a mother of two says it was peaceful until now she spent the night out on the street scared she and her children would be burnt in their home thinking. What we as women are so angry because we slipped outside our kids was scared they were even storms being thrown one just missed my sons i you can imagine tear gas being thrown and i have children we heard more of the same from other People Living here. Talk quickly turned to the political tensions they say they dont want a president to. To stay in office while just a third of voters turned out results of the president ial rerun so far indicates that kenyatta has more than a seven million votes and many in this area angry its not easy moving around this area groups of protesters are blocking roads ready to stop anyone they dont want to round stops are closed some boarded up their owners here theyll be looted there are Many Police Officers patrolling the area but many here say they dont feel protected police are accused of using Excessive Force when dispersing protesters human Rights Groups say theyve killed between fifty and sixty people following the election sometimes there which fired tear gas canisters at Close Friends theyre also goes to die because police are cutting out operations in distance or adults house to house opposition sometimes getting divorced. Women people out particularly man and between them. The police say theyre trying to stop the violent protests and criminals. The reality for many here though is trying to survive a political battle being fought on the streets for aljazeera wire in nairobi votes are being counted in iceland after the second parliamentary election in a year early tally suggest the ruling Independence Party is ahead followed by the Left Green Movement the leader of the left green is not ruled out working with smaller left and centrist parties to form a coalition the final results are expected to trigger complex negotiations to build a government for years barriers to International Trade have prevented iranian businesses from blossoming but with the lifting of sanctions rainy and florists are hoping to cash in on a multibillion dollar Global Market they must love the reports the fourteenth century persian poet hoffers once wrote the roses beauty is very dear enjoy its petals when it is here in iran they take that quite literally from finally manicured streets to the vendors who sold roses by the basket for happy and sad occasions flowers are a part of daily life in iran some street lights even get their own flower beds. But iranians say they havent been able to realize the industrys potential. One of the Biggest Challenges we face in iran is a lack of modern technology most of the expertise exists in europe and we havent been able to transfer that knowledge to iran many runs greenhouses in vera mean a town a few hours outside to her own he says when sanctions were lifted after the nuclear deal things got better but to be competitive in the International Marketplace iranian growers will need more help all the growers weve spoken to say the same thing they wish that their government would focus a little bit more time on helping them modernize their industry not just because of the economic potential but because unlike the things you normally associate with iran oil and gas Nuclear Energy growers say theres nothing controversial about flowers theyre just beautiful and they make people happy. It might be a hard sell after all the global oil and gas industry is worth nearly one point seven trillion dollars a year and you cant run a car on flowers but kerry says iran flowers can be a Serious Business too and that income from the Agriculture Sector could someday rival oil revenues. Much as we care about seats in opec i think we should pay even more attention to the seats in the food and Agriculture Organization and pave the way for Foreign Investors in iran but getting anything made in iran to International Markets is still a challenge. The main problem now is the high cost of exports we cannot compete with the main flower export in countries like hall and we dont produce flowers in mass quantities since the production is louder waste dying in transit are left on sold once they get to market. In a meeting with president rouhani i asked him to help our producers with low interest long term loans so they could modernize their greenhouses modernization is very expensive those who are passionate about growing and selling flowers will tell you its one of the best jobs in iran and that investing in new technology and infrastructure to reach on top markets will be money well spent. As well as a chance for the country to show off its flower power is in basra zero very mean iran china has unveiled the Worlds Largest ship to install offshore Wind Turbines but two thousand ton vessel can install turbines at sea march faster than before china is the worlds biggest emitter of Greenhouse Gases and is taking huge steps to develop alternative Power Sources the countrys been pushing for offshore Wind Turbines since the cost of building them on land has gone up animals like bears and links last seen centuries ago are being reintroduced into the wild across europe in scotland one project hopes to bring back walls after an absence of more than three hundred years another is reintroducing Red Squirrels and the clock reports. Rugged and remote in the heart of the Scottish Highlands the alladin Wilderness Reserve it is stunning to behold but its a view shaped by man it think i mean look at anything but its not what scotland used to be scotland used to be a great forest you know much of britain. That forest was slowly ripped out by centuries of ship building an industry full lister wants to return this land to how it once was and as well as already planting nearly a Million Trees and plans to release and control animals that have long since disappeared the large carnivores the president laid out the ecosystem such as the links rick shot out. And our vision is to create a large scale. World. And to bring back. Like many rewilding such as this paul believes this would help restore the balance of nature and keep the populations of red deer in check which reach destructively high numbers. Now its not just keystone species like wolves and bears that are in the frame much less controversial but just as important is the action being taken over Red Squirrels here in scotland the red squirrel has been squeezed out of much of the British Isles by its great counterpart scotland is one of the last stronghold but even here its under threat within scotland thats the situation pretty much the whole of the northwest doesnt have any Red Squirrels and so thats saying that this project to reintroduce them to the northwest recently catch the squirrels in the morning and their Health Inspection take them across and then release them in specially built nest boxes its a project that engages the local Community College murdoch works on a nearby state and keeps an eye on the new arrivals i think its a wonderful idea and i do and. This is done in several places new that he successfully undescribable braid creative released them. Its set up a little population see from the goodies and. Should be hearing in the back of an adele Red Squirrels have already made a comeback theres also a focus on wild cats the Breeding Program is being attempted to help restore a National Population which is dwindled to dangerously low levels all in all the concept of rewilding is one which if properly managed can help species of all sorts thrive and also perhaps help people connect with nature the way it once was nicholas aljazeera the scottish. Im sammys a down with a look at the headlines here in aljazeera now Security Forces in somalia have ended a fifteen hour siege after shooting gunman Holding Hostages in a hotel in the capital the gunmen stormed the hotel after death and eighteen twin bombs that killed twenty three people and injured dozens more the leader of iraqs kurdish region is reportedly planning not to extend his president ial term so about as arnies been under pressure to quit following septembers controversial that secession referendum the vote triggered more than ten days of fighting between iraqi and Kurdish Forces the parliament of iraqs kurdish region will meet in the coming hours to discuss a plan to redistribute powers held by. Spain says carla spears demanded the posed leader of catalonia will be allowed to run in Regional Elections in december huge demand is calling for democratic and peaceful opposition to madrids direct rule of catalonia following the regions declaration of independence. But you know he has no powers no competence theres no financial means so all insist that if you want to continue in politics which is his right i think he should prepare next elections to be held as have mentioned before the first of december and there he can exercise these people catholic opposition cuban officials have denied any involvement in the alleged sonic attacks that led to more than twenty u. S. Embassy staff being recalled from heaven or the u. S. Says the staff were injured at their office and residences washington says have been a failed in its obligation to protect diplomats on its territory valley is taking place in the in mars biggest city in support of the military which is facing criticism over the crisis dozens of supporters of turned out in the streets of yangon six hundred thousand during the most and so fled record state for bangladesh over the past two months the queues the army of rape and murder torture and arson kenyas main opposition leaders are expected to issue a statement as unofficial results from the repeat election suggest the president has won more than ninety seven percent of the vote the election has been marred by violence with both in suspended in some strongholds its inside story now stay with us. It was an audacious bid to capture a city in the southern philippines and turn it into a province of leisel. With the royal we have left a smoking room is asia the new battlefront when east investigates at this time on aljazeera in control of catalonia spain pushes back fire in the government and the police chief but will that simply exacerbate catalans ambitions to split what happens next this is inside story

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