A longtime ally of me and asked as it supports its efforts to safeguard the situation cant be resolved without outside help officials in somalia say the number of People Killed in last weeks bomb attack in mogadishu has risen to three hundred and fifty eight another two hundred twenty eight people were injured when a truck bomb exploded in a busy area of the somali capital it is the deadliest attack in the countrys history those are the headlines inside stories next. Oh the earth the earth. Dozens of Egyptian Police are killed in a gun battle in the desert as a state of emergency remains in force how is the government dealing with recurrent attacks and is the security crackdown in egypt working this is inside story. It with. It with. And i welcome to the program im jane dothan the killing of dozens of policemen in egypt is raising more questions about how secure the country really is a Police Convoy was ambushed in the western deserts in the latest gun battle of these fifty five police were killed and others wounded fifteen attackers were reportedly killed police were following a tip off about a possible hideout of an armed group a state of emergency has been enforced in egypt since earlier this year when dozens of minority christians were killed in a series of attacks on churches each of facing attacks from at least two armed groups concentrated in sinai and i still a fairly it and a group called hossam a many particularly in the media have accused them of carrying out the latest attack movements claim several attacks over the past year which have targeted judges and police as well as the attempted murder of egypt form a grand mufti the Egyptian Government says hossam is a part of the band Muslim Brotherhood which denies the allegation. Ns asm is gain power over the past four years and general of the fact that all c. C. Ousted president Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood has appears to target police and the Security Services in contrast to other groups such as i salute frequently target civilians both muslim and christian now the christian minority which is about ten percent of the egyptian population is often targeted similar previous attacks have included around thirty christians were killed in may when a bus carrying them to a monastery in many a province was attacked on palm sunday in april at least forty five church guys were killed and dozens wounded in two separate suicide attacks on churches in the cities of tanta and alexandria and cairo as large as all the docks church was bombed last december killing at least twenty five people eisel claimed responsibility for most of those attacks well lets bring in our guests now joining us from cairo on skype is timothy kaldis nonresident fellow institute for middle east politics from berlin ahmad badawi Senior Researcher for the center for middle eastern and north african politics at the Free University of berlin of mit is also the author of the political economy of egypt and a c. C. And in london in black visiting senior fellow at the middle east center at the London School of economics a very warm welcome to all three of you let me start off with you timothy kaldis a staggering loss for the egyptian Security Services what do you hearing about todays events and how it unfolded or not theres a lot of conflicting reports. Some people saying fourteen killed some but some think thirty something over fifty. Theres also a lot of confusion about who is responsible no official claim of responsibility and the states response so far is to say a number of Security Officers were killed but not to specify that number. A parliamentarian whos close to the government stuff about three claims that as many as one hundred. Militants ambushed the Security Forces that would be a quite remarkable number of turns out to be anywhere near true thats a thats a huge gathering. Of militants in one place. There shes also saying that theres many casualties but again not specifying so is a lot of confusion at the moment there isnt there hasnt been a lot of clarity on whats going on and where the victim count stands exactly and tim wondering what sort of impact this has on a place like like way you are when people hear about such staggering losses the fact that this insurgency continues to rumble on and that we seeing it pop up in different places well i mean the response so far has been a lot of people. Mourning the victims mourning the losses expressing condolences to the families theres been a lot of that theres been some questions about how this could happen. Was the intelligence not that it properly how did they get put in the situation there are been reports including from becky that there was issues with communication in the area because cell phone signal is weak someone else pointed out well you wouldnt expect the police to be using cell phones to communicate youd be expecting them to use radios. So theres theres i mean so theres two different time to responses and theres a natural human response to to offer condolences for such a huge loss in the same time theres a lot of questions about how this could happen and why its not being and why there isnt more information being put forward also the press is kind of in an awkward position in terms of reporting on it because while the International Press has been putting out numbers in egypt its illegal to discuss to say anything about terrorism related operations without that differs in any way from the governments official position official statements so for the a for the Egyptian Press to come out with any figures that contradict the government they could be at risk of legal consequences im so im a bit dodgy what did you think when you heard what happened and the way it happened and the losses. Well the first initial reaction of course was surprise. The latest reports talk of about fifty plus casualties from the Egyptian Security side. I wonder how many how many does it take to inflict that high number of casualties on a supposedly a highly trained Security Service like this ship and Security Service because you would think that if they want them there then they they possibly had some sort of intel on what they were about to face this is the other point that i wanted to make because there are also reports that the insurgents have received information about the operation and they were ready for it but that again throws some very serious questions about how much is the Egyptian Security service bennets rated by by the insurgents. There is definitely an issue with efficiency this is not the first time that Security Services whether its the ministry of interior or the or the military. Have such such a large loss but this time is even more. Demoralizing because that apparently there was diet of contacts between the Security Services and the insurgents and again the throws many question marks about the capacity of the Egyptian State to fight the insurgency and dont forget the big part of the legitimacy of the current regime is pinned on the capacity of the regime to fight terrorism and until now very few victories in this fight so far that would be pretty staggering wouldnt it in black if the Security Services have been infiltrated to such an extent where they are harming their own i mean what do you make of the most recent attack and what it portrays of whats going on in the country and im already sure i think the first thing to say is. The sheer scale of it is really quite shocking i think that if you follow whats happening in egypt you are accustomed to hearing every so often of attacks which take place it has to be said mostly in sinai of course there have been incidents in the nile valley as well but something on this scale if the reports are correct and i dont see why they shouldnt be of i think fifty five dead members of the Security Forces. What is it south west of cairo in the desert that is that is a very very serious incidents and will attract you know. Unusual attention to whats going on the scale of the insurgency if it can involve numbers like this is very very striking and you raise an important point sorry about not the fact that they are seeing these attacks seem to be springing up in why that area is dont they they seem to be finding new talk its well i mean you know the conventional view of egypt would say there is a quite a serious insurgency going on in the sinai peninsula. That is clearly linked to isis to die i was just reading something there were a couple of attacks in the last few days by the way before this which would have attracted less attention because theyre more common but on a smaller scale there was one. On the coast of sinai and another in. The way they think so attacks in sinai a common they tend to be relatively small scale this is a different matter its in the its in the heartland of egypt proper and the size of it is is is really breathtaking the other issue seems to me interested to hear what the other two guests say we dont really know definitively who these people are there is this movement called has some. Which is an arabic acronym. Who is it ive seen reports that it is linked to. The group and saw better like this which was the isis affiliate if you like in sinai which is now using a different name there are claims of course from the Egyptian Government that it is linked to the Muslim Brotherhood which as youve said denies that but who they actually are and what is behind these attacks in the know about as distinct from. This is the light in barcelona where the president of the Catalan Regional Parliament is speaking. Now to mark. Where and im on about a fifth the secretary. On october tenth the president the Prime Minister of Spanish Government. Received an author of dialogue and mediation to resolve the conflict between his government and the cotton and citizenship. The first please point to that effort was arresting two people George Dick Wishart and jordan hunter i mean. That was only because of their ideas and well those we present. Political prisoners as a respond to an offer of dialogue. Today Prime Minister of a horse. Has shown us political recklessness and exceeded all the limits he has so the fact you are now and. The time. Used to put an end to cut on the institutions and to own them this is an attack to democracy in the twenty First Century and the aim is to terminate our government our parliament that has been elected by. Catalan people in democratic elections. This is of course an authoritarian call within a european member state. Which aims to put an end to parliament competent and officials. And wishes to veto the powers of those parliament. The people in that parliament. Where elected on to ten but twenty seven the members of the covenant parliament have the right to defend their viewers these are one hundred times thirty five members of parliament this polish government is aiming at depriving those men and peace of exercising those white representatives of catalan pitfalls. And Prime Ministers not aware of the fact that by attacking the institutions and members of parliament hes attacking people as well in got along the on. The main victim of this unprecedented action is Catalan Society. Right and fundamental freedoms are being violated Prime Minister rudd. Expressed a message for all Catalan Society. In the message is. Not concerned about what they think or feel and it doesnt matter to him what people voted for seven years. Weve heard of started of autonomy that the wanted catalan people voted for now. They wish to take the parliament of was voted vice. President and they want to do this. Outside the law article one five five does not allow them to do that and they know that. Advocate for spanish constitution will actually. Ignore it by undermining democracy in catalonia. Therefore it is not legal or legitimate and they dont count with the support of the majority of catalan people. And without all that they want to impose direct role. Is that the case today. Prime minister has finally been able to announce what he what he has been. Aiming to to do during his term and that is to say what can be said or not in parliament hes just the prosecution powers and courts. To put pressure and harass the members of. Parliament and for us to abide by. Their intentions in spite of all this we have remained in the tendon of all of that harassment and because of that now the Prime Minister wants to subject the parliament to his will. They wish to veto the option of convening plenary sessions and to decide what can be discussed or not i mean. That he. Does he wishes the parliament the cousin of parliament not to be a Democratic Institution and this is something that we cannot accept thats why we had to write addressing all this it isnt for the cattle and citizens of this country to convey a message of serenity and hope today. When. The cuts in an institution had been hardly hit we are committed to defend the sovereignty of the catalan parliament. To defend its powers and to defend the rights of one hundred and thirty five members of parliament so that there can exercise the function and it is we are committed to defending democracy with lucian and serenity and in a democratic manner. We know. That political conflicts are only resolved through political effort were not going to take any step back and. Got on to side chose us sovereign representatives and our Civil Servants we all this today. Today. More than ever. We are committed to work constantly so the this parliament continue to presenting those that couple of people voted thank you so youve been listening there to the president s of the Catalan Regional Parliament comma for could barely speaking about the latest situation affecting the catalonia region she said the Prime Minister of spain Mariano Rajoy has announced a coup detat are. She said that was an attack on democracy and she said the main victim is Catalan Society whose rights are being violated as the government is acting outside the law and that the castle and parliament is not going to take any steps spotlit speak to a correspondent under simmons whos in barcelona for us right now nesting in to that press conference by the president of the Catalan Regional Parliament a pretty defiant press conference. Will come a folk at delhi ill just give you a bit of background to show you since you say the president of the Council Parliament and she is actually being. That. Its in favor of selfdetermination in the council. Bluffs here. Its a little bit here it could be charged with the effects of disobedience civil disobedience will that she still stands she hasnt been sentenced so were talking here about a parliamentarian who has just lashed out in a very specific rules way. She has said that this is a clue did spawn she said she said that it was that it was approved by the government and the parliament. Is now the elected. People all this region and it was an attack all the people have got to live here as well and the people of catalonia should put a message of hope but she also say that this. Also made the point that the real victim. In the members of the council and society now this message is a. Son. Who will be speaking. Probably within the hour what he will say. To me its very very. Skin. Off tension. This is a peaceful demonstration saying. More frustration being expressed the longer this demonstration. Process. Because some people in shock about this whole affair it is. It was a foregone conclusion that article one five five would be stricken but told the actual news around that vehicle if you will have surprised a lot of people. And actions being told the sacking of the Government People in the Spanish Government placing them ministers replacing them the possibility that the Regional Police force could be taken over possibly replaced and so if this defiance on issues of law and order so all topics that other measures which will mean Civil Servants being replaced possibly and as weve just heard from the president of the council its an obligation that there will that this is wrong that they will stand firm its so its going to be really really critical the president of. The council on the region itself is going to say will he suggest that they declare independence how could be more demonstrations like this was probably a foregone conclusion on the most crucial question is whether or not the could be confrontation with. The god. Seaview or indeed other forces of law and order being sent in from madrid possibly. We are in unprecedented times as regards spain and catalonia andrew there is also some talk that passes possibly might even himself announce election sort of preempting the Prime Minister. Thats thats a really good point felicity there is a suggestion that could take place but is that seen as a politically weak move because thats possibly what would suit. Is what he wants it is whats may just but it might not work out in roys favor it may not work out in the council and it depended campaigns favor no one really knows theres a lot of uncertainty there are high stakes for both sides of this but the point you make is interesting because at the there is time for some sort of negotiation even though everyone has really gone right to the cliff edge on this there is still room for the if theres a will because even though the article one five five is being triggered with all that that means there is the best part of a week before the senate actually actually defies the article and then you have this rolling out of the law so there is still this time possibly. Move to least take the heat out of the situation a move towards some sort of settlement between the two sides but thats very hard to see when youve seen such an escalation of tension and action gantry was just a final point before we leave you for the moment. Is it absolutely certain that the Spanish Senate will indeed ratify the triggering of article one five five. You know is is that is that a done deal essentially. Outlast the some major aspect that might politically change the direction change the wind yes it is a certainty with out of the shadow of doubt. All right that our desires correspondent anderson is approaching live from barcelona the capital of course of the catalonia region lets stay with the pictures the live pictures you can see of people out on the streets i think we can actually show you that they are just remind you what we learned in last couple of minutes because weve been hearing from the president of the Catalan Regional Parliament she was in defiance mood she says the spanish Prime Minister has announced a coup detat by announcing he intends to trigger article one five five and impose direct rule over the region of catalonia she described it as an attack on democracy she said the main victim of this is Catalan Society whose rights are being isolated she says the Spanish Government the National Government is acting out side the legal. And i just bought it from this hour of news that i got far away ive got the news with for action and analysis coming up. Its the end of the breeding season as we take a ferry through the straits of magellan to the island today the island is a penguin colony sanctuary with access to tourists accompanied by foot nanda sent penguin expert. We learned the penguin colonies in south america are under threat Climate Change is one reason it is well documented that changing rain patterns or spend was to abandon flooded nests warmer Ocean Temperatures have diminished the quantity and quality of fish for the penguins who was swim further and further away to feed their young overfishing and ocean contamination especially plastics are also killing penguins news has never been more available its a constant barrage of it with every day but the message is a simplistic you have the brain a good logical rational person the crazy monster and misinformation is rife dismissal and does not go over well documented accusations and evidence is part of genocide the listening post provides a critical counterpoint trying to bring Mainstream Media narratives of this time on aljazeera short films of hope and inspiration. A series of short stories that highlight the human triumph against the odds. Aljazeera selects at this time