Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20171003

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History. Hello welcome to aljazeera life and im not saying that its also coming up thousands turned out in a general strike in catalonia following the disputed votes to break away from spain. The palestinian Prime Minister holds a unity Cabinet Meeting in gaza its part of another push to end the rift among rival palestinian factions. And the plan to send thousands of ranger refugees who fled to bangladesh back to me and. The authorities in the u. S. Are now digging into. The history of the sixty four year old former accountant who carried out the worst mass shooting in modern American History Stephen Paddock had been far from a hotel room in las vegas overlooking a concert at least fifty nine people were killed more than five hundred others were injured and the gallagher has more from las vegas. This is the moment when a homeless sunday night out became a tragedy. Twenty thousand concert goers were enjoying a Country Music festival when suddenly bullets rained down from above terrified they scrambled for safety. And then one after the other and we were lying down on the floor i didnt know to get out to run and just to stay to die it was didnt know if it was safe to move because just about everything that was going on just going here at home and just shooting for people who die in our pool and we went through the Airport Parking lot. And downhill through the park everywhere. In a room on the thirty second floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel sixty four year old Stephen Paddick fired off hundreds of bullets from an arsenal of military style weapons. A conex lasted for ten minutes as police broke down the Hotel Room Door killed himself police found twenty three guns in the room on monday morning the scale of the atrocity became heartbreakingly clear we are currently standing at five twenty seven for individuals injured and individuals that have died or passed away fifty nine. Police called paddick a lone wolf he apparently had no criminal record no history of Mental Illness and the f. B. I. Says he had no connection with overseas groups such as eisel or al qaida it was evident that he had weapons in his room we have determined that there has been employees going to and fro from his room and not in a nefarious was noticed at this point thats what we know now investigators Hope Products female companion Mary Lou Donnelly might provide clues as to his motives friends say shes out of the country a somber President Donald Trump address the nation we pray for the entire nation to find unity and peace and we pray for the day when evil is banished and the innocent are safe from hatred and from fear among the many Unanswered Questions are how public got hold of so many weapons some of which its believed were modified to be fully automatic another nineteen weapons along with thousands of rounds of ammunition and explosives were found at his home in a quiet Retirement Community las vegas known around the world as the entertainment capital of the United States is a city in mourning its history has been changed by one terrible night and the motive behind the attack remains for now unknown and agalloch aljazeera Las Vegas Nevada more now from hiding joe castro from Stephen Paddick home in mesquite nevada. Why would a retired american accountant with no known political or religious affiliations commit the deadliest mass shooting in modern u. S. History the question has so far stumped investigators monday Morning Police combed through the primary home of sixty four year old Steven Patrick in misc eat a Peaceful Community of retirees ninety minutes north of las vegas patagonia his house which police say he shared with his girlfriend who is currently traveling outside of the country neighbors say other than being a reckless he was rather ordinary knowing that its just a guy that looks so normal and and you just walk down the street look and say hello to is capable of turning in and doing what he did last night is Unbelievable Police say panic had no criminal record the f. B. I. Says paddick was not affiliated with any armed group as my brother was a member of the gunmans brother told reporters patrick was a wealthy Real Estate Investor in gambler who showed no signs of violence just nothing i mean its on the Public Record he did stuff we went to college she had a job. And you know we owned some apartments she sold some apart we i mean theres theres nothing there was no indication. Nothing thats whats so. I mean. I mean i cant even make something up theres just. Theres nothing. Nothing so far to give police a lead in to why this massacre happened heidi joe castro aljazeera muskeg nevada the thousands have turned out in barcelona in support of a call for a general strike so must we expect to come to a complete standstill. The strikes were cold by the trade unions in response to. The crackdown by the National Police during sundays vote to break away from spain in which almost nine hundred people were injured this is the scene live there on the streets of that strike that you can see forming there is our correspondent lawrence lee he joins us live as well laurence it seems as a thousands and thousands of people in barcelona are turning out the heat this cold to go on a general strike. And yes in different places where we are all is outside the office of a popular policy spains ruling policy the mood here is frankly insurrectionary you know theyve been there there are signs up saying old boy the Prime Minister is a terrorist really must go the streets will always be all up in the streets over there behind to listen with the ballot papers from sunday that mean throwing them up and yeah we voted and so you know you cant you can all see every Single Person but certainly there is a very large part of this constituency thats wants to get on with independence. Would say that the writs of the ruling party in spain does not run whatsoever in here in boston running. In council lonia theres another demonstration about the same size as this outside the National Police headquarters as well a lot of this is now starting to move because theyre going to go to University Square and that will be a much bigger focus itself to noon or love the students will join in one thing to note just just quickly must seem theres no sign of the goddess of ill the people the National Riot police who some sort of heavy handedly brought down the referendum on sunday then all here theyve stayed away and this is being policed by the local council and pennies on the crowd a very very intense insofar as they can trying to keep it peaceful but the anger is enormous and if you say to a lot of these people are you worried about independence you dont think it might be a really very bad idea if you dont know what is going that they dont seem to think that at all they want to get on with it and to be said to be absolutely clear that the pappas of this general strike the reason why people are saying away from their jobs is to protest against the violence that youve already referred to that we saw on sunday and carried out by the. Injuring sort of almost nine hundred people. Yeah thats right and. That there is more than one option of the general strike which is brian laws the union. Side of the work force theres also a different section which switch from spanish towns like this country still and that as big a business groups and people involved as well do they all hate the police what happened on the goddess of il on sunday yes they do are they by and large very n. C. Yes they are all they all in favor of independence no they own. And that is a problem the matter of. Us and said that. You know that independence the moment the president gets lonia mediation theyre very upset with the lack of a comment from the European Union in terms of trying to get the two sides together what what what what what they dont want to see some of these are full of hot but at the same time a lot of these people are approaching the pendants all it seems to me pretty time deaf to. The opinion of the rest of spain which which really doesnt want the country broken up a little and so on every level its a mess. But the mood inside catalonia seems as as firm and results as the mood from the trades. Happened at all and if if they do declare independence will presumably. Rule from the capital over them instead all right Interesting Times in. Say thanking. Now the palestinian Prime Minister has chaired a unity Cabinet Meeting as part of reconciliation efforts between his fatah party and hamas rami had said he wanted to turn the page on the division thats plagued the factions since hamas took control of gaza in two thousand and seven. Week that it was handing over administrative control over the girls trip to a unity government has more from gaza city. Well the first Cabinet Meeting of this new unity reconciliation government has taken place the palestinian Prime Minister on the one dollar presiding and this is really the first getting under way of this project is difficult project which is failed so many times over the last ten years to restore Palestinian Authority government to the gaza strip now we have ministers going out to their ministries the expectation is of a smooth handover of power from the hamas officials who have been controlling those ministries up until now weve had a News Conference after the Cabinet Meeting in which the p. A. Government spokesman talked about the importance of the egyptian backing to all this we have posters of president sisi in this square talking about the fact that the egyptian minister of intelligence will be here later in the day offering support to this process talking about appealing to the International Community and the israelis themselves to ease the israeli blockade and as for the kind of humanitarian issues which are so key to the nearly two Million People who live in the gaza strip so far were in a Holding Pattern over that theyre saying that they have received detailed reports about things such as salaries electricity water border crossings and that they will look into these things deeply however some of these issues are issues that have been exacerbated by restrictions imposed by the Palestinian Authority precisely to bring on board again. A unified government the squeeze on the electricity the cutting about thirty percent to the salaries of the p. A. Employees whove been sitting idle for the last decade these are things that the p. A. Could reverse if it wanted to immediately at the moment theyre talking about talks about talks next week beginning in cairo. And a process to try and address and solve those issues more range of refugees of a rived in bangladesh ramy a ma while the two countries have agreed on a. Plan the deal to send back the ranger was made after a representative for me amals leader. Cheney travelled to bangladesh for talks with its foreign minister the un has called the exodus of more than half a million the worlds false is developing refugee crisis. Has made proposals for taking back the role hinge refugees both countries have agreed to form a joint working group in order to monitor the repeat region process both of us have agreed on it now bangladesh will figure out what the details will be of the composition of the joint working group so will myanmar. More now from our correspondent yarra boom l m whos in. Well there was a similar agreement to return. Who had fled main mar to bangladesh in early around an earlier round of violence in the ninetys and it will be based on that particular agreement at that time about a quarter of a million refugees were repatriated to mean maher but it was facilitated by the United Nations crucially in this instance there will be no United Nations of involvement this will be something thats going to be worked out between bangladesh and main my main my has said that its going to set up two checkpoints. Along the border with bangladesh one on land and one on water to process the return isnt under what its calling a National Verification process now we dont have a lot of details about what that process will entail but if you look back at the nineteen in the at the agreement in the one nine hundred ninety s. Rangers were. Expected to provide evidence of citizenship or id cards or at least some sort of evidence of residency in mean months is extremely difficult for a row hinges whove been excluded from citizenship and even if they did have some sort of documents many people fled their homes too quickly to take anything like that with them so its unclear and unlikely that many of the half million or so refugees are hinges who fled to me in my will actually be able to come back under this process. Theres a calm here at aljazeera in a state of limbo kurdish businesses along the turkey iraqi border face an uncertain future after last weeks defiant secession referendum. Farewell to rock n roll icon tom has his death shocked music fans around the world. And were seeing rain pouring down across parts of thailand recently if you look at the satellite picture you can see all of this cloud in the northern part of our map it is giving us some very sharp showers particularly in the southern parts of thailand where weve seen over one hundred millimeters of rain just in the last twenty four hours now more wet weather is expected here as we head through wednesday but also were seeing more rain filtering a bit further southwards as well so across parts of borneo and also down into parts of jobber as well it looks like the wettest of the weather will be in the northern parts of java and further south there is the chance you could get away with a slightly draw a day now for australia theres a lot of rain here at the moment too thats all rain in the east has given us some very very heavy downpours particularly in parts of queensland where some places have seen three months worth of rain just in a twenty four hour period so incredibly wet here now that system is slowly beginning to pull away so theres still the chance of a few showers around the coast there as we head through the next day or so but the worst of the weather is away over the sea now elsewhere and theres generally a lot of drawing weather for now but as we head through into thursday the clouds will be building once more so for Western Australia there will be a few more outbreaks of rain and that rain stretches down into tasmania. I prefer to live no. Life but a dangerous journey. To the rail and nearly died. And live prey to. The democratic republic of congo at this time on al jazeera. Lets have a look at the top stories here it out there at least fifty nine people have died and more than five hundred people have been injured in las vegas after the deadliest mass shooting in modern u. S. History Police Searching the attackers home have found nineteen firearms explosives along with thousands of rounds of ammunition. A general strike his threatening to bring much of catalonia to a standstill following sundays controversial vote to break away from spain the strikes were called by catalan trade unions in response to the violence by spains National Police during the ballot. The palestinian Prime Minister has led a unity Cabinet Meeting in gaza as part of reconciliation efforts between his party and hama thousands of gazans lined the streets on monday as rami hamdullah crossed into the gaza strip. Now we hear that iran has massed its time to long its border with iraq semi autonomous kurdish region just last week as a session referee. Held in that region in defiance of the government in baghdad as well as iran and turkey we can go live now to that our correspondent his boss mark border post that is in iraqs kurdish region and charles what can you tell us about these reports that iran is moving its military hardware around this border region. Well thats right yes you cant see them is too far away but to my right and to my left and we believe further to the right as well you can see iranian tanks weve been speaking to the kurdish customs all sorts hes here it cannot be described as a move or a mood of it increasing tensions real sorties here say that it was on the twenty ninth of December September sorry that there were twelve members of the Iraqi Federal Governments Ministry of interior that arrived here and delivered a letter insisting that the iraqis take control of this border take control of customs at this border not only for this border but for the other borders of para was calm and there the three borders with iran which border the k r g and the customs all sources here say that those tanks arrived in the last couple of days subsequent to that letter being delivered because the authorities here so they say completely refused the kurdish authorities here are refusing at this stage to hand over control to iraqi sources of this border the border is currently open at the moment it was closed to simply to oil tankers a couple of days ago oil is so vital for trade between the k r j and iran basically the k r g sell the crude oil to iran iran refines and sells it back to them according to the customs of sources here is an agreement that they made with the iranians that certainly for today around thirty to forty trucks from either side could be traveling. Across the border but certainly so far weve seen no evidence of this and to cut a long story short basically the costumes also saying that these tanks although they are what the iranians are saying a part of military joint military exercises with the iranians that are supposed to be starting in the next couple of days around fifteen kilometers from here the customs also. Saying that these tanks are dug in and as i can see from here they are pointing towards the the authorities here are very concerned that these border crossings are certainly the customs the customs post may be taken by force all right. And when. Iraqi kurdistan right on the border with iran well the tensions from that vote that took place. Sunday has had an impact on trade in. Areas around the turkey border as well. Has this report now from the. Crossing. At the brain crossing its business as usual goods flowing into the kurdish region from turkey people traveling back and forth between the two its iraqs most important land crossing kurds on both sides of the border make a living out of it. I am poor i dont love my job but i make my daily bread coming and going through this border if it closes there will be a domino effect from here to istanbul its all connected i wont be the only one hurt hasnt and the other drivers here are turkish kurds they have silently supported the referendum they live across the border in the same area where iraqi soldiers carried out joint exercises just a few kilometers away from the crossing. Iraqs Prime Minister. Has to bring it under the federal governments authority. And. Actually. Everyone is scared the Regional Government also imposes its own customs and immigration policies and if you are saying that then you have to remind. Everyone. Even though the Border Guards under the command of baghdad giving up their posts to numb kurds is out of the question. As of now the Border Guards and a part of the iraqi forces but if there is a problem that would defend kurdistan it will be a National Cause this is their land where their families and their people live every kurd will take part in this. The crossing fell on the control of the kurds with the no fly zone was imposed over the region after the first gulf war in one thousand nine hundred one and since its been a lifeline for the kurdish region. It was a child then but still remembers how different his hole was at the time. Before nine hundred ninety one we couldnt do any business no one had money after that things changed the town became richer but a kurdish state is more important than anything else we have to sacrifice for it even if we have to fight we knew since before the referendum that there could be some negative reactions. Everyone here is waiting for baghdad. But with more than half of the goods that that drive through. Making their way beyond the kurdish region to the rest of iraq. Everyone involved will pay a heavy price but at the helm. In the order in iraq. Al jazeera has learned that a weapons shipment from north korea is the reason for a strained relations between the u. S. And egypt a u. N. Report which is a tainted by our team details the connection between pyongyang and cairo Egypts Foreign Ministry has responded saying or thorat is have since destroyed the shipment of antitank missiles shelob ellis reports whenever u. S. President donald trump meets his egyptian counterpart in public its all smiles that is going to be impossible. Things were frosty here a few months later when the u. S. Delayed or froze around two hundred ninety Million Dollars in military aid for egypt and Washington Post says that was in part because of what was on the ship in july last year u. S. Intelligence agents started tracking the sailed from north korea to egypt a month later u. S. Officials told the egyptians they wanted it searched a u. N. Report says they found this on board had an iron ore seventy nine crates containing parts to build more than twenty four thousand rocket propelled grenades and material for an additional four thousand some reports say they were distant to the Egyptian Army which later blew them up under u. N. Supervision. The egyptian Foreign Ministry denied the reports saying the shipment that was confiscated was not distant age it egyptian authorities indeed confiscated the shipment and destroyed it adding the head of the u. N. Security Council North Korea Sanctions Committee has lorded egypts if it the u. S. Is on high alert keeping a close watch on north koreas ports if u. S. Intelligence agencies are doing. Tracking of all ships entering and leaving north korean ports they can also through satellite observation get the images of what is being loaded onto ships the North Koreans are believed to sell weapons cheap around the globe to pay for its Nuclear Weapons Program France which currently presides over the u. N. Security Council Sanctions working. On a face off. Its essential to implement fully one hundred plus in the sanctions that have put in place and here honestly ill be frank we have made significant progress lisa only the sanctions committee is doing its work well at the same time on monday the trumpet ministration contradicted its own secretory of state you see the u. S. Was looking to talk to north korea theres a difference between a talking point diplomatic pressure we still strongly support putting diplomatic pressure on north korea which were continuing to do but now is not the time simply to have conversations with north korea the u. S. Appears to be seen doing the message doing business with north korea comes with its own costs shall it bellus aljazeera. Rock fans are mourning the death of tom petty the leader of the u. S. Band tom petty in the heartbreak has died in hospital after suffering a heart attack die and looks back at his life. As a rock n roll icon tom pettys career spanned four decades and produced a string of hits in the one nine hundred seventy s. And eightys the florida native is best remembered as the leader of tom petty and the heartbreakers which rose to fame in the mid night hundred seventy s. Releasing hits that included breakdown American Girl and refugee. The heartbreaker sound was known as heartland rock its lyrics often reflecting feelings of isolation partly inspired by peggys impoverished childhood in two thousand and two tom petty and the heartbreakers were inducted into the rock n roll hall of fame. In one thousand nine hundred eighty eight petty gained fame again in the super group the traveling wilburys teaming up with rock legends Bob Dylan George harrison roy orbison and jeff lynne the group selftitled album quit triple platinum and went on to win a grammy. Later petit enjoyed success as a solo artist releasing three albums he also had his own satellite radio channel on sirius x. M. The heartbreakers remains a fixture in the singer songwriters live Group Performed off and on over the past forty years petty toured all last summer with the heartbreakers playing more than fifty shows in twenty four cities the group wrapped up its fortieth Anniversary Tour at the Hollywood Bowl on september twenty fifth in interviews following the tour petit said he wanted to keep playing with the band but not at that hectic pace he said he wanted to spend less time as a rock and roller and more time as a grandfather to his four year old granddaughter dion estabrook. Al jazeera. It. Traverses take a look at the top stories here at aljazeera at least fifty nine people have died a more than five hundred people have been injured in las vegas after the deadliest mass shooting in modern u. S. History Police Searching the attackers home found nineteen firearms along with explosives and thousands of rounds of ammunition. Thousands of people have turned out in barcelona in support of a general strike which is expected to bring much of catalonia to a complete standstill the strikes were cooled by trade unions in response to the crackdown by the National Police during sundays controversial vote to break away from spain almost nine hundred people were injured as hundreds of riot police attempted to shut down the polling stations. The palestinian Prime Minister has led a unity Cabinet Meeting in gaza as part of reconciliation efforts between his mainstream fatah policy and hamas thousands of girls lined the streets on monday as rami hamdullah crossed into the gaza strip his visit is the most ambitious effort yet to end the animosity between the political factions after repeated failure as. More range of refugees of arrived in bangladesh are minimal while the two countries have agreed a repatriation plan the deal to send back some of the half a million. Was made after a representative mir miles leader Aung Sun Suu Kyi traveled to bangladesh for talks on my. Proposals for taking back the refugees both countries have agreed to form a joint working group in order to monitor and to repeat the process both of us have agreed on it now bangladesh will figure out what the details will be of the composition of the joint working group so well myanmar. Iran has deployed dozens of times along its border with iraq so tall miska this region following last weeks secession referendum the deployment is part of joint military drills with Iraqi Armed Forces the vote was held in defiance of the government in baghdad as well as iran and turkey right those are the headlines risking it all is next. Thank. You stan the difference is. In the similarities of cultures across the west bank. Aljazeera

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