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Welcome to the aljazeera news hour live from my headquarters in doha with me as a purana coming up in the next sixty minutes. Iraqi forces so theyve captured one of those lost on clay its. The french President Office to help mediate between iraqs government and kurds wanting to break away. The los vegas gunman described as disturbed and dangerous as his girlfriends lawyer says she knew nothing about the attack. He never said anything to me or took any action that i was aware of. But i understood it anyway. Im Tatiana Sanchez with the latest sports news and its an important day on the road to russias world cup syria face australia in a play off as the water one country continues its unlikely quest for qualification. Iraqi Government Forces have recaptured the northern town of her from eisel it is one of just two remaining pockets of territory held by isis in iraq the campaign to regain control was announced two weeks ago iraqi Prime Minister hi there one of the may the victory of else but in paris where he is discussing kurdish secession efforts with the french president Emmanuel Mccall is offering to help mediate his tension increases between the Iraqi Government leaders in baghdad and kurdish representatives with iraqi kurds want to overwhelm only in favor of the session from iraq last week despite warnings from baghdad as well as neighboring iran and turkey we have several crews monitoring the still developing stories coming out of iraq and how many is in it so they minea with more reaction to the couldst referendum Natasha Butler is in paris for that meeting between french president by crawling and iraqs Prime Minister we start with Charles Stratford in debates hes covering the new developments in how we wish of the loss of basti and childs all in iraq tell us about where you are and what the Kurdish Peshmerga doing there. Well i got a. Defensive position this is according to an agreement with the Iraqi Military that the kurds will defend this position they wont be involved in any offensive as such on who we. Round all describe what were looking at here is around twenty kilometers in that direction between here and there there are many villages that are still occupied by eisel weve seen it being described by the peshmerga as. Strikes on some of those villages weve heard Coalition Jets what we believe to be Coalition Jets in the in recent minutes the Kurdish Peshmerga are here. To make sure that humanitarian corridors are open to humanitarian coral and of coral for military personnel as well and in the course of the last few hours weve seen a number of families come through looking for shelter to check point one family said that its taken them five days to a village they said that they were finding it difficult to shelter from some of these Coalition Airstrikes targeting our positions they arrived very dehydrated very exhausted they said they were particularly scales of some of the shia militias that are working with the Iraqi Military in this area and its in the last few minutes that weve actually seen a couple of myself that approached this checkpoint Border Crossing and surrendered they admitted to being members of eisel and they were taken away by. The peshmerga come on to his. Two hundred i still fight to he says have surrendered at this position in the last couple of weeks as you say we know that fighting is ongoing in that area its unclear as to whether the Iraqi Military and the shia militias have taken full control of her but as i say this is very much a defensive position to prevent eisel being pushed back and crossed. Or charles thank you very much for that for now thats charles traffic joining us live from davos lets go to Natasha Butler shes in paris for more on the meeting between the iraqi Prime Minister about the and the french president what came out of the meeting natasha. Well the french president said this meeting really chapter in relations between iraq and from the two leaders talking very much about more cooperation in several areas more strategic cooperation and working more closely together in the fight against what they call terrorism but whats interesting is they certainly did focus very much on the kurdish referendum just a week ago we had the least say saying that the purpose of this visit was in fact to talk about the kurdish but then we had the iraqi Prime Ministers office and that was in the case of his visit up in can some time back and it was really to talk about cooperation and economic ties but they did talk about a present call said that he offered himself up with somebody who could perhaps mediate to try and calm tensions if needed he also said that it was very important that iraq remained united but that it recognized and respected the Kurdish People as the iraqi Prime Minister well he said this referendum was illegal but he wasnt looking for any confrontation with the Kurdish Forces lets take a listen to the two men. And. We are particularly interested in the stability of iraq in the upcoming weeks and months we hope very much that there will be dialogue that is respectful of the integrity of iraq and we would also like to advocate that in the framework of the constitution a recognition of the kurds should take place there is a long towards political inclusion but it must also make sure that the constitution is respected. That we have liberated how we judge them and in this regard we have only the border line with syria to go so we have beaten terrorism and our armed forces despite all difficulties have achieved big progress fighting terrorism in iraq. Said that it was a cause for your porton to look to the future to talk about reconstruction rebuilding iraq the front. President pledging around four hundred Million Dollars mil to iraq for what he said was an important reconciliation rebuilding process natasha thank you very much for that joining us live from paris lets go to the hamid now shes live for us and so lemony and so how is what is being said and paris especially about the kurdish issue. Where you are. Well Prime Minister but he didnt say anything new he said more or less the same thing from baghdad ever since that referendum took place now and he is talking about Security Cooperation for example two sides to it there is Security Cooperation that is ongoing and that is the war against something that the coalition had made sure it would continue since before the referendum took place theres also the other issue of the socalled disputed territories and thats really where the crux of the problem is between baghdad and there bill the referendum went ahead in those areas that the facts are under control of the Kurdish Forces and now Prime Minister body at the request of parliament has been saying that they will store the federal authority in that area try to cooperate with the peshmerga on that and that will be extremely difficult weve been going around those disputed territory for quite a while now on one side you have to say well we played with our blood to liberate those areas from. Store securities or not were not willing to give them back and actually there is a berm there and whatever you ask will tell you that that is the border of the future kurdistan state and then you have the issue of the People Living there many from the different minorities. Arab sudanese and christians and all of the some of them do say they dont want to see the Iraqi Security forces there they they still have a hold a grudge against them because Iraqi Security forces actually evacuated those areas when i still showed up and left them to live under the rule of for several years and so they are actually leaning towards the kurdish region and many of people there will tell you specially the sunni arabs will tell you actually. We are for the referendum we spoke to several tribes who told us that we feel safer under the kurds and we dont want to see Paramilitary Forces come into our areas is a very complicated issue to solve has overshadowed the referendum has overshadowed that meeting in paris and im pretty sure the Prime Minister about the when he was meeting with the Business Community with the Oil Companies has clearly told them they need to do business with us or you do business with the kurdish region in their bill but you cant do both because he has been saying that everythings a referendum took place thank you very much for that whether that hammett joining us live from many a thank you. Were going to move on to other news now an investigation by the International Chemical weapons watchdog says traces of sour and were found after an attack on a town in Northern Syria at the end of march it says there is evidence the banned chemical was used on an opposition held town just days before another attack that had also reported in june that sound was used on the town of conch a coon which killed dozens of people that attack prompted the United States to launch missiles on the Syrian Air Base at least one hundred thirty people have been killed in multiple airstrikes over the past two days in syrias there as a whole province amateur video is said to show dozens of volunteers targeting several areas throughout the province sources on the ground accuse russia of being responsible for the strikes us and russian backed forces of separately trying to retake the region from fighters. Now sell the authorities have arrested twenty two people including a Country National for incitement on social media their motives are being verified by investigators who say there were arrested for circulating video clips on social networking sites the gulf kingdom launched a crackdown on critics last month detaining prominent clerics and activists. Saudi arabias king said monism moscow for five days the first visit by a saudi monarch to russia hell hold talks with russias president Vladimir Putin the war in syria will be top of the agenda along with bilateral investments and stabilizing oil markets lets get more on this now with our russia correspondent roy chalons hes joining us live from moscow so whats the background to this visit why as bill mentioned the first saudi monarch to russia. Well over the last few months weve had i think increasingly regular contact the foreign minister level and weve been hearing for quite some time now how russia had extended an invitation to the saudi monarch to pay a visit to moscow well here we are weve got it and i think the reason we have it now is because a number of different stars are aligning for past year or so the good amount of trust has been built between saudi arabia and russia because the two have been coordinating their efforts to cap the oil outputs and therefore boost the price of energy which obviously slated to record lows in the last year or so so theyve been working together on map but then of course there is the changing Political Landscape of the middle east two in the fact that you could argue that american influence in the region is receding and russias is increasing in the last few months weve seen a good number of middle eastern leaders including those of. Jordan now saudi arabia israel turkey all coming to moscow essentially ready hedging their bets and realizing that russia is an emerging power america is perhaps a declining one and they need to Start Talking to moscow more often so no shortage of things to talk about war what will the king solomon and person be trying to do trying to achieve on some of those issues. Well i think they will be trying to build our on what has already been achieved in the relationship in the last few months and work out whether actually politically there can be any more alignment so there is much that still separates the these these countries theres iran which saudi arabia views as a result iran is actually a pretty good partner to russia. I think will be urging the russians to lessen their corporation with iran they will have to talk about syria of course where the two countries backing are opposite sides saudi arabia is now it lending it supports to a russian iranian and turkish brokered plan for deescalation zones in syria and i think of course king salmon will be putting his perspective on the g. C. C. Crisis to read a piece in the russians at the moments are staying fairly even handed in this and not taking either cats ours or saudi arabia cyber lets not forget that this is of course also a big business delegation there will be much in the way of economic agreements that a sign of perhaps the Russian Media is getting most excited not about the politics of this but about the fact that saudi arabia is a rich country and could be bringing a good deal of money to invest in russia very interesting very as always thank you very much roy challenge joining us live from moscow thank you. We have plenty more ahead on the news hour and clothing and outbreak of the plague panic in madagascar as Health Officials plead for calm plus. Bride in north and south korea celebrate the holiday break from recent. And in sports the shaky start of the season for the defending and challenged campaigns that will. Be here with that story. To the u. S. Now where people are still trying to make sense of the deadliest mass shooting in modern history and the Country Police have described a los vegas gunman as a disturbed and dangerous man but many who knew him say his actions came without warning and best again i still dont know why Stephen Paddick killed fifty eight people and injured hundreds more at a concert on sunday. Reports from Las Vegas Police say if anyone had knowledge of the gunmans motive the woman he lived with would but after returning from the philippines tuesday Mary Lou Danley had little to say to explain her partners behavior she released a statement through her attorney. I knew steven. As a kind caring quiet man. I loved him. And hoped for a future together with him. He never said anything to me or took any action that i was aware of that i understood it anyway. To be a warning that something horrible like this was going to happen. Speaking on australian t. V. And with their faces hidden danley sisters said Paddock Center away two weeks ago to visit family overseas. Thats a go go and it was like it was said no way. So was i know what i saw. For work this. Dannys Attorney Says she is cooperating with the Investigation Police say they found a total of forty seven firearms inside the two homes the couple shared and inside the hotel room on the thirty second floor of the mandalay bay resort from which paddock rained down terror what we know is Stephen Paddick is a man who spent decades acquiring weapons and ammo and lived in a secret life much of which would never be fully understood. He meticulously planned on the worst domestic United States history. Body cameras worn by Police Officers captured the chaos and confusion as twenty thousand concert goers ran and hid from the barrage of bullets. And nother chilling Detail Police say patrick may have considered attacking and nother music concert prior to sunday nights massacre a week earlier had a rented a high rise condo overlooking the life is beautiful Music Festival and its fifty thousand attendees with what intention yet another question that remains unanswered how did you castro aljazeera las vegas the u. S. President visited last vegas on wednesday brought reynolds has the details. President donald trump said he went to las vegas to pay his respects and honor doctors nurses Police Officers and civilian heroes who saved lives. His first stop was at a hospital where he visited privately for about an hour with gunshot victims and family members i just met some of the most amazing people we had we met patients that were absolutely terrible the wounded and the doctors the nurses and all of the people of the hospital have done. A good job thats indescribable las vegas is a city trump knows well his name adorns one of the highrise Casino Hotels on the famous strip but on this day he saw a different vegas a city traumatized and grieving at a sidewalk memorial hundreds of candles notes and toys gave physical shape to the citys sorrow the psychological wounds inflicted on the Community Run deep says resident Shanta Gibson everyone is feeling is whether you are a person that just likes to go out and enjoy a events which a family or is is really disturbing trying to showered praise on Las Vegas Police and firefighters as one eyewitness recounted this week while everyone else was crouching Police Officers were standing up as targets just trying to direct people and tell them where to go the traditional role of consoler in chief does not seem to come naturally to President Trump and some have criticized the tone of his remarks and behavior on recent trips to hurricane ravaged areas of texas florida and earlier this week in puerto rico this time there were no jarring notes our souls are stricken with grief for every american who lost a husband or a wife a mother or a father son or daughter we know that your sorrow feels and lists. We stand together to help you carry your pain. Back at the memorial Shanta Gibson was unimpressed by trumps visit i dont feel his sincerity and. The only reason i feel as if hes. The president. If you dont step up and come down trumps stay in las vegas lasted several hours but the citys pain will last much longer rob reynolds las vegas. Well Human Rights Watch says armed groups in the Central African republic are continuing to use Sexual Violence as a weapon of war when three hundred cases of rape torture and sexual slavery were documented by investigators in the past four years they interviewed hundreds of women and girls along with police the government and United Nations staff victims of violence say they were targeted for their perceived support of the Muslim Seleka or christian anti balika fighters fighting since the overthrow of president. Four years ago has killed thousands of people thirteen thousand un peacekeepers a struggling to contain the violence i want to you may find them on calls report disturbing. Hidden beyond the tall grass and veiled behind curtains survivors in the Central African republic talk of barbaric acts cruel and brutal crimes that are still unpunished. That one of them took a grenade and they put it in my vagina then they removed the grenade and they raped me. This thirty five year old is among hundreds of women and girls he told Human Rights Watch about Sexual Violence and torture. When i think about it my heart beat so fast and really hard when i remember my heart beat so hard so hard so hard even right now when im thinking about it its beating hard and so fast fast fast. Three of the victims were children when they were raped and became pregnant. They raped me over and over again they never stopped not for even one day when i was eight in the house months pregnant. When i had the baby i didnt want to hold him i felt like killing him. The survivors say they were raped by a dozen men fighters beat the women and left them with broken bones smashed teeth and had wins. The fight is kidnapped women beat them up rape them and tortured them young girls older women they just didnt have. The rights watch says the abuses are not only crimes under Central African law but also constitute war crimes and possibly crimes against humanity a new task force is trying to address the plight of survivors. Those that we know responsible for these grave crimes of rape in violation of human rights if youre not arrested right now and taken into custody no victims will have the will to seek justice and that makes justice inaccessible you have to talk about zero impunity then you need the women to have the courage to come forward and report the facts Human Rights Watch says only eleven of the tears hundred ninety six survivors interviewed try to initiate a criminal investigation so far no member of any armed group has been arrested or tried to committing Sexual Violence in iraq. Madagascar is trying to contain an outbreak of the plague at least thirty people have died in the past two months and only two hundred suspected cases have been reported public gatherings in the capital being bad to try to stop the spread of the disease solomon job they had reports. These are the culprits partly responsible for the plague spreading in madagascar infected rats spread the bubonic plague while in the morning plague is carried from person to person more than one hundred sixty people have been infected when they say plague the book actually stands for the swelling in the various but it soon as it spread from the lungs i could cough and those droplets could infect you thats alarming because its human to human transmission rather than animal or human. On average two to six hundred people are infected annually in frequent outbreaks of the plague in madagascar as rule areas but this time it spread to populated parts the government has now banned Public Meetings in the capital and then and i reveal that there must first we must because we have heard of the disease that is spread through breeding so just to be on the safe side of it never no i dont shake peoples hands and i dont care say i dont know the precautions you take are not to talk to people and always wear a mask. The disease killed an estimated two hundred Million People in the fourteenth Century Health experts are advising caution but they say there is no need for panic the plague is treatable with antibiotics and the World Health Organization says there is no risk that the disease can spread internationally with live at least. I would like to remind you here and it is important that the plague exists in many countries and the latest epidemics in some countries including but kenya madagascar zambia algeria and the d. R. See its not only madagascar and this is important because what we hear in the city is that the plague is if madagascar is the end of the world we would just like to say that it is a disease like any other but we are lucky that this disease has a cure and this treatment is available and it is free. Many schools are closed and they are being sprayed to kill fleas campaigns are also underway to remove trash in cities and officials are setting right traps the Health Ministry says its taking steps to keep infections from spreading a disease which was believed to have already been wiped out. Some of the. Others there. In a few moments well have the weather with rob but still ahead on the news hour. Early. Good luck still going to do you think is going to come even briefly a patient who became a pioneer of focus on disability at the london Film Festival plus. Its funny to hear female talk about crowds. And sport an n. F. L. Player under fire for mocking a female reporter. Hello and he told us about the monsoon how it was going back but not going back smoothly and in fact there was flooding in hyderabad yesterday hard about in india of course rolled in pakistan and this is the pictures only about eighty four eighty five millimeters of rain reported because its channeled they expect this sort of flooding during the monsoon season you know overtreating monsoon doesnt often come down in the sort of burst but it is doing at the moment and if you look at the satellite picture for the last twenty four hours you can see how it appears to come up in ways and fade away and come back again this is the nature and in fact the last twenty four weve had one hundred sixteen millimeters reported not far away from hyderabad so its still there in potential but the actual line of retreat on average the first of october is this one here which is a little further north and satellite picture showed so in actual fact wouldnt be a big surprise if the monsoon just drifted northwest which again thats exactly what it does in the forecast for the next two days taking it back through about necco maybe up to goodyear out there we leave this part of the rain map and then drift across iraq weve been watching big thunderstorms in the north of iraq in the last three four five days they are still there and quite substantial one hundred fifty millimeters in twenty four hours this is flooding territory but this rain and the rain the monsoon separates a long way. The weather sponsored by cat time race. Their forefathers fought the sez he its. Twenty five years off to independence. They too must become man. Defenders of lisieux. Preparing for the possibility of war. Waiting for invasion but witness documentary at this time on aljazeera. The nature news as it breaks one of the recall is. To be doing that with detailed coverage this is what we mean when you go to find a raid by the Nigerian Army hundreds like these are produced for in the past the ones from around the world there are also hundreds of thousands of arabs that arrived here in recent years fleeing i saw they feel very let down by the baghdad government. Its good to have you with us on the aljazeera news hour these are our top stories iraq have recaptured the northern town of her after a two week battle with the town is one of just two remaining pockets of territory in iraq. Saudi arabia. Five days the first visit. To russia. With russias president Vladimir Putin the war in syria will be top of the agenda along with bilateral investments and stabilizing oil markets and investigation by the International Chemical weapons watchdog says traces of sarin gas were found after an attack on a town in Northern Syria at the end of march and says there is evidence the banned chemical was used on the opposition held town. Just days before another attack. At the u. N. Says violence against women and children and. State may amount to crimes against humanity aid workers say more than five hundred thousand people who crossed into bangladesh are in dire need of help the reports from a camp in coxs bazaar where conditions for the refugees are becoming worse and a warning this report contains some distressing images. With nothing else that her disposal a desperate mother blows air on her baby severely burned had to try and cool her all. There were doctors in the camp but when i took her to the doctor they said they dont have the right medicine for her she needs to be taken to see specialized doctors why when i get the money. Tells us her baby was burned when myanmars military said her village and record state ablaze. It took her family ten days to escape to bangladesh with no medical care the nine month old girls wounds especially the one on top of her head have only worsened i have a lot about anatomy. I think if she doesnt get any treatment that my baby will die its too hot so im not able to keep her calm here she cant get any peace i can only make her feel better by finding her. At the tank ali makeshift camp for him to refugees in coxs bazaar the misery is seemingly endless reflected as much in the faces of residents as it is in the appalling conditions theyre trying to survive the people you see behind me here theyre lining up for aid distribution to give you some idea of the scale of this crisis this encampment that were in today it didnt exist about three weeks ago now theres at least twenty thousand or hinder refugees who live here. They are among the more than five hundred thousand refugees whove crossed into bangladesh since late august the u. N. Calls it the most urgent refugee crisis in the world like so many others here who is attempting to find family members shes been separated from my mind they were advising us im searching for my mother and my aunt too i came across my neighbor who told me they came here. Waiting barefoot through mud our sadness is matched only by her persistence asking after her relatives at every turn. She tells us she had wanted to remain in me and more but that the militarys brutality made that impossible. If only they werent shooting and setting fires to her homes we would stay there even in the jungles eating leaves but they set fire to our homes and we couldnt stay there and a lot of them of the. With each passing day knows her chances will only grow dimmer not just that shell locate her loved ones but that shell ever be able to experience anything close to her previous life again. At the ten kali refugee camp in coxs bazaar bangladesh. Agencies are warning that zambia is facing a humanitarian crisis the country is dealing with more than six thousand refugees have crossed the border from the democratic republic of congo the u. N. Says on average one hundred cars each day congolese Government Forces a fight in a local militia in the region more than one point four Million People have been displaced by the was there since august two thousand and sixteen lets go live now to our correspondent heart of metasearch shes in the transit camp in northern sandia what are the refugees saying about why theyre running away from the d. L. C. A lot of people maybe came from. You came from the region and. The winning ways many ethnic tension in government by king. Fighting militia groups and some of them you know one mans story was quite tragic he. Was on crutches and when they when they got to fighting in attacking his village everyone got up and started running. Because he was on crutches with people riding in front of him you saw a woman who was carrying a baby on her back and she was she died and people just trying to get away from the violence they kept going and going and you know what happened to the baby she was carrying on her back they walked the day to get to the cab. Sometimes it is between a hundred people a day and. Of those who come here are children under the age of eighteen and we can see that behind you they are mostly children what is the situation the conditions in the refugee camp. Well its a new transit its about three and a half weeks old and you can see the back of the temporary structure that are being put up its pretty much. Read and pick up. Back there are the more communal ones for people who havent yet but the old sort of the new permanent structure living in those makes of homes for families that stay in there and the rains are about to start so aid workers are concerned that want to start draining the place is going to get mighty. Adequate leading the money for food they need to improve sanitary situation here in the camp a lot of dire concerns at the moment the main thing of course is that they fear that if the violence in the d. R. The more people will keep coming which need more resources are needed and ran out of the agency now its made to the lakers place as comfortable as possible for the people here before the rains begin with pictures of that could be by the end of october when the rains actually are coming down fast and theyll be a big chunk of how to thank you very much for that thats how to tarsus joining us live from the engine language transit camp in northern and zambia thank you. Now Amnesty International has accused european governments of putting nearly ten thousand afghan refugees in danger by sending them home and according to a new report the number of afghans deported by europe has nearly tripled in two thousand and sixteen compared to the Previous Year it says those who have returned home are at serious risk of torture kidnapping or deaths the report notes that while some of the un stand is at a record high in two thousand and sixteen more than eleven thousand people were eleven thousand people were killed or injured in attacks by armed groups and clued into the taleban and i so lets get more on this now were joined by. The of the researcher for Amnesty International shes joining us live from the capital kabul very good to have you with us on aljazeera can you firstly tell us about some of the cases of things that have happened to attorneys in afghanistan. Sure and this is the national in the sygate its a some of those cases for example we interviewed a family who whose family the husband of the family was kidnapped if you years ago and after a huge ransom he was released and then the family had to flee to norway unfortunately asylum application was rejected and they were forced to turn to afghan the son last year as the returned few few months of the return the husband was disappeared for a few days and then his body was found herself probably city and also we have cases of. Another family whose. This was are the car know as well as those families in the report theres people that are afraid of being in afghanistan because of their Sexual Orientation because theyve converted to christianity you mentioned the family whose amnesty. Whose application was rejected why are we seeing such a such an increase in the number of asylum applications being rejected in europe. Well unfortunately of that the Afghan Government and European Union signed agreement in october last year based on which European Countries can do turn countless number of afghans to afghanistan and unfortunately Afghan Government have agreed to that but the argument was based conditional to voluntarily return. Not really for stability turn who refuses who didnt go through the due process but unfortunately in our investigation we found that huge number of afghans were foreseeability turned or how do you are saying that we will deport you to afghanistan anyway but you have two choices whether you sign in a document to say that you are voluntarily do turning in to turn for some cash assistance or you are not going to give you cash assistance and we will deport you anyway and many of these people had to sign that document in order to receive the cash assistance so while the number of civilian casualties and internally displaced people and also kill immunology is going very high in afghanistan the number of afghans deported from europe is also increasing while from our point of view it should be the other way around the world because of that argument that was signed between the Afghan Government and European Union most of that if you g. s are being deported to afghanistan and the number of acceptance of the few gee Applications International protection have declined significantly and they have seen that many and theyre all minors were deported so what are you asking European Countries and the Afghan Government to do now because they are in agreement of whats happening. Well our call is on the European Union to put an immediate moratorium on all due to all of us going to food use unless the situation is safe and those details could be dignified and protection and safeguards could be guaranteed at the same time we are calling on the Afghan Government to do if anything within its power to stop those deportations and do not cooperate with European Union on deportation and foreseeability turn of afghan refugees thank you very much for your time. Of Amnesty International joining us live from kabul thank you were going to go back to earlier story that were watching here aljazeera saudi arabias king salamanders and moscow for five days it is the first visit by a saudi monarch to russia and weve just got these pictures of him and the russian president the war in syria will be top of the agenda along with bilateral investments and stabilizing oil markets i will have more on this when we go live to moscow at the top of the next bulletin. Its not a big trend at this years london Film Festival several of the films are focusing on disability but some of the casting has been controversial the engine of reports from london. A love story a tragedy the tale of a man who changed how society treats disabled people the film breed is all these things people paralyzed. The true story of Robin Cavendish a charming adventurous struck down by polio in the one nine hundred fifty s. His refusal to rot in hospital saw him become the pioneer of a new type of wheelchair a new opportunities for disabled people at the films european premiere spiderman actor and you garfield said his character was the ultimate hero what robin and diana did somehow they made such a joyous inspired. Fully lived rich Life Experience out of terrible loss and we all go through loss. Here at the london Film Festival a number of films feature disabled characters the most under represented minority on screen. Films like the story of the victim of the two thousand and thirteen Boston Marathon bombing. But the costing of able bodied actor Jake Gyllenhaal is proving controversial so much of stronger is about the characters physical challenges that some critics believe disabled actor should have been given the role. Actor david proud was born with spina bifida he believes the industry is changing the patrol with disabilities is more authentic than ever before i think we need to look at the whole industry we have to look at how the drama schools film schools whether those schools are actually actively looking for disabled people youre not going to be. Having talent you know people on the sort of buses. Here on the red carpet its easy to get swept up in the glamour of the Silver Screen but more than any other has the power to transform how people understand. The rounding disability. But the authenticity audiences should seek out the grown ups a documentary following a group of adults with down syndrome. Independent its funny moments dont obscure the sad fact that they feel smothered by well meaning structure but if inclusion starts in film and media then this festival has just got off to a very positive start. London. Still ahead on the news. And another team relegated on the banks. Will have the latest. People in south korea celebrating the traditional Harvest Festival song the holiday is also martin and not giving all koreans away for spite from escalating tensions rob mcbride went to a ceremony at the border between the two countries. Traditionally a time for family reunions for these aging koreans this is as close as they will get to one its a ceremony near the d. M. Z. Border between the two koreas. People like one young hope who attends every year and who was separated from his family in the north during the korean war more than sixty years ago hes on a waiting list for an official reunion but the current tensions have put the program on hold. If both sides can compromise hopefully my chance will calm. The two koreas may share the same holiday but seem as far apart as ever while North Koreans celebrate to soch in a similar way to people in the south its only a one day holiday in north korea and while millions of South Koreans are traveling to see family and friends travel restrictions and a lack of transport in the north most people there have to stay put. Translated as Harvest Festival is a time of thanksgiving with special cakes made from the rice just harvested. One of the many festivals an art group of north korean defectors perform in front of their south korean audience. Some of the most popular songs date back to before the war when there was only one career. By celebrating our culture through art we can show how south korea and north korea are one nation but as the families waiting for reunion can attest the political divisions remain as wide as ever. Urge north korea once again to join us on the path of reconciliation to help reunite families who dont have much time left. Not knowing how many more to stop festivals they will see without seeing long lost families. Rob mcbride aljazeera changing gak on the north south korean border. Well its time for sports now tatyana elizabeth thank you in the next few hours syrias Football Team will be looking to take an unlikely step towards a spot at next years pfieffer world cup in russia facing australia in the first leg of their qualifying playoff in malacca in malaysia syria reached this position by finishing third in their engine qualifying great but theyve never actually made it to a world cup with all. Of what. We have high hopes people have faith in us were playing australia next theyre a big team most of the players playing top leagues we have a match plan we want to serials and qualify ok was syrian fans in malaysia getting ready to chair back home feelings are a lot more divided in opposition held areas some say they just cant get behind a team thats aligned with the government of Bashar Al Assad to mollify our reports. The Syrian National teams draw in iran last month sparked celebrations in the capital the. Football has the power to bring people together but not in a government controlled damascus were only supporters of Bashar Al Assad are now together in public

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