Im Richelle Carey this is al jazeera life and also coming up. Rocky forces say they have captured the center of last enclave in the north. And outbreak of the plague causes panic and Health Officials plead for calm plus. Im reporting from bangkok where there is a last minute rush. To the late king before his funeral. People are still trying to make sense of the deadliest mass shooting in modern history in the u. S. Police have described the last vegas gunman as a disturbed and dangerous man his spent decades acquiring firearms but investigators still dont know why Stephen Paddick killed fifty eight people and injured hundreds more at a concert on sunday. Reports. Police say if anyone had knowledge of the gunmans motive the woman he lived with would but after returning from the philippines tuesday mary lou damn lee had little to say to explain her partners behavior she released a statement through her attorney. I knew steven had it. As a kind caring quiet man. I loved him. And hoped for a future together with him. He never said anything to me or took any action that i was aware of that i understood in any way to be a warning that something horrible like this was going to happen. Speaking on australian t. V. And with their faces hidden danley sisters said Paddock Center away two weeks ago to visit family overseas. Thats a go go and it. Was said no way so was no way. To really be. There for this. Dannys Attorney Says she is cooperating with the Investigation Police say they found a total of forty seven firearms inside the two homes the couple shared and inside the hotel room on the thirty second floor of the mandalay bay resort from which paddock rained down terror what we know is Stephen Paddick is a man who spent decades acquiring weapons and ammo and lived in a secret life much of which would never be fully understood. He meticulously planned on the worst domestic attack in United States history. Body cameras worn by Police Officers captured the chaos and confusion as twenty thousand concert goers ran and hid from the barrage of bullets go go go go go go without another chilling Detail Police say patrick may have considered attacking and nother music concert prior to sunday nights massacre a week earlier had a rented a high rise condo overlooking the life is beautiful Music Festival and its fifty thousand attendees with what contention yet another question that remains unanswered how did you castro aljazeera las vegas some republicans are considering backing efforts by the democrats to ban devices that make guns fire more rapidly twelve of the twenty three guns found in steven paddocks las vegas room had what are known as stocks attached to them and a gallagher reports. On sunday night the sound of rapid gunfire from Stephen Products hotel room was unmistakable police say the sixty four year old used a device known as a bump stock to via more rounds and inflict unthinkable tragedy. The device which is legal replaces a standard stock of a rifle for in the weapon to slide back and forth enabling automatic fire now that most sensitive of issues gun control is once again being talked about democratic senator Dianne Feinstein tried to introduce a ban on assault rifles four years ago but that failed. In the wake of the Las Vegas Shooting shes proposing new laws that would ban modifications of already Deadly Weapons when is the right time we hear that every time something happens when is the right time and i think this is the right time and you know since ive been here theres just been entered in after incident i thought it would end with columbine you know i thought it would end with sandy hook. Does and then. During his visit to las vegas President Trump made it clear hes not ready to discuss gun control but some republicans may be on board yeah i would certainly look at that im not an expert on bombs dogs but all things that make america safer and dont infringe on the Second Amendment so you think now is the time to have this policy debate yeah i think so i think a big good time to have a hearing many republicans say the legislation is premature and inappropriate so soon after such a tragedy the powerful National Rifle association donates millions to republican politicians and past Mass Shootings have done little to change attitudes democrats remain passionate about change how minimal much doubt. How many mothers and fathers brothers so. How does. She tell me what tell me and tell us what is the name and how minimal did. Well it takes to wake up this congress so far only a few republican lawmakers say theyre open to talking about banning books dogs and other devices for this legislation to have any chance of succeeding that number will need to increase if this countrys history teaches us anything its that even when children are killed as they were in sandy hook five years ago nothing changes here in las vegas bump stocks and no longer available gun shops a sold out and agalloch aljazeera las vegas nevada. Saudi arabias king solomon is in moscow for five days the first visit by a saudi monarch to russia hes going to hold talks with president Vladimir Putin on the war in syria will be the top of the agenda along with bilateral investment in stabilizing oil markets so joining us onset to talk about all this is abraham freiheit an associate professor and conflict management and humanitarian action at the tail institute thank you very much for coming we thank you so put this in some context how big of a deal is this well i think according to the Saudi Foreign minister this is a historic visit and factually yes it is actually this is the fairest visit by a monarch to saudi monarch to russia ever. King said man i should say himself i actually visited russia before so this is not his first visit but i visit in a different capacity when he was in charge of riyadh so it is a historical visit factually and you know but that we should be we should differentiate like from this be an historic and been successful that whole thats a whole different thing i guess simply. Doesnt mean that its necessarily going to be a success successful because i think there are challenges. Such as actually this is like. The gulf crisis is many things that list that you just gave there is that the reason that this visit is happening because there are so many important things to talk about absolutely i think this is at the top of the interest of saudi arabia and russia at the moment is that to make such a historic visit so we should expect. The discussing first of all bilateral relations because they the two countries share very important. Things in the market particularly the old market stabilizing the old market because thats russia and so that it be as major producing oil so that thats the top of the agenda but. I mean but but even more importantly i think its. Not only this. The gulf crisis the gulf crisis so there have been particular is expecting support from russia in the gulf crisis of course because this is something that is consistent with the overall. Strategy of saudi arabia in the National Support for its position in the gulf crisis that issue both covered so im this was a secret because we saw. In the past two three months actually making two visits to the gulf to saudi arabia and look at that russia has maintained a neutral position over the gulf a crisis and. No intervention on one side or the other so i think so that it is trying to get some support and i have exact that though i gained syria i think it remains a quarter of the issue and the future political talks with the syria with the c. E. O. Position and in particular of like how the influence of iran in the future will be in syria so these are to me and core issues was very very important issues in the world will be watching abraham for you i thank you very much. At least one hundred thirty people have been killed in multiple airstrikes in just the past two days in syria stars or province forces on the ground he is russia being responsible for those strikes so amateur video reportedly shows the nearby town of my again being bombed u. S. And russian backed forces are separately trying to retake the region from eisel fighters and russia says its investigating and i saw that which apparently shows two of its soldiers captured by the armed group interests or the Russian Foreign Ministry Says its working to establish details about the men its Defense Ministry has previously denied any of its soldiers have been captured. The Iraqi Military says its recaptured the center of the northern town of a week from eisel iraqi forces and now its the military campaign to retake it two weeks ago they say theyre in control of the center and surrounding areas now who is one of just two remaining pockets of territory held by eisel in iraq thousands of civilians fled to nearby areas during the campaign trail strafford joins us now from to vist northwest of charles kind of give us some perspective on where you are. Well this is a. Defensive position as you say and close to the town of dbase pines round where youre looking at here is no mans land the page tell us that it is around twenty kilometers to. Over that horizon they say that there are villages around seven kilometers in that direction that still controlled by isis they say a number of villages in that area they say there are around two hundred isis fighters in those villages the peshmerga are here as i say in accordance with an agreement made with the Iraqi Military to feign the line as you report the Iraqi Military is saying now that they are in control of the center of it we certainly understand that they are still pushing flight is in this direction so these guys here to hold this line and also open up humanitarian corridor you know to see the roads down there. Is waiting there are families that are using this wrote to come out to escape the fighting weve seen a couple of families this morning according to the peshmerga here they said that yesterday there were around a thousand people that crossed the. Checkpoint the majority of those people are women and children they are checked. Wearing explosive belts by female peshmerga the women and the men checked by the men the men of taking taken away the women to camps but there is a lot of nervousness here about the amount of the people who are still in these areas who may or may not have been sympathizes with. As i say it seems as if this offensive. Seems to be drawing to a close and its because. The last bastion for eisel in. Mosul retaken in july. A few weeks later what we see was a place where i still fighters would skate to and it seems theyre very much on the run but yes there is expectation here today seeing certainly a lot more i. D. P. s and these guys very much on guard for any lie still trying to. Charles in this area as a contested area tell us more about that the areas around here are in areas which are considered to be disputed. The peshmerga took control of swathes of this area in two thousand and fourteen when basically the Iraqi Military dumped their weapons and ran away from that are still offensive its hugely controversial areas such as the city of kirkuk which participated in the recent referendum now that is a disputed area interesting that this particular place is not disputed this is well beyond the official boundary of the k r g but as i say the peshmerga go ahead as part of an agreement with the Iraqi Military in defensive positions but whats so interesting though is having spoken to a commander in this area this morning and asked him whether the peshmerga would pull back off this offensive defensive position operation is over and the answer was no they said they would not be pulling back so it is controversial but as i say at this stage its very much part of a. Military operation as agreed to with the Iraqi Military ok charles thank you very much and also the iraqi Prime Minister is in france right now meeting with the president and i crown three u. S. Special operations soldiers have been killed and two others injured at an attack in southwest and share a joint patrol with us and share troops or an ambush near the border with mali. Madagascar is trying to contain an outbreak of the plague at least thirty people have died in the past two months and almost two hundred suspected cases have been reported public gatherings in the capital had been banned to try to stop the spread of the disease asama binge of a reports. These are the culprits policy responsible for the plague spreading in madagascar. Infected rat spread the bubonic plague while the mnemonic gets carried from person to person more than one hundred sixty people have been infected when they say plague the book actually stands for the swelling in the various love notes but it soon as it spread from the lungs i could cough and those droplets could infect you thats alarming because its human to human transmission rather than animal to human. On average two to six hundred people are infected annually in fetal outbreaks of the plague in madagascar this rule areas but this time it spread to populated parts the government has now banned Public Meetings in the capital and then and i reveal that there must first we must because we have heard of the disease that is spread through breeding so just to be on the safe side it never no i dont shake peoples hands and i dont care say i dont know the precautions you take are not to talk to people and always wear a mask. The disease killed an estimated two hundred Million People in the fourteenth Century Health experts are advising caution but they say there is no need for panic the plague is treatable with antibiotics and the World Health Organization says there is no risk that the disease can spread internationally with police. I would like to remind you here and it is important that the plague exists in many countries and the latest epidemics in some countries including but kenya madagascar zambia algeria and the d. R. See its not only madagascar and this is important because what we hear in the city is that the plague is if madagascar is the end of the world we would just like to say that it is a disease like any other but we are lucky that this disease has a cure and this treatment is available and it is free. Many schools are closed and theyre being sprayed to kill fleas campaigns are also underway to remove trash in cities and officials are setting right crops the health Ministry Says its taking steps to keep infections from spreading a disease which was believed to have already been wiped out. Some of the of the zero still ahead on aljazeera and. Of course come on to have money either American Dreams becoming a struggle for immigrants known as dreamers plus people per year good luck slow coping with it has been in their own companies and very few. Patient who became a pioneer of focus on disability at the london Film Festival. And for you. Youre watching out a zero lets recap the top stories right now some u. S. Republicans are considering backing a push by democrats to ban modifications that make guns fire more rapidly following the los vegas shootings fifty eight people were killed in that attack nearly five hundred injured. Iraqi military says its recaptured the center of the northern town of her wages from my soul iraqi forces announced a military campaign to retake it two weeks ago we just saw in just two remaining pockets of territory held by i saw in iraq. Saudi arabias king solomon is in moscow for five days the first visit by a saudi monarch to russia he will hold talks with president Vladimir Putin of the war and syria will be top of the agenda along with bilateral investment in stabilizing oil markets. Spains cain has been accused of ignoring millions of people with his attitude towards the catalonia regions breakaway bid the criticism comes from catalonia as leader who is calling for mediators to help sort out the standoff karl penhall reports in barcelona. The head of the capitol and government colors posed to monta used a televised address to criticize the Spanish Governments handling of the political crisis he also said that he firmly disagreed with King Philippes address to the nation the previous day in that address the king accused the catalan of thorolds of disloyalty and suggested they were almost on the verge of brit belly and posed him on tuesday measured tone to say that the solution to the problems of catalonia is attempt to break away from the rest of spain was a political matter not a Police Matter he has once again suggested talks and mediation in this crisis the Spanish Government was very quick however to come out and say that the only way that they would consider such talks was if catalonia abandoned its attempts to session that is something that will be death very difficult for the Catalan Government both because of the referendum results but also because if the man tries to back away from this proposed declaration of independence which could come as soon as next monday then effectively he could risk losing a pro secession majority in the capital in parliament. The un has asked for four hundred thirty Million Dollars to increase aid for. Violence and me and mar a military crackdown in Rakhine State has forced more than half a million right across the border into neighboring bangladesh man maher has denied allegations of crimes against humanity and genocide and he as finance minister is visiting dhaka where hes due to discuss the issue. About twelve Million People in thailand have said their final farewell to their late king king. Died last october his body is lying in state and the palace thursday for the last day for people to see before the royal cremation later this month a report from bangkok. In sweltering conditions the long wait goes on its been this way for a year as people line up to into the grand palace in bangkok to pray before the coffin of the late king tuts away tone has been waiting in line for a living now as a name im here to pay my respects to the cape this is my first time here im glad to have made it its an honor to be here and to be able to be this close to him the government says more than eleven Million People have come here since king jr day died in october last year but numbers have swelled since an announcement from the palace that Public Access is coming to an end the funeral will provide some closure for thais whove been mourning the passing of the king but the result has some uncertainty. Reigned for seventy years having ascended the throne at the age of just eighteen so until he died he was the only king most thais have ever lived under. His son king what your long gone ascended the throne at the age of sixty four so wont have the luxury of time to build the legacy that his father did hes already the king but will be formally crowned in february he takes over at a difficult time thailand is still under military rule after a coup in two thousand and fourteen that many suggest was staged to ensure a smooth transition the army has crackdown on dissent and freedom of speech with particular focus on those who are alleged to have criticised or defamed the monarchy the government says the country will be returned to democracy late next year but they could be further delays for the people here thats an issue for another day. Their sole focus now is on saying farewell to the late king. When im in front of the king al feel grateful for all the things he did for us and all that he worked for waiting in line for eight hours is nothing compared to what he did all his life for us preparations are being finalized for the funeral which will be held on october the twenty sixth wayne hay al jazeera bangkok. A court in turkey has sentenced forty people to life in prison for attempting to assassinate president recha thai party won senior military officers and special forces were among those convicted it was the first high profile verdict against those accused of being involved in a failed coup last year. For undocumented immigrants in the u. S. Known as dreamers thursday is the deadline to reapply for protection President Donald Trump announced last month hes phasing out whats known as doc or deferred action for chill childhood arrivals its prevented eight hundred thousand immigrants brought illegally to the u. S. As children from being deported or since a lumia report from providence in rhode island. Nineteen year old beverly villain away but had less than a months notice to reenroll in the program thats allowed her to work legally as a nurses aide and provide for her two Young Children without the deferred action for Childhood Arrivals Program known as dhaka beverly would have few Job Opportunities i mean it gives you two years that you can start still. You know and. Of course come to have a little money. Its pretty overwhelming to think about it and. The worst Case Scenario would be getting sent back to guatemala a country she hasnt lived in since she was four advocates say thats a possibility eight hundred thousand recipients known as dreamers are facing around the country i think people dont realize how hard all of these young kids are working and some of them really arent young kids anymore right theyre in their early thirtys some of them and working great jobs and and studying and trying to support their families theyre doing all kinds of things that that really should be applauded rhode island is one of fifteen states now suing the child ministration for ending daca Administration Says it had no choice facing the threat of a lawsuit from conservative states that had previously so. To stop a proposed expansion of the obama era program. Here in rhode island the state has raised money through private donations to cover the four hundred ninety five dollars cost every new ng for any dreamer who qualifies its an effort to keep as many as possible working and going to School Without fear of deportation and his will to the Rhode Island Foundation is a Philanthropic Group that says helping dreamers will help the state the whole state needs to have a really really qualified and Skilled Workforce Going Forward so the more people we can get including the dreamers benefits all of rhode island by being able to attract employers and to supply the Skilled Workforce for the employers we have here now i mean i have two years to figure it out she Hopes Congress will find a way to protect her and other dreamers before that happens kristen salumi aljazeera Providence Rhode island theres a notable trend at this share as the london Film Festival several of the films are focusing on disability but some of the casting has been controversial. Parts. A love story a tragedy the tale of a man who changed how society treats disabled people the film breed these things people are powerless. The true story of Robin Cavendish a charming adventurous struck down by polio in the one nine hundred fifty s. His refusal to rot in hospital so had become the pioneer of a new type of wheelchair a new opportunities for disabled people at the films european prime yet spiderman act to Andrew Garfield said his character is the ultimate hero what robin and diana did somehow they made such a joyous inspired. Fully live rich Life Experience out of terrible loss and we all go through loss. Here at the london Film Festival a number of films feature disabled characters the most under represented minority on screen. Films like stronger the story of the victim of the two thousand and thirteen Boston Marathon bombing. But the costing of able bodied actor Jake Gyllenhaal is proving controversial so much of stronger is about the characters physical challenges that some critics believe disabled should have been given the role. Acted david proud was born with spina bifida he believes the industry is changing the patrol with disabilities is more authentic than ever before i think we need to look at the whole industry we have to look at how people are into drama schools film schools whether those schools are actually actively looking for disabled people. Having disabled talent you know people on the sort of buses. Here on the red carpet its easy to get swept up in the glamour of the Silver Screen but more than any other has the power to transform how people understand. The rounding disability. But the authenticity audiences should seek out the grown ups a documentary following a group of adults with down syndrome as they strive for independent its funny moments dont obscure the sad fact that they feel smothered by well meaning structure but if inclusion starts in film and media then this festival has just got off to a very positive start. When you get a moment visit our web site al jazeera dot com aljazeera. And her this is aljazeera are the top stories republican. They are considering backing a push by democrats to ban modifications that make guns fire more rapidly this of course following the Las Vegas Shootings the gunman used devices called bomb stocks to make his guns function as automatic weapon fifty eight people were killed in that attack more than five hundred injured Iraqi Military says its recapture the center of the northern town of her from my soul iraqi forces announced the military campaign to retake it two weeks ago we each is one of just two remaining pockets of territory held by eisel in iraq Charles Trafford has more from dennis in iraq were looking at here is no mans land the past. It is around twenty kilometers to. Over the horizon they say that there are villages around seven kilometers in the direction that still controlled by a number of villages in that area they say there are around two hundred isis fighters in those villages the peshmerga are here as i say in accordance with an agreement made with the Iraqi Military to defend the law and saudi arabias king solomon is in moscow for five days the first visit by a saudi monarch to russia he will hold talks with president Vladimir Putin the war in syria will be top of the agenda along with via lateral investments and stabilizing oil markets the un has asked for four hundred thirty Million Dollars to increase a for overhead to refugees who escaped violence and man maher a military crackdown in Rakhine State is forced more than half a million ranches across the border into neighboring bangladesh me and maher has denied allegations of crimes against humanity and genocide the leader of spains catalonia region says he wants mediators to help resolve the standoff in the Central Government over its efforts to gain independence but spain says for that to happen the region must respect the law. Accordant turkey has sentenced forty people to life in prison for attempting to assassinate president rigid typer the one senior military officers and special forces were among those convicted it was the first high profile verdict against those accused of being involved in the failed coup last year those are the headline to news continues right here on aljazeera after inside story keep it or. I would use iraq. And for you at. The bottom to join forces to oppose couldst secession and involve the u. S. Forces strongly opposed on crime and. Beyond in economic and what more can be done and as military intervention and option the

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