Plans a major attack on the kid and the k r g s says it fears Iraqi Government forces could launch an assault of the autonomous Northern Region of course you can follow all of those stories on our website at aljazeera dot com do stay with us here the stream is next. In the hashtag era when News Coverage of looking for an easy solution we delved deeper for and challenge the status quo join the hot sun for a new season of love for him at this time. And i really could be here in the stream live on due to today a stream update issues brought to us by you our community will. Become an african country which is of cameroon Secessionist Movement are getting louder and the womens journalist who took a puzzle joy out of the practice of female genital mutilation. From out as correspondent joins us but first why was shot added to the recently amended white house travel ban a new social Media Campaign is urging the United States to reconsider heres a backer of the story. Country the fight against terrorism used to be on or used to be respected and needs to be worked closely with and thats why one child was put on a travel ban by the usa judging people were shocked you are surprised why would you put on a travel ban list and thats why we started the travel ban to ask why i joke has been banned this is a make sense there is no logic behind it and there are no data supporting it and our side has been supported by so many people globally and has called the mission of so Many International organizations and we feel the objectives of the high stars were met because now people are aware real people are against this and were asking why the bank has happened and we also surely there we are fighting against terrorism and we have excellent relationship with all countries. Not many people know why chavez was put on the white house travel that was updated in. The county has been an ally of the United States. In the african continent u. S. President Donald Trumps executive order said chad does not adequately share Public Safety in terrorism relating to mention several terrorist groups acting within chad or in the surrounding region including elements of. Isis west africa and alqaeda in islamic magreb tatts government has issued a statement asking the white house to reconsider i want to have a baca mobilize online to put pressure on the u. S. Government to explain itself well joining us now is bring him to hope is age how to get a University Student at the George Washington university and reed brody is a lawyer with Human Rights Watch who spent eighteen years helping victims of the former dictator of chad has a brain welcome to the stream gentlemen i want to start with a tweet on my laptop to tweet actually this is your green and im going to pass this over to you a graeme your brain says i dont think this decision was made on logical reasons and reliable information the impact will be painful on chatty and students businessmen and immigrants so that describes you at least one of them a child even student what is the impact been like on you have you felt anything yet of course we know it goes into the effect on the eighteenth of october but just in even the lead up to it whats the impact been well you know its definitely brought a lot of attention to my country and you know you have many students being very interactive with us asking us questions regarding how they can help. Personally you know many family members planning to come visit me but unfortunately tourist visas have been stopped so they wont be able to come but as a student know theres theres not really a big impact on when you first reaction when you heard the story honest candid reaction wouldnt you say definitely thought fake news really yeah because there was that was the last thing that would cross my mind because you know as a strategic ally within the region. We were really. People you know that would be added on the bench let recess something read brendans twitter. Im no fan of child. Mokes no sense reads this for us what is it not to move why well i mean first of all no country should be in the travel ban but you know even in trump ian terms this just makes no sense i mean the irony here is that as as as a boxer said before a main reason that the u. S. Supports the autocratic corrupt regime in chad is precisely because it is a lynchpin of counterterrorism efforts and in a very volatile region the chaldean military works. You know fighting boko haram in nigeria and cameroon it helped defeat an al qaeda offshoot that had split mali in two it plays host to major u. S. Military exercises i mean if you wanted to pressure the chatting government on human rights or on democracy lets remember that you just debbie has been the president for twenty seven years now that would be welcome but counterterrorism is the one thing that the chatting government actually seems to do very well so it really it just makes no sense im glad actually that you mentioned that you actually used one of the words that one of our tweeters also use linchpin this is a cost though and he got into a little bit of an exchange with someone else on twitter he said chat in nigeria is where boko haram are active he got knocked down pretty readily by someone else is a backer who says get your facts right chad fought against boko haram in nigeria and defeated them similar to what you just said read but i want to posit over to Something Else now this is just a theory but i want to show you something that we got from several members. Of our community this this is a tweet from c. B. Who says i think this has to do with Rex Tillerson the secretary of state arm twisting the chad government after they slammed seventy four billion dollar fine on overdue royalties on exxon mobil heres what that actually looked like this is news report that came out in june exxon suttles dispute with chad over tax payments and avoid that avoided a seventy four billion dollar fine read what do you make of that idea definitely a theory but what do you make of it well i mean obviously i mean it was sort of i have to say it was one of the first things that i thought of but when you when you think that realize that the matter was. That exxon had licenses chad just has major oil deposits you know again here i mean human rights Good Government anticorruption people that chad and people have been pressing the government to use that oil money in a transparent way thats good for all the people of chad and and the world bank and others have basically been trying to hold chads feet to the fire exxon came in and said basically we dont care what you do with the money we want to we want to exploit oil and make money. And so i dont know and so i dont know that exxons role here from the very beginning has been has been that positive but i dont think that they have a particular interest right now in upping the ante chad could very well retaliate and then where would exxon mobil be so we did a little child by the numbers so you can fact check this for us were trying to back out why would sound form the travel ban have a look. And look to see what is the relationship between china and the u. S. One hundred forty one china wins and to the u. S. This is in the past year. One of them could have been one of your relatives perhaps seventy nine johnny entertain us prominent residents in the lost yet and the number of child aeons refugees allowed into the u. S. Said. Abraham its not like theres a big sort of champions in the u. S. Whats the Commission Like at these numbers are definitely not surprising a large majority of the chaldeans whenever they do travel would travel to European Countries france germany many students actually go to school in north africa tunis morocco algeria so theres not really a large presence of chaldeans within the United States the majority of them come here either as businessmen or diplomats here you know the embassies in new york city and washington d. C. So theres definitely not a large number of visitors that come here for night chad we actually just got this comment via you tube because of course we are streaming live on you tube this is cost to size the band was meant to punish countries that dont obey us orders that has nothing to do with human rights read. Well there are a lot of again i mean no country should be on the travel ban i mean lets be lets be lets be you know. You know lets look at the big picture here i mean the travel ban was created to implement Donald Trumps promise to keep muslims out of the u. S. And this travel ban three point zero basically through in venezuela and north korea to to you know to enemies of the u. S. And one just has to speculate that. They were looking for another country to throw into it to dilute the list a little bit i mean there are a lot of countries in the world that dont support the u. S. Foreign policy that are not on this list and chad generally is supportive of u. S. Foreign policy i mean that that again is is is the big irony here so many parts of this are right i think our community would say read and ibrahim thank you so much for joining us we have to leave it here but thank you for your perspective well continue to follow the story now to protests in cameroon perhaps one of our most requested stories to follow up on by our community this is the plays a journalist who pitched this story to us. Says the this time we spoke you know on the street from all the protesting having to situation has actually come to them was there seen on increasing the death toll nor for some of our guys die tossers all of these crises he said by loudly it also seems that the people the sheep the dead team runs from what data and the show they started demanded last year which were reforms are they asking for reforms in causing schools in the way french and english has been used for more and more people here recently in the last two three months now demanding full independence asking for separate countries from the present these come through and. Ill go from separatist movement in the south of. Rome to protests happening right thing for a long time down schools and courts are we so fine. Between Security Forces opposition activists killed more than seven thousand people and thats according to Amnesty International a moonie and president paul has condemned the deaths and his government has refuted reports of a massacre in the region both sides according to the dialogue a resolution here to discuss the ongoing issue with us eugene from what is a camera in journalist for the stand the trip being thanks for joining us once a come back its almost a year since you were last here let me share this with you from judith do you sense the violence by cameroon has aggravated the situation radicalized a made more extremists need to demilitarize the southern cameroons what are you seeing what are you hearing what are you reporting on the atmosphere if you could take us into these English Speaking regions what we see and right now the situation in a place of cameroon can best be described as an ease or comes a nice balance of one remember the will to go one year. On which the english part of cameroon became independent and then joined the french to be part of the country to form coralie kind room and. Activists came out to symbolically clear the independence of the state because thats one of your listeners just pointed out its become an increasing demand. For the creation of a new state of. Cameroon. So right now the region is tense and its not certain whos we resumed actually asked you know yet to see lawyers show up and the number of troops in the region has gone up more than three forms this idea of seceding breaking away it sounds strange with what nestle talking about this in here with the looting what did it come from. You know its always been there to support his movement. From cameroon passed in there or they accept that for a long time it had been well meant and when the demands. Late last year for reforms in the way that language is used in the rest of our cultural state well i guess they got an educational difference is that. Kind of. They said pretty spirit and one of the government was responding to these issues and preferring to use force to crack now. Hes found a space and sprung up and have now taken over the struggle. You know eugene weve got and of course a lot of tweets about this and many of them are from people pushing for the Independence Movement but we also know that the internet was blocked for some time and so how people are getting around that is interesting this is john he says the movement has evolved with social media blockage a group of angle phones based in south africa launched as c. B. C. T. V. Which is satellite based and the news is mostly directed to anger from people because they have no other way of talking about their issues eugene how are communications right now and is of an effective way of making sure the people in the diaspora can talk back to people in the country. I think one of the major consequences of the blockage of the internet was the creation of the southern camerons Forecasting Corporation which has been doing a lot of. In course propaganda and writing amazing each separate is its broadcasting past satellite and so many people even in the most remote parts of and reform cameroon with simple satellite dishes your rules can receive signals and they have been communicating a lot so they have been able to mobilize and educate the people conduct and to come out and mass to crowd to protest as we saw on october one so the channel has been very instrumental the government are still have to shut down the internet right as we speak the internet is only partially are available in parts of the not west and southwest so theres an incentive to contract out let me just ask you this about camerons anglophone crisis and we were asking our Community Economic deprivation is about language is it a cultural issue this is what office says all military what are the trainings and hammering and most official documents are done in france no one cares about the angle of that its still the issue or has it changed in the past or. That hasnt really changed i mean the government has created something theyre calling a Multicultural Commission liberalism Multicultural Commission which is intended to address issues like this ill bet at this point we still see a lot of communication coming out of government offices and french its interesting to note that the language of command in the country military is french which means that forms of yours must take orders and present and so its things like this that have caused many and reforms to feel that there is a systematic attempt to raise the identity especially at the level of demand which other government teat do something that is interesting launching for the first time in the sixty year history of a country a department of. English instruction at the school of magistracy an administration which is a school that trains the countrys top level straights and administrators just happen this year and the first students are currently being enrolled thank you so much for joining us were able to plan our own progress of whats happening on camera and the protests as well as will touch with whats happening down on the ground wow. Why does the dangerous and painful practice a female genital interaction. In so many countries thats a question of a new aljazeera film called the cut exploring. Of a village that has taken a star in. All of my classmates was. One of them. And they were not able to. Because of. When you talk to men they dont even know what. You know what actually happens when a guy is. Very very. I dont know and i am. Not going to have a daughter. How would you feel if someone thought she needed to make up. Well joining us now from stockholm sweden my friend and journalist foxman i welcome to the stream parts of all that had to have been a powerful moment for you to sit there and watch them watch after him in practice said we have not seen it and we dont know how its done so i want to start here with this tweet this is from tony of men after him he says what specific role does foxman think men can play in the fight against g. M. Taking to enter into mind your experiences there in kenya. It was record a very powerful to witness that moment i personally couldnt watch the video but to me footing their next of them hearing the cry of the baby until today its still home to me that scream and then just watching that reaction or not i didnt need to watch the video i just watched it and then after just after like you thought in the clip movie that they can back they had never seen it before it becomes always done behind closed doors so we didnt really know what it actually entailed and i could see that it shook them. I do believe that. In some cultures. There are the called the written. Grabbing points behind it but they can also be a bigger world because a company would be grown and didnt and again it depends on the specific culture and good depend and good to see the country so we cannot have the same outfit everywhere but i do believe that men played a bigger in doing. That not color all status so interested to know why she did not go to trial or you see in fear and you saw a story has changed in a generation all the seen you as an as an activist. Yeah im really from italy are there too dont know why we didnt go to editorial and we chose to go faster so i might and im. Sure you just a clue that we couldnt go and. The second reason is we wanted to go to a country where if g. M. Is still legal so i will have the highest rate or if g. M. Prevalence its ninety eight percent so journalistically that was the obvious choice for us and i only have the know its when i was already in the driving for and i knew that were going to in my journey it was going to end in sweden where in the firm i end up sitting with or through in woman or my mother through innovation and i do talk to my mother in the film as well so we did not need to go to editorial. And the goodies and want to we went to have a go to you know mentioned your mother there of course was the most touching poignant moment for me as well watching you because i know youre a journalist and then having to bring in your family into this this is this documentary asra and twitter it took her to she says please as facts not all about her mom being featured in the dock featuring the mom was the most touching bit for me how did your relationship change after that and what were the consequences of having your mom talk about a sensitive topic. It was very difficult and to be honest with you the moments leading up to starting filming and throughout the whole journey in the back had and back of my had i was constant thinking about my mom and i then learned about the said moti and what actually happens when youre cut despite me doing or might be such a knowing about all the facts and the figures nothing to pad me for meeting women who told me about. The difficulty that they faced so i would do it was difficult. And the moment when i sat down with my mother to africa oh that a relief to know that she did not have to she was cut but she had type one. In comparison to what the other ladies i met in in a moment and then it came out her. Haircut would not be fit to be alone for that regularly but since then i feel that our relationship had become not open not just with my mother its with my father as well because for the first time ive i can hear him talk about this its what are you doing to hear him talk to my mom and ask. He didnt know about because its not something that you talk about and not just because its a taboo is just not something you talk about dad like a regular topic so now everyone is talking about it men are sending messages to my father telling him about how they feel about the firm and been really positive feedback and im also getting a lot of messages from men shouting that it starts experiences that my most experience of them saying that yes we want to talk about this so that openness about this topic im talking about it with my mother with my lips she struggled she would wash actually wash them together when its first. Ad. Talking about it and i do believe open it being open about the topic and. The talk about it i do believe that this could be one of the key and its too hard we can. Wait a while we can actually and actually im globally so we got this question here we have just about thirty seconds left but. What percentage of

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