Im Richelle Carey and these are the top stories on aljazeera spains deputy Prime Minister Soraya Santa Maria is taking over the running of catalonia government and barcelona madrid has fired the kettle on governments and leaders and its chief of police all in the aftermath of fridays independence declaration sessions of porters have warned will resist any takeover and its not clear if the sacked rachel leadership will willingly step aside myanmar state media says the government will harvest rice from farmland abandoned by families who fled violence and or the Rakhine State that paddy fields covered more than twenty eight thousand seven hundred hectares and the area worst affected in the crackdown by the military against the red. There are a couple of ways to look at this one is that this is simply a practical solution the rice crops are ripe for harvesting and if they were left to just stand in the fields they would go to waste so the myanmar government has put in place a plan to harvest the crops bringing in combine harvesters and laborers to do the work and Agricultural Ministry spokesman has told us that the local government is in charge of the harvest and the eventual fail and the proceeds of the sale will go to the local government over there no details on how they plan to use it but the other issue is this raises ethical questions as the asia director of Human Rights Watch puts it you really cant call a crop ownerless when youve used a campaign of arson and violence to drive the owners from their land and this is what the Myanmar Military has been accused of doing and the other issue pertains to future use is this harvest perhaps the first step of the myanmar government to appropriate the land from revenge or refugees whove been driven to bangladesh now if it is it will raise other questions what about repatriation and resettlement of the refugees now granted we are a long way from that bangladesh and myanmar officials havent yet worked out details of how they plan to repatriate ranger refugees but they will have to be other questions that that need to be asked such as where will they return to and what will they return to their farms and villages are no longer there. Local officials in bangladesh coxs bazaar are proposing a wall and terry sterilization plan for overcrowded henge or refugee camps they want Central Government to approve a plan to launch a sect timmys for revenge in tubal ligation for women aid groups at the cant say they are working with limited resources and a lack of Family Planning can make things worse but even for Opposition Strongholds and kenyas president ial Election Rerun planned for saturday had been independent and definitely rather suspended police have fought with protesters in those areas during polling on thursday then official results surprised in a hurricane jada has won more than ninety seven percent of the vote but only a third of registered voters cast their ballots after Opposition Leader a call for a boycott the u. S. Defense secretary has warned north korea against escalating its nuclear and missile tests james mattis is in the south korean capital seoul for two days of talks he says the relationship between the two allies has taken on a new urgency amid heightened tension on the Korean Peninsula make no mistake any attack on the United States or allies will be defeated your new use of Nuclear Weapons by the north will be met with the massive military launch effect of an overwhelming u. S. Media is reporting that a federal grand jury in washington d. C. Has approved the first charges in the investigation over russian meddling in the two thousand and sixteen president ial election the charges are said to still be under seal under orders from the federal judge special counsel Robert Muller a former f. B. I. Director is leading that investigation also foreign minister will become acting Prime Minister after the deputy Prime Minister was booted out of office by the High Court Deputy Prime Minister part of a choice was one of five politicians expelled from office because they had dual citizenship he is now renounced his new zealand passport and will recontest his seat in a byelection will be and december. Those are the headlines news continues right here on aljazeera after living beneath the drones keep it here thanks for time. Its impossible to measure the true cost of war. Its not only the physical devastation caused by bombs and mortars survivors struggle with psychological damage that can last a lifetime you are one of the few uncovered here brought about by what you are actually. Afghanistan has been a battlefield for decades generations shattered by endless conflicts. Around three quarters of the population have Mental Health problems Jamie Jungers of that would have joined me. On my show. Belgium is in the unit to know one of the one you. Used much more than half a million western troops have fought in afghanistan since two thousand and one thousands returned home diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder or p. T. S. D. These invisible but catastrophic mental scars of war have finally been acknowledged in the west but enough to understand there is little help or recognition for those suffering from p. T. S. D. But many are treated like criminals. Now thats the way she. Was shot. And the latest. Weapons of war the drones that constantly fly overhead add to the sense of terror amongst the people here. Where you know you do not know yet you were counted ok the reason those drones are there is to assist the innocent civilians not to harm us. If. As an afghani journalist below qureshi has reported on the war since the first us air raids in two thousand and one. He has witnessed the devastating impact of the missiles firefights and suicide bombs on his country and on its people. Now he seeing the terrible consequences of the latest biliteral Technology Drones the existence of a drone all the time even there not firing is them frightening because theyre thinking im a mormon theyve got a bomb. And thats why they are really really frightening that. Crazy has been invited to meet the man who has survived the drone attack and who has all the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder. Our crew had to his family home in cannot province. There are constant checkpoints on the three hour journey from kabul reminders of how insecure and dangerous of honest on remains after decades of war. With a view. On that. Its six years since the drone attack near the hotel was worked as a cook. Tell was close to an american base in that a passion which was attacked by the taliban. In response the americans use drones to bomb the surrounding area with taliban fighters were hiding. The taliban on the ground on monday. Night i would say that. Relives the attack over and over again in his mind. Desperate to find the cure his family took him to pakistan where he underwent neurosurgery. Superskinny. To learn of. The coming. Sure were going with a hostile north on the lookout for the plane are going to have a party. Look at that water couldnt that basically body but i remember thinking my friend from last night so they can make one of those some of the units of all of that. Years after the drone attack the ongoing violence in afghanistan shattered the lives of this family yet again when psychical was younger brothers to hear the love was badly injured in a land mine explosion. Already mentally frail it was simply too much for something to break. The way you know. If you look at. The. Work. To do. In this work. To do you know. There was a. Lot of people who are in the restaurant were all killed in front of his eyes you know you know in afghanistan if somebody died in front of somebody they keep crying and beating themselves so at the moment they still doing the same think. Although most western troops have pulled out. Suicide attacks gun battles and drone bombings are still the norm here. Each week there are so many deaths so many horrific injuries that healing peoples minds has never been a priority. If theres any country that would be as a nation experiencing p. T. S. D. It would be a nation thats been out war for our way now for generations and do it. Peter singer is a us expert on robotics warfare and drones this is a nation that starting in one thousand nine hundred seventy nine has experienced utter horror for multiple decades and the horror ranged from the taliban murdering people in soccer stadiums to bomber strikes from dado that hit the wrong people to drones today. Najibullah quraishi travels to a refugee camp outside kabul where you meet some of those who have lost everything they had in this war. Originally from muso kuala in Helmand Province this man and his family have moved from one camp to another since their home and their lives were destroyed by bombs dropped by drones. The no i get over to all of. The. Humor that there have been i had a sort of a. Mother one of of out. His mother for now let others know. That it is my vote for that cause im in the minds of the same she does id done as i did that i have a mind it doesnt have a mind does my much money with my little rattled our cars our money she. Said afternoon john warner who does he a terrible kind he was not she that. Was does not i dont follow. Yo yo you want something to put up the money money well there was i can find you and sometimes i guess not sure that there was a pretty one instance with. The time of the. Man each day i think the. Power. To pierce the photo with. You have a bunch a young man up on my no but doesnt a double minded double minded mushroom and real action. Visually now critics remind. You has a more america is a venue this month for the. Last time it was her happy. I mean. That the whole world at. Nudgee below could raise she has come to talk to one of the countrys most respected psychologist about the impact of war on the mind. Dr mohamed not dead alimi was responsible for building of understands only specialist Mental Health hospital in creations hometown of mazar e sharif. John i join me joins us each in the under the ticket because if i jammed with myself as. Soon under. But. Not just in that. Car. You know. How do i my wife be sure you dont walk you know im a going to get hold of big eyes again i wasnt. Yet you know i couldnt jane but in a hurry to see there what im not i mean about the man but i know what i mean about medicare and i want to want to xena more of my mother was forty my son called dr ali me and his colleagues at this private Mental Health clinic treat thousands of people each year. Many are suffering from p. T. S. D. There are forces shes killed or disorder. But mr jones was out of the when emotions by the shaft. I moved i saw the hour here in cambridge by the. Past. Not. So i dont measure how you know. I mean name kids are the same posttraumatic stress this hour. He and his colleagues treat anyone affected whether civilians soldiers or even taliban fighters. The painter who might have drawn his and they give him. A moderate islamist government like a talking would. As kind of a joy the know that young miss him said in my room i could have junk but it would also have a young that young me other than. Myself. To go to recovery show me from a doctor what youre going to have in the what about hate you know it by age because it ties in with you this introduction and when. At the time. I was with nine years of research. You know moving a caution is in the why im here the source make of the rang me with the mission. Can go to god knew all the. Time no hope could stand around us as a part of it well it. Could have just. Because you question not the our story you tell the range of. Dr eileen it takes Najibullah Quraishi to the Regional Government hospital in mazar which is one of only a handful in afghanistan that also has a Mental Health club. There are no m. R. I. Or c. T. Scanners for diagnosis but most care here is free mr stray want us. To hold up right want to ask after their mother which im sure my journey has a mission in yangon i see. What i mean to a magazine about the future i see i am sure i am who bowed to she and her last. But there is a shame and social stigma associated with Mental Health which means many are reluctant to seek help. In such a conservative society families dont want their loved ones to be seen by friends or neighbors in a psychiatric ward. Known they scare are some of the news business. Mr shulman this is the one you dont need but i hope. You know what they get out of this one and knowledgeable no doc that you dont visit that where youre stuck i mean what does it mean american way to get the fish when Mission Control and the plentiful money that you thought was a lot of mostly. Positive cost could you as and they get more struck a softener is the largest but the one i. Left out why he doesnt mind if you look as softeners in the you must like my line yet youll be given should i meet jack oh by the time you ignore my past. The fighting and bombing still rages in many regions here according to the United Nations around three quarters of civilian deaths are the result of insurgent attacks and three percent by coalition forces. Retired u. S. Air force general david dipped to love the man who introduced the Drone Program to afghanistan claims theyre the safest form of modern warfare. There is plenty of evidence. In fact evidence that has been monitored and provided by the United Nations that contrary to popular perception remotely piloted aircraft Drone Operations result in the greatest pursuit and least amount of civilian casualties than any other means of force employed if you take a look at the last un reports regarding civilian casualties in afghanistan over the last several years they attribute less than one percent of civilian casualties to the use of drones. But this doesnt take into account the mental anguish of drones flying over your village or town. But i dont see you know do you get them so i communicate well thank you. For that while fighting me when i connect to the photos of the young dont. Need get on as you said to me when and. If i dont you know you mold to get this television or at the major. Figures from u. S. Central command show that from two thousand and eight to two thousand and twelve there were around a thousand drone attacks a thirty six thousand armed drone flights averaging twenty five a day people never know when one might drop a bomb. Reports and. Visits the site of a drone bombing in wonder how the. Provinces on the pakistan border are all from targeted because taliban fighters are known to hide out here. Children are now told intends to this school was totally destroyed. And were going to know how im going to get up there with. The drones killed thirteen taliban fighters who sought refuge in the school during a firefight. A night watchman also died. The other watchman hi out was the only survivor. Of. The navy when you dont got a free. Lunch. Were you know half of the well you. Know if you want to get if you want to have a winner for the elderly you know that you know what are tough. And that you can live here that i wouldnt i dont want to live in a better political wonderful gulf of motherhood that you get if you like you know. The thing about you know for almost never the fear that you. Know what i you know i want to get in but that i do look at notably for a little bit with that a little bit of. Wrap it up look at that beauty how do you deal with an overview and. A bomb from a drone both the battle to a close. Look them over making them just you know what is really kind of you know youre not youre one of the you know one of the other. After the attack Afghan Soldiers found high at school unconscious they handed him over to the americans. They said an awful lot better than that to go. No more to get out of them or theyre going to get. Another letter rather than. Being told you are being taken too bogged down is enough to frighten anyone in afghanistan. The largest u. S. Run airfield and Detention Center in the country it has been associated with allegations of torture and human rights abuses. I think it was going to go down. But look better than ever before you feel that everyone should feel like and like you i mean you dont. Know that but you. Know that. You know youre never. Going to help you can that youre going to look at them and. Not this video was filmed but the tunnel by and the immediate aftermath to only one of the commanders killed inside the school witnessing the bloodshed has left high at school with classic symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder. But im not going to go over those who were meant for me when i get my ged let me give you my dear take a decision. That nobody had any. Need dont you want to thank you i dont know how much for you again i know i know you have ended up. Going to this and i want to get out of so many people you dont know as i know that you are going to hear credible drew she i want you with a direction but you know. National get it. The reason those drones are there is to assist the innocent civilians not to harm by the way the average missed distance of an artillery round is about a thousand feet the most accurate mortars average missed this tense around three hundred feet and in fact remotely piloted aircraft drones because of their number one defining characteristic and thats persistence allows us to provide the greatest degree of ethical oversight and for season when weapons are actually being used than any other means of force application at a distance. But others are critical of a system that allows bombs to be dropped on a console by. People sitting in command centers up to seven thousand miles away. I think the worry is is the Technology Enabling an attitude that war is somehow both precise i. E. No mistakes and easy i. E. No consequences or at least no consequences for me thats a very slippery slope because it makes it easier to undertake decisions that should be weighed with the most serious consequences. Like so many in afghanistan i at school is too poor and too far from a hospital to get treatment. But has no jubal look or a she discovers some families will do almost anything to try to cure their loved ones taking them to shrines but those in charge use bizarre methods to cure them. But i saw people out of war on chain saw six flags on their feet some up for five dollars on the hounds and was looking like a present i was shocked. When the combat. Soldiers. November on aljazeera. In a historic visit the pope will travel to me in my bangladesh bringing more focus to the plight of the rich. A new six part series about extraordinary lives of the Common People from across tunisia. As the u. S. Backs away from the paris climate agreement while diplomats will be gathering in the bone to restate that commitment. From the heart of asia one when east brings captivating stories an Award Winning feel. As tensions on the Korean Peninsula remain high President Trump in a box in a five nation tour to east asia november on aljazeera. Subtle. Five years after the siege of the city. Aljazeera world travels to libya. To hear the stories of those who fought in the battle of misrata. Aljazeera well at this time. These are the top stories on aljazeera spains deputy Prime Minister soraya marias taking over the running of catalan as government and barcelona driv has fired the carillon governments leaders and its chief of police in the aftermath of fridays and dependents declaration to session supporters have warned they will resist any takeover. When maher state media says the government will harvest rice from farmland abandoned by ranjit families who fled violence in northern Rakhine State the paddy fields cover more than twenty eight thousand seven hundred hectares and monk daoud the area worst affected in the crackdown by the me and more military against the right. Voting and for Opposition Strongholds in kenyas president ial election a rerun planned for saturday and then and definitely suspended police have fought with protesters in those areas during polling day on thursday unofficial results show the president who can jada has won more than ninety seven percent of the vote but only a third of registered voters cast their ballots after the Opposition Leader raila odinga called for a boycott the u. S. Defense secretary has warned north korea against escalating its nuclear and missile tests james mattis is in the south korean capital seoul for two days of talks and this is the part of the. Dependent he has to do the Spanish Government. Decided to suspend the whole shuttle and government to intervene in our global land and to those of parliament. It is our positions that go against the will of cities and the will expressed through the polls they are perfect they know that in a Democratic Society parliament are the ones who choose to get divorced president. In the first few hours so it isnt you have all understood that the period we just started is a period that we have to continue defending which with civic and peaceful commitment to what your actions are the reflection of our mature country then you know that there are actually that which is to follow we have to continue we have to persevere with that attitude that will help us succeed without violence without insult include being inclusive respecting the people symbols clearly and protests of those cattle and dont agree with what the majority in parliament decided what our will is to continue working to fulfill their democratic mandate and that the same time sixteen to stability as possible bearing in mind that we are facing difficult times. Something it is something that our country has never experienced before not in this time the message that i wanted to convey is that we have to be patient we have to be perfect or varying and to have perspective. The fact it has to be clear to us that the best way to defend what we have so far is to have a democratic opposition to article one five five this is. Deliberate attempt. Again to learn to for many sent to different we have to. To overcome any threat to act in the civic and peaceful manner. We wish to use force i ask you all. Because im convinced that this is what everyone is expecting from us even outside the country we will continue working to have a free country that we have a society with fewer in justices with more. And more fraternity with all the people in the world starting with the people in spain we want to have a link with the rest of spain with Mutual Respect thank you very much. Ok so relatively brief statement considering everything thats going on from the dismissed leader of catalan karlas pushed them on to talking about a democratic opposition to article one fifty five which is what basically cost him his job speaking of democratic mandate specifically spoke of patience perspective and purser variants and Going Forward now enter simmons has been covering this also why from barcelona. Answer is still not really clear though what what the plans are for those who have voted for secession how they are going to resist as it were. Yes if anything thats an understatement there is no clarity there of what practically is going to happen we understand he was speaking from the seat of the council on government here in barcelona the main palace of the government in the square where on friday night there were tens of thousands of peoples packed in crushing in hoping to see him he is now actually spoken this is the first address outside of the parliament after that momentous vote in favor of secession he did say as you point out that he was calling effectively for calm the must not be the use of force he said he said there had to be. A real assurance that people would see a free country with a link to spain that was peaceful and Mutual Respect for both opinions on both sides of the divide in the for and against argument with secession now. As you say. All the points that need addressing what about his status he is no longer the president of catalonia in the eyes of the spanish capital madrid and on the State Government machine however he did declare secession from a democratic vote in a democratic democratically elected parliament ahead of article one five five being imposed it is a technicality maybe in the real world but nevertheless he still is regarded as still regards himself as being the head of this region with ministers surrounding him however you we heard earlier from a member of the ruling Party Representative in here in catalonia who is saying categorically that this was the end of the independence does which is the term for the secessionists who have in a majority in the parliament there is a move on now from the madrid government to actually impose a whole raft of measures and. Saying. Who is the deputy Prime Minister of the Spanish Government she is meeting to appoint a whole series of figureheads who will take over here and she is technically in charge now she has basically taken over the the role of the president of catalonia and what was trying to establish is is just how madrid plans to roll out these new powers the police force for example were hearing that whole series of members are going out to offices saying that they must be prepped professional they must be neutral but we know there have been changes in the way this the mom. Works seventeen thousand officers in this Regional Police force and you use it. Its up arrow the commander was sacked along with the director who is a political appointment parasol a he has actually stood down but theres some uncertainty about trip arrow unofficial reports suggesting hes been seen with his lawyer in a Police Station somewhere in spain in catalonia there is some uncertainty about just what is going to be done about lord order although madrid insists that it will pass on orders it will appoint ministers and roy is appointing a ministers right across the board who will these ministers are madrid based and they will in turn source out the departments here in barcelona how this all works is unclear and its quite surreal really because looking around barcelona on this saturday morning you think nothing has changed and. You realize i was nowhere near that has this entire time that youve been talking when you look behind you it just seems like another pleasant day in barcelona with no head to this interim magic earth shifting being they just happened yesterday. It is extraordinary it does feel surreal but it has to be said this is not like my its hard to compare moves for independence and some call it even some sort of miniature rebellion but that this is has its own character there are serious concerns real worries underlying worries and openly expressed worries particularly by those who dont support whats happened and that even those who were on the streets celebrating last night have internal fear about what might happen now if that for example if madrid. Tends to impose its will in a very quick way then there will be a response there is no doubt about it but perhaps the longer it leaves slow motion in this crisis is a component weve all seen it means that temperatures go down suddenly they go up again but then in the calm its a very its a tactic thats used by both sides rowling has perhaps quite cleverly let this roll out over a distance of time however it also has to be said that two small has actually made the most out of the timing in the sense that hes let it go all the way to the why hes let the the article one five five go the distance in its formation and its rolling out and then at the very last minute only only an hour or so before all tickle one five five was approved in the senate then crash came the declaration of secession not by him alone but by parliament through seventy votes to ten with most of the opposition walking out before the vote took place and he did it repeatedly use the word democratic mandate you know is it you know to back up that this came from from the will of the people but you know andrew that the concerns about how this might play out are not misplaced because all we have to do is think back to the day of this referendum and those pictures and the clashes with police it is understandable why there is legitimate concern about how much trade will handle this and how this is going to play out over the next few few months and weeks and word of the police and catalonia stand on all of this. Well you make a very valid point there rachelle because yes you know the that they are peaceful people in catalonia but youve only got to look at those images of the police the civil guards the National Police coming in to stop people from voting in a referendum and what did that lead to very tense scenes injuries and clashes effectively and you saw in the middle of all of that the most which is the force i referred to earlier the Regional Police force coming in between actually keeping the peace by confronting the Police Involved so could that happen again well most people say thats unlikely because police are professional people they take orders and the orders then were from the cats allouni and government. Orders could come again from the government but in the government technically isnt valid or is it or is it not it depends on your viewpoint but at cording to all the people ive spoken to analysts and professionals they believe the most seuss will obey orders will be neutral or try to be neutral internally they may think differently but like Police Forces all over the world there could be some leaks here and there there could be some misbehavior that could be some resignations but in the main they will do what theyre told what theyre ordered to do and you will see according to a very good Security Source who by the way actually predicted that independence would be declared. That the afternoon of friday this person i spoke to who remains anonymous now over four days ago was saying that the most suits will deliberately be used as a police force to confront any social unrest and civil unrest as i say and will be actively used in that role because its more likely that they will win over. The situation compared to the civil guard and the Spanish National Spanish Police because they are well very unlike by most of the population here from both sides after what happened and of course the most serious highly regarded not just because they are cats of indias Regional Police force but also because of the terror attacks in barcelona of those polling time the isolette attacks joining that time the most seuss was used. Very effectively in the sense that they were they were first aiders they were controlling the situation they they really really did look after people and they were regarded as heroes they were they were praised by all concerned at the time but later they had to it has to be said i have to add this extra bit that there was a big controversy over whether or not they had not passed on information that could have led possibly to. Certain aspects of the terror crimes being averted but this is all speculation but there was a dispute between the main Spanish Police force and must do so over that but no richelle you have a point there is a major issue of a law and order not only that theres a major issue of the economy as well theres so many things on the list so that when you really heard colace pushed him off saying that that brief address that he said really repeated what he said on on friday in parliament with his supporters and all the politicians surrounding him cheering him and waving it he wasnt any different to that and furthermore you do have this persistent push on from the procession lobby for protesters to support and remain completely solid on backing the government so what were looking at is whether or not we think that monday is the big day the day when. The prosecutor general will announce the charges we expect against. Pushed that is the big day because there will be reaction then theres bound to be reaction will there be groups trying to stop any access to government buildings thats one question mark will there be demonstrations for the pro secession and the anti secession lobbies could they clash these are all its events history is dictated to so often by events and its events that could possibly determine how this whole crisis twists and turns in the weeks to come rachelle absolutely andrew and you have been there covering this for quite some time were going to come back to you very very shortly but here in fact right now is the recap of fridays advance in spain from our andrew symonds. The moment catalonia declared secession from spain a wave of euphoria across barcelona a mix of intense emotion elation and danger because of the uncertainty of what comes next they cheered they hugged one another they cried and they toasted what they see as a new nation it all started unfolding hours earlier at the Catalan Parliament passionate sometimes angry debates a sense of anticipation on one side dread on the other dozens of mayors had been invited ceremonial sticks by their sides to study the. History of the us. It wasnt long before his wish came true a secret ballot slowly but surely moving this parliament into the history books most opposition members walked out in disgust leaving the Spanish National flag and the catalan flag. Draped over their benches then came the count again slow with reaction to every yes worth seventy votes for ten against and two abstentions before long another vote in madrid this time the Senate Making a decision on article one five five direct rule moving to the Spanish Government a large majority. Two hundred fourteen for forty seven against approval for Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy to sack the Regional Government and impose sweeping powers back in barcelona these politicians and supporters hardly look like people about to go into the background president colors push them all called for calm. Citizens of catalonia in the coming hours we will have to maintain our countrys polls a most of all to montane that peace public spirit and our dignity i think we have always done with no doubt it will continue to be that way this is an extraordinary moment but its historic to find the right the way across this eighteenth Century Building there are mixed moods always for the sun the liberation the sticks to see from the more the right across the hair to express the. You. Dont see the look of what a thought that was of course was. Independent. Independence is heartbreaking sad and distressing that is how all the catalans who are not Pro Independence feel including very democratic pro independent supporters that cannot shed this destructive operation based on lies fraud and impositions it is causing on the social fiber of catalonia looking to madrid for the next move catalans who are angered or saddened or also fearful of what will happen in a Mariano Rajoy is already using his new powers not dissolving parliament calling elections in december and listing those hes sacking. Friday night in the center of barcelona a city known more for its football its beaches and sunshine than any resistance to state power and its a policy time for a large number of people packed. Into a square in front of the seat of government how long will the smiles last so many questions along with another sobering historic note the gulf between those who want to be in spain and those who dont here never been victims. Andrew symonds i would use to bosler. Continue with the days news van marsh state media says the government will harvest rice from farmland abandoned by one hundred families who fled violence in northern Rakhine State the paddy fields cover seventy one thousand acres and mandela the area worst affected in the crackdown by the me and more military a gets the raw hensher points louis has more from you. There are a couple of ways to look at this one is that this is simply a practical solution the rice crops are ripe for harvesting and if they were left to just stand in the fields they would go to waste so the myanmar government has put in place a plan to harvest the crops bringing in combine harvesters and neighbors to do the work and Agricultural Ministry spokesman has told us that the local government is in charge of the harvest and the eventual fail and the proceeds of the sale will go to the local government over there no details on how they plan to use it but the other issue is this raises ethical questions as the asia director of Human Rights Watch puts it you really cant call a crop own unless when youve used a campaign of arson and violence to drive the owners from land and this is what the Myanmar Military has been accused of doing and the other issue pertains to future use is this harvest perhaps the first step of the myanmar government to appropriate the land from revenge or refugees whove been driven to bangladesh now if it is it will raise other questions what about repacked ration and resettlement of the refugees now granted we are a long way from that bangladesh and myanmar officials havent yet worked out details of how they plan to repatriate range of refugees but they will have to be other questions that that need to be asked such as where will they return to and what will they return to their farms and villages are no longer there a very being and for Opposition Strongholds and kenyas president ial election. Planned for saturday has been indefinitely suspended places fought with protesters in those areas during polling day on thursday unofficial results show president or her kenyatta has won more than ninety seven percent of the vote but only a third of registered voters cast their ballots after Opposition Leader raila odinga call for a boycott at least six people had been killed in the violence that accompany the election the media miller is following developments from the capital nairobi. Less than twenty four hours ago the same area in the western part of nairobi was relatively peaceful there werent any demonstrations or protests following thursdays election but now thats all changed this was an area that housed at least thirty shops a restaurant a bar and even homes for People Living in this area but it was attacked by a mob of protesters the people here are calling them gangs they say this area was petrol bombed bringing down any infrastructure and theyve been left with nothing william is a painter who operated a Small Business in this area and when we were talking to you when you said that you felt victimized you know i felt victimized course expected is one we had almost got some people would come and buy businesses. Somebody is going to die today but was arrested so we expected to stay dont go out of business unfortunately the police came to us and of a took advantage of what we came upon down here in rio khans way the purchase of choice of files read so quickly you know when they made your own very chick your finger on the roof they. Were raised. That you wouldnt really be too well be talking about ari the us. Youve. Got us thank you william now william is just one of many people here who doesnt know what hell do next he doesnt know where hell go what they have tried to do is theyve put up this makeshift fence to at least try and protect whats left me isnt very much when we moved out of this area further down the street we were met by a very aggressive mob of people who said we couldnt move any further they said they they would chase us out of the area if we try to stay too long this situation in where is is unsafe its tense and people here say theyre worried. Yes defense secretary has warned north korea against as collating its nuclear and missile tests james mattis is in the south korean capital seoul for two days of talks make no mistake any attack on the United States or our allies will be defeated uni used of Nuclear Weapons by the north will be met with a massive military launched the fact of an overwhelming yes media is reporting that a federal grand jury in washington d. C. Has approved the first charges in the investigation over russian meddling in the two thousand and sixteen president ial election the charges are said to still be sealed under orders from a federal judge the special counsel Robert Muller a former f. B. I. Director is leading the investigation with. Sports news now history astros a taken a two one lead in baseballs world series after beating the l. A. Dodgers in game three but the contest was a bit overshadowed by a racism it was home and reports. Cubit heres how you liguori else struck a hard run for the Houston Astros its in the second inning of game three of the world series but its what came up thats caused controversy the rod was heat off you darvish the l. A. Dodgers japanese born pitcher in the dugout grio was caught on camera making a right says just and also using the word chin ito a derogatory spanish term that translates to little chinese hes going to have a statement i know hes remorseful but other than that i dont know a lot goree island sisted after the game that he didnt mean to cause any offense. In cuba we call everybody who is from asia chinos we dont call them japanese or chinese or the door when i played in japan and i know they find that offensive so i apologize for that Major League Baseball officials are expected to speak to him on saturday with punishment possible as for darvish he posted a statement on twitter saying what he had done today isnt right but i believe we should point out f. It into learning rather than to accuse him but all i can say its. Its just disappointing it distracted from an otherwise good night out for the astros who climbed this five three victory at home. And. Houston are on base and in seven harm games in the postseason theyll be back again on saturday hoping to go three one up in the best of seven series. Against. Where the girl ryall is present limited to be seen at least homan aljazeera. Keep it here more news on the other side of the break. With. With. Denise being scotlands by the time. Our is the sun sets in the city of angels. Hello there the rains over south america have been really very intense recently they have brought us a lot of large hail and some flooding rains as well and you can see the area of cloud is still with us in fact slightly to give us some more very intense storms as we head through the next few days most likely area for these storms during the day on saturday will be in the southern parts of brazil not it stretches across into more of paraguayan there as we head through the day on sunday meanwhile towards the west generally quite a force here and santiago isnt as hot as it has been gets around eighteen degrees over the towards the north and theres plenty of cloud of rain here within this huge area of cloud a two storms the first one is to the west thats giving us some very very heavy rains there and is likely to run guatemala there as we head through the next day or so the other one is a developing feature just to the northeast and that ones going to gradually run its way northeast winds as we head through the next few days so for cuba incredibly wet there on saturday and that works its way up across the bahamas as we head through sunday so expect some very intense rains out of this meanwhile if we had north towards north america well here were seeing a fair amount of snow the system here a speck around it is giving us a fair amount of wintery weather and the next feature is following hot on its heels. The weather sponsored by cats on a race. This is aljazeera

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