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Its a common sense. So that some recent. Morning kate. Come on the. Basis of. You funny. If you so easy for. Me to say to people. Down below. Him. Last. Long. I told him that. I am turning. A good. Job. How do you. Evaluate your. Body totally. Boring. I want to. You know. What i thought you know in our work you know what with all. The the other woman you out so early and she ended up outstanding chasing sends a ill just turn the drivel you. Want some of us down too long you are not sitting in the hallway are these the hours from me that took me for my job dabangg didnt know that they were about to get work out the door handle the shuttle was a sewer they live in these are the gods who are even worse than you are if you thought we ended up where im here because there are already where i sit where im here where without being im going to meddle with their lives i love. Ok. You want to. Laos all of that are. All are those. With your labors along with the. Same. Change of the soul mate i was a model. And i was also you cowrote. So its so weird to live. There what do you think about god i also put all of them a currency and theres a problem now find. Nearly a month to find that i havent gone. By israel. All of those on the. I mean you dont know how did. This and tell. Us all about those. Doubts you know we just have. To take. Concrete kumar. You. Know yell for your hearts and. You got hard. For you or maybe made. The times out there. Well thats where youre going to. Hear. Some of the way with. Teens and young to. Do that so theres. Others involved in. Flip. Flop. Thats very a hundred again. But there was a. She and. Your mirror through a. Real saw. That is. Where. Those who is somebody know. He saw you. So you have seen but even those who are poor they will see you they were real high youll see you. Hung on his house. Whats up with this how did you see on the the top how. So hans. Hes you guys. Why this is done. To call. Little old. Or yellow yellow where he she. Will go about where. The young. Young young. Was a yo yo yo. What what what what is so funny. So. What. You know what do you fancy. Helping draw the phone to phone them too much im not going. To float the time either. So should the us say we. Cant. Be. Trying. To. Do. The folks i work. With i. Will. Say that i like. Social. Networking and. I see. Them now like. How do. You. Think people think im listening i think thats going on i. Think im. Looking i think im the man to do i feel about. What about him what i have you know what i. Love going out. You. Know you just wouldnt hear me you. Know sound how sour have. You come on being the more i did i mean i might all think you know your. Money why did you see people. On. Since i hung. My child im not much you know im trying to turn. This is sick embodied in. So. Dont. Go there. Because i was. Good to see how its going to. The horses for us its a great. Country. And just sort of parts of the city thats you have. Your you know its interesting to do this its. The not ideal scene or. Is it some other sort of thing to. Train you to be put off pushes that you. Cowed. Into something with it to the. Doubts of. How. I do and thats without you. Thats what your book doesnt want to do in a way its a good society. With its. Being. Somewhat you know other things. In the waiting to what is it sometimes a visit to get opinions or does it with a semifinal so to. Balance it out on the to do like but its a tense and innocent. Fight thats. The. It is unacceptable venezuela traditionally was a democratic country and at this time its no longer a democratic country there are Political Prisoners in venezuela there are people who are in jail only because they think differently than mr mugg and i was the first. Prime minister to resign if million team tortie whos the other wife of a point of who was jailed because mr magoo or didnt like him but there were many others who were sent to jail in venezuela there was a parliament and the government has made up this other parliament which is it has its meeting next to the other of parliament and in the annex legislation theyve created a commission for the truth which is an anti democratic tool which only serves to judge people without respecting minimum human rights standards venezuela is on the road to dictatorship unless that can be stopped so all of those who shared values such as democracy freedom and human rights have to do something at this time sanctions are important its important that there be International Coalition putting pressure on my duro so that Political Prisoners are freed and democracy is restored because this lack of democracy and the attack against human rights and freedoms are. Coming conjunction with the economic power. Of a terrible Economic Situation with a three hundred Percent Inflation rate with problems supplying foods and medicines to people so its a real tragic situation and i think that we have we United States and spain have a responsibility towards venezuela there are a lot of spaniards living in venezuela and im worried about them about them and the rest but they certainly worry me so i think that the International Community. Should be forceful with regards to venezuela. Thank you for that santos from n. P. R. Because the cuts are doing you know i have a question for each of you for President Trump. With feast serious political crisis in spain because of the referendum on sunday what solution do you think there is have you given advice to president arroyo on this matter do you think there should be a dialogue between the general retired and the government to find a solution and now a question for Prime Minister rudd point it seems that. What youre doing in catalonia the way youre managing things in catalonia is having an impact. On the budget and id also like to know whether you think that the situation with the p. And v. Party can be resolved or do you think that there will be you will have to call early elections thank you very much. Well i think the people of cattle only have been talking about this for a long time but i bet you if you had accurate numbers and accurate polling youd find that they love their country they love spain and they wouldnt leave so im just for united spain i speak as the president of the United States as somebody that has Great Respect for your president and also has great really Great Respect for your country i really think the people of catalonia would stay with spain i think it would be foolish not to because youre talking about staying with a truly great beautiful and very historic country. China has. Been in. It for the moment theyve almost got a go set of what we will be a person with a leg of the budgets and parliament because we think that when we submit the budget we will need the needed support to approve them were talking with different Political Parties as you know and i dont think well have any problems if we continue to work down those lines we will but i dont think we will have any problems in approving them within a reasonable time frame but we are looking for a majority just like we did give us the last time around when we voted the budget at any rate. Other than the most you know im not thinking at all about calling early elections. As a result of what we were so into mr president thank you very much thank you. Watching the News Conference there with President Trump Prime Minister hoyer of spain present during that News Conference not backing down on his position on the n. F. L. He said he wasnt preoccupied with the n. F. L. At the expense of puerto rico he said he was ashamed of what was happening with the players needing use it was very important for the n. F. L. Not to allow people to kneel during the National Anthem on the puerto rico issue he said he defended his governments response there and he said hes directed all relevant agencies to assist in the response effort and has apparently had praise from the governor of puerto rico for their efforts there on north korea he said it would that the military option was an option and it would be devastating if it was used and he promised he would still fix the mess as he put it in north korea on the issue of catalonia and the independence referendum where he said i think that spain is a great country and it should remain united whereas this french Prime Minister has said that the catalan referendum is creating tensions and he would like it to be resolved as soon as possible and just briefly on venezuela he said that he hoped the e. U. Would join in imposing sanctions on the government in venezuelas bring in our White House Correspondent can really help it really absolutely not backing down a tool from his position on the n. F. L. If anything restating it loud and clear he said he talked about being ashamed of what was happening. Right certainly doubling down as is often said here in the United States on the comments that he made on social media repeatedly defending his use of social media to articulate what he feels is the most of diffs respect for those Service Members particularly who have died for the American Flag the reason the president is defending those comments or social media is the fact that he has received so much criticism for being in the view of many preoccupied with whether or not people stand or kneel during the National Anthem. When there is a burgeoning humanitarian crisis that is going on in puerto rico given the how it was treated by Hurricane Maria so certainly addressing that saying in fact that this is very important to him that he will be visiting the island along with the u. S. Virgin islands and also reiterating the fact that because it is so remote out in the middle of the ocean that presents a challenge but given the fact that that geography has been well known im not sure those comments are going to sit well with those that are facing many months without power and all not he was very keen to stress that he had lots of praise from their forties dealing with it besser so it felt different saved into this News Conference. They did on are not just that issue but many certainly i think a headline coming out of this is the fact that north korea certainly many have said that the comments that were made by the president have led to the foreign minister in fact of north korea saying that the press is coming for tantamount to a declaration of war the fact that the president did not really deny that but instead said that that military option is not the preferred option but certainly one that he is prepared to to exercise if necessary and would be devastating this is certainly one of the other Key Headlines to come out of this press conference lauren can really how could you very much indeed. Lets bring in. Line for us in barcelona so everyone there presumably watching carefully what president would have to say about the referendum on independence and he seemed to be very much of the view that spain should remain united hows that going to go down with the people there. Absolutely thing the people of be too surprised by those comments from President Donald Trump you heard he described spain as a beautiful and historic country he then went on to say brain is a great country and that he does wish for it to stay united he is certainly not giving any supported tour any whiff of support to this bid for secession by catalonia theyre going to plan hold on october the first and then when proud Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy was asked about the referendum he also offered no branch to the catalonian separatists he asked them to to to come back to common sense but he didnt offer any real chance of negotiations in fact if you look at what has been going on in the last few days in catalonia the response from the Spanish Government has to increase Police Reinforcements to the tune of about ten thousand extra police in this area and that is creating fear as not only for the referendum bit on october the first but creating fears over the future of the civil rights and also freedom of expression lets take a look. At. The Spanish Government is drafting thousands of police with him to catalonia with orders to block that referendum. Secede. Activists say theyre patient forces as. Theyre trying to frighten us with machine guns but im not afraid im eighty years old and ill fight as long as i can. Many of the estimated ten thousand extra police ability ferries at barcelona port to avoid public hostility concern is growing within the ranks about how police are being thrust into the growing political crisis. Alphonso Union Representative to the paramilitary civil guard. To seeing the Political Climate seeing how society is reacting the Police Morale is falling things are not good at all and the referendum could get very complicated. The Security Forces have shut down dozens of websites promoting the referendum sparking spontaneous demonstrations. We met this Computer Program after he was released from questioning by National Police hes accused of creating proxy websites backing a secession hes facing jail on public disorder charges. Spanish state is applying censorship closing web pages servers monitoring cell phone data and trying to block access to information just like north korea or china would. The closure of those web pages has prompted independence activists to go back to low tech methods that is meant simply setting up tables on the street to hand out Campaign Material and also telling voters where they can go to cast their ballot on the day media also under scrutiny radio catalunya presenter monica. The morning show state prosecutors are threatening to charge her with obstructing Police Business after this message. By one of the coaches the call to taxi drivers and truckers to phone in reports of police maneuvers and operations. The crisis may have been triggered by cause for independence but the drifts reaction is now raising fears of a crackdown on civil rights and freedom of expression. And i certainly think a lot of the things that are going on in catalonia right now particularly the closure of web pages the arrests by police and government officials raids on Regional Government offices if that were happening in the United States or indeed in other parts of western europe that would cause great cause for concern but the fact the president appears now to back Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy to keep spain together really cause the cafe people to lose much sleep this is pretty much what they were expecting called panel thank you very much indeed. Iraqs Prime Minister hyderabadi has warned kurdish officials against declaring independence after mondays referendum vote according to preliminary results eighty eight percent of voters support session from iraq but about he says he wont allow the country to be divided. When that. There are those who want to plunges into an internal crisis and to divide iraq through a referendum which is unlawful and unconstitutional i want that the consequences of this referendum will have a negative impact on the kurdish area and the region as a whole and a negative impact on all citizens. The federal government of iraq will do whatever it takes and we will need to be quite united news for god according to the constitution we have to protect our citizens. As. Bail in Northern Iraq so no sign of any softening of the tone at all from those who oppose the referendum hows that going down where you are. Well it was only a few minutes after that speech by Prime Minister allawi body that we saw the president of the kurdish Regional Government Masoud Barzani make some statements ill read out what he said and. Its very important to recognize just how quickly those statements by the Prime Minister were oncet by elbows on it shows you how the rhetoric is being trumped top here is being escalated barzani said that he asked israel body and members representatives of the neighboring countries to come to the k r g four told us he said that negotiations were the only way forward he said that we need to respect the will of the people here on the back of this referendum a referendum that nobody says hes unconstitutional and of course has been rejected by basically the entire International Community and the United Nations mr barzani went on to say that the baghdad government did not respect the constitution giving the kurds the right to selfdetermination and he said that the kurds would not give up the fight against i still this is obviously something that the International Community has been very concerned about the effects of this referendum on that fight against eisele. He then went on to say that the baghdad government and the neighboring countries cannot hold the Kurdish People here hostage to their demands and he said that threats from the baghdad government and from these neighboring countries were not a solution. Whats also important is that Prime Minister eleven thirty eight has also announced certainly the cabinet has announced the federal government has announced that if the kurdish authorities do not hand over control. Of their International Airports here in erbil also in money are to federal authorities within three days then the federal government will impose an International Flight and a flight in this area we understand that domestic flights from the k r g into baghdad for example could well continue to terry and flights would continue and also critically the cabin at the baghdad cabinet here is said that if within three days the k r g here or storage is do not hand over control of their Border Crossings as well then they will be closed by their neighboring countries so certainly the rhetoric and the threats continue here are a very worrying situation and as i say very interesting that it was literally only a few minutes that barzani came out and that kind of rhetoric given by the iraqi Prime Minister. Thank you very much iran says its sending a new Mission Equipment to support it with iraq because of the vote all turkeys president is threatening sanctions and thats causing concern among some businessmen under simmons reports from hebron the turkish iraqi border to flax now turkey and iraq battlefield it sends out a daily message its addressed to iraqi kurds as they celebrated the referendum on the other side of the border these Iraqi Government troops were flown in to join the exercise. This exercise conveniently perhaps situated right beside the main Border Crossing road between turkey and iraq really hasnt got a great deal of military significance it carries yet another political message to the iraqi kurds. The reason is that alongside the tank charges the political attacks coming from turkey are in line with the Iraqi Governments sentiment. The kurdish leadership is being accused of treason by turkeys president zine can alter their colors yet theyll be left in the lurch when we start imposing our sanctions will be over when we close the oil taps or the revenues will vanish and there will not be able to find food and clothes when our truck stop going into Northern Iraq these are the trucks he mentions hardball the only Border Crossing from turkey into Northern Iraq is one of the largest in the world for trade its worth more than eight and a quarter billion dollars of business a year to turkey if it closes it will be catastrophic for iraqi kurds its estimated turkey supplies nearly seventy percent of their imported goods. Nihad billy schick is a businessman dealing in exports hes a turkish kurd and hes anxious he says the situation could hurt both kurds and turks shunda obvious now there is tension in Northern Iraq really needs turkey in my view turkey also needs Northern Iraq because of domestic and other regional issues this bridge of friendship and trade should be destroyed on the contrary it should be reinforced. Irwins other threat is blocking kurdish oil exports shutting off a pipeline in which up to six hundred thousand barrels worth of oil a day flows through turkey the threats are being repeated with no action so far apart from simulated combat on the border its holding back is aimed at pressuring the iraqi kurds into some sort of u. Turn its hard to see that happening for now while armies make new alliances there is uncertainty and drew simmons aljazeera war on the turkish iraqi border. Israeli forces have raided the home of a palestinian gunman who opened fire at the entrance of a jewish settlement in your view by the west bank the attacker killed three Israeli Security offices and wounded another before being shot dead harry force that has more. The aftermath of a deadly attack in the occupied west bank this gate is used every day by palestinian workers employed inside the illegal israeli settlement of har adar police say at around seven a. M. On tuesday one of the group pulled out a hand gun and fired on Security Forces guarding the entrance as a result and for twenty three israelis were killed pronounced dead at the scene by emergency units a fourth person was taken to hospital in serious condition the attacker. Was shot dead a thirty seven year old father of four from the nearby palestinian village of beit syria he was a familiar face in the settlement and worked there for many years developing longstanding relationships with settlers he worked in. Helping i think with the garden and. The work in how. They build our house our neighbors israeli president called it a cruel act of terror the Prime Minister blamed incitement by the Palestinian Authority and others in gaza hamas and Islamic Jihad hailed what they called an act of Palestinian Resistance while rival faction fatah said israel responsibility for the reactions of palestinians to its crimes the consequences of what happened here also being felt in the village from where the palestinian attack came from the Prime Minister of israel has already said that his house will be demolished his brother has already been arrested and also his entire extended family will have their work permits rescinded outside the family home shocked mourners said ill jamal wasnt political had been having marital difficulties but that didnt explain what had happened in a social media message to his wife apparently said she had no connection to what he was about to do. The pressure the palestinians suffer on the checkpoints on the humiliations that we see makes him and others do these things its because of the pressure. It tackles coincided with the latest. Is it to the region by u. S. Envoy jason green black his talks with each side now likely to be made more complex by this latest outbreak of violence or a force it out in the occupied west bank. You know his state has announced new sanctions against north korea including twenty six individuals and nine banks some with ties to china and north korean nationals in china russia libya and dubai also been targeted a north korean delegation has arrived in russia raising expectations that moscow may be attempting to find a political way out of the crisis on the Korean Peninsula where a challenge has more from moscow although the Russian Foreign Ministry Announced on tuesday that it was working behind the scenes to bring the north korean crisis to some sort of political resolution we dont know much more because theyre not releasing any further information however we have heard also on tuesday from the north Korean Embassy here in moscow that a delegation is arriving from pyongyang all of Foreign Ministry officials to have talks with their russian counterparts and that the pyongyang delegation includes the head of the north american directorate russias perspective on north korea is that its sanctions against it are running out of steam that a war on the peninsula would be catastrophic and that the language used by donald trump is essentially irresponsible it would like to see a few more carrots being used in this situation and not so many sticks and i think that it will try as they use its political and economic leverage with north korea to try and defuse the situation perhaps dangle some incentives in front of them like gas contracts already graylings or perhaps increasing the number of north koreans allowed to work in russia basically things that might help the north korean economy and try to persuade them to back away from the march to war. Kenyan police abuse tear gas to Disperse Protesters in the capital nairobi your queues the Electoral Commission of involvement in vote rigging in august president ial election the Supreme Court invalidated president who can act as victory and repeat voters should yield for a months time but Opposition Leader raila odinga says he Wont Take Part unless some members of Electoral Commission aside Stephanie Decker was at the protest when things turn violent the way the. Right thing godman happening here throughout the day theyve been coming toward me and the commission i beseech. You just come out and at the first thing that. I. Was going on. We just had on the board was to. Come out for the hour and thank you it was a b c the Election Commission is just a little further here thank the lord they dont want to our exit thank you oh ok should the course thanks of course they will cheat us this election because he was a an outlier right. Aid agencies are warning that hundreds of thousands of children who fled violence in myanmar are risk of malnutrition four hundred thirty thousand muslim or hindu refugees have crossed into bangladesh since a military crackdown began more than a month ago more than half of them are children some of them are too traumatized to speak about their experiences so theyre drawing pictures instead nicholas hack reports from could you put on cam in southern bangladesh there are moments children best described using markers and pencils moments too difficult to put in words like when merriam saw men in uniform slashed the throat of her friends miriams friend will not talk about the moment they set her house on fire with her parents inside. She may deny theres been an ethnic cleansing the ten year old seanad draws a different picture. I was in my home when they grabbed my mother she was screaming they hit her and force themselves on her then they shot her in front of me. These are satellite images of the Childrens Home collected on september sixteenth now look at it we can later and this the international accuses me and more Security Forces of a scorched Earth Campaign on a mass scale no independent observers or journalist have been allowed into the range of villages this is as close as we can get to the right kind states where an ethnic cleansing is currently happening just moments ago we saw villages burn in the distance the more Security Forces have put up barbed wire fencing and planted land mines on the border the general in charge of this clearing operation says that all its citizens are welcome back to me and more except rangers who are considered Illegal Immigrants by young gone almost half a Million People now live in sprawling villages made out of bamboo and plastic sheeting bangladesh hasnt seen such Mass Movement of people since its war of independence in one thousand seventy one. They too have beefed up patrols on the border and deployed the army a little but normally our orders are to not allow ro hinge in but given their suffering our government has told us to look after them bangladeshi soldiers patrol the camps without arms so as to not frighten the refugees they come here traumatized afraid and able to hide their pain. Because hawk al jazeera could develop a camp. The first refugees to be resettled under a controversial Australian Program have flown out of Papua New Guinea on their way to the United States the remaining migrants are still being held in australian run prison camps on monis island and would you do to be closed resettlement as part of an agreement between australia and former us president Barack Obamas administration but its been criticized by donald trump more refugees will be moved from a camp or narrow to the us in the coming days yet of a man has more from canberra. Well this is the first group of freshly jays who will be transferred from papa new guineas minus island and nauru to the u. S. On Tuesday Morning about twenty five men left papa new guinea bound for the u. S. Its believed that a similar number will leave nauru on wednesday morning also bound for the us via a very long flight route that takes them the manila chicago and finally los angeles from where the refugees will be sent out of ponce of the u. S. Where they can start rebuilding their lives and making their homes now this u. S. Refugee resettlement deal was struck between the straightest Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and then president barack obama it was to say up to one thousand two hundred fifty refugees from minus ireland and nauru transferred in resettled in the u. S. But it all came under question with u. S. President donald trump who called it a done deal he said it was the worst deal ever and it became clear that there was no obligation to take that full number of one thousand two hundred fifty refugees u. S. Authorities have said that they are reviewing other refugee cases its not known how many more refugees will be taken from an assailant and are rude leaving the fight over the more than two thousand people on man asylum and naru still uncertain a spokesman of the Australian Green Party says theyre still on certainty around what will happen to the remaining refugees once the Detention Centers are closed. There are still hundred men on menace all and and over four hundred men women and children. Who really have no idea what is going to happen to them in the future and of benjamin a solemn toss of spark into a lot of a struggle as Political Prisoners ive been there and that i do not hope for the future because theyve had so many times in the past and had that hope completely destroyed and once youve done that a few times it becomes much more difficult. To engage in hype for the future so the question for the Australian Government it is a question for the Australian Government not the proper new guinea government not the narrow in government but the astroland government is what is the future for these people because they cannot simply be left to weiss to y. And rot on menace all and which appears apart from the us deal to be the only future that i can expect the french president in my name of course called for a major changes to the European Union he wants the eurozone to have its own finance minister and he wants to see more cooperation on everything from integration of refugees to defense and reports from paris. And thats the European Union is reformed its very existence could be threatened the message from the french president in a speech at Sorbonne University Emanuel Michael set out his vision for overhauling the block and says only change will stop growing euro skepticism and the rise of anti e. U. Policies made. This idea that you can flourish has not disappeared even though its fragile globalization has had an impact we need to confront ideas which potente new solutions such as nationalism protectionism segregation these ideas and so many times before threatened europe they pretend to be legitimate because they exploited peoples fears for too long we have ignored their power. Macross said issues such as security refugees and globalization have divided europeans and brigs its been a challenge to reverse the trend he called for more e. U. Collaboration in defense migration and education but the focus of his reforms is the eurozone is calling for the creation of a euro zone budget and ministry to finance current projects such as infrastructure from i call the u. Vision to become a reality who needs the support of other e. U. Leaders and in particular germany its why hes delivering the speech just two days after the german election he wants his reforms to be firmly on the agenda as chancellor Angela Merkel begins our Coalition Talks merkel shares micros desire to reform europe shes open to a small eurozone budget and a ministry but who she partners with in the new German Coalition government will determine how far she can go the liberal f. D. P. Party opposes the french president s agenda saying it lead to germany bailing out weaker countries from across perspective on euro zone reform. The liberals are quite skeptical on the logic of the issues that he wants to reform so they will be a more difficult partner on the other hand we have the green party who is strong here probably european a bit more left leaning closer to my home maybe on that front as well and they could counterbalance to a certain extent the liberals and germany. Outside the sawbones students protested against some of my close domestic reforms saying hes ignoring poorest sections of French Society a reminder that like the german chancellor the french president still has much work ahead if hes to convince those at home and abroad that his ideas are in their common interest. Or aljazeera powers. Astronauts have captured the spectacle of the Northern Lights as seen from the international. Station the time lapse footage showing the green lights of the or a borealis was taken by italian astronaut Paolo Nespoli and posted on social media it was filmed as the space station passed over canada this month. And wants some pretty pictures of whats it from t. V. It will. Be will be with you in a couple of minutes with more the days news thanks very much for watching. I just want to make sure all of our audience is on the same page where theyre online what are u. S. Citizens here and what puts people of iraq by one and the same or if you join us on say i was never put a file been looked at differently because im dacogen all the people but im a lot is a dialogue tweet us with hash tag a. J. Stream and one of your pitches might make that show join the global conversation this time on aljazeera. On aljazeera. As the state clamps down on catalans will the struggle pay off in the referendum. For the stories beyond the headlines faultlines examines the u. S. Its role in the world of liberians are preparing for their third election since a bitter civil war observers are calling it a crucial test for democracy an investigation into the Electronics Industry revealing out even the smallest devices of deadly environmental and health costs. Chinas communist party is holding its annual congress what will it mean for the country and its people. On aljazeera. Newsstand the differences. And the similarities of cultures across the world. Aljazeera. Man. Iraqs Prime Minister says hell do whatever it takes to stop the formation of an independent kurdistan

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