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Taina this is the news hour live from london coming up in the next sixty minutes a political crisis thats only deepening spain says it will suspend catalonia is autonomy after its leaders failed to back down on their secession bad. Security in afghanistan and spotlight after more Taliban Attacks hundred twenty people have been killed in the space of a few days. Were live in Gainesville Florida where hundreds of police and big deployed ahead of a speech by an uninvited white supremacist. And he descended into a hall where the latest sports news is no ways womens Football Team become the First Female National team to receive the same pay deal as their male counterparts that and more later in the program. Spains government says it will press ahead with plans to suspend Catalonia Autonomy after leaders that ignored a final deadline to back down secession from minister Mariano Hoyer will hold a Cabinet Meeting on saturday and trigger article one five five of the constitution a measure thats never been used allowing madrid to impose direct rule over the region if barkers in barcelona. Spains political crisis is deepening after failing to comply with the Spanish Government catalonia will now be stripped of its autonomy and more to let the clock you for in the absence of a clear response we note that he has not answered our request and therefore we will continue procedure of triggering article one five five of the constitution to restore legality in catalonia the capsule president. Had been given until thursday morning to clarify and revoke any independence claim last week he unilaterally declared independence when. He suspended it to allow for talks but instead of clarifying his position sent a letter to madrid calling for an end to repression and for dialogue. Prime minister Mariano Rajoy has repeatedly refused to mediate with the secessionists were now in uncharted Territory Article one five five has never been invoked in mainland spain before they could see devolved powers over the raising of taxes Education Health care the police soon in madrid hands of the very worst you could see the suspension of the government and the arrest of its leaders its hard to imagine any of these scenarios unfolding without more massive protests or perhaps even a change of tactics i think theres no possibility of going like taking arms phrasing arms and or even like. Seeing the birth of a terrorist group i dont think that is a possibility at all but some kind of more aggressive i dont want to say violent but more stronger organized and search and see in terms of political insurgency and organization i think its its a problem. But madrid the show restraint Amnesty Internationals urged the Spanish Government to avoid a repeat of these scenes of the day of the cattle referendum theyve also asked for two independence leaders jailed by spanish judge to be released the Spanish Government expects it to finalize plans for direct rule at a Cabinet Meeting on saturday. In response the cattle and leadership say theyll now formalize independence with a vote of the Regional Parliament this tense standoff is entering a critical new phase the parker aljazeera barcelona. Taliban fighters have killed forty three Afghan Soldiers in an assault in the middle of the night at a military camp a group set off two suicide car bombs at a base in the my one district of kandahar followed by hours of gun fighting one hundred twenty people have been killed in a series of Taliban Attacks this week jennifer glass is following developments from kabul. The Taliban Attack the Afghan Army Base in southern afghanistan in my want near the helm on the border in the early hours of thursday morning killing forty three Afghan Soldiers there elsewhere in afghanistan at about the same time five soldiers killed five Police Killed the numers and six killed in northern province that of course coming after earlier this week two separate attacks in eastern afghanistan borders impacted and in gaza killed another eighty people as well most of them Afghan Security forces some of them civilians the gardez attack involving two suicide car bombs also wounded three hundred people Security Forces as well as civilians but the fact that these attacks have taken place in the north in the east in the south and the southwest show really the the breadth of. The taliban has across the country the fact that they are able to make launch these significant major attacks across the country and hold certain areas and also that theyre willing to attack military posts and inflict large amounts of casualties shows that they really can still fight now afghanistan i think thats the message theyre trying to send to the Afghan Government and to the International Community particularly perhaps the United States government which is starting to send a several thousand additional troops here to afghanistan to support the Afghan Security forces and the and the american secretary of state saying that the United States remain in afghanistan as long as the taliban dont come to the peace table that is the ultimate goal of the Afghan Government to make peace with the taliban or fight them so that theyre no longer relevant so far that the taliban have shown really no indicate indication that they plan to come to the peace table and the fighting becomes more intense. Well jennifer mentioned in her report theres been a string of attacks across afghanistan in recent days a fight has also attacked a Police Headquarters in the southeastern province of thursday a Second Attack on it this week the group was also responsible for an ambush in the northern province which killed Six Police Officers on wednesday and on tuesday to unleash a wave of attacks targeting police compounds and government facilities the suicide bombers and at least seventy four people were killed when the set said talk to david seventy from the center for strategic teaching and International Studies in washington hes also the former acting president of the American University of afghanistan thank you very much indeed for being with us i mean why do you think were seeing this surge in the numbers of it and intensity of attacks by the taliban i think your correspondent had it right the taliban are struggling to prove that they are still relevant at the beginning of the fighting season this year in the spring the talibans objective was to seize more territory particularly district in provincial capitals that has by and large failed unlike last year in the year before when they were able to seize several provincial capitals for periods of time this year theyve not been able to seize any significant Population Centers so the taliban needed to send a message before the fighting season ends in the next few weeks that they are still relevant theyre able to carry out these attacks but at the same time this kind of lashing out with a large number of casualties including civilians builds opposition to the taliban among the vast majority of afghans so the taliban are actually in a difficult position but they still remain retain the ability to carry out these large attacks by bombs but theyre theyve not been able to make the kind of progress in the rest of the country that they had hoped to at the beginning of this year what about the u. S. Strategy at the moment i mean theres an increase in gas trikes on the country i suppose with that you do also get some civilian casualties dont you what why do you think theyre increasing those theres a strikes. Well the progress the taliban made in the previous two to three years after president obama pulled the majority of u. S. Forces out twenty fourteen was due to the fact that they were able to amass larger and larger amounts of troops this year a dramatic escalation of air support the u. S. Air strikes coupled with an increasing ability of the Afghan Air Force to attack has meant the taliban cannot carry out large scale movements to threaten Population Centers the number of civilian casualties inflicted by the taliban is of course much greater than any incidental casualties caused by those air attacks but the decision by the Trump Administration to both increase air attacks to increase intelligence support and add some key troops to the forces in afghanistan are sending a clear message to the taliban and their supporters in pakistan that as secretary killers and said the other day the u. S. Will be there until the taliban decide to choose peace over war you mentioned supporters in pakistan what about the reports of support from russia for the taliban there was it and if you sort of piece in the london times a couple of days ago suggesting that they were the russians were a few were sending fuel across free to the taliban who then selling it at to generate income is that something you think is happening on a grand scale road and you think the russians are funding the taliban in a significant way. The russian activities over the last two years really have been very disturbing their outreach to the taliban their support of the taliban which includes the fuel you mention and other support including Political Support has been very concerning to the Afghan People and to the nato forces there i think you have to see the russian moves in the context of their broader agenda versus made overtures the United States and theyre trying theyve been trying to use use afghanistan as a way to try and we can both nato and United States. So far thats not happening but the russians have a lot of capability and certainly bears watching david said we thank you very much indeed to if you are not to thank you thank you but leda of an offshoot of the taliban in pakistan has been killed in a u. S. Drone strike and Lahoud Horizonte and at least nine others were killed in two u. S. Drone strikes on monday he was the head of to iraq which has carried out some of deadliest attacks in pakistan including a suicide bombing in a whole park that killed seventy five people last year a spokesperson from the group confirmed his death kids in syria celebrating the capture of a city of record from us so the great influence of syrias kurdish factions is creating consensus in neighboring turkey question how are reports. On the syria turkey border. Fighters from the Popular Protection units or why fiji celebrating the capture of iraq. They are the most powerful Kurdish Group in syria the wife fijis part of a coalition of kurdish factions known as the Syrian Democratic forces yeah i know that that is that the operation to leave right rocco was a strategic and ideological battle for our forces we participated in a in a commanding role side by side with our comrades in the Syrian Democratic forces and the peoples Protection Units behind the job didnt fight stands a huge poster of. The jailed leader of turkeys main kurdish rebel group the kurdistan workers party. And. Its a terrorist organization next to a post is a picture of. A prominent command in the old female kurdish militia. That with solid intentions and a will that hasnt been broken we have achieved our goal which was to pound the strongholds of terrorism in the city we have restored on a to use eighty women by liberating dozens of slaves who were taken from single and weve also frayed a similar number of children. Name roundabout is where i said fighters paraded in two thousand and fourteen when they took over iraq. It was also what opponents were murdered with isis gone these kurds operating on the same spot to a sense of a growing influence their territorial gains stretch from in the north east all the way to near the y. P. G. s show of force in iraq is likely to further stoke regional tension turkey considers the kurds rising roloson. As a threat to its National Security and turkish leaders accuse the y. P. Jihad being an extension of the p. K. K. And war force may be used against kurdish factions to stop their advances the turkeys border. Gaziantep. Much more to come here on aljazeera news hour. Protests in pakistan after ousted pakistani Prime Minister nawaz sharif is formally charged with corruption. For his Prime Minister to resign may tries to jump start stalled breaks it talks will live to brussels with the latest. And support coming world series baseball champions save themselves from elimination peter will be here with a story. One person has been killed and six others wounded after iraqi forces opened fire on kurdish protestors in kentucky in the kurdish demonstrators were protesting against the takeover of the city by iraqi forces and i think it is claimed by both the Kurdistan Regional government and the central authorities in baghdad. That one hundred thousand kurds have fled the kirkuk region since it was retaken by iraqi forces the u. N. Says its worried by reports that civilians are being forcibly displaced and their houses and businesses looted and destroyed Stephanie Decker reports from abil in northern iraq. In a dusty abandoned Housing Project on the outskirts of reveal these are unexpected occupants. Second kurdish families who fled their homes in kirkuk and surrounding areas just a couple of days ago now scrambling for basic supplies. Abdul karim says she left because she was scared of shia militia fighters called her who arrived alongside the iraqi army. They werent good with kurds they didnt trade as well they used to take and imprison them even hit women my husband is dead all i could do is take my four children and run away we came to a build it is ours to get here the bride with. Iraqi Prime Minister hi there has ordered all armed groups out of kirkuk with only the iraqi army and federal police remaining he insists is safe and calls for the protection of civilians but many here tell us they wont return. Just like one Rashid Mohammad and his family he was a policeman in kirkuk until he fled two days ago. People are saying is safe now but it is propaganda and i they came out and beat the youth they have burned houses thats why we got scared because of our families thats why we left a Political Party sold us out not all kurds are refugees this is all political. Hinting at the internal divisions among the main two kurdish Political Parties the ruling accuse the p u k of colluding with the Iraqi Government leaders iran and turkey in orchestrating the takeover for a cook a complex web of age old kurdish rivalries and geopolitical interests. Through her six to seven years. Ago the whole money a lot happened to us we dont own our own house now we dont even know if we have a house or out things every year there is a war this war then leads to this fight that leads to this war now they came to our homes and wish should we go now. What is life in iraq she asks since i was a child ive never seen happiness its we were off to war she tells us. Many warned that regaining territory captured by eisel would mean little in solving iraqs complicated territorial ethnic and sectarian tensions it seems they may have been right Stephanie Decker or jazeera. Police in the u. S. Are bracing for protests when a white supremacist gives a speech at the university of florida a state of emergency has been declared around the gainesville campus ahead of Richard Spencers talk which is due to start this hour it will be his first public appearance since he was involved in a white supremacist rally in charlottesville in august which turned violent leaving one person dead. And it kind of has a life lesson in gainesville so ending with all the security in place have there been many protesters in the end. Well i think you can see or protest of the rock right behind me this is an intense security operation here something the likes of which ive never seen before even a president ial visit doesnt really get this kind of security you can hear the Police Helicopters hovering above as there are barriers all over the place things like Water Bottles and lighters have been banned masks of being banned but this is a post charlottesville world the university of florida is taking no chances here this entire security operation is costing about half a Million Dollars but lets bring in dr draw up and david who is the head of the faculty here youre also someone who teaches about jewish culture how should this be handled because this is essentially about hate versus freedom of speech hi andy im here is a delegate of the Faculty Union of the university of florida and were here to support our students and the minorities of gainesville our task of education as educators is to explain what nurses are about the horrors of the Second World War and the reason. The nazis coming to speak is not a normal adversity its not two sides of this question its Something Else so instead of trying to stop this from happening you trying to explain the significance of him being here but we would love to stop it but if but if we dont people have to realize that they have to stand up to the enemies of humanity as nazis killed some seventeen million innocent people. Most of them were not jewish most of them were Russian Orthodox many of them came from other regions under not turkey patient many of them were german. Nazis killed people who are termed the terminally ill they killed people who had emotional problems they kill people who were retarded they even killed. Critics artists journalists. Who preferred the generative art. But i mean what are you saying here is is that if we allow rich expensive to have this kind of platform if we allow his message to grow thats the way things could go in this country well not says have already killed and attack people in this country. And their eyeball than by universities or the cuts come to and in which they can appear. So. What happens here isnt some people think that if we say well we ignore the nazis we dont show up theyre going to be bored theyre going to walk away they are emboldened by this they feel that they are welcome in gainesville. And spencer already said that he wants to make this region is area of operation. When i teach students i already teach a Second Generation that is ignorant about the holocaust and is ignorant about the thrushes these of the Second World War they dont understand that the nazis dont go away when you ignore them one thing that we heard many times over this week is if you show up. Against the nazis then you are like them the people who say that have no idea how offensive it is to say that anything anyone is like the nazis the methods of murdered nazis use including. Throwing babies head first into the war in your messages really you know its not to ignore him but to support people here and pass on the message that the Lessons Learned from history dr david thank you very much for your time so i guess fairly tense here is a word to use and as you heard the doctor there saying ignorance is not the way to handle this this is a lesson in history Richard Spencer is due to speak in about ten minutes time i think all that most people hope for is that this whole thing passes off peacefully and certainly with this amount of security so far its looking like that will be the case but certainly this is something that nobody here wants to ignore and thank you very much. Britains Prime Ministers in brussels trying to restart stalled brecks it talks to resume is calling for urgency on resolving the rights of e. U. Citizens in the u. K. After it leaves the block. Have been hampered by disputes over Citizens Rights and the size of britains divorce phil. Joins us live from brussels. Think of this meeting. Laura not the sort of progress that teresa. May had hoped for perhaps as recently as a week or so ago the signs have been very clear to her and to everyone else that there isnt going to be a major breakthrough at this summit of course this is the leaders of the European Union the other twenty seven who must decide at this summit amongst their summit business whether sufficient progress has been made in britain to go she actions so far in order to push them across the line into sort of second stage negotiations which the british side very much wants to happen talks about future trade relationships between britain and the European Union a transition deal and so on which business in the u. K. Desperately craves sort of certainty that they need to plan ahead as they look down the road at the realities of breaks and the problem for mrs may is that the realities of the negotiations so far that have dealt largely with money are that many people in the room will feel that talks have stalled at the wrist stalemate she hasnt persuaded them with her offer made three weeks ago in florence that she that britain will pay that well in excess of twenty billion u. S. Dollars to meet its outstanding commitments and liabilities once britain leaves the block the figure the e. U. Has in mind is likely to be tens of billions higher than that so the draft conclusions are already out there it is clear that they are not going to determine that sufficient progress has been made but that isnt going to stop the reason may in a short while from now addressing her fellow twenty seven leaders over dinner and essentially appealing to them shes going to talk about the progress that has been made it sounds like it will be a sort of appeal to help her to come along with her and help progress to be made. Just come away empty handed there when that be catastrophic for her considering her already weakened state at home. While it certainly would be if if that were to be the case i think the e. U. Is very keenly aware of her we can political circumstances at home its not in. Their interests were to be weakened any further they will try it seems according to the draft proposal to ensure that it doesnt go away or that it does go away rather with at least her dignity intact theyll be language to do with praising so that her efforts in the negotiations so far theyll set another date the fourteenth of december down the line for the negotiations to be scrutinized once again they may during the course of friday when they talk about this after shes left come up with some sort of a concession shes put Citizens Rights on the table in the peel to them saying were so close touching distance she said to a deal they may give her that as a concession to allow her at least to go home with that victory even albeit under the circumstances just a small victory simply to retain what remains of her Political Authority and health thank you. Trees amaze office has hit back after a tweet from the Goldman Sachss c. E. O. Lloyd blankfein tweeted that he would be spending more time in frankfurt as a result of bricks it britain is currently home to most of the companys european operations but is pushing ahead with plans to make the german city a major base maze office says london will remain the worlds leading financial center. A Pakistani Court has formally charged the ousted Prime Minister nawaz sharif his daughter and son in law with corruption opening a trial that could see the formulated jailed twenty sixteen panel papers revealed the family had used offshore companies to buy Expensive Properties in london and their wealth did not match their income and since the proceedings are part of an opposition fueled conspiracy that. Supporters cheered on Miriam Sharif and her husband mohamed saft are as they appeared in court in islamabad when they left they were formally facing corruption charges still sending a defiant message and denying the accusations. Even if you know they should stop wasting their time and the country and the nation if they hand down a punishment then let them do it but they should stop making a mockery of the constitution or deprive the family of basic human rights a fair trial they should stop making a mockery of justice the leaks showed she and her family had much greater wealth than reported which helped them buy elegant expensive homes in london she is the heir to the sharif political dynasty her future complicated by the release of the Panama Papers that revelation lead to Pakistani Supreme Court judges disqualifying the Prime Minister his third time in office once again and it early. Wasnt in court hes visiting his alien wife in europe but his daughter says he will return to face the charges political analysts say prosecutors have a strong case against them in this case there is a case of corruption. Corruption is just its a just a matter of thirty days if the procedure exists and thats of course the family will be you know in jail and they will be. From for a period of seven to fourteen years still his is a powerful name and to many pakistanis the rightful leader. And we have always. Respect to the law of the country and even to all institutions we are here to peacefully support our leaders and to show our solidarity with them sharif previously was deposed by coups in the courts for that he paid a political price but now facing a future with his very freedom on the line. Al jazeera. Stay with us on the news hour still ahead when mark comes under mounting pressure everetts treatment a range of muslims as the u. S. Weighs in on the crisis. Scientists one of the looming ecological on the getting as new Research Reveals the flying insects population is shrinking like never before. Doping finds its way into the world of dog sledding peter has the details later in sport. Welcome back as we look at the weather across the levant and western parts of asia its all looking dr fine at the moment temperatures not too bad for this time of the year back enjoying sunshine and temps of twenty three wall across turkey is also looking fine and what the conditions across the eastern side of the mediterranean also particularly good at the moment will seeing temperatures drop away across iran iraq through into kuwait so just into the low thirtys so very pleasant here here in the Arabian Peninsula to temperatures are dropping more importantly the humidity is dropping so thirty seven degrees as a high in and heavy on through into the talent the weekend temperature of thirty four in abu dhabi is also pleasant on the other side the potential but temperatures in mecca still close to the forty mark across into southern portions of africa for the most part weve got fine weather during the course of friday but there is a little convergence line where the winds will come together not to well develop into a more active system as we head on through into saturday with showers for durban some heavy ones johannesburg too but it should be largely dry and fine in capetown elsewhere plenty of sunshine in evidence central parts of africa looking fairly lively still wish i was towards good barna and cameroon further west looks should be largely fine and i crank out a highs of thirty. As we embrace new technologies rarely do we stop to ask what is the price of this progress what happened was he was started getting sick but there was a small group of people that began to think that maybe this was related to a stranger in a job an investigation reveals how even the smallest devices deadly environmental and health we think ok well send our you waste to china but we have to remember that air pollution travel around the globe death by design at this time on aljazeera is defo not whether someone saying something is very red is going to be true i think its how you proceed and if it is a certain way of doing it you can just by historian find out. An Indian Mining Company is heading to australia to build one of the worlds biggest mines will it be an economic bonanza or an ecological disaster. At this time when i visit. One of the top stories here nigeria spains government says it will hold a Cabinet Meeting on saturday to trigger article one five five of the constitution that will allow it to impose direct rule over catalonia up to date as they know the deadline to back down over secession. Taliban fighters have killed forty three Afghan Soldiers in an overnight assault on a military camp in the Southern Province of kandahar. And police in the u. S. State of florida bracing for protests as white supremacist Richard Spencer is about to give a speech at a university that. This intensifying International Pressure on me and not over the violent repression of range of muslims United Nations and the Us Government told a miniature responsible according to tough measures to deal with a crisis. Reports. That tens of thousands of ranger refugees are coming to bangladesh every day they see their homes are being burned and theyre being chased by buddhist mobs. They describe desperate conditions and having little to eat. Military denies the allegations of abuse and insists its going after what it calls terrorists but the International Community doesnt believe the claims by the military we really hold the military leadership accountable for whats happening with the writing area whats most important to us is that the world cant just stand idly by and be witness. To the atrocities that are being reported in the area. That. There has been no let up in extrajudicial killings rights abuse rape and arson attacks the un rights chief told aljazeera that the International Community must intervene if perpetrators of the violence are not punished this is still ongoing notwithstanding the claim that the military operations have largely wound down this does not seem to be the case but so the idea that this could be conducted with impunity i think must be put behind us and then if. Resistant. Security council should consider other measures of course to be applied nearly six hundred thousand people have had to leave their homes and because many dont have any official status in myanmar theres very little prospect of return. How does it. In coxs bizarre has been set up to help fifteen thousand people stranded in Bangladesh Border areas there. All this going to arrest in this temporary shelter crossed into bangor thats within the last two to three days now they were confined when a place called on human part about ten to fifteen thousand already there for the last three days they were not allowed inside one of the star trees because the burning of the border guard can find them theyre not true that the authorities decided to allow them in bangor the start there is a designated sudden places for this nearly. To take shelter and we spoke to some of the injured as it is right there tells of atrocities similar to what other refugees who came in recent days told us. That burning a hundred thousand in ma we cant do any business work there anymore the Security Forces driven us out of our villages and told us go to bangladesh youre not from hand. This corroborates with the Amnesty International latest report about it find me on my arm is systematic approach of driving the most women out from myanmar into bangladesh this fight all the International Pressure and diplomatic pressure nothing since myanmar army since to be determined to drive everyone in your muslim into bangladesh to theres opposition says three people have been shot dead in a third day of antigovernment protests demonstrations have been fighting running battles with police in the capital no main that demanding law changes to limit how know those leaders can stay in power president phone a family thats been in power for more than half a century you could continue until twenty twenty on the colonels. Money first demonstrating today to show anger fifty one years in part from one in the same family one single regime thats enough we cant remain under this regime any longer thats enough. Our desire is demanding the release of its journalist Mahmoud Hussein whos now been in prison in egypt for three hundred two days is accused of broadcasting false news to spread chaos but you know jazeera strongly denied one who has repeatedly complained of mistreatment during his time in prison he was arrested in december of visiting his family. For indian refugees in democratic republic of congo say theyre not getting enough food to eat about four hundred thousand people have fled burundi since a political crisis began in twenty fifteen when president jiang guernseys a announced his bid to run for a third term the web reports from lucinda refugee camp. These people say theyve waited days for food to be delivered live here release them the refugee camp in the democratic republic of congo after fleeing conflict in neighboring the really they were keen to talk to us they were issued electronic cards by the uns world whod program for them to buy food if they stopped working and thats why theyre waiting for food in trucks. Marina banda looks after a family of twelve like many she thinks shes a victim of fraud by humanitarian workers he just as i want to get him or yeah they give us cards that dont work the stuff the kurds that work so when we go to get food we get nothing and we go home hungry more than thirty thousand people live in the camp most of them were issued the electronic cards in july which theyre meant to receive fifteen dollars a month to come president told us people are now waiting for food trucks because more than a thousand cars have since stopped working poorly play neymar lost the last month there was no problem then we realized that there was some duplicate cards. Block the duplicate but some other people why did it do to these some people ive not been tapped for for three months then fighting between the army and an armed group in the surrounding area delayed the deliveries for days so when the trucks finally arrived. People were pleased. Program told us the electronic card systems worked well elsewhere but here it left some people hungry and waiting yami a manager told us that could be technical problems and the system makes it difficult and unlikely anything is possible out of the sun but with the checks that we have to remember this is not the first time. Everybody you know praised. Its fluorescent do the best. Since the delivery maybe theyll eat for now every familys given some sacks of this corn meal some of the dried peas and a little bit of cooking oil and a little bit of so its a basic diet every meal is the same and a lot of the people that weve spoken to here say they immediately have to give some of what they collect away theyve been borrowing food from their neighbors in recent days so they have to pay their food. Marie says shell have to deal with some of her she has five children of her own and looks after five others one of whom is a baby she found abandoned when running away from military in burundi every day is a struggle here in the camp but at the third day theyll have a meal malcolm webb aljazeera loosened in the democratic republic of congo a group of researchers in germany who carried out an indepth study into flying insects have discovered that theyre dying off at an alarming rate and a warning of an impending ecological on the good and in the past twenty seven years the research has used sticky traps to collect insects at sixty three nature reserves across germany over that time they found an average decline of seventy six percent scientists arent sure why theres been such a big drop but believe pesticides could be to blame casper harmon is a search area experimental plant ecology and redwood university and was the lead Research Author of the study hes near the town of nuristan greece is joining us over skype and before we go on to the kind of nitty gritty of your Research Tell Us why we should care about the insect population decline and why they why they important or good evening i think its not in sex play a very crucial role in our system. That provides food source for many animals but reptiles. Insurable the nation of mind as humans are the source of this also the. Well theyre also. You know they also are responsible like nutrients are which are essential systems so why is what huge decline you discovered why do you think its happening. Well we were unfortunate i cannot pinpoint what was the cause to this decline you did look at a number of suspects just Climate Change for example but if you think over the past few years to say temperature it has increased slightly you know that temperatures are actually beneficial for insects so we would have expected an increase in insect primacy of yet we find a staggering seventy five percent of some five percent decline in sick violence and now its not what could be the cause well this study was conducted in the not in the small nature reserves that were embodied in the landscape. You know dominated particulary agricultural landscape. It may be the case that the size of the area or this is in between them to be insufficient sustainable relations and being surrounded in a hostile area they cannot survive they might be drained out of the niche so thats one possible. That we would like for those who can and do you think that your figures would be replicated in other industrialized countries would you think it could actually be specifically decline in the areas that you studied. Well its hard to say because the data set collected by our colleagues in rachel are very unique this is not done before looking at the total by last minute shot some new lights on whats going on. At the same time we know around the well being the clients in peace and the law its mots well the specific species and welds were very important studies but we had to assure him this is the case with the rest of the insects and well and that since thousands of thousands now generally say that this is a present study for the entire globe no we cannot say that based on the study that would be absurd however i think it is representative of nature reserves in the Human Community landscape so you might find all the parts of just another lens u. K. Or maybe more in america and what you think could be dont want it to invest in the decline well its ideally you would like to pinpoint the cause and then pursue the mitigation measures this is unfortunately done so but at the same time we know a lot of measures that up beneficial for insects and we know a lot of things that are not that you meant to do insects first one should be enhanced on the second one to avoid it so we could avoid for example the effects of tens of agriculture and we can provide. More and better managed various tests our rich brosnans insects we would like. Thank you very much indeed for taking time to talk to us appreciate it thank you but you can. Still to come on aljazeera faced with a shrinking catch gaza fishermen hope palestinian reconciliation will turn the tide on their fortunes plus. On paul reese in the netherlands where norways womens Football Team is about to play the first world cup qualifier since they secured a historic equal how you deal with the mend. New zealand has a new Prime Minister its third female leader and the youngest in one hundred sixty is it into dont need a center Left Coalition government with support from the new Zealand First party and the greens and thirty seven year Old Labor Party came second in last months election behind the incumbent center right National Party it is vowing to address these ilands housing and inequality issues. I feel extraordinarily on it and privileged to be in the position to form a government with a labor with life at the leave i want to thank all those who gave labor support throughout the election and through this period of negotiation we campaigned had on issues that we believe strongly on and now we take very seriously the responsibility that we have to deliver on them. Israel has temporarily expanded palestines fishing zone off the coast of gaza but local fishermen say the extension will do little to improve their already meager incomes and it smith reports. Its sardined season in the waters off the coast of gaza but along with high winds and heavy seas the fishermen here have one extra challenge that no other Fishing Community in the mediterranean faces they risk being shot if they stray outside a narrow zone imposed by the israeli navy. I never said to somebody ive been fishing since one thousand nine hundred seventy i used to enjoy it we used to make good money and now i dont enjoy it as you see were sweating all night for nothing. The competition for the fishing has grown as the blockade of gaza has tightened with unemployment at around forty percent more men turn to fishing desperate for any source of income and. There are no jobs so all i could do is help my father and i make six dollars a day to help feed my family. Israel has expanded the fishing zone from eleven to seventeen kilometers from now until mid december twenty years ago this boat would only need to cast its nets ones to catch up to eight hundred kilos of fish tonight the net is thrown out three times the total haul just a ticket. Was a sufficient really want to be able to do is to sell out deeper into the mediterranean where theres more valuable fish such as sea bass and shark and its one of the hopes of this palestinian reconciliation that the Israeli Military will considerably relax these maritime restrictions. During israels occupation of gaza the fisherman sailed up to thirty seven kilometers off the coast since the hamas takeover its been restricted to eleven seven fishermen have been killed and more than one hundred wounded by israels navy for allegedly straying beyond. Well larry as long as were under occupation i dont see there is any solution the israelis control everything it doesnt matter if the Palestinian Authority or hamas is in charge. It cost four hundred seventy dollars in fuel and rented to take this boat to see the catch gave a profit of one hundred dollars shared between the crew of eleven burnitz made aljazeera gaza. Time for support peters in doha lauren thank you very much denmark so womens Football Team could be expelled from world cup qualifying after they called of their upcoming fixture with sweden due to a dispute over pay and conditions they seeking pay equality with the mens Team Something achieved by maybe as norway this week the way are currently in the netherlands to prepare for a world cup qualifier paul restrict votes from amman. On a level Playing Field at last the norwegian womens Football Team training for a world cup qualifier against the netherlands have just secured a world first off the pitch. Becoming the First Female National team to receive the same pay deal as their male counterparts first i was i was really surprised because i didnt know about it i read it in the newspaper so i was really happy and they really respect us and they want they would hopefully morning well did the same and i and im really proud that the first nation. The teams pay is set to almost double going up to seven hundred fifty thousand dollars a year theres also twenty five percent of revenue from major tournament thats less in womens football than in the mens game but no white women qualify much more often. Now not only is they still the first of its kind in the world its also been very friendly while other countries such as denmark have been in quite a bit with their football associations about supply this day it was suggested by the norwegian f. A. And its includes a financial contribution from the mens team the players who say they feel an important sense of unity from norways myal internationals you volunteered seventy thousand dollars towards the agreement for the mens then to give us money to make it equal pay it was just this really gentleman its just really really a big jester jester from them and were really thankful this is like just a really good thing to have in the way because you dont have to worry about the moneys coming in or whether you should quit football or rather study so hopefully there will be more women playing football longer in norway and then we will have more really high level players so we can win tournaments norways qualify including in is against the dutch side that warne you were twenty seventeen a few months ago. With the dutchmen meanwhile failing to qualify for next years world cup hollands women may hope a better deal may soon be on the table for them as well paul reese have been in the netherlands so apart from norway and denmark pay parity and equality have been hot topics in womens football right across the world and it starts at the top fee for paid womens world cup champions the usa two Million Dollars for their victory one mens champions germany to come thirty five million in comparison after years of wrangling with u. S. Soccer the womens team received a bump in bonuses earlier this year but its still less than their male counterparts who dont forget failed to qualify for next years world cup five of brazils top players quit last week after the first woman to coach them emily lima was fired theyve complained of low appearance fees and a lack of support from the Brazilian Football Federation who have no women on the executive board and african womens champions nigeria had to stage a two week sit in at their hotel before the Nigerian Government agreed to release a one Million Dollar bonus for winning the twenty six Team Tournament the mainstream is in line for a twelve point five Million Dollar bonus in comparison for reaching the world cup finals in russia. Lets discuss the some more now with you on the henny whos the former pfieffer head of womens football together thank you for joining us why is equality such a better in womens football. And i would love to have an easy answer to this one obviously its really a challenge its hard to explain its complicated basically if you want to put that in short i think it has a lot to do with a male dominated culture football is very male oriented run by men and womens football is coming you know into this sport well not new but it seems to take ages for people to understand what to do and how to structure womens football what would you say are the main factors holding womens football back from moving forward i really think its a lack of understanding of how to see the opportunities womens football nowadays its a fantastic sport its appreciated by the public by people on the street you can see that from the numbers up of watching the people womens world cup matches in the stands or following the t. V. And social media there are huge numbers of people and this starts to drop and kate in so many other countries and leaks its only now you know maybe its the top but its a really booming market and rights holders as well as sports organizations and basically the ones who run it seem to have not really understand or just dont see the potential which actually exists in womens football its probably the biggest womens sports in the world and it has a lot of of a big commercialized so perhaps we can elaborate a little bit as you say equal pay is one thing but what other elements are required for true equality would you say. You know equal pay is is is a bit complicated to this can start right i mean obviously at the end of the day thats what we all want and not the not plays should should aim for in the chief but right now there are so many other issues in womens football and its really a lack of structure a lack of access to proper facilities a lack of support of federations and clubs and even giving actors to all girls in the club to play football so i think its you know its a complex matter and we should not only focus on equal pay it should be making sure players can have it while career making sure players have proper safe and be the right medical support environment and all these things are so crucial part of future of the game so its its really a lot we need to work on and probably the best way to start is giving women access to that Decision Making level i think that sir thats the biggest challenge womens football still has all right and then further to that what potential would you say there is for womens football to generate more income i think its huge i think once the womens football has its own rights and can actually activate their dare rights and do a proper strategy and use the values of womens football womens football is not mens football and its thats what people love about it you know theres a really nice aspect of it its fair players are approachable and players love to interact with fans so theres so many things we should that we should use and commercialized and put it really on the landscape so i do think its probably one of the biggest sports in the world and it should be able easily to copy quick things like womens tennis the big tournaments and if you look at the prize money there i think there is quite some advancement in tennis which football is the step behind so i think we should look at whats the best in womens sports world by and for people to be able to be up there either early to him and were going to leave it there thank you so much for your time very much appreciated fascinating conversation. The chicago cubs have stayed alive in the race for a place in baseballs world series the defending champions beat the l. A. Dodgers three two two home runs from savvy advice helped the cubs the victory they now trophy three one in this best and seven series. Elsewhere the new york yankees have taken the lead in their series against the used an astros the yankees were for nothing up by the sixth inning and gary centuries hit the second home run of the game to make it five nothing in the seventh they now lead three two in this series and they can reach the world series if they win again on friday. Doping is an issue that spin on the radar in recent months and its made its way into dog slating several dogs who participate in slating his most famous race i did a rod tested positive for the banned substance tramadol in march race officials on to giving the names of the dogs the drivers involved just yet that. We are going to leave it there and thats back to london more sport again later. Thanks so much peter more on our website including details of the ongoing political crisis in spain with just in the last few minutes the European Unions. European Council President has said that Member States are clear there is no room or space for any kind of mediation and they catch. A superman or a team on the news hour. With more the days news right now. Or is it alison whether online me what in hurricane winds full almost like thirty six hours these are the things that has to address or if you join us on sat. One but. A relationship basis is a dialogue tweet us with hash tag a day stream and one of your pitches might make the next show join the global conversation at this time on aljazeera over here this is opportunity to understand a very different way where there. Is and we dont leave our. Short films of hope and inspiration. A series of stories that highlight the human triumph against the odds. Aljazeera selects at this time. Aljazeera. Where ever you are

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